How to cook crackers in the oven. Delicious crackers at home - cooking secrets. For a large portion of homemade “Kirieshki” take

Crackers for beer - traditional snack for an intoxicating drink. Crackers with aromatic additives are especially popular. Salami, bacon, cheese - all these tastes are known to beer lovers. Sometimes you want to eat crackers, but it’s too late to go to the store.

In this case, you can make your own bread snack at home.

Salted in the oven

To make croutons, one full-size baking sheet will require 2/3 of a loaf of bread. It's best not to take stale bread.

The loaf is cut into slices 1–1.5 cm thick. Future crackers will be formed from these layers. The size of the snack is selected according to your taste.

Do not make the crackers very small. During the cooking process they will shrink and become very small. Optimal size croutons for cutting from 0.8 - 1.5 cm.

The cut pieces are poured onto a large baking sheet.

Important! Do not grease the baking sheet with sunflower oil or butter. Bread quickly absorbs the fat from the butter. The crackers bake unevenly and are not crispy.

Before starting cooking, you should warm up the oven well. The optimal temperature for preparing crackers is 100 – 120 C°.

If your oven has a convection function, turn it on too. This way the bread snack will cook even faster, baking evenly on all sides.

  1. Arranged crackers sprinkle with salt and pepper and put into the oven. Complete drying time depends on your stove. On average it ranges from an hour to an hour and a half.
  2. During the cooking process it is necessary mix the crackers so that they are baked on all sides.
  3. After baking they need give time to rest. It is enough to leave the dish alone for 30 - 40 minutes. This is necessary to ensure that any residual moisture is removed from the snack.
  4. To enhance the taste you can sprinkle hot crackers with grated cheese. It's worth choosing cheeses durum varieties. Grate on a fine grater.
  5. Cheese It’s better to make the powder directly on the baking sheet, while the bread snack has not yet completely cooled.

Important! It doesn’t matter what kind of bread you make croutons from. However, for cooking it is better to choose dense, low-porous bread. Otherwise, the bun will crumble a lot and will not dry properly. You'll end up with a mountain of crumbs and debris, not a tasty snack.

With garlic

Everyone knows the snack made from large loaves of black bread served with beer in pubs and bars. These fatty and large crackers with garlic and salt are called graliki.

They taste like Borodino bread, deep-fried and generously greased with garlic. Despite the presentability of this dish, it can be made at home.


  • rye bread – 1 loaf;
  • garlic, fresh or dried – 1 head or 1 bag;
  • salt - to taste;
  • olive oil – 3 tablespoons.

There are several ways to prepare this dish. The simplest one is baking in the oven. It is not very different from the previous method of making beer crackers.

However, when preparing such a snack, you should adhere to certain rules:

  1. It is better to cut the crackers into strips, 10 cm long and with a cross-section of 5 to 2 cm.
  2. When drying, the bread is turned over more often, since it is completely coated with oil.
  3. Take it out carefully ready dish. Such crackers retain heat for a long time and can burn a person’s hands.

Difference between regular bread crumbs with spices and spices is pre-treatment crackers garlic oil with spices.

How to make garlic butter:

  • To do this, prepare a special container into which oil is poured and grated or dried garlic, salt and spices are added.
  • The resulting sauce is thoroughly mixed and allowed to brew for 10 minutes.
  • After this, dip your palms into the bowl so that they touch the oil only with the inside of the hand.
  • With moistened hands, begin to lightly knead the pieces of bread. It is important that each piece is evenly soaked in the butter sauce.
  • The preparations are placed on a baking sheet and dried until fully cooked.

In the microwave

Sometimes you want delicious crackers so much that you can’t wait! In this case, you can use a very fast and effective way making bread snacks microwave oven.

This is a convenient method that will not take much time, and the result will exceed your expectations.

To prepare crackers in the microwave you will need:

  • 1 loaf of rye bread;
  • 5 cloves of garlic, live or granulated;
  • olive oil;
  • salt and spices to taste.


Pour oil into a small bowl, approximately 3-4 tablespoons. After this, garlic is added.

Reference! Which garlic to choose? IN in this case It’s better to take granular ones. It quickly dissolves in the sauce and is evenly distributed over the entire surface of the cracker.

