Salted pink salmon for salmon at home. Salted pink salmon for salmon: traditional salting methods

Today you can cook whatever your heart desires. Salted pink salmon, like salmon, is very tasty at home! The main condition is to observe the duration so as not to overexpose it in salt. We offer you best recipes pink salmon for salmon. All that remains is to choose suitable option and act.

Pink salmon salted like salmon - choice of fish

Salting pink salmon for salmon involves using only quality fish:

  • choose a dense carcass with flesh that is evenly colored (it should not be spotted);
  • press on the carcass, make sure that the hole from your finger quickly levels out;
  • Look at the eyes, in high-quality fish they are not cloudy, without bloody marks.

Preparing pink salmon for salting for salmon

Salted pink salmon for salmon needs preliminary preparation. If the carcass was frozen, then:

  • place it in the center or bottom of the refrigerator;
  • when it becomes soft, remove it;
  • leave in the kitchen to defrost naturally.


Avoid emergency defrosting methods (hot water, microwave oven, etc.).

No. 1. Lightly salted pink salmon, like salmon: “Classic”

  • salt - 5 tbsp. l.
  • fish (loin) - 0.9-1 kg.
  • purified water - 1.25 l.
  • peppercorns - 10 pcs.
  • vegetable oil - 120 ml.

Pink salmon is salted like salmon, and this recipe turns out to be unusually tender. At home, salting will not take much time. As a result, the fish turns out very tasty!

1. So, rinse the sirloin and dry it with towels. Chop into slices of the same size so that the salting is carried out evenly.

2. Make brine. Connect warm water with salt, allow the crystals to dissolve. Stir in the peppercorns and let the liquid come to room temperature.

3. Dip the fillet pieces into the brine and set aside for 10-15 minutes. Remove them and immediately place them on paper towels to dry.

4. Take a wide, deep plate. Pour some oil into the bottom. Lay the fish in layers, pouring oil over each row.

5. Place a light pressure on top (plate + 2 liters of water). Leave the snack in the refrigerator for 30-40 minutes. When the specified period comes to an end, you can taste it.

No. 2. Pink salmon for salmon, dry salted

  • fish - 0.8-0.9 kg.
  • granulated sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
  • salt - 2 tbsp. l.
  • vegetable oil - in fact

1. Cut the fish, if possible, leave only the fillet part without skin. Chop into slices of 4-5 cm each. Combine granulated sugar and salt.

2. Take a container for pickling. Sprinkle a little salt on the bottom and smooth it out. Place the fish in the first row, maintaining a certain distance between the pieces.

3. Sprinkle this layer with a mixture of salt and sugar, lay out the next row. Repeat the manipulations until all components are gone.

4. Salted pink salmon, like salmon, is kept in the cold for 3 hours. At home, it is better to wait longer. Very delicious fish it will work out.

5. After 3 hours, remove the slices and remove extra salt napkins. Place in a jar, add oil and use within a week.

No. 3. Salted pink salmon with onions, like salmon

  • onion (purple/white) - 2 pcs.
  • fish - 0.9 kg.
  • granulated sugar - ½ tbsp. l.
  • vegetable oil - 0.1 l.
  • salt - 1 tbsp. l.

Pink salmon with salmon and onions is easy to prepare. We offer step by step recipe pickling.

1. Clean the carcass from the ridge, tail, fins, and head. Cut the sirloin with skin into fairly large slices.

2. Combine granulated sugar and salt and grate the pieces. Chop the onion into half rings or rings, sprinkle with 3 pinches of salt and rub with your hands.

3. Mix the fish with the onion, place in a container and add oil. Build a press (plate + two-liter bottle of water).

4. Place in the cold, time for 12-14 hours. Salted pink salmon, like salmon, will be ready after this time. At home, it turns out very tasty when eaten with chopped greenfinch.

