Recipe for pickling cucumbers. Recipe for cold pickled cucumbers. To get high-quality pickles that will be stored all winter, prepare

It is a known historical fact that the natives of the Pacific Islands, in order to preserve cucumbers for a long time in case of crop failure, buried them in the ground, wrapping them in banana leaves. Our ancestors preferred their own, simpler way - they began to pickle cucumbers and did it in a cold way, that is, in cold water.

If you don’t know, I’ll explain a little about what cold ambassador different from hot. Difference in brine temperature. When hot, the brine is poured into jars that have just boiled, without cooling. When pickling cucumbers using the first method, the preservation is only poured cold water. This is the simplest, and one might even say lazy option preparations for the winter.

Cold-processed cucumbers for the winter in jars

Recipes for cold-salted pickles are not much different from each other and are very simple to execute, but there are several nuances that you should know about so that your preparation does not disappoint you when tasting.

  • Be sure to soak the cucumbers the day before pickling for at least a couple of hours, during which time they will absorb water and this will make them dense, and even crispy.
  • Try to take greens of the same size so that they are evenly salted.
  • Don’t forget that for pickling you need to take a cucumber of a variety intended for pickling; they have black thorns. Fruits with light colors are salad fruits, you can also take them, but in this case, be sure to cut off the butts.
  • Place the greens in the jars vertically - this way more will go in, but do not compact them too tightly; tightly packed ones will not have a tasty crunch.
  • Salt in what? Yes, it’s all the same. Our ancestors did this traditionally in barrels or tubs, now we do it in 3-liter jars or enamel pans, it practically does not affect the taste.
  • Which lid to cover also doesn’t really matter. But jars under a nylon lid require indispensable storage in the cold; those rolled up under an iron lid can be left in an apartment. But a lot still depends on the recipe.
  • There is no need to sterilize the jars; just wash them thoroughly.
  • Use regular, coarse salt - iodized or very fine salt is not suitable, because they will make the vegetables soft.
  • To give the workpiece special taste, V winter preparation you can put onions, carrots, Bell pepper, squash. You can diversify the marinade using not only the usual spices, such as garlic, dill or pepper. It would be appropriate hot pepper, basil, cherry leaves. Many people like to put oak leaf and horseradish leaves.

Attention! There is no need to put currant leaves in jars when cold salting cucumbers. They promote the formation of mold.

If the brine becomes cloudy during the salting process, do not be alarmed - this is a natural process. Time will pass, and it will become light again, and the foam will disappear.

A simple recipe for pickling cucumbers

The simplest and not involving special troubles, recipe in jars. By the way, this is also quick way cold salting of cucumbers - you won’t find it faster. After 3 days you will be able to try what you got.

Take a 3-liter jar:

  • Cucumbers.
  • Garlic cloves – 3 – 4 pcs.
  • Cherry leaves, horseradish, dill - without sparing, with a generous hand.
  • Peppercorns – 6 – 8 pcs.
  • Salt – 3 large heaped spoons.
  • Add some hot red pepper if desired.

How to add salt:

  1. Place all the spices on the bottom of the jar, then distribute some of the chopped garlic among the cucumbers.
  2. Place the cucumbers soaked for several hours tightly in a jar (but do not compact them, as I advised above).
  3. Make a brine: dissolve salt in water and pour it into a container. Close with a nylon lid and refrigerate long-term storage. For quick use, you don’t have to remove it, but the workpiece will be ready after three days.

Cold salting of cucumbers in jars for the winter

A friend taught me this pickling method, and since then I consider it the most successful, the cucumbers will be strong and crispy. This is a classic and very simple recipe.

  • Cucumbers.
  • Horseradish and cherry leaves, dill.
  • Garlic cloves – 4 pcs. on three liter jar.
  • Peppercorns.
  • Salt – 3 large spoons per jar.

