Whole grain bread in a bread machine: baking recipes. Bread without yeast from whole grain flour

Bread became the main staple of human nutrition.

However, modern bread carries more harm than good.

Let's figure out what's wrong with bread and what it should be like.

It is believed that bread is the head of everything and should always be on the table.

There is a big difference between what was called bread before and what it has become now.

So what's the harm? modern bread, with which the shelves of shops and supermarkets are littered?

  • Harm #1. Flour premium.
  • Harm #2. Yeast.

Now let's look at each point separately.

Harm of premium flour.

The wheat grain consists of a husk, a germ (the place where the stem emerges) and a starchy pith.

All the most valuable things (nutrients, vitamins, enzymes, microelements) are in the germ and shell. And in the core of the grain there is a minimum of useful.

To increase shelf life, the grain is cleaned from the germ and shell. That is, all the most valuable things are removed, leaving a useless starchy mass. This is called premium flour, from which so much is made flour products, including bread. This flour is “empty”, because everything that is most valuable and useful for the human body has been removed from it.

It is worth noting that sometimes synthetic vitamins are added to bread. However, due to their artificial origin, such vitamins are absorbed much less well. And in general it’s stupid: first spoil the product and then try to restore it.

Due to the fact that premium bread is made from a useless starchy core, there is practically no benefit from it. That is, in principle, you can eat enough, but harm will be done to the body. Why harm? It's simple: the germ and shell dilute the starchy mass of the core of the grain, thereby giving the body useful substances and helping with digestion. But bread made from premium white flour turns into a sticky substance in the stomach, which clogs the channels and slagging the body, preventing normal digestion. A person is affected by frequent colds, rashes on the face, skin, and constipation.

What to do? It is best to eat bread from whole grain flour. It preserves to the maximum the benefits that are inherent in nature itself. Bread with bran is also much healthier than premium bread, since bran is the shell of the grain. But whole grain bread is the healthiest for our body.

Harm of yeast bread.

Baker's yeast is used to speed up the process of making bread. Of course, no one thinks about the health of the consumer.

So what is yeast? These are unicellular fungi. When baking bread, most of these mushrooms do not die, since they are not afraid high temperatures. When we eat yeast bread, we introduce these uninvited guests into our intestines, because our body is also unable to digest them. Why is that bad?

2) Yeast disrupts the natural balance of intestinal microflora. Yeast is an artificially bred mushroom; it does not exist in nature. When these uninvited guests enter the intestines, they begin to inhibit beneficial microflora. The development of putrefactive flora begins. That is, yeast competes with the good inhabitants of our body, displaces beneficial bacteria and takes up the vacant space. As a result, not only the absorption of useful substances from food, but also human health in general. After all, a healthy intestine is the basis of a strong immune system, and where there is yeast there is not health, but rot.

3) Yeast itself is harmful. Judge for yourself - GOST 171-81 for “compressed baker’s yeast” provides for the use of:

— technical sulfuric or battery acid
— microfertilizers for agriculture in the southern regions of the USSR
— building lime, bleach and bleach
— liquid detergent “Progress”

It's creepy, isn't it? And this is just a small part of the heap of chemical crap that is used to produce yeast.

Harm yeast bread obvious. Of course, it all depends on the quantity and frequency of consumption of such bread. Therefore, you definitely shouldn’t abuse this.

What to do?

✅ Firstly, you can buy yeast-free bread. The demand for it is increasing, so every year there are more and more offers.

✅ Secondly, you can make yeast-free bread yourself. There is a carriage and a small cart on the Internet for recipes for making bread without yeast.

Personally I do healthy bread without any prescriptions. I add water to whole grain flour, get a dough, and make flatbreads from it. I bake the flatbreads in the oven or grill (the time is selected individually, depending on the thickness of the flatbread). It turns out very tasty - you can eat this bread without anything, because it is really tasty. Real jam! Well, the realization that it is useful also warms the soul.


Healthy bread is bread made from whole grain flour without yeast. If it is not possible to eat such bread, then you can choose either bread without yeast or made from whole grain flour. But it’s still better when it’s 2 in 1! In general, friends, the most useful thing is to use. The bigger, the better!

More on the topic:

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Not a single table, either everyday or festive, is complete without bread. It is served with every meal, and it can look different from the usual well-known brick to pita bread and crispy croutons. And what a smell comes from it when it’s just taken out of the oven! What a pleasure it is to taste a crispy crust rubbed with garlic and sprinkled with salt on top...