No. 4. Lightly salted pink salmon with lemon for salmon

  • lemon with thin peel - 1.5 pcs.
  • vegetable oil - 125 ml.
  • fish loin - 800 gr.
  • granulated sugar - 1.5 tbsp. l.
  • salt - 1 tbsp. l.
  • ground black pepper - 5 pinches

Pickling pink salmon for salmon is often done with the addition of lemon. At home everything is quite simple.

1. Cut the fish fillet into slices of equal size. If the pieces are thin, then the pink salmon will pickle quickly.

2. Combine ground pepper with granulated sugar and salt. Sprinkle the fish and rub well.

3. Chop the citrus into slices. Place the fish in a bowl and alternate layers with lemon.

4. Install a pressure that is not too heavy (2 kg will be enough). Time it around 8 hours. Next, pour in the oil and wait another 3-4 hours. Try it!

No. 5. Pink salmon “Scandinavian style”, like salmon

  • vodka - 50 ml.
  • dried dill - 2 tbsp. l.
  • coriander - 1 tsp.
  • granulated sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
  • allspice - 15 peas
  • pink salmon (fillet with skin) - 1.3 kg.
  • freshly ground black pepper - 1 tsp.
  • sea ​​salt - 55 gr.

Salted pink salmon, like salmon, is prepared according to this recipe at home quite easily. The result is a very tasty snack.

1. Rinse the fish and remove excess moisture. Remove the skin and set aside. It will also be needed for salting.

2. Grind the dill and coriander in a mortar. In another container, combine these ingredients with sugar, vodka and ground pepper. Add peas.

3. Ready mixture Rub the fillet thoroughly on both sides. Place the pieces on top of each other. Wrap the fish skin around the fillet. Wrap the workpiece with plastic wrap over this.

4. Place the fish in a container and build a small oppression. Leave the appetizer to pickle in the refrigerator for 1.5 days.

No. 6. Pink salmon for salmon, salted in gauze

  • fish (loin) - 2 kg.
  • dried dill - 3 tbsp. l.
  • gauze cloth - in fact
  • sea ​​salt - in fact

1. Rinse the fish, then soak a gauze cloth in cool water and wring it out. Wrap it around the pink salmon.

2. Sprinkle the fillet generously with salt and dill. Wrap with another layer of gauze. Place the fish in plastic and seal tightly.

3. Store in the refrigerator. After a day, remove the gauze and spices. Start tasting.

No. 7. Pink salmon in the freezer, like salmon

  • pink salmon fillet - 0.9 kg.
  • sugar, salt - 5 tbsp. l.

Salted pink salmon turns out like salmon if you cook it at home in brine. As a result, the snack comes out tender and very tasty.

1. Dissolve in 1 liter. water salt with sugar. Send to cool. Prepare the fillet, cut into pieces if necessary. Place in a bowl and pour in the brine.

2. Place the container with fish in freezer and wait about a day. Remove the pink salmon and leave it room temperature until completely thawed.

3. Rinse the fish with cool water, remove excess moisture. Cut into slices and taste.

1. Always refrigerate sirloin before brining. If you use a marinade, it should be extremely cold (unless otherwise specified in the specific recipe).

2. If you want to cut the fillet into beautiful and even slices, cooked fish It’s better to freeze it a little before doing this.

3. If the fish turns out to be over-salted, place it in an airtight container and freeze it.

4. Don’t season pink salmon exclusively lemon juice, combine it with vegetable oil. This way the fish will not be dry.

5. No matter what pickling method you use (wet or dry), always apply pressure. This way the fillet will not fall apart and will remain dense.

Salted pink salmon will turn out like salmon if you stick to useful recommendations at home. Any of the above recipes will make the fish very tasty. So don't hesitate and act!

Very delicious snack for a holiday table or just for fried potatoes. Pink salmon pickling recipe for salmon, which you can read below, is surprisingly very simple, quick and very tasty. He is the most successful, he can be recommended to all friends, acquaintances and relatives!

