Baby puree recipes. How to prepare baby puree for the winter: apple, pumpkin, squash and other baby food recipes

Mothers always want to be sure that their baby receives only high-quality and healthy food. When the baby eats only the mixture, we have to trust the manufacturers in everything baby food.

But when it comes time to introduce, you can cook baby food yourself, observing all the rules and precautions.

First of all, for the preparation of baby food, stock up necessary equipment: hand blender, juicer, clean coffee grinder. A steamer (or steamer) and a microwave oven may also come in handy.

At home, it is possible to prepare almost the entire range of complementary foods for children under one year old: juices, vegetable and fruit purees, cereals, light broths, and even meat dishes. But first things first!

Juice for baby

The introduction of complementary foods is recommended to start with juice, or rather, from the juice of green apples. From four months you can try pear, apricot, peach and carrot juice(although some experts do not recommend introducing complementary foods before 6 months. In any case, the timing is up to you).

These products do not require pre-cooking or roasting before putting them in the juicer. But the pumpkin, on the contrary, must first be softened in the oven, or steamed.

You will not be able to squeeze the juice out of just a banana (you will get mashed potatoes). But there is always a way out: prepare banana water by stirring in it a small amount of chopped banana. The kids love this treat. In Russia, by the way, it is believed that a banana can be introduced into complementary foods only at 6 months, although in Europe and the USA they start complementary foods with a banana - this is a very harmless product.

The main rules for making juice for babies are to filter and dilute the juice with boiled water.

Baby puree

As the first baby puree, it is recommended to choose a vegetable (potato, zucchini or cauliflower). Otherwise, the baby may refuse vegetables by tasting fruits. After vegetables, you can enter apple, plum, peach, apricot and carrot puree.

Vegetables, apples, and anything that needs softening to make baby puree can be steamed, baked, or baked. microwave oven, or simply by boiling in a saucepan. If you chose the latter, don't add too much water. Let the vegetables be less than half in the water.

It is best to grind the puree with a blender, although it is enough just to mash the potatoes with a fork. Add water to the puree - the baby will not be able to eat too thick food.

Porridge for babies

Before you cook porridge for your baby, grind the cereal in a coffee grinder. Buckwheat may be suitable for baby porridge, oat groats, semolina, rice, etc. You can cook porridge both on water and with the addition of cow's milk.

For taste, you can add pumpkin, prunes or other ingredients to the porridge, but in this case you will have to process the porridge with a blender after cooking. Remember that sweet fruits and vegetables as a supplement are always better than sugar.


From eight months on, your little one is already ready to try the broth. First, give the baby vegetable broth, and only then offer meat. The broth should be light, not salty, without dangerous particles. From meat broths preferably chicken. Never offer your child broth made from a bouillon cube.

Meat dishes

It is better to buy the first meat baby purees in the store. They require strong grinding, which is very difficult to provide at home.

Over time, when the crumbs grow enough teeth (approximately a year old), you can offer him boiled dietary meat (turkey, rabbit, lamb, chicken).

By the way, from seven months you can boil the baby egg yolk. You should start a little bit, and it is better if the yolk is quail.

To properly prepare baby food at home, follow the following rules and recommendations:

  • Buy only fresh food and do not keep them in the refrigerator for more than two days.
  • Give prepared baby food to your baby right away, do not leave half-eaten food in the refrigerator the next day.
  • When preparing complementary foods for children under one year old, use boiled water from a filter, or special baby water sold in bottles.
  • All utensils must be clean during cooking. Be sure to wash the spoon if it falls on the floor. Do not allow foreign crumbs and particles from the table to get into food.
  • If fresh food is not available due to the season, opt for frozen food. Give preference to whole rather than chopped vegetables and fruits. As a rule, they are fresher and of higher quality.
  • The easiest way to find out which foods are best introduced first and which later is to familiarize yourself with the range of ready-made baby food in the supermarket. Some combination purees and juices can give you some great homemade meal ideas for your little one.
  • You should start with one-component juices for babies (and then with one-component purees). Enter New Product should be gradually, starting with one teaspoon and watching the reaction of the baby.
  • At 3-4 months, try to give complementary foods in the morning in order to better track the well-being of the crumbs.
  • Do not use sugar, salt, honey and spices in the preparation of baby food.
  • To avoid getting nitrates into your baby's body, do not use components such as beets, peas and spinach as complementary foods for babies. Of course, not all of the listed vegetables contain impurities that are harmful to the baby, but this option is very likely.
  • Do not give your baby too hot baby food. Check the temperature before offering the meal to the baby. Be especially careful with food from the microwave oven, as the heating in it is not uniform.
  • If the product is too acidic (eg blackcurrant), mix it with something sweet when making a puree or juice (sweet apple, banana, etc.).