How to add salt:

  1. Place the greens on the bottom, then place the cucumbers in the jar, interspersed with chopped garlic. And pour the salt directly into the jar.
  2. Fill with water. If you trust your tap water, then it will do, our water is good, so I don’t bother and pour from there.
  3. Leave the workpiece at room temperature For a three days.
  4. After this time, drain all the water, put a spoonful of salt in the jar and fill it with water again.
  5. Close with a nylon lid and transfer to the cold. This will stop fermentation, and the pickling will keep well until the end of winter.

Cold pickling of cucumbers with mustard

I consider this recipe to be a classic one, of course there is more hassle with it, but here your cucumbers are guaranteed to be strong and crispy. It’s a pleasure to take such a cucumber in your hand and crunch it all over your apartment. Mustard will prevent the formation of mold, as it is a good natural disinfectant. By the way, whether you take powder or grains does not make much difference.

Take for a 3 liter jar:

  • Cucumbers.
  • Garlic cloves – 5 pcs.
  • Chili pepper - one small size.
  • Cherry leaves, horseradish leaves, dill, and oak leaves if you can find them.
  • Peppercorns – 6–8 pcs.
  • Mustard - a teaspoon.

Brine: per liter cold water 2 heaped tablespoons.

Salting recipe step by step:

  1. Place all the leaves, peppers and a couple of cloves of chopped garlic in a jar.
  2. Then place the greens soaked tightly the day before, sprinkling them with garlic. Sprinkle mustard on top.
  3. Dilute the salt in cold water, but be careful so that it dissolves completely, and pour it into the workpiece.
  4. Close the jar with a nylon lid and leave to salt out. Don't forget to check in at least a couple of times a week to top up the water if it stops covering the cucumbers.
  5. When the brine has fermented and brightened, everything is ready. Move the jar into the cold for storage.

Pickled cucumbers with vodka

Another good recipe preserving cucumbers for the winter - add a little vodka there. This will ensure that the vegetable becomes strong and crispy.

Take a 3-liter cylinder:

  • Cucumbers.
  • Salt – 3 large spoons.
  • Vodka – 50 ml.
  • Sugar – 2 spoons.
  • Garlic cloves – 4 pcs.
  • Water – 1.5 liters.
  • Dill umbrellas, cherry and horseradish leaves (or root),
  • Allspice – 8 peas.

How to add salt:

  1. Chop the garlic cloves and horseradish root; if you use it, cut off the ends of the cucumbers. I remind you that cucumbers should first be soaked for a couple of hours.
  2. Also prepare the brine in advance: add salt and sugar to cold water, let it boil and be sure to cool it.
  3. Place all the spices on the bottom of the jar, then place the greens. All that remains is to fill it with cold brine and pour in vodka.
  4. Place the nylon lids in boiling water for a few seconds and immediately close the jars.
  5. Leave the jars in the apartment for three days, then put them in the cold. After 2 months, you can try cucumbers.

As always, I remind you that there are never too many recipes, and there is still room in my piggy bank for yours. So, if you come up with your own version of cold pickling cucumbers for the winter, I won’t protest. And on the contrary, I will say a huge thank you. With love... Galina Nekrasova.

What table would be complete without this wonderful and delicious vegetable. Together with salty ones, they are almost the main appetizer of any table.

On a note! Although this salted vegetable is considered an indispensable attribute of the Russian feast, the Byzantines introduced it to the Russian people. It is believed that even Russian name cucumber, according to Vasmer’s dictionary, comes from the Greek word “ogyros” - “unripe”.

Cucumber is one of the few fruits that is eaten unripe. In Rus' they were salted in oak tubs, which ultimately gave the finished product a unique taste and incomparable aroma. Nowadays they also practice this type preparations, but this is rare. Moreover, in apartment conditions it is practically impossible to do this.

Recipe for cold pickled cucumbers

There are a lot of ways to pickle cucumbers, mostly standard ones are used, in which cucumbers are poured hot water. But I want to start with a recipe in which they are salted with cold water.

After all, with this marinade, the cucumbers turn out deliciously crispy and hard. So let's get started.


  • cucumbers - 1.3 kg.
  • garlic - 3 cloves
  • horseradish - 5-6 leaves
  • dill - 1 bunch with umbrellas
  • currants - 2-3 leaves
  • cherry leaves - optional
  • salt - 100 g
  • cold water - 1.5 liters.


