The best varieties of corn for making popcorn. How to make delicious movie theater popcorn at home in a frying pan, in the microwave, in a slow cooker, in a saucepan, in the oven and in the machine: recipes for sweet, salty and colored popcorn

Hello friends. Do you like to crunch on popcorn while watching a movie? If yes, then you will especially like what I tell you today. And I will share with you how to cook popcorn in the microwave. I'll show you a few interesting ideas how to make it delicious and unusual.

Not all grains can be used. Only special varieties of corn are suitable for this. In our country you can buy different variants, but the most common are “butterfly” and “caramel” (or “mashroom”).

The butterfly variety is very popular. It produces voluminous, airy flakes. This variety of grains can be used to make both sweet and savory popcorn.

Caramel grains open up and form dense, voluminous flakes. They even look a little like a mushroom in shape. Typically, caramel kernels are used to make sweet, caramelized popcorn. Even after the flakes are coated with a sweet mixture, they do not lose their volume and shape.

You can buy such grains at your nearest supermarket. Those intended for microwave use are usually packaged in a paper bag. Before purchasing, be sure to check the integrity of the packaging. If there is even one tear in the packaging, this will lead to evaporation of moisture. This means a decrease in the opening of grains. I also saw grains sold by weight at the market.

Just inspect the product before purchasing. If you purchase grains Bad quality, most nuclei may simply not open.

Cooking features

How does a hard grain produce such a tender product? Microwave radiation penetrates the corn kernels and heats the moisture inside the kernel, turning it into steam. The grain shell cannot withstand such pressure and ruptures.

To make popcorn from corn grains A paper sugar bag will work in the microwave. And if you recently went to McDonald's and didn't throw away the bag of crisps, that will work too. Just check its integrity, especially along the seam. There should be no holes or tears.

You can cook in the bag several times until it comes apart at the seams. Wrap the ends of the paper bag tightly to prevent the popcorn from escaping. If you have plastic clamps at home, close them with them. Just don't use anything metal.

Total cooking time will vary depending on your microwave. Usually it is 2-4 minutes

It is advisable not to leave the microwave during this time. At first, the grains will explode intensely. And after a while, claps will be heard at intervals. When the pauses between claps are such that you can count to 2 (2 seconds), this is a sign. It's time to take out the package.

If you leave the product in the microwave for too long, you will burn it. Just don’t rush to open the package right away. It will give you such hot steam that you can burn your hand. Leave it for a while and then take out the flakes.

Usually not all grains explode. If you find intact kernels, you can try to finish cooking them. To do this, place the kernels in a bag and send them to the microwave again. Just keep in mind that some of them will not be cooked anyway, even if you cook them until the coals.

Microwave recipes

By the way, in general, a lot of things can be prepared in the microwave. I recently learned that you can make it not only from potatoes :)

Well, now I’ll share a few original recipes. You can post a link to the article on your page on the social network. This way you won’t lose the recipe and share it with your friends.

In the package

In this recipe, oil and spices are added after cooking. This way you can use the bag several times without increasing the calorie content.

For this yummy you will need:

  • ¼ cup corn kernels;
  • butter, coconut or any vegetable oil;
  • spices to your taste.

Place corn kernels in a paper bag. Fold the top edge of the bag two or three times so that it stays well sealed. Set the timer for 4 minutes on high power.

As soon as the interval between kernel explosions increases to 2 seconds, this is a signal that the popcorn is ready. Depending on your microwave, the popping may end prematurely. Place the puffed cereal into a bowl. Sprinkle spices or salt on top, pour oil and stir. Now turn on the movie and enjoy :)

Without package

You will need:

Pour the kernels into a large bowl. They should cover the bottom in an even layer, pour oil on top and mix the grains thoroughly.

Cover the bowl with a lid and place in the oven. Then set the maximum power and the timer for 3 minutes. Next, listen carefully to what is happening inside the unit. Fading shooting (every 2 seconds) is a signal that the air flakes are ready.

