Protein cream for cupcakes. Cupcake cream: recipes. Making cream for cupcakes. Various flavor options

Translated from in English, means “cup-sized cupcake.” His distinctive feature is a cream cap that comes in a variety of colors and patterns. The cupcakes taste as amazing as they look: they have a deliciously soft texture and literally melt in your mouth. Don't believe me? Then try making this dessert and you will see for yourself. And today we bring to your attention several original and delicious recipes preparing cream for cupcakes, and you choose the one you like best!

Butter cream for cupcakes


  • powdered sugar– 4 tbsp.;
  • butter – 200 g;
  • milk – 50 ml;
  • cinnamon, vanilla, fruit extracts - optional.


Beat the softened butter with a mixer, gradually add powdered sugar and various flavor additives taste. Then pour in the cooled milk and beat the cream again for a while until fluffy.

Curd cream for cupcakes


  • curd mass – 150 g;
  • butter – 50 g;
  • vanilla pudding – 1 sachet;
  • powdered sugar – 2 tbsp.


Combine the butter and beat with a mixer until smooth, gradually adding powdered sugar and vanilla pudding. Ready cream put it in the refrigerator for a while, after which we decorate the cupcakes with it, decorating them with small berries if desired - cranberries, raspberries, strawberry pieces or currants.

Chocolate cream for cupcakes


  • dark dark chocolate – 200 g;
  • honey – 50 g;
  • cream – 250 ml.


Mix the cream with liquid honey and bring everything to a boil. Gradually add chocolate pieces to the hot mixture and stir until homogeneous mass no lumps. Place the finished cream icing in the refrigerator to harden, and then decorate the cupcakes with it.

Cream for cupcakes


  • chilled cream – 1 tbsp.;
  • powdered sugar – 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • vanilla sugar – 10 g.


So, whip the cream, pre-cooled in the freezer, until completely thick, gradually adding sugar and powder. Please note that whipped cream is very unstable in shape, so we decorate the cupcakes with buttercream immediately before serving.

Mascarpone cupcake cream


  • cream 35% – 100 ml;
  • mascarpone cheese – 200 g;
  • powdered sugar – 50 g.


Whip the cream thoroughly until stable peaks form. Then add powdered sugar and soft cheese, mix and beat at medium speed, but not too long so that the cheese does not begin to separate and water does not release. As a result, you should get light cheesy cupcake cream.

Protein cream for cupcakes


  • chicken egg – 4 pcs.;
  • granulated sugar– 200 g;
  • butter – 200 g;
  • food coloring – 2 g;
  • lemon juice – 1 tbsp. spoon.


To prepare protein cream, take chicken eggs, carefully separate the whites from the yolks and beat the whites thoroughly with sugar. Then place in a water bath and stir thoroughly for 3 minutes until the sugar crystals are completely dissolved. Next, transfer the resulting mixture to another bowl, pour in lemon juice and beat with a mixer until a stable thick foam forms.

Without ceasing to beat, add softened butter and add any food coloring of your choice. Place the resulting cream in the refrigerator for about an hour to harden. After the time has passed, decorate the finished cupcakes with egg white cream and decorate them, if desired, with flowers or other sugar icing.

Cupcakes are small cupcakes from America that have become widespread in our country quite recently.

Their peculiarity is the characteristic cream “rose” crowning them on top.

The cream is performed according to different recipes and using a wide variety of ingredients:

from the most sophisticated to the most simple.

In this article we will tell you how to make cream for such cupcakes.

Recipe with cream


  • Butter – 200 grams;
  • 0.5 cups heavy cream;
  • Chicken eggs (yolks) – 2 pcs;
  • Granulated sugar – 140 grams;
  • Gelatin – packaging;
  • Vanillin - to taste (optional).

Cooking method:

  • 1. Beat the eggs. In a medium saucepan, combine and whisk egg yolks with sugar and vanilla. Then gradually add the cream, remembering to stir the mixture. Finally, add the heated gelatin - follow the instructions on the package to dissolve it.
  • 2. Place in a water bath. Place the pan over boiling water, steam bath and keep it like this, stirring the contents of the pan in a circular motion. After a few minutes, reduce the heat. When the egg mixture has completely thickened, remove the pan from the heat and cool. Congratulations - you have prepared egg fudge, the main ingredient custard from the yolk. It remains to finish directly creamy mass.
  • 3. Mix the cream. The frozen butter from the refrigerator must be heated and softened with a fork so that it is the same consistency as the egg fudge. These two different components then need to be transformed into a single, dense, and very fluffy homogeneous mass. To do this, transfer the oil to a separate container (with high walls) and work with it with a fork. Then, using a spoon, add a little egg fondant into the container, and then connect the mixer. A couple of minutes productive work– and part of the cream is ready. Then add a little more fudge and beat the cream again with a mixer. And so on until the end.

