How long to cook Bavarian sausages with cheese. Is it possible to eat sausage raw? How to cook sausages

It is difficult to name a simpler and universal product than sausages. They are loved by small children, students, and bachelors. This is a real lifesaver for those who are very hungry and do not want to spend a lot of time preparing food. In this article we will talk about keeping them juicy and tender.

In principle, sausages are a ready-to-eat product. However, it is better not to risk it and boil them, especially if you are planning to prepare lunch for your child. Besides raw sausages They are not as tasty as when cooked. To improve the taste, you can use various spices and seasonings. For lovers of spicy and spicy food, we can recommend sausages with mustard.

This product requires not so much cooking as heat treatment. It is important to know not only how to cook sausages, but also how long this process should take. Experts have different opinions on this matter. The only thing they agree on is that sausages don't take long to cook. It's best to put them in cold water, let them boil and turn them off immediately. This way you will not only improve their taste, but also protect your body from pathogenic microbes. You can cook them, but no more than 3 minutes. Otherwise, the sausages will begin to burst and lose attractive appearance. To prevent this from happening, you need to cook them in the shell or pierce them with a fork in several places before cooking.

How to cook sausages - with or without casing? In fact, making a choice is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. Here are a few facts about this “clothing”.

  • The shells can be natural (they can be eaten) or artificial.
  • The shells differ from each other in the degree of permeability and appearance. Their shelf life may also vary.
  • Cooking in the casing is acceptable, but if it is artificial, it is better to remove it.
  • If not removed artificial shell, then try not to overcook the sausage.
  • The casing will come off faster and easier if you keep the sausages in water after cooking.

Exist alternative ways preparing this semi-finished meat product. If you're in a hurry, you can cook the sausages in the microwave. Before you know it, they'll be ready. If you set the oven to full power, it will take no more than 7 minutes to cook.

Steamed sausages are very juicy and appetizing. To do this, take a medium-sized saucepan and fill it with water. We place a grill on top of it and lay out the sausages. There must be a certain distance between them. Cooking sausages this way takes just a few minutes.

Another option is to purchase a special ribbed tray. It includes a grill on which the sausages are placed.

During their cooking, steam is evenly distributed on all sides, and the liquid immediately flows into the pan. The tray is equipped with a lid with holes. This allows for good ventilation.

In such a device, cooking takes approximately 30-60 seconds. Now you know how to cook sausages, spending minimal amount time.

If you don’t know how to cook sausages in water in a saucepan, microwave, slow cooker with or without casing, then we will help you figure out this issue. In fact, everything is very simple. By the way, read it, it will be very tasty with sausages or with.

To cook sausages you will need:

  • sausages;
  • water;
  • pot.

How to properly cook sausages in a saucepan, with or without casing, so that they don’t burst

How to cook sausage correctly? Place a saucepan with cold water on the stove. Prepare the sausages by removing the casing. Using a fork, poke a couple of holes in the sausages to prevent them from bursting. Place the sausages in boiling water. No need to add salt. How long to cook sausage in a saucepan? Boil sausages in water for 4-5 minutes.

You can also cook it in the casing by placing the sausages immediately in cold water. Cooking time after boiling water is 3-4 minutes.

How to properly cook frozen sausages in water

Place the sausages in the casing, without defrosting, in a saucepan with cold water. Place the pan on the fire. After the water in the saucepan with sausages boils, cook them for 3-4 minutes.

How to cook sausages without casings in the microwave

How to cook sausage in the microwave7 Remove the casing from the sausages and place on a plate. Pour 2-3 tbsp onto the bottom of the plate. spoons of water. Cover the container with the sausages with a plastic lid or other smaller plate. Put it in the microwave. Cook the sausages in the microwave for 3 minutes.

How to cook sausages in a slow cooker

Pour 2 cups of cold water into the MV bowl. Place a steamer basket with sausages without casings in it. Close the lid. Cook the sausages using the “Steam” program for 10 minutes. Bon appetit!

How to cook sausages - video of cooking sausages

Sausages are universal sausages. With their help, you can quickly and easily prepare delicious, satisfying dishes.

Budget meals delicious sausages will help you on weekdays. All you need to do is buy sausages and use the recipes below. You can cook sausages different ways: boil, bake or fry. This semi-finished product allows you to prepare more complex dishes - casserole or stew. Let's consider simple ways preparing sausages that will delight your family and guests.

How to cook sausages

Due to lack of time, housewives sometimes need to quickly and satisfyingly feed their family. A simple, universal scheme for boiling sausages will help you out:
- We clean the sausages from the existing cellophane film. If the sausages are packaged in natural casing, they do not need to be cleaned.

Pour into the container as much clean cold water as necessary to cover the sausages with water by about 1-2 cm.

Place the container on the fire.