1. Soak cucumbers collected from the garden or purchased at the market for 3 hours in water, after which they are thoroughly washed under running water.

2. Prepare the greens. Wash horseradish leaves, dill umbrellas, currant and cherry leaves well. You need to choose only whole and young leaves. Next, peel a few cloves of garlic.

3. Wash the cucumber jar well. We put horseradish leaves at the bottom of the jar, then put dill umbrellas, followed by currant leaves.

4. Before putting the green ones into the jar, you need to cut off their tails. After that, we send them to the container in a standing position (standing). Place 3 cloves of garlic on top.

5. For a three-liter jar you will need 100 g coarse salt. Pour it into a jar and fill it with cold water.

The water should be very cold. It is advisable to keep it in the refrigerator for one night. And of course, it should not be running water, but purified and filtered.

6. Close the jar with a tight lid. Shake until the salt is distributed throughout the jar. A jar of pickled cucumbers can be immediately stored in the cellar.

In winter, this snack will delight you and your loved ones. unique taste and a pleasant crunching sound.

How to prepare pickles for the winter without vinegar?

Every good housewife has her own proven recipe for making pickles. Traditionally they use a bite. I present to your attention next way pickling, it uses citric acid instead of vinegar. I recommend making this recipe at least once. I think you'll appreciate it.

Ingredients for one liter jar:

  • cucumbers - 500 grams,
  • horseradish leaf - 1 piece,
  • cherry leaf - 1 piece,
  • currant leaf - 2-3 pieces,
  • garlic - 2 cloves,
  • allspice peas - 2 pieces,
  • black peppercorns - 3-4 pieces,
  • dill umbrella - 1 piece,
  • hot pepper - to taste
  • water - 500 milliliters,
  • citric acid - 1/3 teaspoon,
  • sugar - 1 tablespoon,
  • salt - 0.5 tablespoon.


1. Place allspice peas, black peppercorns, and 2 cloves of garlic into prepared sterile jars.
If the garlic is very large, then it is better to cut it lengthwise.

2. Add one cherry leaf and 2 currant leaves, rinsing them thoroughly with cold water. Next, add dill umbrellas and well-washed horseradish leaves. You need to cut out the stem from the horseradish leaves, which will be useful later.

3. Cut off the tails of the cucumbers. We put them in jars in a vertical position. One liter jar takes approximately 500 g of vegetables.

4. Place horseradish stalks in between the cucumbers. Next, place the second layer of cucumbers horizontally. If the fruits are large, they can be cut in half.

5. Add some more dill umbrellas. Add hot pepper to taste. Place a currant leaf on top. Fill the jars with boiling water, cover with a sterile lid and leave for 10 minutes.

7. Boil water in a saucepan and pour it back into the jars of cucumbers, leave for 10 minutes.

8. Now you need to prepare the marinade. For a liter of water you will need 1 tablespoon of salt and 2 tablespoons of sugar. 1 liter of water is enough for about 2 liter jars.

It is necessary to boil the marinade, wait until the sugar and salt are completely dissolved in the water.

9. Drain the water from the cans.

Place 1/3 teaspoon in a jar citric acid. Immediately pour the hot marinade over the cucumbers. We roll up the jars with a seaming wrench and turn them over.

Leave the jars upside down under the blanket until they cool completely.

It is best to store the finished product in a dark, cool place or in a cellar, where they will last longer. In winter, they will delight you and your family, especially at the holiday table.

Hot pickled cucumbers in jars

If you don't know how to pickle delicious cucumbers in a jar for the winter without sterilization, then I have a very simple recipe for you for cooking using a hot method.

This is how my grandmother pickled cucumbers. After 2-3 days they turn out lightly salted, and after a month or by winter they become salted.


  • fresh cucumbers -3 kg.
  • water – 3 liters large
  • rock salt – 250 g (~9 tablespoons)
  • dill – 4 branches
  • horseradish – 2 leaves
  • garlic – 8 cloves
  • black currants – 30 pieces.


