Rice vinegar tastes similar to what. How can you replace rice vinegar at home?

April 8, 2017

There is hardly a housewife who, at least once in her life, has not tried to cook something unusual for her family.
If you have not yet achieved such a feat, I invite you to join me in wondering about the method of preparing sushi dressing.

Sushi and rolls are included in our daily life. Now you no longer have to go to a restaurant to try these dishes. Japanese cuisine. All ingredients can be bought in the store. Homemade rolls and sushi are no worse than those you can taste in restaurants. But they may not always be at hand necessary products, For example, rice vinegar.

How to replace rice vinegar or how to prepare it at home - that’s what my article today will be about.


Special sushi rice can be replaced with regular round grain rice. In no case do we use steamed varieties or rice in bags. They make a nice side dish, but not a sticky rice mass for rolls.

Proportions of water for cooking 1 cup of rice:

  • Rice pre-soaked for 1-2 hours - 1:1;
  • Dry rice grain - 1.5 cups of water: 1 cup of water.

After the water boils (it will take about 10 minutes), reduce the heat and cook for 15 minutes. It is advisable not to lift the lid. After the time has passed, turn off the heat and let the porridge brew for 20-25 minutes, opening the lid.

Add the dressing to the rice when both the dressing and the rice have cooled a little.

Rice vinegar

This ingredient can rarely be found on the shelves of regular stores due to its high cost.
Or maybe there are no specialized stores in your small town or you rarely go to huge supermarkets? Then the question of replacing such vinegar will immediately arise when you first want to cook exotic dish.

In such cases, our housewives have learned to replace rice vinegar and generously share recipes on forums or blogs. True, the taste of cooked rice will be slightly different, but we are just learning and may the Japanese forgive us!

Alternative dressing for rice

For cooking alternative filling For rice, we may need apple, wine or grape white vinegar. These types vinegar essence Quite accessible and inexpensive compared to rice.

We use red grape vinegar

Second name - vinegar. Contraindications to its use may be increased stomach acidity or an allergy to grapes.

Very often at home, old red wine is used instead of wine vinegar.

Place the prepared ingredients in enamel dishes and bring to a boil. The dressing should not boil. A sign of readiness is the complete dissolution of sugar and salt.

✔ Apple cider vinegar

This type of vinegar essence is one of the highest quality, having behind it big list useful properties. It is obtained by fermenting sweet apples and apple wine, which makes its taste much softer than ordinary table vinegar.

Preparation is similar to the previous recipe. Readiness is also determined by the dissolution of dry substances.

White grape vinegar

If there are no contraindications to the use of vinegar, then you can try regular table vinegar 6% or white wine. The cooking recipe is similar to the one where red grape tincture was used.

You can also combine vinegar with soy sauce, which will add a special twist to the soak.

Heat all ingredients until sugar dissolves.

Using lemon juice

A good option Use lemon juice to soak the rice. The fact is that rice vinegar has a very soft taste, which is difficult to reproduce. Lemon juice diluted with a small amount sugar, may well replace it. Very rarely can anyone tell the difference in taste.

  • 2 tbsp. l. boiled warm water
  • 2 tbsp. lemon juice
  • 1 tsp. Sahara
  • 0.5 tsp salt

Mix everything until the sugar and salt dissolve. Under no circumstances let the mixture boil.

If there is nori

If you have seaweed in the kitchen (just not kelp, otherwise you'll end up with a bitter-tasting dressing), you can get an almost Japanese version of the dressing.

  • 2.5 tbsp. l. any vinegar (table, wine, apple)
  • 2.5 tbsp. Sahara
  • 0.5 tsp salt
  • 1 sheet of nori

Heat all ingredients except seaweed until dissolved and only then add nori. You can take more seaweed - instead of one sheet 2. Chop the seaweed and beat the mixture until smooth.

What not to use

Experienced Chefs for the preparation of rice vinegar is strictly against using balsamic vinegar. The latter has a bright, specific taste, infused with a bouquet of herbs. It is completely capable of changing the taste of rice, which should have just a hint of sourness.

We use 9% or 6% table vinegars, which are familiar to our kitchens, only as a last resort.

Homemade Rice Vinegar

If you have already learned how to cook sushi at home and have decided that it will become a frequent guest on your menu, you should not use substitute dressings. I suggest making a dressing for rice for future use.

