We close cucumbers for the winter. Crispy cucumbers for the winter: how to pickle? We close cucumbers for the winter crispy with and without vinegar, with oak leaf and pine branches, with mint and apple juice - Women's opinion - Ekaterina Danilova

Hello friends, summer is in full swing, which means it's time to close the cucumbers for the winter, I want to offer you handy pickle for cucumbers. Why convenient? This brine is designed for one jar, and if you need, for example, not 3 liters, but liter or 1.5, then it is very easy to calculate the proportions.

In my opinion, when proportions for a certain amount of water are given in a recipe, it is not always convenient. Previously, when closing cucumbers for the winter, I prepared a brine for 3 or 5 liters of water, I didn’t always guess how many cans I needed. Experienced housewives Of course, everyone can already determine by eye, but not everyone is like that. So if you need my handy cucumber pickle, I'll be pleased.

Cucumbers for the winter cooking recipe

(proportions are given for one 3-liter jar!)

  • cucumbers
  • Dill umbrellas - 3-4 pieces
  • Bay leaf - 2-3 pieces
  • Currant leaves and cherry leaves, 3 pcs.
  • Horseradish leaves - 2 medium
  • A few peas of black pepper, I take about 0.5 tsp
  • Optional garlic and cloves, I do without them

Pickle for cucumbers:

  • 3 tbsp salt
  • 6 tbsp sugar
  • 9 tbsp vinegar 6%


I don’t write how many kilograms of cucumbers I need, you can close one or 10 cans at once, I think there will be no difficulties. It is the same with water, pouring it into a jar is easy to find out the amount.

In each jar we put peppercorns, cherry and currant leaves, horseradish and dill. If the cucumbers are fresh, just wash and cut off the "butt", if not, soak for about 30-40 minutes in water. Pour boiling water over the cucumbers in a jar, leave for about 15-20 minutes, drain the water into a saucepan. And again pour cucumbers with boiling water for the same time. In the water that was drained from the cucumbers, add salt and sugar, vinegar after the brine boils.

For the third time, we already fill it with brine and roll it up. It’s easy to treat the lids with boiling water, I don’t sterilize the jars, everything is fine, the brine is not cloudy, the cucumbers are crispy, I’ve been closing cucumbers according to this recipe for 5 years already, mmm hasn’t let me down yet.

So friends, use the recipe, close the cucumbers for the winter so that New Year, make from their cucumbers. Cucumber pickle is very easy to remember, 3-6-9, salt, sugar, bite. And for dinner you can cook or, very tasty, I recommend. That's all for today, but there are some interesting recipes ahead,

Pickled crispy cucumbers are an integral attribute of any feast. There are a lot of recipes for pickling green vegetables for the winter. Especially popular: spicy, with gooseberries, mustard seeds, etc. Unfortunately, with all the variety of ways to get pickles with unique taste, aroma and, most importantly, crunch, not every housewife will succeed.

How to roll cucumbers to be crispy? With seeming simplicity, this procedure has many subtleties and "pitfalls" that many neglect. The crunch and elasticity of the popular Russian snack largely depends on correct selection vegetables. Consider cooking tricks this dish more.

How to choose cucumbers for seaming?

The fruit should be freshly picked, firm and juicy. Sluggish and soft varieties after processing they will not give the expected crunch. Some varieties will not tolerate long-term storage.

Agronomists divide all varieties suitable for growing into the following types:

  • salad;
  • salting;
  • universal.

It is not difficult to guess that the former are intended exclusively for use in fresh. Their thick skin does not allow the marinade to pass through well. In the case of universal ones, it is clear that they are suitable for any purpose - both pickling and adding to salads. And only the pickling variety will give the long-awaited crunch and unsurpassed taste. The best sunset view is "Nezhinsky".

Characteristic differences

The fruits can be easily distinguished from each other by appearance. Salad has an elongated shape, light spikes (for universal and pickling they are dark). In cucumbers, ideal for pickling, the skin is torn off without any effort - just light pressure on the nail is enough. The best candidates for canning are even, oblong fruits without deformations, damage, or uncharacteristic spots.

Talking about how to make cucumbers crispy for the winter, you need to sort them by size:

  • Pickles are the smallest, up to 3-5 centimeters.
  • Gherkins - medium, reach 9 centimeters in length.
  • Zelentsy - large (9-14 centimeters).

For each group developed own ways how to roll up crispy and sweet cucumbers. AT classic version ideal for use in winter period time are considered vegetables, ranging in size from 7 to 12 centimeters.

Starting salting, you need to decide on the container for storing the product. If you plan a salting option without spinning, you will have to stock up glass jars, with a volume of 3 liters, enameled buckets of 10 liters.

Modern housewives for pickling cucumbers use jars of different sizes from half a liter to 3 liters.

