Raspberry to sugar ratio without cooking. Raspberries with sugar - delicious recipes for a variety of sweet preparations

Many housewives look forward to summer, when fragrant and tasty raspberries appear. After all, this is not just one of the berries, it is a real source of benefits for the whole body. Raspberries have been revered at all times. And even when there was a need to cut down the forest, the bushes were bypassed and not touched. Today you can see red, yellow and even black berries. Although before it was exclusively yellow. So how did raspberries turn red? There is a legend that we tell about the nymph Ida raising the baby Jupiter. To calm down the very loud children's screams, she decided to feed the young thunderer raspberries. But while picking the berries, she injured herself and blood spilled, which turned the raspberries red. Currently, gardeners grow raspberries almost all over the world. Well, inventive housewives use the berries for jam, compotes, and sauces. Jam is still especially popular. Today, it is the recipe for raspberry jam without cooking that is considered the most relevant. And this is quite understandable, because such a dessert has many advantages. The time required for preparing live jam is minimal. The recipe is simple and easy. But the most important thing is that raspberries with sugar retain all their vitamins without cooking. Tea with such jam becomes healing, because it can lower the temperature thanks to the vitamin C contained in fresh raspberries and alleviate the general condition of a person suffering from a cold. And they also say that raspberry jam can slow down the aging process and rejuvenate the body. Don't believe me?


  • 1 kg raspberries;
  • 1.3 kg sugar.

Recipe for raspberries grated with sugar for the winter

1. Let's prepare the raspberries. We sort the berries, and immediately remove not only the unedible specimens, but also the leaves and tails. Next, very carefully transfer the raspberries into a colander and rinse under low pressure. cold water or put it in a pan filled with cool water for a few minutes. All the debris that remains will definitely float up. Now we just need to take the colander out of the pan and let the water drain.

2. Next, the raspberries need to be pureed. This is best done with a wooden masher or plastic spoon. Do not use metal spoons, masher, etc. When metal comes into contact with fruit acid, it can change the taste of the product being manufactured.

3. We should get a fairly homogeneous result. raspberry puree. Add the amount of granulated sugar required according to the recipe.

4. Mix the puree thoroughly and leave it for at least 2 hours so that the sugar is completely dissolved. While the raspberry jam is infusing, it must be stirred several times, carefully lifting it from the bottom.

5. And now the most important point– sterilization of dishes for raspberry jam prepared without cooking. Immediately before sterilization, jars must be thoroughly washed with baking soda and rinse. Next, we sterilize the containers using any proven method: you can hold the dishes over steam (at least 10 minutes), you can put the jars in a pan of water and boil for about 15 minutes. Another good option for sterilization is piercing in the oven or microwave. Don't forget about metal lids, which also need to be boiled to avoid bombing. More information on how to properly sterilize jars and lids can be found here.

6. Now mix the jam again and begin to fill the prepared sterile jars with it. Place the jam at the very top. Containers must be dry and cooled at the time of spilling.

7. Immediately close packaged raspberries with sugar, prepared without cooking. metal lids. We turn the containers upside down to check the quality of the seaming. Now you can transfer the jars to storage. The ideal place for live jam is the refrigerator. But a cellar or unheated pantry is also suitable, but in this case the shelf life will be no more than 2 months, while in the refrigerator it will quietly stand until next summer.

8. Raspberries, grated with sugar for the winter, are ready! Fragrant, beautiful to look at and very tasty live jam– this is not just another preparation, these are vitamins in a jar, which the body so lacks in winter.

A delicious dessert rich in summer aromas, an excellent filling for pies and pastries, and an indispensable remedy in the fight against colds -

Tea with her, fruit drinks from raw berries Help with throat diseases and have a good warming and diaphoretic effect. If raspberries and sugar are prepared for the winter, you will not be afraid of any frosts or snowstorms. You need to take twice as much sweet component as berries so that the jars can be stored in the cellar. If you take a little sugar, then the ground mass can be placed in containers, plastic bottles or even just put in double-sized food grade plastic bags and freeze. If you take the berries and the bulk ingredient one to one, then the mixture can be stored in the refrigerator. The main thing is to do well and follow all the cooking recommendations.

Raspberries, grated with sugar for the winter: recipe one

For a kilogram of raspberries you will need two kilograms of sugar.

