Salad of green tomatoes and peppers for the winter. Salad of green tomatoes and bell peppers for the winter. Recipe with step-by-step photos

It is not known who first came up with the idea of ​​making green tomato salad for the winter, but the idea deserves respect. And the point is not even that in this way you can save the harvest if you have to harvest it ahead of time due to tomato diseases. The main thing is that green tomato snacks have a unique spicy taste, which depends on the selected recipe. And the palette of these tastes is extremely rich.

How to make green tomato salad

Green tomato salad will be a success if you take a few things into account.

  • Not all green tomatoes are suitable for canning, but only those that have not been spoiled by disease. For this reason, the tomatoes should not only be washed, but also sorted, and when cutting them, you should be careful to ensure that they do not turn black inside.
  • The risk of stocking up on spoiled tomatoes for canning is high if you buy them at the market. However, green tomatoes are rarely sold there, and they are certainly not sold in supermarkets. It is best to grow tomatoes yourself or ask relatives and friends. Some people specially grow tomatoes so that they can be picked while they are still green and used to make a salad for the winter.
  • You need to cut tomatoes with a sharp knife so that the juice does not leak out of them. It is best to use a special citrus knife, which resembles a saw with fine teeth.
  • Canning jars must be sterilized. Lids must also undergo appropriate processing, such as boiling.

Taste ready-made snacks will largely depend on what foods and spices are included in addition to green tomatoes. The more components, the more interesting taste. But many prefer simple salads, preferring that the dominant flavor be determined by green tomatoes rather than other vegetables.

Danube salad

  • green tomatoes – 1.5 kg;
  • carrots – 0.75 kg;
  • onion– 0.75 kg;
  • vegetable oil– 0.15 l;
  • table vinegar (9-%) – 50 ml;
  • granulated sugar– 60 g;
  • salt – 50 g;
  • laurel leaves – 3 pcs.;
  • black peppercorns – 15 pcs.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the tomatoes, remove the stems, cut the tomatoes into large slices, cutting each into 4-8 pieces depending on size.
  • Wash, peel and coarsely grate the carrots.
  • Peel the onion and cut into half rings, not too thin.
  • Mix all the vegetables in one container and, adding salt, leave for 4 hours.
  • After the specified time, put it in vegetable mixture spices, add granulated sugar, pour in oil, vinegar.
  • Place the pot of vegetables on the stove and simmer over low heat, stirring occasionally, for 60 minutes.
  • Place the salad in sterilized jars and pour over the sauce remaining at the bottom of the pan.
  • Close the jars hermetically: roll up using a special key or screw metal lids"twist-off".
  • Turn them over onto the lids and wrap them in a warm blanket. Once cooled, store until winter.

This is the most common green tomato salad recipe, which requires a minimum of ingredients.

Green tomato salad with bell pepper

  • green tomatoes – 2.5 kg;
  • carrots – 0.5 kg;
  • onions – 0.5 kg;
  • bell pepper – 0.5 kg;
  • table vinegar (9-%) – 50 ml;
  • vegetable oil – 100 ml;
  • sugar – 50 g;
  • salt – 50 g.

Cooking method:

  • Wash, remove stems and cut the tomatoes into large cubes.
  • Cut the peeled and washed carrots into slices about 2–3 mm thick.
  • Cut the peeled onion into rings or half rings of the same thickness.
  • Wash the pepper, remove the seeds, cut it into small squares.
  • Mix all the vegetables, add salt and leave for 6 hours.
  • After this time, pour vinegar, oil, and sugar into the pan with vegetables.
  • Place the pan on the fire, bring vegetable mix until boiling, cook over low heat, stirring frequently, for half an hour.
  • Place the salad in sterilized jars and roll up.

This recipe for making tomato salad for the winter is also quite common. It turns out especially beautiful if the bell pepper is red.

Green tomato salad with cabbage

  • green tomatoes – 0.6 kg;
  • cucumbers – 0.8 kg;
  • white cabbage – 0.6 kg;
  • carrots – 0.3 kg;
  • onions – 0.3 kg;
  • garlic – 4 cloves;
  • table vinegar – 30 ml;
  • vegetable oil – 120 ml,
  • salt – 40 g.

