What is the name of cream cheese for rolls? What cheeses are suitable for making rolls and sushi?

Japanese cuisine has long been popular all over the world. Most Popular Japanese food Sushi and rolls are considered. These dishes are filling, tasty and quite colorful. For sushi you should always use the freshest and delicious products and then any variety of them will bring pure pleasure while eating them. Nowadays, Philadelphia rolls are considered the most famous and delicious Japanese dish. The world owes their appearance to an American sushi chef who decided to add the famous Philadelphia cheese to sushi. Such cheese taste His customers liked it so much that the dishes became a favorite not only in Philadelphia, but also far beyond its borders.

What are the rolls made of?

To prepare the rolls you will need a large number of products. Main products for Japanese dish is rice, nori sheets, sugar, salt, rice vinegar, caviar, avocado, fish, crab meat, as well as other products that will be combined with the selected filling.

It is important to know that to prepare the rolls you need to use special sushi rice. Special rice has a special sticky structure that helps the rice hold its shape when rolled. Rice for porridge may become like puree and spoil aesthetic appearance product. Rice for pilaf may remain crumbly and then the dish cannot be rolled at all.

It is also advisable to take rice vinegar rather than table vinegar. This vinegar has a specific smell, but the rolls with it turn out excellent.

Cheese is also used in the rolls. It is better to use Philadelphia cheese for rolls. The basis of this cheese is cream. This type of cheese is a creamy variety and has a sweetish taste. For preparation, of course, milk and special starters are used at the beginning.

It is better to use avocado or cucumber in rolls that are not overripe. If an avocado is overripe, it can turn into mush. An overripe cucumber may have a bitter taste.

Fish for rolls is red or other, if desired. The fish should be either fresh or lightly salted. It is not advisable to use fish after freezing, as it loses its taste.
It is best to buy caviar, fish, wasabi, ginger, soy sauce and other specific products in a specialized store that sells ingredients for sushi and rolls.

Sushi at home

It is possible to prepare sushi at home. Initially, such a task seems difficult, but all that is required is to purchase quality products, understand the sequence of operations performed and the method of preparation.

Also for work you will need a good bamboo mat. The first step is to prepare all the products. Cooking begins with boiling the rice. Rice must be thoroughly washed several times before cooking. You need to rinse until the water becomes clear. For 250 mg of rice there are 250 mg of water. Rice is cooked in a covered pan over high heat. The rice will begin to boil in five to seven minutes, after which you will need to continue cooking the rice over low heat for about another twelve minutes. The rice should be covered. After cooking, it should sit in a closed pan for another sixteen minutes.

Rice dressing

The dressing consists of sugar, salt and rice vinegar. For 250 mg of rice you need 1 teaspoon of salt, one and a half teaspoons of sugar, and one and a half teaspoons of vinegar. Rice vinegar is usually added. Stir the rice while it is warm. This should be done with a wooden spatula. Stir the rice from bottom to top so as not to damage the structure of the grains. The rice must cool completely before it can be used.

wrapped inside out, that is, with the rice facing up. Rice is usually topped with caviar or fish. You will need to put it inside cream cheese for Philadelphia rolls. As mentioned earlier, this cheese acquired its name because of the city in which it is produced. Due to the fact that such cheese rarely comes to us and has a high cost, you can only eat rolls with it in expensive restaurants. In this regard, the question often arises of what to replace cheese with.

Not only experts, but also housewives, when asked how to replace cheese, answer that this can be done with any cream cheese. You can choose an analogue. There are plenty of analogues in supermarkets. You can mix cream cheese with cottage cheese, and the taste will be almost identical to Philadelphia. The replacement should be soft, not greasy, with a sweetish taste. You need to decide which cheese to choose yourself based on your budget and taste preferences. The most popular is Viola.

To assemble the rolls, you need to put a layer of rice on a bamboo mat, a sheet of nori on top, then lay out the desired filling and roll the roll with effort. After which the dish is cut into portions of the same size.

