Blackberry jam - let's prepare a jar of vitamins! Recipes for various blackberry jams for gourmets and their health. Blackberry jam - a joy of taste, many benefits and a great mood

Blackberry, or as it was called before, " royal berry"looks like a raspberry. Healing properties black, very sweet, aromatic berries were known even before our era. More often you can find forest blackberry than a garden one. Gardeners are put off by the plant’s many thorns: picking a berry requires some effort.

Many confectioners and chefs love to use blackberries in their dishes. This is a favorite delicacy not only among adults, but also among children. It is put into baked goods, desserts, salads, cocktails, smoothies, fruit drinks and other drinks, and used as a filling for dumplings.

How to make blackberry jam for the winter?

We offer you a collection of recipes, among which you will definitely choose a method that is convenient for you.

  • The classic recipe for making blackberry jam is prepared in two ways. In one of them, the berries are poured prepared sugar syrup and leave them for 3-5 hours to infuse. Only then the jam is cooked in two steps. In the second, the berries are covered with sugar and left overnight to release the juice. Then it is boiled and canned. The ratio of berries and sugar is always the same, 1:1.
  • A favorite recipe for “high-speed” blackberry jam is a five-minute recipe. It does not require long-term heat treatment of the berries, so everything taste qualities are preserved as much as possible.
  • If the housewife has very little time that she can devote to preparing this dessert, then there is a way to cook it in a multicooker assistant.
  • One of children's favorite treats is bread with jam. To do this, it must be thick enough. For such cases, choose a simple recipe for thick blackberry jam for the winter with gelatin.
  • To preserve all the vitamins, you can make jam without cooking. Jars of it will keep well in the refrigerator.
  • Add other berries or fruits to blackberries - and its taste will completely change! For a duet with blackberries, apples, currants, pears, plums, bananas and all other fruits are suitable.
  • Just one orange or lemon will add sourness and a citrus note to the dessert. In this recipe for jam from garden blackberry for the winter you can add only citrus zest.
  • Multi-component jam will be very tasty. It is brewed from a whole bouquet of fruits and berries - raspberries, blackberries, plums and lemon.
  • Black berries go well with rose petals, watermelon rinds. For thickness, add nuts and Pine cones. There are even recipes for blackberry jam with vegetables.
  • Enhance the beneficial properties of jam and its healing effect Blackberry leaves will help. To the classic recipe, add a decoction of the leaves and 5 g of citric acid. The decoction is prepared as follows: 100 g of leaves are poured into 0.5 liters of water and boiled for 15-20 minutes.

What are the benefits of blackberry jam?

Not everyone knows that blackberries are a real storehouse of vitamins and useful substances. When cooking jam, many vitamins, organic acids, pectin, tannins and others useful elements are saved. It is only important not to overcook it and follow the cooking technology.

  • It is superior in vitamin C content to raspberries and has a diaphoretic effect. It has been noticed that if you regularly eat blackberry jam in the autumn-winter period, then viruses will bypass you. Carotene, potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus will help strengthen the immune system for adults and children. Useful substances remove toxins from the body during ARVI, alleviate the condition during high temperature. Volatile antibiotics found in blackberries act as antiseptics for the respiratory tract.
  • Blackberry dishes help prevent the development of cancer; it prevents cancer cells from multiplying in tumors.
  • Regular use " black raspberry“Prevents the development of atherosclerosis, allows you to cleanse and strengthen the walls of blood vessels, and helps improve cerebral circulation.
  • Pectin found in this black berry, removes various harmful substances, poisons, and pesticides from the body.
  • Tea with blackberry jam at night will help fight insomnia and has a positive effect on the entire nervous system.
  • Vitamin PP is necessary for normal heart function.
  • Blackberries improve metabolism and are very useful for intestinal function: they contain a lot of organic acids. Jam made from it will be useful for people suffering from intestinal disorders, as well as obesity.
  • Many people note that desserts with blackberries help improve vision. This is natural: the berry contains a large amount of vitamin A.
  • Blackberry sweetness helps cope with kidney diseases, Bladder, liver.
  • You can make blackberry desserts beautiful hair, skin, nails thanks to the bioflavonoids found in it.

Who needs to eat blackberry jam with caution?

Blackberries are a fairly strong allergen. It should be used with caution by people prone to food allergies. For children, it is introduced into the diet gradually, starting with 1 spoon.

If not everyone can enjoy fresh berries, then jam has practically no restrictions if you use it constantly, but in moderation.

People suffering from blackberry should eat blackberry products with caution. peptic ulcer and high acidity.

Is blackberry jam suitable for pregnant and nursing mothers?

Since blackberries are enriched with many vitamins, minerals, organic substances and useful microelements, then it has a beneficial effect on the body expectant mother and baby. It will also be indispensable in the period after childbirth: it will help raise hemoglobin, give strength, strengthen weakened immunity, and help normalize metabolism. However, you need to be careful, as the allergen can be passed on to the baby through the milk. You should stop eating blackberry desserts if you experience diarrhea, discomfort in the kidneys and bladder.

