Exotic fruit with a large seed. Exotic fruits: photo, name, description

We invite you to meet ten exotic fruits, popular in the world, but practically unknown here.


You can find this unusual lilac-purple fruit in gardens in northern Japan. Many local residents grow it on their plots like our wild grapes, entwining the supports with a thick carpet of leaves. When the akebia fruit reaches maturity, one of its walls “opens.” This happens only once a year - at the very beginning of autumn. The sticky, slightly sweet flesh is eaten like a fruit, while the thick, bitter peel is more reminiscent of some kind of vegetable. However, the Japanese, without sharing these tastes, eat the whole akebia.


You may have seen these green balls, freed from hard skin, on the shelves of Spanish or Asian markets, and in Egypt, the unpeeled, slightly smaller fruits are sold under the name “eshta”. When you cut into the fruit, you will find several dark seeds that are best removed (because they are considered an excellent emetic), while the taste is mild aromatic pulp(which resembles creamed melon to some, papaya to others) deserves all the praise. For example, Mark Twain called cherimoya “the most delicious of all known to mankind fruits."


The large (up to 25 centimeters long!) cupuaçu fruit can be found in the tropical rainforests of Colombia, Bolivia, Peru and Northern Brazil. It grows on trees and when ripe turns red-brown in color. Beneath the hard shell is a soft, chocolate-pineapple-smelling pulp that is eaten raw, made into jams and drinks, and added to yoghurts and ice cream. From light seeds, similar to cocoa grains, you can make “chocolate” that will not melt in your hands.


This relative of the lychee was born in the tropical forests of West Africa, where its green fruits are traditionally used as a soap substitute, and then spread throughout the world. Aki made his most successful “career” in Jamaica, where they even began to prepare one of the national dishes from it, despite the fact that the fruit is poisonous and can only be eaten by boiling it in boiling water for at least 10 minutes. It's worth the risk because ackee contains a ton of beneficial nutrients and fatty acids.


In tropical areas of North and South America, as well as in Southeast Asia, large red-brown prickly fruits with round crimson seeds inside. It’s hard to say what they taste like, because, unlike other fruits we’re talking about today, annatto is inedible. But its bright ruby ​​seeds are magnificent food coloring, which you've probably seen in everything from lipstick to cheddar cheese.


Kiwano, sometimes called African cucumber and horned melon, has long been native not only to its native Africa, but also to California, Chile, Australia and New Zealand. It looks strange: the outside of the fruit is covered with an orange peel with spikes, and when you cut it, you will see green pulp with whitish seeds inside. The taste reminds many of a cucumber crossed with zucchini and banana. You can eat kiwano raw or add it to milkshakes and other drinks. It will especially appeal to ladies who are always on a diet, because, like cucumbers, it has almost no calories.


Next on our list is Chinese strawberry or yangmei. It grows primarily in China, and is therefore also called the Chinese strawberry tree. Its fruits are juicy and sweet and have a rather specific taste.
Yangmei is an excellent antioxidant. Juices are made from Miriki fruits, fruit salads. When dried, Yangmei resembles a fleshy, slightly sour raisin.


Pau Pau or pawpaw three-lobed is a close relative of papaya, this plant also has names Indian banana, Hoosier banana, poor man's banana, Indiana banana, and in Australia these exotic fruits are called tropical papaya. Pawpaw is a very healthy exotic fruit. Pawpaw berries have more calories than apples, grapes and peaches. The exotic fruit of the pawpaw contains vitamins, minerals, and amino acids.

Pawpaw seeds are toxic, have a narcotic effect, cause nausea and vomiting. Pawpaw crushed seeds remove hair lice. Ripe pawpaw is eaten only in fresh. Exotics can only be stored frozen or canned. Pawpaw fruits are very aromatic, the taste resembles a mixture of banana, pineapple and mango. Fresh and juicy pawpaw fruit perfectly tones and saturates. The juice and pulp of pawpaws are used in making cocktails, baby food, Dessert. Wherever bananas can be used in cooking, pawpaw is also used.


Sugar apple Cultivated in the countries of South and Central America, India, Indonesia, countries of tropical Africa, the Philippines, Australia, Polynesia. Annona is a popular delicacy in the Antilles and Southern China.

