Clear chicken broth in a slow cooker. How to properly prepare delicious broth in a slow cooker

Step 1: prepare the meat.

The meat must be fresh, cleaned of tendons and films, and must also be completely defrosted. It doesn’t matter what you choose, pork, beef or lamb, whether you take only the pulp or with the bones, the meat must be washed cold water. Then cut it into small pieces that easily fit into the multicooker bowl and dry with disposable paper towels.
Attention: If you want to get a less fatty broth, then you must cut off all the excess fat from the pieces of meat.

Step 2: prepare meat broth in a slow cooker.

Place the pieces of meat into the slow cooker. Add peeled and chopped large pieces carrots, peeled and cut in half onion, whole garlic cloves, peeled parsley root and celery stalk. Fill everything with cold water, add salt, peppercorns and Bay leaf.
Close the multicooker lid and select the mode "quenching", set the timer to 2-3 hours(depending on the toughness of the meat) and press the start button.
Attention: If desired, you can pre-bake the carrots and onions in the “baking” mode.

In a slow cooker, the broth simmers for a long time at a constant temperature, which is why it comes out so tasty and rich.
When the appliance tells you that the program has ended, carefully open the lid, releasing hot steam so as not to burn your hands and face.
Remove the meat and vegetables from the broth, then strain it using a sieve (you can even do it several times) and serve or start preparing the soup.

Step 3: serve meat broth.

Meat broth cooked in a slow cooker always turns out very tasty. If you decide to serve it on the table directly, then it will be enough to decorate it with herbs and rye crackers. You will get a healthy hot dish.
Bon appetit!

To prevent bones from scratching the bottom of the multicooker, some housewives use a special silicone mat.

The finished broth can also be strained through several layers of gauze.

Meat broth can be frozen and stored in the freezer.

Broth (from French: boil) is a broth prepared by boiling meat, poultry, fish or vegetables, which is used as a basis for a variety of first courses, sauces, but can also be consumed as an independent dish. To the broth, as to separate dish, can be served in different savory baked goods(pies, pies), side dishes (cereals, eggs, dumplings, croutons, etc.)
Conventionally, there are three types of broths based on cooking technology: white, yellow and red. White broth prepared from unroasted ingredients, yellow– from unfried meat or bones, but roasted vegetables and roots, red prepared from fried meat, fried vegetables and roots.

How to properly cook delicious broth in a slow cooker?

Making broth in a slow cooker has its own characteristics, the broth simmers for a long time at a constant temperature, which has a positive effect on its quality, allowing you to obtain a particularly tasty and nutritious broth. In this case, the foam practically does not appear, and all the useful extractive substances pass into the broth, saturating it with proteins and microelements.

  • The secret of delicious broth– in ideal freshness of meat, which is first cleaned of tendons and films, washed and filled with cold water.
  • If you need a non-fat broth, carefully trim all the fat from the meat or poultry. It is better to salt the broth before the end of cooking.
  • Often, when cooking broth in a slow cooker, the meat is placed in water and quickly brought to a boil. on the “Cooking” mode, remove the foam, add vegetables and spices, and only then expose “Quenching” mode.
  • Many housewives completely drain the first water after boiling, pouring in new water, thus getting rid of excess extractive substances.
  • The meat can be boiled as a whole piece, but it is better to cut it coarsely. The more meat or poultry you use, the richer the broth will be.
  • The prepared broth can be frozen for future use by cooling it and pouring it into plastic bags or special containers.

1. How to cook meat broth in a slow cooker?

To prepare meat or meat and bone broth in a slow cooker, we will need:
600-800 g piece of beef (pork, lamb) (you can take bones with meat), 2.5 liters of water, 1-2 carrots, 1-2 onions, bay leaf, black peppercorns, allspice, salt, garlic, parsley root, celery stalk.
1. Cut the carrots and onions into halves and lightly bake them in "Baking/Roasting" mode.
2. Place the meat cut into pieces, salt, spices into the bowl with the vegetables and add water, close the lid and turn on 2-3 hours “Quenching” program, if we take only meat, and if we boil meat bones, then for 4-5 hours. Bones can also be pre-baked in the Bake mode to enhance the flavor of the broth.
3. We take out the meat, and be sure to strain the broth using a sieve.
Tip: to prevent bones from scratching the coating of the multicooker, some housewives place a special silicone mat on the bottom.

