Eggplants “Ogonyok” for the winter: old recipe and new options for delicious preparation. Spicy eggplant salad for the winter “Ogonyok”

Spicy eggplant"Ogonyok" is great option winter vegetable snack. This preparation of blue ones turns out to be spicy, even burning. Canned dish will definitely appeal to fans bright salads. Despite the fact that the Ogonyok eggplant recipe for the winter can hardly be called new, thousands of housewives continue to use it. Of course, the appetizer is not prepared in no time, but fussing with vegetables is definitely worth it! The salad will become a great addition To vegetable stew or mashed potatoes. “Ogonyok” is also good during feasts: men eat it instantly as a snack with alcohol.

Classic eggplant “Spark” for the winter

Classic eggplant “Spark” for the winter - wonderful preparation. In this salad, tomatoes and blue tomatoes coexist very organically. In general, the method of preparing snacks is not difficult. The main thing is to strictly follow the proposed recipe, based on the photo.


To prepare spicy winter snack should be used:

  • garlic – 300 g;
  • eggplants – 5 kg;
  • tomatoes – 1 kg;
  • hot pepper – 8 pcs.;
  • fresh bell pepper – 10 pcs.;
  • table salt - to taste;
  • vinegar 9% - 1 tbsp.

On a note! To make the eggplant salad “Spark” bright and appetizing for the winter, it is better to use red bell peppers for its preparation.

Cooking process

Spicy eggplants “Ogonyok” for the winter according to the old recipe are prepared quite simply and easily. With a twist like this spicy salad Even the most inexperienced housewives can handle it.

  1. First you should tackle the eggplants. They need to be washed and the “tails” cut off. The vegetables themselves are cut into slices. The optimal thickness is 5 mm. The cuttings are transferred to a large basin and generously seasoned with salt. It is recommended to leave the blue ones in this form for 2 hours.

Note! In 2 hours the eggplants will have time to sprout dark juice- the bitterness goes away.

Then the liquid is drained and the blue ones are washed.

  1. Fry the eggplants in vegetable oil. It is best to do this in a cauldron. If there is none, you should use a thick-walled frying pan. You need to fry the vegetables in several batches, transferring each batch of cuts into a separate container.

  1. Now it’s time to start preparing the spicy tomato sauce. This is what the winter eggplant appetizer “Ogonyok” is famous for. But before that, you should immediately prepare the lids and jars. It is recommended to wash containers with baking soda and pour over with boiling water, and it is best to boil the lids.

  1. Well, now you can prepare the filling itself! To do this, both types of peppers and tomatoes need to be washed. The stalks of the peppers are cut off and the seeds are removed. The tomatoes must be minced in a meat grinder. The same should be done with peppers. The peels and films should be removed from the garlic. They also scroll. The whole mass is poured into a large saucepan and placed on fire a little hotter than average. The mass should boil. Only after the characteristic bubbles appear, vinegar is poured into the mixture and salt is added. It is recommended to boil the filling for another 5 minutes.

  1. You will need to pour 2 large spoons of the prepared filling into the sterilized jars. Then lay out a layer of fried eggplants. They are filled with sauce. Alternating layers in this way, you need to completely compact the container. The jars are covered with lids and sent for sterilization. Optimal time procedures – 40 minutes.

  1. When sterilization is complete, the salad jars should be immediately screwed on with lids. The containers are turned over and wrapped in warm scarves. They are left in this form until they cool completely, after which the pieces can be moved to the basement or simply to the kitchen cabinet.

“Lazy Light” from eggplants for the winter

Many housewives are well aware of another version of this bright savory snacks. Eggplant “Lazy Light” for the winter also turns out to be very piquant, aromatic and tasty.


The original winter preparation of eggplants “Ogonyok” involves the use of:

  • eggplants – 3 kg;
  • garlic – 1 tbsp.;
  • granulated sugar - 1 tbsp.;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.;
  • hot pepper – 2 pcs.;
  • red sweet pepper – 2 kg;
  • vinegar - 1 tbsp.

