Pork fat. Pork fat

Many housewives think that good lard can only be rendered from fresh, selected lard, but not every housewife knows that aromatic good lard can also be made from the internal, kidney or subcutaneous fat of a pig. I am pleased to share one of the ways to drown pork fat at home.

How to cook lard at home.

So, to melt lard in our way homemade recipe we need subcutaneous, visceral or kidney fat from a pig. Fat trimmed from meat will also work.

First, we need to cut the fat into small cubes. We do this for convenience and speed of heating. Before slicing, I usually freeze the fat a little. This makes cutting much easier.

Then, in order for the blood to come out of the chopped fat, it is necessary to soak it in cold water from 24 to 72 hours. During soaking, you need to change the water every 12 hours.

When the fat is sufficiently soaked, it will acquire an ideal White color, without blood spots.

Then, pour into the container for heating clean water(a third of the amount of fat) and add 1 teaspoon to the water. baking soda.

Place the chopped pork fat in a container with water and soda.

Lard begins to appear on the surface of the water after it boils. As it appears, it must be collected into a separate container using a spoon.

Lard can be collected before it forms golden crust on fried cracklings. Then, use a slotted spoon to transfer the cracklings into a colander and leave them there until they cool. While they are warm, any remaining fat will drain from the cracklings.

The next stage of preparation is to remove bad smell from melted lard. To do this, you need to melt it again. During reheating, for every kilogram of finished lard you need to add 100 grams fresh milk. Lard with milk must be heated over low heat until the milk turns yellow and sinks to the bottom. It is very important to ensure that the lard does not burn and stir it in time.

If the unpleasant smell of the insides still remains, then in order to finally get rid of it, you need to put it in lard a small amount of heavily toasted bread crusts.

Homemade lard prepared according to this recipe is very suitable for frying various vegetables, and for many it’s delicious and just like in the photo.

Bear fat is considered a valuable product. It is used for nutrition and in the treatment of diseases. People ask the question: how to render bear fat? Pharmacies sell this product, but consumers are looking for natural lard without additives or flavorings. Good to always have on hand at home healing potion, and natural!

To obtain a healing product, they use subcutaneous fatty tissue and internal fat, which is located on the spine, heart, kidneys, and intestines of the bear. If you need lard for medicinal purposes, buy a product that hunters obtained in the fall. Behind long winter the animal consumes most of the useful substances from its fat stores, so spring is not best time for the purchase of medicinal raw materials. You also can’t expect anything from a connecting rod killed in winter. useful product, except for food.

From one carcass brown bear they receive from twenty to thirty kg of raw material. The bear is gutted, skinned, then the subcutaneous tissue is carefully cut off with a sharp knife and stripped visceral fat from organs and intestines. Hunters do this immediately after slaughter so that the fat does not become saturated with the smell of decomposition. Fat base wash with water, changing it several times until the liquid remains clear. After this, the water is drained and the fat is allowed to flow around.

How to render bear fat correctly?

If you need quality product, which will not oxidize and lose healing substances for a year or two, read the rules for heating bear fat:

  1. Before cooking, raw bear must be fresh, clean, free of dirt, blood clots and meat.
  2. Sunlight leads to accelerated oxidation of raw materials.
  3. When heating bear fat, keep the container closed. Oxygen oxidizes fatty substances.
  4. Heat the product using enamel dishes, as metal accelerates oxidation.
  5. If you melt raw materials at temperatures above 120 degrees, this will lead to the destruction of all medicinal substances.
  6. For treatment, fat is prepared using steam bath or in the water.

An ancient recipe for heating from hunters

Our ancestors did not have modern kitchen equipment, but they knew how to melt bear fat with improvised means. In the old days, this drug was prepared in a bathhouse. A recipe from an old house book says:

  1. Take five kg of frozen raw bear, chop it into chops in a wooden trough on small pieces.
  2. Place the minced minced meat into a clay pot, cover with a lid, place the pot on a pot of water.
  3. Melt the bathhouse, and make it hotter. As soon as you see that the fat has begun to melt at the walls of the pot, stir the fat every five minutes with a wooden spatula.
  4. When the bathhouse is heated, the fat will become liquid, and small pieces of crackling will remain.
  5. Take a clean, fried pot, cover it with a clean rag folded in four, strain the hot lard. Only cracklings will remain on the rag.
  6. Hold the firebox over the pot and let it flow around it.
  7. Pour a thin layer of melted wax over the lard to prevent it from spoiling.
  8. Take the pots to the glacier.
  9. Bear lard is obtained using this method from milk white.

