How to bake sourdough bread in the oven. Homemade rye sourdough bread

This recipe has only 3 ingredients: rye flour, salt and water. Just for fun, try going to any store and reading the composition of the bread they sell under the name “rye”. You will learn a lot of new things :) Quite difficult to find Rye bread, which does not contain wheat. It’s best to bake it yourself - this guarantees that there is no wheat.

This was the first rye bread I baked. Since then, I have perfected it, got used to kneading and, in general, became a more experienced baker. There's nothing better than the smell of freshly baked bread!

Preparing sourdough
So on new starter need 4 days. If you start on Tuesday, there will be bread on the weekend. Leave a little bit of the first starter to make the next batches easier to prepare. The second leaven will be ready within 24 hours, but that’s another story.

So on rye sourdough need to:
4 days
4 cups wallpaper rye flour room temperature
4 cups warm water
(glass 100 ml)
mixing bowl and whisk
liter glass jar

Day 1.
Mix 1 cup of rye flour and 1 cup of warm water in a bowl. Use a whisk to avoid lumps. Transfer the mixture to glass jar. The jar can be covered with a lid with holes or a cloth or paper towel. In general, create conditions so that the starter can breathe, but not dry out. Place in a windproof and not cold place. In my house all 4 days it was about 22 degrees, and at night it was less, I was afraid that it was a little cold, but everything worked out.

Day 2.
Several small bubbles should appear in the starter. If nothing happens, that's okay too. The main work will begin between the 3rd and 4th day. On the second day, mix 1 cup of flour and 1 cup of warm water again, transfer it to a jar with the first mixture, mix thoroughly, cover it the same way, and put it there.

Day 3.
Mix 1 cup of flour and 1 cup of water again, put it in a jar, cover it, and set it aside. Quite a lot of small bubbles should appear in the starter, and the smell of fermentation can be clearly felt in the jar. If bubbles and odor do not appear, place in a warmer place (not hot!).

Day 4.
We repeat the operations with 1 glass of water and 1 glass of flour. By this time, the starter is all in small and not very small bubbles.

Day 5.
The starter is ready. For me it looked like this. The entire volume is in small bubbles, 1 cm from the surface - large bubbles, a pungent smell of fermentation. The result should be 800 ml of starter.

Baking bread
For 2 medium-sized loaves (as in the photo) you will need:

700 ml starter
600 grams of rye flour (this is 9-10 glasses of flour, 100 ml each)
2 cups warm water
teaspoon salt

a device for sifting flour, a large bowl, a spoon, a sharp knife,
towel, baking tray and baking paper(or forms, if available)

1) Take all the starter, mix it slightly right in the jar, put about 100 ml in a small jar with a lid, and put it in the refrigerator. This is for the future :)
2) Pour the remaining starter into a large bowl. Add 1.5 cups of water and salt. Stir lightly.
3) Sifting the flour, gradually knead the dough. First I stir it with a spoon, in a circular motion, then I need to use my hands. Add water as needed. All the flour should be gone, the water may remain. If it's not enough, you can still take some water.
4) Rye dough very sticky to your hands. Mixing in the traditional sense of the word is quite difficult. But you need to try to knead as thoroughly as possible, knead for 7-10 minutes after all the flour has been added. I kneaded less, so the structure of the bread turned out to be uneven, holes different sizes. Yes, I'm a perfectionist :)
5) Next, remove the dough from your hands, wet your palms with water and form the dough into a ball or so. It does not stick to wet hands. Leave the ball for 20-30 minutes.
6) Wet your hands with water again, divide the ball in half, form loaves, loaves or any other shapes :) Place on a baking sheet lined with paper. Keep in mind that when baking the bread increases in size by about 2 times. Cut along or across. Cuts are necessary, otherwise the bread will burst in a random place during baking.
7) Cover with a towel and leave in a warm place (warmth is very important!) for 1.5-2 hours (no less, be patient).
8) As the bread rises, it will increase slightly in size, but the main increase will occur in the oven. Bake for 15 minutes at 220 degrees and 45-60 minutes at 180. You can check readiness by knocking on the crust - you will hear a sound as dull as a ripe watermelon.
9) Remove the bread and cool on a wire rack. No, you can't eat yet. You need to wrap the bread in a towel and plastic bag and put it in the refrigerator for a day. No, I'm not kidding :) I cut the bread earlier, the crust was very dense (you can see it in the photo). The bread needs to ripen. After a day it tastes much better. And the further you go, the tastier it gets.

