Vinaigrette with peas and pickles. How to make a classic vinaigrette: recipes. An obligatory guest of the feast is a classic vinaigrette with peas

Boiled vegetable salad - vinaigrette - is known and loved by everyone. It is good at any time of the year, as it consists of quite available products, easy to prepare and very tasty. This dish is also a salvation for those who are watching their figure and weight: you can make it contain a minimum of calories, but maximum benefits for the body.

How many calories are in a salad?

The vegetables that are included in the vinaigrette: beets, carrots, cucumbers, cabbage and others do not contain many calories. And when cooked (fresh are not used for this dish, except for cabbage in some recipes), they also lose some calories. To prepare dietary vinaigrette (classic recipe with peas will be the basis for it), you need to exclude potatoes and make do with a minimum of dressing. It can be made from three percent vinegar, ground pepper, salt and a small amount of vegetable oil. Under such conditions, the average calorie content of 100 grams of salad will be within 65 kcal. And if you take one oil - up to 74 - 85 kcal. It will be possible to achieve a record minimum of 35 kcal per 100 grams. To do this, boiled and chopped carrots, beet, peas from a jar are mixed with herbs, practically no salt (or just a drop) and kefir with the lowest fat content is added as a sauce or mixed with low-fat cottage cheese. So you don’t have to worry about your figure, but the benefits for the body are great: the dish contains a lot of microelements and vitamins.

The easiest recipe

A classic vinaigrette is prepared from the main list of products, without which the salad will cease to be this very vinaigrette.

It requires:

  • potatoes (5 medium-sized tubers);
  • large head of onion;
  • three carrots (large);
  • beets (a couple of small ones or one larger root vegetable);
  • pickled cucumbers (can also be pickled or pickled, five is enough);
  • canned green peas (350 gram jar);
  • vegetable oil (one third of a glass);
  • salt (you can do without it).

What do we do next?

  1. Thoroughly wash the vegetables (except for onions) from dirt and cook (directly in the skins, no need to add salt to the water).
  2. We take everything out when the fork can easily enter the root vegetables, but does not fall apart. (Beets will take longer to cook than others). Let cool.
  3. Now peel the skin (it comes off easily), cut everything into small cubes or bars
  4. Don't forget to peel the onion and chop it. We do the same with cucumbers (if you want the salad to be more tender and not crunch on your teeth, peel them).
  5. We collect everything in a deep bowl or saucepan, add the peas, season with oil and mix.
  6. The process is complete, you can lay out portions and start eating.

When you want the salad to be colorful, you need to first mix all the vegetables without beets. Then add vegetable oil to the chopped beet, and only after that introduce it into general composition. If you put everything at the same time, the vinaigrette will acquire a uniform dark pink color.

With herring for a spicy taste

Housewives often add to classic vinaigrette herring. Firstly, it goes well with boiled potatoes and beets. Secondly, it adds originality to the taste. And thirdly, it makes the salad more filling.

It is necessary to prepare the following components:

  • 200 - 250 grams of potatoes, carrots (boiled);
  • 300 – 350 grams of boiled beet;
  • from 200 to 250 grams of sauerkraut and green peas;
  • 150 – 200 grams of pickled cucumbers;
  • Atlantic herring (piece);
  • small onion;
  • a couple of green onions (for decoration);
  • vegetable oil (you can use “live” oil for flavor);
  • salt (optional).

Vinaigrette with herring is very easy to prepare.

Step by step preparation steps:

  1. We cut all vegetables (cooked and cooled ahead of time) into small pieces.
  2. We do the same with cucumbers and onions.
  3. We fold vegetable slicing into a common bowl.
  4. Open the jar of peas and drain the brine. Add peas to our vegetable mixture.
  5. Squeeze out the excess juice from the sauerkraut and also place it in a bowl (first finely chop it).
  6. It's the fish's turn. We disassemble it, remove the seeds, and cut the fillet into cubes the size of vegetables.
  7. Add to the salad, season everything with oil and mix.
  8. The final touch is to sprinkle with chopped onion feathers. Now you can serve the food on the table.

To ensure vegetables are cooked at the same time, choose them of approximately the same size.

Carrots and potatoes can be placed in one pan. Buryak is prepared separately and longer (depending on the hardness and size of the fruit).

Puff with mayonnaise

This is one of the variations of vinaigrette with a somewhat unusual consistency and dressing: all components are grated and laid in layers, and mayonnaise acts as a sauce.