Cooking method:

  • Cut the tomatoes into small cubes.
  • Finely chop the cabbage.
  • Cut the carrots into strips or grate them Korean salads.
  • Cut the onion into thin half rings.
  • Pass the garlic through the garlic press.
  • Peel the cucumbers and cut into strips. Choose ones that are not overgrown, as large seeds in cucumbers will spoil them. organoleptic qualities ready-made dish and him appearance.
  • Mix the vegetables, crush the cabbage a little with your hands, add salt and leave for a couple of hours.
  • When the vegetables give juice, put the pan on the fire, pouring vinegar and oil into it.
  • Cook the vegetables for 40–50 minutes until they are completely soft.
  • Place the salad in jars, cover with lids, but do not roll up - the salad requires sterilization.
  • Lay a towel on the bottom of a large saucepan, place the jars on it, pour in water so that it reaches at least half of the jars. It is important that the jars are the same size.
  • Turn on the heat and sterilize the jars for 10-12 minutes.
  • Remove the jars from the pan and roll them up.

This salad will appeal to those who love sauerkraut, although it has a peculiar taste.

Green tomato salad with eggplant

  • eggplants – 1 kg;
  • green tomatoes – 1 kg;
  • bell pepper – 1 kg;
  • onions – 0.5 kg;
  • burning Bell pepper– 100 g;
  • salt – 40 g;
  • water – 1 l;
  • table vinegar – 60 ml;
  • vegetable oil - how much will be needed.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the eggplants and cut into discs.
  • Place the eggplants in water (1 liter), dissolving a tablespoon of salt in it. After 15 minutes, rinse and dry.
  • Fry the eggplants on both sides large quantities butter, place in a separate dish.
  • Cut green tomatoes into circles, bell peppers and onions into half rings, and hot peppers into small rings.
  • Fry all the remaining vegetables in oil, simmer covered for 40 minutes, 5 minutes before turning off the heat, add salt and vinegar.
  • Layer the vegetable mixture and eggplants in the jars.
  • Sterilize the jars with the snack for 20 minutes and roll up.

It turns out in moderation spicy snack, which some call “Cobra” for its appearance, although this name has already been assigned to another green tomato salad, which is made without eggplant, but with garlic and a significant amount hot pepper.

Salad "Cobra"

  • green tomatoes – 2.5 kg;
  • garlic – 3 heads;
  • hot red pepper – 150–200 g;
  • table vinegar (9-%) – 50 ml;
  • fresh parsley – 100 g;
  • sugar – 60 g;
  • salt – 60 g.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the pepper, remove the seeds, chop it as finely as you can.
  • Pass the peeled garlic cloves through a press.
  • Finely chop the parsley.
  • Cut green tomatoes into slices.
  • Place all the vegetables in a saucepan, add salt, sugar and stir thoroughly until the salt and sugar are completely dissolved.
  • Mix vegetables with vinegar.
  • Sterilize the jars, fill them as tightly as possible with prepared vegetables, so that they reach the edge - during subsequent sterilization they will “shrink”.
  • Sterilize jars of snacks for 20 minutes. Cap, wrap and let cool completely in a warm place. Store in a closet or other room.

The appetizer turns out to be very spicy, “biting”.

Salad of green tomatoes with apples

  • green tomatoes – 1.5 kg;
  • bell pepper – 0.5 kg;
  • apples – 1 kg;
  • quince (optional) – 0.2 kg;
  • onions – 0.2 kg;
  • lemon – ? fruit;
  • vegetable oil – 0.25 l;
  • Apple vinegar– 125 ml;
  • salt – 40 g;
  • sugar – 50 g;
  • garlic – 5 cloves;
  • Bay leaf- 5 pieces.;
  • dried basil – 5 g;
  • cloves – 5 pcs.;
  • hot pepper (capsicum) – 50 g.

Cooking method:

  • Cut the washed tomatoes into slices.
  • Remove the core from the fruit, cut them into slices, and sprinkle with lemon juice.
  • After peeling, cut the onion and pepper into half rings.
  • Mix the vegetables, salt them, add sugar, and leave for half an hour.
  • Combine fruits and vegetables, pour oil, vinegar into this mixture, add spices.
  • Cook for 15 minutes after the mixture comes to a boil.
  • Cut the garlic into slices and add to the vegetables.
  • Cook for another 5 minutes.
  • Divide the salad into jars, but do not seal the jars yet.
  • Sterilize the jars filled with the snack for 20 minutes.
  • Roll up the jars, turn them over, cover with warm clothes until cool. Put it on the shelf until winter.

The salad has a spicy sweet and sour taste.

Green tomato caviar

  • green tomatoes – 1.5 kg;
  • onions – 0.5 kg;
  • carrots – 0.5 kg;
  • bell pepper – 0.25 kg;
  • hot capsicum – 100 g;
  • sugar – 60 g;
  • salt – 40 g;
  • vegetable oil – 100 ml;
  • table vinegar – 10 ml per 1 liter jar.