When I became interested in how to bake bread without yeast, using self-grown sourdough, I started reading what they wrote about it on the Internet, and for a long time I couldn’t decide to try it, because I read a lot of positive things like “you can certainly try baking bread.” according to my recipe, but it’s unlikely you’ll succeed right away, since it’s very difficult and not everyone can do it” or “a lot of food went into the trash before I succeeded” or “I baked my 100th bread and only now it’s starting to vaguely resemble something edible" or "take a starter of 75.21 percent moisture, renewed at dawn after the full moon." Of course, I’m exaggerating, but I think many will understand me)))

Having encountered even one in a dozen recipes, such sentiments frighten most beginners and people either generally think that baking bread is something incomprehensible and do not dare, or take a long time to gather their courage, like me. And then I thought that humanity began to produce industrial yeast quite recently, and before that bread was baked with sourdough, and it’s hard to imagine that in some village, simple woman with a bunch of children and a household, she sat and calculated the percentage of moisture in the sourdough or something like that. I realized that the process of baking bread is a natural and generally simple procedure that is accessible to any housewife.

Armed with this understanding, I overcame my fear, began to boldly try recipes that contained less abstruseness and intimidation, the bread immediately began to turn out tasty (yes, sometimes a little better, sometimes a little worse, but always tasty) and gradually I formed several of the simplest and popular recipes, which always turn out well for me if the main conditions are met: a living and healthy starter, sufficient heat to rise, aged right time, good kneading and the desire to feed your loved ones delicious and healthy bread.

At some stage, I was tired of telling my friends and others every time how and what to do, and I compiled a file in which I collected and systematized everything that I understood for myself about baking bread. I’m sharing this information with you, I hope it will be useful to someone.


Sourdough is a substitute for industrial yeast. It needs to be grown, and then it can be stored for years, becoming stronger and stronger, you just need to feed it on time.

How to grow rye starter starter

It will take several days to grow the starter:

1 day Mix 50 grams of rye flour + 50 grams of lukewarm water in liter jar, cover with a lid or film (do not close tightly) and put in a cabinet for a day.
Day 2 After standing for a day, the starter should ferment and increase in volume.
Add 50 grams of rye flour and 50 grams of lukewarm water, mix, cover and return to the cupboard for a day.
Day 3 The starter continues to ferment.
We do the same as on the second day: 50 grams of flour + 50 grams of water
4 day Everything is the same as the third day.
5 day The starter is ready. It should be alive, bubbling, voluminous. In total we got about 400 grams of sourdough. From this amount you need to select 100 grams, put it in a jar, close the lid tightly and put it in the refrigerator. This will be the actual starter, from which each of your breads will then be fermented. The rest of the starter can now be used (see advice in recipe No. 1).

How to handle the sourdough starter?

The starter starter sits quietly in the refrigerator. When you bake bread, take from the jar as much as you need according to the recipe. And immediately add flour and water into the jar (I add 25-50 grams of flour and 25-50 grams of water (25 or 50 depends on how much starter you used for the bread)), mix and put it back in the refrigerator - this is how you feed the starter. If you bake bread regularly, then you won’t have to do anything else with the starter. If you bake rarely, then you need to feed the starter once a week in any case. After the starter has been fed, after some time it will bubble and rise strongly, then calm down. It is necessary that the size of the jar is such that there will be room for lifting.
When dealing with sourdough, maximum care is important: clean dishes, hands, towels. You need to make sure that nothing gets into the leaven except flour and water.

It should look normal, with large bubbles during the active period, and small bubbles during the calm period. It should not be that the flour separates and the water separates. Make sure there is no mold!!! If the starter is very flaky or moldy, throw it away and make a new one. But if the starter is kept in order and fed on time, such troubles should not arise.


Comments for all recipes

  • Bread should only be baked in good mood and with good thoughts!

  • Flour is different, so the amount of flour and water indicated in the recipes can be varied depending on the situation. How? - you need to feel it, it comes with experience, first you can do it strictly according to the recipe, and then analyze it and gradually it becomes clear whether changes are needed or not.

  • In all recipes you need to take slightly warm water, slightly above room temperature, too warm or hot water may destroy the starter.

  • Opara is the preliminary fermentation of part of the flour. The dough is actually the dough itself that will be baked.

