Pumpkin juice for the winter is a bright vitamin drink. Apple-pumpkin juice - the best recipes for the winter

Nutritionists recommend consuming fruits, vegetables and berry juices every day, regardless of the time of year. Children especially love juices and drink fruit drinks they can in any quantities. Therefore, bright multi-colored boxes of juices fly off the shelves of supermarkets at lightning speed. But, as you know, not all manufacturers are conscientious when making juices. They do not always adhere to the appropriate technology, and the raw materials are often of poor quality. Therefore, it is best to prepare juices at home with your own hands. Pumpkin Apple juice For the winter we will cook without a juicer with the addition of lemon.

Pumpkin - apple juice for the winter

Natural apple juice is considered one of the most delicious and healthy. But in pure form the product is often too concentrated and can cause heartburn, sensitivity of tooth enamel and other troubles. Therefore, it is better to mix apples with other ingredients that have a more neutral taste, for example, the pulp of ripe pumpkin. This juice comes out rich, healthy for the body, and appetizing.

Lemon gives apple-pumpkin juice a pleasant, refreshing note. In addition, the sour juice of the fruit serves as an excellent preservative. Lemon can be replaced with a pinch of citric acid, however, then the juice will not be as aromatic.

how to make pumpkin and apple juice


  • pumpkin - 2 kg,
  • apples - 1 kg,
  • lemon (not large) - 0.5 pcs.,
  • granulated sugar - 0.5 tbsp.

Cooking process:

The first step is to prepare the ingredients for making the drink. Be sure to wash the pumpkin warm water, wash off dust and dirt. Then remove the peel. This is quite difficult to do, especially if the fruit has thick skin and pulp. First, cut the pumpkin in half and remove the fibers and seeds. Then we cut the halves into thin slices, and after that we peel them. Grind the fruit so that the pieces can be conveniently placed in the opening of the juicer.

Apples can be juiced together with the skin. It’s even healthier, because it contains a lot of vitamins and microelements necessary for the body. We wash the fruits thoroughly, cut them into slices, and remove the seeds.

We pass the chopped pumpkin and apple pieces together with lemon through a juicer. Add sugar to the pan with the resulting aromatic liquid and stir. Bring the juice to a boil over low heat. To save as much as possible useful substances, the product should not be subjected to prolonged heat treatment; it is enough to boil it for 2-3 minutes.

Sterilize glass containers for workpieces over steam for 10 minutes. Or place the washed jars wet in cold oven, warm them up for 15 minutes at a temperature of 170 degrees. Fill the jars prepared in this way with boiling juice and seal the jars with metal lids.

Healthy and tasty pumpkin-apple juice is ready for the winter.

This drink is stored at room temperature for a year or longer.

pumpkin juice with apples: step by step photo recipe from Ksenia

If you have a celebration coming up, a birthday, or a holiday is approaching, especially for children, don’t be lazy, prepare homemade. Today we offer you a recipe for pumpkin and apple juice. Our option involves leaving the juice with pulp; if desired, you can strain it and get something close to store-bought juice option. You can always work on the taste and experiment by adding other fruits/berries or spices. Pumpkin-apple juice It will be a great addition to baked goods or any dessert.


    pumpkin – 300 g,

    apples – 300 g,

    sugar – 150 g,

    water – 1 l.

How to make pumpkin apple juice

To make the juice tasty and aromatic, you need to choose the most delicious and most sweet pumpkin. If you don’t know it yourself, go to the market, they will tell you what kind of pumpkin you need to take for your purposes. Now cut the pumpkin into two halves, take a large spoon, scrape out the seeds and fibrous part of the pumpkin.

Then remove the peel from the pumpkin and cut the pulp into arbitrary pieces.

We also choose delicious apples, you can take them various varieties, for example, apple-pear, apple-peach, or just any sweet variety. Be sure to wash the apples, peel them, and also remove the core of the apples. Cut the apple pulp into arbitrary pieces.