Homemade food prepared by caring and loving mother, leaves an indelible impression and positive memories in the growing crumbs. Treat your baby with a piece of your warmth. And may your baby be healthy and cheerful!

The introduction of complementary foods always feels like a transition to new level child development and maturation. More recently, the little one did not know anything but his mother's breast, and now, as an adult, he sits in his high chair and tries new food from a spoon. No matter how grandmothers try to insist that it is necessary to feed from 3 months, modern WHO recommendations inform that complementary foods should be introduced no earlier than six months. The best option for the first feeding, it will not be the ones that were given to babies 20 years ago, but vegetable purees.

A couple of words about food

Porridge can also be considered as the first complementary food, it depends on the characteristics of the child's development. Usually cereals are administered when the baby is, because they are more nutritious and high-calorie. If your little one does not have problems with weight gain, it is better to start with vegetables.

When a baby suckles on demand, he is guaranteed to get all the nutrients. The purpose of complementary foods in this case is not to make up for the lack of vitamins, as was thought some time ago, but to begin to acquaint the baby with different tastes and prepare him for solid food. This means that mothers do not have to try to feed their baby mashed potatoes at any cost. Complementary foods should not crowd out breast milk Complementary foods do not replace feeding (unless you are in the process of weaning).

Vegetable complementary foods: basic rules

  1. You need to start introducing vegetables into your baby's diet with a single-component puree. First, the baby tries all the vegetables recommended for his age separately, and only then should he give a puree consisting of several vegetables.
  2. The best option is if the first complementary foods will consist of zucchini, cauliflower or broccoli. Then you can gradually introduce pumpkin, carrots, kohlrabi, potatoes.
  3. Usually complementary foods are introduced according to the standard scheme: they start with 1 teaspoon and bring the daily portion to 50 grams, but if the baby refuses, we postpone complementary foods for a week and try again or change the product.
  4. Salting or sweetening vegetable purees for a child is not worth it. To adults whose taste preferences have already formed, unsalted vegetable purees seem unimaginably disgusting, but the baby, who has nothing to compare with yet, perceives such a taste in a completely different way. It is important for a child to try the “clean” tastes of foods.
  5. If you plan to purchase factory-made puree, carefully read the composition. In addition to vegetables and water, nothing should be in the jar.
  6. Vegetable puree can be easily prepared at home. For these purposes, it is better to take vegetables from your own garden or at least grown in your area. Imported vegetables from store shelves do not inspire confidence, as they may contain nitrates. By the way, if the introduction of complementary foods falls on the “off season”, when fresh vegetables no, pre-made frozen blanks will work just fine.

Video: the most common mistakes in the management of baby food:

Handmade vegetable puree

Preparing vegetable puree for a baby is not at all difficult. Several simple recipes help mothers navigate the technology of cooking.

Moms take note!

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Zucchini puree

Peel the zucchini from the skin and seeds and cut into rings. We put a few rings in the bowl of a double boiler (for lack of such a device in the kitchen, you can simply cook in water or make a double boiler from a pot of boiling water and a sieve installed on top). Zucchini is cooked very quickly - after 7-10 minutes it is ready. Grinding boiled zucchini until smooth is not easy, since this vegetable is very fibrous. To ensure that the puree is uniform and airy, you can use a blender, and then pass the entire mass through a fine sieve. It is better to cool mashed potatoes in the refrigerator - this reduces the risk of bacterial growth in dishes with mashed potatoes, because on home cooking it is impossible to maintain sterility. In the refrigerator, such mashed potatoes are stored for up to 4 days, you need to warm it up in portions. In a warmed portion of complementary foods, you can add expressed breast milk, olive oil.