To prepare real rice vinegar at home, we need:

  • 1 cup short grain rice
  • 250 ml water
  • 4 tbsp. Sahara
  • Dry yeast - 1/3 teaspoon

Pour the rice into a tray or liter glass container and fill with water.
Let it sit for 4 hours at room temperature, then put it in the refrigerator overnight.

In the morning, without squeezing out the swollen rice, strain it through a clean cloth. The solution should be a glass, if it is less, add warm boiled water to the full capacity.
Add sugar to the resulting solution and dissolve it, stirring everything with a wooden spoon.

Place rice syrup on water bath for 20 minutes. We count down the time from the moment when the water under the syrup boils.

Cool the solution, add yeast and let it ferment in glass jar for a week. Cover the top of the container with clean gauze, thereby allowing access to air, which is necessary for the vital activity of yeast bacteria.

After the solution stops bubbling (the fermentation process is complete), let the rice-sugar solution brew for another month.

After the specified time, filter the resulting mixture again through cheesecloth and boil. Don't be alarmed if the vinegar turns out cloudy - this is its normal condition. If you wish, you can lighten the solution by adding whipped water to it while boiling. egg white.

The clarification process will require another filtration, after which we pour the homemade rice vinegar into a dark glass bottle and store it in the refrigerator.

How to Add Rice Vinegar to Cooked Rice

After we've made the dressing for the rice and cooked the rice, it's time to combine them. How to do it right?

  • In order to combine the dressing and rice, use a wooden spoon and utensils.
  • Place the rice in wooden tub, pour in the dressing and stir with a wooden spatula or spoon.
  • Mix carefully, moving the top layer of rice down. Intense stirring will turn the rice into an incomprehensible mess.

After preparing the rice and seasoning, you can start preparing the rolls. And the story about how to wrap sushi and what to use for the filling is the topic of a completely different article.

I hope this collection of secrets for cooking rice and rice vinegar will help you make sushi successfully.
Even if you have to replace rare ingredients, let your rolls please your household and become the next conquered peak of culinary art!

Japanese cuisine based on rice and fish appeared on Russian tables not so long ago, but has already firmly won its place. Many people do not rush to restaurants for overseas treats, preferring to cook them at home. An important component in making sushi and rolls is rice vinegar. Unfortunately, not every locality in the country can easily find this ingredient. How to replace rice vinegar - read the article below.

Is it possible to cook Japanese dishes without rice vinegar?

Rice vinegar is a rare and rather expensive product, so many people mastering Japanese cuisine ask the question: “Is it possible to exclude the ingredient from the recipe?” The answer to this question is negative, because vinegar is not needed to make rice sticky.

This ingredient serves to give the dish a certain taste, and without it the zest is lost. Japanese dishes. Vinegar contains wine, which is why it complements unleavened rice.

In addition, the product has antiseptic properties when working with raw fish this is extremely important. The taste of rice vinegar is mild compared to other types of vinegar, so it began to be included in dishes European cuisine.

How to make vinegar yourself?

For one reason or another, not all housewives can afford to purchase this product of Japanese cuisine. Therefore, they are faced with the question: “How to replace rice vinegar at home?” Or maybe we won’t replace it, but just prepare it ourselves? The product will turn out natural, and the taste will be difficult to distinguish from the original. But keep in mind that making vinegar with your own hands will take a lot of time and effort. You can only use glass containers and mix the ingredients only with wooden utensils.

So, the algorithm is as follows:

  • Rinse 300 grams several times, add water and close the lid for 4 hours.
  • Then place the dishes in the refrigerator overnight.
  • In the morning, strain the rice through cheesecloth so that you are left with rice water. Pour a glass of sugar into it and mix thoroughly.

Boil the resulting solution for half an hour in a water bath, then leave to cool.

We continue to prepare vinegar at home

Pour the cooled solution into a glass container and add yeast to it (follow the instructions on the package). The vinegar should ferment for a week. Then it is poured into another jar, and its neck is bandaged with sterile gauze. The vinegar should ferment in a dark place for another two months. Finished product strain, boil and pour into smaller containers for convenient storage and use.

Now you know how to replace rice vinegar without extra financial costs. By the way, to make the solution less cloudy before boiling (after fermentation), you can add egg white to it.

The result is homemade soft and pleasant rice vinegar with a subtle aroma and sweetish taste.

