How to bake thin lavash at home. Thin lavash at home


  • flour - 600 g
  • ayran or water - 300 - 400 g
  • egg - 1 pc (you can do without eggs at all)
  • salt to taste
  • vegetable oil - 3-4 tbsp.
  • mix everything
  • knead the dough
  • divide into balls, roll out as thin as possible
  • bake in a dry frying pan

Surely many will think, why post a recipe for regular pita bread? After all, it consists of flour, water and salt! What to do there?)))) If you live in the Caucasus, then you probably don’t need this recipe! Your mother or grandmother will tell you better than all the Internet bloggers how to make this flatbread! However, I am sure that many who tried to make thin pita bread at home encountered difficulties.

Difficulty number one - what kind of dough should you make, hard or soft? If you make it hard, it will be very difficult to roll it out thinly! This leads to the next question.

How to make it really soft and elastic dough so that it is easy to roll out? So, I will devote this article to this issue. I will be based on my experience. If someone knows a better and more correct way, write in the comments!

Also, I would like to note that in this recipe Naturally, there is no talk of any yeast or baking powder. The effect you see in the photo (bubbles) occurs on its own when the dough is well kneaded and rested for a while. So let's start cooking Thin lavash at home.

Let's try! It’s nothing complicated, but it’s delicious, especially when it’s fresh and still crispy! Over some recipes you rack your brains and nerves, translate expensive ingredients, but what comes out is some mediocre crap))) Here it’s a different matter! The only point is that they need to be stored in plastic bag so as not to dry out. Some even spray them with water before putting them in the bag. I didn't have to do this. Bon Appetit everyone!

Lavash dishes

How to cook thin Armenian lavash at home. Refined taste according to special step by step recipe with photos and video instructions. Bon appetit!

30 min

210 kcal

5/5 (2)

What you need to know before cooking

Kitchen appliances:

  • spacious frying pan with non-stick coating with a diameter of 23 to 26 cm;
  • several spacious bowls with a capacity from 200 to 950 ml;
  • wooden spatula;
  • sieve;
  • sharp knife;
  • cutting board;
  • medium or large grater;
  • metal whisk;
  • measuring utensils or kitchen scales;
  • cotton and linen towels;
  • oven mitts;
  • blender and food processor.

The basis:


  • 2 boiled eggs;
  • 7 g ground black pepper;
  • 25 g of greens (onion, dill, parsley).


Cooking sequence


  1. Pour the flour into a sieve and sift thoroughly several times.
  2. Boil water, then let it cool until room temperature and bring to a boil again.
  3. Melt the creamy margarine for frying in a water bath or in the microwave.
  4. Chop the boiled eggs using a knife or a special attachment in a food processor.
  5. Finely chop the greens with a knife or grind in a blender.

At this stage, you can use your imagination and come up with additional components to enhance the aroma of pita bread and give it a more appetizing appearance. For example, I highly recommend adding your favorite spices - in my case, curry, rosemary or thyme. However, if you are not sure what flavor a particular seasoning will give to a dish, it is better not to add it.



Important! Armenian lavash can be easily prepared in microwave oven. To do this, place the prepared flatbread in a wide microwave-safe container and sprinkle it with filling. Bake the pita bread on the highest setting for about a minute or two, without turning it over or opening the oven door during the process.

Ready! Now you know exactly how to do Armenian lavash. Amazing delicious products do not take too long to cool, so serve them immediately on one common dish so that family members can take them to their plate one at a time.
My aunt, who is particularly turbulent culinary fantasy, sprinkles often finished goods from lavash dried garlic , mixed with sour cream or full-fat kefir, and the dish is decorated with green onion feathers.
But keep in mind that if you have prepared pita bread, store it in a plastic bag, otherwise it will dry out and lose all its taste.

Attention to video

Watch the video on how to properly knead the dough and fry excellent lavash in Armenian style.

I prefer to eat lavash without filling with mayonnaise, fat sour cream or other suitable sauce. However, my husband cannot imagine an evening without shawarma from homemade pita bread.
Below I would like to offer you more Several variants using Armenian lavash as a side dish or main dish.

  • Serving lunch give up bread, which we usually serve with soups or borscht. Better serve fresh ones instead hot pita bread– it is much lower in calories and is incredibly suitable for first courses.
  • Season your products Caesar, chili or Tabasco sauce. Soy sauce also goes great with them.
  • Come up with products original filling : it could be anything from sour plums and apples to minced meat.
  • Lavash is great for cooking great sandwiches: Just bake them thicker and use them as bread. Also from thin pancakes turn out great cakes and pies.
  • Cut the cooled pita bread into thin and long strips to get amazingly tasty homemade noodles.

