How long to bake puff pastry from ready-made puff pastry. Puff pastry puffs

If you don’t have time to knead dough, but still want delicious homemade baked goods, then buy ready-made puff pastry in the supermarket and bake delicious puff pastries.

Recipe contents:

Puff pastries - delicious and quick baking. This product is very popular all over the world. So, classic sweet pastries from puff pastry glorified the cooking of France, savory puff pastries with meat are loved in Germany, pastries and cakes are very loved by Australians. Puff pastry is a great invention for preparing many desserts and quick snacks. Now, in conditions modern cooking, special confectionery skills not required. From store-bought ready-made puff pastry you can make delicious puff pastries with any filling.

Puff pastry has been sold in supermarkets for many years and is very convenient, especially for busy housewives. Dishes made from it are prepared extremely quickly. For example, such a delight, puff pastries, will be ready in 20 minutes. They can be baked even when there is no energy, desire or time for baking. After all, to prepare them you just need to defrost and roll out the dough, wrap the filling in it and bake. Fast and easy. What could be better for delicious dessert. Each layer of puff pastry makes two pockets.

  • Calorie content per 100 g - 352 kcal.
  • Number of servings - 4
  • Cooking time - 20-25 minutes (not counting the time for defrosting the dough)


  • Frozen puff pastry - 2 sheets
  • Any jam - 4-6 tbsp.
  • Eggs - for brushing puff pastries

Step-by-step preparation of puff pastry from store-bought puff pastry

1. Remove the dough in advance freezer and leave to defrost. Keep in mind that puff pastry is not refrozen. Therefore, defrost as much as you plan to cook at a time. Place the defrosted dough on a flat surface sprinkled with flour and roll out a sheet with a rolling pin to a thickness of 3-5 mm. Roll in one direction so as not to disturb the layering of the dough.

2. Cut the dough sheet in half. This will be two puffs. Place 1-2 tbsp on one half of two pieces of dough. jam, which can be any to your taste and preference. In addition, you can add grated cheese, chopped meat, vegetable stew etc.

3. Cover the jam with the other half of the dough and firmly seal the edges of the dough.

4. Using a sharp knife, make transverse cuts on the top layer of dough to allow air to escape. Transfer the puff pastries to a baking tray. The baking tray does not need to be greased with anything, because... There is quite a lot of fat in the dough, so the product will not stick to the surface.

5. Using a pastry brush, brush the surface of the future puff pastry with a loose egg or melted egg butter. If desired, for beauty, you can sprinkle the puff pastry with sesame seeds.

What can you make from puff pastry? A lot of different goodies! From simple puff “tongues” to gorgeous cake"Napoleon"; puff tubes, “envelopes”, “corners”, “roses”; stuffed with apples, cottage cheese, cheese, sausage, jam, chocolate, custard! This is the wealth of variations hidden basic recipe homemade puff pastry.

Depending on how you fold the dough and what you fill the formed products with, each time you will get a new delicacy, to the joy and surprise of your household.

Bake everything puff pastries should be placed on a baking sheet sprinkled with flour or lined with baking parchment at a temperature of 200-220ºC. It’s easy to tell if it’s ready: the baked goods will separate and acquire a golden color.

1. Puff pastries “Bows”
Roll out puff pastry 1 cm thick, cut into strips about 10 cm long, 3-4 cm wide. Twist in the middle to make a “bow”. Bake, transfer to a plate and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

2. Puff pastries “Ears”
You've probably often come across delicious ear cookies in the store. It’s easy to make it at home: roll out the dough 0.5 cm thick, sprinkle the cake with sugar and cinnamon and fold first the right edge, then the left one into a roll towards the middle of the cake. It turns out to be a double roll. Cut it into pieces 0.5 cm thick, lay out the “ears” on a baking sheet covered with parchment, and bake until done.

3. Puff pastries “Corners”
Cut the dough into squares, put a non-liquid filling in the middle of each: pieces of apples, cherries, cottage cheese, or boiled eggs With green onions, or mushrooms fried with onions. Bend the dough squares diagonally to form a triangle, and press along the perimeter with your finger, stepping back 1 cm from the edge: then during baking the filling will not “run away”, and the edges of the “corners” will separate beautifully.

4. Puff pastries “Rosochki”
Can be made sweet or savory. Having rolled out the dough to a thickness of 0.5 cm, cut the cake into strips 15 cm long and 3 cm wide.

Place thin semicircular slices of apples sprinkled with cinnamon sugar on the dough, or boiled sausage- so that the edges protrude slightly above the dough - and roll the dough into a roll. We secure the roses with toothpicks and bake until golden.

You can sprinkle strips of dough with grated cheese or poppy seeds, then roll them up to create puff “snails”.

5. Cheese sticks
Cut the cake 1 cm thick into strips, brush with beaten egg, sprinkle with grated cheese. You can sprinkle with cumin or sesame seeds.

6. Puff pastries
Having rolled out the dough into a 0.5 cm cake, cut out circles using a shot glass or glass. Add the filling, for example, boiled chicken fillet, chopped and mixed with fried onions. We pinch the pies, press them slightly, place them on a baking sheet, seam side down, and bake until lightly golden.

7. Puff pastries “Tubes”
To prepare them, you will need special metal baking cones. We wrap strips of dough 1 cm wide onto them, slightly overlapping, and bake. Remove the finished cooled tubes from the cones and fill them with cream: butter, custard or protein.