Should you use plastic utensils? Barrels and containers made of universal material will come to the rescue in the absence of standard-type containers at hand. Plastic barrels will be worthy alternative oak. They are not so expensive and do not spoil the taste of the main product.

Crispy Cucumber Recipe

The described recipe for how to roll up crispy cucumbers for the winter cannot be called ordinary. It was not transcribed from a culinary guide or borrowed from the chef's master class. trendy restaurant. Its author is a simple village grandmother who grows cucumbers in her own garden and responsibly rolls them for a large family.

Preparation of ingredients

The most delicious cucumbers are grown by hand on a personal plot. Market ones will do. In order to decompose vegetables in jars as compactly as possible, their bulk should have the average size and only 25-30% small ones to fill the top of the container.

Green fruits are soaked in a basin for 30-45 minutes and rinsed several times under running water.

How to roll cucumbers to be crispy? Pick the right greens! According to the recipe you will need (based on 1 jar):

  1. Cherry leaves - 5 pieces.
  2. Umbrella dill - 2 pieces.
  3. Garlic - 4 large cloves.
  4. Horseradish leaf - 1 piece.
  5. Horseradish root - 2-3 shavings.

The main ingredient responsible for that crunch is oak leaves. It is unlikely that you will be able to buy them on the market, so you will have to look for them yourself. It is this green component will give cucumbers a unique crunch and will not let go limp during long-term storage.

Brine preparation

Taste finished product largely depends on the quality of the brine. In a pot with cold water lower a bunch of cherry branches, dill stalks and horseradish leaves. When the water boils, add 2 tablespoons of salt and half as much sugar (per liter of water). At the end - 25 grams of ground red pepper. The brine should boil for a quarter of an hour. Set a saucepan next to it. clean water, boil.

Filling jars

To roll crispy cucumbers into a 3-liter jar, it is not necessary to sterilize it. enough to process hot water pay special attention to the neck. When the containers dry up, a bouquet of spices, which was discussed above, is laid on the bottom. Next, the jar is tightly stuffed with cucumbers. To fit more vegetables, large fruits are located vertically at the bottom, and smaller ones closer to the neck.

Now a jar of cucumbers must be poured with boiling water for 10 minutes. This is a kind of sterilization of both the container and the products inside it. Guaranteed to get rid of germs.

Drain the water, add hot peppercorns - 5-8 pieces, 2 aspirin tablets, table vinegar- 40 grams per can. Such natural preservatives will help vegetables to be stored long time without loss of flavor.

The next step in seaming crispy cucumbers for the winter is pouring the brine. Twist the jars, leave in a dark place, wait until it cools completely. First turn upside down and cover with a warm blanket. Store the finished snack in a place protected from sun rays. Cellar, pantry, etc. are perfect.

Cold salting with vodka

The original way of pickling cucumbers to achieve a delicious crunch involves the use of fresh, strong, small fruits.

Additional Ingredients:

  1. Brine - per liter of pure water 2 tablespoons of table salt.
  2. Cherry leaves - 2 pieces per liter.
  3. Umbrella dill - 1 piece per liter.
  4. Celery stalk - 1 piece per liter.
  5. Thyme greens, tarragon - a couple of sprigs per liter.
  6. Vodka (40%) - 2 tablespoons per liter.

How to pickle cucumbers so that they are crispy? First of all, take care of the quality of the water. If it goes through several levels of purification, boiling is not required. Dissolve salt.

Wash vegetables thoroughly and place on paper towels to drain excess liquid. At the bottom of the jars, previously washed and dried, put the spices. Cucumbers are laid out on them, tightly pressed to each other. For the convenience of performing work, it is recommended to hold the jar at an angle of 45 degrees.

Pour in the brine. The liquid should completely cover the green fruits. Add required amount vodka.

Banks can be closed with two types of lids - ordinary polyethylene or twist-off. Send for a month in a dark cool place.

Pickled cucumbers with subsequent canning for the winter

Easy recipe to enjoy piquant taste vegetables before the onset of the first cold weather. The best masters culinary arts answer the question of how to properly roll up cucumbers so that they crunch.

The first thing to do is to pick the right ingredients. Cucumbers should be about the same size - 6-8 centimeters with underdeveloped seeds (so the taste ready snack will be softer).

A bouquet of spices will be made up of leaves of cherry, currant, oak, horseradish - per jar (3 liters), 4-5 each. Here - peppercorns, a few cloves of garlic and a pod of hot pepper.

To prepare the filling, 40 grams of salt must be dissolved in a liter of water.

cold pickling method

How to roll cucumbers to be crispy? Banks should be thoroughly washed, if desired, carry out the sterilization procedure. All leaves, pods and cloves should not show signs of developing decay, disease or pests. Separated twigs, peeled cloves and seedless pods are washed in several waters and temporarily deposited.

Cucumbers are placed in a dense layer in the prepared container, followed by a layer of spices, then cucumbers again, spices again, and so on until the neck.