Blackberry jam for children

Children eat blackberry jam with great pleasure. It can be introduced as complementary food in parallel with raspberries, gooseberries and other berries. Fresh fruits can cause allergies, so it’s better to start getting acquainted with blackberries with jam. However, its seeds have an allergenic effect. For kids, it is better to choose a seedless jam recipe. The berries are rubbed through a sieve.

Is blackberry jam good for diabetes?

It is possible and even necessary. Blackberries contain glucose, fructose and sucrose. Diabetics are recommended to consume this product regularly, as it helps normalize blood sugar levels and has a good effect on metabolism.

Subtleties of making blackberry jam

How to make blackberry jam correctly?

Blackberries are a capricious berry. It happens that the jam turns out to be not exactly what you would like. That's why " the right jam"starts with choosing berries.

Too much ripe berries should not be used. All berries must be of the same degree of ripeness, otherwise the jam may then ferment. You also need to make sure that their size is approximately the same, then there will be no undercooked or overcooked berries.

Forest blackberries are usually smaller in size, while garden blackberries are larger, juicier, but less healthy. For less juicy varieties, it is better to choose recipes that add water.

Unripe blackberries can spoil the jam, making it sour.

It is advisable to use it completely fresh berries, recently collected.

  1. It is better to work with blackberries with gloves; they are an excellent dye.
  2. The blackberries are placed in a wide basin and filled with water. Let it stand for a while and sort it out, take out the leaves and remove the stalks. The berries are washed very carefully, just lift them up and down so that the juice does not leak out.
  3. After this, the blackberries are laid out on a napkin to dry. The jam is prepared from small portions - one kilogram at a time, so as not to crush the berries.
  4. During cooking, carefully stir with a wooden spoon or simply rock the pan in a circle. Then the berries will be whole. Instead of sugar, you can add honey.
  5. Cook better a short time, you can do it in several approaches to preserve vitamins and aroma. Several hours should pass between cooking for the jam to infuse and thicken.
  6. Ready jam placed in sterilized, dry and cooled jars. Then it needs to be cooled so that the berries do not boil over.

How long should you cook blackberry jam for the winter?

The time you spend making blackberry jam depends on the recipe you choose and the number of additional ingredients. Simple blackberry jam takes 5-10 minutes to cook if you choose the five-minute recipe. The classic recipe involves boiling 1-2 times, which takes more time. Blackberries are tender, so you shouldn’t cook them for a long time. The recipe for making jam involves boiling blackberries until thick with a lot of sugar, so the cooking time increases to an hour.

What to make jam in

You should not choose enamel dishes; the jam may burn in it.

It is most convenient to choose not a saucepan, but a wide basin with low sides or a cauldron. This way the jam can be gently stirred, and the liquid will evaporate faster and the jam will not be overcooked.

How to store blackberry jam

If the jam becomes moldy, mistakes were made during preservation.

  • Perhaps it wasn't cooked enough. Bacteria multiply quickly in such jam. Readiness should be checked using the spreading method, as indicated in the photo recipe.
  • Not enough sugar. Sugar acts as a preservative in jam. The exact amount of sugar is indicated in each recipe. There is a mandatory proportion: for 1 kg of berries there must be at least 1 kg of sugar.
  • Cans for rolling must be cold. You cannot close them while they are hot, unlike canning compote.
  • The jam is placed only in dry jars, and they must be sterilized in any convenient way (microwave, water bath, steam, etc.)

Is it possible to make jam from frozen blackberries?

If you can’t make jam for the whole winter, you can use frozen berries. How to make jam from frozen blackberries for the winter?

The ratio of frozen berries to sugar is the same as for fresh: 1:1. Frozen blackberries are lightly washed, sugar and a little water are added to avoid burning before the berry releases its juice. You need to cook the sweetness for 10-12 minutes. Then transfer the finished jam into jars.

If you are using frozen blackberries rather than store-bought ones, when freezing, place them in small portions in bags. You can add strawberries to each bag.

Why did the blackberry jam turn out runny?

The thickness of the jam is affected by the amount of precipitation. If the berries were picked in the rain, and the summer in general turned out to be rainy, then the blackberries will be watery and heavy, and you will get a lot of syrup. Some of it can be drained and cooked into compote. Liquid jam does not form foam.

To make the jam thick, you need to cook it longer. However, long-term cooking is not suitable for preserving vitamins and nutrients. What to do in this case?

  1. You can increase the amount of sugar: take 1.2-1.5 kg of sugar for 1 kg of berries.
  2. Dilute separately and add gelatin and pectin to the syrup.
  3. You can add fruits and berries containing pectin to the jam - grate apples, add zest, red currant or gooseberry puree.
  4. You can also change the technology: cook 3 times for 15 minutes. Take a long break between them, 6-8 hours or overnight.
  5. After the berries are washed, you need to lay them out on a dish or just on the table and let them dry completely. Only then add sugar to them.
  6. Add a few drops of lemon juice while cooking.
  7. To make the liquid evaporate faster, it is better to cook the jam in a wide basin or wide saucepan.