Also add salt and spices to the oil to your taste. Slice the bread the way you like it.

Sprinkle the resulting preparations with garlic-butter sauce. You can splatter the sauce with your fingertips after dipping them into the bowl.

It is best to wet the bread several times, alternating this process with stirring.

After the future snack begins to shine with oily sides, you can begin drying.

  1. To do this, put all the crackers in the microwave. It is not necessary to place them in one layer. Microwaves don't care; they will cook the food evenly from the edges and the center of the bowl.
  2. Dry the crackers for 2 minutes at medium power. After each time they are pulled out and mixed.
  3. Usually about 5-7 cycles are enough for the bread to dry completely.
  4. A characteristic sign that cooking is coming to an end is the clicking and tapping of the crackers in the bowl. To get a golden brown crust, you can set another drying cycle at maximum power for 3 minutes.

The video shows the cooking process delicious snack in the microwave from rye bread:

In a slow cooker

The principle of making crackers in a slow cooker is not very different from the methods provided above.

It will require:

  • 1 loaf of bread (rye);
  • garlic – 5 cloves, or garlic granules;
  • salt, herbs and spices to taste.
  • olive oil – 3 tablespoons.

First, a sauce is made from butter, garlic and spices. The bread is cut into small pieces so that it can fit at the bottom of the multicooker bowl.

The resulting blanks are oiled in any convenient way and immersed in the device.

Include baking mode and wait 20 minutes. After this, open the multicooker and mix the crackers thoroughly. Turn on the “baking” mode again and wait 20 minutes again. As a rule, 2-3 times are enough to get the finished dish.

Reference! You should not overuse the bread treat, even if you wash it down with copious amounts of beer. When placed in a humid environment, crackers soften and swell. At the same time, they increase significantly in volume.

Excessive consumption of crackers can lead to stomach or intestinal diseases. Be careful.

Video recipes

The recipes listed are delicious and simple. The average cooking time will not exceed one hour in any kitchen. For cooking, it is better to take fresh, rye bread.

The degree of oiling of crackers is also chosen to suit your taste. Some people like it fatter, some like it leaner!

Watch the video that shows 3 ways to make delicious crackers at home:

Cook with joy, bon appetit!

How to make homemade crackers: crispy pleasure!

To make fragrant crispy cubes, bars or slices at home, you can use any yesterday's or even fresh bread or a bun. Use metal curly recesses to surprise your household or guests original form homemade crackers.

How to dry crackers in the oven

Seasoned crispy pieces made from stale bread or rolls, can be used in different ways: eaten with tea, added to salad, soup or broth.

So as not to throw away something so valuable bakery product, check out the most popular ways to cook crackers in the oven. Products will taste better if you season them with: the best option is impregnation, because this is the only way the spices will be absorbed evenly.

At what temperature should you dry crackers in the oven?

This issue has its own nuances, because each type of bread dries differently. In any case, slices, cubes or sticks must be turned several times during cooking so that they dry evenly.

So, optimal temperature oven for crackers is: from white bread - 170 degrees; from gray or bran - no more than 180 degrees; from black - 180 degrees; from butter bun– 170 degrees.

Delicious crackers at home - cooking secrets

Cooks are happy to reveal some of their secrets to housewives so that they can surprise their households with a new dish.

For example, before making homemade crackers, it is important to familiarize yourself with some tips:

If the bread is too wet, keep the oven door open while drying. This will help excess moisture evaporate faster.

When adding herbs as a seasoning, don't get carried away because spices are meant to enhance the flavor of a dish, not overwhelm it.

It is worth noting that garlic does not combine with dried dill.

If you are making croutons that will become additional ingredients for a soup or salad, then think about the combination of spices that are in the croutons and in the prepared dish.

Options vegetable oil There is plenty for dressing if you don't boil it.

Mustard, sesame, peanut or olive are suitable.

Use slices of bread seasoned with butter right away, because after long storage The polyunsaturated fats contained in the composition become harmful chemical compounds.

If you made the croutons yourself in the oven, but decided to store them for a long time and expect them to remain crispy and tasty, then after baking, place the pieces in a hermetically sealed glass jar.

If you can’t find stale bread and don’t want to dry crackers from white bread, you can fry celery root, and cut each stalk into small cubes.