Method for melting bear fat in a slow cooker

Housewives often ask: “Is it possible to melt bear fat in a slow cooker?” There are experts who study the benefits of bear fat, and this is Mr. V. Mashkin. He conducted biochemical studies of this product, and claims that The best way for obtaining healing lard - autoclave.

When heating, the autoclave uses the principle of high pressure without access of oxygen, preserving healing qualities laid raw material.

The multicooker does not create high pressure, like an autoclave, but oxygen does not enter inside, so the quality of the melted fat is high. Let's talk about the intricacies of cooking:

  1. Grind the fatty substance through a fine meat grinder or mixer until it becomes uniform in consistency, possibly several times. It is important to do this quickly so that the raw material does not oxidize upon contact with the metal.
  2. Prepare small glass jars. You can steam the container over a kettle or fry it using the oven.
  3. Pour a quarter of the bowl's volume into the multicooker.
  4. Cooking medicine in three ways:
  • The first heating method is with water. Place water - a quarter of the bowl's volume and minced fat (half of the bowl's volume) inside the multicooker, close, and turn on the “steam” or “stew” mode. The temperature of these functions is not higher than 100 degrees. Set the cooking time to three hours. After turning off the equipment, open it; rendered lard will float at the top, the water will be at the bottom of the bowl. Place the dishes in the cold to allow the fat to harden. Pierce a hole in the edge of the frozen fat, pour out the water, heat it again to forty to fifty degrees and immediately strain through four layers of gauze.
  • The second method is without water. Set t 70 degrees and time 3 hours in “multi-cook” mode. Place the crushed lard inside the bowl and close the lid. After turning off the program, strain the liquid fraction.
  • Third method: pour water (a quarter of the volume), place sterile jars with minced fat inside the bowl, cover with lids. Set the “steam” or “stew” mode for three hours. After turning off the mode, remove the jars of melted fat, strain, and refill liquid composition into the container while it is hot.

Popular methods for melting bear fat

Methods for preparing medicinal raw materials have been accumulated over centuries. Let's look at a few methods that are used these days:

  1. You can render lard using a deep frying pan or a cauldron on the stove, but then everything useful material disappear. Moreover, a lipase substance is formed, which activates the rapid oxidation of fat mass. Tuk turns yellow, it is stored for two to three months in the cold and is only suitable for eating.
  2. Cooking healing agent in a water bath. Take a large saucepan, pour water to a quarter of the volume. The rolled lard is placed in enamel pan smaller size, cover with a lid, place in a larger one so that the dishes with the product hang on the handles. Heat the water to a boil until steam comes out. Using steam over low heat, melt the fatty raw material, stir the product regularly with a wooden spatula. The duration of the process is three hours. If the fat is not completely melted, after straining, spin the remains again, and then repeat the melting and filtering.
  3. Melting raw bear in a pressure cooker is the best way at home. The methods for heating a medicinal product using a slow cooker are outlined above. All these methods can be used for a pressure cooker. In a pressure cooker, steam creates a pressure of one and a half atmospheres, speeding up the process by 2 times. First, the dishes are placed on high heat, but as soon as steam starts to come out, reduce the heat to low. After 2 hours, turn off the stove and leave for 1 hour so that the pressure cooker cools down. Then the fatty product is filtered and poured into jars.
  4. IN modern ovens housewives can customize temperature regime, so they use an oven to heat lard. The ground raw cheese is placed in an enamel pan, covered with a lid, and placed in an oven preheated to 70–80 degrees. From time to time, take out the dishes and stir the fat with a wooden spatula so that it melts better. After 2 hours, the product is ready, it is filtered through 3-4 layers of gauze and poured.

Packaging and storage of melted bear lard

When we purchase medicinal fat, the question arises: how is this product stored? The rules for packaging and storage are simple:

  1. You cannot use plastic or metal utensils for packaging. Dark glass jars with plastic lids are ideal.
  2. Glass jars are sterilized over steam or in the oven.
  3. After melting, pour hot products into heated jars, wash the lids, heat (one at a time) for 10 seconds in boiling water, immediately close the jar with a sterile lid. This will help save medicinal properties fat, since when it cools, a vacuum is created inside the jar.
  4. The product is left on the counter until it cools, then placed in the refrigerator. To preserve the fat, set the temperature to +3 or lower, you can put the product in the freezer.
  5. Do not store the product in the light.
  6. If you bought lard at the market already melted, and it remains liquid in the cold, it means that vegetable oil was mixed in there.
  7. Lard melted at high temperature is not milky in color, as it should be, but yellow. If the owner offers such a product, it is possible that the raw materials began to deteriorate and were melted down. Medicinal action he does not have.
  8. If the product is prepared and packaged correctly, it will be stored without loss for up to 2 years.