2. Store options

3. Home options

4. Advantages and disadvantages of self-cooking.

Philadelphia cheese in rolls, sushi and cheesecakes is recognizable from the first bite. It has a soft and pleasant taste, there is a characteristic sweet taste, which is due to the inclusion of cream. People who prepare dishes Japanese cuisine, where this ingredient is found, face problems associated with its search. Since 2013, it has become almost impossible to buy such cheese. It was from this moment that it was on the sanctions list, and therefore its supplies to Russia were temporarily stopped. Therefore, people are looking for an answer to the question - how to replace Philadelphia cheese, and is it even possible.

Yes it is possible. Initially, it should be noted that Philadelphia sushi cheese is a standard cream cheese, just with famous name. In Russia, the product is considered premium and delicacy. Accordingly, even before the sanctions it could be purchased at a price that was not the most reasonable.

Considering that Philadelphia sushi cheese is creamy, the analogue should be appropriate. You definitely need to use the same soft, uniform product with a delicate consistency and sweetish taste. You cannot buy cheeses that contain various additives, artificially affecting the consistency and other important parameters of the product.

Philadelphia cheese, even if you manage to find it somewhere, is quite expensive. If you buy ingredients for Philadelphia sushi yourself, your task should be to find not only a high-quality, but also an inexpensive analogue. And it's real.

Regular processed cheese, like “Friendship” - this is not the best option for making rolls or sushi. The consistency is similar, but the taste is completely different. And this will directly affect taste qualities of the whole dish, and exclusively in negative side. Processed sushi cheese instead of Philadelphia is not suitable for any rolls at all.

Some home cooks use soft cheese instead of classic cream cheese. This is a strange decision, and not at all correct. When using other types of cheeses, you must understand that this will directly affect the taste and even aroma of the dish. These characteristics will undergo significant changes. You will create an unoriginal dish.

Store options

Present in online stores sufficient quantity cheese products that can be used as analogues of Philadelphia cheese. Most optimal options The following types of cheeses are:

· Cremette;

· Buko;

· Violetta;

· Hochland;

All of the above products are not pure cream cheeses in nature. They add curd mass, but do it in such a way that the proportions of the two main ingredients (cream and cottage cheese) are equal. Thanks to this, it is possible to avoid the appearance of a characteristic curd taste, and at the same time achieve a homogeneous, soft and delicate consistency, and this is exactly what is needed.

When talking about what to replace Philadelphia cheese with, it is very important to understand that you only need to purchase natural products, without any third-party additives. Yes, they will cost more, but the taste and, importantly, safety will be much higher.

Home options

How can you replace Philadelphia cheese if you don’t have the desire or ability to go to the store and buy analogues? Great option- a mixture of fat cottage cheese with sour cream. Sour cream, if desired, can be replaced with cream. Cottage cheese must not be coarse-grained, as this will result in homogeneous mass in this case it will be difficult.

All ingredients must be added gradually, constantly whisking the mass. You will end up with a creamy consistency. If you are looking for what kind of cheese you can replace Philadelphia cheese specifically for rolls, then the curd-sour cream-cream mixture is not a help here. This product is only suitable for baking.

There are also several recipes that can help you find the answer to the question - how to replace Philadelphia cheese in cream. We will tell you about two of the simplest and highest quality recipes:

Cream cheese made from kefir and milk:

· ingredients - liter of pasteurized milk, 500 g of kefir, one a raw egg, a pinch of salt and sugar, a few grams citric acid;

· pour the milk into a saucepan and heat, stirring constantly;

· when the milk begins to steam (but not boil!), add sugar and salt to it and stir again;

· take out the resulting mixture, place it on gauze and lift it up. This will help get rid of the whey that has formed;

· beat the egg with citric acid, add it to the curd mass and mix until you get a homogeneous and soft consistency.

The second option that can be used to replace Philadelphia cheese is sour cream cream cheese. This is a very simple preparation method that does not require any additional ingredients, cooking, frying, stewing, smoking and other activities.