Recipe with cottage cheese


  • Cottage cheese (fat) – 150 grams;
  • Slightly melted butter - 150 grams;
  • Powdered sugar - 150 grams;
  • 250 ml milk;
  • Vanilla essence - a drop or two is enough.

Cooking time: 15;

Number of servings: 5-6;

Number of calories: 280 kcal per 100 grams.

Cooking method:

  • 1. Beat the cottage cheese. Preparing the cream begins with kneading the cottage cheese and turning it into a semi-homogeneous mass. This process is most conveniently carried out using a blender or mixer, but you can also use a regular kitchen whisk, although in this case the process will take 10-15 minutes. Whipping curd mass, pour 25 ml of milk into it and continue whisking the mass, monitoring its consistency. If the curd mass has become fluffy and homogeneous, then add a couple of drops of essence and stir the curd a little more with a spoon.
  • 2. Beat the butter. Set the container with the fluffy curd mass aside and take out the butter, which should be stored at room temperature, and therefore slightly softened and melted. Mix the butter with powdered sugar in a separate bowl and beat it with a mixer until it “swells” and becomes foamy.
  • 3. Mix butter and cottage cheese. Finally, as a final chord, we need to combine these two components, which make up our main ingredient for the creamy mass. The fluffy butter and curd masses should be mixed and gently beaten at medium speed, and then refrigerated for twenty minutes.

Recipe with chocolate

The peculiarity of this recipe is radically different from the previous two, as well as taste characteristics of this cream, since this feature is chocolate.

Cooking time: 70 minutes;
Number of servings: (approximately) 6 servings;
Number of calories: 340 kcal (per 100 grams).


  • Chicken eggs (whites) – 4 pcs;
  • Real dark chocolate – 200 g;
  • Granulated sugar – 100 gr.


  • 1. Prepare the ingredients. Before you start cooking, you need to properly prepare all the ingredients. First of all, break the chocolate bar into pieces and melt it in the microwave. Cool the eggs in the refrigerator, and then separate the whites from the yolk, and then place them in a separate container.
  • 2. Prepare the egg mixture. Beat the chilled egg whites in a blender for 10 minutes until smooth and viscous. Then add granulated sugar to this mass and beat for some more time. The finished protein mass will resemble fresh sour cream in its density and thickness, and there should be no pieces of sugar - it should all dissolve in the protein.
  • 3. Add chocolate. Let the melted chocolate cool slightly, and then gradually begin pouring it into the whipped egg white mixture, while making circular movements with the spoon. Beautiful chocolate stains will remain - this does not bother us at all.
  • 4. Start baking the cream. This type of cream may well be considered as independent dish, so you can experiment, for example, try pouring a little cream into silicone molds and put them in the oven, bake for an hour at 130 degrees. You'll get something like chocolate marshmallows, but much more tender and pliable.

Cooking time: 30 minutes;
Number of servings: 1 serving;
Number of calories: 300-350 kcal (per 100 grams);


  • Butter – 200 g;
  • Chicken eggs (yolks) – 2 pcs;
  • Granulated sugar – 140 g;
  • 0.5 glasses of milk;
  • A tablespoon of cocoa.

This custard recipe is also known as “creme charlotte” - it is often used in expensive cakes in many countries Western Europe, and has a whole bunch of cooking options, mainly due to its malleability and compatibility with almost any worthy ingredient, such as aromatic alcoholic drinks, like rum or amaretto, or with fruit essences.

In this case, we use only one tablespoon of cocoa, as additional ingredient to add flavor sensation.

How to prepare cream cocoa? Everything is more than simple, because this recipe- this is just a slightly modified previous recipe for a cream based on egg yolks that we described, only instead of a package of gelatin and vanilla sugar you need to throw a spoonful of cocoa into the thoroughly beaten egg fudge.