And finally, a short video about melting bear fat:

Pork fat is rendered internal pork fat and lard, i.e. subcutaneous fat. For a long time, pork fat, along with other animal fats, was criticized by scientists and doctors, and was blamed for increasing the risk of cardiovascular diseases, high cholesterol and other troubles. Today fat has been rehabilitated and is once again entering culinary practice. True, buying animal fat in the store is still problematic. It is much easier to heat it yourself at home. How to render pork fat will be discussed in this article.

What are the benefits of pork fat?

For many years, the refusal to use pork fat was explained by the risk high cholesterol, which is the main cause of heart and vascular diseases. It was classified as one of the most unhealthy fats and all our attention was paid to vegetable oils. Now many studies show that they are much more more harm than good.

Animal fats consist of saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Most of the monounsaturated fatty acids are oleic acid, an acid that is abundant in olive oil. Exactly for high content Oleic acid, this oil is considered one of the healthiest vegetable oils.

Saturated fats are also important for the human body. We need them to absorb and assimilate fat-soluble vitamins and some other nutrients. For example, when we drink skimmed milk Fortified with vitamin D, it will not be beneficial, since it requires saturated fat to absorb it. And if there is not enough of it, then no vitamin will be absorbed.

In addition, pork fat is rich in vitamins A, E, Omega-3 fatty acids. Not only that, this fat helps absorb and metabolize these important nutrients and vitamins.

The low level of polyunsaturated fatty acids in pork fat means that the fat oxidizes slowly and does not become rancid, i.e. it can be stored for a long time.

Pork fat has a high smoke point, i.e. it can be heated to more high temperatures, without fear of the release of carcinogenic substances. It is suitable for frying at high temperatures that many vegetable oils cannot provide.

Which lard to choose

Pork lard is not uniform in quality. For different needs you need to take different lard for rendering fat.

Firstly, the quality of the fat depends on what and how the pig was fed.

Secondly, from which part of the pig carcass will you render the fat?

To make it easier to figure out which fat is best and for which culinary needs to render fat from which part, take note of these tips.

Lard or lard. This subcutaneous fat, which is usually salted. But it can also be taken for reheating. It is sold in the market or in the store in pieces. This lard is great for frying and stewing.

Fat from the belly or underbelly. Soft layered fat with meat. Bacon is mainly made from this part. This lard is fine for frying.

Internal lard or internal fat. This is the fat that is located on the internal organs of the pig. It is cut in layers and is soft. This is the purest fat. After melting, the fat will be white, practically odorless and tasteless.

The fat rendered from such lard is highly valued by bakers. It is added to dough, greased pies to get aromatic beautiful crust. It always remains soft.

How to render pork fat at home

The technology for preparing and rendering pork fat is the same regardless of which part of the carcass you are rendering it from.

You can render fat on the stove, in the oven, or in a slow cooker. There are two different ways obtaining fat.

Wet method. Place the chopped fat in a saucepan with a little water. Turn on the stove and bring to a boil. Reduce until the water simmers and melt the fat until it melts in the water. Cool and pour into a jar. This method is suitable for both rendering internal fat and lard.

Dry method. This method can be used to render fat on the stove, oven, slow cooker, or frying pan. Heat the container in which you will heat the fat and place the chopped fat in it. This method can be used to render both interior fat and lard. While rendering fat using this method on the stove or in a slow cooker, stir it periodically with a wooden spatula.

How to render lard into fat

First you need to cut into small cubes, no larger than 1x1cm. Like this

The finer the lard is cut, the faster it will render and the more you will get prepared fat. You can grind it in a meat grinder.

Place the chopped lard into a saucepan. Add water. For 1.5-2.0 kg of lard, approximately 200-300 grams of water.

Cover with a lid and place on the stove. As soon as the pan is well heated and the first bubbles appear on top, reduce the heat. Fat should be rendered at the lowest possible temperature. When rendered at high temperatures, fat melts faster, but it turns out darker in color, and may even be brown.

Approximately once every half hour, the fat should be carefully mixed with a wooden spatula. The entire process of rendering this amount of lard can take from 4 to 5 hours.

Strain the rendered fat through a sieve to separate the cracklings and pour into clean, dry jars. As soon as it cools down to room temperature, put in the refrigerator.

How to render pork fat in the oven

The best thing about melting fat in the oven is that you prepare it, put it in a pan, and you can go about your business while the fat is melting.