Combine the ingredients in a saucepan, pour in clean water. At this stage, you can give free rein to your imagination; if you wish, we can flavor the future juice at our discretion - citrus zest or pulp, a spicy cinnamon stick or star anise.

Place the saucepan on the stove, cook for 7-10 minutes, until full readiness pumpkins. After all, the apples will cook in 4-5 minutes, but the pumpkin will take a little longer. We try the pumpkin with a fork, if it is pierced and falls apart a little, you can proceed with the further process.

Take an immersion blender, puree the ingredients for a minute, turn everything into a homogeneous, smooth liquid. We leave the juice with the pulp, but if you are a fan of clear juices, strain the liquid through the finest sieve.

Add a portion granulated sugar, here we also focus on our taste, adding more or less sugar. Boil the juice and sugar for one minute.

Let's take a sample from our juice. If we serve juice to guests, first cool it on the refrigerator shelf.

If we are preparing juice for future use, pour it into sterile jars, seal the jars hermetically with lids, and cool the juice under a blanket, upside down. We store jars with natural juice in a pantry or cellar.

Bon appetit!

Pumpkin juice can be prepared at home, and it will be in no way inferior to store-bought juice. You don't need any special equipment for this; in fact, everything is very simple.

Pumpkin juice can be prepared at home, and it will be in no way inferior to store-bought

You can quickly make pumpkin juice at home, even if you don’t have one. kitchen utensils, like a juicer and juicer. IN regular saucepan manages to cook perfect and healthy drink. To prepare it you will need the bare minimum of ingredients:

  • 2 kg pumpkin;
  • 200 g sugar;
  • 5 g citric acid.

Preparation involves just a few steps:

  1. The pumpkin must be washed and peeled, cut into pieces, and placed in a pan.
  2. Add half a liter of water there and cook in this composition for 20 minutes.
  3. After this time, the product must be cooled and mashed with a fork.
  4. After this, add another liter of water to the pan and add sugar, then cook for another 7 minutes after boiling.
  5. A minute before turning off the stove, add citric acid and mix thoroughly.
  6. The juice must be poured into sterilized jars and rolled up.

After cooling, they need to be placed in the basement or refrigerator.

Pumpkin juice without a juicer (video)

Drink with orange

Pumpkin-orange juice is maximally rich in vitamins. It is simply necessary to make such preparations for the winter, since during the cold season the body experiences a critical shortage of nutrients. This drink has a special taste; it has a pleasant sourness and not cloying sweetness.

Just look at the sunshine in a jar I prepared for you today - pumpkin-apple juice for the winter. This is not only a tasty, aromatic and healthy drink, but also very beautiful - it is so bright and rich. Recipe for this homemade juice for the winter it is simple, the preparation itself is also not difficult, and the result will please not only adults, but also children.

Do you know what code name this pumpkin and apple juice goes by in our family? Orange! The fact is that no one in my family except me accepts or understands the taste of pumpkin, so I try in every possible way to disguise it in dishes. IN fresh Some varieties of pumpkin, by the way, are incredibly tasty - many who understand what I mean will probably agree with me. But after heat treatment, the taste and aroma of this red beauty changes (not in better side, one might say) and it is in this case that not everyone accepts it.

So, I suggest masking this characteristic taste and smell with the help of citrus fruits - not only juice, but also orange and lemon zest will be used. As a result, you will have 2.5 liters of bright, aromatic, tasty, rich and moderately sweet homemade juice from pumpkin and apples. Just remember that this is a concentrate, so before use it is advisable to dilute it with water to taste. And don’t get carried away with pumpkin juice if you have gastritis (low acidity), intestinal colic, or acid-base imbalance.

Pumpkin-apple juice for the winter - recipe with photos

Just look at the sunshine in a jar I prepared for you today - pumpkin-apple juice for the winter.

Preparing amazing tasting apple pumpkin juice for the winter

With the onset of cold weather, many housewives prepare apple-pumpkin juice for the winter. Preparing apple pumpkin juice is very simple, and if properly preserved, it will retain its properties. beneficial features for a long time. The taste and rich aroma of the drink will certainly brighten up chilly winter evenings, and the vitamins contained in the juice will strengthen your immune system and give you energy for the whole day.