Cooking process

It’s easy enough to make “Ogonyok” eggplants for the winter: a recipe with photos will help cooks in preparing this spicy snack.

  1. As usual, you should start with the main ingredient of the preparation - the blue ones themselves. Eggplants must be thoroughly washed and cut. It is optimal to do this in circles, but you can choose another suitable option.

  1. The resulting sliced ​​eggplant is placed in a deep bowl. The little blue ones need to be thoroughly sprinkled with salt: you shouldn’t feel sorry for it. All extra salt The eggplants will be returned. The cuttings are mixed with salt and left for at least 2 hours.

  1. In the meantime, it's worth working on the other components of the snack. It is necessary to prepare pepper and garlic for sale. You need to remove the peel and thin, translucent films from the garlic. bell pepper It is washed, the stalk is cut off, and all the seeds are removed from the inside. The same should be done with hot pepper.

On a note! It is best to work with hot peppers while wearing gloves to avoid any unpleasant surprises in the future.

Garlic and all the peppers must be minced in a meat grinder. Pour into the resulting mixture vegetable oil and add granulated sugar.

  1. After the specified amount of time, you will need to return to slicing the eggplant. Vegetable slices must be squeezed out of the juice they gave. After all, it is in him that all the bitterness is concentrated. Blue slices are transferred to a mixture of pepper and garlic.

  1. The whole mass is thoroughly mixed and sent to the fire.

Wash the eggplants and cut them into circles. Do not make it too small - if the pieces are too thin, after frying you will get holey flat pancakes, and after pouring the marinade with a fork you will only be able to pick up the skin. I usually cut into pieces 7-8 mm (about a centimeter).

Salt, wait until the eggplants release their juice, fry on both sides over low heat. Wash and clean the pepper, remove the stem. You can leave the seeds in hot peppers - they will give additional spiciness.

We pass all the pepper and garlic through a meat grinder. It turns out to be a beautiful paste! Heat the oil in a saucepan or frying pan and pour it into the pepper. Be careful, it will hiss and gurgle! Salt, add vinegar.

Place a layer of eggplant in a dish with a lid (or washed jars if you are going to preserve eggplants). Sprinkle generously with sauce. Another layer of eggplant. More sauce - and so on until they run out fried circles blue ones. The appetizer that you want to serve immediately must marinate for at least a day, so put it in the refrigerator and wait until the eggplants are combined with the pepper. Sterilize the canned “Ogonyok” and cover it with lids. Bon appetit!


  • Eggplants - 3 kg.
  • Tomatoes - 3 kg.
  • Bell pepper - 10 pcs.
  • Hot pepper - 3-4 pods.
  • Garlic - 10-15 cloves.
  • Vinegar - 4-5 tbsp. l.
  • Sugar - 3-5 tbsp. l.
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp.
  • Salt pepper.

For those who like it spicy

Salad "Ogonyok" belongs to the type of appetizers that, despite pungent taste loved by everyone without exception. Our mothers and grandmothers traditionally prepared Ogonyok salad for the winter, and each of them made this appetizer in her own way.

The most popular variety of Ogonyok salad is with horseradish and tomatoes, but the end result is more reminiscent spicy sauce or adjika, which is ideal for main courses or as an addition to soups.

This snack is also called horseradish, horseradish, etc. But if you want to prepare a real spicy “Ogonyok” salad, which will warm you with its burning taste even in the most severe frosts, you should get acquainted with all the possible variations of its preparation.

home distinguishing feature This snack, no matter what recipe it is prepared according to, has a bright, rich, juicy and, of course, spicy taste. Classic salad“Ogonyok” is made from tomatoes, adding more garlic, sometimes horseradish, as well as vinegar, sugar and salt.

You can often find recipes that use hot peppers, and the salad itself is made not only with tomatoes, but supplemented with carrots, apples, onions, paprika, etc. They also prepare the “Spark” salad from eggplants, sweet peppers; such snacks are at the same time soft, but sharp and rich in taste.

