Green olives or black olives. Differences between olives and black olives. Use in cooking

Evergreen trees

According to legend, Pallas Athena planted a tree in the Acropolis, which has since been considered a connecting link between people and the gods. And this tree is named olive. Olives are long-lived. There are legends that those centuries-old trees under whose crowns Jesus Christ prayed are alive. From Greece (from the island of Crete), the fruits of these trees spread and became famous for their culinary properties worldwide. Probably due to the fact that olives are from the olive family, a second name appeared in the Russian language - “olives”. So how do olives differ from olives? Let’s make a reservation right away that only in Russia and the post-Soviet space the name “olive” means a black olive, and in all countries of the world, as in producing countries, green and black fruits are called olives. They grow on the same tree, but the harvest is carried out depending on the ripening of the olives. Unripe fruits are collected and processed in brine or alkaline solution to make them edible. As a rule, they are stuffed with pepper, garlic, cheese, and gherkins to enhance the flavor. And they now occupy a place of honor on our table. These wonderful fruits: both olives and olives (the difference does not matter) add some special piquancy to the dishes.

How are olives different from black olives?

Color is one of the differences and depends on the maturity of the harvested fruits. Green, unripe olives are denser and more bitter than olives. In order for them to turn into the olives we are accustomed to the taste of, they are soaked in saline solution long time, up to six months. Taste and density depend on the method and duration of processing to which the olives are subjected. What is the difference after this treatment?

In taste, in salt content. There is more of it in olives. They should not be consumed by people with high blood pressure and cholesterol problems. Green olives are more nutritious than black olives. How are olives different from black olives? There is a huge selection of canned olives on the market, but there are no stuffed olives on sale. They are a bit dry and do not benefit from the filler in taste, so they are sold in jars and by weight only with and without seeds. They are served to meat dishes, as they are more savory in combination with game dishes than olives. Green olives differ from olives in that they complement tart red wines, while the former are more suitable for cognacs and liqueurs. You can serve olives stuffed with anchovies, lemon or other toppings with whiskey.


It is believed that olives are easily absorbed by the body. No matter how different they are: green, black, purple, lilac - they are very useful as valuable food products. Real unique product obtained from olives - olive oil. It contains unsaturated fatty acids necessary for the functioning of the body. And the main component of this oil, oleic acid, makes the skin elastic, reduces the risk of cancer, and prevents heart attacks. Include olives in your diet and be healthy and young!

Olives are one of the most popular snacks on Russian tables. These small black fruits come from Africa and look like green olives. Despite the similarities in appearance, most people consider olives and olives to be fruits different plants, and the latter are in rather low demand among Russians. However, despite the differences in taste and color, black and green fruits belong to the same species. They even grow on the same tree.

How are olives grown?

Olive groves are grown by residents of Africa, southern Europe and Asia. Evergreen olive trees belong to the olive family. Olives and olives entering Russia in different banks, grow on one branch. Fruits intended for export are harvested before they ripen. This is what explains the familiar dark green color and tartness of pickled olives.

In addition, pickled olives are much softer than their freshly picked counterparts. The hardness of the fruit is very important for safe transportation. If ripe olives were exported, most of them would be unsalable upon delivery due to their bruised appearance.

Those fruits that remain on the branches until fully ripe are almost twice as large as those we are used to and change color from dark green to brown or purple. They are mainly used not for food, but as a raw material for the production of olive oil.

Collection methods also differ. Unripe fruits are picked by hand and placed in baskets. Ripe olives crumble under their own weight. Therefore, they are not plucked, but shaken from the tree onto specially stretched hammocks made of fine mesh.

What are olives?

The word "olive" exists exclusively within countries former USSR. These are the same unripe olives, only not green, but black. Olives have less astringency, but this is explained not by differences in species, but by the peculiarities of preparation. Europeans instead of a word "olives" They say "black olives".

Where does black come from?