Whole wheat bread

It comes in different tastes and colors. They prepare bread from wheat, rye, rice, oatmeal, corn flour etc. There are many recipes according to which various components are added to flour to improve the taste.

For example, cumin Provencal herbs, raisins, lard. However, whole grain bread is considered the healthiest. Since it contains a unique composition of various nutrients, it has an extraordinary taste.

This bread is made from whole grain flour, which consists of ground whole grains various crops, for example, wheat, oats, rye, rice, buckwheat, millet, barley.

Whole grains and flour derived from them are great benefit the human body, since it contains large quantities such substances:

  1. B vitamins.
  2. Cellulose.
  3. Minerals.
  4. Protein.
  5. Complex carbohydrates.

Whole grain bread has a beneficial effect on the health of people with diseases. It is indicated when diabetes mellitus, as a means lowers sugar levels in blood. Whole grain flour heals cardiovascular system reduction of bad cholesterol.

This is an excellent weight loss product and maintaining a toned figure. Because this bread has fewer calories than regular bread. And those in it complex carbohydrates and fiber are perfect for when you feel hungry, helping to satisfy it faster and safer regular buns and loaves.

Today, whole grain bread can be purchased in a regular supermarket. But if you like to bake something delicious with your own hands and have a bread machine in the house, then tasty and healthy whole grain bread can be baked at home.

This is not at all difficult if you have a recipe at hand. Of course, homemade whole grain bread turns out to be much tastier and healthier store-bought. You just have to try and see for yourself.

Bread machine recipes

So, you are in a great mood and you immediately want to start making whole grain bread according to the recipe you found. However, finding “your” recipe that both the housewife and her household will like is not so easy.

Therefore, we suggest starting with the simplest thing, bake the simplest one. classic bread from whole grain flour.

Recipe classic whole grain bread. It is prepared according to the following recipe:

You will need:

  1. Whole grain wheat flour 560 grams.
  2. Vegetable oil you need to take two tablespoons.
  3. 350 ml water.
  4. Dry yeast in an amount equal to 1 tsp.
  5. A teaspoon of salt.
  6. Take 2 tablespoons of honey.

In a saucepan heat the water to a temperature of 37-40 degrees, so that it is not cold and can dissolve the honey that you will now add there.

After this, all the ingredients follow in the order indicated in the bread machine instructions. Next, you need to select the main program, crust color and size. ready-made dish. It's time to turn on the bread maker.

When the dough reaches normal thickness, close the lid and wait for the end of the program. After the required time has passed, carefully remove the bread and leave to cool.

Here is your self-baked whole grain bread according to our recipe. Surely he has already gathered the whole family around him and you have received a lot of enthusiastic responses and praise addressed to you.

Whole grain rye bread recipe

Some people make the mistake of thinking that whole grain wheat flour is the healthiest. The most useful product is bread rye whole grain flour. Because it is rich in many useful substances.

This flour contains B vitamins, fiber, zinc, manganese, phosphorus, fructan, which has a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora. If you have a recipe and a bread machine, why not try baking homemade whole grain bread from whole grain rye flour:

  • 250 grams whole grain rye flour.
  • 225 grams of whole grain wheat flour.
  • 380 grams of milk.
  • 1.5 tbsp. l. granulated sugar.
  • 1, 5 words. l. salt.
  • 1 word l. vegetable oil.
  • 2 tsp. dry yeast.
  • 1 tsp. cilantro seeds, if you like.
  • 1 tsp. cumin.

Sprinkle the bottom of the bread machine with yeast, then wheat and rye flour is sifted. Add salt, sugar, spice oil, then add milk. A program is set in the bread machine, after which a tasty and fragrant bread on the table!

Yeast-free recipe

Recipe yeast-free dough very suitable for those who are on a diet and afraid of losing figure. Diet bread Made from whole grain flour, it is no more difficult to prepare than the previous ones, except that a little more ingredients are required. Ingredients for the recipe:

Prepare like this:

  1. In a dry frying pan, sesame, flax, sunflower seeds, bran and nuts are fried until golden brown.
  2. All dry ingredients are mixed in one container, no flour is taken.
  3. In a separate bowl, mix kefir, butter and honey.
  4. Dry ingredients are poured into a bowl with liquid ingredients.
  5. Flour is added and everything is thoroughly mixed.

