Large pie with green onions and eggs. Jellied pie with green onions and eggs - recipes for making aromatic pastries! Secrets of making jellied pie with green onions and eggs

It is very difficult to find a family in Russia that would not love delicate pastries, which can brighten up a cup of tea on a warm summer day. This is probably why a variety of baked goods have become so popular among housewives.

However, no one will like cooking a pie for a long time in a very “hot” kitchen.

This is where the recipe for a wonderful jellied pie with green onions and an egg. It is especially in favor with those craftswomen who own their own gardens and grow beautiful greens on their own plot.

What makes a pie like this popular? Mainly, of course, this is a fairly simple recipe that won’t take much time. At the same time, it is quite light and suitable both as a side dish and just for a snack. Baked goods will look great on both everyday and holiday tables.

Classic recipe

Combination boiled eggs and green onions are included in the list classic tastes, which are familiar to us since childhood. Such baked goods should be prepared as soon as the greens harvest period begins.

Jellied pie with green onions and eggs prepared as follows:

Jellied pie with onion, egg and rice

If you want to make the pie a little more filling, adding rice will a great addition. And if you add a little more cheese, the taste will become piquant.


  • 500 ml kefir;
  • 380 g flour;
  • 7 pcs eggs;
  • 150 ml plant. oils;
  • 1 tsp. l. Sahara;
  • 150 grams of cheese, preferably a spicy variety;
  • 50 grams of dry rice;
  • 100 grams of green onions;
  • 0.5 tsp. l. salt;
  • black pepper.

Cooking time: about 1.5 hours.

Calorie content: 215 Kcal per 100 g.

How to cook baked goods with rice, onion and egg:

Quick pie with green onions and eggs on kefir

The basis of such a pie, what makes it so tasty both hot and cold, is undoubtedly the dough prepared with kefir.


  • 300 g flour;
  • 500 ml kefir;
  • 6 pcs eggs;
  • 100 grams of green onions;
  • 1 table. l. Sahara;
  • 1.5 tsp. l. salt;
  • 0.5 tsp. l. baking powder;
  • a pinch of black pepper.

Cooking time: 1 hour.

Calorie content: 167 Kcal per 100 g.

A quick jellied pie with onions and eggs on kefir can be prepared using the following steps:

  1. Prepare all prepared ingredients so that they are room temperature. 3 boiled eggs for filling;
  2. While the eggs are boiling, you should start making the dough. To do this, mix the remaining eggs, salt, sugar and kefir in a separate bowl. Everything mixes very well. After this, sifted flour and baking powder are added. The dough should be without lumps;
  3. Now the perfect filling for the pie is prepared. A boiled egg is crushed, just like green onions. You should not grind them too much. Pepper and salt are also added to the filling;
  4. Take a baking dish and grease it with oil. Half of the existing dough is poured onto the bottom, on top of which all the existing filling is laid out. Everything is filled with the remaining dough;
  5. The oven should preheat to 180 degrees. The cake will take about 40 minutes to cook, but be sure to test it with a toothpick. The pie can be eaten after cooking or cold.

Yogurt jellied pie cooked in a slow cooker

The multicooker is truly universal remedy for preparing all kinds of dishes. The pies prepared in it are among the most popular throughout the country.

  • 250 g flour;
  • 2 cups natural yogurt;
  • 6 pcs eggs;
  • 100 grams of green onions;
  • 1 piece of onion;
  • 1 tsp. l. soda;
  • 1 table. l. Sahara;
  • 5 table. l. rast. oils;
  • 100 grams of cheese.

Cooking time: about 80 minutes.

Calorie content: 183 Kcal per 100 g.

Recipe for jellied pie with onion and egg on yogurt in a slow cooker step by step:

  1. The filling for the future dessert is pre-prepared. Greens are chopped small pieces. Also, 4 boiled eggs are finely cut into cubes and combined with green onions. Chopped onion. It should be fried for about 5 minutes on the “Fry” mode. Sliced ​​cheese is added, after which the filling is seasoned with salt and pepper. If desired, you can add other favorite spices;
  2. Prepare the dough: beat eggs with salt, baking powder, soda and butter. After this, yogurt must be added, followed by sifted flour. The dough should resemble that used for pancakes;
  3. The multicooker must be greased with oil, after which about half of the dough is poured out. After this there is a layer of filling, which is filled with the rest of the dough. The multicooker lid is closed, after which it is set to the “Baking” mode. The pie is prepared for 50 minutes, after which it should rest for about 10 minutes.