There is a misconception that the color of pickled fruits depends on the degree of ripeness when picked. In fact, the reason is different. The olives collected differ only in size. Therefore, after calibration, they are divided into 2 parts, depending on the required final color.

Fruits that should retain their natural color are immediately sent to the marinade, and those that are to turn black are poured into special canisters where compressed oxygen is supplied. Future olives remain under its influence from one week to 10-12 days. During this time, they oxidize, and the flesh turns black to the very bone. The resulting olives are removed and sent to brine.

Store salted olives in canister-reservoirs. The canisters are connected to each other and placed underground to maintain a constant temperature. Before further preparations (pitting, stuffing) or transportation, the olives are pumped out of the barrels with powerful air pumps. If necessary, hoses with a calibration hole of a certain size are installed on the pumps.

Myths and legends about the differences between black olives and olives

There are several false beliefs among people regarding different characteristics of products. Among them:

  • content useful substances;
  • use of dyes;
  • different varieties and degrees of maturity.

Let's look at these misconceptions in more detail.

  • Utility. Since there is only one species, there cannot be initial differences in the content of vitamins and other useful substances. The vitamin content can only change during the preservation process, but it depends more on the technology of a particular manufacturer than on the name of the product.
  • Adding dyes. Some consumers consider olives to be harmful and even hazardous to health. In their opinion, food coloring gives black color to olives, which then colors the brine. To support their words, these consumers point out that the brine of green olives always remains clear. The reason is indeed a chemical, but it is not a dye.
  • To speed up the oxidative reaction, iron gluconate can be supplied along with oxygen during the coloring process of olives. It is its release that causes the brine to darken. But gluconate is used in small dosages and is therefore harmless. By the way, the technology for making black olives was invented in Spain even before the advent of food coloring. Today it has been adopted by most manufacturers.
  • Ripeness. It is traditionally believed that black olives are riper than their green counterparts. As an argument, supporters of this point of view point to the different degrees of hardness and astringency of green and black snacks. However, excess bitterness is removed from olives during processing by adding special salts. Softness depends on the brine.

Thus, all the differences between black olives and olives are due not to nature, but to processing technology. Bon Appetit!

How big is the difference between black olives and olives? What to look for when choosing in a store? Let's look at the main differences.


The main, and perhaps the main difference, is the different color of the fruits. In olives it is black, in olives it is green. Therefore, many people mistakenly believe that this different fruits. But it turns out that these are the fruits of one tree, the olive tree. Since time immemorial, the olive has been revered as a tree responsible for the connection between heaven and earth, as a symbol of wisdom and immortality. When the olive tree blooms, it produces white flowers, which are subsequently replaced by green fruits.

An olive is a ripened olive.

This is a fairly common misconception. But olives get their dark color not during the ripening process, but after treatment with special chemicals. The only olive variety whose ripened fruits are black is the Chalkidiki variety.

Olives are more oily and contain up to 80% oil. The famous olive oil is produced from these fruits; it owes its name to it. Black olives exist only in Russia. For a European, such a classification does not exist; in Europe, olives are black olives, and nothing more.


Olives are divided into two groups. From the first, enriched with fats, olive oil is obtained. The second group, less oily, is used for canning. IN fresh they are not eaten, regardless of the degree of ripening. This is due to the fact that they are incredibly hard and bitter. The canning process continues for almost six months. To do this, olives are soaked in a saline solution. Unfortunately, manufacturers artificially speed up this process by using stabilizers and various oxides. Brine recipes differ in composition, depending on the manufacturer.

Olives undergo longer canning. In its process, the product is oxidized with the help of oxygen, as a result they lose their original hardness and acquire a dark color. Therefore, olives and olives differ from each other only after chemical treatment.

The next difference is the filling. Manufacturing companies offer many types of stuffed olives. The filling can be very varied, to suit every taste. Olives, unlike olives, are not stuffed. It turned out that this only worsens their taste.


Olives taste sharper, with sourness. Olives are softer and oilier.