Cooking method:

  • Peel and cut all vegetables big pieces and turn through a meat grinder.
  • Pour salt, sugar into the vegetable mixture, add oil and leave covered for 6 hours.
  • Place on the fire, wait until it boils and cook, stirring, for 40 minutes.
  • Place into sterilized jars. Pour vinegar into each. Roll up, turn upside down, cover with a blanket. After a day, the jars can be moved to the place where they are planned to be stored in the winter.

Caviar from green tomatoes can be spread on bread - you get delicious juicy sandwiches. Another option is to serve it as part of a complex side dish.

For the winter you can prepare the most various salads from green tomatoes. Among them there are hot, sweet and sour, spicy. They all have unique taste and few people are left indifferent.

Not ripe tomatoes can't boast about their taste qualities. But if you cook canned green tomatoes for the winter, according to proven recipes - it’s delicious and flavorful snack in winter. Green tomatoes will become a great addition daily meals, and savory snack on the festive table.

We present to your attention 5 proven recipes for preparing green tomatoes for the winter: stuffed green tomatoes, recipe for pickled green tomatoes, winter salad of green tomatoes, green tomatoes with bell peppers, recipe for canned green tomatoes with carrots.

Stuffed green tomatoes

Preparing tomatoes for this recipe takes time, but the result will exceed all expectations.

Ingredients: green tomatoes - 1 kg, hot pepper - 2 pods (to taste), parsley, dill, celery, cilantro - 200 g, salt - 1 tbsp. l., garlic – 50 g., dried dill– 50 g.


Wash the tomatoes under running water and dry slightly. Cut the tomatoes crosswise from the side where the fruit seals, but do not cut all the way through. The second side must remain intact so that you can put the filling.

Preparing the filling: Finely chop the greens, grate the garlic, grind the hot pepper in a blender. Mix everything well, adding salt.

Now you can stuff green tomatoes(one tomato will require approximately 1 tbsp of filling). To prevent tomatoes from falling apart, you can tie them with thread.

Laying it down stuffed tomatoes tightly in rows in a jar. Place dried dill on top.

Press the tomatoes down with a wooden or plastic mug with oppression for 5 days. After this, the green tomatoes are ready to eat. Seal the jars with lids and place in a cool, dry place.

If you want to close it for the winter, fill the tomatoes with brine consisting of 2 tbsp. l salt and 30 ml. vinegar per 1 liter of water.

Green tomatoes pickled for the winter

If you have any green tomatoes left in your garden, be sure to prepare delicious snack for the winter - pickled green tomatoes in oil.

Ingredients: green cherry tomatoes – 1.5 kg, large sea ​​salt 300 g., Wine 6% or apple cider vinegar - 700 ml., Olive oil - 500 ml., Dried hot red pepper, oregano.


Wash the tomatoes, remove the stems. For this recipe, you can use any tomatoes, not just cherry ones.

Cut the tomatoes in half and add salt and mix. Leave in this state for 6 hours.

After the time has passed, drain the resulting liquid and leave the tomatoes to stand for another 2 hours.

Place the tomatoes in a saucepan and add vinegar and leave for 12 hours.

Drain off the juice again and place the tomatoes on a paper towel to dry.

Prepare glass jars: wash, sterilize. Place green tomatoes in jars, sprinkle with hot pepper and oregano. Fill the jars olive oil so that there is no air left.

Close with sterile metal lids. After a month, pickled green tomatoes are ready to eat.

Green tomato salad for the winter

A tasty preparation - green tomato salad, will diversify your diet in winter. The salad is easy to prepare and very tasty.

Ingredients: green tomatoes – 700 g, onions – 350 g, carrots – 350 g, vinegar 9% – 75 ml, vegetable oil – 75 ml, salt – 25 g, sugar – 75 g, bay leaf – 1 pc., black peppercorns – 5-7 pcs.


Wash and dry green tomatoes. Cut the tomatoes into four to six pieces, it all depends on the size.

Peel the onion and cut into thin half rings or rings. Add onions to tomatoes.

Peel and wash the carrots. Grate on a medium grater or a Korean salad grater. Add carrots to vegetables.

Add sugar, salt, mix. Leave the vegetables for 2 hours.

Now we add the remaining ingredients according to the recipe to our standing vegetables - oil, vinegar, peppercorns, bay leaf.

Transfer everything into a saucepan and simmer the salad under the lid over low heat for 20 minutes.