Having cooked delicious pita bread, you will definitely want to improve your cooking skills famous dish armenian cuisine.
Try to cook the most tender

Delicious, tempting, melt-in-your-mouth shawarma, you just want to cook it at home. But not every follower of this snack knows how to make pita bread for shawarma. In fact, there is nothing complicated; all manipulations are carried out at home using available components. Today we will present you recipes for cheese, mustard, Armenian, tomato, yeast, yeast-free and other variations of lavash. Try it and enjoy!

Lavash for shawarma: “classic”

  • yeast - 7 gr.
  • flour - 720 gr.
  • granulated sugar, salt - 8 g each.
  • water - 240 ml.
  • vegetable oil - 50 ml.

We will first describe how the base (dough) is prepared, and below we will indicate exactly how to bake pita bread.

1. So, we combine warm filtered water with granulated sugar and salt, introduce the yeast.

2. Sift the flour into a container, pour in the previously prepared water mixture and oil, and stir at the same time.

3. When the mass is thick and homogeneous and does not stick to your hands, it must be covered with a cotton towel and left to “simmer” for a third of an hour. Then you can start baking.

Lavash for shawarma without yeast

  • flour - 720 gr.
  • water (can be replaced with whey) - 240 ml.
  • salt - 8 gr.

1. If water is used, it must be preheated to 35 degrees. Bring the whey to room temperature.

2. Mix the liquid with salt, add the flour sifted several times in small portions. Stir.

3. The final dough should not tear, because it will need to be stretched a lot before baking. Kneading is carried out until an elastic base is obtained.

4. It’s easy to prepare a flatbread without yeast, just like making pita bread for shawarma according to classic scheme. After kneading, let the workpiece stand at home for about half an hour.

Lavash with yeast

  • flour (sifted) - 480 gr.
  • yeast - 7 gr.
  • whey - 230 ml.

1. Combine the yeast with flour, add a pinch of salt. Warm up the whey in advance and pour it into the bulk ingredients.

2. Knead, then divide the entire volume into balls with a diameter of about 6 cm. Place separately from each other, cover with a towel and set aside for 45 minutes.

Cheese pita bread for shawarma

  • cheese durum(grate) - 90 gr.
  • flour - 240 gr.
  • granulated sugar - 15 gr.
  • butter - 60 gr.
  • water - 130 ml.
  • yeast - 9-10 gr.
  • salt - 7 gr.

1. First, combine the heated water according to the recipe with granulated sugar and yeast. Add salt, cheese shavings, sifted flour 2-3 times. Melt the butter and add it here.

2. Mix the ingredients until smooth, then divide into several equal parts. It is better to distribute it immediately into balls 5 cm in diameter.

3. Time it for 10-15 minutes. Then knead again, start rolling out the flatbreads and further baking (we will describe the technology below).

Armenian lavash with vodka

  • eggs - 1 pc.
  • flour - 950 gr.
  • sunflower oil - 50 ml.
  • salt - 10 gr.
  • water - 300-320 ml.
  • vodka - 25 ml.

This recipe is suitable for those who do not know how to make real Armenian lavash for shawarma. In professional bakeries and at home, it is traditionally baked from dough with vodka.

1. Mix oil and salt, pour this mixture into water. Place the saucepan on the stove and bring to the first bubbles.

2. Sift separately flour mixture several times, make a hole in the mixture and break an egg into it. Pour in vodka, stir until smooth without lumps.

3. Now slowly pour the mixture from the saucepan into the flour base. Stir at the same time. When the mixture has partially cooled, knead with your hands.

4. Roll into a ball, wrap in film and time for 1.5 hours. During this period, the dough must be kneaded once.

5. When the set time comes to an end, divide the entire volume into balls the size of egg. Roll out and get ready to bake.

Lavash with tomato juice

  • yeast - 8 gr.
  • flour - 450 gr.
  • tomato juice - 200 ml.
  • spices - to taste

1. If the juice is not salted, season it with salt and spices to your taste. Enter the yeast, wait for it to dissolve and add flour in small portions.

2. Knead the contents, leave in a warm place for half an hour. Then knead in flour and divide into several pieces the size of a tennis ball. Cover, time for another quarter of an hour and roll out.

Mustard pita bread for shawarma

  • mustard - 30 gr.
  • flour - 250 gr.
  • vegetable oil - 50 ml.
  • water - 240 ml.
  • salt, dried herbs - at your discretion

Since making pita bread for shawarma is quite easy, follow simple instructions at home.