Remove the dish from the microwave and let the popcorn cool slightly. Then sprinkle spices on top. Everything is ready: it’s time to call your family to eat :)

Watch another video on how to cook with sweet caramel

Popcorn Topping Options

I think most of you will agree - without spices, popcorn is boring. Only spices and all kinds of additions I advise you to add it while the cereal is still warm. That is, we took it out of the microwave, let it cool a little and flavor it with “flavors”. Try making it with the spices listed below, it will turn out really tasty.


If you love sweet popcorn, mix the prepared air flakes with ½ tsp. salt without a slide and ¼ cup of honey. Do not pour in all the honey at once. First add half, cover the bowl and shake it. Then add the rest of the honey and do the same.

Chili with cheese

With this addition the delicacy will be irresistible. Mix 1 tsp in a bowl. chili, 0.5 tsp. salt and 100 g of finely grated cheese. Drizzle the puffed flakes with oil and sprinkle aromatic mixture. Then stir everything until the popcorn is evenly coated with the spices. If you don't like it too spicy, you can reduce the amount of chili you add.

Matcha with dark chocolate

For this “aroma” you will need:

  • 80 g dark chocolate;
  • 1 tbsp. coconut oil(or creamy);
  • 1 tsp coarse sea salt;
  • 2 tsp matcha tea powder.

Melt the chocolate and butter over low heat. In this case, the contents of the container must be constantly stirred. By the way, this can be done in the microwave, just read first.

Sprinkle the finished flakes with matcha powder and mix everything thoroughly. This additive will give the popcorn a slightly greenish tint. Then pour the treat on top chocolate mass, add sea ​​salt. Yes, yes, you heard right - sprinkle salt. The fact is that it helps dark chocolate stand out from other spices.

You can eat the finished delicacy right away - warm. Or you can put it in the refrigerator for 10 minutes. During this time, the chocolate will cool down and the popcorn will be saturated with aromatic additives.

White chocolate cookies

Melt 300 g white chocolate and 2 tbsp. coconut oil. Drizzle the buttery mixture over the puffed corn flakes. Then sprinkle the popcorn with crushed Oreo cookies (you will need 10 pieces) and mix thoroughly. It will turn out incredibly tasty.

Fragrant herbs

For spices and additives you will need:

  • 0.5 tsp citric acid;
  • 0.5 tsp onion powder;
  • 2 tsp dried dill;
  • 0.5 tsp mustard powder;
  • 2 tsp chopped coriander;
  • 0.5 tsp garlic powder;
  • 1 tbsp. salt;
  • ¼ cup ghee.

Mix spices in a bowl. Melt the butter and pour it over the popcorn. Then sprinkle the air flakes with the mixture aromatic herbs and mix everything.

If you only have one spice from this set at home, it doesn’t matter. Mix it with salt, oil and add to the air flakes. Only then write down what you did. I look forward to your comments :)

And on New Year you can make a decoration. Just string popcorn onto a regular thread, piercing each piece with a needle. It will be nice to eat too :)

Maybe your “treasury” of advice has its own secrets? Share them, friends. And on. And I take my leave and say: see you soon!

Today, any place associated with public recreation is associated with popcorn. Warm caramel smell popcorn attracts not only children, but also adults, so retail outlets with special machines are never empty. Children can eat several servings at a time, so parents ask themselves the question: “Is popcorn healthy?” The benefits and harms of this product have become the cause of ongoing debate about how safe such food is, so it is worth understanding the issue in more detail and finding the answer.

What is popcorn?

Popcorn is a dish that is prepared by cooking individual kernels of a certain type of corn. Each grain contains liquid starch, which, heating up to 200 degrees, explodes the shell. The foamy mass instantly hardens, which is why the volume of popcorn is much greater than the volume of raw materials.

