Herring pate with butter. Herring pate with onions

Southern Europe is famous for its terrines and pates made from game, poultry and fish. Slavic cuisine not only borrowed most of the recipes for first-class pates from France, but also supplemented them with its own, authentic version of the appetizer. Salted herring pate is a know-how from Soviet times, when even with a shortage of food, chefs were able to create incredibly tasty, but at the same time quite simple dishes.

Herring pate prepared from filleted lightly salted herring passed through a blender or meat grinder. Specific rich taste fish are usually diluted with butter, soft cheese, cottage cheese, boiled potatoes or carrots chicken egg, white or rye bread. Season the dish with garlic and coriander, cumin and grated nutmeg, herbs such as oregano, basil, parsley, dill.

Grandmothers and mothers will probably remember “butter with red fish,” which was prepared from boiled carrots, butter and herring, or Jewish pate - an unusual combination of salted fish, cottage cheese and stale white bread. Students of Soviet times are probably familiar with the taste of “namazka” - herring fillet twisted with potatoes, onions and butter.

Besides old recipes, exist and modern options pates containing nuts, white wine and cream, seafood and tropical fruits such as mango, kiwi or avocado.

The finished pate is served as independent dish, placed in portioned cocotte bowls (cream bowls) or taken out on toast, in tartlets and canapés. The dish can also be used to create buffet snacks (rolls, envelopes, etc.).

You can evaluate which recipes are tastier—new or time-tested—by trying out the recipes below in practice.

Pate with red fish

A delicious economy-class decoy, suitable for sandwiches and filling snacks.

List of ingredients:

  • Processed cheese – 200 g.
  • Herring fillet – 300 g.
  • Chicken egg – 4-5 pcs.
  • Butter – 100-150 g.
  • Garlic optional.
  • Onions – 1 pc.
  • Pepper.
  • Salt.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil and peel the carrots. All components of the pate: prepared boneless fillet, boiled eggs and carrots, a chilled stick of butter and processed cheese pass through a meat grinder.
  2. Grate the onion fine grater. If you grind it together with other products, large grains will be felt.
  3. Mix the onion pulp well with the base of the snack. A homogeneous glossy mass with orange splashes should form.
  4. Cool the pate and use as intended. The composition contains butter, so it is not advisable to combine the snack with hot toast.

Pate "Student"

The pate is good not only for sandwiches, but also for filling lavash, flatbreads, unleavened wheat, buckwheat pancakes. It is prepared in two versions: with fresh onions or sautéed in butter.

List of ingredients:

  • Herring fillet – 400 g.
  • Potatoes – 200 g.
  • Butter – 70 g.
  • Dried dill - to taste.
  • Dried garlic - to taste.
  • Pepper.
  • Salt.
  • Onion – 2 pcs.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil and cool the potatoes slightly. While still warm, beat it with butter, spices and dried dill(garlic).
  2. Remove the herring fillet from all bones and skin. Soak in water if it is too salty.
  3. Sauté finely chopped onion in a couple of tablespoons of butter. It is necessary to bring it to a barely golden state, avoiding the formation of burnt edges.
  4. Pass through a meat grinder and combine with mashed potatoes and mashed with a fork (chopped in a blender) sautéed onion.
  5. Use to make sandwiches and other cold snacks.

Jewish pate

The composition of the dish is very similar to mincemeat. This dish also applies to Jewish cuisine. This recipe does not contain apples or fresh bread, but salted grainy cottage cheese is included. The combination is peculiar, but memorable. You can also add it to a snack, ground into a paste. onion.

List of ingredients:

  • Herring fillet – 400 g.
  • Granular cottage cheese in cream – 100 g.
  • Breadcrumbs – 100 g.
  • Green onions– 30 g.
  • Fresh parsley or dill (leaves only) – 30 g.
  • Milk – 300 ml.
  • Pepper.
  • Salt.
  • Ground coriander as desired.

Cooking method:

  1. Carefully select the bones from the fillet, cut it into small pieces and pour low-fat milk for an hour.
  2. Pour the salted cream into a separate bowl.
  3. Rinse the fish and pass through a large meat grinder along with cottage cheese, onion and parsley.
  4. At the very end, pass a few crusts of any kind through the mouth of a meat grinder. stale bread. It will collect the remaining pulp, and the instrument will be easier to clean.
  5. Mix the pate base with breadcrumbs and mix thoroughly using an immersion blender or fork.
  6. Then gradually add salted cream to the thick pate, keeping an eye on the consistency. After achieving the desired result, taste and season with salt and spices.
  7. Serve chilled.

