How to make rye bread without wheat flour. Wheat-rye bread in the oven. Benefits, composition of black bread and vitamins

Rye bread is several times superior to wheat bread in terms of the content of magnesium, fiber, vitamins, potassium, iron and mineral salts. In addition, rye flour contains the amino acid “lysine”, which is important for humans and helps eliminate toxins.

Homemade food always tastes better than store-bought food. Cook though Rye bread It's difficult at home, but it's worth a try. After all fragrant bun Freshly baked bread has a magical effect.

How to bake rye bread - cooking principles

There are many recipes for baking fragrant loaves at home. The dough is prepared on the basis of sourdough, with or without the addition of yeast, the dough is brewed and even kefir is added to it.

  • There are two basic rules that unite all recipes. It is necessary to strictly observe the proportions when kneading the dough and use high-quality flour.
  • The quality of flour can be determined by several characteristics. It is soft to the touch and dry. If you make a “snowball” from flour, it will not crumble immediately, but when pressed, it will leave a mark on the surface.
  • You can achieve uniform porosity of the pulp and fluffiness if you first sift the flour. This is a must!
  • At home, rye bread is baked with the addition of wheat flour. It is strictly forbidden to change its quantity.
  • Depending on the recipe it is indicated temperature regime, at which it is necessary. Strictly adhere to degrees when cooking.

How to bake rye bread with yeast

The main secret of this recipe is boiling water. Therefore, it is important to take into account not only the recipe, but also the dough kneading technology.


  • bread yeast – 30 gr.;
  • coarse rye flour – 200 gr.;
  • granulated sugar - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Wheat flour premium– 350 gr.;
  • fine salt – 10 g;
  • dry rye malt – 2 tbsp;
  • boiling water.
  • Sift all the flour, but do not mix. Add malt to 150 gr. wheat flour. Prepare 300 ml. gradually pour boiling water into this dry mixture. Mix the dough thoroughly so that no lumps form.
  • Pour some warm water into a separate bowl and dissolve the yeast in it. Then add sugar and salt. Mix well.
  • Combine the yeast with the flour mixture. You will get a brownish liquid mass.
  • Pour the remaining flour in parts into the previously prepared mixture. Knead the dough. It should not stick to your hands and have a steep structure.
  • Cover the container with a towel and leave it to rise for 3 hours.
  • Turn on the oven and set 220 degrees. Place a bowl of water on the bottom. Knead the dough again and transfer it to a baking dish, which has been preheated. Sprinkle with flour, cover with a napkin and leave for 30 minutes.
  • Set the dough to bake only when it has risen again. Bread preparation time: 45 minutes.
  • The finished bun must be immediately removed from the pan and wrapped in a kitchen towel. Leave it to “ripen” for about three hours.

How to bake rye bread without yeast using kefir

Baking rye buns without using yeast is possible. A softer pulp structure is obtained by adding kefir to the dough.

Required Products:

  • low-fat kefir or yogurt – 200 ml;
  • wheat flour – 2 tbsp;
  • rye flour – 1 tbsp;
  • finely ground salt – 5 g;
  • granulated sugar – 1 tsp;
  • soda – 0.5 tsp;
  • mixture provencal herbs- taste.

Cooking process:

  • Remove kefir from the refrigerator in advance. To use it in the dough, bring it to room temperature. Add soda, stir and leave for 15-20 minutes.
  • When the mass doubles, add a mixture of salt, sugar and spices.
  • Mix the sifted flour in a separate container and add to kefir mixture. To achieve homogeneous mass without lumps, add flour in parts and knead the dough well.
  • If necessary, gradually add wheat flour until a soft and elastic dough forms.
  • Preheat the oven. Place a broiler on top to warm slightly. Grease its walls with butter or cover with parchment. Transfer the dough and let it rest for 20 minutes.
  • Before placing the dough in the oven, make a few shallow cuts across the top.
  • Set the temperature to 220 degrees and bake the bread for about 40 minutes. Then turn off the oven and leave the pan in it for another 20 minutes.
  • Also wrap the bun in a towel after you remove it from the pan.

  • The softer you knead the dough, the fluffier the bread will be.
  • Regular spaghetti will help the dough rise evenly if you pierce it in several places.
  • To ensure even baking of the bread, apply water to the sides of the pan before placing it in the oven.
  • When the bread cools after baking, the middle ripens. Therefore, cutting it while hot is not recommended.
  • It is strictly forbidden to dilute dry yeast with boiling water!

Whichever difficult process There was no kneading and baking of rye bread, thanks to the recommendations in this article, you can do it yourself. Bon appetit!

Recipes for making black bread. Dishes made from black bread.

Black bread was the most popular in Rus'. At that time, products made from white wheat flour could only be afforded by nobles. This was due to the low resistance of wheat to cold.

But later, breeders developed white varieties of wheat that are resistant to harsh climates. Accordingly, this made white bread more popular.