A table set for any holiday looks much more impressive and interesting if there is red fish on it. Pink salmon is a relatively inexpensive fish when compared with salmon or trout, but it is just as tasty and contains a lot useful substances, like her dear brothers. The only difference is that pink salmon is slightly dry and contains less fat than salmon or trout. The recipe for pink salmon with salmon eliminates this shortage well. It should also be noted that pink salmon is much safer than salmon if it is Russian. Salmon is a fish that is artificially grown abroad. If such fish is eaten, it leads to obesity and becomes worse vision due to the presence of dyes, artificial vitamins and antibiotics harmful to the human body.

Pink salmon for salmon pickling recipe that you are reading, made at home with your own hands turns out much tastier and better quality than store-bought. We present to you the most simple recipe how to make pink salmon for salmon, it is also considered the most popular among fish gourmets.

When buying pink salmon in a store, you definitely need to pay attention to its flesh, it should be dense. Accordingly, the fish should be elastic, without any spots and have an evenly distributed color. Unfrozen good fish, after you press it, it quickly restores its shape. If you buy a fish with a head, its eyes must be transparent.

When salting pink salmon for salmon, you need to follow the rules.

  • Before you start cooking, the fish and brine must be chilled, otherwise the fish will be loose, unattractive and therefore not as tasty.
  • To ensure beautiful pieces when cutting, the fish needs to be slightly frozen.
  • Prepared salted fish should be stored in a cool place.
  • If you salt pink salmon with lemon, be sure to add sunflower oil. If this is not done, the fish will be dry, since lemon acid neutralizes fat.
  • To ensure that pink salmon retains its density during salting, it is placed under a press.

Pink salmon for salmon salting recipe - ingredients

  • Fresh pink salmon - 1 piece
  • Salt - 5 tablespoons.
  • Boiled chilled water - 1 liter
  • Refined sunflower oil – 50 g

Cooking pink salmon for salmon

  1. We cut the fish carcass into small pieces, 0.5 cm or 1 cm in size (you don’t need thicker ones, it will take longer to salt) and cut out the bone (it will be tastier to eat).
  2. Salt must be dissolved in boiled chilled water.
  3. Place the chopped fish in the resulting brine so that it completely covers the pieces of pink salmon and leave for 10 minutes. If you want to make more fish, make more brine or salt in batches.
  4. After 10 minutes, remove the chop from the brine and place it in a colander to drain the liquid.
  5. After the liquid has drained, place the salted pieces of pink salmon in glass jar or food container, water a little sunflower oil and close the lid. Place in a cool place for 40 minutes.
  6. Serve prepared pink salmon with lemon and herbs along with tolu.

The salting recipe for pink salmon for salmon is fully disclosed. It turned out very tasty, fast and healthy! Eat for your health! Enjoy the pleasant taste!

If anyone knows any other recipes for salting pink salmon for salmon, please write them in the comments to this article.

The fish that we will talk about today is very healthy, tasty, and its proteins are easily absorbed by our body.

Apparently, because of this, salted pink salmon at home (very tasty, like salmon) is often served not only as a main dish, but also as an appetizer. On any table, such a treat is literally in great demand, because the fishy delicacy literally melts in the mouth and shares its piquantness with the taster.

Today I will tell you how to properly salt your favorite pink salmon at home with your own hands. different ways and I will also share simple secrets selection of quality fish. We’ll talk about all this in more detail later.

How to choose good pink salmon for salting

To pickle it yourself delicious pink salmon– the product is dietary and very delicate – first you need to buy a high-quality fish carcass. This is easy to do if you know exactly what to look for when purchasing.

  • Among all the fish variety, choosing a fresh, not rotten and unspoiled carcass is quite simple. Fresh pink salmon does not have unpleasant smell, her eyes are not cloudy, and her gills are red.
  • For the salting process, fish frozen in fresh, and also chilled.

***It is not recommended to use fresh fish that has not been frozen, since it is the exposure low temperatures allows you to kill in raw pink salmon all harmful microorganisms.

  • It is also very important to buy fish from trusted producers. If you have any in mind, then I advise you to definitely use their services. A seller unknown to you may turn out to be unscrupulous, and this may manifest itself in the fact that before selling, he will soak the fish in a special solution, which will increase its weight.