It is enough to take very thick sour cream, preferably homemade. Next, place it in a kind of bag made from clean gauze folded in several layers. Hang the bag so that the whey drips from it. In this position, the sour cream should be left at least overnight. After this procedure, you will receive a thick mixture without the characteristic curd flavor - real cream cheese, homemade, nutritious and safe.

It must be taken into account that the initial volume of sour cream after “drying” will decrease by almost half. Therefore, to prepare required quantity product, you need to take twice as much sour cream.

Advantages and disadvantages of self-cooking

It is important to understand that homemade analogues of Philadelphia cheese have both their advantages and disadvantages. Among the advantages are:

· naturalness;

· production control;

· special taste qualities;

· the ability to prepare as much product as required.

The disadvantages include:

· the cost of making the substitute cheese may be higher than if you bought finished product in the shop;

· procurement process necessary ingredients and preparation takes a lot of time, which may not be enough;

· There is always a risk that you won't succeed. And these are translated products, some of which are quite expensive.

Therefore, everyone must decide for themselves what to replace Philadelphia cheese with - ready-made store-bought cheese or home-made cheese. The main thing here is that it is as suitable as possible as a substitute for the classic Philadelphia cream cheese used in Japanese cuisine.

Philadelphia sushi cheese can be substituted in many ways. If you have the knowledge and desire, it will be possible to make the absence of a sanctioned product in Japanese cuisine completely unnoticeable.

Such traditional dishes Japanese cuisine, like sushi and rolls, have gained worldwide popularity and are loved by many Russians. The range of products for filling rolls is very diverse. Here you can find fresh, salted and smoked fish and seafood, fresh vegetables. World cuisine enriched the rolls with ingredients such as meat, poultry, pastries, and omelet. The taste of these delicacies is largely determined by what kind of cheese is used for the rolls. The most common is Philadelphia, Mascarpone, ricotta, and other varieties are also used.

What kind of cheese is put in rolls and sushi?

The most common cheese for rolls is creamy. It is made from high quality fresh milk or cream. The product turns out light and delicate, slightly sweet in taste, and has a pleasant cream or snow-white color. It has a good balance of vitamins, minerals and amino acids. During short maturation it is possible to preserve beneficial features milk.

In Japan, sushi or cheese rolls are considered the invention of gaijin (foreigners). In traditional Japanese restaurants it is not used. Outside of Japan, most often in rolls coming Philadelphia, developed by restaurateurs on the East Coast of the United States.

What other cheese do chefs use in rolls?

Ricotta, which is low in calories, is also often added to rolls. It is made from the whey left over from boiling dairy products.
Not bad for rolls and mascarpone - Italian traditional cream cheese.

Soft cream creams are used as a substitute for Philadelphia in inexpensive sushi bars. Almette, Buko and Natura.

Buko and Natura are prepared on the basis rennet, consistency and taste is enough close to Philadelphia. Their important advantage is their low fat content. It does not exceed 25%, which makes them ideal dietary products.

Almette should be used with great caution - its fat content reaches 65%. Since according to mass fraction it approaches half the weight of the roll; its use can increase the total calorie content several times. When choosing a purchase, you should also be sure to check whether any spicy or fragrant seasonings have been added to its composition. They can significantly affect the taste of the roll.

Cheeses Greek origin type Feta (Fetaki) similar to Bulgarian unsalted cheese. They have a soft structure and neutral taste. Some housewives undertake to prepare them from milk themselves. It's not difficult if you have enough skill. Required thick sour cream high fat content, flag fabric or simple gauze, folded in several layers. A little lemon juice (or citric acid) is also added to the composition and heated until high temperature, stirring continuously, and filter through a cloth.

Cream cheese

This milk product humanity mastered it several thousand years ago, shortly after the domestication of livestock. It was mastered in different parts light, but traditionally the best cheeses are considered to be from Normandy and Brittany. The French villages of Camembert and Pont-l'Evêque gave their names known varieties cheese. Its taste is characterized by shades of sweetness, soft consistency allows you to spread an even layer on any surface. The production recipe does not require long ripening.