Properties of popcorn

If the grains are prepared without additives, then the calorie content of 100 grams will be about 300 kcal. The Indians fried popcorn in spices, and today many not quite healthy ingredients: salt, flavorings, dyes and flavor enhancers. The amount of salt or sugar that one grain may contain is undesirable even for an adult, let alone a child. And a product with caramel can be harmful children's body. When parents buy popcorn, the benefits and harms of it should be assessed by them from the point of view of the basics of proper nutrition.

What kind of popcorn should you eat?

Corn kernels cooked without harmful additives and an abundance of spices, sugar and salt - rather, useful product. It contains B vitamins and polyphenols, which help body tissues maintain youth. A large amount of fiber helps fight overweight and also cleanses the intestines.

The dangers of popcorn that tastes too sweet or salty are undeniable. This product should be consumed in small doses and very rarely. In addition, after using it you are very thirsty. Large amounts of fluid can cause swelling, especially if it sweet soda. Such nutrition is the first step to obesity and diabetes.

What are the benefits of popcorn?

Many novice cooks are interested in what popcorn is made from. Roasted corn kernels are independent dish, which contains all the necessary elements and sufficient quantity calories. Therefore, in order not to get additional folds of fat, you need to eat popcorn in small portions.

Thanks to vitamin B1, this snack is good for the condition of nails and hair. It also normalizes metabolism and the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. This product is especially useful for people of retirement age, athletes and those who receive physical activity.

Vitamin B2, which is contained in popcorn, is indispensable for stress and depression. It helps overcome these conditions and has a beneficial effect on the body as a whole. If you eat roasted grains in pure form, they will only bring benefits.

What's wrong with popcorn?

People need to remember that the effect of this product on the body depends solely on how it is prepared. In retail outlets it is offered with flavor enhancers, synthetic ingredients and caramel, and you can also try salted popcorn.

The buyer has the opportunity to choose a snack for every taste, but it is better to give preference to the one that contains minimal amount additives Otherwise, popcorn will turn into a rather dangerous product.

For those who are wondering whether to buy popcorn, the benefits and harms are important criteria for making a decision. American scientists have proven that consuming the product in large quantities provokes the development of many diseases.

The healthiest popcorn is homemade!

Today, buying puffed corn is not difficult. Retail outlets offer customers different kinds popcorn. But the benefits of such a product are very doubtful. It’s much better to make popcorn at home. Some people think that this is very difficult process, but in reality everything is not like that. It is enough to purchase special dry grains that are used to make popcorn. The package should be placed in a microwave oven or the product should be fried in a dry frying pan. Of course, it is better to give up salt, sugar and seasonings completely, but if you wish, you can add salt or sweeten just a little so that the body does not experience stress.

By showing your imagination, you can give the dish a new and unusual taste, sprinkling it with something on top, such as powdered sugar or grated cheese. Italians add ready-made roasted grains tomato paste and basil.

Some experts believe that popcorn can be harmful to humans, since when diacetyl is heated, special substances are formed. These are flavorings in oil, they are used in cooking.

How to cook popcorn?

To please your family, you can cook at home healthy treat. What is popcorn made from and what raw materials are needed? You need to purchase natural corn, and before cooking it, you should put the grains in the freezer for several hours. Place it in the pan when it is very hot. It is important that there is a sharp temperature change, then the explosion of the grains will be very strong, they will practically turn inside out.

Making popcorn involves a little finesse. When the grains are laid out, it is better to remove the frying pan from the heat and then quickly pour in any oil, one spoon is enough. To ensure that they are all covered with a film, you need to twist the vessel.

Then you should immediately return it to the heat and cover with a lid. It is not removed until the cracking sound of popping grains stops. For a treat to be beneficial, you need to season it a small amount salt or sugar without using chemical additives.