The amount of ingredients is calculated for 2 3-liter jars.

1. First you need to rinse the cucumbers thoroughly under running water.
We choose fruits that are not too large so that they fit freely in the jar and do not have large seeds inside.

2. All greens also need to be washed thoroughly.

3. Pour 3 liters of water into the pan, add salt, bring to a boil, stirring occasionally.

4. Meanwhile, rinse the jars with warm water; there is no need to sterilize them. At the bottom of the jars we put a branch with a dill umbrella cut into several pieces and black currant leaves, we also put horseradish leaves, cut in half and garlic cut in half.

6. Add a final layer of several sprigs of herbs and garlic. As soon as the brine boils, pour it into the jars and close the jars with plastic lids.

7. First, place the lids in boiling water for 15 seconds.

The resulting delicacy should be stored in a cool place. These cucumbers will be a good appetizer at any holiday; your guests will definitely appreciate them.

Cucumbers for the winter in jars with iron lids

I present to your attention another way to pickle cucumbers. All ingredients are very simple and traditional. Think, good housewives will take it into service.

Ingredients for brine per 1 liter of water:

  • Salt - 1 tablespoon
  • Sugar - 4 tablespoons
  • Dill (umbrellas)
  • Black currant leaves - to taste
  • Black peppercorns - to taste
  • Allspice black pepper - to taste
  • 3 liter jar - 1 tablespoon vinegar (70%)
  • 2 liter jar - 1 dessert jar. spoon of vinegar (70%)
  • for 1 liter jar - 1 teaspoon of vinegar (70%)


1. First of all, wash the cucumbers well and trim the edges, also wash the greens and dry them.

2. We will roll the cucumbers into three jars, different in volume: three-liter, two-liter and liter. The jars must first be sterilized and the lids boiled.

Place dill and a few blackcurrant leaves on the bottom of the jars, then add cucumbers. It is best to place them in a liter jar while standing. Add a little more dill and blackcurrant leaves, then continue adding cucumbers. Add a few more blackcurrant leaves.

4. As soon as all the cucumbers are placed in the jar, pour boiling water over them. Covering the jars iron lids and wait until the jars cool down.

5. After the water has cooled, pour all the water into the pan in which we will make the brine. Add salt and sugar to the drained water, mix everything thoroughly.

6. Place the brine on the stove and wait until it boils. As soon as the brine boils, turn off the gas and pour hot pickle to banks.

7. Add vinegar to each jar. After this, cover the jars with lids and roll them up with a seaming key.

8. Turn the jars upside down, cover with a towel and wait until they cool.

We will take samples from them cold winter evenings. These cucumbers go very well with boiled potatoes and herring. I think this combination will not leave anyone indifferent.

Prepare cold pickled cucumbers with vodka:

If you love real barrel cucumbers I recommend trying to cook them using this recipe. The secret of preparation is very simple: in addition to traditional greens, we also put acorn leaves and marigolds in the jar, and add vodka to the brine. The cucumbers according to this recipe turn out simply incomparable.

Amaranth (shiritsa) - unique plant, the benefits of which are noticeable in folk medicine, and in cooking and even in cosmetology.

Ingredients for a 3-liter jar:

  • Cucumbers - 1.5-2 kg
  • Garlic - 4-5 cloves
  • Salt - 100 g
  • Vodka – 50 g
  • Currant leaves, horseradish, dill umbrellas, amaranth, marigolds, several pieces each


1. Wash the cucumbers well and soak in water for 2 hours.

2. Banks are also well washed and sterilized. Place several sprigs of herbs and 5 cloves of garlic on the bottom of the jar.

Fill the jar with vegetables. Add water to salt and mix well. Fill the cucumbers with salt water.

3. Leave them in a jar of salted water at room temperature for 4 days. After 4 days, pour the brine into the pan.

4. Place the pan on the fire and boil the brine. Fill the jar with cucumbers with cold water, shake and drain the water. Meanwhile, boil the brine for 5 minutes.

