Zhelfix. Composition of zhelfix. Gelling agent based on pectin DR.OETKER Zhelfix - “We make dietary jam and prepare a gorgeous apple filling for the pie, and Zhelfix from DR.OETKER helps us with this!”

Zhelfix– gelling agent (see photo), which includes pectin, citric acid, powdered sugar and a small amount sorbic acid. With this food additives manages to cook quickly delicious desserts, for example, marmalade or jelly. Thanks to sorbic acid, zhelfix is ​​very often used as a preservative. This substance is added to such homemade preparations for the winter as jam, marmalade, jam, etc.

At the moment, zhelfix is ​​divided into three types.

  • zhelfix 1:1 – consists of dextrose, pectin and citric acid;
  • zhelfix 2:1 – consists of pectin, sorbic and citric acids, powdered sugar;
  • Zhelfix 3:1 – consists of citric and sorbic acids, pectin, dextrose.

All of the above types of gelling agents are made strictly from herbal ingredients. The difference between them is only in the ratio of fruit to quantity granulated sugar. So, for example, if you take 1:1 zhelfix, then to make jam or jam, you will need to take one kilogram of berries and sugar. If you use 2:1 zhelfix to create a delicacy, then a kilogram of sweetener will be needed for two kilograms of fruit. Accordingly, when using gelfix 3:1, you need to take three kilograms of fruit and one kilogram of granulated sugar. In the latter case, desserts come out more economical.

The peculiarity of zhelfix is ​​that it is absolutely harmless to humans, and any dish prepared on its basis is ideal for both vegetarians and people who adhere to fasting or a regular diet.

Use in cooking

You can talk endlessly about the use of zhelfix in cooking. This natural thickener is widely used in the preparation of sweet desserts, as well as in canning fruits and berries. In the latter case, zhelfix is ​​used to create jam, marmalade, jam, as well as jelly, marmalade and confiture. All of the listed delicacies can be prepared for the winter using this natural product. Moreover, any dessert with the addition of zhelfix is ​​prepared literally in in a matter of minutes.That is why many sweet preserves that contain this thickener are called five-minute preserves.

In addition, at home it is very easy to prepare marshmallows with the addition of jellyfix. The dessert turns out to be many times tastier than the store-bought equivalent. This thickener of natural origin is also used to make sweet creams and even cakes.

In the table below you will find several simple recipes using gelfix.



apricot jam

Two kilograms of apricots, one kilogram of sugar, a package of jellyfix 2:1.

To start from apricot fruits With dense pulp, the seeds are separated. To do this, the fruit is cut not lengthwise, but crosswise. Then the resulting apricots are sprinkled with granulated sugar and set aside for four hours to release the juice. After this, the dessert is sent to the stove to dissolve. sugar crystals. When the sugar is completely dissolved, jelfix powder is added to the jam. Afterwards, the workpiece is brought to a boil, and the foam formed during the cooking process is necessarily removed. Next, the dessert boils for three minutes, after which it is removed from the heat, cooled and infused at room temperature ten o'clock. After this time, the jam is brought to a boil again, and then used for its intended purpose.

Strawberry jam

One kilogram each of strawberries and granulated sugar, a package of gelfix 1:1.

The berries are sorted, washed and placed in a container. Zhelfix is ​​also added there. The resulting mixture is mixed, placed on the fire and brought to a boil. During the cooking process, the jam must be gently stirred periodically. After this, sugar is poured into the dessert, after which the contents of the container are again brought to a boil and boiled for three minutes. The hot, finished delicacy is placed into jars and sealed hermetically. Using this recipe, you can also make raspberry, plum and cherry jam.

cherry jelly

Three kilograms of cherries, a kilogram of sugar, one package of gelfix 3:1.

The cherry fruits are washed, peeled and crushed in a blender until smooth. Zhelfix is ​​mixed with two tablespoons of granulated sugar and added to the resulting mass of cherries. Then everything is thoroughly mixed, placed on the stove and, with constant stirring, brought to a boil. Next, sugar is added to the dessert, after which everything is mixed and cooked for literally three minutes. It is not recommended to cook any more, so as not to reduce the gelling properties of the mixture. The finished treat is poured into dry, sterilized jars. The blanks are screwed on with lids and turned upside down for five minutes.

apple marshmallow

Two hundred and fifty grams of applesauce, seven hundred and fifty grams of granulated sugar, one egg white, ten grams of agar-agar, one hundred and sixty milliliters of water, a bag of vanillin, a package of gelfix 1:1.