Another useful recipe

Many people worry about whether popcorn is safe. The benefits and harms are easily assessed if you make the snack yourself. It is better to cook the puffed grains correctly right away. For this you will need fine salt and frozen butter. It requires approximately 40 g per 100 g of corn. The dishes should be heated and the product and salt should be added there. After all the grains have fully opened, they need to be removed from the heat and sprinkled with shavings of butter while they are hot. It is worth remembering that even homemade popcorn must be eaten in small quantities.

Can you imagine a modern cinema without popcorn? Puffed corn is almost the main product of the cafes of entertainment centers, where children stand with delight and watch the preparation of popping grains in special units, and parents stand in line to buy a multi-colored delicacy. And so, at the beginning of the next film show, people gather, bringing with them the obligatory glasses filled to the brim with crisps. The film screening begins in an atmosphere of cheerful crunch and specific aroma...

"Explosive" nature of the grains

Do you think popcorn is an "invention" of recent decades? Not at all. It is known for certain that four thousand years ago, North American Indians used it in their diet. Most likely, they accidentally discovered that if you throw maize grains into the fire, they explode from the inside, become larger in size and have an unexpectedly pleasant taste.

True, not all varieties of maize were suitable for this fun. The fact is that the “explosive” varieties contain starch and water. The liquid does not flow out of the dense shell of the grain and, when heated, turns into steam, which is “cramped” inside, so it “explodes” the dense walls. And the starch from this process foams, taking the most various forms, cooling down. This is popcorn.

In America, during the economic crisis called the Great Depression, popcorn was in incredible demand: cheap, nutritious, high in calories. By that time, Americans had already been eating this product for over 200 years. At the end of the 19th century, the talented engineer Charles Critors even decided to create a machine for making puffed corn. The result was a unit, improved over time, without which entertainment centers and cinemas are unthinkable today.

Benefit or harm

Popcorn is a product containing high-quality carbohydrates, vitamins and polyphenols. Some criticize popcorn, considering it “not our” food, harmful to health, while others happily consume it in large quantities. Puffed corn is prepared with bacon, cheese, onion flavors, as well as salted, sweetened, and caramelized. Flavoring additives, as well as the oil used in the cooking process, are the main danger to the body. These substances may cause various diseases, like ulcers, gastritis, cause problems with the pancreas and lungs. In addition, salted corn balls cause a feeling of thirst, and modern trends dictate drinking popcorn with carbonated drinks, which is completely unacceptable for the gastrointestinal tract.

In other words, to please the buyer, suppliers invent flavors, dyes and flavorings, as a means to turn a product that has nothing in terms of taste into “candy.” If you try popcorn in its pure form, it will not shock you with anything outstanding. But it has a number of useful properties:

  • Has a positive effect on the functioning of the central nervous system;
  • Normalizes the activity of the cardiovascular system;
  • Removes free radicals, toxins and waste from the body;
  • Normalizes blood sugar levels;
  • Prevents signs of premature aging;
  • Has a preventive effect against manifestations diabetes mellitus, allergies, hemorrhoids, constipation and cancer.

In addition, popcorn is very high-calorie product and quickly satisfies the feeling of hunger.

Joe Vinson, PhD, from Pennsylvania, created a real sensation. He examined the popcorn for useful substances and discovered what it contained a large number of polyphenols - much more than in vegetables, herbs, nuts and fruits.

For reference: polyphenols - chemical substances plant origin. These antioxidants are important for our body, helping to improve digestion and circulation, increasing resistance to viruses. Polyphenols are called “life extenders” because their consumption prevents the occurrence of certain diseases and reduces age-related pigmentation, including the appearance of wrinkles.

How to make popcorn

The information presented above is already enough to start consuming puffed corn. But not the one sold in cinemas and stores, but the one made independently. After all healthy popcorn- it's properly cooked. We will teach you how to make popcorn at home.

Several cooking methods are practiced: in a frying pan, in a saucepan and in a microwave oven, where the main “face” is temperature. It is during heat treatment that the corn kernels begin to split and transform into popcorn. Two varieties are suitable as “raw materials” for puffed corn: Caramel and Premium.