The preparation of fat is the same as for rendering on the stove. First you need to finely chop the pieces of lard or interior fat. The smaller the better. You can twist it in a meat grinder.

Place everything in a pan that can be placed in the oven. It is good to heat in cast iron.

Preheat the oven to a temperature of about 105-110 degrees. Place the pan in the oven. The rendering time depends on the amount of lard. The more lard, the longer the fat is rendered. You can carefully remove the pan and stir. Just be very careful so as not to burn your hands with fat.

Separate the rendered fat from the cracklings and pour into glass jars.

How to render internal pork fat

Internal fat is soft and layered. Almost all of it is melted away.

Cut the fat into small pieces. Place in a saucepan.

Add approximately 500-100 ml of water depending on the amount of fat. You don't need to pour a lot of water. It turns out more soft consistency compared to fat from rendering lard.

Place on the stove over low heat. After about an hour, check the pan and stir. It is very important not to let the fat burn at the very beginning.

When melting, it will form cracklings, which will gradually settle to the bottom.

Strain the rendered fat through a sieve or cheesecloth and pour into jars.

Regardless of what you render the fat from, the most important thing at the initial stage is to clearly regulate the temperature. If the stove is heated too much, the lard may burn.

Until the first rendered fat appears, you need to monitor this process and stir the lard in a timely manner.

As soon as a certain amount of fat is rendered, the remaining pieces will boil in it, giving off fat.

You need to stir periodically. This will ensure that all the pieces of lard are rendered more evenly.

There is no need to render the fat until the cracklings are crispy. They should remain soft and light. They can then be further fried separately until they become brown and crispy. They can be used for stewing potatoes or other dishes. Fried cracklings can be sprinkled, for example, on potato salad.

Properly rendered fat glass jar should be pale yellow. When it hardens, it will turn white.

Before pouring it into jars, cool the fat so that the jars do not crack and your work is not in vain.

Fat should be stored in a cool place. Can be frozen.

Pork fat can be stored in such conditions for a long time, more than a year.

How to use pork fat

Pork fat can be used in the same way as vegetable oil. You can fry meat, vegetables, and stew in it. The dough is made with pork fat. Only for baking it is better to take only internal fat and preferably in the kidney area.

In this article we will talk about how to render pork fat, why it is needed and whether it has beneficial properties. This product for a long time wrongly thought to be harmful to the heart. It was found to have high cholesterol levels. However, families that keep pigs for themselves never doubted its quality and always used it. Today, lard obtained from melted lard is not considered dangerous. It is widely used for frying during the preparation of many dishes.

Beneficial features

For a long time vegetable fats were considered more useful than animals. However, new research in this area has provided evidence that the composition of lard is no longer hazardous to health.

Pig lard contains fats that are classified as saturated, that is, solid. They are found in the meat of animals and some birds. IN this product There are fatty acids, including palmitic, myristic, lauric, stearic, oleic. As for the latter, it is for this that many people value olive oil. It is considered the healthiest product.

The saturated fats found in lard help the human body absorb fat-soluble vitamins and various nutrients. After all, many elements cannot be fully absorbed by the body without the help of other particles. For example, vitamin D is needed for this saturated fats. Without them, it is of no value.

Vitamins A, E and Omega-3 fatty acids can be found in pork fat. When consuming the product, these elements are easily absorbed by the body.

Pork fat has a long shelf life due to slow oxidation. All this thanks low level polyunsaturated fatty acids. Also, these products are not afraid of high temperatures. When heated and melted, carcinogens will not be released. For example, at vegetable oil there are no such properties.

Use it correctly

Pork fat or lard is very high-calorie foods(898 kcal/100g). Their use in food should be moderate (100 g per day). This is the only way to talk about beneficial influence on human body. This product is contraindicated for young children.

As already mentioned, pork fat contains all the vitamins and minerals interconnected and interact with each other for better assimilation. Cholesterol, which is in its composition, and which was considered the most dangerous, has a good effect on the synthesis of hormones. He also provides positive action on the nervous system.

Ghee lard can be used to prepare many dishes. The baked goods are especially delicious. Harmful confectionery fat cannot compare with this natural product. Lard is also simply spread on bread and made into sandwiches. It is also suitable for frying and seasoning porridges.

IN folk medicine Many recipes include pork fat. It is used both for lowering the temperature and for brewing healing drink from a cold. For sore throat, rendered pork fat (50 g) is mixed with vodka (2 tablespoons) and fir oil (5 drops). Compresses or rubbing on the chest are made from the resulting mass. Usually for this recipe They use internal fat, that is, its deposits on internal organs.