That's all the changes. At the same time, the dessert completely changes (and not for the worse) its architecture, aromatic properties, and taste qualities. By this, the author of the recipe only wants to show that the scope for experimenting with this type of custard, in contrast to the more demanding protein cream, is practically unlimited. Feel free to experiment and create your own creamy masterpieces.

Recipe with egg whites

Cooking time: 30 minutes;
Number of servings: 1 serving;
Number of calories: 194 kcal (per 100 grams).

Ingredients needed for cooking:

  • Egg whites – 3-4 pieces (if the eggs are small, then 5 pieces);
  • Granulated sugar – 100 grams;
  • Vanillin or vanilla sugar– one sachet;
  • Citric acid - on the tip of a table knife.

Step by step cooking method:

  • 1. Prepare egg white. The eggs must be broken very carefully and the whites separated from the yolks, placing them in sufficient space. deep container– it’s better in a saucepan, because the volume of the mixture will increase significantly during the cooking process. In this case, it is best to prepare the proteins for use one day in advance, leaving them to cool in the refrigerator overnight so that the protein mixture acquires the necessary elasticity and beats easily. The total mass of the protein should be approximately 120 g. Beat the cooled protein using a mixer, blender, or a regular whisk until it reaches homogeneity and the surface of the mass is covered with thick foam.
  • 2. Add other ingredients. Pour sugar into protein mass, press and mix the contents of the bowl with a fork, then add vanillin and citric acid, stir again. You should have a thick and homogeneous mixture. This is the cream in its original state, now it needs to be given a more appropriate consistency.
  • 3. Place the cream in a steam bath. A container with a creamy mass that is still far from being used in culinary affairs, you need to put it in a steam bath with boiling water, while the boiling water should “breathe into the back” of the bottom of the container with the cream, framing it with clouds of steam. As soon as the water begins to boil, immediately use a mixer and beat the cream mass very thoroughly for about eight minutes, watching how the remaining sugar and vanillin dissolve into a thick, homogeneous mass. Then remove the dishes from the boiling pan and stir the same amount. The cream will thicken and change consistency before your eyes.

Whip the mixture until it thickens to a marshmallow-like consistency. Ideally, the cream should not even fall off the tablespoon when tilted - it is so thick and dense.

In fact, that's all. Usually ready-made creams in confectionery are colored with food coloring, and various flavorings are often added to them, but in ours, classical way preparation of creams, it turns out pure protein confectionery decoration. muffins

Different types of cupcake creams

Historical reference

Cupcake (i.e. literally cup and cake - cake in a cup) is a product of American culture, a traditional American delicacy, the first mention of which dates back to 1796, in cookbook Amelia Simmons.

Half a century later, another American, Eliza Laslie, popularized it dessert dish in his cookbook, while creating a fashion in America for small cakes, which in the future resulted in the creation of cupcakes with their signature cream top.

Around the same time it was invented and is now classic scheme baking dough for cupcakes, which can include many components, but must contain four ingredients: flour, sugar, butter and eggs. Around the same time period, the approximate dimensions of the delicacy were formed: this is a dessert, one serving of which is designed for one person and on average is about 60 grams and 5-6 centimeters in volume.

Although the average person is more interested not in the size of the cakes, but in their the nutritional value. And for good reason: despite its small size, the cupcake, like any sponge cake, is quite high in calories, and that’s even if you don’t take into account the cream.

On average, the calorie content of cupcakes is about 350 kcal, although there are recipes for low-calorie cupcakes, and even low calorie cream for cupcakes, but they cannot be classified as “sweets” or even “ confectionery”, so nothing of the kind was given in this article.

It is unknown who actually invented cupcakes, but it definitely happened in the USA. It’s safe to say that at that glorious time in the early 19th century, the good old baked goods we know were created, and modern Americans, honoring traditions and still remembering its unwritten rules, came up with modern cupcakes with the signature “rose” on her.

Hi all!
In this post, in my opinion, I will answer the most popular questions on my Instagram, as soon as I post a photo of cupcakes. I prepared this material for the winter issue of Russian Foodie and I was kindly allowed to publish this article here, on the pages of my website.

Despite the apparent simplicity of cupcakes, many, when preparing them for the first time, are faced with a number of questions and difficulties. Most of all, of course, there are questions about the cream. Which is the most faithful and, I’m not afraid of this word, perfect recipe cream? So that it keeps its shape, lies flat and doesn’t let you down at the most crucial moment? Which attachment is best to use? How to use it? And many other questions to which today I will try to give comprehensive answers.

