We all know from childhood that dairy products are a source of calcium, which is so necessary for the growth and development of the child’s body. Is it healthy to drink UHT milk? Possible harm to the product

Is there a difference between pasteurized and UHT milk? It is the quality of the milk that determines what the final result will be like. There are a number of rules regarding the choice of milk for cheese making and, taking them into account, you can brew a good one, quality product. What types of milk are there, and which one is better to give preference when making cheese?

Types of milk

There are several types of milk and they all differ from each other, either in appearance or in the type of heat treatment. In traditional cheese making, it is most often used cow's milk. But it is not uncommon to use goat and sheep. Here, as they say, it’s not for everybody.

Depending on the type of heat treatment milk product is divided into several groups:

  • melted;
  • pasteurized;
  • UHT;
  • stylized.

What is the difference between milk according to the type of heat treatment, and which type is best suited for cheese making?

What is the difference between pasteurized milk and UHT milk? To understand this issue, it is necessary to find out what each of these thermal processes for processing store-bought milk is.

Pasteurization is the process of one-time heating of any liquid product or substance to a temperature of 60° for 1 hour. Pasteurization is also carried out according to another scheme: heating to a temperature of 70-80°C and holding for half an hour.

This technology first appeared in the 19th century. Its founder was microbiologist Louis Pasteur - hence the name of the process - pasteurization.

The essence of the pasteurization procedure is disinfection food product, as well as in extending the shelf life. And it is for this reason that pasteurized milk, after opening store packaging can be stored for quite a long time.

Pasteurization allows you to destroy the vegetative forms of microorganisms, but the spores continue to exist there in a viable state and as soon as they arise favorable conditions, they begin to intensively develop and multiply.

Speaking about the nutritional value of pasteurized milk, it is believed that it practically does not change after such a thermal procedure.

Pasteurization happens:

  • long – the heating temperature reaches 63-65°C for 30-60 minutes;
  • short – the heating temperature reaches 85-90°C for 30-60 seconds;
  • instantaneous - the heating temperature reaches 98°C for 10-15 seconds.

This type of milk, although it retains the lion's share useful components, but is not considered completely devoid of microbial flora, so it turns sour relatively quickly.

Reference! At room temperature The lifespan of pasteurized milk is reduced to several hours. In the refrigerator, this type of dairy product is suitable for use for several days. Afterwards, pathogenic microflora begins to develop in it and the process of souring develops.

Ultra pasteurization

What is the difference between UHT and pasteurized milk? The difference between UHT milk and pasteurized milk is that this thermal process is aimed solely at extending the shelf life of the product. Thanks to this species heat treatment makes it possible to obtain high-quality drinking milk, which does not require further boiling before use.

To say that ultra-pasteurized milk is healthier than pasteurized milk would be a mistake, because during the boiling process, proteins decompose, and heat-sensitive vitamin C is also destroyed. Calcium and phosphorus present in the product turn into insoluble compounds, and they, in turn, are no longer useful, because they are not absorbed by the body.

There are 2 options for ultraspateurization:

  • contact of liquid with a heated surface, t=125-140°C;
  • direct mixing of sterile steam and liquid, t=135-140°C.

All juices undergo ultra-pasteurization process and raw milk. The heat treatment scheme itself is as follows: the liquid is heated for 2-3 seconds to a temperature of 135-150°C and instantly cooled to 4-5°C. Thanks to ultra-pasteurization, liquid products are completely purified from pathogens and microorganisms. And unlike pasteurization, milk after such heat treatment is suitable for use for 6 weeks or longer.

Thanks to ultra-pasteurization, all pathogenic microorganisms and bacterial spores that actively contribute to the souring of raw materials are removed from milk. And, according to manufacturers, after such heat treatment it is possible to preserve beneficial properties with minimal losses.


What is the difference between pasteurized milk and sterilized milk? Pasteurization and sterilization - 2 different thermal process liquid processing.

Sterilization refers to the complete purification of liquid from all types of microorganisms, including bacteria and their spores, fungi, virions, and prion protein. Sterilized milk is obtained by several methods:

  • thermal;
  • chemical;
  • radiation;
  • filtration.