Benefits, composition of black bread and vitamins

Useful properties of black bread:

  • Low calorie content. Compared to white rye pastries less calorie. 100 g of product contains 200 calories
  • Saturated vitamin composition. There are more vitamins in rye flour than in wheat flour
  • High amino acid content, which is why the black crust has a characteristic sour taste
  • Has a beneficial effect on the intestines. Because of high content dietary fiber promotes rapid excretion of feces. Simply put, in rye bread more fiber which prevents toxins from accumulating in the body
  • Reduces cholesterol levels. White pastries on the contrary, it promotes weight gain and increased cholesterol
composition of black bread

Read the product ingredients carefully. Now rye is planted in small quantity. You can buy black bread that does not contain rye. Usually waste is added to white varieties sugar production- molasses.

The dark color comes from burnt sugar. In addition, caraway seeds, raisins and starters are added to black bread instead of yeast. Rye flour is added to some varieties.

It is very difficult to find pure rye bread, this is due to the high density and poor rise of rye. The products are hard and not airy.

Brown bread with yeast: recipe in the oven and bread machine

There are quite a lot of recipes. Honey, black molasses and dark chocolate are often added. This gives the product dark color and a pleasant aroma.


  • 300 g rye flour mix with 100 g wheat
  • Add 11 g of dry yeast to the flour mixture
  • Add 220 ml warm water and 10 g sugar
  • Add salt and knead the dough. At the very end, add 25 ml of oil. It is best to take olive oil, but unfiltered sunflower oil will also work.
  • Cook in the “Rye bread” mode. It takes longer to prepare than wheat, since the mass takes longer to rise

Black sourdough bread: recipe in the oven and bread machine

To prepare baked goods, you need sourdough; you can purchase it or make it yourself.

Sourdough recipe:

  • Pour a tablespoon of hop cones into a glass of boiling water and let stand for a day. Strain the broth and add rye flour until it reaches the consistency of sour cream. Leave in a warm place for 24 hours
  • Add flour until it becomes sour cream. Add a spoonful of burnt sugar or 25 ml of honey. Over the course of a day of fermentation, the mixture will become more liquid. Leave for another day and add flour
  • On the third day of fermentation, add 1/3 of the water from the total volume of the jar and flour
  • Leave for 24 hours, “feed” the starter again
  • On day 6 the starter is ready. You can bake bread. From the remaining starter in the jar, continue to “grow” a new one. Feed her again with water and flour

The mixture stays in the refrigerator for a maximum of 7 days.

Sourdough bread recipe:

  • Measure 500 ml of starter from a jar, feed the rest
  • Dissolve a spoonful of salt in a glass of warm water and mix with the starter
  • Grease the mold and stirrer with oil, add the liquid mixture to it and add 500 ml of wheat flour
  • Add 25 ml oil and stir again
  • Cook in rye bread mode
  • If you bake in the oven, after kneading the dough, cover it three times with a cloth and leave for 60 minutes after the next kneading.
  • Bake for 1 hour in an oven at 220°C

How to make homemade kvass from black bread

This delicious drink with a characteristic aroma and taste. For preparation, crackers are used; the more you fry them, the darker the kvass will turn out.


  • Cut 500 g of black bread into cubes and dry in the oven
  • Add 5 liters of water to the breadcrumbs and leave for 48 hours
  • Add 5 g of yeast and a glass of sugar, leave to brew for a day
  • Strain through cheesecloth, add 50 g of sugar and leave for 12 hours
  • IN ready drink you can put a few raisins and put them in the refrigerator

homemade kvass from black bread

This tasty addition with beer or first courses. The croutons turn out fragrant and crispy.


  • Melt 100 g in a frying pan butter and add 3 cloves to the liquid grated garlic, salt and garlic powder
  • Pour mixture over cubed rye bread
  • Place on a baking sheet lined with foil and leave in the hot oven for 15 minutes

Black bread croutons for beer with garlic recipe in the oven

Of course, now you can buy any beer snack in the store. But it contains a lot of preservatives and flavorings.


  • Buy a loaf of rye bread and put it in the freezer to dry freeze for 2 hours. This will allow the baked goods to air out.
  • Cut into cubes and leave
  • Pour 70 ml into the pan olive oil. Crush five cloves of garlic with a knife and fry in oil. Remove the garlic
  • Pour oil over the cubes and place in the oven for 2 hours at 100°C

  • Grind 3 cloves of garlic with salt in a mortar, add a drop of vinegar and add a little sugar
  • Slice fresh rye or Borodino bread and brush with dressing
  • Fry in a frying pan with butter until golden brown

Very tasty breakfast or an addition to soup.


  • Fry pieces of black bread in a frying pan with butter
  • While the pieces are hot, rub with garlic and sprinkle with salt.
  • On fine grater grate the cheese and sprinkle over the hot pieces

This is a simple breakfast option. It can be prepared in two ways. Simply beat 2 eggs with salt and spices in a bowl. Dip in egg mixture slices and fry in a frying pan.