The nutritional value

Avicenna also wrote that olives help against all diseases. Olive fruits are well absorbed by the body, even with the pit. They are rich in substances that have a beneficial effect on all organs and systems. human body. The difference between olives and green olives can be traced only in the quantitative content of monounsaturated fatty acids. The oilier the fruits, the more there are. Otherwise there is no significant difference between them.

Pods are rich in vitamins B, E and K, folic acid and a whole complex of microelements (calcium, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus, iron and others).

Medicinal properties

  • Improvement of blood vessels. The presence of monounsaturated fatty acids promotes the removal of bad cholesterol and prevents vascular atherosclerosis.
  • B vitamins strengthen the nervous system.
  • Eating olives is recommended to prevent the formation of stones in the bile ducts.
  • Regulation of lipid and water-fat metabolism. For this purpose, olives and black olives are useful for dietary nutrition to combat excess weight.
  • Antioxidants in fruits prevent the occurrence of malignant tumors.
  • The calcium contained in the fruits will compensate for its deficiency in the body and strengthen the skeletal system.
  • Pectins, contained in large quantities, neutralize toxic substances. They remove toxins and heavy metal salts from the body. Therefore, a jar of olives is indispensable for festive table When drinking alcohol, this will reduce its harmful effects on the body. They are recommended to be included in the diet under unfavorable environmental conditions and when working in hazardous industries.

The consumption of olives is contraindicated only in cases of cholecystitis. It is not for nothing that the olive is called sacred; it is truly unique. This tree generously shares its fruits with people, providing them with health and longevity.

Loved all over the world. But in our country they have two names. In this regard, the question arises: “What do they grow on the same tree or not? It’s not difficult to answer these questions. Let’s reveal all the secrets of the olive tree and its fruits, as well as the benefits of eating them.

Olives or olives

It is mistakenly believed that olives are black fruits and olives are green. In fact, there is only one name in the world - olives. So what is the difference between black olives and olives? Only in the level of fruit ripeness. If harvested before they are fully ripe, they will be green to yellow in color. Black olives are harvested when the fruits have reached full ripeness. There is another type, which is called combined olives. They range in color from pink to brown. They are collected during the ripening period. But why canned olives green, olives black? Initially, when harvesting, the fruits are sorted. Black olives that have reached full ripeness are used to produce oil. Green olives canned. But since we see two types of product on the shelves, a reasonable question arises: “What is the difference between black olives and black olives?” It all depends on technological process conservation. As a result of processing, green olives turn black. This is due to oxidation, which gives the fruit its color, makes it softer and changes its taste. This is the difference between olives and olives.

Beneficial features

The fruits, when raw, have a slightly bitter taste. Therefore, in order for them to acquire the appearance in which we are accustomed to seeing them on our tables, it is necessary to salt them. They are soaked in saline solution for 5 months, and then aired for 24 hours. fresh air. Next comes the conservation process. It lasts longer when cooking black olives. Sometimes the fruits are stuffed or spices are added. What is healthier - olives or black olives? There is practically no difference here. The fruits of the olive tree contain proteins, antioxidants, unsaturated fats, phosphorus, iron, potassium and a group of vitamins.

Has a beneficial effect on the entire body. Unlike animal fats, it does not increase cholesterol levels, but strengthens the heart and blood vessels. It reduces the risk of cancer, heart attack and diabetes mellitus. Therefore the cost quality oil cold pressed is very high. It is used as a salad dressing. In this case, all the benefits of this product are preserved. One spoon drunk on an empty stomach reduces the effect of alcohol. To produce one liter of this valuable product, 5 kilograms of olives are required. Availability large quantity The fruits of the olive tree owe their popularity to the beneficial properties and richness of taste. Even in ancient times they were used in cosmetology. Soap was made from them by mixing with ashes and talc. Today, many cosmetic preparations contain olive extract, which gives everything beneficial features, accumulated by nature. Modern cooking It is no longer possible to imagine without this product, which is added to salads, first courses and sauces. These are such healthy and very tasty olives.
