Old New Year: the meaning of “surprises” in dumplings. Dumplings for the Old New Year with a surprise. The meaning of surprise filling

Dumplings on Stary New Year with a surprise. The meaning of surprise filling.

We celebrate New Year twice a year! New Year according to two calendars: the new one - Gregorian and the old one - Julian. Old New Year - New Year according to the Julian calendar (“according to the old style”). Occurs on the night of January 13-14.

Why not? Unlike the New Year, this holiday is warm and relaxed. It prolongs the Christmas fun. Dumplings with a surprise. The meaning of the filling.

And of course, Old New Year is the time to make dumplings and tell fortunes!

They tell fortunes on the night of January 13-14, not for life, but only for the year that will fall in New Year's dumplings- so be it.

Dumplings with a surprise - very interesting dish. They are usually prepared for the old New Year - this has already become a kind of Russian tradition associated with fortune telling on this night. After all, such dumplings are prepared primarily to tell fortunes about what awaits in the coming year.

Dumplings for the Old New Year with a surprise - the meaning of the surprise filling.

Orange - for pleasure

Peanuts - for a love affair

White thread - for a long journey

Ticket for travel

Cherry - good luck

Peas - home peace

Walnut- health

Buckwheat – favorable and profitable news

Mushrooms - for a long and happy life

Big money - big win

Grain - to wealth;

Raisins - to great temptation;

– Time for Money! Together we will make your personal artifact of money, MONEY IDOL .

The cabbage came across - the wife fell in love with her husband

Precious stone - to a new status

Caramel - for love;

Potatoes - for a promotion at work

Cranberry - for unexpected changes in life

Ring - for the wedding

Red pepper - unfortunately

Dried apricots - to joy

Bay leaf- to fame (career growth);

Honey - health

Coin - a prosperous year in material terms;

Carrots - for new acquaintances;

Torment - to suffer;

Meat - for well-being

White thread - long road(long and long journey);

Green thread - the road abroad

Thread with knots - for a difficult year

Black thread - a short and not very long trip;

Cucumber - for a strong man

Olive - for longevity.

Nut - immediately to two fans (admirers);

Pepper - a thrill

Ground allspice – for “spicy” i.e. An eventful life, serious changes;

Button - for a new thing;

Millet - futile efforts

Rice - prosperity in the home

Sugar - sweet life(easy, favorable year);

Seeds - to new fruitful plans

Salt - to quarrels and failures (tears);

Capsicum peppers - for sexual pleasures

Cheese - to win

Cottage cheese - to new friends

Dough, or fish scales - to replenish the family;

Dill - to good health;

Beans - to replenish the family

Hazelnuts - for successful acquisitions

Bread - the year will be full and good;

Chain - strengthening family ties

A teapot in a dumpling is for gifts.

Tea bags - for super promotion

Black peppercorns - to friends (to new friendly relations);

Garlic - for a marriage of convenience

Apple - for a well-deserved reward

To believe or not to believe the meaning of surprises in dumplings for the Old New Year - it's an individual matter. Actually, how to decide whether to eat dumplings for the Old New Year or not. It is quite possible that you have your own surprises and interpretations of these surprises - share them with them in the comments.

I wish that all the most best predictions dumplings have come true. Happy Old New Year! And may it be rich and successful for each of you!

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ENDS!!! Last OPPORTUNITY!!!– Time for Money! Together we will make your personal artifact of money, MONEY IDOL.

On the occasion of the Old New Year, which falls on Christmastide, it was customary for the whole family to make dumplings with a surprise and tell fortunes. next year. Whatever “surprise” ends up in the dumplings will be there in the coming year. It is believed that predictions received during the Old New Year come true.

They are prepared for the Old New Year - this has already become a kind of Russian tradition associated with fortune telling on this night, in order to tell fortunes about what awaits in the coming year.

Various fillings in such dumplings mean good and happy wishes for everyone present.

Dumplings with a surprise for the old New Year 2017 can be made with unusual or even inedible filling. For example, you can put rings, coins, buttons or hot peppers. The main filling is usually potatoes or cottage cheese. And in the process of sculpting, surprises are added to some of them, which can be used for fortune telling.

However, if you add hard objects to the filling, be sure to warn your guests so they don't choke or break their teeth. Alternative options is the use orange seeds, black peppercorns and other items that will not damage your teeth.

Most often, dumplings are prepared with potatoes, as well as salty or sweet cottage cheese. However, in reality you can use various fillings– from meat to oranges. Therefore, it is worth diversifying festive table dumplings with raisins, tomatoes, seafood, fish, peas and various fruits and berries. Eggs are not used to prepare the dough for dumplings. However, if you are preparing them with sweet fillings, you should put the yolks in the dough.