8. Puff pastries “Croissants”
Roll out the dough into a circle 0.5 cm thick and cut into triangular segments, as for bagels. On the wide edge we put a non-liquid filling: berries, a piece of jam, nuts with raisins and honey, a piece of chocolate - and roll from the wide end to the narrow one. Dip the top side of the croissant into the beaten egg, then into the sugar. Place on a baking sheet and bake until golden brown.

9. Spiral cake
As an alternative to small puff pastries, you can bake a large, spectacular one. layered cake! Roll out the dough 0.5 cm thick, cut into long, narrow strips (5 cm wide, the longer the better).

Place the filling in the middle of the strips: grated cheese, mushrooms, minced meat. We pinch the edges and place the resulting “tubes” with the filling in a spiral into the mold. You can make a pie with with different fillings, alternating them. Brush the top of the pie with beaten egg and sprinkle with sesame seeds or cumin. Bake at 180-200C until golden brown.

10. Napoleon
The most delicious and favorite puff pastry recipe! Roll out the dough into cakes 2-3 mm thick, according to the size of the baking tray (and so that thin crust not torn, it’s more convenient to roll it out immediately on parchment sprinkled with flour), pierce the cakes in several places with a fork and bake for 15-20 minutes each. Ready-made cakes coat custard, sprinkle the cake with crumbs and leave to soak for 3-4 hours.

Among the decorative deciduous plants there are not many shrubs and trees. The most interesting variations of speckled patterns on luxurious leaves are offered by the rare, but therefore even more valuable, aucuba. Despite the presence of bright berries and many unique features, it is precisely for the patterns on the leaves that this beauty is considered one of the most striking exotics. Aucuba is not the easiest plant to grow. But all she needs is a cool winter and regular standard care.

Chives, or onions, like other varieties of onions, belong to green and spicy-tasting crops. IN fresh how spice is added to everything vitamin salads, meat, fish and vegetable dishes. Tender leaves, pleasant to the taste, without bitterness or burning, are an integral part of baked goods, omelettes, sauces, gravies. Frost resistance allows the use of fresh chives in regions with a temperate climate for up to six months when grown in open ground.

Mannik with pumpkin is a simple sweet dish that a beginner can bake. The whey dough turns out tasty and tender. Usually this by-product cooking cottage cheese is thrown away, but don’t rush! You can make a lot of wonderful dishes from whey, from drinks to pies and pancakes. For sweet pastries take butternut squash with bright orange pulp, be sure to add cinnamon to the dough, which will emphasize spicy aroma pumpkins.

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Chicken fillet Steaming is very easy. Don’t believe those who say that the meat turns out dry, they simply don’t know how to cook it! There are several simple ways to save chicken breast juicy. Firstly, the pieces of meat should be thick (1.5-2 centimeters). Secondly, it must be wrapped in something. Leek or grape leaves are suitable for these purposes. Thirdly, you need to cook the breast for no more than 8 minutes, and then let it “rest”.

In Europe, hawthorn hedges are an absolute favorite. A shrub with a uniquely dense crown is truly ideal for creating green fences. But hawthorns also have other advantages. Romantic and spectacular flowering and beautiful fruits will decorate any garden. And the endurance and unpretentiousness of hawthorns still have no equal. Hawthorn is a large shrub, which in our country is considered completely common and typical.

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Chicken cutlets, prepared according to this recipe in the microwave, will never fall apart, and at the same time they will turn out juicy. A microwave oven saves you the hassle of frying on the stove. The recipe for cutlets in the microwave is simple, and inexperienced cooks can do it. The set of ingredients is minimal - these cutlets contain only meat, onions and seasonings. The leek leaves in which the cutlets are wrapped are edible, but their main function is to retain the juice and prevent them from sticking!

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Vegetable salad from physalis - light, healthy, low calorie snack from fresh vegetables which is suitable for vegetarian and Lenten menu, as well as a side dish for meat and fish dishes. Physalis appeared on our menu not so long ago; many considered this plant to be ornamental. I tried the taste of physalis already in adulthood and loved it very much. For years in a row I have been making preparations - vegetable mix, winter salads or I just prepare light salads as a side dish.

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Pumpkin jam with physalis, apples and orange is a delicacy that you can easily prepare at home in the kitchen from vegetables and fruits grown in your own garden. For a successful outcome, you need a pumpkin with bright orange flesh, yellow physalis and sweet apples ( sour varieties easily boiled). If everything is done correctly, it turns out thick mass consisting of delicious, transparent pieces fruits and vegetables - a real kaleidoscope of taste in a jar.

Gardening tools and tools are indispensable on any site. With our own hands we can only collect fruits or individual pests, and we do everything else with the help of garden tools. Nowadays, when a good shovel and high-quality rake are quite expensive, more and more gardeners prefer, with the arrival of cold weather, when work in the garden ends, to take care not only of the plants, but also of the gardening tools so that they last as long as possible.

Among shrubs, privet has always been considered a special plant. Easily shaped and distinguished by its beauty, it is primarily known as a garden plant. But even in the rooms, privet knows no competitors. It is most often grown in bonsai form, revealing in all its splendor its unique bark, flowering and original berries. And although caring for privet is not easy, as an indoor plant it adapts to the appropriate conditions quite well.