To make the juice rich and tasty, you need to choose the right ingredients. It is better to choose pumpkin up to 7 kg and with bright orange pulp- such fruits, as a rule, contain more fructose and carotene. Also, preference should be given to recently picked fruits, since long-term storage leads to loss of moisture and the pulp of such a pumpkin becomes loose and dry.

As for apples, it is better to choose the most useful varieties- green or yellow.

Never use overripe apples, otherwise the pumpkin apple juice will be spoiled.

This juice can be introduced into the diet of six-month-old children, because it is rich in vitamins and the fruits are used fresh, so you don’t have to worry that the juice will contain preservatives and dyes. In addition, the calorie content of this juice is low, so it can serve as an excellent breakfast for those who carefully monitor their health.

About the benefits of pumpkin and apples

Fiber, carotene and pectin contained in pumpkin play an important role in maintaining normal operation stomach and help remove cholesterol from the body. In addition, pumpkin juice contains iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium, vitamins B, C and K, and of all vegetables, vitamin K is found only in pumpkin.

Apple juice contains manganese, zinc, colbate and vitamins C and P in abundance. It is a preventative against atherosclerosis, intestinal, liver and Bladder. Moreover, apple juice has a calming effect on nervous system person.

Doctors say that half a glass of apple pumpkin juice a day will provide excellent health for the whole winter.

Drinking pumpkin apple juice is also beneficial in the following cases:

  1. For insomnia, drink 50 g of juice at night.
  2. During pregnancy, half a glass a day relieves all signs of toxicosis.
  3. At overweight - fasting days with vegetables and fruits will benefit the body. These days, include apple pumpkin juice in your diet.
  4. With stones in gallbladder or kidneys - take a quarter glass 3 times a day half an hour before meals.
  5. At problem skin- cosmetologists advise drinking pumpkin apple juice to everyone who suffers from acne and other skin problems. It is also indicated as a preventative against aging and to combat wrinkles.

However, despite all the advantages, pumpkin-apple juice also has contraindications.

If you suffer from low acidity or other intestinal diseases, it is better to avoid drinking this juice. Also, its use is contraindicated in case of allergies or individual intolerance to carotene.

Pumpkin apple juice - a recipe for the winter

To prepare juice for the winter traditional way, take the following ingredients:

The pumpkin is cleared of seeds and peel and grated.

Then it is placed in a saucepan, filled with water and boiled for about 5 minutes until soft. Then the pumpkin is removed from the heat, rubbed through a sieve, and citric acid and sugar are added.

The apples are also peeled, grated, and the juice is squeezed out through cheesecloth. If you don’t want to grate, you can chop the apples in a blender and strain.

After this, everything is mixed and cooked for about 5 minutes.

Hot juice is poured into sterilized jars, rolled up, turned upside down with lids and wrapped in a blanket to cool.

This recipe for pumpkin-apple juice for the winter is the most common among housewives. Of course, you can modify it to suit the tastes of your family by reducing the amount of sugar or adding spices or spices.

Besides traditional recipe, this drink can be prepared using a juicer or juicer. In both cases, the process of preparing apple pumpkin juice for the winter is much simpler than the traditional one above, and the resulting drink is even larger.

Apple-pumpkin juice for the winter through a juicer

Ingredients for making juice:

  • green apples - 1 kg;
  • pumpkin (peeled) - 1 kg;
  • zest of one lemon;
  • sugar - 250 g.

Squeeze pumpkin and apple juices separately using a juicer, mix them in a saucepan, add sugar and lemon zest. We bring the apple-pumpkin juice for the winter to a temperature of 90 degrees and keep it on the stove for 5 minutes. Then, we leave the juice to simmer on the switched-off burner and roll it into sterilized jars.

Don't forget to turn the jars upside down, cover them with a blanket and leave them to cool.