First of all, take agar-agar and soak it in water for half an hour. Applesauce mixed with two hundred and fifty grams of sugar and blended with a blender. Next, protein and vanillin are added to the mixture, after which everything is whipped again. The diluted agar-agar is brought to a boil, combined with the gelfix and the rest of the granulated sugar. Afterwards, the mixture boils for another three minutes, cools to room temperature and is poured in small parts into apple mass. Ready mixture special is filled cooking bag, and then on parchment paper marshmallow is formed. The treat is put away in a convenient place to harden.

protein custard

Three egg whites, two hundred and seventy grams of sugar, a teaspoon of zhelfix 2:1, ninety-five milliliters of water, a bag of vanillin, two grams of citric acid.

First, a syrup is brewed from water, sugar and gelfix. The ingredients are combined in one bowl and brought to a boil over low heat. Meanwhile, beat the whites with vanilla and one pinch of sugar. When the syrup boils for four minutes, citric acid is added to it, after which the contents of the container are boiled until the temperature of the future cream reaches one hundred and twenty-two degrees. Throughout this time, the whites should be whipped with a mixer. The finished syrup is gradually poured into protein mass. Then the cream is whipped until it cools and thickens.

As you can see, there are quite a few ways to use zhelfix in the culinary field, and if you follow the instructions for its use, you can prepare a lot of delicious dishes.

How to replace gelfix?

Zhelfix can be replaced in the preparation of desserts only with certain products. So, for example, if you prepare marshmallows or other dense treats, you can use agar-agar instead of this gelling agent. This thickener is also plant-based, so this will certainly be a worthy replacement.

If you are preparing any delicate desserts, For example, bird's milk, then it is better to replace the gelatin with gelatin, since after hardening it has a small density. However, it is worth considering that gelatin is created on the connective tissues of animals.

In canning, zhelfix is ​​often replaced with pectin, and in the preparation of dairy products, starch can be used instead of this thickener.

From all of the above we can conclude: zhelfix is ​​a very valuable product in cooking, but before using it, you must always read the instructions for use printed on the product packaging.

It would seem that it’s winter and not the season for making jam, but right now our family is actively using preparations from last summer, which is why I wanted to write this review. In addition, as you know, it is better to cook a cart in winter, and this is exactly the case, because... in season Zhelfix from Dr. Oetker cannot be found in any store.


In general, Zhelfix is ​​positioned as a means for making jelly, because its main component is pectin - a natural gelling substance that is found in large quantities, for example, in apples.

But I’m not a particular fan of jelly, and what attracted me to Zhelfix was not the ability to prepare it, but the fact that when using Zhelfix, you can reduce the amount of sugar used when canning fruits and berries, that is, make preserves, jams and jellies more dietary.

Why reduce the amount of sugar? Firstly, everyone knows about the dangers of sugar - excess weight, risk of diabetes, etc. Secondly, I don’t have a sweet tooth in principle, and some types of classic jam, especially those made from sweet berries like raspberries, seem cloying to me. I even love jams and preserves with sourness. In general, for me, everyone is in favor of putting less sugar, the only question is that such preparations can be stored for a long time and without a refrigerator, because... Sugar in classic jam plays the role of a preservative. And this is precisely the problem that Zhelfix helps me solve.

Zhelfix is ​​available in three types, they differ in how much sugar needs to be added per 1 kg of fruit:

  1. 1:1 is when you need to take 1 kg of sugar for 1 kg of berries/fruits.
  2. 2:1 - for 1 kg of berries/fruits 0.5 kg of sugar.
  3. 3:1 - for 1 kg of berries/fruits 350 g of sugar.

You can easily determine the type of Zhelfix by the packaging; I currently have 1:1 and 3:1 in stock:

Method of application (recipes for jam/preserves and jelly) from the manufacturer, composition, weight, the nutritional value Zhelfixa are indicated on back side packaging:

Please note that the cooking time is only 3 minutes!!! This allows the fruit to retain more useful substances and vitamins. Well, it saves your time.