1. Dissolve mustard, a pinch of salt and oil in water. Send homogeneous mass on the fire, wait for it to boil. When bubbles first appear, pour the liquid into the bowl of flour.

2. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and wait for it to cool. After this, feel free to roll out the dough as thin as possible. As a result, you will end up with a flatbread that just needs to be baked.

Technology for baking pita bread for shawarma

1. Divide ready dough on portioned pieces. Roll out the dough into thin flat cakes. During this manipulation, do not forget to generously sprinkle the dough with flour. The thickness of the cake should be about 2 mm.

3. Be sure to spray the finished pita bread with water from a spray bottle or cover it with damp gauze. This way the cakes will remain soft. Once the pita bread has cooled, transfer it to a bag to prevent it from drying out.

After studying all the recipes and familiarizing yourself with baking technology, it is not difficult to understand how to make pita bread. This flatbread is ideal for shawarma and preparing other rolls at home.

Hello, dear readers! Did you know that lavash, pasties and others bread products in Armenia and other Asian countries they are kneaded without yeast, and even with hot water? In Russian cuisine, this type of dough is rather an exception - a curiosity.

Essentially, lavash is custard yeast-free dough, distributed in a very thin layer. It is baked in a frying pan or baking tray. From thin pita bread you can make layered cake, Napoleon cake, shawarma, lavash with cottage cheese and herbs.

But how to make pita bread at home? And will it work? For you - yes. Because now you will learn the secrets of its successful preparation.

Making your own lavash

Classic Armenian thin lavash consists of three ingredients:

  • Flour;
  • Salt;
  • Water.

Step-by-step recipe for making it:

  1. We heat the water to 60-70 °C. Pour it into a glass.
  2. Take half a teaspoon of salt and dissolve it in hot water, which is not at all difficult to do.
  3. Prepare a wide enamel bowl, pour three cups of flour into it.
  4. Make a well in the middle of the flour mound, pour hot salted water into it, and quickly knead the dough with a fork or whisk. In the latter case, most of the dough will end up inside the whisk, but that's okay. The dough is not stiff and not too sticky.
  5. The dough must be kneaded directly in the bowl. This will take no more than 10 minutes. If the dough continues to stick to your hands, you can add a little flour. It is necessary to take into account that the dough should not be steep.
  6. If you bake pita bread in a frying pan, then the dough can be divided into 10-12 parts.
  7. Generously sprinkle flour on the table. Let's take out a rolling pin. Place the first lump of dough on the flour.
  8. Before you start rolling, the rolling pin must be dusted with flour so that the dough does not stick.
  9. Roll out the dough to 1 mm thickness. This is the maximum ( important point!) thickness of the preparation of Armenian thin bread. All blanks are rolled out in advance. You can stack them on top of each other without fear, they will not stick together. They do not contain yeast, and so much flour is used for rolling that it completely covers the surface of the pita bread like white powder on the face of a French fashionista of the 18th century.
  10. The frying pan, preferably cast iron, is placed on gas. Without adding any fat or oil, the pita bread is fried on both sides. One loaf of bread will take no more than 1-1.5 minutes (depending on the intensity of the burner).

How to properly prepare delicious pita bread is only part of the secret; the other half of the trick is how to make it pliable.

To prevent the flatbreads from remaining brittle, after removing them from the pan, they must be immediately covered with a lid. This is how they should cool down.

Hot flatbreads are brittle, but when cooled under a lid they become elastic. If they are needed for preparing envelopes, pies, rolls later, then they must be placed in plastic bags.

What is the secret of thin dough

Among my friends there are many girls from Central Asia. Their cooking skills will never cease to amaze. The most thin dough, which I managed to roll out without ruining it, had a thickness of at least 4 mm.

If you cook dumplings yourself, then you understand what I'm talking about. Roll out the dough mixed with cold water, a thin, even layer is quite problematic. And my girlfriends rolled out a whole “tablecloth” from a 100-gram piece of dough.

It turned out that the dough in hot water has greater density and elasticity. Use it!

By the way, thin unleavened lavash has a feature - long term storage (of course, at normal air humidity). In a plastic bag it retains its elasticity for a long time. Buying ready-made lavash in the store, I noticed that the texture of the bag was very similar to those used for freezing food. So pita bread can also be stored in freezer, it will not lose its qualities.

And here is the video - thin flatbread with your own hands:

Let me take my leave with this. The ideas for a healthy, low-calorie diet are endless. Subscribe to blog updates. I will try to make your fasting and diet joyful and varied in terms of nutrition. Share this article with your friends via social network. See you soon!