Let's start with the most basic thing, without which our cupcake would not exist. No cupcake base. Below will be the most basic recipe vanilla cupcakes. It is very versatile and you can make some substitutions and it will work every time. new recipe. For example, add lemon zest and blueberries for lemon blueberry cupcakes. Or replace a couple of tablespoons of flour with the same number of tablespoons of cocoa. Add nuts, berries or fruits. Space for your imagination.

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Ingredients: for 12 pcs.


  • 100 g sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 tsp vanilla sugar (or extract)
  • 100 g sifted flour
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 75 g heavy cream (33-35%)

Ingredients for cream:

  • 100 g butter room temperature
  • 120 g powdered sugar
  • 80 g cream cheese
  • ½ tsp vanilla extract
  • a couple of drops of gel dye


Preparing the cupcake base:

  1. Beat butter at room temperature with sugar for several minutes (depending on the power of your mixer) until the sugar has dissolved as much as possible.
  2. Add two eggs and vanilla sugar one at a time. Beat thoroughly.
  3. Sift the flour with baking powder and add to the dough. Mix.
  4. Add cream, mix again and ready dough Place in muffin tin. For convenience, put paper capsules in the mold, and put the dough in it to fill 2/3 of the mold.
  5. Place the cupcake base in an oven preheated to 180C for 20-25 minutes and bake until done. Check readiness with a wooden skewer or toothpick. Ready-made cupcakes should be allowed to cool completely before decorating them with frosting.

Preparation of cream:

Now let's move on to the most interesting part. To the cream. I'm convinced that best cream for cupcakes, which will lie beautifully and evenly and withstand any travel and temperature, will contain butter! I know that many are trying to avoid butter in cream recipes, guided by childhood memories of Soviet butter roses on cakes. But here everything is completely different. First, we will add to the oil cream cheese, which will hide the obvious taste of the oil. And, secondly, let's choose best oil what is sold in your store. Perhaps the quality of the oil is the guarantee that everything will turn out great! It should be greasy and should not separate when at room temperature. Before preparing the cream, it is better to remove the cream cheese and butter from the refrigerator at the same time so that they are at approximately the same temperature.

  1. Beat the butter at high speed with a mixer for several minutes. During this time, the oil should become lighter and fluffier.
  2. Sift the powder thoroughly and add it all at once to the oil. And beat for 3-4 minutes at maximum mixer speed. As soon as we add the powder, the butter will gather into lumps, but literally after a few seconds all the lumps will be visible and will be whipped into cream. The longer you beat the powder and butter, the lighter your cream will be. It is very important to take your time so that your cream does not have a yellowish tint.
  3. Add vanilla extract and cream cheese and beat again, but this time not for so long. Just until the mixture is well mixed.
  4. The cream is ready. Now it needs to be transferred to pastry bag with a nozzle and decorate cupcakes.

I can’t believe it, but I finally did it: I collected all my favorite recipes for cupcake creams in one place. Cupcakes turn out neat and beautiful if the cream holds its shape well. Another condition for beautiful caps on cakes is good skill in working with a pastry bag. It takes practice, a lot of practice.

You can fill the bag with cream, place a free bowl next to it and start training. Squeeze a small amount of cream onto the cupcake, then use a spatula to remove the cream into a bowl and squeeze a new portion onto the same cake. And so on until the result suits you. The deposited cream can be put back into a pastry bag and the decorating experiment can be repeated.

It may not be possible to get neat hats right away, this is a matter of practice, don’t worry. Despite the awkward hats, the cakes are delicious, homemade, and made with ingredients you know.

1.Curd with butter

  • Mascarpone cheese - 500 g
  • Butter - 150-200 g
  • Powdered sugar - 100 -150 g
  • Vanilla extract - 1 tsp. (optional)

How to cook:

The cream is very easy to prepare, even a beginner can handle it. Allow the butter to warm up and the mascarpone to cool (it’s best to keep the cheese in the refrigerator until you add it to the cream).

Using a mixer, beat the butter and powder until fluffy and light in color. Cold cheese add to the cream only after the powder and butter are well beaten, so that later you don’t have the feeling that the powder is squeaking on your teeth. Using a hand mixer, it will take 8-10 minutes to beat, if you have a planetary (stationary mixer) - 5-6 minutes, no more.