When rolling crispy cucumbers into a 3-liter jar, it is necessary to properly prepare the brine. Dissolve 2 tablespoons of salt in a liter of cold water. Pour cucumbers with the resulting liquid, cover with gauze folded in several layers, leave to start fermentation processes for three days at a temperature of 20-22 degrees.

After the specified time, try one vegetable. If you feel saturated salted taste, the fermentation process must be interrupted. The brine is drained, the cucumbers are washed, the herbs and spices are thrown away.

It is important not to miss this moment. The taste should be tender, the fruits should not be completely salted. Only in this case, in winter, they will have an inimitable taste, optimal strength and everyone's favorite crunch.

To roll up crispy cucumbers for the winter, as for the first time, you will have to prepare a set fresh leaves and spices. Return the cucumbers to the jars washed clean, boil the collected brine, pour into jars, close with sterile lids, wrap with a towel. Withstand 10-15 minutes hot pickle drain. To prevent spices and leaves from falling out, a special rubber cap with small holes can be put on the throat. If there is none on the farm, gauze can be used.

Bring the brine to a boil again, send to the banks. Now you can start rolling. It is advisable to cool the preservation as quickly as possible and store in a dark, well-ventilated place.

hot way

The technique described below will allow you to roll up delicious crispy cucumbers, as in the previous recipe, with only minor technological adjustments.

For making brine edible salt divorced not in cold water, but in boiling water. Hot liquid is immediately poured into jars filled with green fruits and spices. The containers are closed and remain warm for 2-3 days. When the waiting period has come to an end, the brine is drained, and then the procedure is similar to the cold method.

Having opened a jar of such a snack in winter, you will be pleasantly surprised by the taste - salted cucumbers With delicate taste and fresh crunch will not leave anyone indifferent!

Pickling cucumbers without jars and barrels

The progress of the chemical industry from year to year supplies the kitchen with useful devices. One of the latest was the package insert. In terms of performance, this inexpensive capacious device is not inferior to plastic and glass, and in some respects significantly surpasses them.

How to roll up cucumbers so that they are crispy in a package insert? To begin with, prepare a brine - 700 grams of salt per 10 liters of water. Here are also a few cloves, allspice grains, garlic and horseradish. Boil the mixture for 10-15 minutes. Cool to a temperature of 38-40 degrees. Strain into a clean container through cheesecloth.

Thoroughly washed cucumbers pour the resulting brine. Withstand at room temperature a week, covered with a regular lid. After that, bring together the edges of the liner bag, remove excess air, and tightly tie the free edge with twine or a thin rope.

Vegetables will be ready to eat after a month. They must be stored in a cool place.

In the preparation of brine, use only rock salt. Otherwise, the jar may explode or the cucumbers will acquire an unpleasant sour taste.

Everything that is planned to be placed in a jar must be thoroughly washed. This will save the brine from unforeseen fermentation and prevent spoilage of the main product.

Glass jars for sterilization must be sent to a cold oven. So they warm up evenly, do not burst and do not explode.

Adding a few mustard seeds to the brine will help prevent damage to glass containers.

Add crunch and don't spoil natural taste oak bark will help - a small piece is enough to maintain the primary elasticity of the vegetable.

In order for green fruits to be soaked with brine faster, it is recommended to cut off their tails and make several small punctures with a fork.

Be sure to sterilize the lids. A fifteen-minute boil in clean water is enough for metal, thoroughly wash the nylon and scald it on all sides.

Do you want to crunch homemade cucumbers for your pleasure? I propose to learn with me how to cook crispy cucumbers for the winter. My selection of recipes will help you cook your favorite preparations simply and tasty. Those hostesses who consider cucumber blanks difficult art. There is nothing complicated, and then you will be able to gather your relatives at the table, covered with various pickles of your own production.

Recipe for canning cucumbers for the winter: crispy

According to this recipe, homemade cucumbers are tasty and crispy.

I give the consumption of products for a three-liter jar:

  • young strong cucumbers - how much will go in;
  • garlic cloves 8-10 pieces;
  • horseradish leaves - 3-4 pieces;
  • dill umbrellas - 4 pieces;
  • salt - 2.5 tablespoons;
  • 9% vinegar - 3 tablespoons;
  • sugar - 4 teaspoons.
  1. Cut off the tips of the cucumbers, fill the jar with them more tightly, pour boiling water over it, cover with a lid, let stand for half an hour.
  2. Drain the water, pour boiling water again, hold for 30 minutes, drained.
  3. Next, put salt, sugar, vinegar, horseradish leaves, garlic, dill umbrellas in a jar, pour boiling water, roll up, wrap for a day.

Pickling cucumbers for the winter crispy: in a cold way

Crispy cucumbers for the winter, simple and tasty can be cooked in cold water, in this recipe they retain their natural green color are well preserved.