If you are preparing dumplings for a large company, you need to place the stuck dumplings on a clean towel, sprinkle them with flour and cover with another towel. When cooking dumplings, you need to make sure that they have enough space in the pan to float freely. It is not recommended to boil dumplings with the lid closed, otherwise the chance that they will become overcooked increases.

Serving dumplings for the old New Year with a surprise, the meaning of which we will consider below, must be hot. If the dumplings have cooled down, sprinkle them with milk and heat them in the microwave or in a frying pan over low heat.

Dumplings for the Old New Year with a surprise - the meaning of the surprise filling

Orange - for pleasure

Peanuts - for a love affair

White thread - for a long journey

Ticket - for travel

Cherry - good luck

Peas - home peace

Walnut – health

Buckwheat – favorable and profitable news

Mushrooms - for a long and happy life

Big money - big win

Grain - to wealth;

Raisins - to great temptation;

The cabbage came across - the wife fell in love with her husband

Precious stone - to a new status

Caramel - for love;

Potatoes - for a promotion at work

Cranberry - for unexpected changes in life

Ring - for the wedding

Red pepper - unfortunately

Dried apricots - to joy

Bay leaf - to fame (career growth);

Honey - health

Coin - a prosperous year in material terms;

Carrots - for new acquaintances;

Meat - for well-being

White thread - long journey (long and long journey);

Green thread - the road abroad

Thread with knots - for a difficult year

Black thread - a short and not very long trip;

Cucumber - for a strong man

Olive - for longevity.

Nut - immediately to two fans (admirers);

Pepper - thrill

Ground allspice – for “spicy” i.e. An eventful life, serious changes;

Button - for a new thing;

Millet - futile efforts

Rice - prosperity in the home

Sugar - sweet life (easy, favorable year);

Seeds - to new fruitful plans

Salt - to quarrels and failures (tears);

Capsicum peppers - for sexual pleasures

Cheese - to win

Cottage cheese - to new friends

Dough, or fish scales - to replenish the family;

Dill - to good health;

Beans - to replenish the family

Hazelnuts - for successful acquisitions

Bread - the year will be full and good;

Chain - strengthening family ties

A teapot in a dumpling is for gifts.

Tea bags - for super promotion

Black peppercorns - to friends (to new friendly relations);

Garlic - for a marriage of convenience

Apple - for a well-deserved reward

To believe or not to believe the meaning of surprises in dumplings for the Old New Year is an individual matter. Actually, how to decide whether to eat dumplings for the Old New Year or not. It is quite possible that you have your own surprises and interpretations of these surprises.

A nation that eats dumplings with bread and celebrates the New Year twice a year is invincible! Try to explain to a foreigner what the Old New Year is, have a lot of fun. Who gave us this unusual holiday? In case you forgot, it was grandfather... but not Moroz, but Lenin. Vladimir Ilyich could not even imagine what a gift he was making to future generations when he adopted the decree in 1918 “On the introduction of Russian Republic Western European calendar". He, naive, believed that Russians would celebrate the change of years like everyone else - according to the Gregorian calendar. And we still celebrate the New Year according to two calendars: the new - Gregorian and the old - Julian.

Why not? Unlike the New Year, this holiday is warm and unfussy. It prolongs the Christmas charm and allows those who are fasting to enjoy holiday dishes. In addition, it has a second practical component - through the TV box, and you can see all the missed New Year's programs and concerts with a sober head. If you celebrated the New Year with friends, this holiday can be dedicated to your family. And vice versa. In a word, a second chance so beloved by the Russian people. And of course, Old New Year is the time to make dumplings and tell fortunes!

In Russian tradition, on the evening of January 13, it was customary to set the table generously and abundantly. Unlike Christmas, exclusively family holiday, it was customary to visit each other, sing carols and treat themselves in every house. People made every effort to outdo their neighbors. Served on the table jellied fish, partridges, homemade sausage, pancakes, stuffed bird, pies, baked pork. “Rich” kutia became one of the main dishes. They did not spare nuts, dried apricots and raisins for her.

Dumplings with surprises

The belief says that how you celebrate the New Year is how you will spend it. And whatever comes across in the New Year's dumplings - so be it. They tell fortunes on the night of January 13-14, not for life, but only for a year. To believe or not to believe dumplings is up to the owner. The main thing: do not forget to thoroughly rinse the “fillings”, and also warn guests that the dumplings contain surprises, in order to avoid broken teeth and swallowed buttons.