The powder will quickly dissolve in the warm oil, then carefully stir the mascarpone into the creamy mixture and beat a little more until smooth.

This cream can be stored in a pastry bag for 5 days, while all its properties and structure are preserved. Too much delicate cream You can’t call it either - after all, curd cheese and powder in combination keep their shape very well. Even at room temperature (about 17-20 degrees), the cake or cupcakes will be able to stand for a couple of days without losing their shape.

This cream can be made chocolate by adding 2 tbsp. spoons of quality cocoa. To get a colored cream, for example pink, you can mix in a little raspberry puree.

To prepare the puree, defrost the berries (you can use fresh ones) and grind them in a blender. Two tablespoons berry puree add to the cream and stir.

2.Curd cheese and cream

A variation of the previous cream, only whipped cream is used instead of butter.

  • Heavy cream (no more than 33%) - 100 g
  • Powdered sugar - 70 g
  • Cream cheese - 500 g

First, whip the chilled cream (100 g). Cream with less than 33% fat content is not suitable for this recipe.

Before whipping the cream, cool not only the cream itself, but also the bowl in which you will whip, as well as the mixer beaters. I put the mixer beaters and a packet of cream in a bowl and put everything away freezer for 10 minutes.

So, beat the cream at maximum speed, even if it seems like nothing is happening and it remains liquid, still beat it. Starting from the fifth minute, stop more and more often to lift the cream on the whisk and check if it holds its shape. Otherwise the cream will turn into butter.

If you accidentally over-whip the cream, this is not a tragedy on a universal scale. Just add 1 tbsp. spoon of cold cream and stir again. The cream will return to its previous structure.

The website has step by step recipe butter cream with condensed milk, you can see the detailed description.

This cream is made in a similar way, but cocoa powder is added at the end of the process. The photo shows the cream after cooling in the refrigerator.

Prepare the following ingredients:

  • Condensed milk - 200 g
  • Cocoa powder - 3 tbsp. l.

How to prepare:

  1. First we beat soft butter until fluffy and bright.
  2. Pour in the condensed milk with a spoon, whisking until smooth each time.
  3. When the condensed milk is used up, add cocoa powder a tablespoon at a time, whisking thoroughly each time.
  4. We use the finished cream to decorate cupcakes.
  5. If the cream does not hold its shape well, refrigerate.

4.Butter cream with boiled condensed milk

We will need:

  • Softened butter - 200 g
  • Boiled condensed milk - 320 g

How to cook:

Beat the butter with a mixer until fluffy and creamy (takes about 5 minutes).

Add condensed milk one spoon at a time, whisking until smooth each time.

The finished cream needs to be cooled and then you can decorate cupcakes or a cake.

5.Curd soufflé

  • Unsweetened curd mass or cottage cheese - 500 g
  • Granulated sugar - 1 tbsp
  • Eggs - 2 pcs
  • Vanilla extract - 1 tsp.
  • Gelatin - 25 g
  • Butter - 125 g

Cooking method

  1. Beat the yolks (2 pcs) with 0.5 tbsp. sugar and vanilla extract.
  2. Add softened butter. Beat thoroughly with a mixer.
  3. Pour gelatin hot water(almost boiling water), soak for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  4. Beat egg whites with sugar until stiff peaks form. If you are using in a recipe homemade cottage cheese, rub it through a metal sieve so that there are no grains. Add the yolk-butter mixture to the curd mass and beat well.

After this, pour warm gelatin into the cottage cheese, continuously whisking with a mixer.

Then add the whipped whites in small portions and mix gently. If you want a colored cream, add a small amount of berry or cherry puree.

Since the cream thickens very quickly, spread it onto the cake without delay.

6.Cream cheese with white chocolate

Wonderful combination of flavors white chocolate and cream cheese.

  • White chocolate - 200 g
  • Softened butter - 200 g
  • Powdered sugar -150 g
  • Curd cream cheese - 250 g
  • Vanilla extract - 1 tsp.

Cooking process

Melt the chocolate in your usual way. I do this in a water bath, I describe it in detail here:

Beat the soft butter for 5 minutes with a mixer until fluffy, then add the remaining ingredients (after cooling the chocolate to room temperature), beat until smooth.

To ensure that the cream holds its shape better on the cupcakes, it is recommended to refrigerate it.

7.Chocolate ganache

The silky texture of the cream is perfect for delicate cupcakes. The cream needs to be cooled well and allowed to brew, so prepare it in advance. I usually make it in the evening, leave it at room temperature overnight, and decorate the cupcakes in the morning.