Food consumption for 3 cans with a capacity of 0.75 liters:

  • cucumbers about two kilograms;
  • dill umbrellas 4 pieces;
  • leaves of blackcurrant and cherry - 6 pieces each;
  • garlic - 3 teeth;
  • horseradish leaf - one large;
  • black pepper - 9 peas;
  • salt - 3 tablespoons;
  • water - 1.7 liters.

Very often, an open jar of pickled cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini, remains in the refrigerator. So, so that mold does not form on its surface, I advise you to sprinkle it mustard powder, and pour a little vegetable oil to form a protective thin film.

Crispy pickled cucumbers for the winter, without sterilization

According to this recipe, cucumbers are obtained original taste, they do not lose color, they turn out like two in one - pickles and grape leaves, from which it is good to cook dolma in winter.

For three liter jars you need:

  • cucumbers;
  • grape leaves
  • water about half a liter;
  • 50 grams of salt and sugar;
  • spices;
  • garlic.
  1. Wash cucumbers and grape leaves. Cut off the tips of the cucumbers, pour in boiling water, hold for a couple of minutes, rinse with cool water.
  2. Wrap each cucumber grape leaf by carefully folding the edges.
  3. Peeled garlic cloves, spices, place on the bottom of the jars, lay the cucumbers tightly so that they do not turn over.
  4. Make a filling of water, salt, sugar, pour over cucumbers, hold for 5 minutes, drain the filling, boil. Do this three times. For the fourth time, pour and immediately roll up.

My advice:

While preparing the filling, put a few apple slices, then remove them. The filling will turn out much spicy and very tasty.

How to preserve crispy cucumbers for the winter

This recipe was mined for more than one month, somehow a friend treated me to them, she also suggested where and from which woman she bought them. The woman was engaged in the sale of canned cucumbers, I had to ask in detail all the secrets of canning, fortunately, the secret was revealed. Later, I shared this recipe with my friends and colleagues. Everyone likes cucumbers, they often thank you for the delicious preparation!

  • We need: cucumbers, dill umbrellas, horseradish leaves, parsley, garlic, sweet peas.
  • For the marinade: 150 grams of sugar, 150 ml. 9- percent vinegar, 1.2 liters of water, 2 heaping tablespoons of salt.
  1. In three-liter jars, put a dill umbrella, a horseradish leaf, a couple of parsley sprigs, a few garlic cloves, 4 allspice peas.
  2. Fill jars with cucumbers, pour boiling water twice, pour boiling marinade for the third time, roll up.

In the same way, you can roll up zucchini, peeled and cut into circles.

My advice on how to save cucumbers:

  • Often the banks swell, but they can be saved if the bombing is noticed in time. You need to open such a blank, rinse a jar of cucumbers under the tap, add 1.5 - 2 tablespoons of salt, cover with a plastic lid. Ordinary pickles will turn out, it's still better if they disappear.

Monastic sauerkraut crispy cucumbers for the winter in jars

According to this recipe, cucumbers are prepared in many Orthodox monasteries, the monks shared with the pilgrims their way of harvesting cucumbers:

For a bucket or large pot with a capacity of 10 -12 liters you will need:

  • cucumbers themselves;
  • a good bunch of dill;
  • 400 grams of coarse salt;
  • 4-5 sprigs of blackcurrant;
  • 4-5 oak leaves;
  • garlic.
  1. Pour one liter of water into a saucepan or bucket, and dissolve the salt at the bottom. Put there oak leaves, currant shoots, dill. Next, lay out the cucumbers with the cut ends, pour them with water so that they are completely covered. We set oppression, leave it in this position for three days.
  2. Then we wash and sterilize three-liter jars, lids, throw 4 garlic cloves to the bottom and shift the cucumbers.
  3. We boil the brine from the pan (bucket), pour the fruits, immediately roll up, turn over, wait for cooling, transfer to storage in the basement or a cool place.

You can prepare cucumbers for the winter different ways. Look at a selection of recipes, take note and try closing a jar in a new way.

1. Cucumbers, like store bought


for 1 liter of water:

1. Salt - 1.5 tbsp. spoons
2. Sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons
3. Vinegar 9% - 10 tbsp. spoons

How to cook cucumbers like store-bought ones:

We take a 3-liter jar.

1. Bay leaf, allspice, cloves, onions (rings), put dill on the bottom of the jar, then cucumbers.

2. Pour boiling water over prepared cucumbers in jars, cool to a warm state, drain, add sugar and salt per 1 liter of water, boil again, pour over cucumbers and roll up.

Add vinegar to the jar before the second filling!

2. Crispy cucumbers


1. Carrot - 1 pc.
2. Bow - 2 pcs.
3. Garlic - 1 head
4. Horseradish, currant, cherry, Bay leaf- 1 sheet
5. Umbrella dill
6. Black peppercorns
7. Salt - 5 teaspoons
8. Sugar - 10 teaspoons
9. Vinegar 9% - 100 gr.

