Korean carrots with ready-made seasoning. Korean carrots with ready-made seasoning

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As you already understand, today we have Korean carrots at home with seasoning - tasty and healthy, quick and easy. Look: for health.

Korean carrots, recipe No. 1

  • 1 kg baby carrots
  • One head of garlic
  • Table vinegar 4 spoons
  • Sunflower oil 100 ml
  • Sugar 3 full spoons
  • Coriander, salt and pepper

Rinse the carrots thoroughly under running water, remove the top layer and pass through a special carrot grater. Add sugar, vinegar and crushed garlic to the vegetable. Salt, pepper and add coriander to taste, some people like it more, while others prefer less spices. You can also add red hot pepper. Try it and decide for yourself. Place the resulting carrots in a container, close and put in the refrigerator to soak for a couple of hours.

Korean carrots, recipe No. 2

  • Carrots 1 kg
  • Sugar 2 heaped spoons
  • Garlic 5 cloves
  • Vegetable oil (preferably odorless) 5 tablespoons
  • Salt 1 full spoon
  • Chili pepper one pod
  • Wine vinegar 2 spoons
  • Seasoning (for Korean carrots)

Peel the root vegetable and pass through a grater to Korean carrots. If you want to cook it, but don’t have a grater like this, it doesn’t matter, you can grind it manually. Ready vegetable pour vinegar over it, mix with chopped garlic (you can use a mortar). Heat the oil, add coriander, seasoning, and finely chopped pepper. Keep it on the fire for about three minutes, add salt and sugar, another minute or two and pour in the carrots. Leave to marinate for 5-6 hours.

Korean carrots with seasoning, recipe No. 3

  • 2 large carrots
  • Table vinegar 9% 3 dessert spoons
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • Sunflower oil 2 tablespoons
  • Store-bought seasoning for Korean dishes

Grind the carrots, juicy and of a beautiful bright color, using a grater, and add garlic to it, passed through a garlic press. Add 1.5 spoons of seasoning, we won’t add salt, it’s already in the seasoning, but it’s also a taste, you can add it after tasting. Heat the oil with vinegar and pour hot over the vegetable. Stir and leave in the cold for up to half an hour.

  • To obtain delicious carrots, prefer sesame oil.
  • It is best to use a grater for Korean carrots, so they will be cut thinly, which allows them to soak well.
  • Sesame seeds improve the taste; they can be pre-fried in an empty frying pan and added to the finished dish.
  • Be sure to add coriander, this greatly improves the taste of the snack.

We told you how to cook Korean carrots at home, tasty and healthy, treat your household!

See also how to prepare a delicious and healthy recipe with photos step by step.

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

If you have cooked Korean carrots at home at least once, you probably never bought them in stores again, because the process of preparing carrots takes no more than 15 minutes, it’s simply impossible to think of anything simpler, especially considering the fact that now you can easily buy ready-made kits spices for these purposes. Today I want to tell you how to cook Korean carrots simply and quickly, you choose the spices yourself, be sure to read the ingredients to be aware of whether the spices contain salt and how spicy the mixture is. Korean-style carrots with seasoning for Korean carrots are ready after 4-5 hours, you can simply eat them as an addition to any dish, or you can use them for salads, hot dogs, pita bread, etc. The recipe is simple and accessible to everyone. Pay attention to one more.

- carrots – 500 gr.,
- spices for Korean carrots – 1 tbsp. with a slide,
- sugar – 1 tbsp,
- salt – 0.75 tsp,
- vinegar – 1 tbsp.,
- vegetable oil – ½ cup,
- garlic – 2-3 cloves.

Recipe with photos step by step:

First take the carrots, peel them and wash them well, then dry them. To simplify the process, take a special grater for Korean salads, with its help very quickly and without special effort grate the carrots with oblong shavings.

Place the carrot slices in a deep bowl, make a depression in the center and add the garlic, first pressing it through the press.

Pour in immediately table vinegar, also in the center of the carrots, on top of the garlic.

Add a spoonful of granulated sugar to the carrots.

Then add ordinary rock salt into the bowl.

Heat vegetable oil with spices on the stove. While heating, mix the spices and oil together.