IN in this case We are talking about complete sterilization of instruments and equipment, equipment, etc. Speaking about milk in particular, during the sterilization process it is kept at a temperature above 100°C for 20-30 minutes. This product is completely sterile and can be consumed without prior boiling.

The shelf life of milk after sterilization reaches several weeks from the moment the package is opened. But you should understand that there are absolutely no bacteria in it, which means that such raw materials are not suitable for yogurt. In addition, during the sterilization process, not only pathogenic bacteria and microbes are removed from milk, but also the lion’s share of useful substances, therefore, there is no benefit in it.


Baked milk product undergoes a longer cooking process. According to the technology, the raw materials are kept at a temperature of 85-98°C for 3 or more hours until the product acquires a characteristic cream or light brown tint.

Due to prolonged exposure to high temperature on a liquid, a significant change in its structure and components occurs. This heat treatment leads to denaturation of whey proteins, destruction of vitamins and increased mass fraction fat in milk - this is due to the evaporation of water during the cooking process.

This milk can be stored for a long time, but it practically does not contain those useful components for which we purchase this drink.

Milk in cheese making: which one is better to choose

Which milk, pasteurized or ultra, is more suitable for cheese making? According to many cheese makers, the optimal choice in the process of making cheese is natural milk, bottled on farms and not yet processed. Why? It is this milk product that is characterized by the best taste qualities and structure.

In addition, from homemade milk You will get much more cheese than pasteurized cheese. It is also worth noting that the absence of a pasteurization process indicates that pathogenic bacteria may be present in the product. Therefore, when giving preference to natural, unpasteurized milk, try to ensure that it is as fresh as possible and tested for purity.

Advice! Buy milk only from trusted sellers and farmers. The quality of the dairy product determines, accordingly, the quality ready-made cheese, its structure and taste.

In addition to natural milk, once pasteurized milk is also used in cheese making, no more than 3-4 days have passed since bottling it.

The pasteurization process can be carried out independently by heating the milk at temperatures above 75°C. Only this temperature gives confidence that pathogenic microflora is eliminated, and the milk protein, which creates the necessary cheese curd, is not damaged. However, in this case, calcium chloride should also be used, thanks to it, the necessary curdling of the milk is ensured, as well as a clean separation of the whey.

It is extremely undesirable to use ultra-pasteurized milk products in the process of making cheese, since its structure will never allow you to get that same cheese curd.

Now a few words about the fat content of milk. The most preferable option would be a high fat content product - 4-6%. But, since it is extremely rare to find high-fat pasteurized milk in stores, for cooking cheese will do and milk with a fat content of 3.2%. But when the dairy product is homemade and not diluted with water, then it definitely contains at least 4% fat.

How to choose the right milk for making cheese

If you manage to find a farmer from whom it is convenient to purchase raw materials, then you should check its quality:

  1. Milk must not be pasteurized. We are talking about the absence of factory pasteurization. In principle, 9 out of 10 farmers sell unpasteurized milk. But even gentle pasteurization done by the farmer in order to extend the shelf life of milk will not greatly spoil the recipe of the future cheese.
  2. We only buy fresh milk. It is highly undesirable to use yesterday’s product or one that is already more than 12 hours old in the process of making cheese. From the moment the milk is released to the start of making the cheese, 4-5 hours should pass.
  3. Dairy raw materials must be visually clean, without any foreign substances.
  4. It sounds corny, but milk should smell like milk! Foreign odors will be transferred to the future cheese.
  5. Milk should not be frozen - this is especially important in winter.
  6. And no water! This is exactly what many unscrupulous farmers do.

Speaking about choosing store-bought milk for cheese, we pay attention to the following nuances:

  1. We give preference to a product enclosed in light-proof packaging - it preserves vitamins longer.
  2. We check the tightness of the packaging. Violation of the integrity of the container is a sign of staleness of the product.
  3. Be sure, we repeat, be sure to look at the date of manufacture and shelf life.
  4. Well, you shouldn’t buy a product if there is no label on it or it is in a foreign language.