What can I replace it with if I don’t want to spend so much time making it? Here interesting option: Mix a tablespoon of sugar and apple cider vinegar, two tablespoons of water and a little salt. Heat, but do not bring to a boil. This dressing will be sharper and more sour than the original, but still quite good. Or mix 4 tablespoons of wine vinegar, 3 tablespoons of sugar and salt. Prepare as before.

Homemade dressing with nori seaweed

Not every housewife knows how to replace rice vinegar, but there are many ways. One of them is the use of nori seaweed. Take 2.5 tbsp. spoons of wine vinegar, 2.5 tbsp. spoons of sugar, a little salt. Heat all ingredients in a saucepan until salt and sugar dissolve. Then shred the nori sheet, add it to the pan and whisk lightly. You can add a little here orange zest or dried seaweed.

Can ginger pickle be substituted for rice vinegar? Yes!

He has sweet and sour taste and goes well with rice. Lemon will also help: 2 tbsp. spoons of citrus juice, 2 tbsp. spoons of water, half a tbsp. Mix spoons of sugar and two pinches of salt and heat. Of course, such sauces differ from real rice vinegar, but in no case will they spoil your dish.

When thinking about the question of how to replace rice vinegar, it is better to focus on the first option - home gas station. But other proposed sauces will also interestingly highlight the taste of boiled rice.

What can not be substituted for rice vinegar?

Masters of Japanese cuisine under no circumstances recommend trying to replace rice vinegar with balsamic vinegar! To prepare the last product, use spices, which does not go well with unleavened rice and raw fish. If you use balsamic dressing, then instead of a slight sour taste you will get a real spicy aroma, overwhelming the main taste of the dish.

You should not use strong 9% vinegar to make sauces for cooking rice. The sushi will be too sour and will smell like vinegar.

Many sushi experts do not recommend replacing rice vinegar with any analogues, but this is a controversial issue. Strict adherence to proportions and selection of products for making dressings make it possible to create wonderful and inexpensive analogues of a rare component of Japanese cuisine. It remains to use them skillfully and not to overdo it with the quantity.

Rice vinegar was first prepared more than two thousand years ago in China. In the 3-4 centuries BC, it appeared in Japan, from where it began to spread to other countries of the world. It was used as a seasoning for rice and was very expensive, so it was only available to the nobility. Since the 16th century, the sauce began to spread to the masses.

In Japan, its history is inextricably linked with sushi. According to traditions, they were prepared as follows: the fish was cut into pieces, sprinkled with salt and mixed with rice. Under the action of enzymes, the cereal released lactic acid. She canned the whole mass, gave it a sour taste and allowed the sushi to be stored for up to a year.

Rice sauce has a milder flavor than other types of vinegars. Its popularity is explained not only by its mild taste, but also by its antibacterial properties.

Rice Vinegar Recipe

Making it yourself is not easy, however, the result will please even gourmets. Taste homemade sauce almost perfectly replicates the taste of the original.


  • white round rice,
  • yeast,
  • sugar,
  • egg white.


  1. First you need to soak the rice in a sealed container for 4 hours, then put it in the refrigerator overnight.
  2. In the morning, strain everything through cheesecloth, but do not squeeze.
  3. For 250 ml rice water you need to add 0.5 cups of sugar, stir it thoroughly until dissolved.
  4. Next, cook the mixture for 20 minutes in a water bath. Cool and pour into a jar.
  5. Add a quarter tablespoon of yeast per liter of liquid. Leave the mixture to ferment for 4-6 days.
  6. When the bubbles completely disappear, you need to pour the mixture into a new clean jar and let it brew for another month.
  7. After the expiration date, the mixture must be strained again and boiled before pouring into vessels. You can add beaten egg whites before boiling to remove any cloudiness.
  8. Strain and bottle.

How to replace rice vinegar

  • For 4 tablespoons of grape vinegar, take a teaspoon of salt and three teaspoons of sugar. Place on the fire and cook until the sugar dissolves. The mixture should not boil. Cool.
  • Mix a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with a teaspoon of sugar, half a teaspoon of salt and 1.5 tablespoons hot water. Wait until the salt and sugar dissolve. Then you can add the mixture to the rice.
  • Mix 50 ml 6% regular vinegar, 50 ml soy sauce, 20 g sugar until the latter is completely dissolved. Instead of the usual one, you can use a white wine or apple equivalent.
  • Squeeze lemon juice and add a little sugar to it.