Mini Tips for Losing Weight

    Reduce your portions by a third - that's what will help you lose weight! Short and to the point :)

    Add more or stop? When this question arises, it’s definitely time to stop eating. This is the body giving you a signal that you will be full soon, otherwise you would not doubt it.

    If you tend to overeat in the evenings, then take a warm shower before dinner. 5-7 minutes, and you already have a completely different mood and attitude towards food. Try it - it works.

    No matter how delicious the food is, you will eat it many more times. This is not the last meal of your life! Remind yourself of this when you feel like you can’t stop and are frantically swallowing piece after piece.

    Our environment influences us - that's a fact! Avoid conversations like “I lost weight and couldn’t”, “but we’ll still remain fat”, “ good man there must be a lot." Well, even if there are “a lot” of them, what do you have to do with it?

Our hostesses began preparing such an appetizer as lavash roll recently, and Home Restaurant I already wrote how to prepare a lavash roll with crab sticks and mushrooms, and told me how to make lavash rolls with cheese and arugula.

Both recipes are very good, but the roll in pita bread is a huge field for culinary experiments, and with the holidays approaching, why not let your imagination run wild? Therefore, I decided to collect my favorite lavash recipes from with different fillings one article, and if you have your own original ideas How do you prepare lavash roll, please share in the comments. Delicious lavash roll perfect snack for the holiday, so my collection will constantly be replenished with delicious fillings for lavash.

Quick snacks from lavash are a trump card modern housewives, and you can prepare delicious lavash with filling in literally a matter of minutes. I really hope, friends, that my ideas for filling lavash will make it easier for you to plan your holiday menu. Stuffed pita bread This is not only a decoration for any holiday table, but a tasty, satisfying and versatile snack that, as a rule, is liked by all guests without exception.

1. Lavash stuffed with “Cheese mix”

Such an appetizer as a lavash roll with cheese will surprise few people, but I still suggest you try to prepare a recipe for lavash with cheese that even the most sophisticated will like cheese gourmets. The recipe uses different varieties cheese, which you can change to your taste so that you get new pita cheese rolls every time.

It turns out like this cheese mix– very tasty and interesting, unusual and appetizing! So I definitely recommend trying a lavash roll with three types of cheese - you can surprise the most picky guests with such an appetizer. I wrote how to make pita bread with cheese.

2. Lavash with “Holiday Fantasy” filling

Delicious lavash snacks amaze with the variety of options, and lavash roll with red fish is rightfully considered royal snack. But different interpretations on culinary theme, there are quite a lot of types of fish rolls, and today I bring to your attention a lavash roll with salmon, green salad and cheese.

They turn out very tasty and holiday rolls from Armenian lavash. Lightly salted salmon goes well with delicate sausage cheese, and green onions and crunchy salad add freshness to the pita snack. Such a fish roll made from lavash will decorate any holiday table and bring novelty to the traditional holiday menu. Recipe .

3. Lavash stuffed with “Crab Paradise”

Crab lavash roll was my very first Armenian lavash with filling, which I prepared in my kitchen. This pita roll with crab sticks received a lot of feedback among my friends and acquaintances, and since then different rolls pita bread with crab sticks are frequent guests on my festive table.

Crab sticks go well with pickled champignons, and tender processed cheese OK in company with garlic and fragrant greenery give this light snack piquancy. This Armenian lavash roll is very simple to prepare, and the most labor-intensive part is preparing the ingredients. How to make lavash roll " Crab heaven", you can see .

4. Lavash with “Nostalgia” filling

It’s hard to surprise sophisticated admirers of a variety of cold lavash snacks, but I’ll try anyway. Recipes for dishes made from Armenian lavash amaze with their variety of options, and if you are looking for a new and interesting filling for lavash, I bring to your attention delicious lavash stuffed with “Nostalgia” with sprats and cheese.

This is exactly the case when the most ordinary and traditional products for us make an incredible holiday snack with the taste of our favorite sprats and a delicate cheese filling with garlic flavor. Lavash rolls with sprats will definitely please all your guests, and this snack roll Lavash can rightfully be considered a universal snack. If you haven’t changed your mind about making sprats roll, then add the recipe to your bookmarks, or print it directly from the website. Recipe .

5. Lavash with “Kumushka” filling

It’s most convenient to use proven recipes before the holidays, and delicious fillings for lavash is worth its weight in gold, but if you want to surprise your guests with a new and interesting snack, then I bring to your attention a lavash roll with mushrooms and smoked chicken. Lavash roll with chicken and mushrooms turns out incredible! All the ingredients in this filling combine perfectly. Fried mushrooms with onions in the company of smoked chicken breast complements soft melted cheese.