  • If the dough has stood for as long as it should, but for some reason you can’t immediately knead the dough, don’t worry - just put the dough in the refrigerator and knead the dough later.

  • If according to the recipe it turns out that the dough itself needs a little less ready-made dough than what was turned out, then the remaining dough can simply be put in a jar in which the starter is stored.

  • The dough must be well kneaded. You need to knead with your hands for at least 15-20 minutes. Since in all the recipes given the dough is sticky and not at all cool, you need to knead in a bowl and not on the table.

  • The dough, kneaded and placed into molds, should rise to double in size. The rising time of the dough depends on the strength of the leaven and the room temperature. In the cold season, in order to rise better, it is better to place it either near the radiator, or on the table near the stove when something is being prepared.

  • All the recipes below are designed for baking in molds. The most convenient form is a brick.

  • If the bread falls off during baking, it means the dough has over-stood or was too liquid; over time, get used to it and this won’t happen.

  • If the baked dough is too spongy, the dough was most likely too runny or poorly kneaded.

  • Additive options: coriander or cumin (which contribute to better digestion of bread, you need to add a little of them, 1-2 teaspoons), pumpkin or sunflower seeds, flax seeds, sesame seeds, poppy seeds, raisins, bran (seeds), chopped nuts, cereals. Add all additives at the end of kneading the dough.

  • Before putting the bread in the oven, brush it with water using a baking brush and immediately, before the water dries, sprinkle with sprinkles (cumin, sesame, poppy seeds).

  • Place the bread in the oven carefully, without knocking, so as not to fall off. The oven must be preheated well in advance, bake at 200 0 for 40-50 minutes. But ovens are different, so you need to adapt to yours, this is important! The finished bread is golden brown; if you check with a splinter, it should be dry.

  • The finished bread must be immediately removed from the pan, otherwise it will get soggy. Allow the bread to cool before cutting. If you start cutting while it’s hot, the dough will drag behind the knife and it will seem like the bread is damp. In general, rye bread tastes better when it has stood.

Recipe No. 1

From the specified quantity you get 1 large brick, weighing 700-750 grams.

Opara Rye flour - 150 gr
Water - 150 gr
Dough Dough - 300 gr
White flour - 200 gr
Rye flour - 130 gr
Salt - 10 g
vegetable oil - 1 tbsp
Honey (or sugar) - 1 tablespoon
Water - 200-230 g

When they were just making sourdough, after they had taken away required quantity for storage in the refrigerator, 300 grams left. These are the ones that can be used in this recipe as a dough (that is, take this starter and start preparing bread from the “Dough” stage). True, the leaven is not yet very mature, so for the first time you need to either add yeast, or be prepared in advance for the fact that the bread will take a long time to rise or may not turn out very well. It's not scary. Once the starter is mature, it will work well.

Recipe option No. 1 - with rye malt

Opara Rye flour - 150 gr
Water - 150 gr
Sourdough starter - 2 tablespoons
Mix everything in a bowl, cover with a towel and leave room temperature at 16 o'clock.
Malt Rye malt - 25 g
Water - 50 g
Dough Dough - 300 gr
Steamed malt (see above)
White flour - 200 gr
Rye flour - 105 gr
Salt - 10 g
vegetable oil - 1 tbsp
Honey (or sugar) - 1 tablespoon
Water - 150-180 g
Mix everything, knead thoroughly. At the end of kneading, add a handful of additives (seeds, etc.)
Grease the mold with oil and place the dough into it. Flatten with a wet hand as the dough will stick.
Cover with a towel and place in a warm place to rise for 2-3 hours (until it doubles in size).
When it’s ready, sprinkle with whatever you want and bake.

Recipe No. 2

Compared to the first recipe, this bread is more rye (there is 2 times more rye flour than wheat). From the indicated quantity it turns out 2 large bricks, each weighing 850-900 grams.

Opara Rye flour - 300 gr
Water - 500 ml
Sourdough starter - 80 g
Dough Dough - 800 gr
White flour - 400 gr
Rye flour - 300 gr
Salt - 1 heaped tablespoon
vegetable oil - 1 tbsp
Honey (or sugar) - 1 tablespoon
Water - 300-320 g

Grease the mold with oil and place the dough into it. Flatten with a wet hand as the dough will stick.
Cover with a towel and place in a warm place to rise for 2-3 hours (until it doubles in size).
When it’s ready, sprinkle with whatever you want and bake.