Cabbage, broccoli and potato puree

Boil 1 potato and a few broccoli florets (you can steam it). In proportion, potatoes should be less than broccoli, because starchy vegetable hard to digest by the body. Grind boiled vegetables with a blender or rub through a sieve, while adding a little vegetable broth. After cooling, the puree can be given to the baby. The rule about expressed milk or vegetable oil also applies in this case.

Pumpkin puree

Peel the pumpkin, remove the seeds and cut into small pieces. Put about 200 grams of chopped vegetable on a baking sheet, pour a little water, cover with foil and set to bake for 20 minutes. When the pumpkin is ready - chop the pieces already known way, cool, add breast milk or vegetable oil and puree is ready.

It is better to introduce pumpkin into the child's diet in the last rows. It is believed that this vegetable can cause allergies. In addition, there is an opinion that the pumpkin strengthens, so be sure to monitor the reaction of the child.

Video: vegetable puree recipe

It usually takes a month or a half to get to know different vegetables. After the introduction of complementary foods, the consistency and smell of the stool changes - this is completely normal. According to WHO recommendations, simultaneously with the introduction of the first complementary foods, you can start giving the baby a drink (

If you understand that the baby is already ready to switch to solid food, you can not buy ready meals in the store, but try to cook baby food for the child yourself. Homemade baby food can be just as tasty and healthy as store-bought ones and contains everything nutrients needed for health and growth. And if you like to cook, this is great way take your culinary skills to the next level.

Here are a few benefits of making baby food at home:

  • It's cheaper than buying ready-made meals.
  • You choose textures and flavors.
  • Baby gets fresh and healthy foods. Almost any type of fruit, vegetable, meat, poultry and fish can be made into delicious baby food.
  • A little practice - and you will be preparing any baby food in no time.

But remember that whatever baby food is - homemade or store-bought - the child must receive enough of it to grow and develop.

Preparation and cooking

  • Buy the latest and quality fruits, vegetables and meat that you can afford.
  • Store foods at safe temperatures. Chilled foods should be stored at about 4 degrees Celsius, and frozen foods at -18 degrees. Buy refrigerator thermometers and freezer and keep them there all the time.
  • Before touching raw foods wash your hands thoroughly with soap.
  • Clean and wash the food itself well before cooking. Cut out spoiled parts of fruits and vegetables. cut off excess fat from meat.
  • Use two different cutting boards for vegetables/fruits and meat. So you can avoid the transfer of harmful bacteria from one product to another.
  • All kitchen appliances and tools must be clean, including sponges and dish mats.
  • If you are making fruit puree, heat treatment not required. Cut fruit into pieces and simply grind in a blender or food processor.
  • Vegetables need good heat treatment - it is advisable to steam them. Steam processing preserves more vitamins and minerals. But don't cook vegetables for too long, as this will destroy important nutrients.
  • Boil/fry the meat thoroughly at a temperature of at least 71 degrees Celsius until medium or full doneness. Use non-stick spray for frying, baking or stewing.
  • Do not throw away liquid from cooking meats and vegetables, and use it to dilute baby purees.
  • Puree or grind food to desired texture and consistency. Salt, sugar and seasonings are not needed.

Baby will love it natural taste fresh produce.

Equipment and accessories

In addition to the usual kitchen utensils you will need the following:

  • Food processor or blender for puréing meat, vegetables and fruits until smooth. When your child is a little longer and can chew on the pieces, you can use a fork or potato masher.
  • Inexpensive pot insert for steaming vegetables. This way the vegetables won't touch the water and retain all their nutrients.

If you choose to cook baby food in bulk to freeze later, you may also need:

  • Ice Freeze Molds
  • Cookie mats
  • Wax paper or cellophane wrap
  • Zippered freezer bags
  • Freezer Tape
  • Markers

Preparing baby food from regular homemade food

Adaptation homemade food that you eat yourself is a great way to introduce your child to the flavors of foods that other children and adults commonly eat.

  • Puree adult food BEFORE you add salt or strong seasonings.
  • If you are not going to apply prepared food immediately, it can be stored in the refrigerator for up to two days. After this time, everything that has not been eaten must be thrown away.
  • Avoid semi-finished products. They contain a lot of saturated fats that are harmful to the baby.
  • Before offering cooked or reheated food to a child, check its temperature with your finger to make sure it is not too hot. Stir the food well to avoid hot spots that often occur when using a microwave oven.
  • If the child has not eaten his entire portion, the leftovers should be thrown away. Never give your child reheated leftovers (to avoid bacterial contamination).