How to cook crispy cucumbers:

1. Put carrots cut into 4 parts and all of the above ingredients on the bottom of a 3-liter jar.

2. Lay cucumbers, pour hot boiled water for 15 min. Drain the water. Add salt, sugar, table vinegar to it.

3. Boil water with spices again, pour into a jar. Roll up.

3. Mild salted cucumbers

These are delicious pickled cucumbers. Ideal for those who for various reasons can not eat spicy.


For a 3 liter jar:

1. Water - 1.5 liters
2. Salt - 2 tbsp. spoons
3. Sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons

How to cook uncooked cucumbers:

1. Wash cucumbers and pour clean water for 3 hours, changing the water.

2. Put in a jar: - dill umbrellas, horseradish leaf, 5 currant leaves - 4 garlic cloves -10 black peppercorns - 4 cloves - cinnamon - tarragon

3. Lay cucumbers vertically in jars, pour hot brine for 3 minutes.

Then drain the brine, boil again and pour for the last time, adding to the jar: - 1 tablespoon of table vinegar

4. Roll up. Turn upside down and leave under a warm blanket until cool. Even in the spring, opening a jar of cucumbers seems to be lightly salted.

4. Country salting

A very simple way to pickle cucumbers, but very tasty, the cucumbers are crispy.

How to cook cottage pickled cucumbers:

In clean sterilized jars (3 l.) put: - horseradish leaves - cherries - black currants - dill sprigs - 5 cloves of garlic.

1. Pour into each jar approximately: - 100 grams of salt and sugar (4 tbsp sugar and 10 tsp salt).

2. Fill jars with cucumbers and pour cold water over them. Close them with plastic lids, put in a dark, cold place (like a cellar).

Cucumbers will be ready in 3 months, but stand until spring.

5. Drunken cucumbers

How to cook drunk cucumbers:

1. At the bottom of the jar (3 l.) put: - horseradish root - dill - garlic - currant leaves

2. Then lay the cucumbers tightly and pour the marinade over 1.5 liters. water: - 3 tbsp. salt without a slide - 2 tbsp. sugar - 1 tsp vinegar essence - 2 tbsp. vodka.

Sterilize for 15 minutes.

6. Cucumbers in tomato sauce


1. Cucumbers - 5 kg.
2. Tomatoes - 2 kg.
3. Garlic - 250 gr.
4. Vegetable oil - 250 gr.
5. Sugar - 250 gr.
6. Salt - 3 tbsp. spoons
7. Vinegar 70% - 2 tbsp. spoons

How to cook cucumbers in tomato sauce:

1. Pass the tomatoes through a meat grinder, add vegetable oil, granulated sugar, salt, bring it all to a boil and cook for 10 minutes.

2. Then gradually add the cucumbers cut into rings. After boiling, cook for 20 minutes, then add garlic and vinegar, mix everything and arrange in sterilized jars, cork.

It takes a long time to cut, but it turns out a lot of cans - 10 cans of 650 gr each.

7. Pickled cucumbers


for 2 liters of water:

1. Salt - 2 tbsp. heaped spoons
2. Sugar - 6 tbsp. heaped spoons
3. Peppercorns - 5-7 pcs.
4. Bay leaf - 5-7 pcs.

How to cook pickled cucumbers:

1. To prepare the brine, combine all the ingredients, boil for 3 minutes, then cool, add - 2 tbsp. 70% vinegar

2. Cucumbers (how many will go in) put in jars and pour over with brine. Then sterilize them for 5 minutes and roll up.

8. Lightly salted cucumbers


1. Dill, horseradish, currant leaves
2. Garlic
3. Peppercorns - 4-5 pcs.
4. Carnation - 2-3 pcs.
5. Bird cherry leaf
6. Salt - 1 tbsp. spoon with slide
7. Sugar - 1.5 tbsp. spoons without a slide
8. Aspirin - 2 tablets
9. Acetic essence 70% - 1 teaspoon

How to cook lightly salted cucumbers:

1. Put the cucumbers in a 3-liter, sterilized jar, adding all the spices, salt, sugar, aspirin and vinegar. Then you need to pour everything with boiling water and roll up with an iron lid.

"Home kitchen" wishes you bon appetit!

Publication date: 02/16/19

lovely taste qualities cucumbers prompted culinary specialists to look for various ways to prepare blanks. As a result, there appeared delicious recipes pickled cucumbers (in barrels and jars, cold, hot and dry), pickled (without and with sterilization, with vinegar, with citric acid, vodka, adjika, tomato paste and ketchup), as part of snacks - salads for the winter.