Some people have concerns that alternative recipes can spoil the taste of finished sushi. If you do not overdo it with the amount of sugar and salt, the difference will not be noticeable.

Making sushi

To prepare sushi with rice vinegar, follow these rules:

  1. First, warm rice is placed in a wooden bowl and poured over with sauce.
  2. Then mix with a wooden spatula, carefully moving the top layers down and vice versa. This procedure helps to thoroughly soak the mass and cool it.
  3. When the rice has completely cooled, you can prepare rolls and sushi.

Happy experimenting and bon appetit!

Japanese cuisine is increasingly winning the hearts of the Slavs. Many lovers of sushi and rolls from time to time visit restaurants that serve these dishes, while others cook delicious snacks Houses. Nowadays there is no shortage of anything - it is easy to find in supermarkets necessary ingredients for sushi – rice, vinegar, nori and other Japanese “stuff”. But what to do if you start preparing rolls or sushi and find that there is no rice vinegar in the house? I wish I could replace it! But with what? Maybe you can do it yourself?

What is rice vinegar?

This is a traditional Japanese seasoning that is used on almost every table, giving dishes a pleasant soft sweet and sour taste. It is made from varieties of glutinous rice grains. In general, there are no less three varieties rice vinegar, they differ not only in color, but also in the degree of richness of taste.

How to replace rice vinegar at home?

If Japanese seasoning If you couldn’t find it in the store, you can get out of the situation by using the products you have at home. Let's look at a few options that can help you out in this situation.

1. If there is grape vinegar in the house, then the problem can be considered solved. Even the most notorious gourmet will not always notice the substitution. So, take 80 ml of grape vinegar, pour it into an enamel bowl, turn on the most small fire. Add sugar (6 tablespoons) and salt (2 level teaspoons) to the liquid. Stir the marinade while heating until the ingredients are completely dissolved, but do not let the liquid come to a boil. After cooling, the product can be used.

2. We will consider the second option, which can help out a cook in the absence of a traditional Japanese marinade. Pour 30 ml of boiling water into a glass, dissolve 3 tsp in it. sugar and 2 tsp. salt. When the liquid has cooled slightly, pour in 20 ml of apple cider vinegar and stir the marinade.

3. If you have soy sauce and ordinary vinegar with an acid concentration of 6%, then mix both ingredients, taking 25 ml of each. Add 10 g of granulated sugar to the liquid and dissolve it.

4. If you have absolutely nothing at hand except lemon, then that’s not a big deal. Squeeze 40 ml of citrus juice, dilute with the same amount warm water, add 10 g of sugar and 5 g of salt, dissolve the bulk ingredients well.

As you can see, you can replace vinegar available ingredients and it’s very easy to do, but if you prepare sushi and rolls often, then why not make a natural Japanese marinade from rice for future use? Want to know his recipe?

Rice vinegar - cooking at home

Ingredients that we will need: round rice - 200 g; water (it is better to take boiled and cooled water) – 250 ml; dry yeast (on the tip of a knife); granulated sugar– 100 g.

So, you will need a glass container into which you should pour water and place the rice grains there. Leave it to steep in the room for 4 hours, then move the bowl to the refrigerator for another 12 hours. During this time, the rice will give up all its astringents to the water and delicate aroma. In this case, the liquid will lose transparency. After waiting the required time, strain the infusion through a clean cloth. As a result, you should drain about 250 ml of rice water. If it's a little less, just add more required quantity water.

Now we need to build a water bath and put our future rice vinegar in it to simmer, adding granulated sugar to it. After the water boils in the lower container, time it for 20 minutes. congee Stir until the sugar grains are completely dissolved. After 20 minutes, remove the liquid from the heat and leave to cool. When the broth has cooled completely, pour it into a clean jar and add yeast. Then the container must be covered with a layer of gauze.

The fermentation process will take place within 6-7 days; the participation of a cook will not be needed here for now. After a week, check if there are no more air bubbles on the surface of the liquid, then fermentation is completely completed. Cover the jar with a lid and leave in a dark place for 3-4 weeks. After the specified time, the rice vinegar must be filtered and brought to a boil. When it cools down, the product is ready to eat.