As you can see, it is quite easy to prepare apple-pumpkin juice for the winter using a juicer. This method will not only save your time, but will also allow you to get large quantity juice

Apple pumpkin juice in a juicer for the winter

If you have a juicer in your kitchen, the process of making juice is simplified several times. For preparation we will need the following ingredients:

Cut the peeled and seeded pumpkin and apples into small pieces.

We put them in a sieve, pour water into the lower compartment of the device and put it on fire.

Then, place a saucepan or other container so that the finished juice has somewhere to drain.

Add sugar and citric acid. Boil the juice and immediately remove from heat so as not to lose vitamins. Pour the juice into sterilized jars, place them upside down and cool.

If the process of obtaining apple pumpkin juice in a juice cooker for the winter seemed most attractive to you, you might want to think about buying this device.


Now you know exactly what is useful and how to prepare pumpkin juice with apples for the winter. After all, often the juice that we buy in the store does not at all correspond to the desired level of quality, not to mention various preservatives and harmful additives which it contains. Therefore, you can prepare a truly tasty and healthy drink only at home.

Pumpkin apple juice with pulp for the winter will be enjoyed by your family, in addition, it will help you strengthen your immune system, which is especially important in the cold season, always stay in good shape and delight others with a great mood.

Apple-pumpkin juice for the winter - preparation with pulp, through a juicer, in a juicer, video

There are many ways to prepare apple pumpkin juice for the winter, the most common of which are traditional and methods using a juicer and pressure cooker.

Pumpkin juice with apples for the winter


  • 56 kcal

Cooking process

The pumpkin itself and the freshly squeezed juice from it have a specific taste and aroma that not everyone likes, especially kids. Considering great benefit pumpkins, you can always find a way out of this situation. You can add carrot, pear, quince, orange, apple or other fruit juice to pure pumpkin juice, which will significantly affect the taste of the finished juice. Since the orange beauty season is open, I suggest preparing pumpkin juice with apples for the winter.

To make juice, take these products.

First of all, I prepare the pumpkin. I rinse well in running water. Dry with a towel and peel off the skin. I cut it in half and remove the seeds and fibers. I cut it into small pieces. The weight of the pumpkin is indicated in peeled form. I place it in a cooking pot. I'm pouring required quantity water. I cover the pan with a lid and send it to the fire. Cook until the pumpkin pieces are soft, 20-25 minutes. Cooking time depends on the variety and degree of ripeness of the pumpkin.

In the meantime, I’m preparing the citrus fruits. I rinse well and pour boiling water over it to remove the waxy coating. I dry it with a napkin. I remove the zest from all fruits. For this I use a fine grater. To minimize zest loss, I put parchment paper on the grater.

I cut the fruit in half and squeeze out the juice.

I use apples with firm flesh and green color. I choose juicy varieties. I wash it, cut it into four parts, remove the seeds.

I put it through a juicer.

I strain the apple juice through several layers of gauze.

The pumpkin pieces were well cooked. I add orange and lemon juice and zest. Stir, cover with a lid and cook for another 5 minutes.

I grind the pumpkin with an immersion blender. Or you can rub through a fine sieve.

Add sugar and apple juice. I bring it to a boil. I boil pumpkin juice with apples for about five minutes. You can add less sugar. It all depends on the sweetness of the pumpkin and apples.

I pour it into sterile jars and bottles and seal it tightly. From this amount of ingredients you get about 2-2.5 liters of juice. Pumpkin juice with apples is ready for the winter.

Pumpkin and apple juice for the winter

The most delicious recipes Pumpkin juice for the winter often includes other vegetables and fruits.

For example, pumpkin-apple juice has just magical taste, unusual, very pleasant, you want to drink it and drink it. And on the website you will find healthy juice from pumpkin with carrots for canning in jars.

How to choose a pumpkin for juicing? It is important that the juice is bright, rich and sweet. This can be achieved by taking young fruits weighing up to 5-7 kg with bright orange pulp. This pumpkin contains more carotene and natural fructose.