  1. Yogurt, sour cream, mayonnaise and kefir are interchangeable ingredients in these recipes, so feel free to experiment;
  2. You can add other greens to the green onions, for example, cilantro or parsley;
  3. The baking dish can be of any kind, however, it must be greased with oil.

Bon appetit!

Hello dear readers. homemade baking definitely a favorite delicacy of my restless family. At least once a week dining table Be sure to show off a tempting pie or cupcake or cookie. So today, the main treat at dinner will be a pie with green onions and eggs, which I baked from a quick yeast dough.

Prepare according to this recipe I was repeatedly persuaded to pie by an old friend, claiming that tastier than pie I haven’t tried it with onions and eggs yet. But somehow I still couldn’t decide to move away from the usual many times tried recipe for making a pie with green onions.

It seemed strange that the kneaded dough should not be placed in a warm place, but, on the contrary, in the refrigerator. And in fact, it turned out to be much better, and the time needed to rise the dough was 4 times less than usual. The pie with green onions and eggs turned out simply amazing: fluffy, soft, tender. I am happy to share the recipe.

Green onion and egg pie


  • warm water – 500 milliliters;
  • 35 grams granulated sugar;
  • margarine – 30 grams;
  • 6 grams of salt;
  • vegetable oil - 60 grams for the dough plus 50 grams for the filling;
  • flour – 1 kilogram;
  • 60 grams of mayonnaise;
  • dry yeast – 20 grams;
  • eggs – 6 pieces;
  • green onion – 300 grams;

This amount of dough ingredients was enough for two decent-sized pies. Quick cooking time yeast pie amounted to 90 minutes.

How to cook

The first thing I do is in a safe way. I breed in warm water dry yeast along with sugar.

Next I add mayonnaise, salt and oil.

I add an egg (one) already beaten in a separate container and flour in small portions.

I knead a soft, slightly sticky dough that swells right before my eyes. I put it in a greased bowl, cover it with cling film and put it in the refrigerator for about half an hour.

In the meantime, I'm starting to prepare the filling. I pour it into a mug vegetable oil And I throw margarine in there and melt it over low heat.

At the same time, I boil hard-boiled eggs. I finely chop the green onions (remembering to rinse them under running water first), cutting off the white ends, which I then use to prepare main courses. I chop the boiled and shelled eggs with a knife.

I put the crushed ingredients in a bowl, season with salt, pour over the melted butter and mix well.

The filling is ready, and by that time the pie dough is trying to crawl out of the cup (35 minutes was enough).

Forming a pie. On oiled parchment with my hands, I knead the dough (a little more than ¼ of the total volume) into a rectangular-sized layer and transfer it to a baking sheet.

I spread the green onion and egg filling over the surface of the dough.

I cover the pie with a second layer and seal the edges.

Immediately put the baking sheet with the pie in the still cold oven and set the temperature to 200 °C. Bake for 40 minutes until nicely browned. I take it out ready pie from the oven, cover with a towel, and after 15 minutes I invite those who are impatiently awaiting the completion of baking to take a sample.

It’s probably difficult to find a family who wouldn’t like to get together at the table on a day off, maybe even invite their friends and treat everyone with something delicious. For example, pie with onions and eggs. Moreover, the process of preparing this pie is absolutely not complicated, but the taste is indescribable. The result of a little ritual is a magnificent one with a crispy crust and a very tasty filling.

Sunday onion and egg pie

To make this pie you will need:

To prepare the dough:

  • butter (margarine can be used) – 100 g
  • milk or water - half a glass
  • chicken egg – 1 piece
  • flour - one and a half cups
  • salt - half a teaspoon
  • sugar – 2 teaspoons
  • dry yeast – 4 g

To prepare the filling:

  • green onions - half a kilogram
  • boiled chicken eggs(large) – 5 pcs.
  • salt - one third of a teaspoon

In order to prepare this pie, you need to make it from all the ingredients listed above. It should be kneaded very thoroughly, then covered with a clean large towel and left in this form for a while until it fits.

While the dough is rising, you need to start preparing the filling. To do this, green onions should be thoroughly washed, dried and finely chopped. Heat the frying pan well, put butter or margarine in it, melt it and put the onion in the pan. Fry the onion for a short time - about two to three minutes, so that it just becomes softer. Then crumble the eggs and add them to the onion, stir and fry for two minutes. The filling must be well salted and mixed thoroughly.

