The perfect cold season spice. Ayurveda Recipes: Best Spices for Milk

The birthplace of nutmeg, the Molluc Islands, was called the Spice Islands in time immemorial. Nutmeg and the nutmeg color was brought to Europe in the Hellenic era. In Europe they appreciated their taste, medicinal properties, as well as... intoxicating possibilities. In small quantities, nutmeg is a cure for many diseases. If you are waiting for a sauna in Lefortovo or at your dacha, add a pinch of nutmeg to the food you take with you (salads, drinks). But 2-3 crushed nutmegs are a slow-acting narcotic poison that causes euphoria and hallucinations. Adult family members should not allow children and adolescents uncontrolled access to nutmeg and other spices!

The ancient Romans added nutmeg to wine. Mulled wine even today requires a nutmeg aroma on the tip of a knife. In the Middle Ages, sophisticated European cooks strove to add nutmeg to all dishes. For a richer aromatic tone, as well as in dishes that require heat treatment, grated nuts are used.

This wonderful spice is surprisingly beneficial if consumed in reasonable quantities:

— Nutmeg increases blood circulation and strengthens the heart muscle.

- Tones the body.

— Slows down the growth of benign tumors, especially hormone-dependent ones.

— Increases potency in men.

- Improves digestion.

— Calms nervous system, eliminates insomnia.

— Rubbing and lotions made from nutmeg infusion are useful for arthritis, osteochondrosis, and myositis. They have a warming effect.

Ginger is an excellent antioxidant and antiseptic. The main producers of the spice are India and China. Ginger occupies a special place in ancient legends: what for ginger root treatment of colds and loss of strength, if it is capable, for example, of igniting an icy heart!

There are actually two types of fresh ginger: white ginger root and black ginger root. It's all the same ginger, processed different ways. From point of view healthy eating black ginger is preferable. But it has a more pungent taste and pungent odor. On our shelves you can only find white. Dry ginger powder is sold in stores. Its aroma and taste are not very consistent fresh product, but this is also a popular seasoning that will add its own accent to any dish.

The main supply of oils, as well as aromatics is located under the skin of the fresh root, so it must be cleaned carefully. If a recipe calls for grated ginger, grate the peeled root using a fine grater to separate the tough inner fibers. You can cut it using a potato cutter. Ginger is added to sauces and marinades; fresh ginger in Japan it is served with rice or fish; The Chinese love ginger tea, and the British love ginger beer. When planning to visit Russian baths in Moscow, take ginger tea with you.

Ginger has a number of medicinal properties:

- Is an antioxidant and antiseptic.

— Has a stimulating, diaphoretic, expectorant, tonic effect.

- Helps relieve nausea and sometimes headaches.

— Thins the blood and helps lower blood sugar.

There are also a lot of warnings:

- Ginger interacts (sometimes antagonizes) with antiarrhythmic medications and may increase the risk of arrhythmia.

- May increase blood pressure.

— Despite the fact that ginger lowers blood sugar, it may conflict with medications against diabetes.

— Fresh ginger root improves digestion and is used in some diets for weight loss. If you are wondering how to lose weight in a sauna, use grated ginger. It can be added to tea.

And in our age, the age of chemistry and new industrial technologies, one of the most popular food additives remain spices– fresh or dried parts of aromatic plants. Nutritional value their number is relatively small, but even adding small quantity It adds a unique taste and aroma to the dish. Moreover, spices have a number of properties that are not directly related to gastronomy. Thus, the vast majority of spices have the ability to activate the process of elimination from the body. various kinds waste, improve metabolism, play the role of catalysts in a number of enzymatic processes.

Many herbs and spices have a warming effect, the property of giving their warmth to a person; this property can be used for colds and infections, arthritis and rheumatic pain.

Spicy aroma spices lift your spirits and relieve stress; in addition, many of them are wonderful cosmetics.