Zhelfix includes:

Pectin (thickener)

Pectin is the same gelling substance, it is completely natural, because... it is obtained from apples and citrus fruits.

Citric acid (acidity regulator)

A well-known substance, there is nothing special to comment on.

This is grape sugar, essentially regular glucose.

Sorbic acid (preservative).

It is a natural preservative and is considered safe. Contained only in Zhelfix 3:1 and 2:1, but in Zhelfix 1:1 it is not! Here is the answer to the question why Zhelfix 3:1 and 2:1 allows you to reduce the amount of sugar during canning.


The price depends on the store, approximately:

  1. 1:1 - 40-45 rub.
  2. 2:1 - 55-60 rub.
  3. 3:1 - 65-70 rub.

One bag is designed for 1 kg of fruits/berries, so it is clear how much the cost of preparations will increase.

In Moscow and Moscow region, Zhelfix can be purchased in Perekrestok stores, in online stores (for example, Utkonos), in the Globus hypermarket (Krasnogorsk).


I wouldn’t even think about writing a review if I did everything according to the manufacturer’s instructions :) I’ll share my recipes/secrets for using Zhelfix.

I have been using Zhelfix for the last 8 years. I make classic jam, maybe 1 liter per season (usually cherry, sometimes strawberry). I seal all other preparations (apples, pears, currants, raspberries, plums) only with Zhelfix.

  1. When making jam, I add even less sugar than according to the instructions. When using Zhelfix 1:1, I put sugar 1.5-2 times less than prescribed. When using Zhelfix 2:1, I add about 2.5 times less sugar than fruits/berries, not 2 times. If I use 3:1, I add sugar according to the instructions, but only because otherwise even I might find it a bit sour. Everything can be preserved perfectly and will last without refrigeration for a year or a year and a half (I haven’t checked it again, because it gets eaten, but I’m sure it will last indefinitely).
  2. I don’t chop the fruits too much, for example, I chop apples and pears into large cubes, I peel and don’t cut plums. The only thing is, when cooking, I check that the fruit is cooked through, sometimes it takes a little more than 3 minutes. Any berries can be boiled in 3 minutes without any problems.

An astute reader may ask why I use Zhelfix 1:1, and put 2 times less sugar; isn’t it easier to take Zhelfix 2:1? The answer is simple - 1:1 is cheaper and does not contain sorbic acid, which, although safe, is still a preservative. The second question is - why buy the most expensive Zhelfix 3:1, if you can buy Zhelfix 2:1 and add less sugar? Here the answer is - I took what was in the store :)

What kind of jam is made with Zhelfix:

  • Very tasty, because... in 3 minutes, berries and fruits do not have time to lose their natural taste. The currants are very aromatic, similar in taste to fresh ones. Apples are just a masterpiece, I can eat them big spoon until the can is taken away.
  • The consistency is not the same as classic jam, in which the berries float in sugar syrup. Here you get more berries/fruits in jelly. The thickness of this “jelly” depends on the type of fruit and the Zhelfix used - for example, with 3:1 the jam is thicker than with 1:1; Another example is that currants are juicier than apples, and therefore the jam comes out more liquid.

Here is an example, these are apples, raspberries and currants:

It’s difficult to describe the taste in words, you have to try it!


The best way to cook apples summer varieties, because they retain their shape (pieces). Autumn and winter apples may "blur"

As I wrote above, when canning apples, I cut them into large cubes, about 2*2 cm. I often add cinnamon or other spices (for example, cloves).

So, I cut the apples, add Zhelfix according to the instructions (here 1:1), mixed with 2 tablespoons of sugar, mix.

I put it on the fire, stir constantly, wait until it starts to hiss (there is not enough juice yet, but you can hear the apples boiling). Add the remaining sugar (0.5 kg in total).

I continue stirring until I see the sugar dissolve and juice appears. The fire is maximum, but can be reduced if desired. If you stir, nothing will burn.

At this moment the apples are already boiling. I time it for 3-4 minutes. There is no need to stir, the future jam is actively boiling and foam is released.

I skim off the foam, pour it into jars, and turn it over.