Subtleties of cooking dumplings

The main fillings for dumplings are cottage cheese and potatoes with fried onions. But in fact, they can be filled in so many different ways that it won’t even come to mind: from mushrooms to oranges. With cheese, cherries, peas, fish, tomatoes, raisins, dried apricots, shrimp in the Japanese version. Eggs are not added to the dough for dumplings. An exception is made only for sweets. fruit fillings, and then only yolks are taken.

If you are going big company and intend to stick a lot of dumplings, place them on a towel sprinkled with flour and cover so that they do not dry out. When dumplings are thrown into the pan, make sure that they float freely and do not stick to each other. Otherwise, the dumplings will tear, the filling will spill out and settle at the bottom of the vessel. Don’t cover the pan with a lid either - you risk boiling “your destiny” and not seeing any surprises.

Serve the finished dumplings hot - it tastes better. And if it has cooled down, sprinkle with warm milk and heat over low heat.

Fillings meanings

And now the most important thing - symbols various old New Year's dumplings fillings:

Orange - for pleasure

Peanuts - for a love affair

Cherry - good luck

Peas - home peace

Walnut – health

Buckwheat – favorable and profitable news

Mushrooms - for a long and happy life

Big money - big win

Grain - to wealth

Raisins - to great temptation

If you get cabbage, it means money, and in the old days they used to say, “When you get cabbage, the wife clings to her husband.”

Caramel - for love

Potatoes - for a promotion at work

Cranberry - for unexpected changes in life

Ring - for the wedding

Red pepper - unfortunately

Dried apricots - to joy

Bay leaf - to fame (career growth)

Honey - health

Coin - a prosperous year in material terms

Carrots - for new acquaintances

Torment - to suffer

Meat - for well-being

White thread - long journey (long and long journey)

Green thread - the road abroad

Thread with knots - for a difficult year

Black thread - a short and not very long trip

Cucumber - for a strong man, good sex

Nut - immediately to two fans (admirers)

Pepper - thrill

Ground allspice – to “spicy”, i.e. an eventful life, major changes

Button - for a new thing

Millet - futile efforts

Rice - prosperity in the home

Sugar - sweet life (easy, favorable year)

Seeds - to new fruitful plans

Salt - to quarrels and failures (tears)

Capsicum peppers - for sexual pleasures

Cheese - to win

Cottage cheese - to new friends

Dough, beans, or fish scales - for a new addition to the family

Dill - to good health

Hazelnuts - for successful acquisitions

Bread - the year will be full and good

Chain - strengthening family ties

Black peppercorns - to friends (to new friendly relations)

Garlic - for a marriage of convenience

Apple - for a well-deserved reward

What else to tell fortunes

In addition to dumplings on New Year's Eve Ancient Rus' guessed with porridge. There's nothing stopping us from doing it today. After removing the foam, our great-grandmothers looked at the porridge - if it was dark and full, there would be happiness, a harvest, and a talented daughter. If the porridge is small and white, there will be trouble. Good porridge They ate it for breakfast, but the bad ones were thrown into the river.

How are they

It is interesting that the Old New Year is celebrated not only in Russia, but also in other countries. Naturally, this tradition is still preserved in the territory former USSR- in neighboring countries. In Ukraine, Armenia, Moldova and Belarus they continue to celebrate the New Year twice. The same thing is happening in Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Georgia.

In addition, there is a tradition of celebrating the old New Year in Serbia and Montenegro, since the Serbian Orthodox Church, like the Russian, continues to live according to the Julian calendar. Serbs call this holiday Serbian New Year. The Old New Year is celebrated in Macedonia and Switzerland. Or rather, in some of its German-speaking cantons. Like us, these are traces of popular rejection of the transition to the Gregorian calendar (this transition in Protestant Switzerland took place in the 17th-18th centuries).

Almost all holidays are accompanied by various traditional dishes. So, on the night of January 13-14 home desk It is customary to cook dumplings. What is so unusual about them and why has this dish become traditional? It's simple: dumplings are prepared with surprises that can predict a person's fate. Each of the “gifts” predicts what the whole next year will be like. If you get into it festive atmosphere and truly believe in a wonderful Christmastide evening, then the prediction can certainly come true.

What is the essence of tradition?

The Old New Year is celebrated completely differently, and also has a completely opposite meaning. Therefore, other traditions have been invented for the celebration, one of which is preparing dumplings with a surprise. This tradition dates back to a very long time ago, when it was customary to conduct fortune telling during the holy week. Someone may think that fortune telling on dumplings and good predictions are just a joke, however, on a holy evening, the brightest and kindest things can turn into life. Who knows, maybe this evening it will come true?