Do I need to wash blackberries before making jam?

Before cooking, the berries need to be sorted and cleaned of adhered leaves and stalks. They are then quickly rinsed under running water to remove any dust. The water must be allowed to drain.

You can put the blackberries in a wide bowl and gently lift and lower the berries without letting the juice leak out.

You can also use a colander, where the berries are placed, and then dipped in water and taken out several times.

How to thicken blackberry jam if you plan to use it as a filling for baked goods?

If the blackberry jam turns out runny, you can thicken it for use in baking. To do this, add semolina (1 tsp per glass of jam) and mix. After 15 minutes, put the pan with jam on the fire and cook for several minutes.

What spices can be added to blackberry jam?

Now you know everything about blackberry jam, so I suggest making delicious blackberry jam, recipes with step-by-step photos are presented above

Blackberries are very tasty and healthy berry, preservation from it turns out unforgettably aromatic, especially jam, which we will talk about today.

In this article I would like to reveal several interesting recipes blackberry jam, which should be in the piggy bank of any good housewife.

But first, let's understand what this berry is, it is a close relative of the raspberry, it looks similar, only the color and structure differ. Blackberries are very tasty, a sweet berry and quite juicy, with a slight sourness. Blackberries have been on people's tables for quite a long time; they grow in the form of a bush that is not too tall.

The berry is not only very tasty and aromatic, but also very healthy, it contains those components that are very necessary for our body to always be healthy and beautiful.

Blackberries are rich in components such as magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, manganese, iron and many others. The composition also contains vitamins A, PP, C, E and all B vitamins. Much more can be said about the benefits of blackberries, but our main task is to prepare delicious homemade jam, so let's get back to the recipe.

To prepare blackberry jam we will need the following ingredients:

  • Blackberries – 1000 grams;
  • Water – 900 milliliters;
  • Granulated sugar – 1500 grams.

The ingredients are presented for one serving of jam, but you need to base it on the number of berries.

The first thing you need to do is wash the berries thoroughly; a special approach is needed here, since the structure of blackberries is very delicate; you need to wash them as carefully as possible so as not to crush the fruits. I advise you to do this in a colander under low pressure. cold water, without manual intervention, just with the help of water. Accordingly, it is desirable that the berry is not very dirty and dusty.

Pour water into a fairly large vessel, saucepan or kettle, add sugar and place on the stove, bring to a boil. Boil the syrup until the sugar is completely dissolved, about 4 minutes.

Now carefully pour our blackberries into the syrup we have prepared. Try to do this as carefully as possible so as not to spoil the integrity of the blackberries.

Bring the mixture to a boil, cook for about 5-7 minutes over medium heat. Then turn off the jam, cool and let it brew for at least six hours. It is advisable that the jam be in a cool place.

We will do the second round of cooking after 6 hours of infusion. Place the pan on small fire and slowly bring to a boil. We will cook the blackberry jam, this time for ten minutes. We cook for ten minutes and cool again and let it stand for less time this time, about three hours.

For the third and last time we will again cook for only 10 minutes, follow the same scenario, bring to a boil over low heat, cook and turn off. This time there is no need to cool the blackberry jam completely, just slightly. Pack the jam into clean jars and close the lids; the lids must first be steamed in boiled water.

Blackberry jam is a sweet that is truly worthy of attention; if you try to make it at least once, you will no longer be able to live without it. Therefore, you already have the recipes, all that’s left to do is just have a little patience and go ahead and cook.

To somehow brighten up your ideas about blueberry jam we offer a few more delicious recipes of this jam. I think you should definitely like at least something from this collection.

Before we start looking at other recipes, one more short introduction.

One of interesting products A product that is sure to please both kids and adults is blackberry. Thanks enough interesting taste it provides opportunities for imagination for culinary specialists, as well as for confectioners themselves. It should be noted that this berry is a direct relative of raspberries and has a rather interesting, pronounced taste. It contains predominantly sweetness, but also has sourness, which makes this product quite original. Thanks to the important characteristics of this berry, the jam, which can be easily prepared at home, turns out to be very interesting and will sell like hot cakes on your table. You can simply smear a slice of bread with this jam and return to childhood, thanks to its native taste.

Also one of the indisputable facts is that blackberries have great amount various positive effects. For example, it strengthens blood vessels, increases immunity, reduces temperatures during acute respiratory infections, helps fight colds.

By the way, this product is quite widely used in restaurant business, because all kinds of desserts are made from it, such as cheesecakes or souffles. Blackberries are also used in muffins and other more sophisticated dishes.

And so, let’s move on to the blackberry jam recipes themselves.

Ordinary or classic jam from blackberries.

The main ingredients that will be used in the preparation of this jam are: 1100 grams of blackberries, and the same amount of granulated sugar.