Recipe option No. 2 - with rye malt

It turns out delicious dark bread type "Borodinsky"

Opara Rye flour - 300 gr
Water - 500 ml
Sourdough starter - 80 g
Mix everything in a bowl, cover with a towel and leave at room temperature for 10-12 hours.
Malt Rye malt - 50 gr
Water - 100 g
30 minutes before the start of kneading the dough, boil water, pour this boiling water over the malt and let it brew for 30 minutes.
Dough Dough - 800 gr
Steamed malt (see above)
White flour - 400 gr
Rye flour - 250 gr
Salt - 1 heaped tablespoon
vegetable oil - 1 tbsp
Honey (or sugar) - 1 tablespoon
Water - 200-220 g
Mix everything, knead thoroughly. At the end of kneading, add 2 handfuls of additives (seeds, etc.)
Grease the mold with oil and place the dough into it. Flatten with a wet hand as the dough will stick.
Cover with a towel and place in a warm place to rise for 2-3 hours (until it doubles in size).
When it’s ready, sprinkle with whatever you want and bake.

Recipe No. 3

Unlike the first two recipes, this bread wheat flour more than rye. From the specified quantity you get 1 large brick, weighing 800-850 grams.

Opara Sourdough starter - 2 tablespoons
White flour - 2 cups
Water - 2 glasses
Dough The whole dough (see above)
White flour - 1-1.5 cups
Rye flour - 1 cup
Salt - 2 teaspoons
Honey (or sugar) - 2 teaspoons
vegetable oil - 1 tbsp
Mix everything, knead thoroughly. At the end of kneading, add 1 handful of additives (seeds, etc.)
Grease the mold with oil and place the dough into it. Flatten with a wet hand as the dough will stick.

When it’s ready, sprinkle with whatever you want and bake.

Recipe No. 4

Purely White bread, although the sourdough is rye, it will be lost there, and it will be white. From the specified quantity you get 1 large brick, weighing 800-850 grams.

Opara Sourdough starter - 2 tablespoons
White flour - 2 cups
Water - 2 glasses
Mix everything in a bowl, cover with a towel and leave at room temperature for 12-14 hours.
Dough The whole dough (see above)
White flour - 2-2.5 cups
Salt - 2 teaspoons
Honey (or sugar) - 2 teaspoons
vegetable oil - 1 tbsp
Mix everything, knead thoroughly.
Grease the mold with oil and place the dough into it. Flatten with a wet hand as the dough will stick.
Cover with a towel and place in a warm place to rise for 2-4 hours (until it doubles in size).
When it’s ready, sprinkle with whatever you want and bake.

It is always necessary with great mood and pleasant thoughts, otherwise you won’t get a good result.

When baking bread, you can use a variety of starters - this will improve the taste of the bread and you can also use it to bake pies, buns, etc. The starter is prepared over several days and stored in the refrigerator for two weeks, and if it is dried, then...

From rye flour

To prepare it you will need a total of 200 grams. crushed rye flour and a couple of glasses of water.

Action plan

1 day: 50 gr. mix rye flour with 100 gr. warm water until liquid consistency (like pancakes). Leave in a dish covered with a towel for a day.

Day 2: add 50 grams to the starter. flour and 100 gr. water, mix. Leave for 24 hours in a covered container

Days 3 and 4: repeat the procedure

Day 5 – ready to eat.

From white flour

To make it we take:

  • wheat flour – 100 gr.
  • rye flour - 100 gr.
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of honey (sugar) and water

Action plan

Day 1: mix wheat and rye flour with heated water and place in the warmest place in your home

Day 2: add 1 tbsp. spoon of wheat flour, 100 gr. water and honey

Day 3: add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of white flour and 100 gr. water

Day 4: done

Sourdough starters with additional ingredients

From rice

To prepare such a starter, use:

  • 100 gr. rice
  • 8 tbsp. spoons of flour
  • 3 tea. spoon of sugar
  • 250 gr. warm water

Action plan

Day 1: pour 100 grams of rice over the entire portion. warm water and add 1 tea. spoon granulated sugar, leave in a warm place to swell for three days

Day 4: put 3 tbsp. spoons of white wheat flour and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of granulated sugar. Keep in a warm place

Day 5: mix everything, add 4 tbsp. spoons of flour and the rest of the water

Day 6: drain excess water and add the remaining flour and sugar. It should be kept for a few more hours in the warmest place in the kitchen, after which it can be used to make bread.