After the water boils, immerse the cleaned sausages in the pan and reduce the gas.

Cook for 3-5 minutes after the water boils.

Cooking times are indicated on the sausage packaging. You can check their readiness yourself by piercing the sausage with a fork. Ready-made and properly cooked sausages should be soft. There is no need to salt the sausages, this semi-finished sausage product includes flavorings and salt, too. To prevent the sausages from bursting during cooking, it is recommended to pierce them with a fork several times.

Sausage recipes in the oven

There are many recipes for oven-baked sausages. How can you easily and quickly prepare them, what can you combine them with, and what sauce can you serve them with? Let's look at a few simple recipes.

A simple recipe for cooking sausages in dough in the oven is popular. Take ready-made yeast dough. Roll out and cut into small strips. We form "sausages in yeast dough", brush the top with yolk, sprinkle with sesame seeds. Bake in the oven until golden brown.

Sausages in dough. Cook at home!

Sausages and potatoes in the oven - hearty and delicious dish, which even a beginner can prepare. If you don’t have time to stand at the stove for a long time, you can cook potatoes and sausages in the oven at home:

1. Wash and peel the potatoes. Cut into pieces and place in a deep bowl. Salt and sprinkle vegetable oil. If desired, you can add a little mayonnaise or sour cream. Grease a baking tray with oil and place potatoes. 2. Peel the sausages and cut along the edges. You can make cuts along the surface of the sausage.

3. Place the baking sheet on the bottom shelf of the oven, and place a wire rack on top to place the sausages on. Sprinkle them with vegetable oil.

4. After 15 minutes, remove the sausages, as they will be ready earlier. Stir the potatoes and bring to readiness.

Fried sausage recipes

You can simply fry any sausages in a frying pan after pouring a few drops of vegetable oil into it. When frying, they must be turned over periodically.

A fairly common dish among novice cooks is scrambled eggs with sausages. To prepare it, you need to place the sausages in a heated frying pan, greased sunflower oil. After a few minutes, turn over and beat in the eggs. Next, cover the pan with a lid and fry the dish for about 10 minutes.

Eat unique recipe fried sausages"Chamomiles" with which you will surprise your family, despite the ease of preparation. 1. Cut the sausages into two halves lengthwise and make deep transverse cuts.

2. Roll the sausage into a ring, bringing the edges together and secure with a toothpick.

3. Grease a frying pan with vegetable oil (you can add a little butter), heat it up and fry the sausages a little.

4. Beat one egg into the center of each “flower” and add salt to taste.

5. When the egg is fried, carefully remove the “flower” with a spatula and place it on a plate, or on a piece of bread.

To decorate a dill dish, make appetizing “daisy” cuttings and grass, and leaves can be cut from cucumber. Children will especially like the dish and will be happy to try it.

Sausages in a slow cooker

Unlike boiling sausages in a saucepan, cooking them in a slow cooker does not require monitoring the cooking process. If the sausages have cellophane film, you need to remove it. The natural shell does not require removal. Place the sausages in a steamer basket or multicooker. Pour water into the container and close the lid. In the program menu, select the “Steaming” mode and set the cooking time to 10-15 minutes. Countdown from the moment the water boils. Take the finished sausages out of the slow cooker and serve with vegetables or a side dish.

Gorgeous sausages in the REDMOND multi-pressure cooker

Choose any of the cooking methods and delight your family members. The main thing is not to eat sausages raw. Although they are considered finished products, better than sausages cook correctly and tasty.

The editors of the site hope that our article will help you quickly prepare unusual dish from regular sausages.
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There is probably no person who has not tried sausages. We always resort to this dish when we don’t have much time, but want to eat something satisfying.
We offer you several step by step instructions How to cook sausages at home yourself.

You will need:

Boil sausages in water

Take the sausages and separate them required quantity. As a rule, they are connected to each other.

Carefully remove the film. This must be done, since the film is artificial. Cut it near one edge and stretch it in a spiral to the other.

Fill the pan halfway with clean, cold water. Let's boil. Let's turn down the fire. Place the sausages in the container. It is advisable to cover with a lid.

Cook the product for 2 to 10 minutes. Small sausages should simmer for no more than 5 minutes.

Frozen sausages

  1. If the sausages were previously frozen, place them in cold water.
  2. Do not remove the film. Get rid of it after cooking.
  3. Pierce the film with a fork so that they cook evenly and the film does not burst.
  4. When the water starts to boil, cook the sausages for 5-7 minutes.

The downside is that the sausages tend to come out at the edges. In the first cases boiled sausages look more appetizing.

How to boil sausages in the microwave

  1. Remove the film.
  2. Place the product in a special plate.
  3. Fill with water to cover the sausages.
  4. Cover with a lid.
  5. Place the plate in the microwave. Turn on the warm-up mode. Cook for 3-5 minutes.