Now you have no questions left regarding what to replace rice vinegar with at home, because there are actually many options. But to avoid such problems, you should prepare homemade rice vinegar. It may take a lot of time, but it will be at your disposal natural product, and you won’t have to pay dearly for it. Believe me, no one can tell the difference between a rice substitute for sushi. homemade from store-bought sauce.

Many sushi and rolls of traditional Asian cuisine include three main ingredients, the rest are changed, giving an indescribable taste - they are removed, added... In Japanese cuisine, rice, rice vinegar and nori seaweed (another name is kombu) always remain. The disadvantage of the listed constant components is their high price. Therefore, if desired, it can be replaced with more economical analogues.

What is unique about rice vinegar?

Traditionally, rice vinegar is made from rice wine or fermented brown rice(sometimes black is also used). It has a pleasant mild taste, which it imparts to the dishes in which it is included. The difficulty with replacement arises in the fact that such a mild taste and slightly sweetish aftertaste is difficult to reproduce, so another vinegar will need to be mixed with water, salt, sugar or soy sauce. Vinegar infused with rice gives dishes only a slight, barely noticeable sourness. Rice-based vinegar is a dietary seasoning, which is why it is so common in the preparation of many dishes not only of Far Eastern Asian, but also European cuisine. It is added to cold and warm salads, soups, sauces, as well as in marinades, Japanese and Chinese noodles, hot dishes and, of course, rolls and sushi - he is natural preservative for raw fish.

Rice-based vinegar goes well with many dishes

How is it different from other types of vinegar?

Firstly, it is not so “caustic” and does not harm the gastric mucosa; there are no contraindications for its use in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Secondly, the most important property rice vinegar is able to reduce the calorie content of foods to which it is added, as well as promote proper metabolism.

And thirdly, rice vinegar contains the most a large number of amino acids, there are 20 of them! They fight against waste and toxins in the body.

Rice vinegar is a dietary product

What can you replace rice vinegar with?

There are several replacement options, these include pure vinegars (wine and apple) and various dressings based on them. Let's consider all our possibilities. So, to replace rice vinegar, the following are suitable:

  • Table vinegar 6%;
  • Ginger marinade;
  • White wine vinegar;
  • Vinegar essence 70%;
  • Various refills.

Red wine vinegar can be used to replace rice vinegar as in pure form, and at the base of gas stations

Pure vinegars change taste when replaced ready-made dish, it turns out to be somewhat sharper and sour, not as pleasant as when using rice vinegar. In addition, they impart a sour smell.

As for vinegar essence 70%, it has a very strong acid, and in order to replace rice vinegar with it, you must first dilute it with water in proportions specific for each level of vinegar concentration. For example, to get 6% vinegar from it, which can already replace rice vinegar, you need 1 tbsp. Add 12 tbsp to a spoonful of essence. spoons of water.

You should not replace rice vinegar with balsamic vinegar, as it is too spicy and overpowers the taste of fish, rice, and other ingredients of the dish. Also cannot be taken for replacement. table vinegar 9%, it will give too sour taste.

What is the concentration of the product? Is it diluted?

Each vinegar has its own concentration, some have more acetic acid, somewhere - less. The concentration of rice vinegar is 3%, apple vinegar is 4–5%, wine vinegar is 4%, 6% and 9%. Acetic acid solution - essence has a concentration of 70%.

For some recipes you need to change the concentration of vinegar by diluting it clean water. For this, there are special online vinegar concentration calculators; they can be found on the Internet. For each starting vinegar and the desired result, there are different proportions. For example, in order to obtain 9% vinegar from 70% vinegar essence, we dilute 1 part vinegar to 7 parts water.

How to get 6% from 9%

Most often, 9% vinegar is diluted to 6%. So, to change the concentration, you need to dilute 9% vinegar with water in the following proportions: 2 parts of the existing vinegar and 1 part of water, that is, for 2 glasses of 9% vinegar, take 1 glass of water, dilute it, and in the end we get 3 glasses of 6% vinegar.

How to make vinegar dressings

When preparing Japanese dishes, some housewives replace rice vinegar not with pure vinegar from other materials, but with vinegar-based dressings. Here are the recipes for some of them:

Red grape vinegar dressing

  1. Mix 4 tbsp. spoons of wine vinegar, 3 teaspoons of sugar and 1 teaspoon of salt;
  2. Bring to a boil, but be careful not to let it boil.