General principles for salting pink salmon at home

  • When using frozen fish, remember: you need to defrost it correctly. This concept includes natural defrosting, and, accordingly, complete refusal quick ways defrosting.

***It is extremely undesirable to defrost pink salmon in the microwave or using hot water. No matter how much you hurry, the fish carcass must recover from the cold on its own.

  • First, let it thaw in the refrigerator (move it from the freezer to the middle or bottom shelf of the refrigerator), and then put it on a plate, where it will continue, or rather, complete the defrosting process - slowly and evenly.
  • Cleaning fish from fins should be done with special scissors - they greatly facilitate this unpleasant process.

***But the knife must be used very carefully, since there is a high risk of damaging the delicate skin of an expensive representative of the salmon family.

  • It is important to salt pink salmon in a glass container. Containers made of plastic, and especially metal, should not be used.
  • Any salt is suitable for salting, except iodized salt.
  • Make it unusual spicy aroma And taste qualities Appetizing, like salmon, salted (at home) pink salmon will be helped by chopped fresh herbs(any to your taste) and fragrant chopped garlic. But they can make it softer and more delicate Apple vinegar and lemon juice.
  • Store the finished salted pink salmon fish on the refrigerator shelf for a short time. There is no point in increasing the shelf life of the delicacy by keeping it in the freezer.

Very tasty salted pink salmon at home, like salmon (dry salting recipe)

The first recipe that we will consider is the technology of salting without marinade. Only three dry ingredients will be used: salt, sugar and, in fact, the red fish itself.

Of course, you will have to tinker with cooking red fish, but if you know what awaits you - aromatic and hearty snack- you can work hard.


  • Pink salmon – 1-1.5 kg;
  • Sugar – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Salt – 3 tbsp. l.

How to salt pink salmon correctly and tasty at home without marinade step by step

Cutting up a red fish carcass for dry salting

  • We defrost the entire pink salmon in advance (as described above), but not completely. Let the carcass remain a little icy - this will make it easier to cut it.
  • So, we clear the still slightly frozen fish of scales, then cut off the head (it is not suitable for salting, but delicious fish soup you can make it out of it) and rip open the abdomen, removing all the insides.
  • Under running water, wash the cut, cleaned pink salmon inside and out.
  • Now we make an incision on the back. The fins can be removed at this stage, but if they do not bother you, you can cut them off later along with the skin.

***For those who want to salt the red flesh with skin, I advise you to cut off the fins not with a knife, but with scissors (as already written above).

  • Using a knife and own hands We separate the delicacy meat from the salmon family from the skin. If the skin has separated from the meat, carefully cut it off. We carry out this labor-intensive procedure on each side.
  • We also cut off the tail - we don’t need it: it has quite a lot of bones and veins, so it, like the head, can be safely left for cooking homemade fish soup.
  • Finally, we separate the fish from the ridge. We do this exclusively with our hands, since they feel the bones that need to be removed better than any device. This completes the cutting of the pink salmon - beautiful tender fillet ready for salting.

Step-by-step dry salting of pink salmon in pieces

  • First, combine the specified amount of salt and sugar in a bowl.
  • We divide the fillet into pieces (but if you want to salt the fillet, you can skip this step).
  • Pour the sweet and salty mixture into the bottom of a glass container (for example, a food container).
  • Next we put it on it fish pieces, sprinkle them thoroughly with the same mixture and cover with a second layer of chopped pink salmon. Sprinkle the second layer generously with salt and sugar and cover the container tightly with a lid.
  • For a day we put the red fish to salt in refrigerator(not to be confused with the freezer). After 24 hours, the fish will be completely salted and ready for tasting.

On this classical process dry salting is completed. You can try your delicacy and enjoy its extraordinary aroma and even more original taste.

How to quickly salt pink salmon steaks in a spicy-salty marinade

This cooking instructions very similar to the previous one, even the salting time is the same, the only difference is that the salting method is different.