To complete the recipe you will need:

  • from 200 to 250 grams of cooked beets;
  • the same amount of pickled cucumbers and fresh apples (preferably green, sweet and sour varieties);
  • 150 - 200 grams of onions and boiled carrots;
  • small onion;
  • from 300 to 350 grams of boiled potatoes;
  • three four chicken eggs hard-boiled;
  • jar of canned green peas;
  • salt (optional);
  • mayonnaise.

Once everything is collected, let's start cooking.

  1. Boiled vegetables and eggs, fresh apples process on a fine-mesh grater.
  2. Pour boiling water over finely chopped onion. After about fifteen minutes, drain the liquid and rinse the onions under cold running water.
  3. We turn the cucumbers into small cubes.
  4. Place a layer of potatoes on the bottom of a spacious salad bowl. Add a little salt and cover with mayonnaise.
  5. Next is the carrot. Then again the sauce.
  6. Then, in turn, onions, peas, cucumbers and eggs (don’t forget to coat each layer with sauce).
  7. The apples come second to last, and a layer of beet is placed on top.
  8. Let our salad vinaigrette brew and pleasantly surprise our guests.

Add seaweed

Now let's see how to make an even more unusual vinaigrette. The list of products is quite impressive, but they are all available and inexpensive. And the salad turns out great.

It contains the following ingredients:

  • cabbage: pickled white cabbage (200 g), or dry sea cabbage (100 g), or frozen sea cabbage (0.5 kg);
  • salted tomatoes - a couple;
  • boiled vegetables- carrot (one large root vegetable), beets (not too big);
  • pickled berries (lingonberries, cherries or plums) - two tables are enough. spoon;
  • dill, parsley (literally a couple of green sprigs);
  • one (or two) pickled cucumber;
  • a pinch ground ginger and freshly ground black pepper;
  • 60 – 80 g fish (canned salmon is possible);
  • green peas (two or three tablespoons are enough);
  • ½ cup soy mayonnaise;
  • salt (to your taste).

Let's begin creating a culinary miracle.

  1. To dry seaweed(she has already spent about three hours in the water) add a couple of glasses of boiling water. We are waiting for it to boil. We put it in a colander. If we use ice cream, you need to put it in a liter of salted boiling water and cook for three to five minutes. Then put it in a colander to drain well. Squeeze the pickled white cabbage from the brine.
  2. Chop the fish or mash it with a fork.
  3. We cut all the vegetables: beets and carrots into cubes, cucumbers and tomatoes into neat rings.
  4. We put them in a deep salad bowl, along with cabbage.
  5. Then we put fish, peas, and greens into the dishes. Let's not forget about the berries. Season with spices and salt. Now it's mayonnaise's turn.
  6. Mix and taste. Lunch!

If you do not boil vegetables in water, but wrap them in foil and bake them in the oven, they will retain everything useful material, and the salad will acquire a rich taste.

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Vinaigrette - tasty, healthy and easy to prepare vegetable salad, which can also be served festive table. There are quite a few ways to prepare it with peas, sauerkraut or even herring. Today we will look at one of traditional ways its preparations in Russian.

First you need to boil the potatoes, carrots and beets in their skins (peels). Pour water into a saucepan, put vegetables in it and put on fire. We will cook them until they become soft enough, you can check with a knife.

Peel the potatoes and cut into cubes.

Peel and cut the carrots as in the photo.

Peel the beets and cut into cubes.

Finely chop the pickled cucumbers.

Chop dill and onion.

Finely chop the green onions.

Cut in small pieces onion.

Mix all ingredients in a saucepan, add green peas and salt.

Our vinaigrette with peas is ready. It can be served as independent dish or as a side dish. To taste, you can season it with mayonnaise or aromatic vegetable oil.

Bon appetit!

PS: The shelf life of this vinaigrette is not that long, try to eat it within 2-3 days. To increase shelf life, add pickles just before serving.

How to prepare a classic vinaigrette - basic principles of preparation

The classic vinaigrette with peas includes: beets, carrots, potatoes, peas and onions.

Before cooking, potato tubers, carrots and beets are boiled or baked in the oven, wrapped in foil and tightly secured at the edges.

The prepared vegetables are cooled until they are completely cool and only then they are cut. Cut into small cubes, trying to keep them approximately the same size.

As additional ingredients You can use pickled or salted mushrooms, sauerkraut, lightly salted fish, boiled meat, processed cheese, red caviar or boiled seafood, boiled or canned beans.

Additional components, except legumes and caviar, are crushed, like the main ingredients.

To prevent beets from turning the vegetables red, after cutting, transfer them to a separate bowl, moisten them with a small amount of oil, and add them to the salad just before dressing.