Your first step when preparing delicious blackberry jam is to sort the berries and subsequently remove spoiled blackberries. After this, you wash the blackberries and tear off the stalks. Next, you give the blackberries time to drain the excess liquid. Your next step is to place all the whole berries in a large-bottomed saucepan or bowl that will be used to make blackberry jam. You sprinkle all the blackberries with sugar and then mix them very carefully, while trying not to damage the berries so that they are intact. After this, you need to wait a while for the blackberries to release their juice, about an hour. Next, you must heat it slowly, while simultaneously stirring this substance. The boiling process lasts about half an hour. After this, you pack the blackberries into sterile jars and seal them tightly.

Recipe 2. “Five-minute”

Your ingredients for making jam are 970 grams of blackberries, 3 grams of citric acid and 820 grams of sugar.

And so, the first step towards cooking interesting jam are sorting, washing and removing stalks from the berries. After this, sprinkle it on pre-lined paper to drain excess water from the berries. Next, place the blackberries in layers in a bowl, which must be enameled, or a pan with a wide diameter, while simultaneously sprinkling it with sugar. Your next step is to wait 5 - 5 and a half hours, during which the berries will release the required amount of juice. After this, we begin to boil slowly, not forgetting about the foam that will form on top, removing it. After this, you should steam the blackberries for about 5 minutes, and one minute before the end of the cooking process, pour in citric acid, then mix. Next, you transfer the jam into clean jars and store under plastic lids in a cool place.

Blackberry jam with red sister, raspberries

The main ingredients that will be used to prepare this jam are: 950 grams of blackberries, 950 grams of raspberries and 1900 grams of sugar.

The first thing you need to do is sort the raspberries and blackberries separately from each other, after which they are washed and the stems come off. Next, you put blackberries in one bowl, and raspberries in the second. You fill both bowls with an equal amount of sugar, 950 grams each. The next step is to gently mix without deforming the berries. Next, you will need to wait, putting the blackberries in a cold place, such as a refrigerator, for 11 hours. Place the juice that will be released during this time and the sugar that will not dissolve into another pan. Next, you heat this pan and stir until the granulated sugar completely disappears. The next step is to pour the blackberries, as well as the raspberries, into this pan and simmer over low heat for about 6 minutes. After this, you will need to remove the foam and let the contents of the pan cool. Next, you must boil the contents of the pan again and continue this action for approximately 5 minutes and can be packaged in clean jars.

4th recipe. Blackberry and apple jam

The ingredients that will be used in the preparation of this jam are: 1020 grams of blackberries, 980 grams sour apples, 18 grams of oil, 3 grams of cardamom, 280 milliliters of water, 1550 grams of sugar, and 135 grams of lemon. You can also add 90 grams of berry liqueur, but this is optional.

The first steps to making jam are washing, peeling and coring the apples. Next, the apples are cut into layers small size. Your next step is to sort the blackberries and wash the ones suitable for canning. Combine the chopped apples in a saucepan with water, then heat-treat the fruit until softened, which will take approximately 10 minutes. Next, squeeze the lemon juice into a container and pour in the blackberries. After this, cook for 11 minutes until it boils again, add sugar and stir until it is completely dissolved. Afterwards, quickly heat the whole mass and boil for about 10 minutes. Your next step is to add the liqueur and cardamom and then simmer for 3 minutes. Next, you remove the pan, add oil and skim off the foam from the surface. After this, you need to cool the jam, and in fact you can roll it up with plastic lids, before placing parchment on the neck of the jar.

5th recipe. Blackberry jam with lemon

The ingredients that will be used in preparation are: 980 grams of blackberries, 980 grams of sugar and 140 grams of lemon.

Your actions when preparing this jam are washing the blackberries and sifting out the defective berries, after which the process of tearing off the stalks occurs. Next, the lemon is washed, after which the yellow zest is grated. After this, sprinkle with sugar, lightly pressing the berries to quickly release juice. Next, squeeze the juice from the lemon, or more precisely from its pulp, into the resulting substance, and begin to heat it slowly and stir regularly. After the sugar disappears, you turn up the heat, boil and stir so that there is no burning. Next, we give the jam time to thicken and transfer the resulting mass into a clean glass container. We place this container, preferably jars, after covering them with lids, in a deep saucepan, pour water up to the shoulder of the container and sterilize for about 10 minutes. The final step is sealing the jars.

6th recipe. Blackberry jam with oranges

And so, the main ingredients are: 1050 grams of blackberries, 1070 grams of sugar, 120 grams of lemon and 380 grams of oranges.

The first step when preparing jam is to wash the citrus fruits, after which the orange cover and white part are removed from the orange. Next, peel the yellow zest into thin strips. After these steps, squeeze the juice from the orange into a pan or basin, which should be enamel, add sugar and chopped zest. Your next action is to heat this mass to dissolve the sugar, after which we let the resulting substance cool completely. Next, wash and sort the blackberries and transfer them to the cooled juice. You will have about 2 hours while all this is infused. After waiting, you will need to boil, while stirring, the contents of the pan we received for about half an hour. At least 7 minutes before the end of cooking, you will need to squeeze the jam into your future lemon juice, then stir and let cool. The final step is packaging into ready-made, clean jars.