Different regions have been improving their old recipes. Vary and sources of milk— milk from sheep, goats, horses, camels, donkeys and buffaloes is used for cheese. Therefore, it turns out different in fat content and taste. To add shades of aroma and obtain the desired taste, various herbs, spices, fruits and nuts are also added to cheeses. For example, garlic is an excellent flavor enhancer and easily replaces monosodium glutamate.

Traditional regional cream cheeses for rolls give this dish a particularly delicious taste.

Attention! Regional cheeses with strong flavors and aromas do not go well with all foods. Experienced Chef in a sushi bar he will be able to choose the right set of ingredients. Experiments on home kitchen will do so at your own risk.

Philadelphia cheese

The Philadelphia recipe was created at the end of the 19th century by American cheesemakers who developed English and Norman cheese-making traditions. They named it after a large city, one of the strongholds of American democracy. It was in Philadelphia that the Constitution, the Bill of Rights were adopted and the Declaration of Independence from the British Empire was signed.

Philadelphia was originally used as part of cheese sauces for main courses, added to soups, baked goods and desserts. Since the 80s of the 20th century, as the avalanche-like spread of sushi and roll culture across the planet, Philadelphia began to be used in rolls. Was created special recipe rolls, called “Philadelphia”. The center of the roll of cheese and sliced ​​vegetables is surrounded by a layer of nori seaweed, a layer of rice and a thin slice lightly salted salmon. There are dozens of varieties of this popular recipe, competing for the title of the best, but they are all united by cheese.

California and many others delicious rolls also prepared based on Philadelphia.

Ricotta cheese

Ricotta has been made in Italy since the days of the Roman Republic. The recipe, with minor changes, has been perfected for several thousand years. It is also popular in countries that were once part of Ancient Rome: Tunisia, Spain, Morocco. There they use sheep, goat and buffalo milk to make it.

Ricotta is made from the whey remaining after cooking other cheeses or cottage cheese. This explains its low fat content. Dietary product easily digestible and does not cause irritation gastrointestinal tract even in people with hypersensitivity. It is added to soups, desserts, snacks and baked goods. Ricotta may well replace Philadelphia cheese if you want to make your rolls lighter and less burdensome for the body.

What kind of cheese in rolls can replace Ricotta?

Any whey-based cheese will work for this. It will be closest in consistency and taste cream cheese “Creme Bonjour”. Low fat content (up to 15%) makes the product an ideal substitute for Ricotta, which does not burden the body with extra calories.

Remember that whey products are not intended for long-term storage. When purchasing, be sure to check the manufacturing date. It is advisable to use them not on the last day of the expiration date.


Another great regional cheese that works well in rolls is Mascarpone. The beginning of its preparation also goes back centuries. In the Lombardy region, this is the name given to the cream from which it is made. In the old days, they used the milk of domesticated buffaloes, but as animal husbandry developed, they switched to cow milk.

Mascarpone is more like very thick and very soft sour cream. They also use it for sushi, in their global (not Japanese) understanding.

Its analogue can be cheeses from other regions, such as Italian Mozzarella or Ricotta, as well as Greek Feta.

Attention: due to its creamy base, Mascarpone turns out to be quite fatty, some varieties reach up to 75% fat content. Those who consider the calorie content of their food need to be careful with its consumption.

Many people have fallen in love with rolls or, as they are also called, “rolls” in Japanese style. Having learned how to properly boil and season rice, girls and young people prepare sushi rolls and gunkans for holidays or parties. To help lovers of homemade sushi and rolls, a small selection of fillings for sushi and rolls at home.

1.Cucumber + cream cheese

This filling for rolls at home with a photo is very popular. Cut the cucumber lengthwise, and use a spoon to select the seeds (this is important so that the filling does not “flow”), then cut it into strips along the entire length, for one roll you will need 2-3 “strips” » cucumber, this is approximately 1/5 of the total vegetable.