IN modern cooking vinaigrettes are served not only in common dish, but also in portions, laying out the salad in layers. You can also spread the classic vinaigrette with peas in layers on a serving dish.

Vinaigrettes are seasoned with both aromatic and refined oil sunflower, specially prepared dressings or mayonnaise.

When preparing a classic vinaigrette with peas, there is no such thing as exact proportions products used in the cooking process and therefore they can be replaced with your favorite ones that go well with the main ingredients or eliminated altogether. The main thing is not to make the dish too spicy or bland, but to find a middle ground.

Classic vinaigrette with peas


Two large beets;

One medium sized carrot;

Four small potatoes;

Medium-sized head of salad onion;

120 grams of pickled white cabbage;

Five table. tablespoons sunflower, unrefined oil;

Six table. spoons of green (canned) peas.

Cooking method:

1. Chilled boiled beets cut into cubes, place in a separate bowl and season with a small amount of sunflower oil.

2. Chop the boiled carrots and potatoes in the same way as the beets and place in a separate bowl.

3. Add the excess brine squeezed out sauerkraut, canned green peas, finely chopped onions.

How to prepare a classic vinaigrette with herring and mustard sauce


Medium-sized carrots – 2 pcs.;

Three small potatoes;

Three burgundy beets;

Two large pickled cucumbers;

200 grams of lightly salted herring fillet.

For the sauce:

Ready-made, vinegar-free mustard – 2 tbsp. l.;

50 ml white wine, dry;

Two tables. spoons of table vinegar;

50 ml of aromatic (unrefined) oil;

Fine salt, a mixture of aromatic peppers and sugar.

Cooking method:

1. Wash the potatoes, beets and carrots thoroughly, cut them in half lengthwise and wrap them individually in foil. Wrap each half tightly in foil. Bake in the oven at 180 degrees for forty minutes.

2. Remove foil, cool and peel. Cut into even, small cubes.

3. Peel the cucumbers in a thin layer, cut into small slices, drain the juice released during slicing and add to the chopped vegetables. Add herring cut into small pieces.

4. To make the dressing, combine all the liquid ingredients of the sauce and cook on low heat. Stir constantly during cooking to prevent the sauce from sticking to the walls and burning.

5. When almost ready sauce thickens enough, remove it from the heat, add sugar and salt, season with a small pinch ground pepper and mix well, taste. If necessary, adjust the ingredients and stir well again.

6. Season the classic vinaigrette with peas and herring with cooled mustard sauce. The dressing is not added to the vinaigrette all at once, but gradually, constantly stirring and taking a sample each time.

“Meat” classic vinaigrette with peas


Small size chicken fillet;

Three large boiled potatoes;

Small boiled carrots;

Sweet salad onion– 2 heads;

Pickled cucumbers – 4 pcs.;

Two large boiled beets;

130 grams of sour sauerkraut;

120 grams of canned peas;

A tablespoon of fresh or frozen cranberries;

For dressing - fragrant vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

1. Boil the chicken fillet in salted water with spices (at your discretion) until tender and cool until completely cool.

2. Cut chicken meat, boiled vegetables, cucumbers and onions into small cubes. Squeeze excess moisture from cucumbers.

3. Mix the crushed ingredients with finely chopped cabbage, canned green peas and cranberries. If the berries are frozen, thaw them and dry them with a towel.

4. Add a little salt, season the vinaigrette with vegetable oil and mix gently.

How to prepare a classic vinaigrette with pickled honey mushrooms


Two medium beets;

Three large potato tubers;

200 grams of pickled young mushrooms;

130 grams of canned peas;

Large onion;

Four tablespoons of high-quality vegetable oil;

25 ml fruit or wine vinegar;

Food fine salt"Extra".

Cooking method:

1. Rinse potato tubers and beets with water, removing any remaining soil with a clean foam sponge, and boil until tender in different pans. Cool under running water, dry and prepare by cutting into even centimeter cubes.

2. Transfer the honey mushrooms from the jar to a colander, draining off the excess marinade, and chop the onion as finely as possible.

3. Combine chopped vegetables with pickled mushrooms and peas.

4. Fruity or vinegar mix with salt and oil and mix well, season with the prepared vinaigrette mixture.

5. Stir the salad well and serve, transferring the vinaigrette to a serving salad bowl.

Classic vinaigrette with peas “Festive”


200 grams lightly salted fillet salmon;

Two large beets;

Small carrots – 2 pcs.;

4–5 large potatoes;

Pickled, “sharp” cucumbers – 3 pcs.;

Two green sour apples;

Small onion;

Half a large lemon;

Half a glass of frozen vegetable oil;

25 gr. refined sugar.