From hops

Action plan

Day 1: done in a thermos - pour one cup of boiling water over a portion of hops, close the lid tightly and keep for exactly one day to form a strong infusion

Day 2: strain the resulting liquid through cheesecloth into a large jar, add tbsp. a spoonful of honey and enough rye flour to obtain a liquid similar in thickness to sour cream

Day 3: the mixture will be very liquid, so add flour and leave for a day

Day 4: add ½ volume of water and flour as needed to obtain the thickness of sour cream

Day 5: add water and flour again

Day 6 – everything is ready

From raisins

To prepare this type you use:

  • a handful of mashed raisins
  • Rye flour
  • water and 1 tbsp. spoon of sugar

Action plan

Day 1: raisins, 100 gr. water, 100 gr. Dissolve rye flour and sugar in a jar, cover with a towel and leave for 24 hours in a warm place

Day 2: put 100 gr. flour, add a little water and leave again for a day

Day 3: everything is ready.

White homemade bread

The starter is done, let's get started. In addition to the starter (1 cup), you will need:

  • wheat flour – 475 gr.
  • salt – 10 gr.
  • sugar – 20 gr.
  • water – 300 gr.
  • vegetable oil – 30 gr.

Mix a portion of the starter with water, add flour, salt, sugar and vegetable oil, knead everything thoroughly. Ready dough It should not stick to your fingers; when pressed, it should quickly restore its shape. Place baking paper on a baking sheet, grease with oil and sprinkle with flour. We form the dough into a ball, place it on a baking sheet and let it rise for 180 minutes in a warm, draft-free place.

Turn on the oven at 220 degrees and when it warms up, set the bread for 1 hour. Every 20 minutes the temperature should be reduced by 10 degrees. On the bottom shelf oven you can place deep dishes with drinking water– in this case the bread will not dry out. When ready, remove from the oven and cover with a kitchen towel for a while.

Rye bread without yeast

To bake sourdough rye bread at home you will need:

  • sourdough – 600 gr.
  • rye flour – 600 gr.
  • white wheat flour – 200 gr.
  • water – 450 gr.
  • salt – 30 gr.

Mix everything necessary ingredients and knead the dough thoroughly. Leave for ½ hour cutting board under the towel. Then divide into two equal parts and knead each well. Prepare two forms - lay parchment on each, sprinkle with flour and put the dough. Fomas should be in a warm place for about 2 hours. You need to bake for one hour at 200 degrees.

One glass of starter is equal to 40 grams. purchased compressed yeast or 1.5 tbsp. dry spoons.

To prepare dry sourdough, do this: pour the contents of the jar onto cooking paper, spread over the entire surface, form a thin layer and leave to dry at room temperature. When completely dry, break into pieces small pieces, pour into a jar, close the lid tightly and store in a dry place.

To revive sourdough taken from the refrigerator, proceed as follows: remove from the refrigerator and leave for one hour, add 100 g. flour and the same amount of warm water, mix and keep in a warm place for a day. Use as much as needed for baking, and keep the rest in the jar in the refrigerator until needed.

Baking bread at home is a very pleasant moment for the housewife.

Bon appetit!

Fragrant and porous sourdough rye bread is a real home product, which you can easily prepare in your kitchen. It turns out so tasty that you will forget about store-bought bread options, creating this every day bakery product, fortunately, you will always have the starter at hand. Cooked rye bread does not go stale within 2-3 days; it can be used not only as an independent snack, but also as a base for sandwiches, and you can take it with you on a trip or on a picnic. Remember that sourdough bread is not very airy, so don’t expect an extraordinary “rise” from the dough.


  • 100 ml starter
  • 150 ml warm water
  • 1.5 tbsp. rye flour
  • 1.5 tbsp. wheat flour
  • 0.5 tsp. salt
  • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil

How to bake sourdough rye bread

1. We will create the sourdough from rye flour 3-5 days in advance and store it in the refrigerator. It is created very simply: mix 100 ml of warm water and 100 g of rye flour every day, leaving it at room temperature. Every day, supplement the starter with a new portion of dough from flour and water, stirring. Day after day, the starter will ferment more and more and emit a sour aroma - this means that the yeast in its composition has become more active.