Pour the aromatic hot oil into the bowl, again into the center of the carrots. The aroma immediately becomes simply amazing and spreads throughout the whole house.

Mix the carrots thoroughly with hot oil and all the ingredients of the recipe.

Place a press on the carrots, covering the carrots themselves with any saucer/plate. Directly under pressure, send the bowl of carrots into the cold, but first, let it cool at room temperature. Marinate the carrots in the refrigerator for 4-6 hours, then take a sample. Also see how they prepare

Calling this dish a “Korean salad” is actually not correct. Well, they don’t cook it in either South or North Korea. “Korean-style carrots” come from the Soviet Union.

This dish is popular among the “Koryo-saram” (Soviet Koreans), immigrants from North Korea who moved to Russia before the revolution, and were deported under Stalin (as unreliable) to Central Asia from Primorye. As well as Sakhalin Koreans taken by Japanese colonists as labor from South Korea to Karafuto Prefecture (the southern part of Sakhalin Island, owned by the Japanese from 1905 until Japan’s surrender in World War II in 1945). Some Japanese Koreans did not manage to return to their homeland and still live in Russia.

In traditional korean cuisine It is customary to marinate fresh meat or fish using radishes or radishes and vinegar, with the addition of hot spices. But since in the USSR carrots were more accessible than radishes, they gradually replaced the usual vegetable.

And since with fresh fish and especially with fresh meat V Soviet years there was tension, then gradually only carrots remained from the components of the salad he (or hwe).

Among Russians, carrots prepared in this way have become very popular.

Absolutely not the right recipe preparing this salad. There are some rules and technological features. But in general, it all depends on individual tastes and your preferences. It's like pickling cabbage. No matter how closely you follow the recipe, you will still get your own taste. And just like when pickling cabbage, when preparing carrots, you can select spices to suit your taste.

Recipe 1: Korean carrots

The main ingredients of this salad are carrots, sugar, salt, vinegar, vegetable oil and red hot pepper. Moreover, Koreans use coarsely ground pepper.

Basic proportions of products for carrots in Korean. For 1 kilogram of carrots - one tablespoon of sugar, two tablespoons of 9% vinegar, a level teaspoon of salt and 50 grams of vegetable oil.

Let's peel the carrots. Carrots should never be grated using a regular grater. Used for slicing in Korean special device, which cuts carrots into long thin sticks. After the carrots are chopped, add salt, granulated sugar and vinegar. These are the components of the marinade - it is these products that allow the salad to be stored for a long time and give the main taste. Mix, rubbing the carrots with the marinade a little with your hands. Set the salad aside for 20-30 minutes - during this time the carrots should release juice. Then the spices. The main seasoning for carrots is red hot pepper. Add it very carefully. In addition to pepper, based on your taste preferences, you can add a few grains of coriander (although such a seasoning is not typical of Korean cuisine). But it's best to fry in a dry frying pan. sesame seed until light brown. Or add a few drops of sesame oil. Then mix the salad well again. Finally, add the oil. Salad oil is usually heated to high temperature, but not to a boil. Pour the oil into a dry frying pan, heat it well and immediately pour it into the salad. Mix.

Recipe 2: Korean carrots with ready-made seasoning

Today, to cook Korean carrots at home, you can buy ready-made seasoning and use it according to the instructions on the package, or add it to your taste. \

  • carrots – 1 kg;

  • prepared seasoning - to taste;

  • vinegar - 4 tbsp. spoons;

  • garlic – 5 cloves;

  • vegetable oil – 120 ml.

Wash the carrots, peel and grate into long strips. Mix the prepared seasoning with carrots and let stand. Squeeze the garlic and mix with carrots. Mix oil and vinegar, bring to a boil in a frying pan or other container and pour over the carrots. Dishes with prepared carrots in Korean, cover with a lid and place in the refrigerator for several hours. The output should be delicious carrots in Korean.

Recipe 3: Korean-style carrots from Anastasia Skripkina

  • 500 g carrots

  • 500 g onion

  • 100 ml vegetable oil

  • 1 tsp vinegar 70%

  • 1 tbsp. Sahara

  • 3-4 cloves of garlic

  • red hot pepper

The most popular snack! Spicy and very aromatic.

The specified amount of ingredients makes 6-8 servings.