7th recipe. Blackberry jam cooked in a slow cooker.

The main ingredients that will be used in preparing this dish are: 750 grams of blackberries and 750 grams of sugar.

The first step to making jam is sorting the blackberries and selecting whole berries. Then it is washed, and at the same time you must try not to damage it. Next, the blackberries are dried, leaving them in a colander or on paper. The next step is that you put the blackberries in the multicooker bowl and sprinkle it all with sugar, after which you just let it sit without heating. After the blackberry juice appears, set the “stew” mode for 20 minutes. You will also need to turn the steam valve to allow steam to escape, and at the end of 20 minutes, open the lid, allowing the mixture to cool for about 20 minutes. Your next step is to select the same mode for 40 minutes, and during the cooking process you will need to stir the contents of the bowl several times. If you increase the amount of ingredients, then the lid of the multicooker must be left open, after which the resulting dessert is poured into jars and sealed.

8th recipe. Blackberry jam for the little ones, that is, without seeds

The ingredients that will be used to make the jam are: 1050 g of blackberries, 490 milliliters of water and 1050 grams of sugar.

And so, the first thing you should do is separate the stalks from the berries and wash them thoroughly. Next comes the selection of good blackberries from unripe or spoiled ones. The next step is to pour water into the pan and heat it to 80, or maybe up to 90 degrees. After this, you place the blackberries in the water that you prepared earlier and heat for 3 minutes without boiling. Next, you need to remove the liquid, and transfer the blackberries to a metal sieve and grind. Afterwards, you must heat the blackberry puree you obtained earlier, using a container that will be covered with enamel inside. Your next action should be to sprinkle sugar, at the same time stir the resulting mass, and begin to boil slowly. Next, you must boil this jam until thick and after that, you can safely put it in clean jars and roll it up.

9th recipe. Banana and blackberry jam

The ingredients that you will use when making jam are: 1100 grams of blackberries, 1100 grams of bananas and the same amount of sugar.

The cooking process itself begins with selecting whole berries, which will subsequently be separated from the stalks and washed. Your next step is to allow your berries to drain from the water by placing them on paper, after which you move the berries into a basin or pan. Next, you pour in the sugar and let the resulting mass sit for about 2 hours, so that the berries release juice. After this timeout, you should quickly heat the blackberries while stirring. And subsequently you must simmer slowly, which will take about half an hour. Your next step is to peel the bananas and cut the pulp into cubes of 1 centimeter in length and width. Next, you pour the chopped bananas into your blackberry jam about 6 minutes before the end of the jam. This completes the whole process and all you have to do is package the resulting jam into jars and roll it up. It should also be noted that the resulting dish must be stored in the cold.

And so, you’ve reached tips for making blackberry jam.

The first thing that needs to be noted is that cooking a dessert that will smell so delicious and bring a lot of benefits to your life, thanks to its excellent properties, is not so difficult. Moreover, it should be noted that almost anyone, even a beginner in cooking, can cope with this task. But when preparing dishes with blackberries, you will need to pay attention to such properties of this berry, such as the fact that blackberries are a very delicate berry. If the recipe says that you need to get whole berries, then this means that you will need to mix and wash these berries with all the care you have.

Also, be sure to note that blackberry seeds are very hard, and if you are preparing these dishes for little ones with a sweet tooth, then you will need to either grind the seeds or get rid of them altogether, leaving the bare minimum.

Also note that blackberries are in harmony with a large number of other fruits, such as citrus fruits.

Blackberries are a berry, when preparing jam from which quite interesting seasonings can be used, and this will not affect the taste of the dish. You can add rosemary or cloves with peace of mind.

Summarizing all of the above, it should be noted that blackberries are a berry that not only has interesting view, but also great taste and smell. It also has a positive effect on the human body, improving immunity. With short jam making methods, you are sure to leave all the important components in the blackberries that will make your life a little better.

Blackberries are very interesting ingredient, which opens up a wide field for imagination for culinary specialists. She has bright taste, in which sweet notes predominate, but at the same time there is also a piquant light sourness, which balances the flavor bouquet. Therefore, it is not surprising that blackberry jam turns out to be very aromatic and you want to eat it again and again. Kids love to spread it on their slice. fresh bread or simply devour both cheeks with hot tea.

Blackberry jam is a great way to prepare fragrant berry for the winter

About the benefits of the product

Before making blackberry jam, we suggest considering what its use will bring us:

  • this berry contains a huge number of vitamins and each of them carries a certain load - vitamin A is responsible for excellent vision, vitamins C and E strengthen immune system, vitamin PP normalizes the functioning of the heart muscle and regulates cholesterol levels, B vitamins improve metabolic processes;
  • minerals, such as magnesium, potassium, manganese, iron, copper and phosphorus, help prevent the development oncological diseases, as well as vascular diseases, they normalize the work nervous system and contribute to a speedy recovery from acute respiratory diseases;
  • With blackberries, intestinal function will be improved, as it contains valuable organic acids, including malic, citric, tartaric, and salicylic. Thanks to these substances, juice is separated in the gastrointestinal tract and the digestion process is significantly improved.