2. How to cook chicken broth in a slow cooker?

To prepare chicken broth in a slow cooker you will need:
2.5-3 liters of water, a small chicken or chicken bones with meat 600-800 g, an onion, 1-2 carrots, garlic, a mixture of peppers, parsley root or celery stalks, salt, bay leaf, peppercorns.
Place everything in the multicooker bowl and fill with cold water to the mark. Set the “Quenching” mode for 2-3 hours. Don't forget to strain the broth.

3. How to cook fish broth in a slow cooker?

To prepare fish broth in a slow cooker we will need:
2.5-3 liters of water, some of which can be replaced with dry white wine, fish heads, from which gills, tails, parts of the carcass or ridges have been removed, approximately 2 kg, onions, carrots, leeks, parsley, allspice, bay leaves, salt.
Place the ingredients in a multicooker, fill with water and set “Quenching” mode for 1 hour. Strain the broth.

4. How to cook vegetable broth in a slow cooker?

To prepare vegetable broth in a slow cooker we will need:
3 liters of water, 2-3 onions, 2-3 carrots, (you can optionally add white cabbage, cauliflower and potatoes), half a head of garlic, 1 parsnip or parsley root and greens, bay leaf, celery, you can add a little chopped if desired ginger, allspice and black peppercorns, salt to taste.

1. Put “Baking” mode for 20 minutes, pour a little vegetable oil to the bottom of the bowl and fry the coarsely chopped onions, carrots, garlic, mix.
2. Add the rest of the ingredients and fill with water. We exhibit “Quenching” mode for 60 minutes.

5. How to cook mushroom broth in a slow cooker?

For cooking mushroom broth in the slow cooker we need:
2-3 liters of water, 500-600 g of fresh or 300 g of dried mushrooms, 1-2 onions, bay leaf, black peppercorns, salt.

  1. We thoroughly wash fresh mushrooms to remove sand, clean damaged areas, and, if necessary, add additional water to remove sand. Soak dry mushrooms in water or milk for several hours to swell.
  2. If the mushrooms are too large, you should cut them. Place the mushrooms in the multicooker bowl, add the peeled onion, black pepper, salt and place in “Quenching” mode for 30-40 minutes, depending on the type of mushroom. The mushrooms should become soft; if necessary, extend the cooking. Discard the onion; you can add a bay leaf at the end of cooking.

Broth is a rich liquid that is obtained as a result of prolonged boiling in water. different varieties meat, fish, as well as mushrooms and vegetables. He is the basis various soups and sauces, and can also act as an independent dish. Today we will look at several recipes for making broth in the Redmond multicooker.

The broth in the Redmond multicooker, made from chicken, is considered not only tasty and aromatic, but also very healthy dish. It can be used in making noodles and variety of soups, and also used as independent dish, adding some greens and crispy croutons to the plate.

To cook chicken bouillon in the Redmond slow cooker, you will need the following:

  • chicken meat – 0.8-1 kg;
  • water – 2 l;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • salt - to taste;
  • bay leaf – 1-2 pcs.;
  • black pepper and sweet pea– 5-6 pcs.

The method of preparing broth in a Redmond multicooker consists of the following steps:

  1. First of all, prepare the meat. To do this, rinse it thoroughly, remove any remaining feathers and excess fat.
  2. Peel the onions and carrots and wash them. Vegetables should not be chopped finely; carrots can be cut into 4 parts, and the onion can be used whole.
  3. Place chicken meat at the bottom of the Redmond multicooker container, then immerse the vegetables, add peppercorns and bay leaves.
  4. Fill the food with water and add salt to taste. Then lower the lid and put the Redmond multicooker in the “Stew” mode. Your broth will take approximately 1.5 hours to cook.
  5. About 30 minutes after the start of the process, open the multicooker and remove the foam from the broth with a slotted spoon.
  6. When the cooking time is up, let the dish cool slightly. After this, remove the bowl of broth from the Redmond multicooker, remove the meat into a separate bowl, and strain the broth itself through a sieve - this way it will turn out clean and transparent.
  7. Separate boiled chicken from the bone - it can be used in preparing various dishes.

Chicken broth cooked in a Redmond multicooker will become an excellent basis for soup. In addition, you can cook any porridge on it. Cereals boiled not in plain water, but in aromatic broth, will be a tasty and satisfying side dish.