  • Cream with fat content from 33% -250 ml
  • Liquid honey - 50 g (if yours is thick or candied, melt it in microwave oven or in a water bath).
  • Instant coffee - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Dark chocolate (cocoa content at least 60%) - 200 g
  • Butter - 75 g

Step-by-step cooking process

Bring honey to a boil over low heat. instant coffee and cream (no need to boil).

Chop the chocolate into a bowl, cut the butter into cubes, pour in hot cream in two steps: first pour half, mix with a whisk, then pour in the second half - mix again until smooth.

Cover the bowl with cling film and leave to steep overnight (no need to put it in the refrigerator).

The next day, you can use the ganache to decorate cupcakes and cakes.

8.Protein cream (on Swiss meringue)

Many people are afraid to use protein cream due to the risk of contracting salmonellosis. In this recipe, the proteins are brewed in a water bath, so the risk of infection is virtually eliminated.

You will need the following ingredients:

  • Egg whites - 2 pcs.
  • Granulated sugar - 150 g
  • Vanilla extract - 1 tsp.
  • Food coloring - optional

How to make protein cream for cupcakes:

In a heat-resistant bowl, combine the whites, sugar, and vanilla extract. Place in a water bath so that the bottom of the cup does not touch the boiling water.

Constantly working with a whisk, bring the whites to such a state that the sugar is completely dissolved. You can take a small amount of the protein mass and rub it between your fingers - the grains should not be felt.

After the sugar has completely dissolved, remove the protein mixture from the water bath and pick up an electric mixer. Beat into a stiff meringue until the bowl cools to room temperature.

The finished cream can be immediately used to decorate cupcakes and cakes.

9.Fruit cream mousse

This cream can be used not only to decorate cupcakes, but also as an independent dessert. Choose the berries you like - and get to work!

  • Fruit puree - 250 g (can be prepared from fresh or frozen berries)
  • Leaf gelatin - 3 pcs.
  • Sugar - 150 g
  • Egg whites - 3 pcs.
  • Cream - 33% and above - 250 g

What do we have to do:

  1. Soak gelatin leaves cold water and let it swell. If you don’t have gelatin in plates on hand, you can use powdered one, but choose a high-quality one, for example, from Dr. Oetker, it dissolves very well, you don’t need to wait two hours.
  2. Using a mixer, beat the whites into a fluffy foam, gradually adding granulated sugar.
  3. Whip the cream into a fluffy mass.
  4. Heat the swollen gelatin in a water bath until the grains are completely dissolved.
  5. Gently fold in the whipped egg whites, cream and fruit puree.
  6. Add gelatin to the general mixture, pouring in a thin stream, without stopping stirring.

This cream should be allowed to sit properly in the refrigerator (at least 3 hours).
I wish you wonderful desserts, be sure to write what cakes and pastries you made using creams, which one did you like best!

In contact with

Cupcakes, beautifully decorated with all kinds of berries and cherries, thoroughly flavored with a good portion of cream, are appropriate not only for festive table. No person will remain indifferent to this delicious delicacy. And if there should be no questions about the cupcake bases of mini-cakes: they are all prepared according to traditional recipes, - then choosing cream for cupcakes is sometimes problematic.

Showing the flight of creative thought

The process of decorating cupcakes is as exciting as the process of making cream can be tedious. Before choosing a cream, we need to decide what we want at the moment. Suitable for lovers of classics and academicism traditional version With oil decoration, cheesecake fans vote with both hands for the mascarpone cupcake cream, and those who value their time will certainly use the whipped cream decoration. Each has its own recipe.

Curd cream

For let's take the preparations the following ingredients:

  • A packet of vanilla pudding.
  • Butter - 50 g.
  • Curd mass or fat cottage cheese- 150 g.
  • Powdered sugar - 150 g.

Curd cream for cupcakes will be highly appreciated by lovers delicate taste. First, combine the butter and cottage cheese. We will beat the components with a mixer until a homogeneous mixture is formed. thick mass. You shouldn’t skimp on the quality of the oil: the quality of the cream depends on it. Continuing to beat, gradually add powdered sugar to the cream, and then add delicate vanilla pudding. Make sure the cream is thick enough and put it in the refrigerator to cool. Nothing bad will happen if you place the finished cream in the freezer for 15-20 minutes. Then we take a culinary syringe and on each ready-made cupcake we build a beautiful corrugated hat. Additionally, we decorate with small berries - cranberries, blueberries, raspberries or currants. WITH curd cream Strawberry pieces also work well.