It will be difficult for an inexperienced housewife to navigate the variety of recipes on their own, so the selection of proven recipes below will help you choose the most attractive recipe for the preparation that matches your taste expectations and culinary skills. A few useful tips, saved in the end, will help to avoid possible mistakes.

Cucumber recipe with photo

This way of harvesting spicy cucumbers with black pepper will delight the whole family. The taste of cucumbers is not sharp, but has some zest. No one can refuse such crispy cucumbers.

The calculation of products is described for one three-liter jar.

If you or someone close to you has a predisposition to allergic reactions or peptic ulcers of the stomach, intestines, functional disorders of the kidneys - it is advisable to replace the aspirin preservative with more harmless ones, for example, citric acid.

Time for preparing: 50 minutes

Quantity: 1 portion


  • cucumbers: 2.5 kg;
  • water: 1 l;
  • currant leaves: 7-10 pieces;
  • garlic: 3-4 cloves;
  • dill greens: 30-40 g;
  • salt: 1 tbsp;
  • sugar: 2 tablespoons;
  • black ground pepper: 1 pinch;
  • allspice: 7-10 pieces;
  • black pepper: 7-10 peas;
  • lemon acid: at the tip of a knife;
  • aspirin: 2 tablets;
  • bay leaf: 6 pieces

Cooking instructions

    All food and utensils must be clean. Bank requires sterilization. Boil the screw cap in advance. Wash the currant leaves and dill greens, it is even better to pour over with boiling water. Put the leaves and herbs in a jar.

    Wash cucumbers very thoroughly. Trim each cucumber on both sides. Pack the cucumbers tightly into the jar.

    Boil water in a kettle. Pour cucumbers with this boiling water. Leave the jar aside for 20 minutes.

    During this time, you will need to make a separate marinade for future blanks. Boil water in a saucepan.

    Pour salt, sugar and put bay leaves there. Boil 5-7 minutes.

    Drain the water from the jar into the sink. To do this, you need to use a special rubber cover with holes.

    In a jar of cucumbers, put finely chopped pieces of garlic, black and allspice peas.

    Add black ground pepper. Put aspirin and citric acid.

    Pour cucumbers in a jar with ready-made, hot marinade. Screw the lid on with a key.
    For the first 24 hours, the jar should be stored upside down. Moreover, the jar of blanks should be well wrapped with a blanket.

    Further storage is carried out in the basement.

Enjoy your meal!

Crispy cucumbers

Every hostess is looking for her own perfect recipe crispy cucumbers and, having found him, never cheats on him. But in addition to the correct recipe, the fruits themselves are of great importance. They should be green and elastic, their length should not be more than 7-8 cm. Do not put garlic in jars, it will give softness to the finished preservation.

The number of ingredients that is enough for four and a half liter jars:

  • 2000 g fresh cucumbers;
  • 500 g onion;
  • 2500 ml of water;
  • 200 ml of vinegar;
  • 200 g of sugar;
  • 100 g of salt;
  • 4 bay leaves;
  • 8 black peppercorns;
  • 40 g green dill.

Preserving crispy cucumbers step by step:

  1. Peel and cut the onion in any way, then put it on the bottom of the prepared sterile jar along with bay leaf, pepper and fresh dill;
  2. Cut off the bottoms of the washed cucumbers and fill the jars with them. From water, salt, sugar and vinegar, boil the marinade, which fill the jars with cucumbers;
  3. After that, the jars, covering them with lids, put in a pot of boiling water for 10 minutes. Make sure you don't overcook the cucumbers. They should change color, but the green streaks should remain;
  4. Then roll up the jars with lids using a key and leave to cool. It is not necessary to wrap them for the cooling period in order to maintain their crunchiness and elasticity.

Cucumber salad in jars

canned cucumber salad great option side dish or snack that does not require long cooking. It will be enough just to uncork the jar and transfer its contents to a plate. There are many options for such an appetizer, each hostess has her own crown recipe. One of the most simple (does not require sterilization) and delicious is cucumber salad with onions.

The number of ingredients and spices for one jar of 1.5 liters:

  • 1000 g cucumbers;
  • 150 g of onions;
  • 30 g dill;
  • 20 g of table salt;
  • 40 g of crystalline white sugar;
  • 60 ml 9% vinegar;
  • 12 g of garlic;
  • 6 peppercorns;
  • 2 cm piece of hot red pepper.