Stock preparation of baby food

  • Spill ready-made puree into molds for freezing ice.
  • Cover the molds with plastic wrap or wax paper.
  • If you are preparing a large supply of baby food, place the filled ice cube trays on the trays and place the trays in the freezer.
  • When the puree is frozen, transfer it from the molds to freezer bags.
  • Sign the date and type of puree with a marker or stick on freezer tape. (Chilled food should be used within two days, frozen food within two to four months.)
  • Remove the cubes as needed and defrost them in the refrigerator or microwave. (Start with small portions so you don't have to throw away leftovers; you can reheat the topping in the microwave in a couple of minutes.)
  • If you are defrosting or reheating baby food in the microwave, check the temperature of the food after you stir it. Also check the temperature of the food in the fridge to make sure it's not too cold.

Follow these tips, cook with love, and your baby will enjoy delicious and healthy meals and you save the family budget!

The first complementary foods for babies begin to be given from 5-7 months. At this time, the baby begins to give vegetable purees, consisting of one ingredient, with ½ teaspoon and gradually increase the dose. By the year norm vegetable puree is 100-150 grams per day. After the introduction different vegetables the child can be given multicomponent meals.

Rules for making puree

  • Choose vegetables and fruits carefully. They must be fresh and of high quality without rot, black dots and stains. Before cooking, thoroughly wash the products, peel the skin. You can also use frozen vegetables;
  • In the first month of complementary foods, you can give broccoli and cauliflower, potatoes and zucchini, green pea. If the child reacts normally, carrots and pumpkin are added to the diet;
  • If you buy ready-made meals for children under one year old, check the expiration date and composition of the product, the integrity of the packaging, recommendations for age and weight. The jar should indicate the age and weight of the child for whom nutrition is recommended;
  • Choose formulations that are free of GMOs, gluten, preservatives and colors. It is desirable that the puree does not contain starch, rice flour, rice, coconut and palm oils;
  • Do not digest vegetables and fruits so that they do not lose vitamins and beneficial properties;
  • Soak fruits and vegetables in clean, filtered water before cooking to eliminate pesticide nitrates and other harmful elements. Potatoes are left for 12-24 hours, other types of vegetables - for two hours;

  • For cooking, take clean filtered or boiled water. You can also use special baby water;
  • Ready vegetable puree can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 24 hours, but it is better to cook it again each time;
  • When cooking, do not use salt, spices and seasonings, cow's milk. In the dish, you can add expressed breast milk, a few drops of vegetable oil, from 7 months - a little butter;
  • When cooking, it is important to chop the vegetables, the puree should be liquid in consistency without lumps and whole pieces. If the dish turned out to be too thick, dilute it with the broth in which the vegetable was cooked;
  • Better to cook at home. So you will be sure of the composition and quality of the dish. Next, we offer recipes for mashed vegetables for babies.

Vegetable puree recipes for babies

Zucchini puree

Wash the zucchini, remove the skin and seeds, cut into rings or cubes. Put the pieces in boiling water and cook for 10 minutes. Grind the prepared vegetable mass in a blender or through a sieve. Expressed breast milk or vegetable oil can be added to the serving.

pumpkin puree

Peel pumpkin, remove seeds and cut into small pieces. Take 200 grams of vegetable, put on a baking sheet and add a little water. Cover the pumpkin with foil and put in the oven for 20 minutes. Ready meal chop, add vegetable oil or breast milk.

Green Pea Puree

Add 200 grams of fresh or frozen green peas to boiling water and cook until soft. Strain ready vegetable and drain the broth into a separate bowl. Grind the peas and dilute with the broth. You can add some vegetable oil.

Broccoli and potato puree

Boil one potato tuber and a few broccoli florets. Cooking broccoli takes place quickly within 5-7 minutes. Before cooking, rinse the vegetable and divide into small inflorescences, put in boiling water. Since broccoli quickly deteriorates, it is better to cook cabbage immediately after purchase. Boiled vegetables chop with a blender or through a sieve, add vegetable broth and a little vegetable oil.

Can also be given as a first meal fruit puree for kids. Optimal products will be apples, pears and bananas. How to cook applesauce for complementary foods, see.