Bottom line

To summarize all of the above, I would like to say the following:

  1. There are several types of milk and there are many differences between them. Cheeses are made from the milk of cows, goats, sheep and other artiodactyls. But as for the type of heat treatment, not all categories are suitable for cheese making.
  2. If you choose between pasteurized and ultra-pasteurized milk, then, of course, pasteurized is the priority. It contains more protein and nutrients.
  3. However, the most suitable option considered to be natural milk - it contains the maximum useful material, vitamins and protein. But here it is worth understanding that, unlike pasteurized milk, natural milk is not devoid of pathogenic microflora, which means it can be dangerous. However, it is possible to pasteurize natural milk yourself by heating it to a temperature of 75°C.
  4. Choosing milk to cook homemade cheese, give preference to high-quality, proven products. If it is natural milk, then it should be fresh, undiluted and aromatic. When store-bought pasteurized products are used as raw materials, be sure to check the expiration dates and the tightness of the packaging.

Choose only high-quality raw materials, and then the cheese will turn out tasty and of high quality!

Milk is unique product, which has a unique composition of nutrients - proteins, vitamins, minerals, fats and carbohydrates. Each of us has been familiar with this product since childhood. But today, unfortunately, fresh milk is not available to everyone, so we are forced to purchase it in stores.

If earlier you could see pasteurized and sterilized milk on supermarket shelves, today UHT has also been added to them. However, not everyone has information about this product. And due to the fact that we all want our diet to include only healthy foods, we need to know how this type of milk is produced. So let's figure out together what the benefits, and maybe the harm, of ultra-pasteurized milk are.

So, ultrapasteurization is a thermal treatment process that lasts for four seconds at temperature conditions 135°C. As a rule, milk is processed in this way and fruit juices. Many studies have shown that this time is enough for milk to be cleared of harmful bacteria. And with such short-term heat treatment, the benefits of milk do not disappear, which is important.

Ultra-pasteurized milk contains vitamins B, A, H, C, PP and D. If speak about chemical composition, then this product is saturated with calcium, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, zinc, iron, cobalt, potassium, sodium, organic acids and unsaturated fats.

If UHT milk is stored correctly, all its beneficial properties are retained for a long time. According to the suppliers' instructions, such a product can be stored whole year, which is why many people have a question: “Does this product harm our body?”

I would like to immediately answer that no, UHT milk does not harm your health. Many studies have proven that pasteurized milk contains much more less vitamins and beneficial bacteria, since the pasteurization process lasts longer than ultra-pasteurization, which kills all beneficial substances.

There is also an opinion that ultra-pasteurized milk is made mainly from low-quality raw materials. This is a deep misconception. This product is made exclusively from natural cow's milk, and the most highest quality, because if you take “bad” raw materials, then during heat treatment it will instantly curl up.

Due to the high cost of ultra-pasteurization equipment, suppliers cannot afford to break it, so milk is selected through strict checks.

Beneficial properties of ultrapasteurized milk

Ultra-pasteurized milk brings the following benefits to the body:

  • thanks to calcium, which this product abounds in, the skeletal system is strengthened;
  • has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system;
  • contributes to the normalization of metabolic processes in the body;
  • helps cope with depression, stress, improves sleep;
  • has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Agree that fresh milk is very fatty, which is why it is prohibited from being included in the diet of small children. But for the preparation of various children's dishes, almost all pediatricians recommend using ultra-pasteurized milk, which contains very little fat, but at the same time a lot of useful substances and vitamins that are so necessary for the full development of a growing organism.

Another plus of this product, that it can be consumed without preliminary heat treatment, which cannot be said about milk purchased on the market, which can harbor many pathogenic bacteria.

How harmful is this product?

  1. Individual intolerance to all types of milk. As global studies have shown, ¼ of people have allergic reaction for milk.
  2. Possibility of occurrence cancer diseases in men. This is due to the fact that on farms some hormones are added to the food of cows in order to obtain milk yield. all year round. It is these hormones that are dangerous for our stronger half.
  3. The issue regarding the consumption of ultra-pasteurized milk by older people also remains controversial. It is believed that with age, the body loses enzymes that digest milk protein, and by drinking it, people do not receive useful substances, but only harm their health.

But be that as it may, such milk, like, in principle, any product, can benefit our body, the main thing is to know when to stop and not abuse it.

Take care of your health!

A huge selection of dairy products is displayed on the shelves of modern stores. different manufacturers. They are all trying to sell us their product through attractive packaging, marketing gimmicks and other means. The most important thing that a person buying food needs to know is its freshness, taste and benefits for the body, so when choosing milk you need to know at least in general terms about the methods of its heat treatment.