Heat treatment for popcorn can be dry or with the addition of oil. In the first case, a frying pan (preferably cast iron) is heated and clean grains are poured into it. The “exploding” process occurs with constant stirring so that the grains do not burn.

For the second method, the frying pan (or saucepan) must also be well heated. Then pour a little oil into the bottom, bring it to a boil, and pour corn kernels into it. Cover the container with a lid (preferably transparent), shaking from time to time.

As for the microwave, it is not recommended to cook popcorn in it. Firstly, it is inconvenient to follow the process. Secondly, microwave popcorn packaging contains the chemical perfluorooctanoic acid and diacetyl. Consumption of the former leads to diseases endocrine system, the second - to damage to the respiratory tract.

What kind of oil is suitable for popcorn?

In principle, any refined vegetable oil will do (with the exception of rapeseed oil). But it is preferable to use coconut - when frying it gives a sweetish aroma. Once you fall in love with making your own popcorn, you'll probably experiment with salty and sweet options. Remember that coconut yellow is suitable for making salted popcorn, white is suitable for sweetened popcorn.

Cooking process

We bypass the microwave and opt for a large saucepan, and then step by step:

  • Pour the oil into the pan and put it on the fire until it warms up well;
  • Place a layer of corn kernels on the bottom of the pan (you don’t need to put a lot, as they will increase in volume by about 40 times when cooked);
  • Sprinkle the seeds evenly with sugar (per 100 g of grains you need 5 tablespoons of granulated sugar);
  • Cover the pan with a lid;
  • Do not change the fire mode;
  • To prevent the sugar from burning, shake the pan periodically, even when the corn seeds begin to explode;
  • Watch for the sound of explosive pops; when they stop, turn off the burner.
  • Place the popcorn in a dish and let cool for 3-4 minutes.

If you prefer salty version popcorn, then it should be salted already prepared, as is done with boiled corn.

Crispy treat recipe


  • Coconut oil - 3-4 tbsp. spoons;
  • Popcorn seeds - half a glass;
  • Salt - to taste.

The cooking procedure is similar to that described above, only leave the salting until the last moment, when the popcorn is ready and still hot on the plate. Spices and paprika can be used as additional “flavorings”. Another option is to add nutritional yeast to the oil. They will give the delicacy an unusual taste, reminiscent of the aroma of a nut.

Homemade popcorn can be the “excuse” for a family gathering around the table! All for a crunchy snack!

People most often associate popcorn with movies or the circus. What could be better than getting together in a close family circle or in the company of your favorite friends to enjoy a good movie? Moments like these bring people together and unite them. But what to do if you can’t go to the cinema? Does watching a movie without popcorn seem unimaginable? Of course, there is always a way out - you need to prepare it yourself! But how to make popcorn at home?

How popcorn got into movie theaters

Everyone knows what popcorn is. This is a special type of corn that explodes when heated. This property was discovered about three thousand years ago by the Indians. They used corn as amulets and decorations, and also carried it with them when hunting, as popcorn is very light and quite filling. Of course, then it would never have occurred to them to add any spices to it. A certain fashion for popcorn started in America at the beginning of the last century, and during the Great Depression of the 30s, it entered the cinema halls and remains there to this day. He came to Russia much later - only in the 90s.

It is curious that most often cinemas make the majority of their profits from the sale of popcorn, rather than tickets. In addition, the treat causes a strong feeling of thirst. At first, when popcorn had not yet become a mandatory attribute of cinema, it was sold on the street in small mobile carts. Now every cinema has at least one machine for making popcorn, and salt, sugar, caramel, etc. can be added to the finished treat without any problems.