It is better to pick berries after fine weather warm days, then they will be truly sweet. Under no circumstances should you wash raspberries. You need to pour the berries onto the table and sort them out, separating the debris. Then put clean raspberries in enamel pan or a basin and add sugar. Place in the refrigerator for several hours to allow the berries to release their juice. Now they need to be ground. You can use a blender, but many housewives prefer a wooden masher or spoon, because contact with metal begins the oxidation process. You need to grind thoroughly into a homogeneous puree so that not a single whole berry remains.

Preparing jars

The jars need to be washed with laundry soap, rinsed as best as possible and sterilized either with boiling water or steam. Can be done in the oven. Place the raspberries in containers and sprinkle a layer of sugar on top. This way the puree will be preserved better. You need to close the jars with sterilized plastic lids or folded in several layers and secured with an elastic band. Such raspberries, ground with sugar, can be stored either in the cellar or in the refrigerator. A jar opened on a cold winter day will return fragrant summer to your apartment!

Raspberries with sugar for the winter: recipe two

This preparation can be made not only with raspberries, but also with other berries. Strawberry and currant puree is especially good and healthy. And let’s not even talk about raspberries. This berry is so aromatic, beautiful and tasty when ground. And most often, raspberries and sugar are prepared raw for the winter. Then she doesn't lose useful properties, because it contains a lot of organic acids and a lot of vitamins: C, B1, B2, PP, which are not lost during storage. The only condition is keeping it in the refrigerator.

Preparing the berries

Sugar and berries should be taken at a ratio of one to one. First, sort the raspberries. Don't wash it! Sorting by type of cereal: pour it onto the table, place a bowl on your knees for good-quality berries and roll them, separating all the leaves, bugs and other debris. Then you need to pour sugar into a container with raspberries and grind thoroughly: the longer, the more homogeneous the mass will be.


You should only use non-oxidizing utensils: glass, plastic or enamel. It is best to choose a wooden pestle with which to grind raspberries. You don’t need to take large jars - it’s best to use half a liter and smaller jars to eat it quickly. Raspberries ground with sugar for the winter should not be stored in open containers. Of course, the container must be perfectly clean and scalded with boiling water.

Packaging and design

Spread the finished mixture, leaving two centimeters of the neck of the jar free, cover the top with one centimeter of sugar and close. The layer of sand will be saturated with juice and harden into a crust, due to which air will not pass through to the raspberries and the fermentation process will not begin. There is no need for a hermetically sealed seal. Plastic lids or parchment only. You can cover it with plastic wrap with an elastic band or string. Such jars, covered with beautiful paper and tied with a ribbon or colored cord, look very beautiful as a gift option. Raspberries, ground with sugar for the winter, are ready!

You can prepare raspberries with sugar for the winter very simply and quickly. And in winter you will definitely need it both as a remedy and as a tasty topping for desserts and yogurt.

We enjoy the aromatic raspberry from mid-summer to early autumn. This berry is a permanent resident of forests; it also grows well on summer cottages and vegetable gardens. Many housewives stock up on raspberries for the winter because they know about them healing properties ah for a cold. Most often, raspberry jam is made from raspberries and then added to tea. Of course, during heat treatment the berry loses some of its healing properties. To prevent this from happening, raspberries can be frozen or ground with sugar and stored in a cool place.

I want to tell you how to prepare raspberries with sugar for the winter. The main thing is to find a place on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator, because processed berries must be stored in a cool place. And also keep in mind that you will need exactly twice as much sugar as raspberries. Then you don't have to worry that berry puree will spoil. So, let's prepare delicious, fresh, healthy raspberries with sugar and we will face the cold fully armed.


  • 400 grams of raspberries;
  • 800 grams of sugar;
  • small jars for storage.


First, prepare all the ingredients and necessary containers. There should be twice as much sugar as berries. As for the containers, I used two hundred gram jars from baby puree. They are very convenient to use. You don't need to pour it out of a big jar every time. Yes, and it turns out more economical. After all, sweet raspberry puree is very tasty treat. And as soon as you show your child the jar and tell him to add a few spoons to his tea as medicine, the jar empties very quickly.