Place the prepared salad in sterile jars and roll up the lids. Turn the jar upside down and cover with a blanket until it cools completely.

After a day, remove the jars of green tomato salad to a permanent storage location until winter.

Green tomatoes with bell peppers

A flavorful appetizer made from green tomatoes and bell pepper for the winter. The amount of bell pepper and garlic can be adjusted to your taste.

Green tomatoes – 600 g, red bell pepper – 1 pc., peppercorns – 3-4 pcs., cloves – 2 pcs., garlic – 3-4 cloves, bay leaf – 1 pc.

Marinade for 1 liter. water: salt – 3 tbsp. l., sugar - 4 tbsp. l., vinegar 9% - 50 ml.


Sterilize jars in advance. Place peppercorns, cloves, garlic, and bay leaves in the bottom of each jar. You can add dill and parsley, if desired.

Fill the jars with small green tomatoes and sliced ​​bell peppers.

Fill the jars with boiling water to the top, cover with lids and leave for 15 minutes.

Carefully pour the water from the jars into the pan, measuring its volume for preparing the marinade.

Add sugar and salt to the water and bring to a boil. Finally add vinegar and remove from heat.

Pour the prepared marinade into jars of tomatoes and bell peppers. Roll up the lids. Turn the jars over and cover them with a blanket until they cool completely.

After a day, remove the tomatoes to a permanent storage place.

Marinated green tomatoes with carrots and garlic

Sometimes there are a lot of green tomatoes left and you don’t know what to do with them? Prepare pickled tomatoes for the winter with carrots and garlic.

Ingredients for liter jar: green tomatoes, garlic, carrots, green celery, red hot pepper.

Marinade for 1 liter of water: sugar – 1 tsp, salt – 1 tbsp. l., vinegar 9% - 1 tbsp. l., black peppercorns – 2-3 pcs., allspice – 2 pcs., cloves – 2 pcs., bay leaf, coriander – 2-3 pcs.


Select tomatoes that are approximately the same size. Prepare carrots and garlic. Cut the carrots into slices, garlic into slices. Cut the tomato in half, just not all the way, and insert a circle of carrot and a slice of garlic into the middle.

Place the finished tomatoes in sterile jars, add a sprig of celery and a piece of hot pepper (1 cm long).

Prepare the marinade by mixing all ingredients except vinegar. As the marinade boils, pour in the vinegar. Pour the prepared marinade into the jars of tomatoes and cover with sterile lids.

We put the jars to sterilize for 15 minutes, take them out and immediately roll them up.

Turn the jars over and cover with a blanket until completely cool.

Video - Spicy green tomatoes stuffed with herbs and garlic

Bon appetit in winter!

Peel the carrots and onions, remove the seeds from the bell pepper.

Three carrots on a grater for Korean carrots, cut the bell pepper into strips. Cut the onion into quarters and then finely chop.

Place green tomatoes, carrots, onions and bell peppers in a deep bowl. Add salt and mix gently.

Cover the vegetables in a bowl with a plate, place a weight on top and leave to salt for 2 hours at room temperature.

After 2 hours, pour the resulting juice from the salad into the pan. Add sugar, vegetable oil, vinegar, bay leaf and peppercorns to the juice.

Place the pan with the juice on the fire and bring the resulting marinade to a boil. Place vegetables in the boiling marinade and cook over low heat for 15-20 minutes from the moment of boiling.

Ready salad put green tomatoes, carrots and peppers into sterile jars and cover with boiled lids.

Turn the jars upside down and wrap them until they cool completely. A salad of green tomatoes and peppers is stored in an apartment without a cellar. I advise you to prepare this delicious and bright salad for the winter, I'm sure you'll like it!

Happy cooking to you, hostesses!

Almost every year, in addition to a rich harvest of ripe red tomatoes, we harvest an equally rich harvest of green tomatoes - they simply do not have time to ripen, and we have to pick them green. Many years ago, these green tomatoes were put into huge boxes and hidden somewhere under the bed, where they slowly ripened and were used mainly for salads for every day. But once on a visit I had a chance to try delicious salad from green tomatoes. Since then, green tomatoes are no longer stored in boxes in the same quantities, but are successfully preserved for the winter. Today I share with you one of the most delicious recipes- This is a winter salad made from green tomatoes, carrots and onions, and bell peppers. The recipe is not at all labor-intensive: vegetables are chopped, stewed for a while and sealed in jars. Simple, right? How delicious! Even if you don’t have your own garden, I advise you to definitely get at least a couple of kilograms of green tomatoes and roll up a few jars of this delicious, bright salad.


