White and brown sugar: is there a difference? Difference between brown and white sugar

Now that variety of sugar(white, brown, yellow) is on supermarket shelves, it’s hard for us to believe that once upon a time only the powerful of this world had the opportunity to drink tea with sugar.

Because of abundance different sugars We are tormented by the question - what kind of sugar should we buy? Which sugar is healthier - brown or white? Most likely, I will disappoint you - any sugar will lead to weight gain. extra centimeters on our waist. By the way, when we remember the “harm” of sugar, we immediately think that sugar makes you fat. But in addition to unwanted kilograms of weight, you can “earn” atherosclerosis and diabetes. Therefore, even if you think that brown sugar is very healthy, this does not mean that you need it in tablespoons - this will definitely affect your health and figure!

What is the benefit of sugar anyway?

The main component of sugar is sucrose, an easily digestible carbohydrate that, as soon as it enters the oral cavity, is already broken down into fructose and glucose. Glucose is the main energy resource that powers the heart and brain; its polymer is a component of the cell membrane and the sheath of nerve trunks. Those carbohydrates that have become unnecessary for the body are utilized with the help of glucogen - they are converted into glycogen and fat, located in the liver, stomach and intestines, and only then on the hips, sides and buttocks. It turns out that sugar is necessary for our body, but only in large quantities, no more than 80 grams per day (in a teaspoon - 12 grams).

Why is brown sugar better than white sugar?

Let's think about it. If sugar is a carbohydrate pure form why supporters healthy eating Is this how they promote brown sugar? Is it really more useful, or perhaps just not as harmful as white? If we carefully read what is written on sugar packages, we will find the word “refined”, which means that the sugar is refined.

If cane sugar is not completely cleaned, molasses remains on its crystals - a black film of molasses, which itself is a cane concentrate. Sugar does not turn white and has a brown tint. It is this small nuance that makes sugar a kind of biological active supplement. Molasses contains many vitamins (A, C, E, B, magnesium and phosphorus, potassium, iron, as well as antioxidants, which speeds up metabolism, improves the digestion process, helps eliminate free radicals and toxins. So, before choosing sugar in the supermarket, Now you will know the difference between white and brown sugar.

The cost of which is much higher than the price of a regular one. Sometimes you hear that it is much healthier than the usual refined one, and causes less harm figure and health. Is it so? And if you’re going to buy an expensive product, how to choose it correctly from several varieties?

According to experts from the World Health Organization (WHO), amount of sugar per day for the body should not exceed 10 percent of daily ration. In other words, sugar norm per day for a man is no more than 60 g and no more than 50 g for women. It seems to us that we do not consume so much sugar - we only put a couple of spoons in our tea or coffee. Well, as a last resort - cakes and sweets at a party or on holidays, ice cream while walking... But at the same time we forget that sugar is contained in the most different products- canned food, marinades, juices, sauces, soda and, finally, sweet fruits! But I want something sweet! Can brown sugar help in this situation?

Let's figure it out first How is brown sugar different from regular white sugar?. White sugar, regardless of its origin - cane or beet - is refined sugar. Brown is sugar, so to speak, “primary”, unprocessed. By the way, unrefined beet sugar does not go on sale: its taste and aroma are too unattractive. Therefore, that brown sugar that lies on supermarket shelves is cane sugar.

What is good about cane sugar? and why is it worth it so expensive? In a sense, this is a merit of a healthy lifestyle. After all, we often hear that refined products are harmful, and natural, unprocessed ones are much healthier. What is it really like?

Doctors examined the composition of white refined and brown cane sugar and came to the conclusion that these products are practically the same in calorie content.

It will not be possible to avoid obesity and atherosclerosis by consuming exclusively cane sugar, since both types of sugar contain the same amount of carbohydrates.

But in terms of quantity minerals - calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, zinc - brown sugar is far superior to white sugar. It also contains much more B vitamins. So the only real health benefit of cane sugar is its enriched mineral and vitamin composition. But if you are afraid of gaining weight, it is better to give up sweets altogether!

And yet, brown sugar justifies its high price with its unusual taste and aroma. This is what Europeans prefer to sweeten tea or coffee with: in Europe it is even called tea.

If you decide to try cane sugar, remember that there are several varieties of it on sale, and they are not always offered to you natural product. Sometimes a brown tint is achieved through dyes and manufacturing subtleties, and under the guise of brown you buy the most ordinary refined sugar, only of a different color. Natural brown sugar gets its color, taste and smell from sugar molasses - molasses.

So, cane sugar comes in the following types:

Demerara Sugar- golden-brown color product. It can be either natural or white refined sugar, simply mixed with molasses. Therefore, you should carefully read what is written on the label.