Eggplant salad with tomatoes or sweet peppers “Ogonyok” - great snack for the cold season. It not only warms well, but also helps fight colds due to the garlic, horseradish, and chili it contains. But besides everything else, the “Ogonyok” salad for the winter made from tomatoes or eggplants is very, very tasty, and a spicy appetizer is equally good for festive feast and everyday meals.

Any recipe for Ogonyok salad for the winter is quite simple, and even those who have never tried their hand at art can master the preparation. home canning. For those who still doubt their abilities, there is lazy recipe salad "Ogonyok", which will not take much effort or time.

In order for the Ogonyok appetizer to be a great success, it is best to use one of the proven recipes with photos that will help you do everything right.


All lovers of savory snacks simply must prepare the “Spark” eggplant salad at least once for the winter. This snack will captivate you from the first spoon with its extraordinary taste.

It’s worth noting right away that the amount of garlic, vinegar, salt and spices is approximate; it can always be changed to your taste. The more vinegar there is in the snack, the longer it will be stored, but you shouldn’t overdo it so that it doesn’t turn out too sour.

  1. First of all, you should prepare the eggplants by washing them and cutting them into slices. If the eggplants are bitter, then it is better to sprinkle them with salt and wait a while, then rinse with hot water.
  2. Fry dried eggplants in large quantities vegetable oil so that they acquire on both sides golden color. It is also worth salting them during frying.
  3. At this time, you should remove the seeds from bell peppers and hot peppers.
  4. Using a food processor or meat grinder, chop the peeled peppers, tomatoes and garlic cloves. The sauce should have a homogeneous liquid consistency.
  5. IN vegetable sauce pour in vinegar, add salt, sugar and pepper to taste, mix thoroughly.
  6. Place eggplant slices tightly into pre-sterilized jars, fill them to the top with sauce and roll up the lids.

The “Lazy Light” eggplant salad for the winter has a slightly different preparation principle.

  1. You will need all the same ingredients except oil (no need to fry anything).
  2. The sauce is made in the same way as in the above recipe, but after stirring it should be brought to a boil.
  3. As soon as Vegetable mix boils, add cut into circles raw eggplant, continue cooking over medium heat for about half an hour.
  4. Ready salad Place hot eggplants “Lazy Light” into jars and close with lids.

It is noteworthy that the Lazy Light salad is equally good both for the winter and as a regular vegetable snack immediately after preparation.

Appetizer “Spark” with bell pepper

The classic recipe for winter tomato salad "Ogonyok" is familiar to many, but even it has several in various ways preparations. In particular, the appetizer “Spark” made from pepper is very colorful, bright and warming, which goes well with tomatoes.

  1. To prepare the “Spark” salad from bell peppers for the winter, you will need to peel fleshy tomatoes (1 kg), then chop them by grinding them through a meat grinder or using a blender.
  2. Tomato puree put on the fire, bring to a boil, then reduce the heat and simmer for about 20 minutes.
  3. Bell pepper(it’s best to take red or orange with fleshy, juicy pulp) grind into puree, add to the tomato mass, wait until it boils, then cook for another 20 minutes.
  4. Grind the garlic (5-6 cloves), crush the coriander seeds (3 tablespoons) in a mortar, finely chop 1-2 hot peppers.
  5. Send spices to vegetable puree, add salt to taste, stirring occasionally, cook for another 5-7 minutes over high heat.
  6. While the salad is hot, pour it into prepared jars and roll up.

Friends! I did light them! Eggplants for the winter “Ogonyok” conquered everyone who tried them. My brother said, “I never thought eggplant could taste so good.” I guessed that the “lights” would turn out delicious, but the result exceeded all my expectations. Cook, cook, and cook some more! Fried eggplant in garlic-spicy pepper adjika will appeal not only to all fans of eggplants, but also to people who generally do not like them.