Cooking method:

1. Cool the separately boiled vegetables, carefully peel the skins and cut into centimeter cubes.

2. Chop the onion, pickled cucumbers and peeled and seeded apples into pieces approximately the same size as the vegetables. Also chop the fish fillet.

3. Gently mix all the prepared ingredients, add butter, grated zest into fine shavings, freshly squeezed lemon juice with sugar dissolved in it. Season to your liking and taste, add salt and mix again.

4. Before serving, the vinaigrette must steep for at least a quarter of an hour.

How to prepare a classic vinaigrette with salted mushrooms


Three medium burgundy beets;

Two small carrots;

Three sweet, medium-sized potatoes;

Two small white onions;

Pickled (barrel) cucumbers – 3–4 pcs.;

Half a glass of boiled or canned (preferably colored) beans;

100 grams of young canned peas;

300 grams salted mushrooms: “Rizhiki”, “Milk milk”;

9% table vinegar;

Fine table salt.

Cooking method:

1. Boil the carrots and potatoes, without peeling, until tender, and bake the beets in the oven, wrapping them in foil.

2. Cool the baked vegetables, remove the peels and cut into small cubes.

3. Salted mushrooms chop into fine strips.

4. Mix chopped vegetables with mushrooms, cut into small pieces onions and cucumbers.

5. Add pre-boiled and cooled beans, canned peas, pour in the oil, sprinkle with a little table vinegar and stir everything carefully again.

6. After taking the sample, add vinegar and salt if necessary.

Recipe for classic vinaigrette with red caviar


Four small boiled potatoes;

One boiled large beet;

Three medium, pickled cucumbers;

Two large heads of “Yalta” sweet onions;

Red caviar - a small jar.

Cooking method:

1. Cut pre-boiled, cooled and peeled vegetables into small cubes.

2. Chop the sweet onions and cucumbers in the same way.

3. Combine everything, season, add salt to your taste, add sunflower oil and stir.

4. Special portion form to form puff salads, or trimmed for these purposes plastic bottle, place on a plate and fill it with salad. Press down lightly with a spoon, lay a thin layer of red caviar on top and remove the mold.

Classic layered vinaigrette with peas and melted cheese


Burgundy beets – 2–3 pcs.;

Three medium potatoes;

Three carrots;

150 grams of canned green peas of brain varieties;

One hundred gram processed cheese, "Dutch";

Cooking method:

1. Boil the vegetables, thoroughly washed from any remaining soil, until tender. different pans, cool and peel them.

2. On a large serving dish, grate a layer of beets, carrots, potatoes and coat generously with mayonnaise. Then also grate the cheese and place a layer of canned peas on top of it. Apply mayonnaise again and repeat layers.

3. Apply a fairly thin mayonnaise mesh on top of the laid out salad and spread it with a knife or spoon over the entire surface of the salad.

4. Decorate boiled vegetables or peas.

Recipe for classic vinaigrette with squid


One large beetroot;

Small carrot;

Two medium-sized white potatoes;

Pickled cucumbers – two large ones;

200 grams of canned peas;

200 grams of frozen squid carcasses;

50 ml high quality olive oil;

Half a small head of sweet salad onion.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the thawed squid carcasses well under the tap, remove the chordae plates and gut the insides by turning the squids outward and lightly scraping the inside with a knife.

2. Cut the carcasses into small strips and fry in a frying pan in a small amount of oil for no more than three minutes.

3. Cut the boiled vegetables into cubes, as for regular vinaigrette, chop the cucumbers and onions into slices of the same size.

4. Combine all the chopped ingredients in a salad bowl, add salt to your liking, and season with olive oil.

Tricks and useful tips how to make classic vinaigrette

To prevent vegetables from being overcooked during cooking and to be tastier, they should be boiled unpeeled.

When roasting vegetables, add a little water to the baking sheet to ensure even cooking.

When preparing a classic vinaigrette with peas and adding salted fish, the volume of potatoes and onions is usually increased, and cabbage is not added at all.

Before slicing, the herring is first soaked in pasteurized milk for an hour and dried by blotting with a disposable towel.

Excessively sour cabbage, just like herring, is soaked, but not in milk, but in boiled water cold water. Then the excess moisture is drained, discarded in a colander and dried a little, and added to the vinaigrette.

Beets are boiled without cutting the roots so that the roots remain juicy.

Unpeeled beets take a very long time to cook; to speed up the cooking process, place the root vegetable in boiling water and cook for forty minutes after boiling again. Then quickly cool it under the tap for ten minutes.