Inside the fruit there is white, fibrous, creamy, fragrant, juicy, sweet pulp and from 20 to 60 black shiny seeds. Before consumption, the rough skin of the fruit is usually opened, then the pulp segments are eaten and the hard seeds are spat out. Opening a ripe sugar apple is very easy: either break it in half or open the skin flakes. The ripe fruit can be eaten with a spoon, after cutting the fruit in half. When ripe, the fruit becomes very soft, the skin becomes thinner, so ripe fruits can be easily damaged. The overripe noina fruit opens, revealing sprouted seeds. Noina pulp is used to make desserts and soft drinks. The fruit is rich in vitamin C, amino acids and calcium. In Lanta (Thailand), Annona is sold very ripe and large (300-350 grams), for 60-80 baht/kg. The harvest season is from June to September.

Snake fruit Salak

The homeland of the exotic is Indonesia, Malaysia and Sumatra.
Name " snake fruit"The salak was obtained thanks to its scaly skin of red (rakum) or brown (salak) color; oval, oblong or pear-shaped. Each scale of the fruit ends with a spine. The spines are often cleaned off before selling.

The “snake” skin of Salak can be easily removed with a knife. The beige-colored pulp has several segments, inside there are one or more inedible brown seeds. The taste of the tropical fruit is pleasant, refreshing, reminiscent of a mixture of pineapple and banana with the addition of nuts. Unripe fruits have a viscous taste. Oblong or round fruits of small size (about 5 cm in length) of red (Rakum) or brown (Salak) color, covered with dense small spines.
Salak is harvested from April to June. This delicious fruit is grown in Thailand all year round, but the most delicious Salak ripens in June-August. Salak costs from 30 baht/kg in season.

Monstera Delicatessen

There are 30 species of monstera in nature.
Small monstera flowers form inflorescences - a spadix, which is wrapped in a large light green leaf. The large inflorescence of Monstera resembles spathiphyllum in shape. Monstera deliciosa has purple fruit. The core of the fruit ripens 10-12 months from the beginning of flowering. Despite the pungent odor, the core tastes like a mixture of banana and pineapple. Delicious, long-awaited fruit - a real delicacy. However, unripe monstera fruit can burn your mouth.

Sapodilla (Chiku)

Sapodilla (sapodilla, chicu) is common in Guatemala, Venezuela, Ecuador, Brazil, the Yucatan Peninsula, the Bahamas, the Philippines, Costa Rica, Jamaica, El Salvador, Cuba. Various varieties of Chiku are cultivated in Thailand and India.
This exotic fruit looks like kiwi or brown lemon. How does Sapodilla taste? sweet Honey, quite sugary, is a mixture of flavors of persimmon, figs, dates. Pulp from light to dark Brown. Inside there are elongated black seeds that are very easily separated from the pulp. Sapolilla is not very easy to clean, even if it is absolutely ripe. Ripe Sapodilla is distinguished by its softness; the softer it is, the more ripe the exotic fruit will be.

In Thailand, Sapodilla is harvested all year round. Philippine Sapodilla differs from Thai Sapodilla as appearance, and taste. They are larger, and not elongated, but rounder, and the color is lighter than the Thai ones. There is a pear note in the taste. The sapodilla tree is also grown to produce milky juice - latex, from which chewing gum (chicle) is made in Mexico. After eating a medium-ripe fruit, latex may remain on the lips.
The unripe fruits are rich in tannin and are used as a remedy for diarrhea. A decoction of the bark has an antipyretic and antidysenteric agent. Liquid extract of crushed seeds - depressant. Chika is eaten fresh, put into pies, stewed with ginger and lime juice, and fermented into wine.

Mammea americana (American apricot)

Mammea americana is an evergreen tree native to South America and artificially planted in other regions of the world, including West Africa and Southeast Asia. American apricots are actually berries that are about 20 cm in diameter. The berries have a thick outer skin and a soft orange pulp inside, as a rule, there is one large seed in the center, however, large berries there are about 4 of them. The pulp is sweet and aromatic.

Platonia is wonderful

Platonia is a large tree (reaching a height of up to 40 meters) growing in the tropical forests of Brazil and Paraguay. The fruit grows to the size of an orange, and when pressed, a yellow liquid begins to ooze from it. Inside the fruit there is white pulp enveloping several black seeds, which has a pleasant sweet and sour taste.

Dacriodes edible (African pear)

A woody plant growing in the equatorial tropics of Africa. The fruits are shaped like eggplants, but are tiny in size. The analogies are the same with color. Pale flesh inside rich in fat. Currently also grown in Malaysia.

Marula (Sclerocaria ethiopica)

Distributed in southern and western Africa. Has very thin skin and white juicy pulp, very rich in vitamins C. Much more than most citrus fruits. Disadvantage: it smells like turpentine.