Ready! From 1 kg of apples and 0.5 kg of sugar you get 1.1-1.2 liters of jam (depending on the type of apple). I usually prepare 2 jars, 0.7 l and 0.4-0.5 l (I don’t like large jars).


And from pears, by the way, too. Other types of pie jam, in my opinion, will be a bit runny.

Read more about the pie. I take the dough, I have yeast on the yolks, put it in the mold, make the sides:

It is better to grease the dough with protein so that it does not get wet from the filling.

I put apples cooked with Zhelfix on top.

Jams with Zhelfix are simply a blessing for all novice housewives or for all those who do not like unnecessary fuss in the kitchen. They are very easy to prepare and you can always be sure of excellent result. Jams always thicken, even the capricious jelly with which inexperienced housewives most often there are problems, but their taste is simply excellent. Also, using Zhelfix allows you to use significantly less sugar than in old-world jams and cook them much faster. Thanks to this, more vitamins and flavors are retained in jams. After all, it is known that the longer fruits and berries are boiled, the more vitamins and useful vitamin gets lost. The same goes for the aroma and taste of berries. Therefore, I highly recommend using Zhelfix for making homemade jams.

My favorite gelfix TM Dr. Oetker with a ratio of 2:1, that is, for 1 part sugar, you need to take 2 parts of fruit or berries, namely, for 1 kg of fruit, you need 0.5 kg of sugar. But the pectin in zhelfix TM Dr. Oetker is so high quality that I used even less sugar and everything thickened perfectly.

When making jams withZhelfixOh, it’s very important to adhere to the cooking technology:

- Since the preparation time for jams isZhelfixohm is quite shortoh, then the fruits need to be boiled without sugar first, this will help them cook betterto be. Of course, if you want them to keep perfect shape, can be boiled immediately with sugar, onlyZhelfix and a small amount of sugar are mixedoh with him, leave it for the end.

- Before adding to jamy,Zhelfix must be mixed with a small amount Sahara. This is necessary so that the pectin in it does not clump into one ball, but is evenly distributed in the jam.

- After adding Zhelfixlet's jamy, cookit should not last longer than 3-4 minutes. The longer you cook, theThe strength of pectin weakens more. Usually, 3-4 minutes of cooking with Zhelfix is ​​enough for the jam to begin to thicken.

- If suddenly the jam does not thicken too much, you can add a little citric acid. It enhances the effect of pectin.

- It should be remembered that as the jam cools, it continues to thicken. Especially jelly, which finally thickens after cooling.

That's probably all. Jams have never been so easy to prepare!

Let your canning season be fruitful and your preparations delicious!

Strawberry mint jam mousse:

  • 1 kg strawberries (weight without stems)
  • 100 ml water
  • 1 bunch mint, wash well
  • 400 grams of sugar
  • 1 sachet Zhelfixa 2:1 Dr. Oetker
  • 1 sachet citric acid Dr. Oetker

Black and red currant jelly:

  • 600 grams red currant
  • 400 grams black currant
  • 250 ml water
  • 400 grams of sugar
  • 1 sachet Zhelfixa 2:1 Dr. Oetker
  • 1/2 sachet citric acid Dr. Oetker

Raspberry jam with white chocolate and orange liqueur:

  • 1 kg raspberries
  • 100 ml water
  • 100g white chocolate, chop coarsely
  • 400 grams of sugar
  • 100 ml orange liqueur(or other fruit or berry liqueur)
  • 1 sachet Zhelfixa 2:1 Dr. Oetker
  • 1/2 sachet citric acid Dr. Oetker

1) Strawberry and mint jam mousse:

Place strawberries, mint and water in a thick-bottomed saucepan. Bring to a boil and cook over medium heat for 5-6 minutes until the strawberries soften well.

Remove the jam from the heat, remove the mint from the pan, transfer to a clean plate, add Zhelfix and the rest of the sugar. Add citric acid and mix well.

Beat the jam until smooth using a blender. Place the saucepan with the jam over low heat, bring to a boil and cook the jam until thickened.

Pour strawberry jam mousse into sterilized, hot jars and close with sterilized lids.