Herring pate with nuts and apples

The most delicious and famous way to prepare herring pate. Thanks also to Jewish cuisine for the recipe.

List of ingredients:

  • Herring fillet – 400 g.
  • Chicken egg - 3 pcs.
  • Stale loaf – 200 g.
  • Sweet and sour apple – 100-150 g.
  • Walnuts – 50 g.
  • Onions – 2 pcs.
  • Apple cider vinegar – 1 tbsp. l.
  • Mustard – 1 tsp.
  • Pepper.
  • Lemon juice – 20 ml. (1 tbsp.)
  • Salt.
  • Nutmeg.

Cooking method:

  1. Remove all bones from the fillet and soak it for 30 minutes to an hour in cold water.
  2. Boil hard-boiled eggs. Cooking time is at least 7 minutes.
  3. Peel and core a large apple and cut it into several pieces.
  4. Finely chop a large onion.
  5. Heat in a dry frying pan walnuts and sift them from the remaining bitter skins. Chop them coarsely in a blender using pulse mode.
  6. All components of the pate: chopped herring, eggs and apple, stale bread, vegetable oil, spices and vinegar with mustard place in a blender bowl.
  7. Grind until a uniform glossy mass is obtained. Pour coarsely chopped nuts into the prepared pate and mix everything with a spoon. You can add some fresh or dried herbs to the dish.
  8. Adjust to desired taste with salt and spices.
  9. Cool before serving.
  10. Herring pate with caviar

    An original pate with a twist for buffets and festive dinners.

    List of ingredients:

  • Chicken yolks – 5 pcs.
  • Herring fillet – 400 g.
  • Green onions with white part – 30 g.
  • Vegetable oil – 20-30 ml.
  • Butter – 100 g.
  • Small salted caviar (cod, capelin) – 30-50 g.
  • Cream or fat sour cream – 30 g.
  • Pickled cucumber – 1-2 pcs.
  • Pepper.
  • Salt.

Cooking method:

  1. Remove the bones and wash the fillet, cut into pieces as desired.
  2. Grind chicken yolks with vegetable or melted butter until a thick paste forms. Add small caviar capelin or cod.
  3. Puree the herring fillet, peeled pickled cucumber, butter and green onions in a blender. Add sour cream or cream. Season to taste with salt and pepper.
  4. Spread the herring mass into portion molds. Make a depression in the center and place the yolks and caviar there. Stir in a spiral with a spoon to form a two-color pate.
  5. You can also simply mix two parts of the pate into one with a spoon. A blender is not suitable for these purposes, as it will destroy all the eggs.
  6. Cool before serving.

Have you ever tried herring pate? If not, then quickly start preparing it. Believe me, you will like it so much that you will never buy pates in stores again. This taste is crazy!

Classic recipe

How to cook:

  1. The butter must first be removed from the refrigerator so that it becomes soft and can be worked with;
  2. Wash the herring, rip open its belly and remove everything unnecessary;
  3. Next, remove the skin from the meat, and the meat, in turn, from the bones;
  4. Wash and remove bones from the fillet; rinse;
  5. Cut into small cubes and mix with peeled, washed, grated carrots;
  6. Next, transfer this mass to a blender or meat grinder. In the second case, scroll at least twice to achieve the desired texture;
  7. Mix the resulting mass with butter - the pate is ready! All that remains is to season to taste.

Herring pate with butter and egg

  • 3 herrings;
  • 15 g walnuts;
  • 200 g butter;
  • 4 eggs;
  • 2 onions.

Time: 50 min + 12 h.

Calories: 252.


  1. Remove the heads and tails of the fish, disassemble them and remove the bones;
  2. Open the bellies, remove the entrails and wash the inside of the carcasses;
  3. Remove the skin from the herring and cut the flesh into cubes;
  4. Cut the butter, put it in a saucepan and put it on the stove;
  5. Let it melt and then cool to room temperature;
  6. Place the eggs in a saucepan, add water and place over medium heat;
  7. From the moment the water boils, time it for fifteen minutes;
  8. Cool the finished eggs, then peel and cut into quarters;
  9. Peel the onion and cut it into very small cubes;
  10. Pour the nuts into a dry frying pan and heat them until golden brown;
  11. After this, they should be cooled a little and then used further;
  12. Mix fish, eggs, onions and nuts;
  13. Place the mixture in parts into a meat grinder, scroll through a fine mesh;
  14. Repeat the process twice more so that the mass is as smooth and homogeneous as possible;
  15. Add spices to taste, oil to the resulting pate, mix everything;
  16. Place in a resealable container and refrigerate for twelve hours.