Preservation method:

  1. For clean unripe cucumbers, cut about one centimeter on each side. Then cut them into thin circles, like a salad. Place in a suitably sized bowl.
  2. Well washed and towel-dried dill greens are very finely chopped with a knife. Then send after the cucumbers to the pan;
  3. Remove the husk from the onion and chop it into thin half-rings. Cut the peeled garlic cloves lengthwise into two or more pieces. These vegetables are also added to the main product;
  4. After all the ingredients are crushed, they need to be sprinkled with salt and sugar, pour in vegetable oil and vinegar. Add spices (fragrant and hot peppers) Carefully mix the contents of the pan and leave to infuse for three and a half hours;
  5. This time will be enough for all the ingredients to be saturated with the aromas of spices. Now you need to put the saucepan with the salad on the most minimal fire (this is important!) And bring to a boil under the lid;
  6. Before boiling the vegetable mass in the pan, it must be gently mixed several times. Boil the boiled salad for about five minutes until the color of the cucumbers changes. It is important here not to overcook, so that the chopped vegetable remains crispy;
  7. After that, it remains only to spread the vegetables in sterile glass containers and close the lids. Cool should be upside down under a warm blanket.

Recipe for a liter jar

AT Soviet time on store shelves, pickled cucumbers could only be found in three-liter bottles. Now the situation has changed dramatically: food industry, and housewives prefer to pickle small cucumbers in a small container (liter or one and a half liter jar).

The process of pickling cucumbers in a liter jar:

  1. Fold the cucumbers soaked in cold water into a clean liter jar. During their laying, shift them with thin strips of carrots, chopped onions, cut garlic cloves and herbs (parsley sprig or dill inflorescence);
  2. Pour boiling water over the cucumbers twice for 10 minutes so that they warm up well. For the third time, drain the water from the cucumbers into a saucepan, add salt, sugar and spices (pepper, bay leaf, cloves or others) to it. Boil everything and pour cucumbers with marinade;
  3. Roll up the jars and turn the lid down to wait for them to cool completely. For additional heating of the seaming, the jars can be covered with something warm.

Pickling cucumbers

Mistresses use various ways pickling cucumbers for the winter, but the simplest of them is undoubtedly considered cold way. It does not require long sterilization of the workpiece, boiling brine, the hassle of rolling caps with a key and cooling under the covers. It is better to store such a workpiece in a cool basement or in the refrigerator.

The cold way of pickling cucumbers step by step

How many spices, cucumbers and brine are needed for a 3-liter jar:

  • 2000 g cucumbers (or a little more - less);
  • 1500 ml of water;
  • 100 g of salt;
  • 50 ml of vodka;
  • cherry leaves, dill, horseradish, garlic and pepper to taste.
  1. Put the washed cucumbers in a jar, shifting them with herbs and spices, or you can simply put these ingredients on the bottom of the container, and then green cucumbers in dense rows;
  2. Prepare the brine by dissolving salt crystals in cold water.
  3. Pour vodka into a jar. It will help preserve the beautiful green color of vegetables and act as a natural preservative.
  4. Top with brine, close nylon cover and put away for storage.

Cucumbers without vinegar

Vinegar is often used as a preservative in winter preparations, but even without this product, you can cook delicious crispy cucumbers for the winter. The duration of the preparation of such a blank can take more than five to six days, but the result will be worth it. Cucumbers turn out no worse than barrel ones, but without the likelihood that they will peroxide.

Proportions of products for two three-liter jars:

  • 4 kg of cucumbers;
  • 5 liters of water;
  • 250 g of salt;
  • 10 pieces. cherry leaves;
  • 20 pcs. black currant leaves;
  • 5 leaves of oak (walnut);
  • 5 dill umbrellas;
  • 3 sheets of horseradish.

Canning steps:

  1. Place prepared cucumbers (soaked and washed) in a large saucepan along with herbs and pour over saline solution. Cover the contents of the container with a plate on which to set oppression. Will be sufficient three-liter jar filled with water. So leave everything for two to five days;
  2. When the cucumbers taste lightly salted, you can proceed to the next stage of canning. Drain the brine into a separate bowl, but do not pour out. Put cucumbers without greens in a prepared sterile container;
  3. Boil the brine drained from the cucumbers and pour over the cucumbers in jars. Soak for 10 minutes, then drain the brine again and repeat the procedure, only now the jars will need to be rolled up with sterile tin lids;
  4. The cooling of upside down cans of cucumbers should pass through a warm blanket. After that, they can be removed in a dark storage place.

How to cook cucumbers without sterilization

It often happens that the time for harvesting cucumbers for the winter falls on a very hot (in literally of this word) it’s time, and I don’t really want to breed additional heat in the kitchen, sterilizing seams. Then the recipe for cucumbers without sterilization will help out, which are well stored not only in the basement, but also in the pantry in the apartment.

For one liter jar, on average, you will need:

  • 1500 g cucumbers;
  • 50 g of salt;
  • 50 g of sugar;
  • 30 ml of vinegar;
  • 1-2 cloves of garlic;
  • 1-2 black peppercorns;
  • 1 bay leaf;
  • greens (dill, cherry and currant leaves).