On the night of the Old New Year, fortune telling was always carried out, since it was the time of Christmastide that best time in order to receive your prediction, which will determine the fate of a person for the entire next year. The main anticipation is that none of the relatives or close people know what they will get. Therefore, a feast with dumplings, which are filled with a special “ingredient,” always turns out to be cheerful and joyful. But before you start eating traditional dish, it is important not to forget to warn guests about such a surprise in order to avoid unpleasant consequences.

The meaning of mysterious fillings

Each added filling symbolizes something good and is certainly associated with good wishes. For variety, many housewives like to add completely unexpected products– orange, cabbage or poppy seeds. It is also worth noting one interesting fact: It’s not just dumplings with fillings that carry a certain meaning. For example, if you serve pancakes on the holiday table, which symbolize the sun, then you can bring prosperity to your family. It’s worth talking in more detail about the meaning of surprise fillings:

1. Thread white- this means a long journey.
2. Cherry promises good luck.
3. Peas - for home peace.
4. Dried apricots are a great joy.
5. Coin - material well-being.
6. Walnut - to good health.
7. Bay leaf - success and glory await a person.
8. Buckwheat – pleasant, happy news.
9. Mushrooms – longevity and happiness.
10. Potatoes – well-deserved promotion up the career ladder.
11. Grain - unexpected wealth.
12. Raisins - a great temptation.
13. Cranberry – favorable changes in life.
14. Red pepper – disappointment or surprise.
15. Honey - good health.
16. Carrots – new interesting acquaintances.

17. Meat means well-being in life, not only in material terms.
18. Nut - wait for two admirers.
19. Button - good updates.
20. Pepper – bright emotions, sensations.
21. Rice - a prosperous atmosphere in the house.
22. Millet - to empty worries.
23. Sugar - it will be an easy and successful year.
24. An apple is a long-awaited reward or prize.
25. Seed – new productive ideas.
26. Garlic – financial marriage.
27. Salt – a quarrel with a loved one.
28. Bread - a person will not need anything all year round.
29. Cottage cheese - new faithful friends.
30. Hazelnuts - for successful decisions and necessary purchases.
31. Chain – reliable relationships with loved ones and relatives.
32. Dill - you will not be sick for a whole year.
33. Cucumber – good luck in sexual terms.
34. Green thread - travel to foreign countries.
35. Black thread - a long but short journey.

Popular recipes for dumplings with surprises

1. Using boiling water.
2. With the addition of kefir.
3. Dumplings from choux pastry with butter.
4. Using milk.

If you need to cook a lot of dishes and don’t have enough time, it is recommended to use quick recipe frozen puff pastry dumplings:

- 1 egg,
— 4 cups of flour,
glass of water,
- 4 tablespoons vegetable oil,
— 2 tea spoons of sugar,
- a pinch of salt.

Then we start preparing the dumplings. To do this, you need to prepare a mixture of flour, sugar and salt. Then add one egg to the resulting “slide”, followed by a glass of water and oil. Now you can start preparing the dough - knead the dough until it is smooth and homogeneous. Almost everything is done, all that remains is to place the dough in the refrigerator for a couple of hours, not forgetting to cover. While the dough is cooling, you can start preparing the filling. In the meantime, you can think about what “surprises” to choose and add to the dish to bring good luck and happiness into your home.

To please relatives delicious dish and show all your skills culinary arts You can diversify the filling of dumplings. Of course, cottage cheese or potatoes are perfect fillings, which appeal to many people. However, you only need to show your imagination once and add, for example, cheese or shrimp. After this, the dumplings will even seem like a different dish, especially tasty.

Will there be a large company and you will have to make a lot of dough products? Not a problem at all: during the cooking process, dumplings must be placed on a dry towel, previously sprinkled with flour. And also do not forget to cover them, otherwise the products may become weathered and lose their beautiful appearance.

Making dumplings is only half the battle. Then you need to proceed to the main part - welding delicious preparations from dough. This matter has its own subtleties: during the cooking process, you need to carefully monitor the dumplings in order to avoid two main problems - they stick to each other, and the dumplings can also become boiled. If all the tips have been taken into account, then the dish is sure to turn out magical and tasty.

And when the holidays are over, you can cook.

Why not? Unlike the New Year, this holiday is warm and unfussy. It prolongs the Christmas charm and allows those who are fasting to enjoy festive dishes. In addition, it has a second practical component - through the TV box, and you can see all the missed New Year's programs and concerts with a sober head. If you celebrated the New Year with friends, this holiday can be dedicated to your family. And vice versa. In a word, a second chance so beloved by the Russian people. And of course, Old New Year is the time to make dumplings and tell fortunes!
In Russian tradition, on the evening of January 13, it was customary to set the table generously and abundantly. Unlike Christmas, an exclusively family holiday, it was customary to visit each other, carol and treat each other in every home. People made every effort to outdo their neighbors. Jellied fish, partridges, homemade sausage, pancakes, stuffed poultry, pies, and baked pork were served on the table. “Rich” kutia became one of the main dishes. They did not spare nuts, dried apricots and raisins for her.