Sugar Muscovado- sugar is natural, but it is made with varying amounts of molasses. The more molasses in sugar, the darker its color. Sugar is sticky and gives off a caramel flavor.

Sugar Turbinado- it can be distinguished by large crystals, the color of which ranges from brown to brown. During the production of this sugar, it is partially purified from molasses using steam and water.

Soft molasses sugar, which is also called black Barbadian- is unrefined raw cane sugar with a large amount of molasses. It is soft and moist to the touch, thanks to the abundance of molasses, it has a very dark shade and a strong aroma.

The most commonly found cane sugar in our stores is the Demerara variety..

If you're concerned about health benefits as well as taste, make sure the label says "unrefined." Only in this case does it make sense to overpay for sweet joy.

We are used to associating the word “sugar” with the color white. However, not so long ago, brown sugar began to fill store shelves, cafes and bars. This is not to say that it has never existed before. There was, but in such tiny quantities and so expensive that for the average buyer it seemed to not exist. Today everything has changed and the brown “sweetness” has begun to actively gain ground from the white one, while simultaneously reducing its price. It is not surprising that they began to notice it, buy it and, in connection with this, many people had a question - what is the difference between brown sugar and white sugar? Well, if there is a question, then there will definitely be an answer to it. Let's figure it out.

  • beetroot,
  • reed,
  • maple,
  • palm,
  • sorghum

These are the most common types of sugar in the world. In Russia, beet sugar occupies first place, and cane sugar confidently holds second place. The remaining species, rather, can be classified as exotic, which are enjoyed mainly by gourmets and lovers of everything unusual. The brown sugar we are interested in is cane sugar, so we will compare it with the same cane counterpart, but white. By the way, at the same time we will list the types brown sugar that travel around the world:

  • Muscovado is sticky and smells like caramel.
  • Molasses sugar (Barbados black) is a natural raw sugar, soft, almost black, with a strong odor.
  • Demerara is the main type of brown sugar on the shelves of Russian stores. There is a natural product (unrefined), and there is also a refined one with the addition of molasses (cane molasses).
  • Turbinado is a dry natural golden to brown sugar. The crystals are dry and large.

All of the above varieties are natural sugar product(unrefined) brown color. However, in stores you can often find regular refined sugar with added brown dye. This is a deception. There is no crime here, but such sugar is similar to the one described only in appearance. Therefore, the “Unrefined” label must be on the label. Now, for a better understanding of the difference between brown and white sugar, let us briefly describe the sugar production technology.

Everything is very simple

The juice is extracted from the cane, cleaned of dirt, evaporated to a certain consistency, after which the crystallization process begins. Then they begin to drive the mass through a centrifuge. This is done to separate sugar from the resulting substance. In principle, brown sugar obtained in this way can be sent to stores after drying.

To obtain white refined sugar, a slightly different scheme is used. After crystallization, the raw materials are mixed sugar crystals with a special “liquor”. This mixture is then purified and the output is white sugar refined sugar, which, by the way, is no different from beetroot - both sucrose is almost in its pure form.

The brown color of the original product is due to the presence of molasses (molasses) of the same color. If during processing of the raw material it is removed and the above-described cleaning is carried out, then as a result we obtain a snow-white refined product. If the molasses is not removed, we will have natural cane sugar that is brown in color. We have listed its types above.

The whole process is described in an extremely primitive way, but this is quite enough for a general understanding of the technology of cane sugar production.

It is logical to assume that if we add molasses to white refined sugar, we will get the same brown sugar. The way it is. Then what is the difference between brown sugar and white sugar? Only in color? No, not only. Molasses contains a number of substances that are absent in the white version or are present, but in smaller quantities. We have compiled a comparison table. Let's take a look into it.


As you can see, if we look at everything in numbers, the difference is really small. And doctors, although not too confidently, claim that there is no particular benefit to be gained from brown sugar compared to white sugar. However, if we remember that we consume sugar every day and all our lives... Then perhaps we should think about whether it is worth neglecting even this, albeit small, but constant advantage of a brown “life partner”?

Adults and children love to eat sugar; it improves brain function and improves mood. In Russia and the CIS countries, they consumed mainly white sugar, but not so long ago brown sugar was brought to our country. And many sweet tooths have since been interested in the question: cane sugar and regular sugar - what is the difference between them? And does it exist at all?

How is beet sugar obtained?

To get everyone's favorite beet sugar people use sugar beets. In the mid-eighteenth century, the German chemist Andreas Marggraf published his numerous observations on how sugar is extracted from sugar beets. The records of the talented scientist have survived to this day.