This thin lavash filling is perfect for an outdoor event, or for an office feast, because... mushroom roll pita bread with chicken can be prepared in advance, it will not leak or float long-term storage. I wrote how to prepare an appetizer of pita bread with chicken and mushrooms.

6. Lavash with Santorini filling

Crab pita rolls may rightfully be considered a classic holiday appetizer, but today I want to introduce you to crab pita rolls in a completely different light. Meet: delicious roll from lavash with crab sticks, feta cheese, dill and sour cream!

The output is very interesting option fillings for lavash with traditional ingredients and Greek notes in the taste. Plus, these crab stick rolls make a great picnic snack idea. Interesting? You can see the recipe for how to make Santorini pita roll.

7. Lavash with Deja Vu filling

Let's prepare filled rolls, the basis of which will be the forgotten salad with crab sticks in a slightly updated culinary interpretation. Such crab roll made from pita bread will become a welcome snack on your holiday table, and will certainly complement your pita bread snack recipes.

Lavash rolls with crab sticks turn out juicy thanks to lettuce and mayonnaise, and eggs and processed cheese make this lavash snack satisfying and perfect for strong alcoholic drinks. It will be delicious, believe me! You can see how to prepare a pita roll with crab sticks “Deja Vu”.

8. Lavash with “Five Minutes” filling

My recent discovery is a lavash roll with ham and Korean carrots. It turns out to be a very tasty roll of thin lavash, honestly! And how beautiful - bright and sunny! And this is exactly the case when a lavash snack roll is prepared in a matter of minutes. Despite the simplicity of the ingredients, you will get a tasty and inexpensive snack on holiday. How to prepare a lavash roll with Korean carrots and ham, I wrote.

9. Lavash with “Fish Fantasy” filling

Fish roll from pita bread - this does not mean that you need to prepare an appetizer from expensive red fish. If you prepare a lavash roll with canned fish, it will turn out no less tasty and festive, and your wallet will definitely not suffer.

So that you really succeed delicious snack from pita bread with canned food, I recommend using canned tuna And hard cheese. Will complement our lavash fish rolls, creating visual contrast, fresh leaves lettuce and mayonnaise. You can see how to make a lavash roll with canned food.

10. Lavash with “Aquarium” filling

If you are planning a holiday menu and are looking for a universal appetizer, then a pita roll with red fish and shrimp is exactly what you need! Fish roll made from lavash accompanied by shrimp, soft melted cheese and fresh salad add up to the perfect snack.

The results are very tasty red fish rolls with a pronounced seafood taste and delicate melted cheese. Even gourmets will not refuse to try your lavash roll with salmon and shrimp! I wrote how to cook pita bread with red fish, cheese and shrimp.

11. Lavash with Cardinal filling

Are you looking for something you can cook from thin lavash to make it interesting and original? Best fillings for lavash, I have collected for you in one place, and I invite you to try making a lavash roll of herring fillets and avocado. At first glance, it might seem: what does overseas avocado have to do with our Russian herring?

But the combination spicy herring with soft nutty taste The avocado is simply amazing! Pita bread is complemented with herring cucumber, egg, mustard beans and mayonnaise – great option to add Armenian lavash recipes to your cooking notebook. You can see the recipe.

12. Lavash with “Dietary” filling

If you're looking for a pita roll recipe that won't add... extra centimeters to the waist, then lavash with herbs and feta cheese will come in handy. Delicious rolls stuffed with feta cheese, cucumber, sour cream and herbs are suitable not only as a picnic snack for barbecue, but also as a snack for the holidays.

The most important advantage of this pita roll with cheese is its juiciness. Although this quality can also be rivaled by the simplicity and availability of ingredients. Ease of preparation and minimum calories also claim the palm. You can see the recipe for lavash with feta cheese, cucumber and sour cream.

New fillings:

13. Lavash with “Sausage” filling

A lavash roll with sausage and Korean carrots will definitely please both adults and children. It’s hard to call this thin lavash roll holiday snack, but perfect as a picnic snack! Juicy tomatoes, soft melted cheese and delicious sausage goes well with spicy Korean carrots, and crispy lettuce leaves give this appetizer an appetizing look. You can see how to prepare a roll of Armenian lavash with sausage.

14. Lavash with “Squirrel” filling

Salads in lavash are replacing the traditional serving of salads in plates, and the lavash roll with Belochka cheese is a clear confirmation of this. The most tender cheese appetizer With spicy taste garlic Try it, you will definitely love the delicious lavash roll with cheese filling! It’s easy to prepare and your guests will love it! You can see the recipe for pita bread with cheese.