Ultrapasteurization - what's the secret?

Now any more or less literate person understands that buying fresh, unprocessed milk in a store is very dangerous, since, first of all, such an environment serves as an excellent basis for the proliferation of all kinds of bacteria and microorganisms. You can, of course, boil milk, but then it will lose the lion’s share of nutrients and microelements, which is why more advanced heat treatment methods are currently used.

Ultra-pasteurization - heating to a temperature of 150 degrees for just four seconds, and then quickly reducing the temperature to 4-5 degrees. In such an environment, all pathogenic microorganisms and spores harmful to humans, as well as enzymes that lead to rapid spoilage of the product, die. This fact explains that we can store bags of UHT milk at room temperature for months. However, if the package has already been opened, the shelf life is limited to only 4 days.

There is an opinion that ultra-pasteurization kills all useful substances and vitamins, but this is not so. Despite the fact that it neutralizes pathogenic bacteria, the milk retains all vitamin composition fully.


UHT milk is a great achievement of scientists, which made it possible to enjoy this useful product With the greatest benefit for the body. Its beneficial effects are manifested in the following:

  1. Saves everything necessary vitamins and minerals, protein and essential calcium for the body
  2. It contains special enzymes that allow the most in the best possible way milk is absorbed by the body without negatively affecting digestion
  3. To produce such a product, only high-quality raw materials are required, which means that when buying a box of tetrapack, you can be sure that you are holding a useful product in your hands.
  4. Research has confirmed that this is the best option for feeding children. They develop better and faster by regularly taking UHT milk.
  5. One of the main advantages of this type is its shelf life and safety.

UHT milk has the same set of contraindications as regular fresh milk. If a person has an individual intolerance to milk protein, drinking milk is contraindicated, and according to doctors, about 25% of the population is allergic to milk and its derivatives.

According to some reports, it is known that the drink can cause prostate and testicular cancer in men. This is due to the fact that the diet of cows includes the hormone estrogen, which has a negative effect on men.

It is believed that with age, a person loses the ability to digest milk protein, so taking this drink for older people can cause harm to their body.

The most important principle when consuming UHT milk is moderation. No food or drug is beneficial if it is overused.

What is the difference between pasteurized and ultra-pasteurized drinks?

The main goal of pasteurization is to kill all pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms. For this purpose they produce heat treatment from 65 to 85 degrees lasting from 10 seconds to half an hour. In this case, the goal is achieved, but only heat-resistant lactic acid microorganisms remain. This milk can be stored for a maximum of 2 weeks, but has a lot useful properties.

Most modern version However, there is ultra-pasteurization, in which milk is heated to 150 degrees in a second, and then sharply cooled. Just like pasteurization, ultra-pasteurization will preserve everything useful qualities a product that will be useful for 1.5-2 months.

The debate over the use of this controversial product has not subsided for a long time; the opinions of supporters and opponents are divided, some claim that milk is unique universal product, capable of curing some diseases, but some people categorically do not accept its use.

If you side with the defenders of this product, then the ideal would be to drink whole fresh milk from the cow. But not everyone has this opportunity, and not everyone wants to buy from strangers.

So, what do the stores offer us? They offer two purchasing options:

There is also a sterilized option, but it contains almost no benefit at all, since it involves aggressive heat treatment for a long time.

For those who find it impossible to consume high-quality rustic home product, it is recommended to buy pasteurized or ultra-pasteurized, but not sterile. This drink preserves all the beneficial substances and minerals for the health of the body. But, left in a warm place for 2-3 days, pasteurized milk will sour and turn into yogurt, which, by the way, can also be used as food.

When buying pasteurized milk, you do not need to boil it, this way you can retain more nutrients. You only need to drink it by warming it up a little, this way it is better absorbed, unlike cold milk

  • choose a pasteurized product with a shelf life of several days;
  • taste it - if you don’t feel the powder, you can take it regularly;
  • do a little check - if the milk is fermented in a warm place in one or a couple of days, it means that it contains all the necessary lactic acid bacteria and the milk is of good quality;
  • for better absorption, add spices to warm milk: cinnamon, cardamom, ginger, nutmeg and etc.
  • take the drink as an independent product, separately from others, especially salty and sour ones;
  • Do not drink milk cold - it is very difficult to digest due to the cold!