Cook frozen sausages the same way. There is only one “but”. Do not remove the film, but pierce it in some places.

  • Sausages can not only be boiled, but also fried and grilled.

  • There is no need to cook them. But nutritionists recommend doing this. If suddenly they were stored in a not very suitable conditions, or the packaging was damaged, then processing boiled water will reduce the risk of poisoning. Also, cooking improves the taste.
  • You can cook sausages sliced.
  • Sausage broth can be used for soup or other dishes.
  • You can cook sausages in the same water several times.
  • The decoction should not be stored for long, as it will spoil.
  • Hearts are cooked according to the same principle as sausages.

In other words, sausages are a real lifesaver if you need to very quickly feed invited guests or hungry household members. Let's talk about how to properly cook sausages and how to do it.

Many people wonder whether to boil sausages or not to boil them? Sausages are positioned as already finished product for use. But it is advisable not to take risks, especially if you want to feed your child and there is no confidence that your child will not be poisoned by this meat product. Especially if the sausages were not purchased in sealed packaging. In addition, raw sausages are not as tasty as boiled ones.

How long to cook sausages?

Sausages need not only boiling in water, but also heat treatment. In order to improve the taste of sausages and completely protect your body from the penetration of pathogenic microbes, you need to learn how to cook sausages in water. To do this, just put the sausages in clean water, place on the stove, bring to a boil and turn off immediately.

Sausages can be boiled for a few minutes if you are not sure exactly how many days they have been stored. The water for boiling sausages can be slightly heated or very hot - there is no difference. But in the latter case, there is a high probability that the sausage will burst during cooking and will no longer be as tasty. Therefore, to prevent this from happening, you can pierce the sausages in several places in advance or boil them without peeling the casing.

To remove casings from sausages or not to remove them?

The casing is another pitfall in boiling sausages. In fact, sausage casings can also be different - artificial and natural, which can be eaten along with the sausage. You can cook sausages in the casing, but as for the artificial casing, it is advisable to remove it before starting cooking.

If you do not remove the artificial casing, try not to overcook the sausage, otherwise the casing may stick and be difficult to remove.

In fact, there are no specific rules for how to cook sausages, because they will be cooked in any case if you boil them in boiling water. But still, there are some useful tips, following which you will get the juiciest and most delicious sausages.

The first step is to determine what type of sausages you purchased or what kind you want to buy in the nearest supermarket. Usually sausages are sold in plastic or natural packaging. Plastic packaging can be removed from sausages very quickly; just cut it a little with a knife; as for the natural casing, removing it will be a little more difficult. The natural casing is the most environmentally friendly, but after boiling the sausages it can be very difficult to remove it, and eating sausages with the casing is not very pleasant. Therefore, it is better to remove the skin from sausages before cooking them. If the casing comes off along with the sausage, then it is better not to do this at all and cook it like this.

How to cook sausages in a saucepan

To boil sausages, you need to take a small pan of a size so that all your sausages can lie flat on the bottom and not become deformed during cooking. To make it more convenient for you, you can cook the sausages directly in the pan. Having picked up the necessary dishes for cooking, place all the prepared sausages into it, add water so that it completely covers the sausages. Place the container over medium heat, bring the entire contents to a boil, after which you can reduce the heat slightly and cook the sausages over low heat for a few more minutes. Carefully remove the finished sausages from the pan using special tongs or a regular fork. Place the sausages on a plate with your favorite side dish.

How long to cook sausages?

Let's find out how to cook sausages and how long it takes. After the water in the container boils, you need to cook the sausages for no more than five minutes so that they have an attractive appearance. It is not advisable to pierce the sausages that you cook in the package with a knife, since there is a high probability that the sausage may burst or fall apart. But this already depends on the quality of the finished semi-finished product.

There is no need to salt the water in which the sausages are cooked, since this semi-finished product is already salty. It is not advisable to add any spices, vinegar or oil to the water. If suddenly the sausages are a little over-salted, then you can take a small saucepan, add a lot of water to it, as a result extra salt the sausages should go away.

To ensure that the natural packaging can quickly be removed from the sausages after boiling, quickly remove them from the boiling water and immediately place them in cold water. As a result of a sharp change in water temperature, the packaging will very quickly move away from the sausages. At the same time, you should not keep the sausages under cold water for too long, so that later you do not have to reheat them again.

Usually this semi-finished product is cooked on the stove - this is a common thing, and they cook much faster. But they can be boiled in other ways; for this you can use almost any kitchen appliance: a multicooker, microwave oven, steamer, pressure cooker, etc.

How to cook sausages in a slow cooker

In many cases, sausages help us out when we need to quickly prepare a meal and don’t have time to cook something complex dish. After all, the sausages are almost ready to eat, but it is advisable to heat-treat the sausages. Sausages cook very quickly in a slow cooker.