Herring pate with melted cheese

  • 140 g carrots;
  • 1 herring;
  • 200 g processed cheese.

Time: 40 min.

Calories: 164.

How to make pate:

Smoked salted herring pate

  • 5 g anchovies (1 piece);
  • 3 g grated nutmeg;
  • 250 g smoked herring;
  • 15 ml cream;
  • 110 g butter.

Time: 35 min.

Calories: 331.

Product processing:

  1. Wash the herring and place in a saucepan with water;
  2. Place it over high heat to quickly bring the water to a boil;
  3. When the water boils, wait a minute, then turn off the heat and drain the water;
  4. Cool the fish, peel the meat from skin and bones, rinse the fillet;
  5. Cut the butter and put it in a saucepan, place it on the stove and melt;
  6. Chop the canned anchovy fillet a little and mix with herring;
  7. Pass through a meat grinder two or three times for a smoother consistency;
  8. Add cream, half the butter, nutmeg and other spices to taste;
  9. Mix everything and put it in a bowl, pour the rest of the butter on top and serve with bread.

Jewish recipe

  • 2 sour apples;
  • 15 ml lemon juice;
  • 1 herring;
  • 70 g butter;
  • 1 shallot;
  • 1 egg;
  • 4 g fresh ginger.

Time: 35 min.

Calories: 156.

Preparing the pate:

  1. The fish must be washed and then cut along the spine;
  2. Pull out the ridge and trim the meat from the bones;
  3. Cut them into small pieces and set aside temporarily;
  4. Wash the apples, peel and cut the pulp into cubes;
  5. Sprinkle them with citrus juice and stir;
  6. Peel the onion and cut it into rings;
  7. Peel the ginger and grate it or crush it;
  8. Place onions, herring, ginger and apples in a blender and blend until smooth;
  9. Stir soft butter into the resulting mass;
  10. Boil the egg until tender, add only the grated white to the pate;
  11. Beat all ingredients again until smooth;
  12. Season to taste, stir, place in a container and put in the refrigerator.

Recipe for herring pate with cottage cheese

  • 2 fish fillets;
  • 10 walnuts;
  • 220 ml milk;
  • 50 g butter;
  • 270 g of fat cottage cheese.

Time: 20 min.

Calories: 214.

Preparing snacks:

  1. We used store-bought fillets, but you can buy two whole fish and cut them yourself. The only important thing to remember is to check for bones;
  2. Cut the finished, peeled herring meat into cubes;
  3. Pour the nuts into a dry frying pan, dry them until golden brown;
  4. Then cool a little and exfoliate as much as possible with your hands;
  5. Mix nuts with cottage cheese, milk and fish;
  6. Pass all this through a meat grinder at least two, and preferably three times. This amount of grinding guarantees the uniformity of the future product;
  7. Add spices and soft butter to the pate, which was previously removed from the refrigerator;
  8. Mix everything with a spatula or use a mixer.

Since the pate contains butter, of course, it will freeze well in the refrigerator. Therefore, we advise you to place the pate on cling film, shape it into a sausage and put it in the refrigerator in this form. Before use, either remove shortly or cut the prepared snack into rings.

If the fish you bought is too salty, then this can be corrected. You need to wash it and soak it in regular milk or strong black tea, not two, but preferably three hours. After this, the product, of course, is washed and used further for its intended purpose.

Many people like the consistency of pate, but there are certainly people who like to stand out. It is for such people that we propose to chop fish fillet use a sharp knife to cut into the minced meat and do not use a meat grinder. Then the pieces of fish will be felt, and the taste will be special.

Herring pate can be used for more than just greasing bread. It is perfect as a cream for savory cakes. They can also be used to stuff eggs or boiled/baked jacket potatoes and even pancakes!

To make the taste of the snack even more unusual, we suggest adding pieces of pickled or fresh onions to the list of ingredients. You can also add onions poached in butter or salted/pickled cucumbers. Agree, this is unusual!

If you have never made homemade herring pate before, then you should pick up the best of our recipes for yourself as soon as possible and be surprised at what deliciousness you can prepare at home in a few minutes!

Herring pate is a classic creamy fish taste with seasonings and vegetable additives. There are only 2 required components: fresh herring, a fatty fermented milk product. It’s worth trying options that have already become traditional.

Classic recipe


  • herring – 1 medium;
  • carrots – 1 medium;
  • butter – 110 - 120 g.