Features of the production of UHT milk are described in next video:

The modern world does not stand still. If earlier our grandmothers drank only natural milk, bringing it to a boil on their own, now the most advanced heat treatment methods are used so that the milk retains its beneficial properties. nutrients and, at the same time, had long term storage

An ultra-pasteurized product combines these two factors in the best possible way - it contains all necessary set vitamins and minerals, and can also be stored for up to 6 months.

In contact with

Previously, on store shelves you could see milk with two types of processing: sterilized and pasteurized. Nowadays people often see the inscription “ultra-pasteurized” on milk cartons. It is important for a person buying this product necessary for life to know what this new processing method is and how it affects the taste, freshness and benefits of milk.

What is UHT milk

The process of heat treatment of milk to extend its shelf life, but while maintaining its beneficial properties, is called ultra-pasteurization. Some people still prefer to buy unprocessed from the market. fresh product, but they don’t think about how dangerous it is, because such an environment is an excellent basis for the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms.

You can boil raw milk, but then the nutrient liquid will lose the lion's share of nutrients. Currently, more and more advanced methods for processing dairy products are being used. The manufacturer claims that ultra-pasteurized milk is a process in which all vitamins and microelements are preserved. The secret lies in the technique used: for 4 seconds the dairy product is exposed to a very high temperature of 135-140°C, and then quickly cooled to 5°C.

This procedure is fatal to pathogenic bacteria and spores, but beneficial substances in such a short period of time do not even have time to change their structure, not to mention complete destruction, as during boiling. Ultra-pasteurization of milk requires special raw materials, only the highest or extra class. When exposed to ultra-high temperatures, a low-quality dairy product will curdle in a sterilizer and ruin expensive equipment. For this reason, they take the quality of milk very seriously, purchasing it only from certified suppliers.

Before purchasing, the milk product is tested in a laboratory to ensure compliance with all standards and regulations. To prevent the ingress of bacteria, milk is poured into special aseptic containers during production. cardboard bags Tetra Pak, which is a complex system of six layers. They provide the product with maximum tightness, as well as protection from oxygen and light. One of the layers of Tetra Pak is foil, which creates a “refrigerator” effect, preventing the milk inside from heating up.

Benefits and harms

Why are infants prohibited from introducing fresh cow's milk into their diet? All pediatricians claim that it is fatty and the child’s body cannot cope with such a product. Doctors recommend using low-fat milk that has undergone ultra-pasteurization to feed your baby. The product saves everything useful microelements, which are necessary for the development of a growing organism. UHT milk is beneficial not only for children of all ages - the product does not benefit adults less benefit:

  • has a beneficial effect on blood vessels and the heart;
  • strengthens the skeletal system;
  • normalizes metabolic processes in the body;
  • has a beneficial effect on functionality gastrointestinal tract;
  • improves sleep, helps cope with stress and depression;
  • rejuvenates the skin, removes irritation.

Scientific studies have shown that milk that has undergone ultra-pasteurization retains vitamins B, PP, A, C, D. It contains trace elements and minerals: sulfur, sodium, aluminum, potassium, cobalt, iron, zinc, phosphorus, manganese , magnesium, calcium, unsaturated fatty and organic acids. Like any other product, UHT milk can cause harm to the body:

  1. For individual lactose intolerance. According to statistics, ¼ of the population globe has an allergic reaction to dairy products.
  2. There is a danger of cancer in men. This is due to the fact that on some farms hormones are added to cows’ food to ensure good milk yields all year round.
  3. The question of the advisability of drinking milk for older people has been and remains controversial. Until recently, it was believed that with age, the enzymes that digest milk protein disappear in the human body. Some doctors claim that old people do not absorb beneficial substances when drinking milk.

Difference between pasteurized and UHT milk

To free dairy products from pathogens and bacteria - this is the goal of both pasteurization and sterilization of milk. The first technology was discovered in the mid-19th century by microbiologist Louis Pasteur. During pasteurization in milk, vegetative microorganisms die, but the spores remain viable. When favorable factors arise, they develop intensively again, so processed milk products should be stored at low temperatures and for a very short time.