So, wash the jars and their lids thoroughly, turn them upside down to drain the water, and then wipe with a clean towel or leave until completely dry. Now carefully place them upside down on the oven rack, placing the lids side by side. Do not preheat the oven to prevent the jars from bursting. Turn on the oven and bring the temperature to 150 degrees. Since our jars are small, 10 minutes is enough to sterilize them. Then turn off the oven and leave them there to cool.

Now move on to the raspberries themselves. First, weigh the berries, because you need to know how much sugar to take. Sort the berries so that they are not moldy or spoiled. Pour the berries into a colander and carefully place them in a pan of water. Rinse and drain. This way the raspberries don’t wrinkle too much and lose less juice. The jet of water greatly breaks the berries.

Now weigh the sugar. I have small scales, so I weighed the sugar in two steps. It’s okay if there is a little more sugar, the main thing is not less.

Pour sugar over the berries, stir and let stand for 20 minutes so that the raspberries release a little juice.

Now use a masher to mix the berries with sugar.

To make the raspberry mixture homogeneous, you can additionally beat it with a mixer. There is no need to rub through a sieve. After all, raspberry seeds also contain many beneficial nutrients.

Now remove the sterile jars from the oven and fill them fresh jam. From 400 grams of raspberries and 800 grams of sugar you get 5 jars of 200 grams each. Screw the jars tightly with sterile lids and place them on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. In this form, raspberries with sugar will last until spring. And further valuable advice: add raspberries exactly to warm tea, because boiling water and water with a temperature below 30 C maximally destroy all valuable and useful material raspberries Enjoy your tea and good health!

Raspberry jam is called a panacea for colds, because it is natural antibiotic. Phytoncides that give the berry its unique aroma, have an antimicrobial effect, but they are destroyed by heat treatment. That is why it is much more useful to prepare “jam without cooking” - this is also the name for raspberries, ground with sugar for the winter.

You will definitely like this delicacy winter days not only for adults, but also for children if you serve it with pancakes or pancakes. In addition, it will not only be very tasty, but also preventative. With it you won't be afraid of any seasonal colds or viruses - just don't forget to treat yourself to it for breakfast!


You will need for a 0.5 liter jar:

  • 400 g raspberries
  • 200 g granulated sugar


1. Raspberries are a juicy berry, but they do not contain as much liquid as strawberries, so the mass of granulated sugar for grinding should be approximately half the mass of the berries themselves. But for this rule, the raspberries must be very ripe and juicy. If the berries are a little sour, double the sweetness level! Rinse the raspberries in water and place in deep container, in which you intend to wipe them.

2. Cover the berries with granulated sugar. If you are a lover of various culinary experiments, then you can add a few pinches ground cinnamon, cocoa powder, etc.

3. Grind the berries with sugar into a puree using a regular table fork, a boiled potato press or a blender. If you like delicacies with seeds, then do not use a blender, as it grinds them very much.

4. Scald the jars and lids with boiling water and pour the grated raspberry puree into them. Don't worry about him liquid state, during storage it will definitely thicken. Screw the lids on the jars or preserve them with a seaming wrench. Move to the basement or cellar. If you covered the jar parchment paper or nylon, then they must be stored in the refrigerator. This preparation has a shelf life of about 6 months.

You can enjoy raspberries mashed with sugar for the winter at any time, especially if you plan to create some kind of fragrant pastries. Cold jam can be added to tea or made into a fruit drink.

Note to the hostess

1. It is possible and necessary to prepare medicines based on this preparation for a child with a cold, but he should take them long before bedtime. An organism weakened by viruses reacts more sharply to allergens than a strong and healthy one, and at night adults are not always able to timely track the negative factors provoked by raspberry drinking and notice the symptoms of the so-called immune response, which manifests itself in the form of edema. Mixtures are best made on warm water, low-fat heated milk or lightly brewed tea without lemon, viburnum and other strong allergens.

2. The recipe involves the use of berries from medium to high degree ripeness, but if you take overripe ones, you will have to remove all the fruits that have the slightest signs of mold. Contacting sugar, they will very quickly cause fermentation of the entire contents of the container.

3. Jars sealed with parchment or nylon are stored well and for a long time in the cold, but it is recommended to first wipe the paper with alcohol and immerse the fabric in it.

4. Sweet raspberry mass is an excellent addition to creamy desserts And good filling for the test. When using it in this capacity, it is necessary to reduce the amount of powdered sugar or sand in base compositions all these dishes.