Coarsely chop the onion.

Grate the carrots on a special grater or cut into long thin strips.

Add salt, stir and let stand for 20-30 minutes.

Add sugar and red pepper to the carrots (I add 0.5 tsp).

Mix well.

Fry the onion for vegetable oil to dark- golden color.

Then remove the onion; we won’t need it.

Remove oil from heat, cool slightly, add vinegar.

Pour hot oil over carrots and stir.

Add garlic squeezed through a garlic press.

Mix everything well. Let stand in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours before use.

If you are going to add chopped garlic to the salad, do it at the very end, after the oil in the salad has cooled. Otherwise, your garlic will turn bright green and ruin the whole appearance carrots. Personally, I prefer Korean carrots without garlic.

Leave the finished salad overnight at room temperature and then put it in the refrigerator. You can store Korean carrots for up to two weeks in the main section of the refrigerator, preferably in a container with a tight lid.

If you don’t like raw crispy carrots or you don’t have several hours to let the salad sit properly, you can lightly simmer it in the oven or in a covered frying pan. But only a little, until the moment when the carrots change color and become softer. Do not fry under any circumstances.

In this salad you can put fresh fish (and it will marinate overnight along with carrots), squid, boiled meat, asparagus, onion. You will get a traditional Heh. Onions for salad should be cut into half rings and be sure to scald with boiling water.

Many other salads are prepared based on carrots in Korean.

Korean carrots – spicy spicy salad, which many housewives use both as an independent snack and as an ingredient in more complex recipes second courses. You can submit it to festive table and in Everyday life. This snack is easy to find in any store, or you can prepare it yourself at home.

Origin of the dish

The birthplace of Korean carrots is not Korea at all, but the USSR. Korean emigrants were forced to replace familiar products what was available in the USSR. So the kimchi dish, consisting of cabbage with spices, turned into carrots with spices, that is, carrots in Korean.

Carrots need to be chopped on a special grater

To prepare carrots in Korean, you can use a special grater or cut the vegetable manually with a knife into thin and long strips. The key to success in cooking Korean carrots at home is the use of spices.

Mandatory seasonings include vinegar, salt, sugar and red coarse ground pepper. For improvement taste qualities ready-made dish Onions, garlic, cilantro (fresh), black pepper and sesame are also used.

Many housewives buy ready-made seasoning for cooking carrots in Korean. This will undoubtedly simplify the preparation process, and the carrots will taste very similar to store-bought salad.

Some subtleties of preparation

  • Garlic is added to the salad only after the oil. Hot oil changes the color of the garlic and it turns green.
  • For cooking you need to use juicy sweet carrots, otherwise the taste of the dish will suffer and will be nothing like store product. The freshness and juiciness of the salad directly depends on the carrots.

Advice. It is advisable to rinse the chopped carrots well in cold water. This will help remove the bitterness and make the vegetable sweeter.

  • Green cilantro is added to the dish before serving. Cilantro makes the taste more piquant.
  • You can use not only sunflower, but also cotton, sesame, corn oil. When heating oil, many housewives flavor it with spices.
  • Sesame seeds, fried in a dry frying pan, are added to Korean carrots as a flavoring additive.
  • Monosodium glutamate is an industrial flavor enhancer that is added to sold products, including Korean carrots. To protect yourself and your loved ones from the harmful effects of this substance, cook Korean carrots at home. It’s not at all difficult to prepare this salad at home, and it will be tastier and healthier.

Korean-style carrots at home without using ready-made seasoning


  1. Carrots – 0.9 kg.
  2. Onions – 1-2 pcs.
  3. Garlic – 4-6 teeth.
  4. Sugar – 1 tbsp. l.
  5. Vinegar 9% - 2-3 tbsp. l.
  6. Red pepper - to taste.
  7. Coriander – 0.5 tsp.
  8. Vegetable oil – 60 ml.
  9. Salt – 1 tsp.

Korean carrots can be prepared without special store-bought seasoning

Cooking method:

  • Peel and wash the prepared carrots. Grate or cut with a knife to form thin strips.
  • Add salt, sugar and vinegar. Mash with your hands and leave for 15-25 minutes until juice forms.
  • Now you need to add red pepper and mix with your hands.
  • Coarsely chop the onion (divide into about 8 parts).
  • Heat the oil, add coriander, add onion and fry it until golden brown. Onion and coriander will add flavor to the oil. Then remove the onion with a slotted spoon and pour the hot oil into the carrots.