Each spice has its own “zest”, its own unique characteristics. Some are refreshing, cooling, soothing, such as fennel. Others, on the contrary, warm, give energy, lift your spirits, strengthen the immune system to colds - these are cinnamon, cloves, ginger, nutmeg, red, etc.

These are the spices with bright aroma and with their fiery taste they are perfectly suited to the conditions of the cold season; they help us warm up and remind us of the hot summer in the cold.

CINNAMON- “impeccable spice”, that’s what the Greeks called cinnamon, and indeed, they had every reason to think so!

Ceylon is the birthplace of cinnamon trees, from the bark of which the spice is made. Every two years, the inner layer of bark is removed from young shoots, dried pieces of which in the form of sticks are sold. Cinnamon for a long time was one of the most expensive spices. Studies carried out in parallel in different countries, have proven that the taste and smell of cinnamon can improve thinking abilities. Cinnamon strengthens the heart and stops inflammatory processes in the genitourinary tract, and if you use it regularly, you will not have problems with digestion.

Cinnamon promotes rapid metabolism and is part of recipes for weight loss.

If you want to get rid of it, in the morning half an hour before breakfast, drink green tea with the addition of cinnamon - 1/4 teaspoon of cinnamon per glass of tea.

And in the evening, instead of dinner, it is useful to drink with the addition of cinnamon.

As a local remedy for getting rid of fat deposits and cellulite, the addition of cinnamon will be useful. So, take: a bag of ground cinnamon (16 g), blue clay (15 g). Mix cinnamon with clay hot water until it becomes a liquid paste, add 5 drops of rosemary oil. Cover the problem areas with this mixture and place on top cling film, warm towel and lie down under the blanket for 40 minutes. A course of 10 procedures every other day will not only reduce the appearance of cellulite, but also make the skin more elastic.

Combination honey with cinnamon– an excellent medicine for many diseases and an excellent preventive measure. Thus, a piece of bread spread with a paste of honey and cinnamon powder for breakfast reduces cholesterol levels in the arteries and prevents atherosclerosis and heart attack, improves the condition of veins and arteries, strengthens the heart muscle, and improves breathing. Daily intake 0.5 tbsp. l. honey with the addition of cinnamon in a glass of water improves immunity, and what is especially important for women, delays the onset of old age!

- Recipe for youth: 1 tbsp. l. cinnamon, brew in 3 glasses of water, cool, add 4 tbsp. l. honey, drink a quarter cup 3-4 times a day.

- Recipe for strengthening hair. Mix: 1 tsp. heated olive oil, 1 tbsp. l. honey, 1 tsp. cinnamon. Now you should apply this mixture to the roots of your hair 15 minutes before washing your hair, hold your head under a warm hood for 15-20 minutes, then wash your hair warm water.

CARNATION- fragrant and hot-tasting dried flower buds of the evergreen clove tree of the myrtle family, shaped like small nails 1-1.5 cm long.

It has a pronounced antiseptic effect, it is not without reason that in ancient China at the imperial court, and in later times at the courts of European monarchs, courtiers were required to chew cloves in order to protect the rulers from possible infections. Cloves have been used since time immemorial as a spice and medicine. Cloves are good for easing breathing in case of illness. respiratory tract. It warms the body well. Strengthens the stomach and liver, memory, blood circulation. Some eye diseases are treated with a decoction of it.

IN folk cosmetology cloves are used for teeth whitening. Chop a couple of buds and mix with chopped yellow gentian herb. Before brushing your teeth, dilute the powder with water and brush your teeth with the resulting paste 2 times a day. 3 days is enough for your teeth to shine white.

- Hair strengthening lotion. Grind five clove buds, mix clove powder with a glass onion peel and pour a glass of vodka. We insist for two weeks in a dark place. This lotion should be rubbed into the hair roots before washing your hair, keep it on your hair for 30-40 minutes, then you can wash your hair as usual.

Clove oil is widely used in perfumery. The property of this aroma to repel mosquitoes, moths and other flying insects is used by housewives, summer residents and tourists.

Pharmacologists consider clove oil an excellent antiseptic and effective means for toothache.