There are long-term (30-60 minutes at 63-65 °C), instant (at 98 °C for several seconds) and short (0.5-1 minute at 85-90 °C) pasteurization. It is believed that the nutritional value the product does not change, but pasteurized milk quickly turns sour. Sterilization is a heat treatment that is carried out for half an hour at a temperature of more than 100°C. This milk has long term storage as it is completely sterile. During sterilization, a significant part of vitamins and microelements is lost.

The main difference between pasteurized milk and ultra-pasteurized milk is a longer shelf life of the product while retaining useful substances. When the liquid is heated to 135-150 °C for just 2-3 seconds (ultra-pasteurization), bacterial spores and microflora are removed, which leads to souring, and natural elements are preserved with minimal losses. High-quality raw materials, instant processing, reliable packaging - the result is milk that does not require boiling.

Controversy over correct use milk does not subside. Some people prefer to drink raw product, some believe that the safest option is boiling, while others regularly use only lactic acid drinks. Most perfect option– get a cow, feed it properly and drink only your own milk. Not all people have this opportunity, and buying a raw product from strangers is a risky business.

Stores offer consumers two options: pasteurized milk and ultra-pasteurized milk. The first option will sour in 2-3 days, turning into yogurt, which is also eaten. UHT milk is considered the most versatile milk, but in order to use the product correctly, it is advisable to consider some tips:

  • UHT product cannot be boiled;
  • the long shelf life of milk is not due to the content of preservatives or other chemical components, but to the processing method, sterile bottling conditions, and special packaging;
  • at long-term storage after opening the package, the milk may taste bitter, but this does not mean that the product is of poor quality, this is a consequence of ultra-pasteurized processing;
  • milk after ultra-pasteurization will not be able to sour, since it does not contain fermentation bacteria, so to make curdled milk or yogurt at home, you need to add bifidobacteria and place it in a warm place.


Ultra-pasteurized milk product, purified from enzymes that cause fermentation, spores and microorganisms, can be stored in Tetra Pak for up to 6 months at temperatures from 1 to 25°C. With more high temperature Milk after ultra-pasteurization can only be stored for one month. In a regular package the shelf life is 6 weeks. You can give a carton of milk to children at school, on a walk or excursion, or take it with you to work.

It should be remembered that after opening any package of milk, the shelf life of pasteurized products is 48 hours, sterilized and ultra-pasteurized products are 96 hours. Dairy products must be consumed within 72 hours after the package has been opened. If there are doubts about the suitability of an open dairy product, you can evaluate this not only by the expiration date, but also by external signs:

  • fresh milk does not contain flakes, loose lumps, foreign odors and tastes;
  • with high fat content of the product, the formation of a film is permissible, which disappears after stirring;
  • skimmed milk may have a bluish tint.

Typically, milk is subjected to ultrapasteurization and undergoes careful heat treatment in a special way. During this process, milk is heated and cooled in just a few seconds, after which it is placed in unique cardboard packaging, while maintaining absolute sterility. As a result of ultra-pasteurization, the product completely retains all its beneficial substances, including those vital to the human body.

Milk that has undergone ultra-pasteurization does not need to be boiled, as it is safe for health and completely ready for consumption.

After ultra-pasteurization, milk bottled in factory-sealed packaging can be stored for several months at room temperature. UHT milk is made only from fresh and natural dairy products, since they can withstand such heat treatment without curdling. Other types of milk cannot be ultra-pasteurized.

Features of UHT products

Milk after ultra-pasteurization can be used as an independent product or as a basis for making curdled milk or homemade cottage cheese. However, such milk is devoid of its lactic acid bacteria and microflora, so it is necessary to add a special bacterial starter to it. It contains Bacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus, which make it possible from UHT milk or other dairy product.

Natural organic milk is obtained only from cows fed natural feed without hormones and antibiotics.

UHT products are ideal for little ones who are too early to drink full-fat cow's milk. Kids, regularly milk drinkers, who have undergone such treatment, gain weight much faster and are noticeably ahead in development of their peers who consume pasteurized milk. In addition, UHT dairy products contain enzymes that help absorb nutrients and milk proteins. Without these enzymes, proteins are not digested by the body, being perceived as foreign substances and causing gastrointestinal disorders and various immune system reactions.