You can take the most ordinary cream cheese, processed, which is sold in trays, but in sushi bars they usually use Philadelphia-type cream cheese; its inexpensive analogues are sold under the brands “cream cheese” and “ cottage cheese» y different manufacturers and in the regions they cost from 40 to 100 rubles per 90-100 grams.

By the way, there is a recipe on the Culinary League website curd cream cheese, which can be safely used for making rolls. Here he is:

Cottage cheese

Cottage cheese - great snack, but besides this, it can be added to baked goods and pancakes as a filling, and creams and sauces can be prepared based on curd cheese. Famous cheese"Philadelphia" and "Mascarpone" cheese are a type of curd cheese. You can make your own diet curd cheese at home, which will be an excellent source of protein for those on a diet.

2. Avocado + bell pepper + lettuce + cheese

The avocado should be of medium density so that it is soft, but not into porridge. Remove the peel and cut it in half lengthwise. This fruit oxidizes and darkens in air, like an apple. In order to preserve its color, the cut can be greased lemon juice. Wrap the half of the avocado that you are not working with in stretch wrap and leave it out of the refrigerator.
We cut the avocado and pepper into slices along the fruit to make sticks; by the way, you can also add a cucumber to this set, peeled as described above. Roll the lettuce leaf into a tube the width of the nori sheet. To make the taste more rich, add suluguni cream cheese in strips. We split the strip into 4 pieces with our fingers and use one. You get a lot of filling if you cut it into thin plastic pieces, so tighten the roll harder.

3. Mussels + squid + spicy sauce

Men will like this homemade sushi filling with a photo of mussels and squid, as it has spicy note. Take mussels in brine (frozen ones will taste bland) and boiled squid (peeled and not overcooked). Cut the squid into thin strips. We lay the mussels in a path, next to the squid. To prevent the roll from being bland, add spicy sauce. To do this, mix light mayonnaise and chili sauce (chili ketchup) in equal proportions. You need to pour this sauce over the filling path at your discretion. For those who don't like hot sauce, we suggest taking ready sauce in Tartar or 1000 Islands packaging or cheese.

4. Fish + teriyaki + cucumber

White fish fillet with dense flesh (any kind, but preferably not too small), fry, when cool, disassemble into pieces of pulp. Place them in a row and then add the peeled cucumber and pour teriyaki sauce over it. We prepare teriyaki from soy sauce and sugar, boiling until caramelized (it’s not difficult). You can also pour the sauce on top (it tastes like an imitation of eel rolls).

5. Crab meat (in a stick) + avocado

Buy crab sticks « snow crab", they are the ones that resemble crab meat in taste and texture; cut one stick in half lengthwise and you will get a portion of the filling for one roll. If you made rolls with avocado and you have some left over, feel free to add it. In general, avocado is added to most rolls, so add it to your rolls without fear, it goes with most sushi products.

6. Salmon + omelette + cheese

Fry an omelette from 1 egg (add a little soy sauce when beating the egg), use it in rolls puff omelette“tomago”, but you can get by with regular one. Cut the omelette into long strips and place them in the first row of filling. Use lightly salted salmon homemade(there is a recipe on our website Lightly salted salmon) or purchased. We also cut the salmon into slices and place them in the second row of filling. Curd cheese, which was mentioned earlier, or creamy suluguni cheese are better suited.

Important... for the filling for rolls and sushi, one medium (closer to large) roll needs from 30 to 50 grams of filling on average. One half of an avocado is enough for 5-6 rolls, one cucumber is enough for 4-5 rolls, an omelet from 1 egg is enough for 3-4 rolls. Take this into account when planning the amount of ingredients! Have a great creativity!

Cheese is very often used in the preparation of various culinary delights: sushi, lasagna, pizza, pasta, cheesecake. However, in classic recipes types of cheese are used that are either difficult to find in regular stores or are beyond the means of the average person. How to replace cheese in such recipes and how to choose expensive varieties cheese budget alternative?