On the floor or on a shelf (where there is space), spread a kitchen towel folded in half and place the jars turned upside down on it. Wrap the jars of jam in an old blanket or a couple of kitchen towels and leave it there until it cools; once cooled, turn the jars upside down. Store strawberry mint jam mousse in the pantry. And after opening the can, in the refrigerator.

2) Red and black currant jelly:

Place the currants in a saucepan with a thick bottom. Add water and cook over medium heat, covered, stirring occasionally, until the berries crack and soften slightly. Approximately 30-40 minutes.

Strain the berries through a fine sieve.

Pour gelfix into a small bowl, add 2 tbsp. sugar and mix well.

Pour the juice into the pan, add Zhelfix and the rest of the sugar and citric acid. Bring everything together to a boil, cook for 3-4 minutes.

Pour red and currant jelly into hot sterilized jars. Close with sterilized lids.

On the floor or on a shelf (where there is space), spread a folded kitchen towel, carefully turn the jars over and place them upside down on the towels. Cover with an old blanket or blanket until completely cooled. While cooling, the jelly will finally thicken. Store currant jelly in the pantry. And after opening the can, in the refrigerator.

3) Raspberry jam with white chocolate and orange liqueur:

Place raspberries and water in a saucepan with a thick bottom. Bring to a boil and cook over medium heat for 3-4 minutes until the raspberries soften well.

Pour gelfix into a small bowl, add 2 tbsp. sugar and mix well.

Add Zhelfix and the rest of the sugar to the raspberries. Add citric acid and liqueur and mix well.

Bring to a boil again and cook until thickened. Remove from heat, add chocolate and mix well.

Immediately pour the raspberry jam into hot, sterilized jars. Close with sterilized lids.

On the floor or on a shelf (where there is space), spread a folded kitchen towel, carefully turn the jars over and place them upside down on the towel. Cover with an old blanket and blanket until completely cool. Store raspberry jam with white chocolate in the pantry.

And after opening the can, in the refrigerator.

Bon appetit!

Happy canning season

Calories, kcal:

Proteins, g:

Carbohydrates, g:

The accelerated pace of life requires very instant cooking favorite dishes. Cooking homemade jam, especially from personally grown berries and fruits - great pleasure time-consuming (calorizator). To speed up the process of making jam or jam, a mixture called zhelfix from Dr. Oetker is used. Clear instructions easy to use, ease of use, noticeable savings in sugar and natural ingredients made jellyfix Dr.Oetker an indispensable assistant housewives. The product retains its organoleptic properties for one and a half years if stored in a dry place at room temperature. After opening the package, the contents should be used immediately and the remainder should be thrown away.

Calorie content of Dr. Oetker gelfix

The calorie content of the Dr.Oetker zhelfix mixture is 313 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Composition and beneficial properties of the Dr. Oetker zhelfix mixture

The product contains: dextrose, (thickener), (acidity regulator), (preservative). Dr.Oetker's Zhelfix allows you to significantly reduce the use of sugar when preparing homemade preparations, so jams and jams prepared using the product are useful for people with diabetes.

Harm from Dr. Oetker jellyfix

Ingredients in Dr. Oetker gelfix may cause allergic reactions, therefore, small children should be given dishes containing the product in small quantities.

Zhelfix Dr.Oetker in cooking

In order to make jam or preserves, you need to take 350 grams and a kilogram of berries or fruits for a package of Dr. Oetker gelfix, for jelly - 900 grams of juice and 350 grams of sugar. Berries or crushed fruits (juice) should be placed in an enamel or glass container, sugar should be mixed with Dr. Oetker gelfix and the fruit should be covered with this mixture, mixed, put on fire and brought to a boil. After removing the foam, cook for 3 minutes, pour into prepared jars, close tightly and turn over. Jam prepared in this way can be stored for up to six months in a cool place.

IN Lately this product is popular with many chefs and cooks. It made other desserts easy too.

What is zhelfix

Many people wonder: zhelfix - what is it? A little unusual name means gelling agent. This natural product With high content pectin, which is obtained from apples and citrus fruits. It is used to make jam and various jams. Unlike gelatin, which is of animal origin, gelatin consists only of plant components, so it is excellent for vegetarians and fasting people. This product completely preserves the color, taste and vitamins of berries. Jam with jellyfix can be prepared in 3-5 minutes.