If you really like scrambled eggs, you can do it differently. Cut out the center of the slice and fry this frame in oil on both sides. Pour in the egg and keep it on the fire a little longer. If desired, you can cover with a lid.

This great snack on the festive table. To prepare it, take stale bread, it cuts better.


  • Trim the crust off the loaf and cut into thin equal-sized slices. The form can be any. Diamonds and circles look great
  • In a separate bowl, mix softened butter with chopped dill and coriander
  • Lubricate aromatic oil pieces
  • Place a slice of fresh cucumber on top
  • Place a piece on the cucumbers spicy herring, pierce with skewers

It's delicious and very cheap snack To festive table.


  • Toast the bread in a toaster or dry frying pan and cut diagonally
  • Brush the slices with chopped garlic while they are still hot.
  • Grease the surface with oil and place cucumber slices, you can use fresh or salted
  • Place a fish on top of the cucumbers. Buy sprats in oil

This great addition to the festive table. You can cook for the New Year.


  • Cut the bread into thin slices and brush with butter. If desired, you can fry the pieces until crispy.
  • Place on top cream cheese, a sprig of dill
  • Place pieces of salted or smoked pink salmon or salmon on top

This cheap salad that will satisfy your hunger summer time. The taste is very unusual.


  • Cut stale rye bread into small cubes and pour with unrefined oil
  • Chop the onion into half rings
  • Cut the tomatoes into half rings and add to the bread and onions
  • Season with salt, add a clove of grated garlic and herbs. Add oil and stir

If you're watching your figure, make a dessert from rye bread.


  • Take three pieces sour apples and cut them into slices
  • Add sugar, cinnamon and lemon zest, pour in 2 tablespoons of dry white wine and simmer the apples a little. They can't fall apart
  • Place rye bread in the freezer for 2 hours and grate on a coarse grater, sprinkle with sugar
  • Grease the pan with butter and sprinkle with breadcrumbs
  • Place half of the black crumbs, and apples on them, sprinkle with grated crumbs again
  • Bake in the oven for 20 minutes

Is it possible to add black bread to cutlets?

If you want to cook cutlets but are not at home white bread, feel free to use rye, black or Borodino. Simply soak a slice in milk and add it to minced meat and other ingredients. The cutlets are prepared as usual.

Butter is not the best useful product, but in combination with black bread and honey you will get a tasty and healthy breakfast.

Beneficial properties of black bread with butter and honey:

  • Boosts immunity
  • Helps set up the intestines for proper functioning throughout the day
  • Nourishes the brain and improves its functioning
  • Improves intestinal motility
  • Removes toxins and impurities
  • Helps reduce high blood pressure
  • Fights cough and ARVI

Calorie content of black bread

The difference between different types of black bread will be significant. This has to do with the ingredients used.

  • Borodinsky - 264 calories
  • "Darnitsky" - 200 calories
  • Cereal - 228 calories
  • bran – 266 calories

It all depends on the weight of the bread and the thickness of the butter layer. If you take a small piece of 30 g and 10 g of oil, you will get an average of 50 calories. If you take bran or Borodino bread, the calorie content will be slightly higher - 70 calories.

If you eat bread, be sure to give preference to varieties with bran or rye flour. They have a lot of fiber and beneficial microelements.

VIDEO: The benefits of rye bread

Rye dough is very different from wheat dough; anyone who has tried to mix rye flour with water has noticed that the resulting mixture is very plastic, but not at all elastic, as is the case with dough made from wheat flour. We recently talked about the difference between wheat and rye flour, in particular, whether there is gluten in rye flour and why it does not develop like wheat flour. The article can be viewed at this link, here I will briefly remind you that rye flour contains protein and this protein contains glutenins and gliadin, which provide wheat dough simultaneously elasticity, extensibility and plasticity. But in rye dough they cannot exhibit such properties and create viscous gluten threads, because their molecules, when mixed with water, are heavily enveloped in rye flour mucus, which interfere with the “development of gluten” in the usual sense. Of course, this feature of rye flour makes it work with rye dough special.

I became interested in sourdough baking because I wanted homemade rye bread. I already wrote once that I tried to develop different starter cultures, especially with kefir, I spent a long time using completely eccentric schemes. In the same way, I tried to bake rye bread, not knowing or understanding the characteristics of rye flour and dough. I knew that the bread machine was normal wheat dough turns into a bun, and I expected the same from rye. More precisely, no, I read somewhere that it should not be a kolobok, but, not having a single drop of knowledge, I still relied on the “kolobok rule.” The recipe, as I remember now, was beautiful and amazing and began with “take a cup of sourdough.” It never occurred to me that there is a concept of humidity and that there are different types of starter cultures. I loaded all the ingredients into the bread maker bucket, selected a program from the menu and pressed “start”. The dough was smeared all over the bucket, there was no trace of the kolobok.