5. Pour vodka into the jar with the vegetable. Then fill them with hot brine.

Seal the jar hermetically with a sterilized lid using a seaming key. Turn the jar upside down.

According to this recipe, cucumbers turn out like salted cucumbers, but at the same time crispy. They need to be stored in a cool place, so they will keep well until spring. Although it is unlikely that you will be able to store such a tasty treat for so long.

Video recipe for cucumbers in jars with mustard

And finally one more unusual recipe salting, in video format. Its difference is that mustard is added to the marinade. It gives the cucumbers a little spicy taste, which will not leave your family and friends indifferent. Enjoy watching!

OK it's all over Now. If you liked the recipes, please share them on your page. Let your friends know about them too. I also look forward to your comments and feedback.

Recipes for preserving cucumbers for the winter

Crispy pickles in jars - easy, quick and delicious preparation for housewives. It doesn't require any culinary skill and will save you time...

1 hour

4.5/5 (2)

To save your time and effort, I'll share some more useful tips, which will definitely come in handy when canning:

  • only need to be used rock salt, since the jar may explode or the cucumbers will turn sour;
  • everything that you put in jars must be thoroughly washed so that the brine does not ferment and the cucumbers do not spoil;
  • To sterilize jars, they should only be placed in cold oven so that they heat up evenly and do not explode;
  • You can add a little mustard seeds to each jar to prevent the jars from exploding;
  • to make the cucumbers very crispy, you can add a small piece of oak bark to the spices in each jar;
  • if you cut off the tails of the cucumbers or make several punctures with a fork, they will be saturated with brine faster;
  • It is imperative to sterilize the lids: boil metal ones for 15 minutes, and thoroughly wash and scald nylon ones.

Storage and use

Pickled cucumbers - for real universal dish. They are added to, or eaten simply, cut into pieces and adding a little chopped garlic and vegetable oil. Store pickles better in a cold place: cellar, refrigerator or even on the balcony.

In contact with

You can pickle cucumbers different ways– hot, cold, in buckets, jars, barrels. But if we compare, then, perhaps, cold pickled cucumbers turn out to be the most delicious.

They can be used to prepare vinaigrette, added to pickle sauce, various other dishes, and also eaten with boiled or fried potatoes.

The only drawback of this blank is that it needs to be stored in a cool room - in a cellar or basement, so it is not suitable for apartments.

But you can still make a couple of cans. They will definitely fit in the refrigerator. So, how to make this delicious thing called pickles in a cold way in jars for the winter?

Basic recipe

What you will need for pickling:

  • 1.7 kilograms of fresh cucumbers;
  • 15 pieces of cherry leaves;
  • 3 horseradish leaves;
  • Horseradish root – 3-4 pieces;
  • 4 garlic cloves;
  • 3-4 dill umbrellas, as well as 5-6 sprigs of dill;
  • 2 large spoons of salt per 1 liter of water;
  • Granulated sugar – 1 large spoon.

How to prepare cold pickled cucumbers in jars for the winter:

  1. First you need to rinse the pickling container. To do this, take glass jars, rinse them thoroughly and clean them from dirt;
  2. After this, they need to be sterilized. Sterilization of containers can be done over steam or kept in the oven for 15 minutes at a temperature of 100-120 degrees;
  3. Cucumbers should be fresh, not limp. They should be thoroughly washed to remove dirt;
  4. Next, pour hot water over the cucumbers and leave in cold water for 2-3 hours. First you need to trim the ends on both sides;
  5. Peel the garlic cloves on the skins;
  6. We wash the horseradish root and peel off the skin. Cut the horseradish into several pieces;
  7. Rinse the horseradish, cherry and dill leaves thoroughly;
  8. At the bottom of the jars we place horseradish and cherry leaves, garlic cloves, a couple of pieces of horseradish root and dill sprigs;
  9. After this, we begin to put the vegetables in the jars. We place them tightly so that there is no space between them. There should be about 5 cm left to the neck of the jar;
  10. Place the remaining dill leaves and greens between the cucumbers;
  11. Pour water into a saucepan and set it to heat up;
  12. Add salt to heated water, granulated sugar, mix everything thoroughly;
  13. As soon as the brine boils, remove it from the stove and pour it into a jar with cucumbers;
  14. We close the jars tightly with plastic lids and put them away to cool under a warm fur coat;
  15. After cooling, the cucumbers can already be served;
  16. You can store these pickles in a jar in the refrigerator.