The easiest way to make popcorn

There's almost no need to cook. The fact is that in the second half of the last century, cinemas began to be replaced by televisions, which almost everyone had in their homes. So resourceful entrepreneurs thought about it and came up with a way to sell popcorn for cooking at home. Stores began selling bags of grains that you just had to put in the oven, following the instructions. With the invention of the microwave oven, popcorn in bags began to be made for it. Thus, the easiest way to make popcorn at home is to buy such a bag, put it in the microwave for 5 minutes and enjoy watching a movie. Of course, it's not as interesting as cooking it yourself, but for lazy way ideal.

Briefly about other methods

Popcorn can be made at home in several ways. Firstly, you can use the microwave again, but this time on your own, without buying popcorn in a bag (semi-finished product). The second method is to pop the popcorn on the stove using a frying pan or saucepan. Of course, each method has its own nuances and caveats, which should be given special attention.

Corn selection

Before making popcorn at home, you need to choose the right variety of corn. Of course, in theory you can use ordinary corn, but in practice the result will be much worse. Firstly, there may be even more unbroken grains than broken ones. Second, the few kernels that pop will likely not be nearly as fluffy as those from specialty corn varieties. Therefore it is necessary to do right choice still in the store.

The most successful varieties are Vulcan, Lopai-Lopai, Zeya and Ping-Pong. They are distinguished from other varieties by a thin but durable wall, which significantly affects the quality of the prepared popcorn. Before buying, you need to not only look at the variety, but also check the composition - there should be nothing there except corn kernels. Having made the right choice, you will not be disappointed in the prepared product and will not waste your time.

Preparatory actions

Have you chosen the variety you need and want to know the recipe for popcorn at home? But this is not something you need to rush into. There are several little tricks that can have a beneficial effect on the quality of the prepared delicacy. It is important to remember that the corn kernels do not need to be washed. If you are worried about sterility, then don’t worry - processing at high temperatures will do the job. Before cooking, it is better to put the grains in the freezer for a couple of hours. The temperature contrast will make the popcorn fluffier.

While the grains are freezing, think about the dishes. You can make popcorn at home in a frying pan or in a saucepan if you want to use the stovetop. You can use plastic dishes for the microwave. In both cases, you need to think about the lid. For frying pans and pans, you need a heavy one, since popcorn explosions are quite intense, which not every lid can handle. For the microwave, you can choose a container with a lid that closes it tightly, perhaps with the help of some kind of fastening.

Sweet popcorn at home

Sweet popcorn is one of the most beloved and often chosen. Let's look at the first cooking method using the example of how to make sweet popcorn at home. You need a pot or frying pan with high walls and, as already mentioned, a heavy lid. You can preheat the selected dishes on the stove and remove them from the heat. Now pour the frozen grains into the frying pan. It is better to lay out no more than 1-2 layers, as the rise will be quite noticeable. Water the grains with 1-2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, mix thoroughly but quickly with a spatula, making sure that each grain is covered with an oil film.

Then close the dish with a tight lid, shake well several times and place on the stove. When explosions begin, the lid must not be opened under any circumstances. You can control the process by ear. Readiness will indicate an increase in the time between explosions to 3-4 seconds. As soon as this moment has arrived, you need to shake the frying pan again, let it sit on the stove for a few more seconds, and then put it aside. Try to remove the lid very carefully, without exposing your hands and face to the stream of hot steam. Place the popped popcorn in a large bowl and add powdered sugar or salt. Give it a couple more minutes for it to cool. Now the treat is ready!

Cooking popcorn in the microwave

If the stove option does not suit you for some reason, you can use the microwave. This method makes making popcorn at home even easier. The only drawback is the higher calorie content compared to stovetop popcorn. The fact is that when cooking in the microwave, there will be no opportunity to shake the bowl with popcorn, so it becomes necessary to add large quantity oils Otherwise, the principle of operation is similar to the first method.