I added rye flour spoon by spoon until the dough really wrapped itself around the spatula and almost turned into a bun.

About how much flour was needed for a measly 200-2500 ml. water, I'm afraid to even think. I repeated the “feat” especially for illustrations. After adding flour and trying to get a “bun” during kneading, the dough was so thick that it stopped sticking to your hands.

Karelian “wickets” are made from such dough and stuffed mashed potatoes, and you can also make a rose :)

I remember, after “kneading”, I took out the dough, and, without wasting time on fermentation before molding, I rolled it up, cut it with a slant and put it in the microwave, accompanied by a glass of boiling water. The bread stood for a day and a half, and then I accepted that it wouldn’t grow and baked it. When it was baked, it became clear that it was impossible to eat - it was too hard. I cut it into small cubes to dry it in the oven and then add it to the soup. Surprisingly, even in the soup these croutons did not get soggy!

In fact, rye dough should not become a kolobok, and it does not require long-term kneading at all; the duration of kneading does not affect its properties in any way and does not improve them in any way. Moreover, rye flour has about the same moisture content as wheat flour, it just looks and behaves differently. Here, for example, is wheat dough from 50 grams. water and 100 gr. rye flour, but wheat flour from a similar amount of ingredients. Wheat was kneaded and it rolled into a ball and did not stick to your hands; rye kneaded, no kneaded, it remained as pasty as it was.

The properties of rye dough are affected by acidity, in other words, sourdough. Rye dough reveals its full potential during the fermentation process, when the amount of lactic acid bacteria and, as a result, yeast. The high acidity of the dough promotes good swelling of the mucus and proteins of rye flour, however, during the fermentation process, which begins from the moment the dough is mixed and ends during baking, the acidity increases all the time. As a result, the rye dough should reach a certain acidity (10-12 degrees), when the number of lactic acid bacteria is 60-80 times greater than the number of yeast fungi. Of course, it is not possible to calculate the number of lactic acid “per capitas of the population” by the amount of yeast at home, and even without special equipment, so I suggest just looking at the baking result - the finished bread itself will show whether the dough had enough lactic acid.

The proteins of rye flour absorb water and swell much faster than wheat; when kneading, we only need to thoroughly dilute the starter with water before kneading the dough, and mix thoroughly so that all the flour is moistened. Further, all the processes that must occur in the test will occur practically without our participation, we must only provide the conditions - peace and warmth.

Over time, lactic acid fermentation will develop in the dough, proteins and mucus will swell, and it will acquire its own special structure and ability to loosen. If you knead rye dough with yeast, it will not be loose and aromatic enough, because, as I wrote above, in order for a kind of “framework” of rye dough to form, the dough must have high acidity. By the way, I recently learned that, in addition to yeast of the species Saccharomyces cerevisiae, which, in fact, is cultivated in industrial scale and are used in baking, rye sourdough is dominated by the yeast species Saccharomyces minor, which is resistant to acidic environments. The thicker the starter, the higher its acidity and there are more of these yeasts, because other types are not able to maintain activity in conditions of high acidity. I know that there are bakers who, on principle, do not use industrial yeast and are upset when they find out that their sourdough bread turns out to be not “yeast-free.” Yeast, but, in general, with other yeasts, our own, although, to be fair, no one ruled out the presence of Saccharomyces cerevisiae either.

For those who are just starting to work with rye dough, it may be a discovery that it ferments much faster than wheat. The enzymatic activity of rye dough is, by definition, higher than wheat dough due to the composition of the grain. Rye grain is rich in starch (like wheat, in general); it also contains certain active amylase enzymes (α-amylase and β-amylase), which break down starch into sugars: glucose, dextrins and maltose. These enzymes are found in many living organisms, for example, α-amylase is the main digestive enzyme in animals; in humans, this enzyme is produced by the salivary glands and pancreas. β-amylase is found only in plants; it breaks down starch into maltose, a sugar that causes fermentation. Thanks to it, fruits, when ripe, become sweet and, if created necessary conditions, can ferment and turn into wine or, at worst, into “mash.” It is worth noting that this enzyme is most active before plant germination, when a lot of hidden and very active processes occur. This is especially important in the preparation of malt, because malt is essentially sprouted and dried grain.

In rye flour great importance have both of these enzymes, but their activity, in addition to the obvious benefits, can lead to a number of defects in rye bread. For example, they can cause the formation of a large number of dextrins, which makes the crumb sticky, wrinkled and sweet in taste. To avoid this, you need to “regulate”, that is, reduce the activity of enzymes, and this can only be done by increasing the acidity of the dough using sourdough. High acidity will “pacify” α-amylase a little; it will stop decomposing starch too actively. High acidity may not help if sprouted grain flour is used, where the amylase activity is too high to be contained by the acidity of the starter.