Kaimito (chrysophyllum or star apple)

Central America is considered to be the birthplace of the star apple. Widely found in West Africa, South America and Southeast Asia. The very juicy, sweet white flesh is hidden by a shiny bluish-brown or green skin. A cross section shows a star made of seed cells inside.

Bunkhosia silver

Silver bunchosia is a close relative of the Barbados cherry. Although the pulp inside is not so juicy, it is very sweet, reminiscent in taste of dried figs with a flavor peanut butter. They eat it fresh and make jelly and jam. Especially paired with a milkshake. Grows in Central and South America.

Sweet pitaya

Sweet pitaya is a relative of the cactus. The flesh is slightly fresh. It tastes best chilled. Grows in tropical America, Australia, Southeast Asia and Oceania. Overeating can be fraught with incidents.

It’s strange why I didn’t try this fruit in Spain. Apparently the title confused me - nisperos. I didn’t know the translation, and there was no one nearby who could tell me what kind of exotic it was.

This time I bought it and tried it. And I was not disappointed - tasty, juicy, refreshing. The fragrant and fleshy fruits caused an explosion of taste sensations. Out of surprise, I even coughed, as the juice jumped out of the fruit in splashes, like from a bottle of gas. Now I will no longer miss an opportunity to enjoy a fruit I have discovered to my heart’s content. That’s how you live forever, and you won’t try everything.

Nisperos ( Nisperos) in Spanish (emphasis on first syllable) or Japanese medlar is an Asian fruit that has existed on earth for several millennia. The birthplace of this tree is China, its subtropical regions. Medlar has taken root well in Japan and hence its name.
Until the 19th century, loquats did not grow in Spain or other Mediterranean countries. It was brought to Spain by sailors about two thousand years ago. The warm coastal areas of the Mediterranean are ideal for the tender tree, and it grows in the same area as citrus trees.

There are many varieties of loquats, each with some differences. As a rule, it has a pear-shaped fruit up to 8 cm in diameter, with smooth skin from yellow-orange to dark orange. It has soft yellow, very juicy pulp with a sweet and sour taste, similar to the taste of a mixture of apricot, apple, and plum. In appearance, medlar is very similar to apricot.

The fruit contains 2-4 large seeds that can be dried, roasted, ground and brewed as coffee for cores. Raw seeds It is better not to use them, as they do not contain a large number of toxic substances. But a decoction of the seeds can be used to treat the gastrointestinal tract.

In Spain there are 2 most common varietiesArgelino And Tanaka. The evergreen tree begins flowering in the fall, and the harvest ripens from May to June. The flowers resemble the scent of almonds.
The fruits are consumed raw. Can be served with cheese or cold meat, jamon. And those with a sweet tooth can experiment by combining nisperos with bananas, ice cream, and yogurt. Due to the high content of pectin, medlar is especially suitable for making preserves or jam; you can prepare juice, compote, and sauce.
This low calorie product, containing a lot of carbohydrates and fiber, is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. It contains carotene, vitamin C and B vitamins. And you get tired of listing the number of minerals: selenium, potassium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, iodine, zinc, calcium, sodium - and that’s not all.
Therefore, this amazing fruit can be safely consumed when losing weight and treating the urinary tract, relieving pain from kidney stones, normalizing intestinal function, cleaning the liver and blood vessels from toxins and waste, and reducing sugar. Loquat helps control blood cholesterol and blood pressure.

But we should not forget that you need to follow moderation when dieting: a fasting day can only be 1 time per week and don't eat anymore 1 kg per day. For bronchial asthma and respiratory diseases, the pulp of the fruit along with the seeds is prepared alcohol tincture. Grind 5 pieces of medlar, add 2 tablespoons of honey and 100 ml of alcohol or vodka. Mix everything and leave in a dark place for a week. Take 30 g after straining 3 times a day before meals. There is relief from cough, removal of mucus from the lungs and improvement in general condition. Lovers of exotic plants have learned to grow medlar from seeds and admire it as an ornamental bush, and even harvest a small harvest after 5 years at home. There is a Spanish site for lovers of this fruit http://www.nisperosruchey.com/

Thailand and exoticism are complementary concepts. One of the exotic discoveries for our compatriots in this country was the fruits of Thailand. The tropical climate allowed nature to create unique combinations shapes, colors, flavors and aromas. The harvest in Thailand is harvested before three times per year. Fruits in Thailand reach the peak of ripeness without the addition of nitrates and other chemical fertilizers, so they are safe from an environmental point of view, for which they are loved and appreciated by tourists all over the world.