Delicious pickles with cold vodka

What components are needed for preparation:

  • 2 kilograms of cucumbers;
  • 3 large spoons of salt;
  • 2 large spoons of granulated sugar;
  • 50 grams of vodka;
  • 1.5 liters of filtered water;
  • 4-5 dill umbrellas;
  • 5 pieces of currant leaves;
  • 5 cherry leaves;
  • 4-5 garlic cloves;
  • 2-3 leaves of horseradish and root;
  • 9-10 peas of allspice.

Let's look at the recipe for cold pickling cucumbers with vodka for the winter in stages:

  1. First of all, we wash the cucumbers with cool water, remove all dirt and dust;
  2. Then we pour hot water over the vegetables, remove the ends on both sides, and put them in cold water to soak for 2-3 hours;
  3. Pickling jars need to be thoroughly rinsed and cleaned. baking soda and pour over with hot water;
  4. Peel the garlic cloves;
  5. We wash the horseradish root, peel off all the skin from it and cut it into several pieces;
  6. Rinse the dill leaves and greens thoroughly;
  7. At the bottom of the jars we place several leaves of currants, cherries, horseradish, garlic cloves, pieces of horseradish, allspice peas;
  8. The brine is best prepared in advance. To do this, pour water into a container and place it on the stove to heat up;
  9. The water needs to be brought to a boil. Add salt and granulated sugar to the boiling water and leave to boil for about 5 minutes. After this, remove from the stove and leave to stand until it cools completely;
  10. Pour the cooled brine into a jar with cucumbers;
  11. For one three-liter jar you need to add 50 grams of vodka;
  12. Then we lower the nylon covers into hot water for 3 minutes and immediately close the jars with them;
  13. Let the jars stand at room temperature for 3 days;
  14. After this, we put the jars in the basement or cellar for 2 months. After this period, the cucumbers will be ready to eat. And although they were prepared in jars, they will taste like barrel cucumbers.

Cold pickled cucumbers with mustard

What we will prepare:

  • 10 kilograms of fresh cucumbers;
  • 400 grams of dill umbrellas;
  • 2 small garlic heads;
  • 10 cherry leaves;
  • 1 horseradish root;
  • 10-12 horseradish leaves;
  • Hot pepper pod;
  • Brine with salt – 5 liters (5 liters of water will require 300-400 grams of salt);
  • Mustard – ½ cup.

Let's start preparing pickles with mustard for the winter:

  1. First you need to wash the cucumbers, remove all dirt and dust;
  2. Vegetables must be doused with hot water, cut off at the ends of the butt and left to soak in cold water for 5-6 hours;
  3. You can pickle cucumbers in wooden barrels, tubs, enamel containers, buckets, pans and glass jars. Since there is hardly a barrel in apartments, cucumbers should be pickled in a glass jar. You can use a large container if you have one. The container must first be washed and doused with boiling water;
  4. Rinse all the leaves and umbrellas of dill thoroughly;
  5. Peel the horseradish root and garlic. Cut the horseradish root into small pieces;
  6. Then put leaves, dill, garlic, horseradish root on the bottom of the jar and put cucumbers on top. Place greens on top of the cucumbers again, followed by cucumbers again. At the end we lay out the dill umbrellas;
  7. Mustard can be poured into the bottom of the jar or placed in a gauze bag and placed in a jar with cucumbers;
  8. Put 5 liters of water on the fire and warm it up. Add salt to hot water and boil until the salt is completely dissolved;
  9. As soon as the brine becomes cool, pour it into a container with cucumbers;
  10. After that we close the banks nylon covers, put it in the refrigerator for storage.