Recipes for crackers in the oven

Every thrifty housewife has already found a way out of throwing away stale bread - drying it. There are many options for what spices to do this with, because many people like to experiment with flavor combinations. Choose yours suitable recipe preparing croutons in the oven, so that you can then use the crispy products as an addition to any dish.

1. Brown bread crackers in the oven

The fragrant, crispy rye cubes can be used for whatever you wish: as a snack with beer or as an additional ingredient for many salads or as a starter. Crackers in the oven from black bread will turn out fragrant and beautiful, as in the photo, if you do everything step by step, as described in the recipe. Save it for yourself this method so that you don’t have to search for a long time later.


1. Salt (fine) - to taste

2. Black bread – 1 pc.

3. Vegetable oil – 45 ml.

4. Spices, dry herbs - optional

How to make crackers from black bread in the oven:

Cut a loaf of stale rye bread into sticks, strips or cubes, and the thickness of each piece should not be more than 1 cm.

Pour half the oil into plastic bag, add the chopped slices there, add salt, and add spices or a mixture of spices if desired.

Add the rest vegetable oil, a little more salt, spices and gather the edges of the bag in your hand. Holding it with your other hand, gently but vigorously shake the contents of the bag so that the resulting dressing is distributed over each block or cube.

Cover the baking sheet with a sheet parchment paper, pour out one layer of the workpiece. Place the products in the oven, in which the temperature has already risen to 180 degrees. Bake the crackers until they are golden brown.

2. White bread crackers in the oven

Those crackers that are sold in every store have few substances useful for the human body.

If you want your household to eat as much “healthy” food as possible, try drying crackers in the oven using white bread.

Homemade products turn out beautiful, just like in the photo, and even the most picky gourmets will appreciate the taste of snacks with cheese.


1. Salt - to taste

2. Garlic – 2 cloves

3. Oil – 3 tbsp. spoons

4. Loaf – 400 gr.

5. Cheese – 100 gr.

How to make white bread crackers in the oven:

Cut the bread into small cubes. Grate any type of cheese. Chop the garlic with a sharp knife or using a garlic press. Add a little salt, then grind with a spoon until the spice releases juice. Pour the resulting mixture over the bread cubes, mix thoroughly so that all products are evenly soaked. Line a baking tray with baking paper and place future crispy snacks in one layer. Preheat the oven in advance, bake at 180-200 degrees until appetizing golden crust. It is worth noting that at the beginning of cooking, the products must be stirred frequently so that the melted cheese is distributed over each bread cube.

3. Crackers with garlic in the oven

Such snacks have earned a place of honor in the kitchen of housewives, because they can be prepared in just a couple of minutes, and then used as an additional snack for first courses.

Rusks with garlic in the oven have pleasant aroma and taste, which is the main factor for gourmets.

Save it for yourself this recipe so as not to think about how to quickly process stale bread.


1. Olive oil – 60 ml.

2. Loaf or baguette – 1 pc.

3. Salt, ground pepper- taste

4. Garlic – 4 cloves

How to cook crackers with garlic in the oven:

Turn on the oven in advance, setting the temperature to 190 degrees. Take out the baking sheet and line it with paper. Pour oil into a frying pan and add chopped garlic. The spice should not be fried, but sautéed, for no more than 30 seconds. Mix the chopped pieces of bread with the garlic-butter mixture, leave for a couple of minutes so that they have time to absorb the dressing. Place the bread cubes in one layer on paper and place the baking sheet in the oven. Dry the seasoned bread until each cracker is golden brown.

4. Rye crackers in the oven

Such snacks can serve as independent dish for a beer or to perform great addition to rich borscht.

Previously, bread was dried so as not to be thrown away, but today rye crackers ki with garlic in the oven are made to enjoy their taste.

All you need to do is prepare the ingredients and do everything step by step as written in the recipe.


1. Olive oil – 2 tbsp. spoons

2. Dried garlic – 1 teaspoon

3. Salt, seasonings - to taste

4. Rye bread– 0.6 kg.

5. Fresh garlic – 2 cloves

How to cook rye crackers in the oven:

Trim the crust from the loaf, cut the crumb into cubes. Transfer the workpiece into a large bowl. Sprinkle the products with dry garlic and salt. To avoid damaging future snacks, you need to shake the dishes. Pour oil over bread cubes and add crushed fresh garlic. Shake the bowl again. Fry the crackers in a preheated oven for no more than 15 minutes, stirring occasionally.