Important! However, it should be remembered that overripe berries will somewhat weaken the stool, and unripe ones, on the contrary, will strengthen it.

Subtleties of cooking


So, let's move on to the main thing - recipes for blackberry preparations for the winter.


Prepare ingredients:

  • 900 g blackberries;
  • 900 g sugar;
  • half a liter of water.

Cooking process.

  1. Separate the berries from the stalks, wash and dry thoroughly.
  2. Pour water into the container and heat it to a temperature of 90°C.
  3. Put in hot water blackberries and leave for 3 minutes.

    Important! The gas supply should be minimal so that the mixture does not boil!

  4. Drain the liquid, place the berries in a sieve and grind.
  5. Place the resulting puree in a container with a non-stick coating, add sugar and, constantly stirring the dessert with a wooden spoon, boil until thick.
  6. Pour the prepared jam into prepared jars and roll up.

Classic recipe

To make blackberry jam classic recipe You only need to prepare two ingredients: blackberries and sugar, which are taken in equal proportions.

Cooking process.

  1. The berries must be carefully sorted, spoiled and wrinkled removed, washed and drained in a colander.
  2. Then transfer the blackberries to a saucepan or bowl for cooking and add sugar.
  3. The berry-sugar mixture should stand for about half an hour - this is necessary for the blackberries to release juice.
  4. Next, place the container on the stove and slowly heat the contents, stirring it constantly.
  5. Boil for 30 minutes, pour into sterilized jars and seal tightly.

Five-minute jam

Five-minute blackberry jam for the winter got its name thanks to the very fast process preparations.
Prepare ingredients:

  • 900 g blackberries;
  • 900 g granulated sugar;
  • 3 g citric acid.

Cooking process.

  1. Carefully sort the berries, rinse and drain.
  2. Place the fruits in a wide bowl in layers, sprinkling each with sugar, and leave for 5-6 hours.
  3. After the specified time has passed, place the basin on the fire and bring the mixture to a boil.
  4. After 5 minutes, add citric acid, after another minute turn off the gas supply.

With oranges

Blackberries can be prepared for the winter by combining them with citrus fruits, as in the following recipe.

Prepare ingredients:

  • 900 g of fresh berries;
  • 2 oranges;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 1 kg granulated sugar.

Cooking process.

  1. Sort the berries, separate the stalks, rinse and dry on a towel.
  2. Wash the oranges thoroughly, cut off the zest and chop it as finely as possible.
  3. Squeeze the juice from the oranges and pour it into the container in which the jam will be prepared.
  4. Add sugar, zest and bring the mixture to a boil over low heat, stirring constantly.
  5. Cool the syrup, put the berries in it and leave for 2 hours.
  6. After the specified time has passed, set the pan on low heat and cook the jam for 30 minutes.
  7. Add lemon juice 5 minutes before cooking.

With apples

Prepare ingredients:

  • 900 g berries;
  • 900 g apples, preferably sour varieties;
  • one and a half kg of sugar;
  • lemon;
  • a tablespoon of butter;
  • cardamom;
  • 300 ml water;
  • 100 g liqueur.
Cooking process.
  1. Rinse the apples well, divide into four parts, remove the core and chop into thin slices.
  2. Place the apples in a saucepan, add water and blanch for about 10 minutes until they are soft.
  3. Squeeze the juice from the lemon and add to the apples.
  4. Add blackberries and cook the mixture for 10 minutes, stirring constantly and skimming off the foam.
  5. Add liqueur and 3 g of cardamom, simmer for another 3 minutes.
  6. Remove the pan from the stove, add butter, stir the contents, remove the film, and cool the jam.
  7. Pour dessert into prepared jars, place a sheet of parchment on the neck of each and close with plastic lids.

With bananas

Prepare ingredients:

  • 900 g of fresh berries;
  • 1 kg bananas;
  • 1 kg sugar.

Cooking process.

  1. Wash the berries thoroughly and remove the stems.
  2. Place the fruit on a paper towel to drain excess liquid.
  3. Place the prepared blackberries in a saucepan or basin and pour granulated sugar and leave overnight.
  4. Peel the bananas and cut into small cubes.
  5. Bring the blackberry mass to a boil and simmer for 30 minutes.
  6. Add bananas and cook for about 5-6 minutes.
  7. Spill ready dessert in sterilized jars and store in the cold.

Blackberry jam has a lot of advantages, which include: impeccable taste, great benefit, attractive aroma and appearance the delicacy itself. This dessert takes a relatively short time to prepare, which allows you to save valuable substances in full. Compared to traditional strawberries, blackberry is much less common, but in terms of its benefits it is in no way inferior to them. Prepare a few jars of this aromatic dessert for the winter and be healthy!