Mascarpone cupcake cream: easy to prepare

To prepare a cream based soft cheese You only need two ingredients:

  • Mascarpone cheese - 500 g.
  • Powdered sugar - 100 g.

The only difficulty in preparing this unusual plain cream will be placing the mixing vessel and, in fact, the mixer attachment in the freezer an hour before the manipulations are performed. When whipping, powdered sugar must be sifted evenly onto the surface of the cheese mass. Sometimes the manipulations done seem not enough, and housewives complicate the process by adding vanilla sugar to the cream for flavor, as well as food colorings for a particularly elegant appearance. It must be remembered that cupcake cream can lose its visual appeal and unique taste if natural ingredients are used as coloring agents. Thus, blueberry jam, beetroot or carrot juice can ruin the dessert. If liquid accumulates in the cheese when whipping the cream, it should be immediately drained using gauze. Before decorating the cupcakes, we’ll use the refrigerator again: put the finished cream there for 10 minutes. There are variations in preparation cheese cream. So, cream cheese for cupcakes can be made from any soft cream cheese.

Protein cream

To prepare a classic protein cream, in addition to angelic patience, we will need:

  • Whites of four chicken eggs.
  • Butter - 200 g.
  • Powdered sugar - 200 g.
  • Lemon juice - 1 tbsp. spoon.

Thick protein cream for cupcakes is quite difficult to make. The final result depends on the quality and freshness of the eggs and the professionalism of the housewife. Sometimes, having suffered a painful failure in her first preparation of protein cream, the housewife refuses to carry out a similar experiment in the future. But in vain. After all, only through repeated repetitions and your own observations can you discover the path that will lead to the final goal. And this goal is classic cream for cupcakes, the recipe for which we are now mastering.

The most responsible process

Separate the whites from the yolks. Remove the yolks and pour the whites into a mixing bowl. Pour powdered sugar into a bowl and beat together with the egg whites until a fluffy, homogeneous mass is formed. Now we need helpers water bath. Bring a saucepan with water to a boil, place our vessel with cream in it and tirelessly stir the mass with a whisk. Total time heating in a water bath should be at least three minutes. After this, visually we should not detect the slightest hint of grains of sugar.

It's time to add lemon juice to the cream and use the mixer again, whipping the contents of the bowl until thick foam. The oil that we put into the bowl next should be soft. To do this, take it out of the refrigerator several hours before the manipulations. We continue to whip our cream. If the bowl has not yet cooled after the water bath, the cream will not be considered ready. The readiness of the protein cream is determined by its coolness and the ability not to fall out of the container when upside down. As soon as all the conditions are met, put the finished cream in the freezer for 1 hour. After this time, we arm ourselves with a culinary syringe and build beautiful white hats on the cupcakes. Cupcake cream if desired in this case can be sprinkled on top chocolate chips. You can also use marmalade and candied fruits.

Cupcake cream: a quick recipe

Not every housewife is ready to sacrifice two hours of free time to prepare protein cream. What to do if guests are about to arrive and you want to please them delicious pastries. In this case, we recommend turning your attention to whipped cream. However, it is not recommended to decorate cupcakes with them ahead of time, since whipped cream can quickly lose its structure. While the guests are sitting at the table, it's time to start decorating. To do this, place the stainless steel vessel in the freezer for 5 minutes. After this we will whip the cream until it is perfectly thick. Add 2-3 tbsp. tablespoons of powdered sugar, but not all at once, but in portions, not forgetting to whisk the cream all the time. It is better to start whipping with the minimum speed of the mixer, gradually increasing the speed. The soft peaks formed by the cream on the surface of the cream will signal that the whipping process has stopped. Ready butter cream for cupcakes we will put it in a pastry bag and decorate cooled cupcakes with it. Additionally, cupcakes can be decorated with multi-colored confectionery icing.

Preparing chocolate cream

  • 2 bars of dark dark chocolate.
  • Cream - 250 ml.
  • Honey - 50 g.