However, this fact does not in any way affect the cost of fruits in Thailand itself. Fruits in Pattaya are cheap and you can buy them in markets, street vendors, mobile motorcycle kiosks, etc. Don’t be surprised if Thais offer purchased fruits with a bag of salt, pepper or local spices. Asians believe that combining sour, bitter or spicy with sweet is in the order of things.

No one doubts that Thailand's fruits are a treasure trove useful vitamins and microelements. Fruit pulp is traditionally used in national dishes Thai cuisine. Freshly squeezed juice, popsicles, sliced ​​fruits, salads and fruit-based soups are sold everywhere.

Thai fruits amaze the imagination with their diversity. But there is one fruit in Thailand - endowed with royal status. A fruit with amazing taste, but an absolutely disgusting smell. It was the smell of durian that became a stumbling block, because of which the fruit is prohibited from being transported in transport or consumed in hotels and other public places in Thailand.

The fruits grow on gigantic tropical trees reaching 50 meters in height. About 30 species of this plant are known, of which only 9 are suitable for human consumption. The Thais nicknamed Durian the king of fruits in Thailand for its large weight - up to 4 kg, majestic and formidable appearance, reminiscent of the weapons of orcs from the famous fantasy epic. Essentially, it is a ball or oval with a diameter of up to 15 cm, covered with prickly spines, attached to a rod up to 30 cm long. Under a strong peel with spines lies saffron-colored pulp with a delicate creamy consistency.

Despite the repulsive smell, durian has fans, and not only among the residents of Thailand, who happily eat the fruit, claiming that it has an incomparably delicious taste. The rest take their word for it, without even trying Durian because of the repulsive smell.

If you decide to taste the royal fruit of Thailand, we recommend trying the “golden pillow” variety (literal translation from Thai). The smell is less intense, and the taste is as “magical” as that of other varieties of durians.

Harvest season: May-June.

Price: about 250 baht per 1 kg (500 rubles per 1 kg)

Dragon fruit

Exotic fruits- these are foreign (foreign) fruits, fruits from hot countries. Currently, in any supermarket, not to mention the market, almost regardless of the season, we see exotic fruits on sale.

After fresh local fruits disappear from our shelves. exotic fruits are becoming one of the healthiest pleasures.

They are great source vitamins and minerals. I noticed that we are stimulated instantly. Exotic fruits are something that can quench both thirst and hunger at the same time. They are very convenient to use. If we don't have time to have breakfast, they can be eaten on the go.

Peaches, nectarines, bananas and many other exotics have long been familiar to us. But have you ever tried some of the more exotic varieties of fruit?

Sometimes their peculiar shape and “exterior” look simply otherworldly or cosmic. Rarely imported into Russia, exotic fruits have strange shapes and no less strange names. But how unexpectedly they can breathe new life into the dishes we prepare.

Almost all exotic fruits have an individual taste and texture. Sometimes the skin of an exotic fruit is hard and rough, so it has to be cut off before eating the fruit. Exotic fruits are wonderful as desserts, and sometimes as an additional side dish for cold meat appetizers.

I propose to briefly go through the names of exotic fruits in alphabetical order and enjoy their virtual beauty and natural diversity. Expanding our gastronomic horizons.

Names of exotic fruits with photos

Exotic fruit apricots

Apricots have a sweet and aromatic taste. They are very useful for the female figure.
They are most often sold dried and canned. Apricot fruits cannot be eaten on an empty stomach, but otherwise there are no special contraindications.

Exotic fruits pineapples

Pineapple is a juicy fruit with sweet and sour flesh. It is most often eaten in in kind, or add to various salads. Pineapple is generally considered the most popular tropical fruit in the world. Since ancient times, people have loved pineapple; it was something new at that time, and its taste was considered incomparable.

Exotic fruit Orange

I think many of us don’t even realize that orange is an exotic fruit. But, nevertheless, it is so. Orange has an excellent aroma and is very pleasant to taste, and it is also a real source of vitamins that humans need (provitamin A, vitamins C, P, B1, B2, B6). Orange also contains a large amount of carbohydrates, fiber, nitrogen and pectin substances, minerals, phytoncides, essential oils.

Exotic fruits - Watermelon

Watermelon is known throughout the world, so it is difficult to classify it as an exotic fruit, but it is still so. Watermelon contains a bunch of vitamins, although it is considered dietary product. Watermelon can be eaten in its natural form, or canned. There is also an interesting gourmet fad - frying watermelon seeds.