At the same time, there is back side high acidity of the dough: proteins can swell excessively and almost completely turn into liquid state, due to which the dough can become very liquefied during the fermentation process and lose its shape. But even in this case, we have something to do - add salt! Salt inhibits the swelling of proteins and has a good effect on physical properties test

When forming the rye dough, it is not kneaded or folded., as is done with wheat. It is better to mold it on a well-greased work surface. vegetable oil using wet hands and a scraper to form the bread into the desired shape.

To make the finished bread smooth and beautiful, you need to try to carefully iron it with your hands. Any unevenness or indentation on the bread piece during baking will turn into cracks and tears in the crust. This applies to both mold and hearth bread. Before proofing, it is customary to level the surface of pan bread both along the edges adjacent to the pan and on top.

I recently baked rye bread, got lazy with the leveling and ended up with cracks on the surface of the loaf. In general, this does not affect the taste, but it upsets perfectionists.

Another technique that bakers use to achieve a ruddy, smooth and shiny crust of bread is to grease the bread with jelly shortly, 10-15 minutes before the end of baking. For 200 gr. take 1 tsp of water. starch, dissolves in water and brews.

It turns out a natural jelly on water, which can be used to grease both rye and wheat bread, and then the bread will sparkle! I recently smeared the top of the “Black Hamster” like this, and it turned out so flattering, in the literal sense.

I would also like a few words about how and where to melt rye dough. Again I would like to compare it with wheat, because there are a lot of attractive proofing options with it: in a mold, on a towel, in a basket, and on silicone mat Moreover, even bread made from very wet dough with good gluten development and tight molding will withstand proofing and baking without support and will not spread. With rye bread, everything is different: the hearth bread should always be made from a fairly thick and heavy dough so as not to spread during proofing and baking. Even if you place it in a proofing basket to keep it in shape, it will inevitably float during baking, like this one.

Therefore, you need to understand that for pan bread you can make the dough more moist and pliable, but it still should not flow, otherwise the bread will not bake and will remain sticky inside. For hearth bread, the optimal humidity is 50-55%, when there is twice as much flour as water. Bread made from a thicker dough will be more finely porous and coarse than its tin version made from a moister dough.

Bakery. Rye bread is baked without moisture, at fairly high temperatures at the beginning of baking: 250-320 degrees and 200-190 during the finishing process. 250-260 is the optimal temperature to start baking pan bread. It is also sprayed with water before being placed in the oven so that a smooth crust is formed in the process. The hearth is not sprayed to avoid spreading of the workpiece. With bread that is baked without a mold, the situation is the opposite - it needs to dry out the top layer of dough as quickly as possible, that is, make a crust so that it retains its shape and volume. To do this, they use the “roasting” method, when at the beginning of baking the oven is heated to 300-20 degrees and after 5 minutes it is reduced to 200-190. This is enough for the workpiece to form a thin film crust, which fixes the volume of the dough and prevents it from spreading. By the way, if it is customary to make cuts on wheat bread before baking in order to protect the bread from arbitrary tears and allow steam to escape from the workpiece, then rye bread is pricked with wooden skewers or indentations are made.

Many housewives are afraid to deal with baking, fearing that they simply won’t cope with the dough and ruin the dish. And the idea of ​​making bread for most seems completely impossible, and is equated to a real culinary feat. But in fact, every woman, if she has a good enough oven, can bake bread on her own with almost no difficulty. You just need to follow a few simple recommendations. Let's talk on this page about how to prepare rye bread at home in the oven with and without yeast.

Rye bread without yeast in the oven

Our ancestors prepared real rye bread without yeast at all; they were replaced with special sourdough. This recipe is considered a little more complex, but the taste finished baked goods you will undoubtedly be pleased.

So, to prepare the tea leaves, you should prepare a couple of tablespoons rye malt and thirty grams of rye flour. Also use one hundred and thirty milliliters of boiling water.

As for the test, it should consist of an active rye sourdough in the amount of two hundred grams, two hundred grams of rye flour, one hundred and seventy grams of wheat flour, a tablespoon of salt and thirty grams light molasses. You will also need one hundred and seventy milliliters of water for the test.

First of all, prepare the tea leaves. Combine all the ingredients for it, mix well and wrap the container in a towel. Leave the brew alone until it cools completely.

For the dough, you also need to combine all the ingredients, mix them well and leave to ferment for four hours. While kneading, add the cooled tea leaves into the container. Once the four hours have passed, grease a baking pan, shape into a loaf, place in the pan and leave for another hour. Next, preheat the oven to two hundred and thirty degrees and place a container of dough into it, sprinkling it with a small amount of water. After an hour, the rye bread is ready, cool it a little and serve.

Rye bread with yeast in the oven

To prepare such a delicious and very healthy bread you need to prepare three hundred grams of rye flour, two hundred grams of wheat flour, a couple of teaspoons of dry yeast. You will also need one and a half teaspoons of salt, a tablespoon of honey and the same amount kvass wort. To create rye bread, you need to use a tablespoon of vegetable oil and three hundred and thirty milliliters of plain water.