The French commander Napoleon Bonaparte tried his best to improve the production of beet sugar in France, so as not to buy sugar from Great Britain.

In 1802 Alexander Blankenagel opened the first one in Russian Empire production factory white sugar. I. A. Maltsev, with the help of the count couple Bobrinsky, improved sugar production in the Russian Empire. In 1897, more than two hundred sugar factories operated in the Russian state.

How is cane sugar made?

Sugar cane is used to make cane sugar. At the end of the fifteenth century, the navigator H. Columbus brought to the island. Haiti sugar cane. Over time, sugar cane began to be grown in India and the United States. In the sixteenth century, a cane sugar factory began operating in Germany. But despite this, sugar remained an item of wealth and luxury for a long time.

It grows over several years. Sugarcane is harvested in two ways by hand or agricultural machinery. The stems are cut into small pieces and taken to processing plants. At the factory, the sugar cane stalks are finely crushed and the juice is extracted with pure water.

First, the juice is subjected to maximum heat in order to destroy numerous enzymes. The resulting syrup is passed through several evaporators, after this procedure all the water comes out. After the above procedure, sugar crystals begin to form. The resulting crystals have a brown tint and are completely ready for use.

What are the benefits of cane sugar?

Cane sugar is 88% sucrose. But in addition to sucrose, brown sugar also contains at least useful material:

  • Potassium- improves heart function and strengthens blood vessels, reduces arterial pressure. Promotes the absorption of proteins and fats. Cleanses the intestines and removes accumulated toxins from the human body;
  • Calcium- improves the condition of bones and tooth enamel. Promotes blood clotting and has a beneficial effect on brain function;
  • Zinc- keeps the skin youthful and makes the hair thick and shiny;
  • Copper- improves immune system person;
  • Phosphorus- improves brain and heart function;
  • Iron- strengthens blood vessels.

Brown sugar is extremely beneficial for human body, and must be included in your diet.

The harm of cane sugar

Unfortunately, sugar brings more disadvantages to our body than advantages. However, it should be remembered that sugar is harmful to a sweet tooth only if he consumes it in considerable quantities.

And eating even brown sugar can lead to such serious diseases as:

  1. Diabetes;
  2. Excess weight;
  3. Atherosclerosis;
  4. Allergic reaction.

If a person is sick diabetes mellitus, then he needs to try to completely eliminate sugar from his diet or at least sharply reduce its amount. For pancreatitis, bronchial asthma and oncology, you should also limit the consumption of any sugar.

When purchasing cane sugar in the store, give preference to sugar in transparent packaging. So you can take a closer look at it appearance. Carefully read the ingredients on the label; it should say sugar. unrefined.

Very often, colored beet sugar is sold under the guise of cane sugar. Of course, such a food product will not harm your body, but you will not get much benefit from this sugar. And you will pay for it like you would for brown sugar, which costs much more than white sugar.

What are the benefits of beet sugar?

Our native white sugar also contains a lot useful substances. Beet sugar contains useful microelements, but manufacturers often do not write about this on the packaging. After making beet sugar, dark molasses remains. And dark molasses is used to produce livestock feed and alcohol.

Beetroot juice contains not only sugar, but also a lot of other useful substances:

  • Protein;
  • Pectin;
  • Oxalic acid;
  • Malic acid;
  • Citric acid;
  • Potassium;
  • Sodium;
  • Magnesium;
  • Cesium;
  • Iron.

But it is worth noting that the manufacturers of white granulated sugar are behind the times. IN Soviet time was implemented granulated sugar yellow color. If enterprises did not have time to produce white granulated sugar, then sellers put yellow sugar on store shelves. Nowadays, yellow granulated sugar would cost more than white granulated sugar, as it is enriched with organic elements.

The harm of beet sugar

Beet sugar is harmful to our body only if we eat in large quantities. Because granulated sugar, like any other food product, should be consumed in moderation.

Excessive consumption of beet sugar leads to serious consequences such as:

  1. Decreased immunity;
  2. Improper metabolism;
  3. Increased cholesterol;
  4. Oncological diseases;
  5. Destruction of tooth enamel;
  6. Excess weight;
  7. Allergic reaction.

Now you know about the pros and cons of cane sugar and beet sugar. Now you can answer the question, “what is the difference between cane sugar and regular sugar”? Each of them contains useful and harmful properties. The main thing is not to consume them in large quantities. And it’s up to you to decide which sugar to choose!

Video about the difference between cane and regular sugar

White sugar has always been called white death, and brown sugar has been praised as healthy. Is there really a difference between them?