NUTMEG or nutmeg, from the genus of evergreen dioecious trees of the Muscataceae family.

The fruits of the nutmeg (nutmeg) and the dried seed (machis) have a pungent spicy taste and a unique aroma. The main component of nutmeg is essential oil, protein and starch. Nutmeg is not only an excellent seasoning meat dishes, and baked goods, you can use it to treat a runny nose (grind nutmeg shavings between your fingers and deeply inhale its essential vapors through your nose). It improves the activity of the immune system. Nutmeg has psychoactive properties when consumed pure form, may cause a feeling of euphoria. This minor psychedelic induces a state of altered perception in which unusual experiences occur, mainly in the field of bodily sensations and hallucinations. So it should be used internally with caution.

Nutmeg is also used in cosmetology. It is included in creams, gels, shampoos, and hair strengthening products. Nutmeg is also used in home cosmetics.

For example, mask for problem skin made from oatmeal, banana and nutmeg. Cereals Grind the nutmeg and nutmeg in a coffee grinder, mix in a mixer with half a banana, add a little cream, and the mask is ready. Oatmeal in it is an adsorbent, nutmeg is an antiseptic, banana nourishes and softens the skin.

GINGER. Ginger by appearance slightly reminiscent of reeds, only its tall stem is covered with scales, and its orange-yellow flowers are collected in inflorescences.

The spice is obtained from the roots of the plant. Ginger is a popular spice, but also an unsurpassed healer. It would take more than one page to list the number of diseases that ginger can cure. It restores the immune system, increases mental stability in stressful situations, activates digestion, eliminates spasms in the intestines, and treats colds and pulmonary diseases. Normalizes the activity of the thyroid gland, treats most skin and allergic diseases, bronchial asthma, and cerebrovascular accidents. And perhaps the most attractive of all miraculous properties ginger - slowing down the aging process.

- Ginger tea restores strength during physical and mental fatigue. When consumed ginger drink an “internal heating pad effect” occurs, which stimulates metabolism, prevents overeating, and promotes weight loss.

Recipe ginger drink for weight loss not complicated. You just need to take a ginger root (4-4.5 cm), peel, cut, and add a couple of cloves of pre-prepared garlic. Pour boiling water (2 liters) over chopped ginger and garlic cloves, leave for an hour and a half. Then remove the ingredients from the infusion and drink ready-made tea hot or warm 4-6 times a day half an hour before meals.

Not only does a ginger drink warm you up in winter; before going outside, you can pour ginger into your socks and gloves, then your feet and hands will remain warm for a long time.

Winter spices are that living energy that warms a person from the inside, warms, cleanses and heals, makes him stronger and more beautiful. Well, if you do catch a cold, which is not so surprising in cold and unstable weather, warming spiced drinks will come to the rescue.

- Warming drink for colds
Wash, peel and grate ginger root (4-5 cm), chop 2 cinnamon tubes, add 4-5 cloves. Place everything in a saucepan and pour 300 ml of water. Cook over low heat for 15-20 minutes. Strain the finished broth and when it has cooled slightly, add honey to taste.

- Well, speaking of spices in winter, one cannot fail to mention such a magnificent warming and strengthening remedy as mulled wine.
Pour dry (or semi-dry) red wine into a saucepan. This drink should not be prepared for future use; it is better to prepare it every time fresh mulled wine rather than heating it up. Add cloves, ginger, nutmeg, cinnamon and red hot peppers- all in a small pinch. You can add honey and lemon juice. We put it on fire. We heat it, but don’t let it boil. Ideally, it should be heated to 65-70 degrees.

It has been proven that spices are best absorbed in natural red wine, which in itself (of course in moderation) is a powerful means of healing, and even with spices...! Let's drink, enjoy, get younger!