Cooking steps:

  1. The butter is allowed to soften in a warm place until it reaches the consistency of cream.
  2. The entrails, head, bones, tail, and skin are removed from the herring, periodically washing the carcass and hands under water.
  3. Wash the fillets again and absorb the water with a paper towel.
  4. Clean dry fish meat is cut.
  5. The carrots are cut so that they are easily ground in a blender (meat grinder).
  6. Fish slices and carrots are passed through a meat grinder several times and brought to the consistency of a delicate puree. If you have a blender, it is better to use it.
  7. Beat the butter into the mixture with a spoon fish puree. It is important that whole pieces of butter are not felt in the mass.
  8. Spices are chosen at your discretion, but salt and pepper are enough for a rich taste.

With melted cheese


  • herring – 1;
  • carrots - 2 medium tubers;
  • 2 fat (from 50%) cheese.

Cooking steps:

  1. Let the carrots cook.
  2. Prepare the herring: separate the head, remove the entrails, skin and ridge with tail. The remaining bones are removed by hand so that the meat remains clean. Individual thin bones will not be noticeable when crushed. The fillets are cleaned under water.
  3. Soft, fully cooked carrots are cut.
  4. Slices of fish, cheese, and carrots are chopped 2 times in a meat grinder or 1 time in a blender.
  5. Spices and herbs are introduced differently, but care is taken not to interrupt the main taste.
  6. Store the dish for several days, covered (to prevent a crust from appearing) in the refrigerator.
  7. For freshness and color, you can add fresh green herbs (cilantro, parsley, basil).

Cooking with butter and egg


  • herring – 2;
  • any nuts – 40 - 50 g (2 tbsp.);
  • onion – 1 medium;
  • eggs – 2 – 3 pcs.;
  • butter – 125 g (half a pack).

Cooking step:

  1. The solid butter is left to soften to a creamy texture.
  2. Eggs are boiled until the yolk is hard (10 minutes - from the supermarket, 13 minutes - homemade).
  3. The fish is cleaned from the head, entrails, ridge, tail, small bones, wash.
  4. Peel and cut the onion into large pieces.
  5. Nuts on hot frying pan cook for a few minutes until light golden brown. The main thing is to heat it well (but not burn it) so that the taste becomes spicy, not “raw”.
  6. Scroll all products several times in a meat grinder (blender).
  7. IN tender puree Add butter and spices without pieces.
  8. It is advisable to leave the dish to “rest” in the refrigerator (so that the meat absorbs juices and aromas).

Salted herring and cottage cheese pate


  • herring – 2 carcasses;
  • any nuts – 15 pieces;
  • milk – 1 - 1.5 tbsp;
  • oil – 2 - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • fat cottage cheese – 0.25 kg.

Cooking steps:

  1. Only clean fillets are taken from the fish (everything is removed, including the skin and as many small bones as possible), which is divided into slices.
  2. The nuts are baked in the oven (in a frying pan).
  3. All products are scrolled in a meat grinder 2-3 times (or whipped once in a blender).
  4. Beat the resulting paste with oil, herbs, seasonings, and salt.
  5. Let the pate brew in the refrigerator.

Forshmak - Jewish recipe


  • herring – 1;
  • soft butter - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • onion – 1;
  • apples (sour) – 2;
  • lemon - half;
  • egg - 1 white;
  • ginger - on the tip of a tsp.

Cooking steps:

  1. Cleaned fish (fillet without skin) is cut.
  2. Peeled apples (with skin) are divided into slices and mixed with fresh juice lemon.
  3. Boiled egg whites, fish, onions, and apples are minced in a meat grinder.
  4. Grind fish paste With soft oil, ginger.
  5. Don't forget to add salt and spices.
  6. Leave in the refrigerator to mix flavors.

With lemon and ginger


  • herring – 1-2 fillets without skin;
  • oil – 3 – 5 tbsp. l. (in softened form);
  • lemon – 0.5;
  • onion – 0.5 onions;
  • ginger root puree – 1 tsp;
  • herbs, spices.

Cooking steps:

  1. Divide the fillet into 2-3 pieces so that they can be easily chopped in a meat grinder (blender).
  2. Herring, lemon zest and juice, onion, herbs, ginger are pureed in a blender (scrolled in a meat grinder a couple of times).
  3. Beat in oil, spices, and salt.
  4. Allow to cool and soak in juices in the refrigerator.
  5. Store covered for a day.

Fish pate with carrots and butter


  • herring – 2;
  • carrots – 2 – 3 pcs.;
  • soft butter – 5 – 7 tbsp. l. (100 – 160 g).

Cooking steps:

  1. Herring without entrails, head, tail, fins, skin, bones is washed and divided into several pieces.
  2. Carrots are baked (boiled) and cut into large pieces.
  3. A paste is prepared from carrots and fillets using a blender.
  4. Add oil and spices to the paste.
  5. Leave the minced meat to soak in flavors (in the refrigerator).