And the secret of these Ogonyok eggplants is the use of honey in the recipe. I used acacia honey, which has a delicate, subtle, floral taste, and ready dish You can hardly feel the honey. But I would like more honey notes, so in next time I'll add buckwheat or linden honey with a more pronounced taste.

Don't let it scare you too much difficult process preparation of these eggplants “Ogonyok”, it is extended in time, and it can be divided into several stages. From the amount of garlic indicated in the recipe and hot pepper it doesn't work out spicy eggplant, spicy, but not scalding. So, let’s prepare eggplants for the winter “Ogonyok” - a step-by-step recipe with photos at your service! Well, let's go to the kitchen?


Output: 1.5 liters

  • 1.5 kg eggplants
  • 0.5 kg red sweet pepper
  • 2 heads of garlic
  • 1 pod of hot pepper
  • 125 ml. 9% vinegar
  • 100 gr. honey
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 100 ml. vegetable oil

How to cook eggplants for the winter “Ogonyok”:

For this recipe I chose small eggplants, so that you get small rings that will not fall apart during frying, and that will be convenient to pick up with a fork, as my grandmother says, “by the tooth.”

Wash the eggplants, wipe with a napkin and cut into rings 0.5-0.7 cm thick.

Since frying 1.5 kg of eggplant is a thankless task, even in two frying pans, even with a powerful hood, I decided to simplify this process. We will bake the eggplants in the oven, which will not affect the final result in any way. By the way, this method uses much less oil, and baked eggplants are much healthier than fried ones. Grease a baking tray generously with vegetable oil and lay out the eggplant mugs.

Then we brush the eggplants on top with a brush so that there are no white areas, and put them in the oven, preheated to 200 degrees. Keep the eggplants in the oven until cooked, about 20-25 minutes. If your oven does not have top heat, you will need to turn the eggplants over.

From 1.5 kg of eggplants I got exactly three baking sheets measuring 50*50 cm.

When the eggplants are covered golden crust, take them out of the oven and carefully place them on a plate so as not to damage the rings.

Now let’s prepare our “Spark”:

Wash the red bell pepper, remove the seeds and cut it so that it is convenient to load it into a meat grinder. We also prepare garlic and red hot pepper.

We pass all the vegetables through a meat grinder to get homogeneous mass"grains".

Add honey, salt and vinegar to the twisted vegetable mass. Mix. Be sure to taste the salt, you may need to add salt to taste.

We need sterile jars and lids for this recipe, so have them ready in advance.

Now we place the eggplants with adjika in jars in layers: 1 layer of eggplant + 1 tablespoon of adjika.

Then pour cold water up to the shoulders of the jars, cover with boiled lids and place on the stove. Bring this entire structure to a boil and let stand for 15 minutes.

Spicy eggplants “Ogonyok” are an excellent option for a winter vegetable snack. This preparation of blue ones turns out to be spicy, even burning. This canned dish will certainly appeal to lovers of bright salads. Despite the fact that the Ogonyok eggplant recipe for the winter can hardly be called new, thousands of housewives continue to use it. Of course, the appetizer is not prepared in no time, but fussing with vegetables is definitely worth it! The salad will be a great addition to vegetable stew or mashed potatoes. “Ogonyok” is also good during feasts: men eat it instantly as a snack with alcohol.

Classic eggplant “Spark” for the winter

The classic “Ogonyok” eggplant for the winter is a wonderful preparation. In this salad, tomatoes and blue tomatoes coexist very organically. In general, the method of preparing snacks is not difficult. The main thing is to strictly follow the proposed recipe, based on the photo.


To prepare a spicy winter snack you should use:

  • garlic – 300 g;
  • eggplants – 5 kg;
  • tomatoes – 1 kg;
  • hot pepper – 8 pcs.;
  • fresh bell pepper – 10 pcs.;
  • table salt - to taste;
  • vinegar 9% - 1 tbsp.

On a note! To make the eggplant salad “Spark” bright and appetizing for the winter, it is better to use red bell peppers for its preparation.