  • green tomatoes – 1 kg
  • carrots – 300 g,
  • onion – 300 g,
  • bell pepper – 300 g,
  • vinegar (essence) – 1.5 tbsp. l.,
  • salt – 1.5 tbsp. l.,
  • sugar – 2 tbsp. l.,
  • vegetable oil – 0.3 tbsp.,
  • mixture of peppers (pot) – 1 tsp,
  • bay leaf – 3 pcs.

Yield: 1.3-1.5 liters of salad (depending on the filling density of the jars).

How to prepare green tomato salad for the winter

Wash the green tomatoes, dry them and cut them into small slices, simultaneously getting rid of the stalk. I cut each tomato into 8 slices.

Place all the chopped tomatoes in any convenient container, add 0.5 tbsp. l. salt, mix gently, cover and leave to stand for a couple of hours. During this time, the tomatoes will get rid of their inherent green vegetables slight bitterness and they will give you juice, which will be superfluous in the finished salad.

In the meantime, you can prepare the rest of the vegetables for the salad: remove the onion skins, cut out the stalk with seeds and the white veins of the peppers, and peel the carrots using a vegetable peeler.

Chop the onion into thin half rings.

And finally, chop the carrots into long (if possible) strips. The ideal solution will use a grater for Korean carrots with medium teeth.

Mix all the prepared vegetables in one pan of a suitable size, with the expectation that the salad will be stewed in it later.

Now drain the released juice from the tomatoes and place them in a saucepan with other vegetables.

Season the salad with salt and sugar, add bay leaves and peppercorns. I used ready mixture“Five peppers”, but it can be easily replaced with black and allspice peppercorns - 8-10 pieces of each.

Add vegetable oil to the salad and place the saucepan with vegetables on a preheated stove.

Stir the salad and simmer it with the lid closed for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally so that nothing suddenly burns. The tomatoes should change color to a lighter and “warmer” color. Add vinegar to the salad, mix it and remove from the stove.

While the salad is stewing, prepare (sterilize) the jars and lids. Divide the finished salad into jars, pour a little vinegar dressing on top (some amount of juice always releases when stewing), cover with lids and sterilize for another 10 minutes, then screw on the lids. Next, we wrap the jars of salad, turn them over and leave them in the room until the morning, then you can put them away for storage. You can taste the salad within a day, and it can be stored until spring, even at room temperature. After opening the jar, store only in the refrigerator!

Salad of green tomatoes with onions, peppers and carrots, step by step recipe which we will consider will complement any dinner or lunch.


  • Green tomatoes - 2 kg.,
  • Onions - 500 gr.,
  • Carrots - 500 gr.,
  • Bell pepper - 500 gr.,
  • Salt - 2 tbsp. spoons,
  • Sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons,
  • Vinegar - 4 tbsp. spoons.
  • Sunflower oil - 100 ml.

Green tomato salad for the winter - recipe

Wash it. Cut them into several pieces. Large tomatoes can be cut into 6-8 pieces. More small tomatoes Can be cut into four pieces, and very small ones - in half. When slicing green tomatoes, we also take into account the fact that they shrink during cooking.

Wash the carrots. After peeling it, chop it on a coarse grater.

Cut the Bulgarian into cubes or thin strips (as you prefer).

Peel and cut the onion into half rings.

Prepare a pan in which you will cook green tomato salad for the winter. Place tomatoes, onions, carrots and bell peppers in it. Mix the vegetables.

IN original recipe To make this green tomato salad for the winter, you need to cover the vegetables with salt and wait 3 or more hours until they release their juice. Since you don’t always have time, you can do it differently, namely, add water to the pan with vegetables. In this case, you will save time, and it will not affect the taste of the salad at all.

Add half a cup of water to the pan with the green tomato salad. After the salad boils, it will need to be cooked for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally. After half an hour, add vinegar, salt, sugar and sunflower oil to the salad.

If desired, you can add a couple of peas of black or allspice, coriander or mustard seeds. After all the salad ingredients have been added, mix it and let it simmer over low heat for about 15 minutes.

Bye salad of green tomatoes for the winter with carrots and onions will finish cooking, you can start sterilizing the jars and lids. When ready, place it hot in a clean container. Close the jars with a seaming key. To further sterilize the salad, turn the jars over and place them on the lids. Then we cover them with a warm blanket and wait until they cool down.

Salad of green tomatoes for the winter with onions and carrots. Photo