The best baby puree manufacturers

Firm Description Price
FrutoNyanya (Russia) Natural composition and a large selection of types of vegetable purees, neat and convenient packaging, but there is an unpleasant smell 30 rubles (100 grams)
Gerber (Switzerland) The natural composition and a wide selection of flavors rarely cause allergies and negative reactions in children, but it has an increased cost. 45 rubles (80 grams)
Babushkino basket (Russia) Affordable food with safe natural composition, rarely causes allergies, but has a specific bland taste 30 rubles (100 grams)
Tema (Russia) Hypoallergenic baby food with a natural composition, but differs in a small taste variety and a small selection of mashed potatoes from several components 38 rubles (100 grams)
Semper (Sweden) Natural composition with a large number of vitamins and minerals, but some types of puree contain starch and rice flour, which are difficult to digest and increase gas formation. Another disadvantage is the high price. 76 rubles (125 grams)
Heinz (USA, Russia) Delicious and varied nutrition with natural hypoallergenic composition, a wide range of products, some purees contain cornmeal which can cause diarrhea in babies 36 rubles (80 grams)
Hipp (Germany) Natural quality product with a wide selection of vegetable purees, delicate texture and pleasant taste, of the minuses - expensive cost 50 rubles (80 grams)
Nutricia (Netherlands, Russia) High-quality and safe gluten-free composition, convenient packaging and a wide range of products, low cost 35 rubles (125 grams)
Bebivita (Germany) Inexpensive food with a natural composition, reliable vacuum packaging, but often causes allergies, the consistency of mashed potatoes with lumps, the composition includes corn oil and rice flour that negatively affect digestion 57 rubles (100 grams)

Whether you're cooking at home or buying mashed potatoes, keep an eye on your child's reaction. Since certain vegetables can cause allergies. After the introduction of the product, observe the reaction of the baby for two days. If symptoms of a food allergy appear, remove the puree from the diet and consult a doctor. Do not give your baby medication without consulting a pediatrician! Only a specialist will be able to correctly diagnose, choose a treatment and a hypoallergenic diet.

Not all parents are ready to use mashed potatoes in jars as complementary foods for their baby, which can be found on the shelves with baby food.

A great alternative to similar products - homemade baby puree. If it is prepared according to some simple rules, your baby will eat healthy food that has a beneficial effect on a growing body.

How to make baby puree the right way

Any ingredients can either be boiled or steamed. If you prefer the first method, use enameled kitchen utensils. The second method is more suitable for preparing baby food, since steamed fruits, fish, meat and vegetables retain a maximum of useful substances.

It is recommended to store baby puree in the refrigerator for no more than one day. It can be left in the freezer for a longer period, but only if there is no fruit in it. Reheat baby food after any freezing only once.

Puree should be diluted with either milk or water. If using a second liquid, it must be made for children or boiled. In the case when milk is added to the puree, it is not recommended to freeze it.

Those who are wondering how to cook for a baby on their own should know some culinary subtleties. All ingredients must be crushed with a blender so that the mixture is as soft and homogeneous as possible. You should not choose mixed purees as the first complementary food, it is better to stop at one product.

Read more about the basic rules for the introduction of complementary foods.

Subsequently, the kids can cook mashed potatoes made from chopped or mashed foods. Thus, you should prepare the crumbs for "adult" food. It is important to introduce puree from a mixture of products into the diet.

Vegetable baby puree

If the child is gaining weight well, then you can start complementary foods with vegetables. Such a dish has a good effect on the digestion process, and will be especially useful for children prone to constipation.

As the first vegetables are used - broccoli, cauliflower, zucchini, potatoes. In the future, you can diversify the baby's diet with mashed carrots, pumpkins, cabbage, green peas, beets, cucumbers.

It is advisable to soak the ingredients of vegetable puree in ordinary water about two hours. You need to grind them without cooling. Don't forget to remove the seeds and skins. You don't need to add puree.

Baked pumpkin puree

Take a small pumpkin and cut it into small pieces. We wrap them in foil and put them in the oven.

You need to bake at a low temperature until the pumpkin becomes soft, and knead it. Despite the fact that it has a lot of juice, it is better to add liquid. This dish will be very useful for constipation in crumbs.