  • Fish steaks (pink salmon) – 5 pcs.;
  • Water – 0.5 l;
  • Bay leaf – 3-4 pcs.;
  • Salt – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Sugar – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Vegetable oil – 2-3 tbsp. l.;
  • Black peppercorns – 5 pcs.

Pickling pink salmon in marinade: a quick recipe at home

  • Place the finished steaks on the bottom of the salting container (if you have whole fish and you get the steaks yourself, then see the method of cutting the carcass in the recipe above) and season them with spices.
  • We make the marinade: boil water, then bring its temperature to room temperature, then mix with sugar, salt and stir until they are completely dissolved.
  • Pour the prepared marinade over the fish pieces – the liquid should cover them completely. Next, cover the glass container with a lid and place it in the refrigerator for exactly one day.
  • A day later, remove the fish from the marinade, transfer it to a dry, clean container and pour in sunflower (in our case it will be vegetable) oil to soften it a little.

***The calorie content of salted pink salmon is not so high - only 160-170 kcal per 100 g. Such indicators allow you to enjoy your favorite product from the heart and enrich your body in such a “tasty” way with useful elements that are fully contained in this variety red fish.

From salted pink salmon you can do a lot delicious dishes: canapés, sandwiches, salads and many others unusual snacks. The main thing is to know how delicious food is prepared salted pink salmon at home.

Since it also belongs to the salmon family, housewives often try to pickle pink salmon as salmon and make it just as tasty. I have described the recipes for pickling with marinade (brine), oil and without them (the “dry” version) - you just have to choose the most suitable one for yourself and try it in your kitchen.

I wish you good luck and bon appetit!

How to prepare pink salmon for salmon, we will look at the recipe for salting at home today. This red fish is relatively inexpensive and is very beneficial for our body. It contains different useful elements For human body, in particular, it contains iodine (which normalizes the activity of the thyroid gland), in addition, calcium, sulfur, and fluorine.

Pink salmon meat is rich in protein, it is quite easily digestible and goes to the so-called construction needs of our body. Its presence has a beneficial effect on musculoskeletal tissue. In addition, this fish contains nicotinic acid, which helps improve the functioning of the digestive system.

Home-salted fish is healthier because it does not contain preservatives, which are usually added by the manufacturer in order to increase its shelf life. As is known, on any festive table the presence of red fish will indicate gourmet product.

Salmon costs much more than pink salmon, and besides, it is grown on specialized farms where so-called genetically modified compounds can be used as feed, which is not very good. But few people breed pink salmon artificially, so there is a better chance of buying it in its real form, grown in its natural environment.

Salting pink salmon for salmon at home

Preparing pink salmon for salting

First of all, pink salmon at home must be defrosted naturally so that all excess liquid is removed. After which the fish carcass is cleaned of entrails, washed well, then the fins, head, and tail are cut off. Then carefully remove the skin (you need to master this technique), remove all visible bones, that is, prepare the so-called fillet, which can be salted in different ways.

The finished layer of fillet can be frozen a little, so it will be easier to cut it into pieces of the required thickness. All methods of salting pink salmon will resemble more expensive and delicious fish- salmon, and all thanks proper preparation. So, let's check out some recipes.

Pink salmon fish - recipe for salmon

So, for salted pink salmon, you will need the following ingredients:

Pink salmon fillet – 1 kilogram;
Salt – 3 tablespoons;
Sugar – 3 tablespoons;
Vegetable oil – 100 grams.

To salt pink salmon for salmon at home, cut the pink salmon fillet into slices. Then mix the sugar with salt and select a container where the fish will be salted. Pour a mixture of sugar and salt onto the bottom of the container, put a few pieces of sirloin on top and again a layer of salt and sugar. We repeat this until all the red fish are placed in the bowl.

Place the container with pink salmon in the refrigerator for about three hours. Then we take out the container. Pink salmon is salted now, so we blot the fillet pieces with a napkin to remove excess salt and brine. Next, put it in a bowl and pour it with vegetable oil; it is better to take a deodorized version of this product so that the fish does not have the smell of sunflower.