We choose a suitable container, pour the grains into it, fill them with oil and mix thoroughly. We set the microwave power to 600-700 watts and put the popcorn there, after closing the lid. The explosions will begin almost immediately. Again, we control the process by ear, waiting until the grains explode approximately one every 3-4 seconds. Carefully take out the popcorn, and even more carefully open the lid. Choose an additive. By the way, in addition to salt and sugar, various spices are also used, for example, black pepper or nutmeg. Of course, popcorn with such a filling will be aimed at amateurs, but sometimes you can experiment with different combinations. Add the desired spices, mix, now you can turn on the movie.

Popcorn in a slow cooker

For happy owners of multicookers, there is another way. Everything is even simpler here. Just fill the bottom of the multicooker with oil, place the popcorn kernels in one layer and select the “Soup” mode. Cooking will not take much time; again, you can determine the degree of readiness by ear. Thus, making popcorn at home is quite simple.

Caramel popcorn

For those who don't want to stick traditional seasonings, there are a lot of other recipes, for example, popcorn with chocolate, coconut, paprika. Among them, popcorn with caramel is very popular. It is also quite easy to prepare at home. To do this (at the same time as preparing the popcorn itself), you need to dissolve the sugar in the melted butter. When the resulting liquid acquires a golden hue and the popcorn is ready, quickly pour it into the caramel and mix thoroughly. That's the whole recipe. For chocolate lovers, you can add a little cocoa to the caramel to get a new pleasant taste and shade.

It's quite simple. Now you know not only how to make popcorn at home, but also a little about the history of this delicacy, as well as other interesting nuances. Watching movies at home is much more interesting, but it will be even more interesting to get together in advance and start cooking together great snack for any movie!

Often, when entering a cinema or entertainment center, we buy ourselves a whole bucket popcorn. It’s delicious, and the movie (or show) seems more interesting. This hearty product, containing few calories, can be prepared at home.

The best varieties

Everyone knows what popcorn is made from. From corn. But not everyone knows that Not every variety is suitable for its preparation. The grains should burst easily when fried, have good taste and the airiness inherent in popcorn.

Corn for cooking and canning is called sugar corn. It contains more starch, the shell of the grains is dense and when heated, it immediately cracks without opening. Puffed corn kernels accordingly contain less starch; The film on them is thin, but durable. Therefore, they do not burst immediately and “puff up” perfectly.

How to make one out of this corn popcorn, Let's look at it below.

The best varieties for preparing delicacies are considered to be “Vulcan”, “Lopai-Lopai”, “Zeya”, “Ping-Pong”, “Gostinets”, “Vnuchkina Joy” and others.

The variety is a heat-loving plant, resistant to. The variety is mid-early, productive. Plant height up to 2 meters. The yellow grains have an oval, rice-like shape. The length of the cobs is about 15-22 cm. You can get up to 100-120 g of grain from one cob. This variety is also called "Volcano depraved" or "Volcano bursting."


"Gobble-gobble"- mid-early, high-yielding. The plant is slightly lower in height than other varieties - 130-170 cm. The grains are yellow, wide, elongated. The cobs are cylindrical, weighing about 200-250 g.


"Zeya"- early ripening variety. 80 days after planting, you can harvest. Everything is similar to other varieties, except for the grains. They are burgundy or dark red in color, wide, rounded on one side, pointed on the other.

"Ping pong"

"Ping pong"- mid-early variety. Ready for harvesting approximately 100-110 days after planting. It has short, up to 15 cm, cobs and small yellow grains.

Early variety, ready for harvest in 80 days. Its peculiarity is its high drought resistance and resistance to lodging. He carries it easily high temperatures, so it can be grown in dry, hot regions. The plant reaches a height of more than 2 m. The cobs are about 20 cm long. The grains are yellow, pearl-shaped.

"Granddaughter's Joy"

"Granddaughter's Joy"- a variety similar to “Zeya”, early ripening. Only it has small ears, up to 12 cm. Shoots up to 1.5 m, the grains are light orange. It has high productivity. Corn of this variety is moisture-loving, does not tolerate drought well, grows and yields only on well-fertilized soil.