This pie is also very tasty. Its dough includes sour cream, which gives this dish especially spicy taste. So, for the test you will need:

  • 400 g flour
  • 100 g butter
  • 200 g sour cream
  • 0.5 teaspoon baking powder
  • 0.5 teaspoon salt

For filling:

  • bunch of green onions (large)
  • 100 g butter
  • salt, pepper to taste
  • 5 eggs
  • 1 yolk for greasing

This is a fairly simple pie, the filling of which consists of stewed green onions and boiled eggs, will always be a welcome guest on any table. It can be prepared both for the holidays and just for dinner when the whole family gathers. Moreover, in this recipe, green onions can be replaced with any other greens. True, green onions are a win-win option here.

To prepare the dough, you need to wait until the butter becomes soft, and then mix the butter with sour cream. Then add baking powder, salt and most of the flour needed for the dough to this mixture. All this should be kneaded very carefully. Then on clean table pour out the remaining flour, lay out the dough and knead it thoroughly. Wrap the dough in cling film and immediately put it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

Boil chicken eggs for ten minutes, then cool in cold water. Peel them and chop them finely. Wash the green onions thoroughly and chop them finely. Melt the butter in a clean frying pan and then add the onion. Mix thoroughly and simmer for five minutes. Then add chopped boiled eggs to the onion and mix. It is worth paying attention that the filling should be noticeably salty. Therefore, before placing it in the pie, you should take a sample and check for salt. If the filling is not very salty, it should be salted.

Divide the dough into two unequal parts. One part (the smaller one) should be rolled out into a flat cake, the diameter of which should be approximately 25 centimeters. The thickness of this cake should be no more than one centimeter. The baking tray should be lined baking paper, and wrap the dough on a rolling pin and then place it on a baking sheet. Place the filling on the flatbread so that it is two centimeters short of the edge. Place fifty grams of onion, cut into slices, on top of the filling.

The second part of the dough should be rolled out into a flat cake, the diameter of which is a couple of centimeters larger than the first. Place on top and seal the edges so that they are folded up. Make several punctures on the surface with a fork. Take the yolk, shake it and add a little water to it. Brush the surface of the pie with this yolk.

Preheat the oven to two hundred degrees and bake the pie in it for 30-40 minutes.

Try cooking diet pie with egg and onion according to the recipe from the video:

The dish proposed in this article is, in fact, very tasty and satisfying. And, most importantly, you don’t need a lot of ingredients to prepare it. But you can feed them a large number of of people.

To increase the portion, you should simply double or even triple the amount necessary products suggested in the recipe. Naturally, it will be necessary to increase the amount of dough.

With onions and eggs, prepared according to these recipes can really be the most... delicious decoration your table.


  • 500ml kefir;
  • 3 raw chicken eggs;
  • 300g wheat flour;
  • 1 tbsp. Sahara;
  • 0.5 tsp. soda;
  • 0.5 tsp. salt.


  • a bunch of green onions (about 100g);
  • 3 hard-boiled chicken eggs;
  • 1 tsp salt.

Preparing the pie:

  1. The filling of the jellied pie is very simple, homemade - green onions and hard-boiled eggs.
  2. We finely chop both the onion and eggs with a knife. Mix and salt.
  3. Since the dough cooks very quickly, you can immediately turn on the oven at 180°C. While it is heating up, pour kefir into a bowl.
  4. Break three raw chicken eggs into the same bowl.
  5. Mix with a whisk or spoon.
  6. Mix flour with salt and soda, sift into a bowl with kefir and eggs.
  7. Mix well and get batter, with which we will pour the onions and eggs. Look at the photo, despite the fact that the dough is a bit like pancake dough, there are practically no lumps that need to be broken up with a whisk.
  8. Take a baking dish. I have a round ceramic one. You can take any one, but be sure to have a non-stick coating or silicone one. I additionally grease it with oil, since I then want to take the pie out onto a plate without loss. Pour half of the dough into the mold.
  9. We spread the filling and carefully, without pressing it too much, level it over the surface of the dough.
  10. And fill with the remaining dough.
  11. Place in a preheated oven for 35-40 minutes. When baking, keep an eye on the crust; the pie will rise well in the oven, and if the top begins to darken more than necessary, cover it with foil. After time, we get this golden brown cake that holds its shape well.
  12. Let it cool for 10 minutes. Then we run a thin knife along the sides to release them and turn the pie over onto a cutting board.
  13. And then we turn it “from head to foot” again.
  14. You can eat the pie either warm or cold. It tastes equally good. When putting leftovers in the refrigerator, it is better to wrap them in foil; the kefir jellied pie, although it does not go stale quickly, can dry out around the edges (if it has time, ha ha!). Do you see how curvy it is in cross-section?