Cucumber puree

Due to the huge liquid content in this vegetable, it is not necessary to grind it in a blender. It is enough to remove the skin from it and grate it on very fine grater. No liquid needs to be added.

Soft green pea puree

Take green peas and boil them until soft consistency. This process usually takes five minutes if the fire is low. We wipe the peas through a sieve and pour in a little water in which it was boiled.

Video - Cooking vegetable puree for a child

Fruit baby puree

The most suitable fruits for the first feeding are apple, pear, prunes, banana. Later, you can add apricot, peach.

Any citrus is unsuitable for creating fruit purees if the child is too small. Citrus fruits or berries can be introduced into the diet only when combined with other products and in small quantities.

Avoid in the diet of a small child exotic fruits- kiwi, mango, pineapple. For the baby, fruits that grow in the region of his residence are primarily useful. Any experiments in baby food are unacceptable.

Peel the fruit from the peel, pull out the seeds. Fruit puree can be mixed with porridge.

Steamed juicy apple puree

For cooking, it is better to use sweet green apples. We put them in a slow cooker, steam until soft and take them out. Cut in half, take out the seeds, remove the peel and knead.

Preparing in the same way pear puree: take dessert pear and cook until soft, remove the seeds and peel, grind the fruit in a blender.

Banana milk puree

The taste of this dish makes it a favorite children's treat. To prepare it, you need a banana and milk. Place a fresh banana with warm milk in a blender and grind. The recommended proportions are 2:1.

Fruit mix

You need 3 ingredients (pumpkin, apple and banana). Peel and boil the middle slice of pumpkin (can be stewed), 2 medium apples are also peeled and baked, add half a banana. Then we mix all the fruits and vegetables and into a blender. You can add a little water.

Milky fruit puree

jar baby cottage cheese, half banana , baby cookies one that dissolves well. All this is good to knead, mix well (you can use a blender, you can use a fork). Such puree should be given to the child only freshly prepared.

Video - Cooking applesauce for a child

Meat baby puree

For cooking meat puree for the first feeding, use rabbit or turkey meat. Next, you can enter the veal.

Skin, bones, fat and veins should be removed from any meat. It is necessary to boil the meat in the second broth: after the meat has boiled for 5 minutes, drain this water and fill it with new water, in which you cook until tender.

Rabbit and broccoli puree

Boil broccoli until soft. We take out from the pan. We launch pieces of rabbit meat into it. We take it out and put it together with broccoli in a blender, pour in a little broth.

Veal puree in vegetable broth

Boil small pieces of veal, remove from the pan. In the water where the meat was boiled, put the vegetables. You can use an onion bell pepper and salad. Boil vegetables and mix the broth with veal in a blender.

Video - Cooking rabbit meat puree

Fish baby puree

For the first feeding, white is most suitable. lean fish, for example: cod, pollock, hake. When preparing mashed fish, adding milk to it is highly discouraged. Best added to fish vegetable broths or water.

Feed the baby fish puree preferably from nine to ten months, after meat has already been introduced into his diet. Make sure there are no bones in the dish.

Pollock puree

We cook pollock in a saucepan. After cooking, we take out the bones from it, cut it very finely and rub it with a fine grater. Add broth and stir.

Cod puree

Cod fillets are steamed. We take it out of the multicooker, take out the bones, put them in a blender. Boil carrots, spinach, onions in a small saucepan. Pour the broth into a blender and chop the fish.

Hake fish puree and young potatoes with vegetable sauce

Steamed potatoes and hake fillet. Wipe on a fine grater. Boil peas, onions and carrots. Grind vegetables in a blender with broth in a ratio of 1: 1. Drizzle with puree mixture.

Cooking cottage cheese at home

Heat kefir in a saucepan to 70 ° C in a water bath. Keep it until a dense clot is formed. Discard the resulting whey. Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve. To prepare 200 g of cottage cheese, you need 1200 ml of kefir.

You can also use this recipe: bring milk to a boil, in which a little kefir has been previously added. Throw the formed clot on a sieve. Add fruit puree or a small amount of sugar to it.

Also, cottage cheese can be cooked more in a simple way: freeze kefir (preferably in soft packaging). Put the frozen mass on a sieve. At the end of defrosting - the curd is ready.

Read about how to choose high-quality ready-made puree for a child, as well as an overview of the most popular manufacturers of canned puree.