Chocolate cream for cupcakes is prepared hot. First, pour the cream into a saucepan, mix with honey and bring the resulting mass to a boil. Break the chocolate into pieces, gradually adding to the cream and honey. When the last chocolate slice is melted, stir the hot cream and make sure that there are no lumps in the composition. The finished cream can be described as a glaze rather than an airy mass, because we did not use a mixer in preparation. We place the finished one chocolate composition Place in the refrigerator to set, then pour over cupcakes.

For lovers of not too sweet desserts

Meringue cream for cupcakes is quite thick in consistency, not too sweet and very similar to protein cream. Performed using a similar technology, but with the addition of syrup small quantity water. You can make a cream like this butter, and without it. We will need the following ingredients:

  • Whites of two chicken eggs.
  • Sugar - 170 g.
  • Water - 2 tbsp. spoons.
  • Corn syrup - 3 tbsp. spoons.
  • Lemon juice - ½ teaspoon.
  • Cream of tartar.
  • Vanilla extract and strawberry puree as a dye (optional).

Pour the egg whites into a deep, clean and dry bowl. Take a saucepan and mix the specified amount of sugar with water, put it on fire. We will cook the syrup over medium heat, stirring occasionally and preventing it from darkening. The sugar should completely dissolve. To do this, you will need a temperature not exceeding 120 degrees. While the sugar dissolves in the saucepan, you can begin the process of whipping the whites. Add a crystal of cream of tartar to the whites and beat until stable peaks form on the surface.

Forward to culinary heights

Now we will pour the syrup into the protein mass and beat again until the syrup cools. This process is quite long and can take up to half an hour. However, it is precisely because of this technology that the cream for decorating cupcakes can easily hold its shape even at room temperature for up to 2 days in a row.

As soon as the mass triples its volume, add lemon juice and corn syrup; if you decide to use dyes, then add them to the composition. Let's work with the mixer a little more and send the mixture to cool. The same can be recommended if you can’t immediately whip the cream to the state of confident waves. When the cream has cooled completely, you can decorate our wonderful cupcakes and serve.

Oil cream

As ingredients we will need:

  • Butter - 200 g.
  • Milk - 50 ml.
  • Powdered sugar - 300 g.

IN butter cream For cupcakes, you can also add fruit extracts, cinnamon or vanilla to taste. According to the method of preparation, the oil composition is similar to curd cream. We prepare as follows. We begin to beat the softened butter with a mixer and gradually add powdered sugar and (if desired) various flavorings. All that remains is to pour milk into the mass and again bring the composition to a thick, fluffy consistency. Cool and decorate our cupcakes.

Buttercream, despite its high calorie content and sweetness remains perhaps the most classic and favorite for decorating mini cupcakes. Crumbly sand base The cupcake is framed by a delicate, melt-in-your-mouth buttercream. This option is most similar to the idea of ​​an ideal mini-cake.

For lovers of experiments

Creative people, especially if there are children nearby, will be happy to prepare mastic cream. This culinary product helps to evenly cover cupcakes, and also to create colorful compositions on them with animal faces, funny faces, natural phenomena and entire cities. Fantasy in creating masterpieces culinary decoration has no boundaries. To create the mastic cream, you only need marshmallow candies, a microwave oven, water, lemon juice and powdered sugar.

Open the package of candies, place them in a bowl and add one tablespoon lemon juice. We will heat the sweets in the microwave for exactly 20 seconds so that the sweets increase in volume. You can also use a water bath to heat the base of the future mastic. If desired, you can add food coloring to the mixture. In this case, the mass is thoroughly mixed until the granules are completely dissolved. Now it’s time to add powdered sugar into the resulting multi-colored mass. We already know that powder is poured into cream in small portions. Don't forget to stir the mixture all the time.

Fantasy without limits

The mastic will form when you feel that the sweet mixture is being mixed with great difficulty. It's time to put our mastic on a table sprinkled with powdered sugar and start kneading a kind of sweet dough. Only powdered sugar will act as flour here. The moment when the mastic stops sticking to your hands serves as a signal that it is ready to realize your creative ideas. It remains to wrap the mastic in cling film, having previously expelled all the air from inside, so that in the future it could not prevent us from culinary experiments. Place the bag in the refrigerator for half an hour. After this, you can safely sculpt a variety of funny and delicious figures for cupcakes.


We hope that from the entire variety of cupcake creams presented, you can easily choose the most delicious and most delicious one for yourself. original recipe. And teacup-sized cupcakes with a ruffled cream top will become a favorite treat for the whole family. Enjoy your tea!