How to replace Parmesan cheese

Parmesan – hard italian cheese, its structure is brittle, granular-scaly, so when melting it does not form threads. To prepare one head of Parmesan, 550 liters of milk are required, and the ripening time for such a head after preparation is 36 months. It is not surprising that the cost of a kilogram reaches 1200 rubles. Of course, housewives have a question: what can replace cheese of such cost?

If the recipe uses grated Parmesan (for pizza or lasagna), then you can replace it with any hard cheese: “Rokiskis” or “Dziugas” (Lithuania), “ Swiss cheese» (Altai), any Dutch or Russian cheese hard varieties.

For dishes where the taste of Parmesan is important or its property of not melting into stretchy threads, the only possible replacement is Grana Padano cheese (Italy).

How to replace Ricotta cheese

Ricotta is an Italian dairy product made from the whey left over from making Mozzarella or other cheeses. Ricotta has a sweetish taste, its fat content varies from 8 to 24%. Most often, ricotta is used to make desserts: cakes, pies, cannoli. A kilogram of this cheese costs about 1000 rubles, but you can find a cheaper analogue of this cheese, or rather, prepare it yourself.

Take a package of curdled milk and freeze it in freezer. Remove the frozen bag and cut it open. Take a pan, place a colander on it, place several layers of gauze on the colander. Place the frozen piece of curdled milk in this colander and leave to thaw overnight. Overnight the whey will run into the pan and remain in the colander. curd. Gather the gauze into a bundle and squeeze out the mass. An analogue of Ricotta cheese for cakes and cheesecakes is ready.

How to replace Philadelphia cheese

Philadelphia cheese is a soft cream cheese made from milk and cream with delicate taste. The name "Philadelphia" is a brand of cream cheese that originated with light hand American company Kraft Foods. The price for a jar of 175 grams reaches 250 rubles. What if the recipe calls for 600 grams of this cheese? Of course, you need to look for a cheaper analogue. The cheeses most similar to Philadelphia are Mascarpone and Boursin, but they also cost a lot. From the economy option cheese will do“Almette” (“Hohland”), “Buko”, “Rama Creme Bonjour”. Some housewives use processed cheese“Druzhba” and creamy “President” in tubs, as well as “Viola” and “Violett” cheeses.

How to replace Mascarpone cheese

Mascarpone is an Italian cream cheese from the Lombardy region. It contains 75% fat and has a creamy consistency, so it is often used in the preparation of desserts: cheesecakes, tiramisu, and also used as butter for sandwiches. To prepare it take cow's milk or buffalo milk. The cost of Mascarpone is not inferior to the cost of Philadelphia cheese. Here are some recipes for making a “substitute” for Mascarpone cheese.

Analog of Mascarpone cheese No. 1

Cream cheese (any cream cheese from “substitutes” for Philadelphia cheese) – 1 package;
Cream (fat) – 100 ml;
Butter (it is better to soften it in advance) – 2 tbsp. l.
Mix all ingredients in a bowl: cream cheese, cream and softened butter. Mix thoroughly, or use a blender. Use for desserts or to make delicate sandwiches.

Analogue of Mascarpone cheese No. 2

Yolk chicken egg- 3 pcs;
Sugar – 100 g;
Milk (or cream 10% fat) – 75 ml;
Ricotta cheese (you can use its substitute, which is described above) – 430 grams;
Heavy cream (35 percent) – 200 ml.
Pour the yolks and milk into a saucepan, add sugar. Cook the mixture over low heat for a couple of minutes. Cool the mixture.

Whip the heavy cream and add to the mixture. Add ricotta cheese or cheese substitute and mix thoroughly.

Analogue of Mascarpone cheese No. 3

Cream cheese – 230 grams;
Sour cream – 2 tbsp. l.
Heavy cream (35 percent) - 2 tbsp. l.
Whip the cream, add all other ingredients, mix thoroughly. Use ready mixture for making tiramisu dessert.

In addition, Mascarpone cheese is replaced with a mixture of cream and cottage cheese. To do this you need to mix non-acidic fat cottage cheese With heavy cream and beat until smooth and thick.