Fish broth in a multicooker Redmond

If you're bored meat soups, we suggest replacing them temporarily fish dishes. Fish soup cooked on rich broth, your household will definitely like it. Making such a broth in a Redmond multicooker is not difficult; first, stock up on the following products:

  • fresh fish (trout or salmon) – 600-700 g;
  • water – 2 l;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • salt - to taste;
  • Bay leaf, white pepper peas - to taste.

Cooking fish broth in the Redmond multicooker:

  1. Rinse the fish in cold water, remove the fins and make sure that there are no scales left anywhere.
  2. Peel the onions and carrots, wash and cut into 2-4 pieces.
  3. Place the prepared fish and vegetables into the Redmond multicooker container. Next add pepper and bay leaf. Pour water into the bowl and salt the dish to taste.
  4. Place the Redmond multicooker in the “Stew” mode and cook the broth for 1.5 hours. At the end of cooking, taste the dish again for salt.
  5. When the broth has cooled, remove the fish and strain the liquid through a fine strainer.

The fish broth turns out nice and clear, and very little foam is formed during its preparation. The broth can be used not only as a base for fish soup, but also in cooking various sauces. Excess broth can be frozen and stored in the refrigerator for some time.

Beef broth in a Redmond slow cooker

The Redmond multicooker is an indispensable assistant in preparing such dishes as beef broth. The fact is that in the multicooker bowl the meat does not just boil, as in regular saucepan, and languishes for a long time at high temperature. As a result, the beef melts in your mouth, and the broth turns out rich and very tasty.

To prepare broth in the Redmond multicooker, use the following products:

  • beef on the bone – 0.5 kg;
  • water – 2 l;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • onions – 2 pcs.;
  • bay leaf – 1-2 pcs.;
  • black and allspice peas – 5-6 pcs.;
  • salt - to taste;
  • parsley root – 1 pc.;
  • parsley - 1/2 bunch.

To cook beef broth in a Redmond slow cooker, follow the instructions below:

  1. Rinse the meat under running water and separate from the bone. Pour a little vegetable oil into a frying pan, heat it and fry the bone for a few minutes, then transfer it to the Redmond multicooker bowl.
  2. Peel the vegetables and parsley root, wash and cut into several large pieces.
  3. Place meat, onions and carrots, black and allspice, as well as parsley root and a few bay leaves into the slow cooker. Pour water and salt over all ingredients.
  4. Place the Redmond multicooker in the “Stew” mode and cook the broth for 4-5 hours. About 1-2 minutes before the end of cooking, taste the dish for salt, add salt if necessary, and also add chopped parsley to the bowl.
  5. Cool the finished broth, remove the meat and strain the liquid.

Pork broth in a Redmond slow cooker

Soups cooked with pork broth are very satisfying and appetizing. This broth is also good for making jellied meat. To make pork broth in a Redmond slow cooker, you will need the following ingredients:

  • pork on the bone – 500-600 g;
  • water – 2 l;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • salt, black pepper - to taste.

Method for preparing broth in a Redmond multicooker:

  1. Rinse the pork thoroughly under running water and remove everything unnecessary: ​​films, veins, excess fat.
  2. Peel the onion and cut in half. Place the ingredients in the Redmond multicooker container and fill with water. Add salt, pepper or any other spices to your taste.
  3. Activate the “Extinguishing” option on the device panel and set the timer for 2 hours.
  4. After 20-30 minutes from the start of cooking, remove the foam and taste the dish for salt.
  5. Close the multicooker lid and leave the broth to cook until the end of the program.

Mushroom broth in a Redmond slow cooker

If you decide to make this broth, give preference forest mushrooms, since they are the ones who will give the dish a rich and incomparable aroma. We also note that boletus and aspen mushrooms can color the fat in dark color, so it's better not to use them. Ideal option There will be porcini mushrooms, although other edible varieties will be fine.