Herring - delicious fish which can be eaten different ways, the simplest is with boiled potatoes, you can also cut it into small pieces, water vegetable oil, sprinkle with chopped onions and serve festive table as a snack, or you can make one of the many pates. This herring pate can be spread on bread, garnished with cucumber slices and served lettuce leaves. It can also be served at the buffet table in small tartlets or as canapés. As you can see, there are a lot of options, so herring lovers will be able to appreciate this appetizer.


  • Herring - 1 piece
  • Eggs - 2 pcs
  • Purple onion - 1/2 pcs
  • Parsley - a few sprigs
  • Butter - 80 g
  • Ground pepper - to taste


To prepare this delicious snacks You only need to take the herring whole and cut it yourself. While we're cutting up the herring, let's boil the eggs. Let's take a closer look at the cutting. First, cut off the head of the herring and cut into the belly, removing all the insides. Now wash the herring well under running water. Let's put it on cutting board, cut off the tail and cut it in half along the ridge, you get two fillets that need to be processed to the end. Use a knife to pry up the rib bones and remove them, then remove the skin from the outside of each fillet. Now the two fillets are ready for use, which is how you see them in the photo of the ingredients. For further ease of use, cut them into pieces with a knife.

Place the fillet pieces into a blender. Let the boiled eggs cool, peel and cut into arbitrary pieces. We also put these pieces into a blender and add pepper.

Grind the contents for 1-2 minutes and add half the soft butter and grind.

Then add the remaining oil, chopped purple onion and herbs.

We grind. The consistency of the pate can be adjusted to your taste, the more you grind, the more uniform it will be, if you want the texture to be coarser, don’t be too zealous.

Salty, or spicy herring with a bow is always the guest of honor at a festive party, or everyday table. But what if you add familiar dish originality, and prepare a pate from salted herring? Such an appetizer will instantly become one of those dishes for which guests vie for recipes.

Herring pate recipe


  • herring (fillet) – 6 pcs.;
  • butter – 100 g;
  • onions (large) – 1 pc.;
  • eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • black pepper - to taste.


Before preparing herring pate, we check the fish for the presence of bones and, if necessary, remove them using tweezers. Using a flexible and sharp knife, remove the skin from the fish and cut it into large pieces. Boil the eggs hard. Using a blender or meat grinder, grind the fish fillet with eggs, onions and butter at room temperature. Ready dish Season to taste with black pepper. Before serving, the pate should be transferred to a container and refrigerated for 10-12 hours.

Herring pate with carrots


  • herring (large) – 1 pc.;
  • processed cheese – 2 packages of 100 g;
  • butter – 100 g;
  • carrots – 1 pc.


We clean the herring from the insides and wash it. We cut off the fins and head from the fish, remove the ridge, and remove the remaining bones and skin from the resulting fillet. If the fish contains milk, then it can also be used in the recipe.

Boil the carrots and grate them on a fine grater. Pass the herring fillet through a meat grinder together with and mix the resulting mass with grated carrots and soft butter. Before serving, cool the pate in the refrigerator.

Herring pate with butter


  • fresh (not salted) herring – 2 pcs. 350-400 g each;
  • salt pepper;
  • green onions – 1 bunch;
  • dried chili - to taste;
  • butter – 70 g;
  • olive oil– 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • lemon juice- taste.


We clean the herring from the entrails. Rub the fish with oil, season with salt and pepper, and then place on a baking tray. Bake the herring at 180 degrees until full readiness, then remove the pulp from the bones and cool. Place the fish fillet in a blender along with butter, chili and chopped green onions. Beat the pate until smooth, then add lemon juice to taste. Before serving, herring pate should be refrigerated for 8-10 hours.

If you want the finished pate to remain fresh for as long as possible, then transfer it to a container made of ceramic, plastic, or glass, then pour in melted butter and put it in the refrigerator. Thanks to the sealed layer of oil, the pate will be protected from the harmful effects of oxygen, and therefore from spoilage. By the way, if you add chopped herbs, citrus zest, or juniper berries with a layer of butter, then such a pate will also look elegant on the holiday table.

How to make pate from smoked herring?



Mix cream cheese with grated horseradish, zest of one lemon and juice of half. Chop the green onions and also add to the cheese mixture, not forgetting a pinch of salt and pepper. Separate the fish from the skin and bones and mash with a fork. Add pieces of smoked herring to the cheese mixture and mix thoroughly again. Before serving, cool the pate in a container, covered cling film. Serve the pate with a slice, scone, or small homemade Yorkshire puddings.