Quick recipe

What you need for quick salting:

  • 2 kilograms of cucumbers;
  • 2 large spoons of salt;
  • A bunch of fresh dill;
  • 1 head of garlic;
  • 3-4 large spoons of vinegar;
  • 5 large spoons of vegetable oil;
  • Spices for pickling cucumbers.

Recipe for making cold pickled cucumbers in a hurry:

  1. To prepare, you will need an enamel-based container or a plastic bag;
  2. Cucumbers must be thoroughly washed to remove dirt. It is advisable to remove the skin from them, due to this they will turn out tender;
  3. After this, the vegetables can be cut into medium slices, so they will be salted faster;
  4. Rinse the dill and chop into small pieces;
  5. Peel the garlic and cut into thin slices;
  6. After this, mix the cucumbers with dill and garlic;
  7. Add salt and vinegar to all ingredients. Mix everything;
  8. Add more vegetable oil. If desired, you can season with spices - coriander, paprika, a mixture of allspice;
  9. The container with all the components should be placed in the refrigerator;
  10. After just 15 minutes, the cucumbers can be served.
  • Be sure to soak the cucumbers for 3-4 hours before pickling. Due to this, they will become denser and after salting they will be crispy;
  • For pickling, it is better to use medium-sized fruits, no more than 15 cm in length;
  • To add an unusual taste and aroma, you can pickle onions, bell peppers, and tomatoes together with cucumbers;
  • For pickling, it is better to use dark-skinned fruits; light-colored fruits are suitable for making salads.

You can eat pickled cucumbers 2-3 months after pickling.

Cold pickled cucumbers for the winter will be a wonderful treat on the table and an addition to any main dishes.

It is not at all necessary to pickle them in a barrel; they turn out no worse in glass jars or enamel dishes.

The main thing is to strictly follow the cooking recipe, then you will get a real masterpiece of culinary art!

Tasty and crispy cucumbers are not always obtained, but this disadvantage is possible. So, for pickling you need to choose small vegetables, with thin skin and gimlet surface. As a result, they will be well salted and there will be no voids in them. Also, before salting, you should select cucumbers of the same size, so the process will take place in all fruits.

Cucumbers turn out very well, they are salted in... For pickling you will need the following ingredients:

25 liters of water;
- 600 g salt;
- 10 g tarragon;
- 100 g dill;
- 5 heads of garlic;
- 25 cherry leaves;
- 20 oak leaves;
- 20 black currant leaves;
- 1/2 pod of red pepper;
- 1/2 horseradish root.

First of all, make the brine. Needed in warm water salt. Then sort the cucumbers and rinse them with cold water. After that the bottom wooden barrel line with washed oak, cherry, black currant leaves, also add dill, horseradish, tarragon, and garlic. Now the cucumbers are placed in dense rows in a vertical position. Make spacers between them using seasonings and leaves. Close the barrel tightly, filling the top bottom. Now, through the hole that needs to be made in advance in the bottom, pour in the brine and seal it with a wooden stopper. It is important to prevent the cucumbers from floating after pouring it, so you should tightly cover the lid of the barrel with a wooden circle and place a weight on it. Through this you can take a sample from pickles. If the cucumbers are not salted enough, you should wait a few more days.

Pickling cucumbers in a jar

Not everyone has the opportunity to pickle cucumbers in a barrel, so this is in a jar. For this you need products:

3 kg of cucumbers;
- 1.5 liters of water;
- 2 bay leaves;
- 2 dill seed umbrellas;
- 3 black currant leaves;
- 3 cloves of garlic;
- 6 peas of allspice,
- 3 cherry leaves,
- 1 horseradish leaf;
- 90 g salt.

First the brine is made. Take a pan, pour water into it, dissolve salt in it and throw in 2 bay leaves. Place the bowl with brine on the fire and boil. Then place it on the bottom three-liter jar dill umbrella, blackcurrant leaves, horseradish, cherries, garlic and peppercorns. After this, a layer of cucumbers is laid out, which are installed vertically. Now fill them with boiling brine and roll up the jar metal lid. Store pickles only in a cool place. This can be not only a cellar, but also a refrigerator, otherwise they will quickly deteriorate and the work will be in vain.