Exotic fruits - Bananas

Bananas are a very nutritious fruit, so you could theoretically live your entire life eating only them. Bananas can be consumed raw, dried, or canned. Bananas can also be baked, added to salads and other delicious dishes.

Exotic fruit - Pomegranate

Everyone mostly knows pomegranate by its juice, as it is used to color wines. Pomegranate juice itself is astringent and has a sour-sweet taste. Pomegranate seeds are used only for decorating decorative dishes or making a delicious salad. Grenadine used for cooking.

Exotic fruits - Grapefruit

Grapefruit is one of the world's most famous tropical fruits. The birthplace of this fruit is Barbados. And now grapefruit is truly one of the “seven wonders of Barbados”. Grapefruit is good for weight loss and also contains a sea of ​​vitamins.

Exotic fruits - Guava

Guava is a small, pear-shaped fruit. The homeland of guava is South America, to be more precise, Peru. Guava has conquered the whole world with its taste! Guava fruits are medicinal and should be eaten fresh.

Exotic fruit - Durian

Durian is the king of exotic fruits. The durian fruit is studded with prickly thorns, and the weight sometimes reaches ten kilograms. Durian is the most expensive fruit, compared to the others.

I suggest you watch an interesting video sketch

And we continue our journey through the virtual market of exotic fruits.

Exotic fruits - Melon

Melon - fruit oval shape having a yellowish tint. The homeland of melon is considered to be Asia Minor and Central Asia. In the European part of the world, melon began to exist in the 15th-16th centuries.

Exotic fruits - Carambola

Carambola - yellow fruit having a sweet and sour taste. This fruit is good for decoration various dishes, or use in salad, or as an addition to fish and meat.

Exotic fruits - Figs

Figs are also called wineberry. Figs can be fresh or dried. The berries have white-pink flesh and a sweet-sour taste. Figs are consumed in their natural form or in salad.

Exotic fruits - Kiwano

Kiwano is an exotic fruit with a hard peel and juicy green pulp. If you look at the accumulation of grains inside the fruit, it looks like a cucumber. The fruit tastes like lime and banana. It is correct to eat Kiwano with a spoon, and no other way.

Exotic fruits - Kiwi

Kiwi is a famous exotic fruit. It used to be called “Chinese gooseberry”. The name “kiwi” was given to the fruit in honor of the wingless bird kiwi. Kiwi is rich in the famous vitamin C. Kiwi is good to eat in salads and with ice cream.

Exotic fruit - Lychee

Lychee - "Chinese plum". Lychee grows like grapes - in clusters. The most popular lychee variety is kirn cheng. These are red berries with a spherical shape. Lychees can be added to many dishes, thereby imparting a delicious taste.

Exotic fruits - Mango

Mango is a special tropical fruit. Its structure is filamentous, and its taste is sweet and very pleasant. The color of the peel is light green or red-brown. However, the ripeness of a mango is determined by touch. If, when you press on the sides of the stalk, small dents appear, the fruit is ripe. And vice versa, if the surface is hard, the fruit needs to ripen.
Mango is rich in vitamins, especially group A. Mango is used when eating with salads and ice cream.

Exotic fruits - Mangosteen

Mangosteen is one of the most popular tropical fruits. Mangosteen is a spherical fruit of dark shades. Inside it is white pulp, which tastes great, as it resembles a delicate, pleasant cream. The main supplier of this fruit is Thailand.

Exotic fruits - Passion fruit

Passion fruit is another special tropical fruit. Homeland - Brazil. The shape of the fruit is oval or spherical, the color depends on the variety. Nowadays, passion fruit is very popular and widespread in all tropical countries.

Exotic fruits - Nectarine

Nectarine is a hybrid of plum and peach. This fruit is eaten in its natural form. Nectarine is used to make salads, jams, compotes, and pies.

Exotic fruits - Passionflower

Passionflower - enough unusual fruit, having jelly-like pulp with a fresh sour taste. Passionflower is used as flavoring agent for desserts.

Exotic fruits - Papaya

Papaya is a tropical fruit grown in the subtropics. Homeland - South America. Papaya is rich in vitamins C and A. Papaya is best eaten in its natural form.

Exotic fruits - Peach

Peach is our favorite fruit. Peach can be canned or fresh, and has white or yellow flesh. Peach is great for eating in salads or making jam.

Exotic fruits - Pomelo

Pomelo is the largest citrus fruit. Weight can be up to one kilogram. Homeland - China. Pomelo has a sweet taste and a large fibrous structure. Pomelo is mainly grown in South Asia and Thailand.