To cook this broth in a Redmond multicooker, follow the instructions:

  1. Rinse dried mushrooms and soak in cold water for at least 3 hours so that they are saturated with liquid. After this time, strain the water into a separate container.
  2. Peel the vegetables, then cut them in large pieces. Rinse the parsley root thoroughly.
  3. Place all the prepared products into the bowl of the Redmond multicooker and pour in the water in which the mushrooms were soaked. Salt the dish, set the “Stew” mode on the panel and cook the broth for 1-1.5 hours.
  4. After the program ends, let the liquid cool, then strain it into a separate pan. Pass the boiled mushrooms through a meat grinder or chop in a blender, then add them back to the broth.
  1. To prepare the broth, you can use any type of meat, but the most wonderful taste will have a dish cooked from meat on the bone.
  2. To make the broth good, it is important not only to choose the right products for its preparation, but also to pay due attention to the main ingredient - water. It must be fresh and cleaned. Tap water, which contains many harmful impurities, can spoil the taste of the dish.
  3. If you are going to cook broth and frozen meat, you should first defrost it properly. Under no circumstances should you cook it as soon as you take it out of the refrigerator. fast defrosting V hot water will lead to deterioration taste qualities product. It is best to remove the meat from the freezer a few hours before preparing the broth.
  4. Onions are always added to the pork broth - it gives the dish an appetizing aroma. And if you want to get a beautiful golden hue to the soup, add fried carrots to the dish.
  5. Dried tomatoes will be given to the broth interesting taste and a beautiful dark shade.
  6. Once you have cooked the broth, you don’t have to use it right away. You can freeze the liquid for a while, in freezer The broth can be stored for a couple of weeks.


  • Chicken – 700-1000 gr.
  • Water – 2 liters
  • Carrots – 1 piece
  • Onions – 1 piece
  • Allspice (peas) – 2 pieces
  • Bay leaf -1-2 pieces
  • Salt pepper.

How to cook:

1 First, you should completely clean the chicken - rinse, remove any remaining feathers, etc. Can be scorched with fire for complete cleansing.

2 Place the chicken in the slow cooker.

3 Wash the carrots, peel and cut into 4 long pieces. Add to chicken.

4 Add salt and pepper to taste. Then bay leaf and pepper.

5 Pour water into the multicooker to the already prepared products.

6 Peel the onion and add to the chicken and carrots. The preparations are complete.

7 Turn on the “Stew” mode for an hour and a half, placing the bowl in the multicooker and closing it tightly with a lid.

8 After 30 minutes, foam will appear on top, it is better to remove it. In an hour the broth will be completely ready.

9 Now you should take out the bowl, strain the broth through a colander, and cut the meat. You can use it however you want - serve it with broth, use it in soup or any other type of dish.

All that remains is to figure out what to do with the bullion. It can be used to prepare aspic by adding gelatin, meat and vegetables. You can cook your favorite porridge on it. And some people drink the broth itself during cold weather, warming it up. The broth itself will also help you overcome the disease. Moreover, if you use it together with onions, garlic and other natural medicines that are familiar to us. Of course, we shouldn’t forget about hot tea with lemon.

You can make many dishes using chicken broth as a base! Vegetable stew, potatoes, soups, pilaf, cabbage rolls. The broth is also suitable for those who want to lose weight, so you can include it in your diet menu. Many people give chicken broth to children. Some families prefer to simply heat it up and drink it, enjoying the great taste.

The ability to prepare chicken broth in cooking is one of the basic ones. Most housewives successfully cope with this task without resorting to help. kitchen appliances. They are helped by experience and knowledge of many subtleties that allow them to cook transparent, aromatic and delicious broth from chicken. When cooking a dish in a pan, the slightest mistake can cause it to become cloudy. You have to constantly monitor the water level in the pan. There is a risk of oversalting the dish if you add salt to initial stage preparations. All these pitfalls can be avoided if you prepare chicken broth in a slow cooker. A smart device will not allow it to boil too much and will not allow the water to evaporate. The result is guaranteed to meet your expectations.

Cooking features

Despite the fact that the process of cooking chicken broth in a slow cooker is simple and does not require the housewife to know many subtleties, she will still have to take some points into account. Otherwise, even a smart unit will not solve the problem in the best possible way.