First of all, combine the yeast with flour, having carefully studied the instructions before doing so. Add the remaining ingredients to the container and knead the dough in a food processor or using a mixer equipped with a dough attachment. You need to knead for quite a long time - about a quarter of an hour. Ready dough will be sticky, like plasticine, but it should accept the required form ball.

Divide the prepared dough into a couple of equal parts. Dust with flour and form into two balls. Place them on a baking sheet sprinkled with flour. Place such a blank in cold oven and wait until the dough rises. This will happen in about an hour and a half. Turn the oven on to two hundred and twenty degrees for twenty-five minutes.

Place the finished bread on a wire rack and cool.

The simplest rye bread with yeast

To prepare a very simple and at the same time tasty and healthy bread, you will need half a kilogram of rye flour, three hundred milliliters of water, eight and a half grams of dry yeast and a certain amount of salt, depending on your taste preferences.

Combine all the ingredients and knead the dough. Leave it for a couple of hours to rise, then knead it. Form the dough into a loaf and make several cuts in it. Preheat the oven to two hundred and twenty degrees and place it in future bread for half an hour. Wrap the finished loaf in a towel and cool.

Yeast rye bread with garlic

This type of bread can diversify your daily diet and surprise your loved ones. To prepare it, you need to prepare three hundred grams of rye flour, four hundred grams of wheat flour, four hundred milliliters of water, a couple of teaspoons of dry yeast and the same amount of salt. In addition, use five teaspoons of sugar, five to six cloves of garlic and three tablespoons of vegetable oil.

First of all, combine sugar with dry yeast and half the prepared volume of water. Place the resulting mixture in a fairly warm place for twenty to twenty-five minutes. After waiting until the yeast begins to sparkle and a cap appears, pour the remaining water and a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil into the container. Combine this mixture with salt and sifted rye flour.

Next, gradually add wheat flour to the mixed ingredients. Chop the garlic and also mix it into the resulting mass. Knead a fairly dense, homogeneous dough. Then cover the bowl with it with a towel and send it to a warm place for about an hour and a half. After this time has elapsed, punch down the dough and fold it into a special form for baking, grease it with oil. The dough should stand in the mold for another forty to fifty minutes. Next, you need to place it in the oven, preheated to two hundred and twenty degrees. Bake for fifty minutes. Sprinkle the finished bread with water, wrap it in a towel and cool.

Thus, you can prepare rye bread without yeast at home or with yeast. homemade baking hand-cooked quality products will definitely bring health benefits and delight the whole family pleasant taste.

Let us dwell on these points in more detail.

By proven recipe we mean a recipe that can be used to bake high-quality rye bread, with sufficient but not excessive acidity, elastic, not sticky and not too wet crumb, good porosity, pleasant taste and aroma, not stale or moldy for several days ( or even weeks!) with room temperature. And these are, first of all, those recipes that are used in bakeries and bakeries. In relation to Russian rye bread, these are Darnitsky, Stolovy, Obdirny, Borodinsky and many others, probably known to all compatriots.

And adherence to technology is compliance with such conditions that make it possible to achieve all the above qualities of bread, excuse the clumsy definition. Now let's move on to these very conditions.

1. Selecting a recipe. It’s best, in my opinion, to start by focusing on one, preferably simple, bread recipe that you want to see on your table every day and bake it regularly (at least 1-2 times a week) until until the result completely satisfies you and you can bake it, as they say, on autopilot. According to some of my friends, stable and good quality homemade bread They were able to achieve this after about a month and a half of regular baking. Edible, although not very good beautiful bread Many people succeed literally the first or second time. Then it will be possible to move on to more complex and delicious custard varieties - for example, Borodinsky.

In this post we are talking about 100% rye bread, pan or hearth, so we will consider the simplest bread made from peeled flour (Obdirny). Why him? Peeled rye flour is the most common on sale in Russia. Also, this bread does not contain any additives that improve the taste and aroma - sugar, molasses, malt and spices - only rye flour, sourdough, salt and water. Clean, “naked” rye bread, in which all the shortcomings are immediately visible - low-quality flour, poor leaven with insufficient or excessive acidity and lifting force, incorrectly calculated dough moisture content and inappropriate baking conditions, etc. At bakeries, rye bread is always baked with sourdough with the addition of industrial yeast to speed up fermentation and proofing of the dough. But in my opinion, it’s better to try to bake rye bread with pure sourdough (especially freshly raised) at least 1-2 times so that you can adequately assess its quality.