Which apples are best to use? Preferably, green ones are the healthiest varieties. But if there are no such apples, then any ripe, but not overripe apples will do.

How to make pumpkin juice for the winter with apples

  • 1 kg peeled pumpkin
  • 1 kg apples
  • 250 g sugar
  • zest of one lemon

Preparing pumpkin and apple juice for the winter:

1. You will need a juicer; with its help, you can squeeze out the bulk of the juice easily and with minimal losses. Squeeze out both juices.

Cake or squeezes of pumpkin and apples can be used in the filling for pumpkin pie(add 2 eggs, sugar and flour) or add to millet (rice) porridge at the end of cooking. The result is a very healthy and tasty dish.

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2. Mix the juices in a bowl or saucepan, add sugar and lemon zest.

3. Bring the apple-pumpkin juice to 90 degrees for the winter and keep it there for about 5 minutes, but no more, because heating destroys most of the vitamins.

4. Leave to simmer on the turned off stove for another five minutes and roll into sterilized jars.

Recipe for pumpkin juice for the winter without a juicer

If you don't have a juicer, you will get a little less juice than you would like, and it will be pulpy. But still very tasty and healthy.

  • 500 g peeled pumpkin
  • 500 g apples
  • 200 g sugar
  • 10 g citric acid

How to make pumpkin juice in winter with apples:

1. Grate the peeled and seeded pumpkin on a coarse grater. Place in a saucepan, fill level with water and boil for 5 minutes until soft.

2. Rub the pumpkin through a sieve, add sugar and citric acid.

3. Wash the apples, remove peels and seeds, grate fine grater and squeeze the juice through cheesecloth. Alternatively, puree in a blender and strain.

4. Mix everything you get and cook for 5 minutes at 90 degrees.

5. Pour the hot juice into sterilized jars, roll them up, turn the lids down, wrap them in a blanket and leave until completely cool.

Pumpkin and apple juice for the winter

The most delicious winter pumpkin juice recipes often include other vegetables and fruits. For example, pumpkin-apple juice has a simply magical taste, unusual, very pleasant, you want to drink it and drink it. And on the site you will find healthy pumpkin and carrot juice for canning in jars. How to choose a pumpkin for

The easiest way to make pumpkin juice with apples at home is one that doesn’t require a juicer. Pieces of pumpkin and apples are first boiled until soft and then pureed in a blender.

The density of the juice is regulated by adding water, but it can be left thick and diluted when you open the jar. Any variety of apples is suitable for juice, but it is better to take autumn or autumn-winter ones - they are juicy, mostly sweet and sour taste. If possible, choose pumpkin with bright orange flesh that is dense and non-fibrous. It should taste sweet, without a grassy aftertaste. If the pumpkin is yellow, the juice will also be tasty, but its color will not be as rich.


  • peeled pumpkin – 1 kg;
  • fresh apples – 0.5 kg;
  • sugar – 150 g (to taste);
  • lemon juice– 1.5 tbsp. l;
  • water – 1-1.5 liters.

How to make pumpkin juice with apples for the winter

We peel the pumpkin from the peel and seeds, weigh it - you should get about a kilogram of peeled pulp. We peel the apples, cut out the middle, and weigh them too - we will need about half a kilogram. Cut the pumpkin and apples into pieces.

Transfer to a deep, spacious saucepan with a thick bottom. Pour in a glass of water and place on high heat until it boils.

As soon as the water begins to boil, tightly cover the pumpkin-apple mixture with a lid and leave to simmer for half an hour. Make the heat almost minimal so that the water does not boil away.

After boiling the pumpkin and apples until soft, puree the mixture with an immersion blender.

Pour the puree back into the pan (be sure to rinse it, wash off the foam and pulp particles), add water. We adjust the quantity depending on the desired density of the juice.

Add sugar and lemon juice (you can replace it citric acid). Bring the pumpkin juice to a boil and cook for ten minutes.

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We sterilize the jars and lids in a convenient way (steam the jars, heat them, boil the lids). Fill the jars with pumpkin juice, tighten and let cool.