Before cooking sausages in a slow cooker, remove the cellophane packaging from them. If the sausages have a natural casing, then it does not need to be removed. Place all prepared sausages in a slow cooker. Then pour water into the multicooker and cover the lid. In the menu, select the “Steam cooking” function, set the cooking time to 10 or 15 minutes, now you can press the “Start” button. After the multicooker beeps, your sausages will be completely ready.

How to steam sausages in a slow cooker

Pour sufficient quantity water into the multicooker bowl. After that, you need to transfer the sausages into the steamer basket, carefully insert this device into the multicooker and close the lid. Now you need to turn on the “Steam” mode. Cook the sausages for twenty minutes. Remove cooked sausages and serve along with any vegetables.

How to cook sausages in the microwave

To cook sausages in the microwave, pour water into a glass container so that the sausages can be completely submerged. The cellophane casing must be completely removed from the sausages, since it will be difficult to remove if it gets too hot. If the sausages have a natural casing, then it must be cleaned in advance.

Place the sausages in a container filled with water. If desired, add bay leaf, pepper and salt to taste. Set the microwave to warm mode. Place the container with sausages in the microwave, then turn on for 5 minutes. Drain the water from the finished sausages and serve.

How to cook spaghetti in sausages

We offer you a non-standard way to cook pasta with sausage. To do this, you need to take the sausages and cut them into three or four parts. Stick the spaghetti into the cross sections of the cut sausages on both sides so that you can end up with “hedgehog” shapes. Carefully lower the prepared “hedgehogs” one at a time into preheated water. Each sausage must be cooked for ten minutes. When the first part of your hairy sausages is cooked, you can add a few more pieces. Place the cooked sausages and pasta on plates and serve.

How to cook milk sausages

To boil milk sausages, first remove the film from them. If the film is natural, then there is no need to remove it. Pour water into a deep saucepan, then put it on the stove to boil. After the water has completely boiled, you can add salt, but this is to taste. When the water boils again, cook the sausages for a few more minutes. Place the cooked sausages on a plate.

How to cook frozen sausages

Frozen sausages are cooked exactly the same as regular sausages. But frozen sausages must be immediately immersed in water, without waiting for it to boil. Make sure the sausages are well cooked. And the film from sausages must be removed after they are cooked and cooled.

Boiled sausages go well with pasta, bread, ketchup or mustard. Sausages are ideal for both a light snack and lunch.

How to cook sausages in cellophane

Sausages in film are cooked in the same way as pre-cleaned semi-finished products. To cook them, place the sausages in a pan of water until they are completely covered by a few centimeters of liquid.

Place the pan over medium heat and bring the entire contents to a boil. After the water boils, cook the sausages for another three minutes. Cook no more than the specified time, otherwise ready-made sausages may lose their taste. After cooking, the sausages must be removed from the water and served.

How to steam sausages

This method is the most ideal for those people who love to eat fresh sausages directly from the supermarket counter and do not want to boil them in water. Many people believe that after cooking sausages lose their taste. Therefore, it is better to think about your health by steaming this semi-finished product. If you happen to have a double boiler on your household, you can cook sausages in it, it will only take a few minutes.

If suddenly you don't have one kitchen appliance then you can cook water bath. Take a metal colander or a metal sieve and a deep saucepan. The most important thing is that they do not come into contact with the bottom of the container. Pour some water into the pan itself and place a colander on top so that it does not touch the water. Place the sausages in a colander and cover with a lid. After the water in the container boils, continue cooking the sausages for another five minutes.

How to cook soup with sausages


350 grams of sausages,

2 liters of water,

1 handful of small noodles,

1 carrot,

1 clove of garlic,

25 grams of butter,


Boil water or prepare it in advance meat broth. Finely chop the peeled onion, cut the peeled carrots into strips or simply grate them. Heat the frying pan with the addition of oil, after which the carrots must be added to the frying pan and fry them for five minutes over not very high heat.

After cooking, all fried vegetables must be transferred to hot broth and continued to cook for seven minutes. Chop the peeled garlic thoroughly (if desired, the garlic can be omitted from the broth).

Cut the sausages, peeled from cellophane, into neat circles. Add a small piece of butter to the pan where you fried the vegetables. Then add the garlic here, then add all the chopped sausages. Continue frying them for another five minutes until lightly browned, then transfer them to the broth.

After you transfer the sausages into the pan, add a small handful of thin noodles. Continue cooking the soup for a few more minutes, stirring all the time until the noodles are ready. A few minutes before the end of cooking, add salt to your taste. Now you can turn off the heat and add chopped dill to the soup. Let the soup brew for a few minutes and you can serve.