Since you have mixed everything, the bread machine is placed to the “baking” or “cupcake” mode"to save time on kneading. In 60 minutes, whole grain yeast-free bread will be ready. Remove from the bread maker and serve!

If you use your imagination, the simplest recipe can be turned into a masterpiece. culinary arts. Add seeds pumpkin, sesame, dried apricots or prunes if you like big original You will definitely like whole grain bread with garlic or sun-dried tomatoes.

Experiment and surely get yours unique recipe, which all your relatives and friends will appreciate.

Girls, I suffered for almost 2 months, trying to find a recipe for whole grain bread that would be simple, tasty and meet the requirements of the Dukan diet (consolidation stage). These are the results of my suffering. I hope it will be useful to someone. The bread turns out great - without sugar or yeast, spongy, moderately moist, very filling and most importantly - extremely healthy (and not only for Dukan girls)!

Don't be scared that there are so many words! I tried to describe everything as clearly as possible.
Don't be scared that there are so many steps. Each of them (except baking) requires a minimum of time and effort - 5-15 minutes a day.

Stage 1. Preparing the starter.

I started this stage 2 weeks before consolidation, but really 3 days is enough.

Day 1. 100 g rye flour (wallpaper or peeled) + 100 g water. Stir thoroughly and pour into an 800g jar with a lid. Make holes in the lid (otherwise the starter will die from lack of oxygen, it will suffocate, poor thing. That’s what happened in my first attempt - it’s time to redo it.). Leave for 24 hours in a dark, draft-free place (I have it in the kitchen cabinet on the top shelf). After 12 hours, the first bubbles should begin to appear. If the process does not start, you can add 1/2 tsp of sugar. But everything worked for me even without this.

Day 2. Another 100 g of flour and 100 g of water. Into the starter, stir thoroughly. Leave again in the same place for another 24 hours. By the end of the 2nd day the bubbling is already much more active. A typical sourish (but pleasant, bready smell) appears.

Day 3. Another 100 g of flour and 100 g of water. And for another 24 hours. Now the starter should double in size per day.

All! Our live starter is ready! For bread (1 loaf - a brick) I take 5 tbsp of this miracle. I store the rest in the refrigerator (for almost 2 months now everything has been under the same lid with holes).

Stage 2. (if the starter is fresh, skip it. If it’s from the refrigerator, then go through this stage) Take the starter and revive it, because she fell asleep in the cold. 100 g flour +100 g water. 24 hours under a lid with holes at room temperature. When she got pregnant, she came to life!

Stage 3. Dough + “lobe”
For the dough, take 5 tbsp of sourdough, 75 g of rye flour (or peeled), 90 g of water. (the rest of the starter goes back into the refrigerator). Knead thoroughly and leave in a bowl (preferably plastic or glass) under a film in which we punch holes, at room temperature for 12-16 hours. The dough should become tender, “breathe” and rise a little.

“Mocha” (a term from bread websites) are all kinds of seeds that are best soaked before adding to bread. In accordance with Dukan's recommendations, I took 35 g of flaxseed + 100 g of water. Cover thoroughly with film and leave in a warm place for a day. After a day you get a slightly sticky jelly with seeds. Just what we need!

Stage 4. The actual dough.
Take all the dough, all the lobe, add 2 cups of whole grain (in my case rye) flour, 3/4 cup of rye wallpaper (or peeled) flour, 1 tsp of salt, 30 g of sesame seeds (fry lightly in a dry frying pan) and 175 g of water . Knead everything for 15-20 minutes (I do this in a bread maker on dough mode). Leave, covered loosely with film, for 2-3 hours at room temperature. During this time, do “stretch and fold” 2 times in 50 minutes. This is a special technique to make wet dough more manageable. You can watch a video on YouTube of how they do it. I'm just on the wet silicone mat she lifted the edge and turned it towards the center, then the second, third, fourth. And turned it seam side down.

When the dough has risen and become tender, form a loaf and place it in a mold sprinkled generously with flour (or on a sheet of dry parchment). We cover it with film, making several holes in it, and put it in a place without a draft (the same kitchen cabinet). Let it rise twice - about 3 hours. Alternatively, you can put the form in the refrigerator for 14-16 hours. Then take it out and let it rise for 3 hours.