Cooking process

Spicy eggplants “Ogonyok” for the winter according to the old recipe are prepared quite simply and easily. Even the most inexperienced housewives can handle twisting such a spicy salad.

  1. First you should tackle the eggplants. They need to be washed and the “tails” cut off. The vegetables themselves are cut into slices. The optimal thickness is 5 mm. The cuttings are transferred to a large basin and generously seasoned with salt. It is recommended to leave the blue ones in this form for 2 hours.

Note! In 2 hours, the eggplants will have time to release dark juice - this will remove the bitterness.

Then the liquid is drained and the blue ones are washed.

  1. Fry the eggplants in vegetable oil. It is best to do this in a cauldron. If there is none, you should use a thick-walled frying pan. You need to fry the vegetables in several batches, transferring each batch of cuts into a separate container.

  1. Now it’s time to start preparing the spicy tomato sauce. This is what the winter eggplant appetizer “Ogonyok” is famous for. But before that, you should immediately prepare the lids and jars. It is recommended to wash the containers with baking soda and pour over them with boiling water, and it is best to boil the lids.

  1. Well, now you can prepare the filling itself! To do this, both types of peppers and tomatoes need to be washed. The stalks of the peppers are cut off and the seeds are removed. The tomatoes must be minced in a meat grinder. The same should be done with peppers. The peels and films should be removed from the garlic. They also scroll. The whole mass is poured into a large saucepan and placed on fire a little hotter than average. The mass should boil. Only after the characteristic bubbles appear, vinegar is poured into the mixture and salt is added. It is recommended to boil the filling for another 5 minutes.

  1. You will need to pour 2 large spoons of the prepared filling into the sterilized jars. Then lay out a layer of fried eggplants. They are filled with sauce. Alternating layers in this way, you need to completely compact the container. The jars are covered with lids and sent for sterilization. The optimal procedure time is 40 minutes.

  1. When sterilization is complete, the salad jars should be immediately screwed on with lids. The containers are turned over and wrapped in warm scarves. They are left in this form until they cool completely, after which the pieces can be moved to the basement or simply to the kitchen cabinet.

“Lazy Light” from eggplants for the winter

Many housewives are familiar with another version of this bright, spicy snack. Eggplant “Lazy Light” for the winter also turns out to be very piquant, aromatic and tasty.


The original winter preparation of eggplants “Ogonyok” involves the use of:

  • eggplants – 3 kg;
  • garlic – 1 tbsp.;
  • granulated sugar - 1 tbsp.;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.;
  • hot pepper – 2 pcs.;
  • red sweet pepper – 2 kg;
  • vinegar - 1 tbsp.

Cooking process

It’s easy enough to make “Ogonyok” eggplants for the winter: a recipe with photos will help cooks in preparing this spicy snack.

  1. As usual, you should start with the main ingredient of the preparation - the blue ones themselves. Eggplants must be thoroughly washed and cut. It is optimal to do this in circles, but you can choose another suitable option.

  1. The resulting sliced ​​eggplant is placed in a deep bowl. The little blue ones need to be thoroughly sprinkled with salt: you shouldn’t feel sorry for it. The eggplants will give back all the excess salt. The cuttings are mixed with salt and left for at least 2 hours.

  1. In the meantime, it's worth working on the other components of the snack. It is necessary to prepare pepper and garlic for sale. You need to remove the peel and thin, translucent films from the garlic. The bell pepper is washed, the stalk is cut off, and all the seeds are removed from the inside. The same should be done with hot pepper.

On a note! It is best to work with hot peppers while wearing gloves to avoid any unpleasant surprises in the future.

Garlic and all the peppers must be minced in a meat grinder. Pour vegetable oil into the resulting mixture and add granulated sugar.

  1. After the specified amount of time, you will need to return to slicing the eggplant. Vegetable slices must be squeezed out of the juice they gave. After all, it is in him that all the bitterness is concentrated. Blue slices are transferred to a mixture of pepper and garlic.

  1. The whole mass is thoroughly mixed and sent to the fire.