5. Caesar croutons in the oven

Many housewives who are interested in preparing restaurant food at home are interested in how to make crackers in the oven from bread.

The crunchy cubes are additional ingredient to many dishes: broths, salads, etc.

For example, drying Caesar breadcrumbs in the oven will not be difficult even for a novice cook, because there is a step-by-step recipe at hand.


1. Garlic – 3 cloves

2. Dry basil, Provencal herbs– 2 tbsp. spoons

3. Stale white loaf – 0.5 kg.

4. Vegetable oil – 0.25 cups

5. Butter – 0.25 cups

How to prepare Caesar croutons in the oven:

Cut the bread into not too large cubes. In a large container, mix vegetable oil, melted butter, add crushed garlic and other seasonings to the mixture. Pour the products, stir so that they are saturated with this dressing. Bake at 200 degrees for no more than 10 minutes, or until the snacks are golden brown. Use the finished crispy pieces when completely cooled.

6. Crackers with salt in the oven

This recipe will be appreciated by those who like to have a snack during the day. It is worth noting that homemade crackers with salt in the oven will bring much more more benefit body than those strewn with harmful food additives.

If you wish, you can crush the bread cubes not only with salt and pepper, but also with other seasonings different tastes: bacon, cheese, etc.


1. Salt – 5 g.

2. White loaf- 1 PC.

3. Seasonings - to taste and desire

How to cook crackers with salt in the oven:

Cut the bread into sticks, slices or cubes. Make sure that the pieces are not too thick or thin, because they may not dry completely or even burn. Place the future crackers on a baking sheet, lightly sprinkle plain water. Sprinkle with salt and spices, but do not overdo it. Place the dough in a preheated oven. Set the optimal temperature - about 150 degrees. Dry, stirring occasionally, until they turn a beautiful golden color.

7. Sweet crackers from a loaf in the oven

If you have stale bread (or even fresh bread), do not rush to throw it away. Find out how to make sweet crackers in the oven to surprise your household with a new interesting dish.

Crispy sugar cubes soaked in sour cream are perfect as an addition to tea or coffee. It is worth noting that instead of bread, you can use a bun with any filling.


1. Sour cream – 200 gr.

2. Loaf (or bun) – 200-300 gr.

3. Sugar – 1.5 cups

How to make sweet crackers from a loaf in the oven:

Cut the loaf into not too thick slices, then cut each slice so that you get a lot of squares. Required amount Place sugar and sour cream on different deep plates. First dip each future sweet snack in sour cream, then immediately roll in sugar. Place the cubes on a dry baking sheet, but place them a short distance from each other. Bake the treat at a temperature of about 200 degrees. Turn off the equipment after 5 minutes, serve the products when completely cooled.

Many food lovers prefer garlic croutons as a snack. They are always on the menu of bars and cafes, which serve them as snacks. alcoholic drinks. Of course, it’s simply impossible not to love these beautiful crispy pieces of bread. Many people think that the recipe for garlic croutons is incredibly complicated. But this is not true at all! Don't put your health at risk and buy store product which is stuffed big amount preservatives.

Making crackers at home

So how to make crackers at home? Excellent croutons and croutons can be easily prepared in your own kitchen, in your own oven. There are many recipes for salty crackers with garlic and seasonings. However, you can also use white dessert breads, which are complemented with dried fruits and nuts. These sweet croutons with honey will be a great addition to breakfast. Everything depends only on imagination.

What you need for crackers

In order to prepare garlic croutons, you will need several slices of bread, black or white (depending only on preference), a quarter cup butter melted (alternatively you can use olive oil or rapeseed oil), garlic salt or garlic to taste. In addition, a variety of seasonings or sets of herbs may be useful. Ideal option will be a set of Provençal herbs.