After 3 or 4 days, the starter should be poured into a container and stored in the refrigerator, using if necessary and feeding from time to time.

IN deep container pour in the starter, warm water, add salt and add 4 tbsp. l. rye and wheat flour. Wheat flour must be used, since rye flour is very heavy and the dough will not rise only on its basis.

Mix everything with a whisk or fork, turning it into a viscous mass. Leave for 2-3 hours at room temperature, but not less than 23 C. The lower the temperature, the longer the dough will rise.

2. As soon as the bubbles fall on the surface of the dough, pour vegetable oil into the dough, add the remaining flour and knead a loose dough - it should be sticky and viscous, but not dense!

3. Grease the bread pan with vegetable oil and pour the dough we created into it. Leave in a warm place to proof for about 4-5 hours - sourdough dough does not rise as quickly as yeast dough!

4. After the specified time, we will see that the dough has filled the entire mold - preheat the oven to 220 C and place the mold in it for 40-50 minutes. After 20 minutes, reduce the heat to 180-200 C.

In the oven, many families make it a tradition to use only products on the table homemade. Homemade loaf will become daily tasty addition for main courses. The soup will seem more satisfying, and the sandwich will seem even tastier. How does the baking process happen?

Homemade sourdough bread in the oven: the reason for its popularity

The secret to the success of a homemade loaf lies in good sourdough. The dough should be placed exclusively on a healthy and strong fermentation product that is in its peak phase. If you plan to bake bread regularly, then you need to keep the starter in the house at all times. The quality of the loaf crumb and the taste sensations from eating it will instantly be spoiled by peroxidized or unripe sourdough. We can say that the beloved large pores in the crumb are 80% due to the high-quality, matured sourdough. The dough, of course, will arrive in any case, but success finished product largely depends on the quality of the source material. Cooking sourdough bread in the oven will be successful if you do not store the fermentation product in the refrigerator and “feed” it regularly.

Ingredients for cooking

In order to bake delicious homemade bread, we will need:

  • Flour from whole grain- 100 g.
  • Rye or wheat flour of the 2nd grade - 100 g.
  • Mature sourdough - 30 g.
  • Water - 1 glass.

The secret of a good dough is any rough coarse, with bran or germ. In order for sourdough bread to come out great in the oven, it is important to avoid wheat flour premium, which is emasculated.

How to prepare the dough?

So, the flour should not be emasculated. It is better if half of the total quantity is of one variety, and the remaining part is of another. Housewives can combine different combinations, the quality of the bread will not suffer from this. First, beat the ripe sourdough into a fluffy foam, then add flour and mix everything thoroughly. Must be endured sufficient quantity time for the mass to rise well. So, if you plan to bake in the morning, leave the dough in a warm place overnight. For evening cooking, you can make the batch before leaving for work in the morning. The complete preparation of the dough is influenced by temperature factors, as well as the grade of flour.

Ripening time for high-quality dough

To make the bread rise faster, housewives place the pan with the dough in a warm place on a low-heat stove or in an oven that maintains a temperature of no more than 32 degrees. Under these conditions, the bread rises completely in 6-8 hours. When it is not possible to withstand such temperature regime and the dough arrives at a temperature of 22 degrees, its complete ripening will take place in 9 hours. If you adapt to compliance with the given conditions, then preparing delicious sourdough in the oven is as easy as shelling pears.

What should be the volume of the resulting mass at the first stage?

Few novice bakers know how many times the initial volume of dough increases. The dough should rise exactly 2 times. If at first it is difficult to navigate purely visually, you can use a container with measuring marks. In the future, everything will go intuitively. If the process seems quite complicated, you can try baking sourdough bread in the oven without dough.

Kneading dough

The second stage of the whole process begins. So, to prepare sourdough bread in the oven, let’s move on to the actual kneading. We take the following ingredients:

  • Ready dough.
  • Water in the amount of 1 glass.
  • Bread flour - 450 g.
  • - 0.5 teaspoon.
  • Salt - 2 teaspoons.

Some people are interested in how to bake sourdough bread in the oven using raw yeast and is it possible to do without this component at all? If we take a pressed yeast product, then it will need approximately 5 g. First dissolve it in warm water. You can do without yeast at all. In this case, the period for complete proofing of the dough will increase slightly. Yeast only speeds up the rising process. As in the case of dough, ready mass should double its original size. Sourdough rye bread in the oven is made from rye flour, the process of preparing the dough is the same.