Mashed raspberries with sugar for the winter– useful and simple blank, which is a must-have in your pantry.

Mashed raspberries with sugar for the winter: recipe

You will need:

Raspberry – 1 kg
- granulated sugar

Place the harvested crop on the table and sort it out carefully. You must throw away all the leaves, twigs, and insects. Get rid of spoiled fruits. Pour in the selected fruits, cover with granulated sugar, and crush with a masher. The amount of sugar can be varied. The longer you plan to store the rolls, the more sugar you need to add. The time for grinding the berries also depends on what consistency you want to get. If you like berry particles in your jam, then 10 minutes will be enough to grind. Pour sugar into a bowl and stir the contents. Choose dishes made of glass, plastic or enamel. All other metals oxidize. Wash the jars thoroughly, pour boiling water over them, distribute among the jars, and seal tightly.

Delicious mashed raspberries with sugar for the winter


Fresh raspberries – 1 kg
- powdered sugar – 3.2 tablespoons
- granulated sugar – 1.5 kg

Carefully sort through the fresh raspberries, discard all bugs and debris. Place the berries in a deep bowl and place sugar on top. Mash the mixture thoroughly and grind in a blender bowl. The amount of added granulated sugar depends on the desired shelf life of the future delicacy. Raspberry base Leave to steep for 20 minutes until all sugar crystals dissolve. Prepare the jars: wash them, sterilize them, dry them dry. Spread the jam, sprinkle with powdered sugar, and screw on the boiled lids.

Rate and taste qualities.

Mashed raspberries with sugar for the winter: recipes with photos

You will need:

Granulated sugar - half a kilogram
- fresh raspberries – 1 kg

Carefully sort the berries, throw away leaves and debris. Distribute by plastic containers. Sprinkle each layer carefully and evenly with granulated sugar. Cover the containers with lids and put them in freezer or a refrigerator. The preparation can be used as a filling for pies or eaten with sweet tea.

Do and.

Mashed raspberries with sugar for the winter quickly


Dry gelatin – 7 g
- sugar – one and a half kilograms
- fresh fruits – about 1 kg
- filtered water – ? glasses

Carefully sort the berries and rinse them in cool filtered water. Throw away leaves and trash. Get rid of any spoiled berries. Place the raspberries in a saucepan and sprinkle with granulated sugar. Place the bowl in the refrigerator for 4 hours. During this time, the fruits will release juice and the sugar will dissolve slightly. Take a wooden spoon and thoroughly grind the fruits with the addition of granulated sugar. You can use a blender or meat grinder.

Pour some cool water into a ladle, add dry gelatin, leave it to swell for 20 minutes. Heat the liquid over low heat (but do not bring to a boil). Carefully pour the mixture into the raspberry jam and stir. Rinse the containers, pour over them with boiling water, and wipe dry with a kitchen towel. Place the delicacy in jars, cover tightly with plastic lids, transfer to the refrigerator, and leave until hardened.

Mashed raspberries with sugar for the winter in jars

You will need:

Fresh raspberries – 2 kg
- granulated sugar – 2 kg

Sort the berries, wash them, dry them, and put them in a small bowl. Mash thoroughly with a masher, strain through several layers of cheesecloth. Pour in the sugar and stir until the crystals are completely dissolved. Let stand for 10 hours (temperature should be room temperature). Place the delicacy in dry containers, seal, and store in the refrigerator.

Do and.

Quickly pureed raspberries with sugar for the winter

You will need:

Sugar – 2 kg
- raspberry fruits – 1 kg

Wash the berries under running water and place in a colander to remove excess liquid. However, the raspberries do not need to be washed. This is the case if you collected the crop on your own plot. Prepare granulated sugar. You will need 2 times more of it than berries. Grind both ingredients in a common bowl. You can grind the fruits in a blender, but it is still better to use a wooden masher. You need to grind until the sugar crystals dissolve. Treat jars with lids. If you simply store the preparations in the refrigerator, then you can simply pour boiling water over the container.

Pour the jam into jars. Add a full spoonful of granulated sugar on top. Place it in a container, store it in the basement, or simply put it in the refrigerator. The preparation can be used for making pies and pies. it's the same excellent remedy from a cold.

What do you think?