Brown sugar was “discovered” in Ancient India more than two thousand years ago, after accidentally discovering that the juice of one of the wildly growing canes was sweet. People considered it a gift from the gods; there is even a mention of it in the ancient Indian text Ramayana.

Napoleon gave white sugar to the whole world. It was needed as one of the symbols of French independence. At that time, the “sugar business” was a British monopoly because India was a British colony. Sugar prices were even higher than spices.

The poor could only eat leftovers sugar syrup, which was brought for processing - they scraped it off the bottom of the ships. Napoleon was irritated by this state of affairs. And he found a way out.

Before the emperor, no one believed in the ideas of the German scientist Andreas Markgraf. Meanwhile, he discovered a plant that can grow in countries with a temperate climate and does not require much investment - beets. Napoleon appreciated the idea and built beet factories throughout the country.
What kind of sugar did they eat in Russia 200 years ago?

Until the 19th century, Russia had “imported” cane sugar. It appeared back in the 12th century and, as in France, was on the tables only of the wealthy segments of the population. In the 17th century, Peter I even founded the “sugar department” - the sugar chamber. But everyone in Russia could afford to drink tea with sugar only in 1802 - that’s when the first beet sugar factory opened its doors.
As advertised

Russian entrepreneurs promoted the newly introduced white sugar as best they could. They packaged it not as it is today, but in the form of a “sugar loaf” - it’s easy to imagine by analogy with a “cheese loaf”; the weight reached 15 kg. These giant “heads” were placed as decorations in store windows to attract the attention of customers. One such head was even exhibited at the 1870 Manufacture Exhibition in St. Petersburg.

In contrast, European businessmen created a whole cult around brown sugar. They launched a whole line of accessories: sugar bowls, tongs, elegant stirring spoons. All this was considered luxury, attributes of a beautiful life.
Source: Pixabay/CC 0
Is there a difference in composition

Cane sugar is not refined. He himself has pleasant taste and caramel smell.

Beetroot must be refined, because without processing both the taste and smell are repulsive.

The main difference between cane sugar and white sugar is that it retains its fiber because it is not refined.

In addition, trace elements are preserved in cane sugar. According to the US National Food Database (which stores data on the composition and energy value almost all existing products), cane sugar contains more potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, and phosphorus. That is, more minerals. It also preserves vitamins.

Which sugar is sweeter

How white and brown sugar affect the body

Don’t be fooled by the fact that cane sugar retains fiber, minerals and vitamins. There aren't enough of them to make brown sugar harmless and healthy.
The World Health Organization recommends sugar consumption of less than 5% of calories consumed. This is equivalent to about 25 grams (about 6 teaspoons) of sugar per day for an adult with a normal body mass index.

That is, 5% is generally all the sugar that we eat: not only sweets, but also fruits and juices. Sugar is often hidden in finished products in hidden form, for example in ketchup and even in bread.

With such a small permissible quantity sugar, as WHO recommends, the presence of minerals and fiber in brown sugar will not play any role; it is much better to get it from vegetables.

Brown and white sugar have equal amounts of sucrose. This means that they “kill” the pancreas in the same way.

Why is brown sugar so expensive?

Its price in Russia is due to the fact that reed simply does not grow here. The price tag directly depends on transportation costs. But we also have such an interesting phenomenon as brown sugar PR. It is presented as a kind of “curiosity” - supposedly it is so expensive because there is very little of it in the world and it is mined by hand.

In fact, the production volume of white and brown sugar is almost the same. 60% of sugar in the world is cane, 40% is beet. Cane is obtained mainly in Brazil, India, Thailand, and China. White - in the USA, Russia, EU.

In some countries, cane sugar is actually “extracted” by hand - using machete knives. But this does not affect the prices of the final product: “living” labor is used because labor is cheap in these countries, and it is easier for businesses to pay for people’s work than for maintaining factories.
Brown sugar isn't always cane sugar

Often in stores, under the guise of “that same” unrefined cane sugar, white refined sugar, colored with molasses or refined cane sugar is sold. Therefore, on the packaging you should definitely look for “unrefined cane sugar”, and not just “brown”, “dark” and so on.


For the body there is no difference between cane and white sugar. Both of them have a bad effect on the pancreas because they force it to secrete a lot of the hormone insulin to process “sweets.” Consuming any sugar in quantities greater than what doctors recommend can result in metabolic disorders and diabetes.

Alas, we are earthly people, and we are unlikely to be able to cope with our “voluptuousness”. Anyone who eats sugar will still do it. White or brown is a matter of taste and money. And if you suddenly want to give up sugar, here are instructions based on personal experience.