Step-by-step kneading process

You can use a cauldron or a bread maker as a vessel. First, pour a glass of water into the container, then tip the dough into the water, knead thoroughly. When will it work out? homogeneous mass, sift flour into the liquid. In order for sourdough bread to turn out perfect in the oven, the process of sifting through a sieve should not be skipped under any circumstances. Our grandmothers baked bread themselves and knew their craft, mastering it perfectly. Now all that remains is to add the yeast and make the first batch. Don't be alarmed if the dough is still runny, this is normal. If the batch is made using a special combine, there is a high probability that the entire composition will be wound onto the hooks. After the unit stops, the mass immediately drops. For sourdough to succeed in the oven, knead it long enough, about 8 minutes.

First breakup

Many bread makers have a bowl covered with a plastic lid. Therefore, for pre-fermentation, you can leave the dough right there. The first proofing time is 50 minutes, during which the mass rises well. The swelling of the base and an increase in size are noticeable to the naked eye. After the required time has been maintained, you can proceed to the next stage of kneading, using salt and vegetable oil. To properly prepare sourdough bread in the oven, the recipe for which is given here, you need to stir the salt until completely absorbed, and only then pour in 2 tbsp. spoons of butter. The dough is ready when it completely leaves the sides and bottom of the bowl. The resulting bread mass looks quite impressive thanks to whole grain flour or bran flour.

The final stage of proofing

But that is not all. The resulting mass needs to sit a little longer before going to bake. Now you practically know how to cook sourdough bread in the oven, there are very few manipulations left. And if at first it may seem that this process is quite labor-intensive and time-consuming, then it is not so. Having filled your hand, you can later bring the dough kneading to automaticity. So, our bread mass needs another 20-30 minutes of rest, during which you can drink a cup of coffee, check your children’s homework, or watch the latest news. We will carry out the process of forming a loaf on a smooth surface, lightly dusted with flour, using a special scraper. For the final stage of proofing, a bowl or salad bowl covered with a layer of parchment paper is suitable.

Inventing a proofing cabinet

In the kitchen of an ordinary apartment, any dark, enclosed space can be used for the final proofing. A microwave works well, you just need to put a glass of boiling water inside. Sourdough bread in the oven, detailed description which you have carefully studied, will not turn out well baked unless cuts are made in a random order on the surface. But first, the future loaf is lightly sprinkled with flour. Experienced bakers use proofing under film. However, if the housewife takes up baking bread for the first time, it is better not to experiment.

Place the loaf in the preheated oven

From the moment the cuts are made, the bread should be placed in an oven preheated to 300 degrees. We will immediately reduce the temperature to 220 degrees. Of course, the oven must be turned on in advance. The baking container must have a lid. The workpiece itself is transferred there directly with the paper. To ensure rich, rather than dry, sourdough bread in the oven, the recipe recommends sprinkling the mixture with water several times before closing the lid. To do this, you can use a spray bottle. Baking time with lid - 15 minutes. Then remove the lid and leave in the oven until fully cooked.

Eating healthy and showing love to your family

No aroma compares to the smell of freshly baked homemade bread. Household members will be confident in the absolute love of their mother and wife. Anyone who inhales the unsurpassed smell will be intoxicated by it. And when it comes to cutting the beautiful loaf, an elastic crumb with large pores will appear. Taste qualities received culinary masterpiece so excellent that the family will ask their hostess to bake homemade bread again and again. After this perfect taste not only a gourmet, but also a completely undemanding person will not want to return to the store option. Such delicious bread It's worth learning how to bake it.

The question arises: “Will the strong half of humanity be able to please their family, at least in their leisure time, with delicious aromatic bread?” Yes, men are great cooks, but they usually don’t like to tinker with dough, considering this process to be quite tedious. We believe that sourdough bread in the oven, the recipe for which is presented in this article, will become a specialty for housewives.

Alternative baking method

Now the reader is aware that sourdough in the oven, the recipe with photo has been studied. A logical question arises in itself: “Are there alternative ways baking?" Skilled bakers, honing their skills, experimenting, are in search of best options to create this essential component on the table. Thus, many craftswomen have adapted a deep round tool for this task. Chinese frying pan with a convex bottom, called a wok. However, traditional, albeit more time-consuming, is baking in the oven on a stone. This method is similar to what our ancestors used when sending bread to