Action algorithm:

  1. First you need to dip the cucumbers in colder water and leave for a couple of hours. For canning, beautiful, even fruits of approximately the same size should be selected;
  2. Place greens and garlic cloves on the bottom of clean, sterile and dry jars, and washed cucumbers on top in dense orderly rows;
  3. Boil water, fill jars with cucumbers with it and leave for 10 minutes, then drain the water;
  4. Put a few black peppercorns, bay leaf, salt, sugar and vinegar into each jar. Then again fill the jars with boiling water, roll up and wrap. Remove the cooled cans in the pantry or basement for storage.

Cucumbers in Korean

This winter salad of cucumbers and carrots with Korean-style seasoning will appeal to lovers of sharp gastronomic sensations. Of course, it is better to choose fruits for canning in a small size, but if they are a little overripe, then you can simply remove a thick, rough peel from them.

For one serving of Korean cucumbers (6 liter jars) you will need:

  • 4000 g of fresh cucumbers;
  • 1000 g carrots;
  • 200 g of crystalline sugar;
  • 200 ml refined sunflower address;
  • 200 ml 9% vinegar;
  • 100 g of table salt;
  • 30 g of garlic;
  • 15 g spices in Korean.

Operating procedure:

  1. Soaked in cold water and well-washed cucumbers, cut lengthwise into quarters and put in a bowl of the appropriate size;
  2. Peel, wash and chop the carrots with a special grater for Korean carrot. Then transfer to a container with cucumbers;
  3. Mixing vegetable oil with sugar, salt, vinegar and Korean seasoning, prepare the marinade. Pour the chopped vegetables with the resulting mixture, add the garlic passed through the garlic and stir;
  4. Cover the container with the mixed salad with a lid and refrigerate for five hours. After that transfer vegetable mix into dry, clean jars and sterilize in a pot of boiling water. 10 minutes will be enough for half-liter jars, and 15-20 minutes for liter jars;
  5. In order for cucumbers to be well stored all winter, lettuce jars must be covered with something warm (for example, a blanket or blanket) before cooling.

Cucumbers with mustard

Housewives like to use mustard in the process of canning cucumbers, and there are several reasons for this: a pleasant aftertaste of finished preservation, sufficient strength and crunchiness of cucumbers, as well as their beautiful colour, which is the result.

For one liter jar, the proportions of the products will be as follows:

  • 600 g cucumbers;
  • 20 g of salt;
  • 20 g of sugar;
  • 20 ml of vinegar;
  • 10 g of garlic;
  • 10 g dry mustard;
  • 3-5 g black ground pepper.

How to preserve:

  1. Pour cucumbers with cold water and leave for several hours. Then wipe dry and cut lengthwise into four parts;
  2. After that, sprinkle the cut vegetables with salt, mix and leave for three hours, stirring them from time to time;
  3. Then pour the marinade from vinegar, sugar and mustard into a container with cucumbers. Put the garlic passed through the press and ground black pepper, mix everything and leave to infuse for another hour and a half;
  4. After the time allotted for pickling, transfer to jars and pour over the juice that has stood out. Cover jars with lids and sterilize in a basin of boiling water for approximately 20 minutes. After corking with lids, wrap the jars until completely cool.

Cucumber ketchup recipe

This recipe home preservation can be called relatively young, since not so long ago ketchup from an addition to spaghetti became one of the ingredients for winter preparations. However, spicy pickles with ketchup have many fans.

Preservation sequence:

  1. For this recipe, it is better to take small cucumbers, you will need about 3-3.5 kg. They must first be soaked in cold water for at least three hours. This will make them crispier;
  2. Prepare the jars: wash and put on the bottom a gentleman's canning kit (cherry and currant leaves, inflorescences and dill greens) and other spices. Sterilize the lids;
  3. Prepare the marinade: boil 2 liters of water, dissolve in it 50 g of salt, 200 g of sugar, 100 g of ketchup. The last before pouring the marinade into jars, pour vinegar (200 ml);
  4. While the marinade is being cooked in jars, you need to tightly lay small cucumbers. Then pour marinade;
  5. Sterilization. Put a towel on the bottom of a large pot or basin and pour water so that it covers the jars a little more than halfway. Bring water to a boil, put jars of cucumbers in it and sterilize for 15-20 minutes;
  6. Roll up with lids and wrap with a blanket until completely cool.

The marinade recipe and the number of cucumbers are designed for 5 liter jars. Additionally, in each jar you will need to put the following ingredients:

  • 1 clove of garlic (cut in half);
  • 1 bay leaf;
  • 1 bud of cloves;
  • 2 peas of allspice;
  • 4 black peppercorns.

In order for the cucumbers in the rolls to remain elastic and crispy, you need to choose only fruits with dark pimples for canning. Other varieties for harvesting for the winter are not suitable.

Before canning, the fruits must be immersed for several hours in cold water, the colder the water, the better. If the room is too hot, the water can be periodically changed to a colder one. The purpose of this procedure is to prevent the appearance of voids in canned cucumbers. The maximum time for holding fruits in cold water is overnight.