Another option for raspberry treats:

Fresh raspberries – 1.1 kg
- sugar – 1.1 kg

For cooking raw jam You can also use frozen fruits, but it is better to take fresh ones. The preparation will turn out not only tastier, but also more aromatic. Prepare the raspberries: sort them thoroughly, set aside the low-quality berries. Wash them and dry them on a clean towel. Wash the raspberries carefully so that they are not damaged and retain their attractive appearance. appearance. The best option– Place the berries in a colander and place them in another container with cool water. Repeat the procedure three times.

Grind the washed berries with a meat grinder, blender or pestle in a mortar. As a result, it should be homogeneous mass, reminiscent of berry puree. In a container with grated berries add sugar or powdered sugar. Leave the saucepan in a warm place for a couple of hours. This time is enough for the sugar crystals to melt. Distribute the workpiece among the prepared jars.

Whole raspberries

This cooking option is even simpler than all the previous ones. Prepare the fruits traditional way. Place them in layers in steamed jars. Place granulated sugar between layers. Keep the proportions as even as possible. Infuse the contents for 20 minutes. This is necessary for pasteurization. Leave the raspberries in a warm place for several hours. Place in the refrigerator. The berries will release their juice even without chopping. Therefore, you can save time.

Raspberry syrup

You can prepare the syrup in just a couple of hours. In addition to berries, you need to take sugar. It needs to be added 5 times less than fruit. Grind the berries using any in an accessible way. Keep the mixture in the refrigerator for several hours until it comes out sufficient quantity juice Take a piece of gauze. Place in a bowl and spread the mixture on top. Using gentle movements, squeeze the juice into the container. If desired, it can be boiled additionally. The remaining compote can be used to prepare other preparations.

Seedless jam

Place the pre-processed fruits on a sieve and press down thoroughly with a masher. The pulp will flow into the container. All the bones will remain on the surface of the sieve. Unfortunately, this is a rather lengthy process, but the result will certainly please you. Pour sugar into the resulting mass. For 1 kg of raspberry contents, take 1.5 kg of sugar. Stir vigorously until the sugar crystals melt. Distribute the mixture into jars. Later the container needs to be pasteurized.

This dessert also turns out very tasty:

For seaming, it is better to use half-liter jars, which must be sterilized in advance. You can process them different ways. Choose the one that is most convenient for you. Cover the containers with clean paper or nylon covers, treated with boiling water. To prepare, prepare:

- raspberry berries – 1.1 kg
- sugar – 1.6 kg

Free the fruits from debris. Place the berries in a clean bowl and sprinkle with sugar. Grind the contents to a puree. Take a blender or masher for this. Distribute the pureed berries into containers and cover with lids.

Berries in their own juice

Sort through the fruits: wash them, dry them. Place the prepared raw materials in a deep bowl in layers. Sprinkle each of them with sugar. For 1 kg of raw materials, take about 0.2 kg of sugar. Place the container with the contents in a warm place for a couple of hours. The sugar will dissolve and the fruits will release juice. Place the raw materials in prepared containers. There should not be about 2 cm to the edges. Place all the jars in a wide saucepan and cover with lids. Pour cold water, sterilize for 15 minutes. after the boiling process has begun.

Raspberry compote

Sort the fruits. If desired, wash them and place them in sterilized jars. Fill jars only 1/3 full. It is optimal to use two-liter containers. Pour over the berries hot water. Fill each jar to the top. Leave the product for 20 minutes. Drain the water from the jars into a separate pan and place on the stove. Add granulated sugar to boiling water. Carefully pour into jars so that the compote does not overflow. Close the containers with compote tightly. Turn it upside down and wrap it in a warm blanket.

Delicious jam

Water - half a liter
- sugar – 1 kg

Heat the water over low heat, add granulated sugar and stir thoroughly until the sweet crystals dissolve. As a result, you will get liquid and clear syrup. Pour 1 kg of fruit into the sweet liquid, boil the mixture, reduce heat, continue cooking for another 5 minutes. There is no need to stir the contents. Simply tilt the pan in different directions.

Remove the saucepan from the stove and let stand for about 5 minutes. After removing from the burner, cool. Remove the formed film. The fruits should float on the surface, and the liquid should have a thick consistency. Distribute among jars, roll up the lids.

All preparations are very healthy, so you can eat them in winter to prevent the occurrence of diseases.