With apple

  1. 1 tbsp. mix a spoonful of apple cider vinegar with 1 tbsp. a spoonful of clean water (preferably warm or at least at room temperature), add 3 teaspoons of sugar and 1 teaspoon of salt;
  2. Let's bring to a boil. Just like in the previous version, do not boil.


  1. 2.5 tbsp. Mix tablespoons of table or white wine vinegar with 2.5 tbsp. spoons of soy sauce, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar;
  2. Boil. You can add spices and sesame seeds.


  1. 2 tbsp. Mix spoons of lemon juice with 2 tbsp. spoons of warm water, add 1 teaspoon of sugar, 1/2 teaspoon of salt;
  2. This dressing does not need to be heated or brought to a boil. After dissolving the salt and sugar, it is ready.

Many people cannot distinguish the lemon dressing in Japanese dishes from real rice vinegar, which means that this substitute does its job perfectly.

Green with algae

  1. You can use 1 sheet of nori or 2 sheets of other seaweed; do not use kelp, as it gives an unpleasant bitterness;
  2. Let's take 2.5 tbsp. spoons of any vinegar (you can use apple or wine), 2.5 tbsp. spoons of sugar, 1/2 teaspoon of salt;
  3. Heat everything until the sugar and salt dissolve;
  4. Grind the seaweed, add it to the vinegar mixture and whisk everything until smooth.

You can also use seaweed to make a dressing that replaces rice vinegar.

It will be as close as possible to the properties of real rice vinegar. homemade vinegar from rice. Of course, it takes a lot of time:

  1. 1 cup washed round grain rice pour into a deep glass dish;
  2. Fill with clean water (you will need 250 ml, a glass and a quarter glass);
  3. Leave the soaked rice at room temperature for 4 hours, then place it in the refrigerator for more for a long time, for example, night;
  4. Strain the rice through cheesecloth or other clean cloth (do not wring it out first), the output is 200 ml of liquid, if less, add more boiled water up to a glass;
  5. Pour 4 tbsp into the resulting liquid. spoons of sugar, let it dissolve, stirring with a wooden spoon (this is important condition) spoon;
  6. Place this rice-sugar solution in a water bath; as soon as the water underneath it begins to boil, count down 20 minutes;
  7. Remove from the water bath and let cool;
  8. Add 1/3 teaspoon of dry yeast, mix;
  9. Leave the solution in a glass jar for a week to ferment. The jar should not be closed, but the top should be covered with clean gauze - it provides air access and protects from dust and other unnecessary substances;
  10. After a week, the solution stops fermenting and bubbling, which means that the sugar has almost completely turned into alcohol, we leave it to settle for another month;
  11. After the specified period has passed, drain the solution through cheesecloth and boil;
  12. Cool, pour into a dark glass bottle - rice vinegar does not like light, and put in the refrigerator;
  13. Rice vinegar is ready.

Cloudiness in Homemade Rice Vinegar Can Be Easily Eliminated

The drained solution may appear cloudy, but this does not mean you did anything wrong. You can lighten it by adding 1 fresh beaten egg white when boiling. chicken egg. After this, it is better to drain the solution again through gauze.

Rice vinegar is used in Asian cuisine, primarily for sushi and rolls. Is it possible to simply omit this ingredient from the recipe? We answer: no, without it there is absolutely no way. Rice vinegar serves as a kind of bonding agent - it helps the rice stick to the nori seaweed in which it is wrapped, but prevents them from sticking together. Therefore, we either replace it, or prepare it at home ourselves, or buy the original product.

Rice vinegar is a necessary element in making rolls

How to replace the product when marinating

As you know, rice vinegar is also used for marinade. For example, it is present in the ginger marinade. To replace, prepare the following dressing (we get 1/3 cup at the end):

  1. Dilute apple (5%) or wine (6%, 9%) vinegar with water to a concentration level of 4%. If we take 6% wine vinegar, the proportions will be as follows: for 3 tbsp. spoons 6% vinegar you need 1.5 tbsp. spoons of water;
  2. Add 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar and 1.5 teaspoons of salt;
  3. Bring to a boil.

Substitution in rolls and sushi

You can use any of the listed dressings; the choice of one or another substitute depends only on the remaining ingredients included in the dish. You won’t add green dressing with seaweed to sweet rolls, but lemon dressing it will come in handy.