Bon appetit!

Green Onion Egg Pie is, in my opinion, the best baked good you can make with fresh green onions. When I first prepared this pie, I was a little afraid for the final result of cooking, but in the end, not only I was satisfied taste qualities dishes, but also all my household. As a result, I came to the following conclusion for myself: if I have time at my disposal that I can devote to cooking, then best option for tasty and hearty dinner can't imagine.

To prepare today's pie we will need following products: butter, sour cream, salt, baking powder and flour. The base of the pie, that is, the dough, is prepared from the above ingredients. At the same time, similar shortbread dough can be prepared not only with sour cream, but also with kefir. This time we will use a mixture of boiled eggs, green onions and butter as the filling. This option worked well even the time I cooked pies with onions and eggs in the oven, so I returned to it again. You will also need to add salt, pepper or other seasonings to the filling to taste.

This pie is prepared quite simple principle. Ready dough is divided into two equal parts, each of which is rolled out in a layer. The selected filling is placed between the layers of the pie, after which the edges of the pie must be carefully sealed. After this, all that remains is to pierce the cake in several places with a fork, so that during baking in the oven it does not “puff up” like a soap bubble.

Also, to make the pie with green onions and eggs even more appetizing, be sure to brush it with some water before putting it in the oven. egg yolk. The pie will benefit from this not only in taste, but also aesthetically.


For the test:
  • 100 g butter
  • 200 ml sour cream
  • ½ tsp. salt
  • ½ tsp. baking powder
  • 400 g flour
For filling:
  • 5 chicken eggs
  • 150 g green onions
  • 100 g butter
  • Salt to taste
  • Black pepper to taste
  • 1 yolk for greasing

Cooking the dish step by step with photos:

  1. Let the butter melt a little. After this we transfer it to deep container and add sour cream, salt and baking powder to it.
  2. Add in small portions to the main ingredients. wheat flour and knead the dough until it begins to stick to your hands. Cover the container with the dough cling film and put it in the refrigerator for 30-45 minutes.
  3. Pour water into the pan and add a little salt. Place eggs in water and boil them hard.
  4. Cool the boiled eggs and peel them. After that, chop them finely, as shown in the photo.
  5. Wash the green onions and finely chop them.
  6. Place half the butter in a dry frying pan and put it on the fire.
  7. Let the butter melt, but at the same time make sure that it does not boil.
  8. Place chopped onion in a frying pan and simmer for low heat about 5 minutes.
  9. Add eggs, salt and black pepper to the onion.
  10. After half an hour, take the dough out of the refrigerator and divide it into two equal parts. Roll out the first part of the dough into a layer. The dough should be approximately 5 millimeters high.
  11. Carefully transfer the dough, throwing it over a rolling pin, onto a baking sheet lined with baking paper.
  12. Place the green onion and egg filling in the center of the rolled out dough.
  13. Cut the remaining butter into small slices and spread over the filling.
  14. Roll out the second part of the dough, it should be slightly smaller than the first. Cover the filling with dough
  15. Carefully fold the edges, as if turning them up. Pierce the dough with a fork in several places.
  16. Beat the yolk with 1 tbsp. water and grease the pie with the resulting mass.
  17. Place the baking sheet with the pie in the oven for 30 minutes. Cooking temperature 200 degrees. As a result, you will get such an appetizing handsome man.
  18. I almost miscalculated the dimensions, so you can’t even see the plate under the pie. Frankly speaking, no one in my family was upset about this and the pie quickly and significantly decreased in size.
  19. Let the finished pie cool, then cut it into portions.

Bon appetit!

Scallion and Egg Pie is the kind of baked product that requires some tinkering. The whole cooking process takes quite a lot of time, since in addition to filling with onions and eggs, you also need to allocate time for cooking shortcrust pastry on sour cream. At the same time, all the efforts and time that you will spend will pay off in the form of gratitude from the lips of your loved ones after the tasting. Finally, I want to give a few tips so that your onion and egg pie turns out delicious the first time:
  • Pie dough can be prepared not only on the basis of sour cream, but also on other fermented milk product– kefir;
  • For the filling, young and juicy green onions that have just been picked from the garden are ideal;
  • Eggs need to be boiled in salted water, so you don’t have to worry that during cooking eggshell will crack;
  • Before putting the baking sheet with the pie in the oven, be sure to brush the dough with a mixture of beaten yolk and water.