Exotic fruits - Rambutan

Rambutan is a very amazing exotic fruit that has a strange appearance. Rambutan is a red, hairy fruit. Despite unusual look, rambutan is very tasty. The main rule when eating this fruit is not to bite the kernel of the seeds, then you will not spoil true taste. Also, rambutan should be eaten only in its natural form.

Exotic fruits - Tamarind

Tamarind is a famous tropical fruit. Its homeland is East Africa. Tamarind belongs to the legume family. The tamarind fruit is brown, pod-shaped, elongated.

Exotic fruits - Dates

Dates are a fruit very rich in vitamins. It is best used in salads.

Exotic fruits - Persimmon

Persimmon is the most famous exotic fruit in our time. It is used in salads, added to baked goods, and also served with cold meat appetizers.

I want to end my post with a video story.

Be sure to watch the suggested video. It seemed so beautiful and tasty and aromatic and magical and magical to me. Just a Garden of Eden and a holiday, a holiday, a holiday!

Found it on the Internet interesting test about exotic fruits, I passed it. I suggest you have fun and take this test.

With this I say goodbye to you and hope that you are alive natural colors and virtual fruity taste and the aroma gave you several pleasant and joyful minutes.

It is believed that a person needs to eat those vegetables and fruits that grow in his habitat; northern peoples have no need to feast on overseas pineapples; such an experiment will not bring any benefit, but it can do harm. However, few people are able, when in an exotic country, to resist the temptation to try an unusual fruit, or not to taste the forbidden fruit from the hands of someone who has just returned “from the south.” Numerous types of tropical fruits excite the minds and gastronomic sensations of travelers; when going to a new country, one cannot help but try exotic fruits, photos of which previously could only be seen in the picture. Some have an incredibly alluring appearance, others repel and even frighten with their non-standard beauty of bizarre forms.

In this article we will look at exotic fruits, the list of which is very long. Perhaps, after looking at the description and photo, you will understand that you will never put THIS in your mouth, but you are ready to go overseas for another exotic fruit. The easiest way to understand the name of the exotic fruit is from the photo and description. Get ready, the list is really long.


The most famous exotic fruit from Thailand that travelers try and bring back is lychee. Lychee has a strange appearance, an original taste, reminiscent of a mixture of very sweet grapes and gooseberries and, by the way, also grows in China and Indonesia. This is a small red fruit, about 4 cm in diameter, with a hard skin that is easy to remove only after getting used to it and eating a lot of pieces. The pulp is white-transparent, slightly jelly-like, very sweet, but with a slight sourness. There is a large bone inside. The fruit has a rich vitamin and microelement composition: pectins, potassium, magnesium, vitamin C, PP. In addition, lychee is rich in proteins.


This yellow exotic fruit also comes from Thailand and resembles lychee in taste and appearance, but the name of this tropical fruit the other is longan or, as it is also called, the Eye of the Dragon.

Some people compare the appearance of this fruit to small potatoes, but it resembles her only in size and color of the peel. The skin of longan is also very tough, although thin. The yellow color of the longan peel hides the tender pulp, like that of lychee, white, translucent. This tropical fruit has a sweet taste. The texture is also jelly-like, elastic, the bone is large and hard. The fruits contain a lot of calcium, phosphorus, vitamin C, and sugars. The fruit also grows in China, Vietnam, and Cambodia.


Some from tropical countries are brought local fruits as a souvenir; not everyone decides to immediately try an overseas miracle, but wants to find out what it is, because photos of exotic fruits with names fascinate with their beauty and play of colors. For example, many are interested in the question of what kind of exotic fruit this is - white with black seeds. White tender pulp, generously strewn with small black pitahaya seeds.

The appearance of the pitahaya, otherwise known as the Dragon Fruit, is also memorable: an oval palm-sized fruit with a red or pink skin. The fruit is very juicy and soft inside, it is most convenient to eat with a spoon. The fruit is very interesting in appearance, but has no remarkable taste. It is mainly added when preparing various desserts, but as an independent product it is tried more out of curiosity. Grows in Southeast Asia, Vietnam, China, Thailand.

By the way, pitahaya is the fruit of a cactus, as you can guess judging by its appearance.


Kiwano is an exotic fruit similar to a cucumber. The transparent green flesh of kiwano resembles the pulp of a well-known vegetable. The fruit also has other names, which are translated into our language as “Horned Melon”, “ African cucumber", "Horned cucumber". The skin of the fruit is yellow-orange with spines. Before consumption, the fruit is not peeled, but cut, like a watermelon. The fruit tastes like a cross between banana, melon, cucumber and kiwi. In Africa, New Zealand, Chile, Guatemala, Israel and the USA, kiwano is added to both desserts and main dishes. Unripe fruits are also edible.