Composition of the product

Currently, there are three varieties of the zhelfix product (what it is and what the difference is will be discussed in detail below). It is distinguished by markings, which come in three types: 1:1, 2:1 and 3:1. It indicates the ratio of fruit and berry components and sugar. These proportions must be observed exactly. Both types are the same, only the concentration of the constituent substances differs. The main components of the vegetable thickener are pectin, citric acid and powdered sugar. A small amount is allowed; it is a vegetable preservative that promotes long-term storage products.

Zhelfix, classic recipes

Thanks to this product, you can easily make jelly, thick jam or jam. Each pack is clearly marked step-by-step instruction. First, the fruit is crushed, then jelfix is ​​added (what it is was described in detail above) with a small amount of sugar, the mass is brought to a boil and only then the rest of the sugar is added in strict proportions. It is better not to cut fruits small pieces, and grind in a blender so that there are no undercooked pieces left. This jam is prepared for several minutes and then hardens to a jelly-like state. You can do the same thing homemade marmalade. Only it should not be poured into jars, but should be dried in silicone molds. If you need to make jam with pieces of fruit, then you should not strictly follow the instructions, but experiment a little. You can reduce the amount of sugar, but in this case the jam should be boiled a little longer so that the entire mass is evenly heated and soaked in syrup.

Here's another traditional recipe jelly from juice with gelfix. Exact proportions are calculated based on the type of fruit and the content of pectin and acid in them. To get classic soft jelly, you need following ingredients: zhelfix - 1 pack, 1 liter of juice, sugar is added to taste. The resulting mass is cooked for 3-5 minutes. To check how well the jelly hardens, you need to dip a spoon and see if the mixture drips off it. If yes, then you need to add more thickener or a few drops of citric acid and boil again.

Jam - a sweet preparation for the winter

Maintaining an unforgettable taste summer berries, can be prepared for the winter fragrant jam with yellowfix. To make the taste especially delicate and subtle, you can add citrus notes to it. To prepare this delicacy you will need:

  • orange - 2 pcs.;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • gooseberries - 2 l;
  • blackberries - 300 g;
  • raspberries - 300 g;
  • blueberries - 200 g;
  • granulated sugar - 1 kg;
  • yellowfix 1:1 - 1 pack.

Steps for preparing assorted jam

Lemon and oranges are cut into small pieces, the berries are crushed. Next, you need to mix everything, add sugar, put it in a cooking container, put it on low heat until it boils and then turn it off. After the resulting mass has cooled completely, you need to boil it for 15 minutes and, after cooling, bring it to a boil again. Before putting the pan to boil for the third time, you should add jelfix mixed with a small amount of sugar. You can add a couple of mint leaves to give the jam a little freshness. Once cooked, the delicacy can be poured into sterilized jars. It doesn't take long to prepare this dish. large quantity time, and in winter it will bring a lot of pleasure.

Apricot jam with jellyfix in a slow cooker

Any apricots are suitable for making this jam, you can even use not very sweet ones.

Ingredients: 1 kg apricots, 0.5 kg 25 g.

Apricots should be washed and dried thoroughly, then cut, pitted and blended. Next, you need to mix the gelfix with two tablespoons of sugar. The whole mass is mixed, poured into the multicooker bowl and cooked in the “Jam” mode for 15 minutes. Next, add all the remaining sugar and boil for 5 minutes, after which the jam is poured into sterilized jars. That's all - apricot delicacy ready. Thanks to a product such as zhelfix (what it is is discussed in detail in this article), it took very little time to prepare this jam. It turned out to be an analogue of “five minutes”, only not liquid, but jelly.

Apple marmalade

Even in the old days they loved marmalade, which was traditionally made from apples. This is a very tasty and easy to prepare dessert. It is made at the rate of 1 kg of apples, 1 kg and zhelfix (recipes with it, as always, are simple and original). At the first stage, the apples are peeled, cut into halves and baked in the oven for 30 minutes. Next, they need to be allowed to cool until warm, then rub through a sieve, put in a saucepan, mix the apples with gelfix and sugar and cook over low heat for 10 minutes until the mass becomes thick. Hot marmalade is placed in clean containers and taken out into the cold.