Recipe in baking %:

peeled rye flour - 100% (of which in sourdough - 50%)
salt - 1.8%
dry yeast (optional) - 0.1%
Instead of dry yeast, you can use compressed yeast – 0.3%
water - approximately 65-75% (depending on the moisture capacity of the flour)

Recipe for a loaf of 400g flour (ready bread weighs about 600g):

Traditional dough (3.5-4 hours at 28-30C):

rye sourdough peeled flour 100% humidity, previously refreshed 1-2 times - 80g
peeled rye flour - 160g
warm water (45C) - 160g

The dough will grow 2-3 times in volume, become porous, and acquire a distinctly sour aroma and taste. If compressed yeast is used, it can be immediately added to the dough when kneading it (in in this case you will need 1.5-2g of them, a piece the size of a hazelnut).


dough - all
peeled rye flour - 200g
salt - 7g
dry yeast (I have Saf-Moment) - 0.4-0.5g (1/8 tsp)
warm water (40C) - 60g (add 1 tsp flour and activate yeast for 20 minutes)

Fermentation for 1.5 hours at 28-30C until the dough doubles in volume. Shaping, proofing completely (about 30-40 minutes in a warm place) on parchment or in a mold (if the dough is soft). Baking without steam at 250-280C for the first 5-10 minutes. , then reduce the temperature to 200-220C and bake for another 30-40 minutes. Brush with water before and after baking. Cut when completely cool.
UPD: In addition to traditional dough, the dough for this bread can be prepared in two more ways: unpaired and on long dough, see at the end of the post.

Below we will consider the technology of making bread in more detail.

2. Necessary tools:

Scales, preferably accurate to 1g (electronic)
- clock with timer or alarm
- thermometers for water and oven
- set of measuring spoons
- a baking scraper or a comfortable spatula, preferably metal or silicone
- large bowl or stable pan for kneading dough
- a warm place (28-30C) where you can put a pan of rye dough for fermentation (read below about how to organize it if the apartment is not a resort)

It is not necessary to take an expensive electronic thermometer with a temperature probe (although this is the most convenient option); you can buy an alcohol thermometer for water at the pharmacy (you can measure the air temperature in the room with it). Do not try to make rye dough “by eye”; if you lack experience, nothing really good will come of it.
As a last resort, if you don’t have a scale yet, but really want to bake, ask your friend who has a scale to carry out the “ laboratory work"- measure with glasses, as well as tablespoons and teaspoons, and weigh all the products necessary for your baking - flour, salt, sugar, yeast, etc. Please note that the bulk density of products varies greatly. Regarding life without instruments and definition approximate weight I will write a separate post about products without scales.

3. Good sourdough with high lifting force and acidity, capable of accumulating as much lactic acid in the dough and less acetic acid as possible and raising the dough in a short time.

To do this, you first need to output good sourdough spontaneous fermentation(according to Sarychev or on grapes according to N. Silverton) and it is imperative to derive on their basis production sourdough (produced according to GOST or Californian).

Before baking, sourdough that has been stored in the refrigerator must be re-preserved (run through the distributing cycle, if it is in accordance with GOST, or refresh California 2-3 times).

4. Thick and steep starters and sponges are preferable to liquid ones, and optimal temperature fermentation - 28-30C(up to 34C for liquid dough) so that as much as possible accumulates in the dough lactic acid and less vinegar. Based on California sourdough (it is liquid and ferments at room temperature), it is better to use thick, warm dough. The amount of flour that is added to the dough with sourdough ranges from 10-30% (for the straight method) to 50-70% flour (for the sponge method).

How to create desired temperature for fermenting dough:

Preheat the oven for about a minute and leave the light on
- near the radiator or on the roof of the refrigerator at the back wall, cover the pan with a blanket or terry towel
- using an electric heating pad - set the temperature to minimum (45C), place a wire rack on top, and a pan on top of it, cover with a blanket or terry towel on top

5. When kneading dough and dough, you need very warm, almost hot (45-50C) water, the initial temperature of the dough can reach 40C (!) - at this temperature, the starch of rye flour is partially saccharified by the enzymes it contains and the taste of the bread improves. Monitor the water temperature with a thermometer to avoid accidentally overcooking the starter and flour.

6. Salt and leaven must be thoroughly dissolved in water When kneading dough, mix with flour quickly, but delicately(there is practically no gluten in rye flour, the dough is mixed only until smooth) - after intensive kneading, the rye dough spreads.

I don’t have specialized equipment for kneading dough at home, only a pastry mixer with spiral attachments, which is inconvenient for kneading rye dough. So I knead small amounts of dough (from 300-400g of flour) with a strong spoon in a large bowl, rubbing the dough along its walls, and if there is more dough (from 800-1000g of flour), then I take a large, stable pan and knead the dough with my fist, screwing in movements, I hold the pan with my left hand (I have the strength - no need for intelligence :)). The dough is very sticky, so you have to use a scraper to clean your hands and the sides of the bowl.