Attention! There is no need to bring the oil to a boil; this process is accompanied by the production of carcinogens, which can affect the taste of the dish and make it harmful.

  • Chop the garlic (or squeeze through a press). Add to carrots, stir. You can add more garlic, it all depends on the degree of spiciness you want to achieve.
  • Cover the salad and let it brew for 2 hours at normal room temperature. Then put it in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours. With longer marinating, the salad will not deteriorate at all, but will become juicier.
  • The prepared salad can be stored in the refrigerator for up to two weeks in a well-closed container.

Cooking a dish using ready-made seasoning

Seasoning for Korean carrots can be found at any grocery store. With its help, preparing Korean carrots at home is easy and simple: grate the carrots, add seasoning and pour hot oil and vinegar, let it brew in a cool place.

There are other cooking options. For example, Korean carrot seasoning can be added to the heated oil.

Using seasoning will help you make a salad with the usual store-bought taste.

Use in other dishes

There are many options for preparing Korean carrots. Differences may be in spiciness, composition, and oil used. All of them are very tasty and have been prepared by housewives for many years according to their favorite proven recipes.

Korean carrots go well with other products, so there are many salads, hot dishes, rolls and even pies with this product. Salads with carrots are very different: with meat, chicken, vegetables and fish. For example, puff salad from fried champignons, Korean carrots, boiled chicken, cheese and crackers, seasoned with mayonnaise.

Many women housewives appreciate this simple and delicious salad. Its use in cooking is very wide. New recipes with this wonderful product are constantly appearing. Buy or cook yourself - this choice will always be there, and a recipe with a photo will allow you to prepare it at any time.

How to cook carrots in Korean: video

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not specified

You've probably noticed delicious piles of Korean salads made from carrots, cabbage, beets and other vegetables in supermarkets and markets. The most popular of them is Korean carrots. I would like to offer a recipe with seasoning for Korean carrots. It turns out very juicy and tasty.
Korean carrots are in great demand, but it is not at all necessary to buy them ready-made. In terms of preparation, it is very simple, and the cost of the products is quite affordable. If you doubt what you can choose perfect proportions spices and seasonings - buy ready-made Korean carrot seasoning. It makes cooking even easier and faster: grate the carrots, add seasoning, pour in hot oil and leave to steep.


- sweet bright carrots – 2 large (about 500 g);
- vegetable oil – 4 tbsp. l;
- garlic – 5-6 cloves;
- ground carrot seasoning - 1 tbsp. l. with a small slide;
- 6% apple cider vinegar – 1.5-2 tbsp. l;
- sugar – 1 tsp;
- onions – 0.5 small heads.

Step by step recipe with photo:

We grate the peeled carrots into thin strips on a special grater for Korean carrots. If such a device is not available, use a food processor with a suitable attachment. As a last resort, use a coarse grater or cut into very thin strips, but this will take more time and the taste of the finished snack will be different.

Transfer to deep container. Peel the garlic, chop through fine grater or press it through a press and then bring it to a homogeneous pulp in a mortar. Add to carrots.

Sprinkle the carrots with sugar and add the prepared Korean carrot seasoning. Mix everything.

Pour in Apple vinegar(can be replaced with 9% canteen, take a little less). Leave for about ten minutes while we prepare the oil filling.

Chop half a medium-sized onion into half rings. Heat the oil in a frying pan. Lay out the onions. Fry the onion over low heat until it begins to change color. Add heat and fry for another half a minute, making sure to stir so that the onion does not start to burn.

Move the onion to the side or remove it with a spatula. The oil should remain clean. Pour boiling oil over carrots.

Mix. Cover tightly with a lid. Leave at room temperature for half an hour, then put in the refrigerator for another one to two hours. It’s even better to let the carrots sit overnight - during this time they will be well soaked and become softer.

You can serve carrots in Korean as follows: ready-made snack or salad, addition to cereals, meat, chicken, boiled rice and many other dishes. Bon appetit!
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