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It’s good to have a few jars of pickled cucumbers in stock, because without them you can’t make rassolnik or hodgepodge. Properly pickled cucumbers are preserved to the maximum for the winter beneficial features, turn out tasty and crispy.

You will need

  • Ancient recipe: cucumbers 100 pcs, salt 1 lb, water 5 l, garlic, bunch of dill, currant leaves.
  • Cucumbers in enamel dishes: cucumbers 10 kg, dill (umbrellas) 400 g, horseradish root 60 g, garlic 40 g, cherry or currant leaves 100 g, hot pepper 15 g, water 5 l, salt 300 g, mustard powder 20 g .
  • Cucumbers in jars: gherkins 10 kg, acetic acid 150 g, Bay leaf 30 g, hot Bell pepper 15 g, water 5 l, salt for pickling 100 g, for scalding 300 g.
  • Cucumbers in cucumbers: 10 kg of medium-sized fruits, 10 kg of overripe fruits, salt 700 g, garlic and paprika 20 g each, dill umbrellas 300 g.


Select cucumbers for pickling that are healthy, not ugly in shape, green in color, 5-15 cm in size. Sort into three sizes: 5-9 cm, 9-12 cm, 12-15 cm. The ideal container for pickling cucumbers for the winter is - oak barrels, they have greens in them excellent taste, are stored for a long time.

A simple pickled cucumber recipe, spied in an old cookbook: wash the medium-sized fruits well, place them in a barrel in dense layers, sprinkling each layer currant leaf and dill. You can add cloves of garlic, it not only increases the taste, but also helps keep the greens strong. Press the cucumbers down with a weight. Dissolve salt in boiled cold water, pour this brine over the product and seal tightly. Store at 0+5 degrees.

You can also salt cucumbers in an enamel bowl; this is a more common container these days. Before salting, soak the cucumbers in cold water for 7-8 hours. This is done so that they swell, become elastic and, when salted, do not become empty or wrinkle. Place at the bottom of the vessel spices, place a layer of cucumbers and again spices and so on until the top. The top layer is herbs, take them only fresh.

Fill the cucumbers into the pan as tightly as possible, fill with brine, place a circle and press down with a weight. Let it sit in the room for two or three days, and then put it in the cellar or some other cold place. Keep an eye on the brine and if mold appears on the surface, remove it and rinse the circle and weight in boiling water. Prepare the brine as follows: in small quantity Dissolve the salt in cold water, then add water to the required level. Let it sit for 8-10 hours.

Cucumbers pickled for the winter in glass jars are no less tasty. You can add salt using one of the methods described above, after a week put it in jars and fill it with boiled brine and close it with iron lids. Can you cook lightly salted cucumbers. Small fruits are suitable for this salting. Scald the prepared gherkins with water and salt, add 300 g of salt to a bucket of water, then pour over ice water and dry. Carefully place in jars in rows, add bay leaves and hot pepper. Fill with brine and roll up with iron lids. With this method of salting, use an additional preservative - vinegar, and then the cucumbers will be stored well.

Interesting taste have cucumbers, pickled cucumbers. If you have overgrown cucumbers, you can use them for pickling. Place the prepared greens in a saucepan or jars, sprinkling each layer with finely chopped or grated overripe cucumbers mixed with salt, hot pepper, dill and chopped garlic. Press down the cucumbers with pressure.


The Russian pound is equal to 0.409 kg; 100 cucumbers are approximately equal to 10 kg.

Helpful advice

Ordinary pickled cucumbers will gain extraordinary strength and retain their bright green color and crunchiness if you add 1/3 of the broth to the brine oak leaves. But at the same time, the cucumbers will become sour.


  • Book "Homemade pickles, jams and marinades"

Cucumbers are revered both fresh and pickled or salted. Salads, soups, appetizers - you can’t do without a cucumber anywhere. It is worth noting that cucumbers prepared for the winter have a special role, because they are doubly pleasant and tastier if they are collected from your own garden bed and rolled into jars according to your favorite recipe.