All materials on the website are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any product, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

It’s so nice to feast on preparations made from delicious fruits and berries! Preserve their beneficial properties, make a delicious treat for everyday table A recipe for making jam will help. This delicacy is liked by adults and children; it is suitable as a dessert for festive table. The jam made using the sweet and sour berry – blackberry – will be especially tasty. All-blackberry jam or a product made with the addition of other ingredients will definitely please your household. Below you will learn how to make this delicacy in several ways.

How to make blackberry jam: recipes with photos

Blackberries are not only used as the main ingredient for jam, but also frozen. Delicious berry extremely useful due to its composition, which includes many vitamins (C, B, PP, K, E), organic acids, mineral and pectin substances, tannins, fiber and other components. Therefore, blackberries become indispensable in winter, when the body does not have enough microelements to fight diseases. The berry copes well with colds, lowers fever, alleviates pneumonia, improves immunity, and strengthens blood vessels.

The first stage of preparation delicious jam will right choice berries and their preparation. It depends on what kind of jam you end up with. Blackberry season in large quantities falls at the end of August, at this time you can buy a lot of berries at a not too high price. Several rules for selecting and preparing a product for winter preparations:

  • When choosing berries, give preference to ripe, firm fruits. Softened, bruised blackberries will also work if you want to make liquid jam, which involves its grinding.
  • Take exclusively ripe fruits. Unlike some other berries, blackberries cannot ripen at home. Jam made from prematurely harvested fruits will turn out sour.
  • Before starting cooking, thoroughly treat the berries to remove any adhering debris, leaves, or dust. Then wash the product under the kitchen shower; this spray of water will not damage the structure of the blackberries. You need to remove the ponytails after cleansing with water. Do this in gentle circular motions to avoid damaging the surface of the blackberries.

A separate important step should be the sterilization of the jars, thanks to which the jam will retain all the beneficial substances and will not spoil. To do this, take glass containers of a suitable size, fill the pan with water, boil it, and place a wire rack on it. Place the jars on top. Leave for fifteen minutes while they are sterilized by steam. The lids also need to be sterilized before twisting the jam. Below you will learn some interesting recipes for preparing a delicious delicacy for home desk.

From frozen berries

Frozen blackberries are a storehouse of useful substances and microelements. If you didn’t have time to make delicious jam from fresh berries in the summer, you can use a frozen product. The jam will turn out no less tasty and nutritious. You need to freeze whole blackberries, packaged in bags - this will allow you to quickly cook small portions of jam. To make the finished treat even more delicious, add strawberries. What ingredients will you need to make jam:

  • Half a kilo of frozen strawberries and blackberries.
  • A kilogram of sugar.
  • Two tablespoons of lemon juice.

How to cook:

  1. Place frozen berries in a saucepan. Sprinkle them with sugar and let them sit for several hours. The berries should melt and the sugar should dissolve. The blackberries and strawberries will release a lot of juice, so scoop out about a third of the cup.
  2. Add a little lemon juice to the resulting mass. Thanks to it, the jam will acquire a pleasant sourness.
  3. Place the pan on low heat, wait until berry mass will boil. After boiling, turn up the heat and cook for about five minutes.
  4. Please note that the pan must have high sides. This is due to the peculiarity of such jam during production: during a five-minute boil over high heat, the mass rises high, reaching almost the very edges of the container. To prevent the jam from leaking out, it is better to use a deep pan.
  5. Let the mixture cool. Transfer to a selected container. If you eat it in the near future, you may not need to roll it up. Delicious product ready!


Jam with seedless blackberries is for everyone favorite dish which will become great addition breakfast. You can spread this tender, astringent jam on bread, serve with casseroles, pies, or use it as a... Total term This product takes three hours to prepare, and the result is worth it. Sweet, sour, seedless jam will delight your household pleasant taste and consistency. What components are needed for delicious treat:

  • A kilogram of blackberries.
  • A kilogram of sugar.
  • 400 milliliters of water.

Jam recipe:

  1. Carefully peel ripe, fresh berries. Remove dirt, remove tails and leaves, if any. Divide all the fruits in half.
  2. Heat water in a saucepan with high sides. When the liquid becomes hot, but has not yet boiled, add one part of the blackberries. Supporting hot temperature, keep the berries on the fire for about three minutes.
  3. Let the mixture cool. Take a sieve and press the still warm berries through it. This is necessary in order to get rid of the seeds, which will make the jam crispy.
  4. Take a large basin and pour the resulting seedless pulp into it. Heat the container over low heat and let the blackberries simmer for about five minutes. After time has passed, add the rest of the product along with sugar.
  5. The time spent on further cooking is determined individually. Remove from heat and roll into jars when you are satisfied with the consistency of the resulting jam.