When cooked for a long time, the beets lighten; in order to preserve their original color, add a little vinegar or citric acid to the water.

Add half a teaspoon of sugar to the water with boiling carrots, boiled it will be brighter and sweeter, just like from the garden.

You can get rid of the bitterness contained in the onion if, after chopping, pour boiling water over it for a minute, then quickly rinse cold water. From such onions, before adding to the vinaigrette, you need to thoroughly remove all the water.

Sweet salad or onions can be replaced with finely chopped green onions. Not only will the taste of the salad change, green onions will fill the vinaigrette with a specific spring aroma.

If you dress the salad with oil, first add salt and stir and only then pour in the oil, since vegetable oil salt does not dissolve.

How to prepare a classic vinaigrette with peas and dressing? For this vinaigrette, prepare the dressing separately, taste it and only then add it to the vegetables. Stir gently, constantly making sure that all the liquid is evenly absorbed and does not accumulate in one place at the bottom of the dish.

After cooking, it is not recommended to store vinaigrettes even in the refrigerator, since taste qualities dishes change very quickly. This salad is very healthy to eat immediately after cooking.

We have already told you how to prepare a classic vinaigrette, but what to do if your baby suddenly becomes stubborn, or one of the guests doesn’t like the treat? One orange, a couple of bananas, a handful frozen cherries, a can of chopped pineapples, two cups of ice cream and 200 grams of medium-fat sour cream. Cut everything into half the size of a pineapple piece, and the cherries even smaller, the ice cream larger, mix everything, lightly beat the sour cream with a spoon and pour the “sweet vinaigrette” on top.

Vinaigrette with green peas is one of the varieties of salad beloved by many. It is most often prepared during the colder months of the year, when the most readily available vegetables are carrots, beets and potatoes. During Lent, vinaigrette is absolutely irreplaceable. What is not added to it, besides vegetable base: mushrooms, beans, green peas, and sauerkraut. If you cook the vegetables in advance, preparing the salad will take very little time.


  • 5 potatoes
  • 3 carrots
  • 2-3 beets
  • 300 g canned green peas
  • 4-5 pickled cucumbers
  • salt - to taste
  • ground black pepper - to taste
  • fresh herbs
  • onions - before serving
  • 4-5 tbsp. l. unrefined sunflower oil


1. Wash the vegetables thoroughly with a sponge and place them in a large saucepan, cover with water. Place them in this order: beets at the very bottom, then carrots and potatoes at the very top. Since it will cook first, it will be easier for you to get it out. Carrots and beets take longer to cook. Readiness is checked with the tip of a knife or fork - the vegetables should be soft, but there is no need to overcook them either. Cool the vegetables in cold water and remove the skins.

2. The cutting of all vegetables should be the same. Cut the potatoes into small cubes and place them in a saucepan.

3. Now chop the carrots and place them in the pan with the potatoes.

4. Next is the beets, cut them into cubes and place them in the pan.

5. Open a can of canned green peas and put into a saucepan a little less than a full can, if it is standard - 500 g.

6. Next on the list is pickled (salted) cucumber. Pour the brine that it releases during the cutting process into the pan along with the vegetable itself - this will make the vinaigrette juicier.

7. Add a little salt and ground black pepper. Season everything with sunflower unrefined oil and stir. Now try the green pea vinaigrette and adjust the amount of salt - you may need to add more.

8. Before serving, garnish the vinaigrette with a sprig of fresh herbs. You can also add finely chopped onions or green onions.

Note to the hostess

1. Even through walls glass jar It’s hard to understand how high-quality the peas are inside, and the tin one generally hides the contents of the container from the buyer. Unfortunately, purchasing this canned product- lottery. Sometimes the label says that it is cerebral, but in reality it turns out to be dense, hard, as if raw. This does not mean that the manufacturer lied - he simply did not indicate that the young peas were frozen before processing. To buy peas that will not spoil the vinaigrette, you need to choose products from previously tried brands.

2. Beets are able to transfer their burgundy hue to other components: cucumber, potatoes, carrots. Then this one beautiful salad will lose its attractive multicolor. This will not happen if the beet cubes are placed in it after the other ingredients have been seasoned with oil.

3. The best cucumbers for the vinaigrette – gherkins. They always have the thinnest skin, they are crispy, strong, and there are absolutely no seeds in their pulp.

4. All boiled vegetables are cut completely cool for appetizers and salads. Some root vegetables, when warm, are compressed under the pressure of a knife, while others crumble and fall apart. Appearance dishes will suffer from improper cutting.