7. Determine the optimal moisture content of the dough for hearth bread it is quite difficult, the dough should be almost on the verge of spreading, but not spread too much during fermentation and proofing, then there will be good porosity in the finished bread, it will swell slightly in the oven, but will not spread into a flat cake. Do not try to form round, tall koloboks from pure rye dough; flat loaves are preferable - they retain their shape better in the oven. The optimal moisture content of the dough for hearth peeled bread is about 65-75%. For pan bread you still need to add about 10% water. Wallpaper rye flour absorbs more water(because it contains more bran), compared to peeled bran, seeded bran, on the contrary, has less. The moisture capacity of flour fluctuates and depends on many factors - grinding, air humidity, etc. In winter, the same flour can absorb 10% more water than in summer.
If you are not sure that the dough has the correct consistency or you see that it is too soft and during fermentation or proofing it clearly spreads into a flat cake, bake in a pan. I in no way believe that tin bread in any way worse than hearth loaves, I just like round loaves :).

8. During fermentation and proofing of the dough, you should not rush, let the dough rise (the volume will increase up to 2-3 times, the dough will be covered with bubbles and cracks). When kneading, immediately give the dough a round shape with wet hands on a wet table and place it in a clean, oiled bowl (cover with a lid to prevent it from airing) so that the fermented dough can be removed from it without bruising too much.

9. The ripe dough should be molded carefully, with wet hands on a wet table (preferably wearing medical gloves), trying not to crush too much. Leave to rest on parchment (high-quality so that the bread does not stick during baking), cover with a bowl to prevent it from airing, and stroke the workpiece with wet hands every 10-15 minutes. If the quality of the parchment is in doubt, grease it with vegetable oil, or better yet, non-stick cream or lard and sprinkle with a thin layer of rye flour. The bread will rise to double in size and begin to develop cracks and bubbles. Before baking, smooth the workpiece again with wet hands or grease it with flour, and prick it through the entire surface with a wooden stick to reduce cracking.

For detailed and high-quality, beautifully illustrated recipes for rye bread and principles of working with rye dough, see also this blog.

The dough for pan bread should also be formed into a ball with wet hands on a wet table (for round shape) or in logs (for a brick form) and then place to proof in a form greased with non-stick cream, vegetable oil or lard. Because dough for pan bread is usually made more soft consistency, then it spreads out faster, also doubling in volume. As soon as bubbles begin to open on the top, the workpiece must be greased with water or flour and immediately placed in a hot oven.

10. While the bread is rising, you need to heat the oven. In the first 5-10 minutes of baking, rye bread needs very heat, at least 250C, and preferably 300C. This is necessary to form a strong crust and maintain its shape without cracking. Next, you need to reduce the heat and finish baking the bread at 180C (rye bread tastes better if it is baked at a lower temperature, but longer). Be sure to use a baking stone or its substitutes (a thick cast iron pan or pan, a heat-resistant glass dish, ceramic dishes, a durable baking sheet lined with unglazed ceramic tiles, etc.). Use a thermometer to control the temperature in the oven. The oven can preheat from 30-40 minutes to an hour.

11. A few minutes before the end of baking, grease the bread. hot water or starch jelly for shine. Turn off the oven, leave the bread for another 10-15 minutes, wrap it in a damp towel (first remove the tin bread from the mold :)) and put it in hot oven onto a wire rack to cool very slowly. If the parchment does stick to the bottom of the bread, do not tear it off so as not to damage the crust, wrap the bread in a damp towel along with the parchment and leave for half an hour - during this time the parchment will become wet and can be carefully removed.

12. Bread should be cut no earlier than 8-12 hours after baking. so that the crumb does not stick together. When storing rye bread, the acidity may increase, this effect is more pronounced in large loaves.

UPD: The dough for this bread can be prepared in two more ways - straight and long-dough.

Unleavened (20% flour in sourdough):

peeled rye flour – 320g
sourdough, pre-refreshed, 100% humidity – 160g
salt – 7g
dry yeast Saf-Moment (optional) – 0.5g, (1/8 tsp)
or compressed yeast – 1.5 g (a piece the size of a hazelnut)
Very warm water, 45C – 180-220g (for dough 65-75% humidity, depending on the moisture capacity of the flour)

Pre-activate the yeast for 20 minutes. in a small amount of warm water with a spoonful of flour, then knead the dough as described above. Fermentation - 3.5-4 hours at 30C, the dough will double in volume, become porous and distinctly sour in taste and aroma. Next, molding, proofing and baking as described above.

On a long dough:

Dough (60% flour, 10-12 hours at 28-30C):

peeled rye flour – 230g
sourdough, pre-refreshed, 100% humidity – 20g
salt – 7g
very warm water, 45C – 230g


dough - whole
peeled rye flour – 160g
warm water, 45C – 12-62g (for dough 65-75% humidity, depending on the moisture capacity of the flour)

Since the dough contains 60% flour, you don’t have to add yeast to the dough at all; fermentation and proofing in the heat will happen very quickly. Fermentation – 50-60 minutes, until the volume doubles, proofing – 30-45 minutes. Bake as described above.

I hope that these materials will be able to clarify the features of baking bread from rye flour without mixing wheat, for those who would like to bake it, but are afraid of difficulties and pitfalls.