Raw materials for lard

To get lard you need original product- lard or interior fat. The area of ​​the brisket or underbelly (peritoneum) is suitable. On occasion, you can melt goose or duck fat.

Properly prepared lard has a creamy white color. The consistency is quite thick, but you can scoop it up with a spoon and spread it on bread. This fat has a long shelf life. In past years, it was used to pour over sausages to extend their shelf life.

To prepare high-quality lard, you need to select good lard. Ideally, there should be a product obtained at home. It's more useful. Pork lard also makes good lard. The main thing is that the initial raw materials were not obtained from a breeding boar.

If you set fire to the original lard, a good quality product will smell pleasant fried meat. We'll tell you how to heat it yourself below.

Melt in a frying pan

To render good lard, the lard is cleaned of dirt and inclusions of blood or meat. This can be done by placing the piece in cool, salted water overnight. The fluid can be changed twice during the entire period.

  • a piece of lard is cut into small slices of 1 cm (this is convenient to do if the product is slightly frozen);
  • the pieces are placed in a thick-walled frying pan (the fire is gradually added);
  • all contents should boil for some time (until the cracklings settle to the bottom);
  • You can add a small amount of sugar to the fat to improve the taste of the product (after turning off the stove);
  • The lard must cool, after which it is filtered through cheesecloth (stored in glass or ceramics).

Melted lard can be quickly frozen so that the lard is uniform in consistency and not grainy.

other methods

Internal fat or lard can be boiled on the stove in water (one part lard to three parts water) with 1 tsp. soda Before the melting procedure, the original product must also be soaked for 24 to 72 hours, periodically changing the water. After this, it is cut into pieces and begins to boil. The smaller the pieces, the more lard you will get.

When the contents of the container boil, you can remove the lard from the surface of the water with a spoon into a clean container. This is done until cracklings appear.

It often happens that the resulting lard has an unpleasant odor. To get rid of it, the product can be melted. With this method, 100 g of milk is added to 1 kg of lard. The process of re-melting takes place over low heat until the milk turns yellow. All contents must be mixed so that the fats do not burn.

To make the unpleasant smell of lard completely disappear, you can add heavily toasted bread crusts to the product. After this, the fat is filtered, packaged in clean containers and stored refrigerated.

If you need to melt lard in the oven, then preheat it to 100 degrees. The product is placed there with a small amount of water. In the oven, the fat will begin to melt and the water will evaporate.

The same principle applies to a slow cooker. Finely chopped lard is placed in a saucepan and 60 ml of water is added. At the lowest temperature, lard is heated for 2 to 8 hours. It is necessary to mix the products sometimes.

To explore other options pork products, we advise you to further read the article

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Prepare delicious lard you can do it at home if you know how to render lard

To make good lard, you need to choose the right lard. Under no circumstances take breeding boar fat: the result will be far from expected. It is not necessary to purchase expensive raw materials, the main thing is to check that it is white and has a pleasant smell.

One little trick will help you evaluate the quality of a product on the market. Ask the seller to light the fat with a match. When burned, it should release the aroma of grilled meat.

How to render lard correctly: important subtleties

There are three main ways to prepare lard:

  • The lard is cut into small pieces and placed in a deep frying pan. It is simmered until the water evaporates and the greaves are removed.
  • Lard, cut into pieces, is boiled in a cauldron with a small addition of water. Cooking time – 2-3 hours. Lard is collected from above, making sure that there are no inclusions of water in it.
  • The product is heated in a frying pan with the addition of spices for taste: marjoram, garlic, onion, etc.

Before preparing lard, you need to clean the lard from dirt, meat and blood inclusions. To do this, place the finished piece in slightly salted cool water overnight. For best effect change the water 2-3 times.

How to render lard into fat in a frying pan: algorithm

To prepare lard according to this recipe, take lard, a deep frying pan and cheesecloth or a sieve. Follow the algorithm:

  • Cut the product into 1 cm pieces. To simplify the process, slightly freeze the lard beforehand.
  • Place a heavy frying pan over low heat and place the pieces into it. Gradually increase the flame.
  • Let the contents of the pan simmer until the cracklings begin to settle to the bottom.
  • After turning off the gas, you can add a small amount of sugar to the fat: the product will be more aromatic.
  • Let the lard cool slightly and strain through a sieve or cheesecloth. Store in a ceramic pot or glass jar.
  • Place the strained fat in freezer while it's warm. Freezing this quickly will prevent grain from forming.