The belief says that how you celebrate the New Year is how you will spend it. And whatever comes across in the New Year’s dumplings, so be it. They tell fortunes on the night of January 13-14, not for life, but only for a year. To believe or not to believe dumplings is up to the owner. The main thing: do not forget to thoroughly rinse the “fillings”, and also warn guests that the dumplings contain surprises, in order to avoid broken teeth and swallowed buttons.

Subtleties of cooking dumplings

The main fillings for dumplings are cottage cheese and potatoes with fried onions. But in fact, they can be filled in so many different ways that it won’t even come to mind: from mushrooms to oranges. With cheese, cherries, peas, fish, tomatoes, raisins, dried apricots, shrimp in the Japanese version. Eggs are not added to the dough for dumplings. An exception is made only for sweet fruit fillings, and then only yolks are used.

If you are gathered in a large group and intend to make a lot of dumplings, place them on a towel sprinkled with flour and cover them so that they do not dry out. When dumplings are thrown into the pan, make sure that they float freely and do not stick to each other. Otherwise, the dumplings will tear, the filling will spill out and settle at the bottom of the vessel. Do not cover the pan with a lid either - you risk boiling down “your destiny” and not seeing any surprises.
Serve the finished dumplings hot - it tastes better. And if it has cooled down, sprinkle with warm milk and heat over low heat.

Fillings meanings

And now the most important thing - the symbols of various Old New Year's dumplings fillings:

Orange - for pleasure
Peanuts - for a love affair
Cherry - good luck
Peas - home peace
Walnut – health
Buckwheat – favorable and profitable news
Mushrooms - for a long and happy life
Big money - big win
Grain - to wealth
Raisins - to great temptation
If you get cabbage, it means money, and in the old days they used to say, “When you get cabbage, the wife clings to her husband.”
Caramel - for love
Potatoes - for a promotion at work
Cranberry - for unexpected changes in life
Ring - for the wedding
Red pepper - unfortunately
Dried apricots - to joy
Bay leaf - to fame (career growth)
Honey - health
Coin - a prosperous year in material terms
Carrots - for new acquaintances
Torment - to suffer
Meat - for well-being
White thread - long journey (long and long journey)
Green thread - the road abroad
Thread with knots - for a difficult year
Black thread - a short and not very long trip
Cucumber - for a strong man, good sex
Nut - immediately to two fans (admirers)
Pepper - a thrill
Ground allspice – to “spicy”, i.e. an eventful life, major changes
Button - for a new thing
Millet - futile efforts
Rice - prosperity in the home
Sugar - sweet life (easy, favorable year)
Seeds - to new fruitful plans
Salt - to quarrels and failures (tears)
Capsicum peppers - for sexual pleasures
Cheese - to win
Cottage cheese - to new friends
Dough, beans, or fish scales - for a new addition to the family
Dill - to good health
Hazelnuts - for successful acquisitions
Bread - the year will be full and good
Chain - strengthening family ties
Black peppercorns - to friends (to new friendly relations)
Garlic - for a marriage of convenience
Apple - for a well-deserved reward
What else to tell fortunes

In addition to dumplings on New Year's Eve, in Ancient Rus' they used to tell fortunes using porridge. There's nothing stopping us from doing it today. After removing the foam, our great-grandmothers looked at the porridge - if it was dark and full, there would be happiness, a harvest, and a talented daughter. If the porridge is small and white, there will be trouble. Good porridge was eaten for breakfast, but bad porridge was thrown into the river.

It is interesting that the Old New Year is celebrated not only in Russia, but also in other countries. Naturally, this tradition is still preserved in the territory of the former USSR - in neighboring countries. In Ukraine, Armenia, Moldova and Belarus they continue to celebrate the New Year twice. The same thing is happening in Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Georgia.
In addition, there is a tradition of celebrating the old New Year in Serbia and Montenegro, since the Serbian Orthodox Church, like the Russian, continues to live according to the Julian calendar. Serbs call this holiday Serbian New Year. The Old New Year is celebrated in Macedonia and Switzerland. Or rather, in some of its German-speaking cantons. Like us, these are traces of popular rejection of the transition to the Gregorian calendar (this transition in Protestant Switzerland took place in the 17th-18th centuries).