The fish is ready to eat, very quickly and tasty. It can be submitted as independent dish, garnishing with sprigs of fresh dill on top, or you can put the fillet on bread, it will turn out delicious sandwich. Bon appetit!

Pink salmon, salted with salmon and lemon

Perhaps pink salmon with lemon is the most popular recipe, but it takes a little longer to prepare than the previous one. You can prepare this delicacy yourself, you just need to stock up on the ingredients and make this pickling at home. It will require the following products:

Pink salmon fillet – 1 kilogram;
Salt – 1.5 tablespoons;
Granulated sugar – 1 tablespoon;
Ground black pepper - one pinch;
Fresh lemon – 2 pieces;
Vegetable (deodorized) oil – 100 milliliters.

We cut the prepared pink salmon fillet into thin pieces, which can immediately be used as an independent dish or as an addition and decoration to other culinary inventions. It is necessary to take into account this point: the larger the slice, the longer it will have to be salted.

Next, mix the dry ingredients, in particular salt, sugar and ground black pepper. Sprinkle this mixture over all the fillet pieces. Next, cut the lemon into thin slices. Then place the pink salmon in layers in the prepared container, along with lemon slices. In this form, it must lie for at least ten hours to salt it.

Further finished product Add 100 milliliters of vegetable oil. Then we leave the red fish to add salt for another three hours. After this time, you can taste it as an independent dish, or you can get creative in culinary terms and serve it in the form of rolls with green onions on toasted bread and so on. Bon appetit!

Some useful tips

It is better to buy pink salmon in whole, that is, in the way it was caught, and not gutted. To speed up the salting of red fish, you can increase the dose granulated sugar in the recipe, in addition, it will be ready faster if it is placed under a press.

If you decide to salt pink salmon in pieces without making fillets, then you should cut it frozen, then the slices will be more even and beautiful. The longer pink salmon is salted, the more pronounced the taste of salt will be. It is not recommended to do pickling for more than three days. Pink salmon takes longer to salt in cool refrigerator conditions than in warm conditions.

In order for the fish to be better saturated, it is necessary to turn it over periodically. If you did not keep track of time and the fish turned out to be very salty, but you want to try lightly salted red fish, then after salting is completed, it is recommended to rinse it well in chilled water. boiled water.

If you get bored with these recipes, then you should cook pink salmon in the oven. A different taste will bring new sensations into your life.

How to pickle pink salmon at home

When purchasing fish in a store, pay attention to its appearance. Fresh pink salmon has light bellies and silvery scales, which are distributed throughout the carcass.

If the fish was not chilled, but frozen, then completely defrost it before salting.

The next step is to cut the fish into layers, freeing it from bones, and also remove the skin. If you don’t know, then use my master class on cutting it.

Cut boneless pink salmon layers in portioned pieces, 4-4.5 centimeters wide.

Now let's prepare the brine. For this, in 1 liter cold water dissolve 5 tablespoons of regular table salt no slide. You need to take purified water to avoid the taste of bleach in salted fish.

Place the prepared pieces of pink salmon in brine. The fish should be completely immersed in the brine. If you wish, you can use a not very heavy load, but I usually salt pink salmon without pressure.

Let's note the time. The fish will be salted for 30-40 minutes.

After soaking, carefully remove the fish pieces from the liquid and dry them lightly with paper towels.

Place pink salmon in a salting container. This could be, for example, an ordinary Plastic container with high sides. I laid out the pieces in two layers, but if the container is smaller in diameter, then there may be several layers.

Pour vegetable oil on top of the fish so that the top pieces are at least half immersed in fat. The secret of pink salmon salted for salmon is in the oil, so don’t skimp on it.

Cover the container with a lid and place it in the refrigerator. Cold exposure time is 8-10 hours. I usually salt pink salmon in the evening, and in the morning I serve tender and tasty fish for breakfast.

Salted pink salmon prepared according to this recipe turns out incredibly tender.

It actually tastes very much like salmon. Since the price for these types of fish is strikingly different, pink salmon salted independently at home has a clear advantage.