Why is it generally accepted, and this is confirmed by nutritionists, that you can use ginger for weight loss? Yes, because this product has the rare property of cleansing the body of many toxins: alcohol, food, chemicals and radiation. Ayurveda doctors knew about this ability and used it. Modern research indicates that it is slagging and pollution of the body at the cellular level that leads to metabolic disorders. It is a failure in the metabolic algorithm that often causes obesity. By cleansing the body, ginger thereby helps normalize metabolic processes. Consequently, issues are resolved with overweight.

We have talked a lot in previous publications about the properties of ginger. Therefore, without going into details, let us remind you that regular and moderate consumption of it helps reduce appetite, improve digestion, promotes the breakdown of fats, the absorption of proteins, energy production and increased vitality.

Ginger for weight loss - recipes

We recommend reading about how teas with ginger are prepared for weight loss in the section of the site about ginger tea. There you can also read the section “Ginger for weight loss reviews,” where readers exchange experiences and opinions about this method of weight loss. In this article we offer several recipes for weight loss that were developed by ancient healers.

Ginger powder with nutmeg

Take ginger powder (about 1/6 of a teaspoon on the tip of a knife) with a pinch of nutmeg in dry form in the morning. The powder should be absorbed until completely dissolved 15 minutes before breakfast. This procedure should be carried out in the morning. It is advisable to drink ginger tea with lemon throughout the day.

Ginger with garlic

To enhance the effect in the fight against excess weight, you can combine ginger with garlic in cooking. Garlic, like ginger, is a unique gift nature. In pairs, these products increase the permeability of cell membranes, thereby facilitating the penetration of calcium, potassium, silicon, sodium, sulfur, and selenium ions into the cell. Let us remember that fat accumulates in special cells, stretching them. Garlic and ginger, figuratively speaking, “open” these cells, releasing accumulated deposits. Fat enters the bloodstream and further in a multi-stage metabolic process, it goes through a complex path of breakdown.

If your culinary preferences do not allow you to add this combination to your food, you can simply brew ginger tea, add garlic.

Ginger Garlic Tea Recipe:

Pour two liters of boiling water over a small ginger root (4 cm) and two cloves of garlic, after chopping the ingredients. Leave for an hour or two. Drink half a glass 15 minutes before meals.

Still, try introducing ginger into meat and meat recipes. culinary dishes. It's delicious in addition to being healthy. Just don’t forget that ginger is not a potato and eat it in kilograms. Don't forget that ginger is a seasoning.

Ginger for weight loss contraindications

Reading reviews in the topic “Ginger for weight loss,” you often come across complaints that the stomach began to hurt, heartburn appeared, there was no effect, and in general, the condition worsened. Dear readers, there can be millions of reasons for being overweight. Exactly as many people suffer from this disorder. There is no single, universal magic recipe.

Ayurveda even recommends that people with different psychotypes take ginger differently. For example, it is better for phlegmatic people to drink ginger with honey, for choleric people - with sugar, for sanguine people - add it to main courses.

Modern medicine, of course, does not go into such subtleties (and most citizens would be skeptical about such recommendations. This is our mentality). We are more accustomed to hearing specific names of diseases for which ginger should not be used.

Contraindications for using ginger for weight loss:

  • Diverticulosis
  • Diverticulitis
  • Duodenal ulcer
  • Gallstones
  • Food reflux
  • Stomach ulcer
  • Ulcerative colitis
  • Hypertension
  • Arrhythmia
  • Hepatitis
  • Temperature
  • Gastritis

Before you start losing weight using ginger, be sure to consult with your doctor and find out the condition of your body so as not to cause harm.

Warm up on a frosty winter day, recover from colds and strengthen immune system Tea with ginger, nutmeg, cardamom and cloves will help. Read this review on how to prepare it.
Recipe contents:

The tea can be simply brewed, or it can be deliciously brewed. One of the simplest, but most effective methods its preparation is to add all kinds of herbs and spices. For example, truly magic drink- tea with ginger, nutmeg, cardamom and cloves. These wonderful spices make the drink tastier, more aromatic and help the body fight colds and flu. Consumption of these spices significantly reduces the risk of disease. Even if a person is already sick, these spices will help him recover faster. It is important to note that spices have practically no side effects. When using them, you only need to take into account the quality, age of the person, individual tolerance, health status, and tendency to allergic reactions.