You will need an oven preheated to 175 degrees Celsius. In a separate bowl, mix the melted butter with garlic salt and seasonings. Before you put the bread in the oven, you need to prepare it. To do this, the crusts are cut off from the pieces, and each side is evenly greased with the mixture obtained from oil and spices. After this, the bread is cut into small pieces. Another option for the development of events can be used. To do this, you first need to cut the bread into pieces of the required size, and only then moisten them in the oil mixture. This generally does not matter and will not affect the result. Place the sliced ​​bread on a baking sheet and bake for 15-20 minutes. The crackers should turn golden Brown color. Shake the pan once or twice during baking. This is necessary so that the crackers are baked equally on all sides and all the moisture is removed from them.

Alternative crouton recipe

This, of course, is all good, and probably very tasty. But if baking in the oven is not suitable, then how to make crackers at home? Plate! To fry crackers on the stove, you will need a wide but shallow frying pan. Fry the bread on it until it becomes crispy and evenly brown. In this case, do not forget that the pieces of bread already contain oil, therefore, there is no need to grease the frying pan with additional fat. Immediately after frying, the crackers must be cooled and served on a plate. Everything is ready to eat. If the crackers are being prepared for future use and you don’t plan to eat them right away, you can freeze them.

A nice bonus for hostesses

A little advice thrifty housewives. To avoid throwing away bread crusts and thereby wasting food, you can put them in a food processor for grinding. The end result will be bread crumbs. They must be poured into a container, sealed tightly and placed in the refrigerator for storage. They may be needed when preparing other dishes and as a breading. They can also be mixed with garlic salt, spices and seasonings. Now you know how to make crackers at home. Bon appetit!

Brown bread crackers are not only an excellent snack and addition to beer. It is also one of the components of many delicious snacks and an invariable ingredient in creamy soups and other first courses.

Brown bread crackers prepared with your own hands in the oven will be especially tasty and undoubtedly healthy, unlike store-bought ones. All the subtleties of the technological process of creation home product We will tell you in the recipes below.

How to make crackers from black bread in the oven - recipe


  • black bread - 1 loaf;
  • a mixture of spices and dry herbs (optional) - to taste;
  • odorless – 45 ml;
  • fine salt- taste.


Depending on the desired aesthetic appearance and shape of the crackers, we cut the loaf of black bread into strips, cubes or cubes, but we try to ensure that the thickness of the slices does not exceed one centimeter. Of course, it will be possible to dry thicker products, but chewing them without causing damage to the teeth will be problematic. To make it easier to cut the bread thinner, we choose yesterday’s or even more stale product for making crackers.

Place the prepared bread slices in a bag, pour half a portion of sunflower oil into it and add a little salt. If your plans are not easy to cook classic croutons, and fill them spicy flavors, then at this stage we also add the desired mixture of spices and herbs. Now we put the prepared bread slices there, add the remaining butter, a little more salt and spices and collect the edges of the bag with one hand. Hold the bag by the bottom with your other hand and shake the contents gently but vigorously so that the oil, salt and spices are evenly distributed over the bread.

Now we lay out the blanks on a baking sheet in one layer, having previously covered it with a piece of parchment, and place them on the middle level of an oven preheated to medium temperatures. We keep the products until the desired degree of crunch and browning, stirring the products periodically.

Delicious brown bread crackers with garlic - recipe


  • black bread - 1 loaf;
  • garlic cloves or dried garlic – 7 pcs. or to taste;
  • odorless sunflower oil – 45 ml;
  • fine salt - to taste.


To give the crackers a garlic flavor, you can use either fresh garlic cloves or dried granulated garlic. And you technological process The preparation of such a snack is not much different from the previous one.

Dried garlic or pressed through a press, mix pre-peeled garlic cloves with sunflower oil, add salt, stir and let it brew for twenty to thirty minutes. After this, place the black bread cut into slices into a bag, add the prepared garlic mixture and shake thoroughly until the garlic flavor is evenly distributed.

We dry the crackers in the same manner on a baking sheet in the oven, setting it in advance to a temperature of 100-120 degrees. To obtain a crispy effect, it will take about one and a half to two hours of drying.

Crackers presented in the store various tastes. A significant disadvantage of a product manufactured in an industrial environment is flavorings and preservatives. To enjoy your favorite food without harm to your body, prepare your own crackers in the oven. If you know how to dry it correctly and what seasonings to add, the product will turn out even tastier than store-bought.