  • From quality starting products quality directly depends ready-made dish. For the broth, it is better to use chicken raised in farming, and not at a poultry farm - the broth from it will be more rich, aromatic and healthy.
  • Broth from chicken bones It turns out more rich and transparent, but it is considered dietary when cooked from breast or fillet.
  • U inexperienced housewife You may wonder if you should boil the water before putting the chicken in it. If you were boiling chicken for a second course, it would be wiser to do this in order to keep the meat juicy. However, when cooking broth, something completely different is important: so that the maximum useful substances from the chicken it turned into a broth. Therefore, fill it with cold water and only then bring it to a boil. It is also advisable to salt a dish immediately when cooking it in a slow cooker, since salt helps to digest the beneficial substances from meat and vegetables.
  • In order for the chicken broth to be aromatic, roots, spices and vegetables are added to it during cooking. The most commonly used are onions, carrots, celery and parsley roots, allspice and black pepper, and bay leaves. There is no need to chop them finely. After preparing the broth, the used vegetables and spices are thrown away, since they have already transferred most of the beneficial substances to the broth. If you want to prepare broth with vegetables so that they remain suitable for human consumption, they need to be placed in already ready broth, heat and cook until ready.
  • The duration of cooking chicken broth in a slow cooker depends on the size of the poultry pieces and the selected cooking mode. Usually it is 1.5–2 hours.
  • After cooking, the broth must be strained and the multicooker bowl washed, as plaque will appear on its walls due to the fact that it was not possible to remove the foam protruding from the surface while cooking the broth.
  • If you want the broth to have more saturated color and taste, vegetables can first be fried in a dry frying pan or baked until half cooked in the oven.
  • Do not leave the spices in the broth for a long time: they will give it a bitter taste.

Chicken broth can be consumed as an independent first course, supplemented with croutons, bread or herbs. It also often serves as the basis for preparing other dishes: sauces, soups, cold and hot appetizers.

A simple recipe for making chicken broth in a slow cooker

  • chicken soup set – 0.5 kg;
  • water – 2 l;
  • onions – 75 g;
  • carrots – 100 g;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the chicken parts included soup set, place in the multicooker bowl.
  • Wash and peel the vegetables and add to the chicken.
  • Salt and pepper the ingredients, pour clean water. It is better to use filtered water rather than tap water.
  • Start the unit by selecting the “First course” or “Soup” mode. If your appliance has a Broth program, select it. Set the timer for 2 hours.
  • After the specified time, strain the broth, use the bones and other parts of the chicken, and discard the vegetables.

Cooked according to this recipe the broth can be eaten in pure form or use as a basis for preparing other dishes.

Fragrant chicken broth in a slow cooker

  • chicken (any parts) – 0.8–1 kg;
  • celery root – 100 g;
  • onions – 100 g;
  • carrots – 100 g;
  • bay leaf – 1 pc.;
  • allspice peas – 3 pcs.;
  • black peppercorns – 3 pcs.;
  • water – 2–2.5 l;
  • salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Wash and dry the chicken, cut it into portioned pieces, place them in the multicooker bowl.
  • Wash and peel the onions, carrots and celery.
  • Cut the celery into small cubes, the carrots into large circles, cut the onion in half or into 4 parts.
  • Fry the vegetables in a dry frying pan for 2-3 minutes, transfer to the chicken.
  • Add salt and spices, fill the food with water.
  • Start the multicooker for 30 minutes in the first course cooking mode.
  • After the specified time, change the program to “Extinguishing”. Instead, you can use the Multicook program. Cook for 1.5 hours.

The broth remains to be strained and used for its intended purpose. It turns out aromatic and has an appetizing hue.

Chicken broth with vegetables

  • chicken – 0.7–0.8 kg;
  • onions – 0.2 kg;
  • carrots – 100 g;
  • parsley root – 50 g;
  • green pea– 100 g;
  • vegetable oil – 40 ml;
  • water – 2 l;
  • bay leaf – 1 pc.;
  • allspice – 5 pcs.;
  • salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Cut the chicken into pieces, wash it, and place it in a multicooker container.
  • Add washed but not peeled onion, salt, and spices.
  • Fill with water and cook for 2 hours, at the first stage of cooking using the “Soup” program (the first 20–30 minutes), then the “Stew” program.
  • Strain the broth, discard the onion with spices, wash the multicooker bowl and wipe dry.
  • Wash and peel remaining ingredients. Cut the onion, carrots and parsley root into small cubes.
  • Pour oil into the multicooker bowl and start the appliance in frying or baking mode.
  • Add onion, parsley and carrots. Fry them for 10 minutes.
  • Add green peas and broth. Select the “Stew” program and turn on the multicooker for another 15–20 minutes.

The broth according to this recipe turns out to be tasty and satisfying; it is quite capable of replacing a full-fledged first course. When serving, it doesn’t hurt to sprinkle it with chopped herbs.

It is much easier to prepare chicken broth in a slow cooker than in a saucepan, but even in this case, the technology for cooking it has its own subtleties. Only by taking them into account will you make a beautiful, tasty and healthy dish.