Many people have fallen in love with the exotic fruit of a bright yellow color, which has a funny shape and edible peel - carambola. In cross section, this exotic fruit looks like a star; it is eaten whole, along with the skin and seeds. It has nice smell and juicy pulp with a sweet and sour taste. Some claim that the taste of carambola is vaguely reminiscent of an apple. Carambola fruits will decorate a holiday table, cocktail or dessert. Grows in Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia.

Buddha's hand

Others yellow tropical fruits citrons, or “Hand of Buddha,” that stand out in appearance but do not impress with taste are citrons. The shape of the fruit resembles a human hand with long fingers and does not look very appetizing. The peel here occupies more than 70% of the entire fruit, and the pulp tastes bitter. It is not recommended to try fresh citron; you will not get pleasure from such a snack. You can bring it home as a souvenir, and then add it instead of lemon when preparing sweet dishes. For these purposes, they are used in their homeland - in India, Japan, Vietnam, and China.


Considering the most exotic fruits, let's consider another one of them - pepino. This yellow tropical fruit, native to South America and New Zealand, is actually a berry. True, the weight of such a berry can be more than 700 grams. We call it Melon Pear or Sweet Cucumber. Tastes like good ripe melon, the peel, like the seeds, is edible, but tastes unpleasant. Mainly grown in


Maphai, or Burmese grape, is similar in appearance and taste to longan. The pulp is yellow, translucent, jelly-like. Inside, the fruit is juicy, sweet and sour, refreshing. Inside, the fruit consists of several cloves, like garlic. And in each slice there is a bitter seed, which is difficult to separate from the pulp. These tropical fruits can be bought in Thailand, Vietnam, India, China, and Cambodia.


Medlar, or Loqua, is another rather unusual “sunny” yellow-orange exotic fruit. Externally, the fruits resemble an apple or persimmon, but the texture of the pulp is like a plum. The taste is reminiscent of sweet and sour blueberries, apples, persimmons and pears combined. This is a “multi-fruit”. You can buy it not only in overseas countries, but also here, in Russia: in Crimea and in the Krasnodar Territory.


Guanabana is a green tropical fruit with a bright appearance and original taste. The appearance of this fruit is deceptive: the prickly-looking thorns on the peel are actually soft shoots that do not cause unpleasant tactile sensations. The fruits are large - on average, from 3 to 14 kilograms, and it is not surprising that its seeds are the size of large beans.

The guanabana pulp is oily and fibrous, sweet and sour with unique taste, reminiscent of Citro soda. An unripe fruit is absolutely tasteless, which is why many tourists, having bought guanabana that is “green” in every sense, do not find anything good in it. Ripe fruit should be elastic and bend when pressed. If the fruit is hard, it means it is not ripe. Let it sit for a few days and you can enjoy the original taste qualities. To eat guanabana, cut it in half and scrape out the pulp with a spoon. You can cut it into slices and eat it like a watermelon or melon. You can buy this magnificence in South America.


A green tropical fruit that has practically ceased to be exotic for Russians is the avocado. Yes, in fact the fruit is a fruit, although the taste is more like a vegetable. The pulp has an oily, fatty texture, something between a fresh pumpkin and a nut.

The seed inside the fruit is very large, inedible, but it is also there. You can read more in a separate article on our website.

Like many other unusual overseas fruits, avocados are very healthy fruit, which is best bought in Vietnam, India, Cuba.

Spanish lime

Another green exotic fruit is the Spanish lime. Its taste properties are far from the qualities of limes known to us. Spanish limes have sweet, not bitter flesh, but the peel is also inedible. You can try it in Ecuador and Colombia.


Ambarella is an oval-shaped fruit with a yellow-green color. The skin is tough, inedible, the bone is prickly and hard, but the flesh is very juicy, soft, slightly reminiscent in taste of a mixture of mango and pineapple. Grows in India, Indonesia,


Bail is an exotic fruit similar to a pear or apple; it also has a second name, which is translated as Tree Apple. The skin is dense and rustling, like a nut, the flesh is fluffy, sweet or sour, and irritates the throat when eaten. The peel of the bail is so tough that you can only cut the fruit in half with a hammer. For this reason, it is mainly sold already cut. Grows in India, Pakistan, Indonesia.


The fruit called bam-balan has an original taste. Tourists claim that the taste of the fruit resembles the taste of borscht seasoned with sour cream. It grows on the island of Barneo, on the Malaysian side.