How to cook crackers correctly

At what temperature? It is important to consider the quality and type of bread, as well as the features of the oven, gas or electric.

The temperature for preparing crackers from black bread is a maximum of 180˚ C, white bread - no higher than 170˚ C, pieces wheat bread- 160˚ C. Butter crackers should be baked at low heat, up to 150˚ C. Savory crackers with spices are prepared at 200˚ C, but the baking period is very short.

How long. Please note that the maximum period in the oven for butter croutons is 10 minutes. Black bread and rye crackers are prepared in approximately 20 minutes.

Food must be placed in a preheated oven.

Recipe 1. From black or rye bread

Homemade fragrant bread crackers are an excellent component for first courses and salads, as well as an excellent snack.


  • black bread;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil;
  • spices (Provencal herbs are best);
  • salt.


  1. Cut the bread into cubes no more than 1 cm thick. Larger crackers will be difficult to chew.
  2. Combine seasoning, salt and oil in a bowl.
  3. Cover a baking sheet with foil or special baking paper, place the bread sticks on it and pour in a mixture of butter and herbs de Provence.
  4. Place the baking sheet in the preheated oven.
  5. As soon as the crackers turn golden, remove them from oven, pour onto a plate and let cool.

Recipe 2. For salads

Crautons prepared according to this recipe are perfect for Caesar salad.


  • 1 loaf ( White bread);
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • dried herbs or spices;
  • butter.


  1. Cut white bread into small cubes.
  2. Pour pre-melted butter into a bowl and combine it with spices and chopped garlic.
  3. Pour the mixture over the bread cubes. They should be soaked evenly.
  4. After this, pour the bread onto a baking sheet.
  5. Preheat the oven to 150-170˚ C, place future crackers in it.
  6. Dry the bread in the oven for no longer than 10 minutes, checking periodically for readiness.
  7. Indicates that the dish is ready golden brown crust appeared on pieces of bread.

Recipe 3. For “Kirieshki” beer

To prepare this recipe you will need slightly stale white bread or a loaf.


  • 1 loaf (white bread);
  • 1 tbsp. a spoon of paprika;
  • 70 ml vegetable oil;
  • half a tablespoon of salt;
  • pepper or a mixture of peppers.

Advice! To those who don't love spicy dishes, it is not necessary to add pepper, the crackers will not lose their taste.


  1. Cut the bread, you should get neat cubes of the same size. Place them in a bowl.
  2. Mix salt, paprika, oil and a little pepper.
  3. Sprinkle the spice mixture over the bread cubes.
  4. Place the bread pieces on a baking sheet and place in the preheated oven.
  5. Cook at 170 degrees until a golden brown crust appears on the surface of the crackers.
  6. Remove the finished product from the oven and pour onto a plate to cool completely.

Advice! If your oven has a convection function, be sure to turn it on. This will ensure more even drying.

Recipe 4. For beer with garlic

This option will appeal to lovers of garlic flavor. The minimum cooking period and the addition of spices at the very end - the aroma and taste are even more intense.


  • 1 loaf of black bread;
  • 200 ml vegetable oil;
  • 1 garlic head;
  • salt.


  1. First cut the loaf into slices, and then each of them into cubes.
  2. Line a baking tray with foil or baking paper and pour out the pieces of bread.
  3. Put in hot oven and bake until a golden crust forms on the crackers at a temperature of 160-170˚ C.
  4. Grind the garlic, passing it through a press (“garlic press”), combine with vegetable oil.
  5. When the croutons are ready, remove them from the oven, transfer them to a plate and cover with oil and garlic. Stir quickly.

Advice! Crackers prepared according to this recipe will be especially tasty with tomato sauce. Mix 1 tbsp. spoon tomato paste with 3 chopped garlic cloves, 100 ml water and 1 tbsp. spoon of vegetable oil. Add salt and mix well.

Dip the crackers in homemade sauce and enjoy!

  1. Don't try to cut small pieces porous bread, nothing will come out of it except a mountain of crumbs. For this reason, if you want to get small crackers, then choose loaves and loaves with a dense crumb.
  2. Slightly stale bread is ideal for making croutons. This is because it is easier to cut it as needed.
  3. Seasonings and spices can be absolutely anything; through trial and error, you can create your own uniquely delicious culinary masterpiece.