Fresh blackberry jam recipe

Delicious brew Can be prepared using either fresh or frozen blackberries. However, a berry recently picked from the bush is much healthier than a product from the freezer. The fruits are especially tasty in combination with other ingredients - apples, pears, currants, plums, oranges. Below you will find a recipe for making currant jam, which has a pleasant sweet and sour taste and astringent consistency. What ingredients will you need:

  • A kilogram of blackberries.
  • A kilogram of sugar.
  • Three hundred milliliters thick juice fresh currants (about half a kilogram of berries will be needed for preparation).
  • Clove bud (if desired).

Making recipe:

  1. Carefully sort the currants and rinse them. Place in a blender and blend well. Press through a sieve to remove pits. The result will be a thick, sour juice.
  2. Pre-treat the blackberries to remove dirt, place them in a container, and cover with sugar. Pour on top currant juice. Add cloves and let stand for about a day.
  3. Heat the mixture and keep it on the fire until the sugar is completely dissolved. Let cool and put in the refrigerator for another night.
  4. Bring the berries to a boil, hold for five minutes, then roll into sterilized jars.

Five minutes with lemon

To give the jam a pleasant sour taste, use it as additional ingredients citrus fruits - oranges, lemons. They go well with sweet berry. The finished treat is suitable for sandwich spread, preparing delicious teas, for filling yeast baked goods. What components are needed:

  • A kilogram of berries.
  • One and a half kilograms of sugar.
  • Lemon.

Five-minute recipe:

  1. Sprinkle the fruits with sugar in a one to one ratio. Let sit for about ten hours (leave overnight).
  2. Pour the juice that comes out after steeping into a saucepan. Bring it to a boil, add the rest of the sugar. Cook for no more than ten minutes, periodically removing the foam. Remove from the stove, cool to sixty degrees.
  3. Add blackberries and squeeze the juice of one lemon. Bring to a boil, cook for about eight minutes.
  4. Roll the finished product into sterilized jars.

With apples in a slow cooker

Apple-blackberry jam - delicious and useful product, which will be a welcome addition daily menu. In winter, delicious fruits and berries will become an indispensable source of vitamins and microelements. This jam can be served for dessert or instead of an afternoon snack. What components are needed:

  • 800 grams of apples.
  • 300 grams of blackberries.
  • 1.2 kilograms of sugar.
  • Two multi-glasses of water.


  1. Wash the apples thoroughly and remove the skin. Place the peels in a multicooker bowl and fill with clean liquid. In the “Steam” mode, cook it for twenty minutes, then strain and pour the broth into a separate container.
  2. Cut the fruit into slices, remembering to remove the core and seeds. Place the apples into the empty bowl of the device.
  3. Add sugar. Set the “Extinguishing” mode for one hour.
  4. Pour the broth into the prepared mixture. Add blackberries. Set the “Baking” mode for sixty-five minutes; you need to cook with the lid open.
  5. Spill finished product into sterilized jars and roll up.

With plums and cloves

Appetizing blackberry jam will taste better if you complement it with other fruits and berries. Household members will especially like a product using several components - plums, raspberries, blackberries, elderberries, lemon. To add jam spicy aroma, you can use spices, for example, cloves. Components for delicious jam:

  • 450 grams of small plums and blackberries.
  • 230 grams each of elderberry and raspberries.
  • Juice with the seeds of two lemons.
  • 1.3 kilos of sugar.
  • Cloves (optional).


  1. Wash the berries (except raspberries) and place them in a saucepan. Add chopped and pitted plums there, pour in lemon juice and add the pits. Add a couple of clove sprigs. Fill the ingredients with water until they are lightly covered.
  2. Turn on medium heat and bring to a boil. Cook over low heat for about an hour. At the end of the cooking time, soften the ingredients in the pan.
  3. Take a large metal bowl and place a sieve with cheesecloth over it. Place the resulting mass there and leave it to drain overnight.
  4. Measure the juice and pour into a saucepan. For 600 grams you will need about 450 grams of sugar. Place the container and cook until dissolved sugar product.
  5. Then increase the heat and cook for another quarter of an hour.
  6. Collect the foam, remove from the stove.
  7. Berry jam Pour into pre-sterilized jars and store for up to six months.

How long to cook

Those who are encountering cooking for the first time blackberry jam, wonders how long the preparation will take. It all depends on the method you choose to make the jam, as well as the availability of other ingredients. To make the jam thick, the cooking time can be an hour or two, and the product with whole berries cook for five to ten minutes. Choose the recipe you like best and follow the photo instructions to make perfect jam.

Useful properties of blackberry jam

It is known that during heat treatment fruits, berries and vegetables lose their useful qualities, which are so necessary for the body. Therefore, some people prefer not to cook jam, but to make jam using fresh ingredients. From the first video you will learn how to preserve the maximum amount of vitamins in blackberries and other fruits used during cooking. The finished jam will be tasty, nutritious and healthy.

In the second video, the presenter shows how simple and in a fast way make blackberry jam. This option is suitable for those who are making jam for the first time and do not know how to handle this berry. Blackberry jam rolled into jars will become great dish for dessert, and also a good helper for possible colds in winter, intestinal diseases.

Blackberry-raspberry without cooking

The simplest recipe