Stage 5. Baking. Total time 40-45 min
Preheat the oven to 240 degrees. Place a bowl of boiling water at the bottom (for steam). Let the water begin to actively evaporate. CAREFULLY! If you open the door, scalding steam will pour out of the oven!

Carefully and gently place the bread in the oven. Leave for 10 minutes. Reduce heat to 200 degrees and leave for another 30 minutes. We take it out and check it with a dry wooden toothpick or by tapping on the crust. The toothpick should be dry and sound dull when tapped. And the bread should move a little away from the walls of the shape.

Sprinkle the hot bread with water - the crust will be better.

Cover with a linen towel. When the pan has cooled enough to handle the bread, remove it and cool on a wire rack under a towel.

Stage 6. Eating and storage.
The rye bread should ripen - about 2 hours after the oven it will come to its senses. Then you can cut it off and taste it.
What a miracle it was!

You can store it for 3-4 days in a linen towel and bag (or bread box). Can be sliced ​​and frozen. You can dry the leftovers with spices to make crackers!

Enjoy your meal!

And a carrot to the one who read all the letters to the end!

Dear comrades!

Continuing the topic healthy eating, I decided to inform you by this letter that, following many useless products() I excluded from my diet White bread, because I classify it as an “empty” product that does not bring any benefit to the body. In fact, I eliminated bread almost completely and replaced it with breadcrumbs. I try to dry my crackers from whole grain bread. homemade or I buy Cretan barley without salt and sugar (my favorite).

Barley cracker with pumpkin jam on honey

By the way, scientists say that our body definitely needs solid food for the proper functioning of the digestive system and dental health.

Why whole wheat flour is better than white flour

Whole grain (wallpaper) flour is flour made from the same wheat, the benefits of which no one questions. But in the production of whole grain flour all the constituent parts of the grains remain in it wheat along with everyone useful components contained in it, and there are a lot of them: vitamin B, protein, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, etc. At the same time, during the production of white flour, it is processed in such a way that all the most valuable elements: the shell and the germ , are removed and we are left with only starch.

And now the fun part: consumption of starch contributes to the deposition of fat, the removal of calcium from the body, deterioration in the absorption of vitamin C and iron by the body, and many more different and scary things.

At the same time, in terms of calorie content, whole grain and white flour almost identical fundamental difference constitutes the process of their digestion by the body.

Lately, most often I bake 100% whole grain bread in a bread machine (I have a Kenwood), the recipe for which I will treat you with today. This recipe, like many others that I will share with you from time to time, is developed by the best in Greece culinary school Le Monde.

Let me say right away that the main key to success when baking bread in a bread machine is unquestioning compliance with all instructions. I have already been convinced more than once that even the slightest deviation from the recipe will never result in one hundred percent successful results.

I give the list of these ingredients based on 1 loaf of bread weighing 1 kg.

In the picture I have a half-kilogram loaf, because it was an experimental recipe and I was afraid to take risks. More on this below ⇓

Grocery list:

  • water, warm (≈40ºС) – 390 ml
  • milk - 10 ml
  • sunflower oil - 1 tbsp.
  • whole grain flour - 600 gr. ( order with a discount , promo code POR7412)
  • salt - 11/2 tsp.
  • sugar - 1 tbsp.
  • dry yeast - 1 tsp.

And since everything should be incredibly clear in a bread machine, I’ll point out that 1 tsp. = 5 ml, 1 tbsp. = 15 ml. Otherwise everything is simple...


Salt and sugar are important components of proper bread

Now I’ll make a small digression and say what was the experiment. As you can see in one of the pictures above, I have salt and yeast in the container in the corners. This is because I don't have sugar. I replaced it with the same amount of honey, which I added immediately after sunflower oil. As a result, everything worked out. The experiment was a success. But I want to warn you that you cannot completely eliminate sugar or honey. I tried to do this in last time, although I knew that without sugar the yeast is poorly activated. As a result, I got a dense and moist bread with a sticky texture, quite edible in principle, but not very pleasant when chewed. Although it was just right for the crackers. I also don’t recommend eliminating salt completely, since in addition to taste, it also affects the texture of the bread. That's why You should always add at least half a spoon of salt.

This is where I will conclude my short educational program on bread made with whole grain flour.

See other recipes for bread in a bread machine.


Good luck, love and patience.