Pink banana

Banana is a pink exotic fruit that grows in many warm countries and practically no different in taste from its yellow counterpart.


Mangosteen - exotic fruit dark purple hue. About the size of an apple, it has a thin but inedible skin. Elastic, sweet and sour pulp, practically seedless. If there are bones, they can be eaten. Thanks to its composition, mangosteen is able to reduce inflammatory processes in the body: swelling, pain, redness.


Marula is a greenish fruit with juicy, unsweetened and tasteless pulp that can ferment. The fruits begin to ferment immediately after ripening, so find fresh fruit problematic. However, this does not upset either the inhabitants of Africa or the animals: both of them love to feast on the “alcoholic” fruit.


Guava is a pink tropical fruit on the inside and green on the outside. Grows in most tropical and subtropical countries. The original appearance, unfortunately, does not match the taste: you can’t expect anything great from the guava pulp. The taste resembles an ordinary unsweetened pear, but the aroma and beneficial features Guavas are top notch. It’s worth purchasing such a fruit, if only to satisfy your curiosity.

passion fruit

Passion fruit is a tropical fruit known in our country rather by name, but not by taste. It is called the “Fruit of Passion” and is considered a natural aphrodisiac. The oval-shaped fruits are yellow, purple, pink or red. The skin is inedible, and the flesh has a jelly-like texture. The taste is not particularly attractive; passion fruit juices and desserts have much richer notes. To eat the fruit, you need to cut it in half and pick it off the skin with a spoon. The most delicious fruits- these are ripe, you can identify them by wrinkles and dents on the peel. The birthplace of the fruit is South America.


Coconut is one of the few exotic fruits that is ubiquitous in our supermarkets and grocery stores. However, overripe, tasteless fruits usually end up on our shelves. A ripe, but not overripe coconut has a smooth green shell, and not the “hairy” one that we usually see. “Green” coconut has jelly-like flesh and sweetish milk, which quenches thirst well. As a rule, coconuts are specially opened for tourists and tubes are inserted so that the milk can be easily drunk.


Mammeya is an exotic fruit similar to apricot in appearance and taste. The second name of the fruit is known - “American apricot”. The berry is large, up to 20 centimeters in diameter, the pulp is sweet, similar in taste and aroma to apricot and mango. You can buy it in almost all tropical countries.


Rambutan is an exotic fruit that looks like a hedgehog, which is also called “Hairy Fruit”. The fruits are red, round, covered with long spine-like shoots. The pulp is transparent white, elastic, jelly-like. The taste of the fruit is sweet and sour, and the seed is edible. The brighter the color of the peel, the riper fruit. Grows in Indonesia, India, Thailand, Philippines.


Sapodilla is an oval-shaped fruit up to 10 cm in diameter. The fruit is also called tree potato. The color of the peel really resembles potato skins. The pulp is soft and juicy, slightly astringent, like persimmon, but has a caramel flavor. The seeds have a pointed shape, so when consuming you need to be careful not to get them into your throat. It grows in countries with a tropical climate - America, Indonesia, Thailand, India.


Noina, or Sugar Apple, is an exotic fruit that looks like a cone. It has not only an original appearance, but also taste. The fruits are lumpy, which makes them look like cones. The pulp of a ripe fruit is very tasty, sweet. The unripe fruit tastes like pumpkin. The fruit grows in Thailand. Due to the uneven, hard peel, but very tender pulp, the fruit can be difficult to cut.

A pineapple

Pineapples are also tropical fruits that look like cones. Of course, most of us have tried pineapples, even if we didn’t go to exotic countries. But the taste of “our” pineapples, which we see every day on supermarket shelves, cannot be compared with real tropical representatives. They are very juicy, meaty, have incredible rich taste. This fruit can be found in Brazil, China and the Philippines.


Ackee is a yellow or red exotic fruit, slightly reminiscent of a pear in shape. But the content does not look like anything else; just look at the photo to be convinced of this. Large black “eyes” are the seeds of the fruit that protrude out along with the pulp when the fruit ripens. The ripe fruit bursts, and its pulp tastes like walnuts. The fruit grows in Brazil, Jamaica and Hawaii.

Now you can easily determine the name of exotic fruits from photos and descriptions if you are lucky enough to visit distant countries. Before you dare try any fruit, look at the picture and name so as not to be disappointed with an unripe or overripe tropical fruit.

Of course, we did not provide the entire list of exotic fruits, but tried to talk about the most popular and interesting representatives of overseas juicy wonders.