U "Red popcorn" A distinctive feature is low shoots, only up to 110-120 cm. This is also an early variety. It is also distinguished by its beautiful ears, small, only 5-10 cm, similar to grains of red color Taste qualities excellent.

Did you know?- the main food of Mexicans and Indians.

Features of cultivation

To make popcorn at home, you first need to grow corn. Anyone can do this on their own site. Only needed optimal conditions and, of course, desire.

Corn is grown on any soil, except sandy and particularly loose soil. The plant is tall, it needs to take root firmly, but on such soils this is difficult. The crop is most often grown in the steppe and forest-steppe climatic zones, because all varieties are heat-loving. The winds in this area are strong. On weak soil, plants may “lodging”, which will negatively affect the development of the shoot and, consequently, the yield.


One of the first conditions for successfully growing popcorn corn is planting in well-warmed soil. This means planting is in May (although everything depends on the weather).

First we prepare the soil. Let's start with an analysis of the soil and its “predecessors”.

We have already talked about soil. You can add here that the crop does not tolerate soaking, so alumina in the lowlands is also not suitable.

Everyone knows that corn cannot be planted in the same place. It will grow well after, etc. The area for planting should be such that it can accommodate 4-5 rows. The yield of a crop, if it is planted in 1 row, falls.

Before planting, you can apply for every 10 square meters a day before planting. m. about 150 g. The soil needs to be loosened to a depth of 10 cm and cultivated. There shouldn’t be any on it, otherwise the corn will take a long time to break through them. He might even die.

In addition, the grains need to be prepared for planting. First of all, they need to be soaked. To do this, they are placed in warm water with the addition (slightly pinkish color) and leave for a day. The grains have time to swell.

Plant directly into the ground (without growing seedlings) with mandatory watering. The best method for the crop is a square nest method of 50 cm by 50 cm. 3-4 grains are placed in a hole, watered and sprinkled with 2-3 cm of soil. Shoots will appear in 10-12 days.

Important! Sweet corn and popcorn should not be grown near each other to prevent cross-pollination.


The culture does not require special care. Frequent watering may only be necessary for moisture-loving varieties. In other cases, one watering per week at the root will be sufficient.

For high yield required 3-4 weeks after germination - organic matter. Before the emergence of “tassels” - During the formation of cobs - and

As already mentioned, weeds are the enemy of culture. You will have to weed the rows and aisles 3-4 times during the summer. The Swedish fly and corn borer can also spoil the harvest. Products purchased in a specialized store will help you deal with them.

Corn is wind pollinated. If the weather is calm, then you can shake the stems when pollen appears on the panicles and embryos of the cobs in the leaf axils.

Collection and storage of cobs

You need to collect the cobs only when when they are well dried on the stems. Previously not recommended. If the cobs are collected raw and they do not dry out on the “root”, this will affect the opening of the grains. But we grow them precisely in order to get puffed corn.

If collected and stored correctly, the disclosure rate will be 95%.

You need to pick the cobs from the stems in the “clothing”; we will remove it immediately before storing it. After harvesting, the heads of cabbage need to be kept for another month in a cool and very dry place, then loaded into fabric or paper bags. You also need to store cobs (namely cobs, not grains) in a cool, dry place.

Important! Consumption of corn is contraindicated in case of gastric and duodenal ulcers, thrombophlebitis and increased blood clotting, low body weight and anorexia.

Making popcorn. Recipe

Next, we’ll take a closer look at how we can make popcorn at home. It turns out it's much easier than cooking regular soup or make our own pizza, which is already familiar to us. Moreover, contrary to the assurances of the manufacturers household appliances, we don’t need a special machine or a microwave. You need a cast iron pot with a volume of one and a half liters, or regular frying pan and a gas stove.