I note that ginger root has a positive effect on the circulatory system, accelerates the blood flow and strengthens the immune system. Cardamom gives a special refreshing taste, calms the nervous system and warms the body. Cloves are no less useful. It promotes weight loss, normalizes cholesterol and blood sugar levels. Nutmeg in turn gives amazing unusual aroma and the taste of the drink. It invigorates and energizes.

  • Calorie content per 100 g - 3 kcal.
  • Number of servings - 2
  • Cooking time - 10 minutes


  • Red tea - 1 tsp.
  • Dried or fresh lemon balm leaves - 2 sprigs
  • Nutmeg powder - 0.5 tsp.
  • Cinnamon - 1-2 sticks
  • Anise - 2 stars
  • Cloves - 3 buds
  • Allspice peas - 4 pcs.
  • Cardamom - 4-5 grains
  • Ground dried orange zest - 0.5 tsp.
  • Ground ginger powder - 0.5 tsp.

Step-by-step preparation of tea with ginger, nutmeg, cardamom and cloves, recipe with photo:

1.Pour ground dried orange zest into a teapot, thermos or large mug with thick glass. ground powder ginger and nutmeg powder. Instead of dried orange zest, you can use fresh or whole orange slices. Also, ground ginger powder is an excellent substitute for fresh root, which will need to be peeled and grated.

2. Add clove buds, star anise, cardamom seeds and allspice peas to the teapot.

3. Add red tea and lemon balm leaves.

4. Dip in the cinnamon sticks.

5. Pour boiling water over the food.

6. Cover the tea with a lid.

For flavoring some third dishes and during production flour products They use the vanilla fruit - the seeds that are in the pod. You should open the pod and collect small black seeds with a knife. They have a strong refreshing, very pleasant aroma, but taste bitter. To reduce bitterness, white crystalline vanilla powder is mixed with powdered sugar. In addition, vanillin or vanilla sugar in bags. This is synthetic vanillin, which is produced from the vanillin contained in vanilla seeds. You can also use vanilla essence, which has a very concentrated aroma. It should be used in small doses (1-2 drops).

You can cook it yourself vanilla extract: pour three or four vanilla pods with 1/2 glass of alcohol or vodka. Once the liquid turns burgundy, vanilla extract can be used. For example, when preparing cabbage, vanilla can be used if it contains sweet fruits.


Not only used ground ginger, but also ginger roots, from which this spice is prepared. There are two types of ginger: black, or unpeeled (also called “Barbados”), and white (“Bengal”).
Ginger has a fiery, spicy taste that is unique spicy aroma. It can be added when canning various vegetables. It goes especially well with pumpkin, cucumbers, potatoes, beans, and mushrooms. In China and some other Eastern countries, ginger vinegar is used. An alcoholic extract of ginger - an extract - will also help to highlight the taste of the dish. Ginger helps increase appetite.


The kernels of the nutmeg tree are used. You can buy nutmeg powder or whole nutmeg kernels in the retail chain, which are easy to grind at home. They can be ground in a coffee grinder or grated fine grater. Nutmeg has a weak aroma and taste. When using it, you must follow the dosage: in large quantities it is poisonous and can cause hallucinations. Nutmeg goes well with all vegetables, but it especially emphasizes the taste of colored and Brussels sprouts. It also goes well with spinach and asparagus.


Herbs and coriander seeds, whole or ground in powder form, are widely used in cooking. The greens are better known as cilantro (or coriander), and the seeds are called coriander. Therefore, if the recipe specifies coriander as an ingredient, you need to add the seeds. This spice goes especially well with pickles and canned vegetables.
Coriander increases appetite, has a choleretic and mild laxative effect. In folk medicine, it is used to treat scurvy as an analgesic, as well as for conjunctivitis, glaucoma, and as an anthelmintic.
