How to paint eggs metallic. How to paint eggs with birch leaves. Video lesson: Unusual ways to make Easter eggs

It's spring outside, which means that soon the whole country will celebrate one of the main Christian holidays - Easter. Both adults and children look forward to this bright day, happily preparing traditional dishes and treats. On the eve of the bright holiday of Easter, we want to tell you about interesting and unusual, as well as for everyone known methods testicle painting.

Since ancient times, it has been customary to exchange colored eggs during Easter. Since childhood, in many families, relatives came to each other and even played out some kind of battle with eggs. Two people each chose an egg, which in their opinion was the strongest, and hit each other with them, first with sharp tips and then with blunt ones - whoever did not break the egg during the collision won, taking the opponent’s egg for himself. This action could be continued as long as there were those willing to fight for victory.

According to childhood memories, painting Easter eggs is a very entertaining activity. Children so enthusiastically and diligently dip eggs into multi-colored solutions, glue stickers, tie them with threads and improvised materials to create spectacular lines and patterns.

All preparations for Easter begin at Maundy Thursday , a day when the soul and body are cleansed spiritually and physically. It’s not for nothing that Thursday is called clean; according to Christian customs, on this day you need to wash yourself thoroughly, swim in running water, and even better, go to the bathhouse. On Holy Thursday, in addition to everything else, you need to thoroughly clean up, wash dirty clothes, scrub everything, because next days It will be impossible to do household chores before Easter.

And, of course, on Maundy Thursday they bake Easter cakes, make Easter eggs, and paint eggs.

Have you ever wondered why eggs are painted at Easter? And do you know what color they should be painted according to tradition?

The most beautiful legend says that during the existence of the Roman Empire, in order to get an audience with the emperor, it was necessary to bring him something as a gift. The rich brought gold, and ordinary people carried everything they had in their possessions. household. Thus, Mary Magdalene, intending to inform the ruler Tiberius about the resurrection of Christ, was able to bring as a gift only a white chicken egg with the words: “Christ is Risen!”

Seeing him, the emperor laughed and said that he would believe it if only the egg turned red, and at the same moment the egg took on a bloody hue. Then the stunned Tiberius exclaimed: “In truth He is Risen!”

After this, red and purple became the traditional colors for coloring testicles, and the custom of making Christ is still known to both young and old.

Methods for coloring Easter eggs

Onion peel

One of the most popular methods is still considered to be coloring eggs in onion skins. To make the testicles even more attractive and cute, you can press dried leaves, blades of grass onto them and tie them with threads, then dip the husks into the dyeing solution. The color can vary from lighter to darker depending on the time the eggs are kept in the broth.

Natural dyes

  • brown or beige color will give the testicles coffee;
  • red cabbage gives blue color;
  • the husks of unroasted black sunflower seeds, red onions, poplar catkins, mallow flowers, snowdrops, blueberries and elderberries will give the eggs a blue and purple color;
  • Eggs will acquire a green color by being colored in a decoction of spinach leaves, nettle, lily of the valley, primrose, buckthorn bark, and ash;
  • the testicles will turn pink if you rub them with beet juice;
  • yellow color will be given by a decoction of birch leaves and calendula flowers;
  • a light yellow color can be obtained if rubbed boiled eggs lemon, orange or carrot juice;

  • Violet flowers will color the testicles purple.

In order for the eggs to color in the broth, you need to add 1 tablespoon of vinegar to it (per small saucepan of the solution). Let the broth sit for about 30 minutes and start adding eggs. You need to cook the eggs for 15-30 minutes, depending on what color you want to get; in some cases, you can leave the eggs in the solution overnight, for example, when dyeing with spinach or violet flowers.

You can make different patterns on Easter eggs by wrapping them with an elastic band for money, painted threads, cut-out blanks, and again tying them with threads. You can dip the egg in water, and then roll it in rice or some other cereal, wrap it in gauze, and boil it in a coloring solution.

The eggs will get a marbled effect if you add a little vegetable oil to the water a minute before the end of cooking, or you can spread it on already cooked dyes.

Food coloring from the Easter set

The easiest way is probably for those who don’t have time to bother. As a rule, small bags contain multi-colored powders that are diluted in boiling water with the addition of a spoon of vinegar. Our testicles are placed in this solution for 5-15 minutes, depending on what intensity of color you want to get.

Thermal adhesives for testicles

An easy, quick and convenient way to decorate your eggs for Easter. You can apply the film to pre-boiled and colored eggs, or to regular white or brown ones.

Decorating testicles with cereals and improvised means

Very unusual eggs are obtained if you paste them with grains, while still drawing various patterns. Try painting an egg with wax crayons and then painting it to get an original design. Another idea is to wrap the eggs in isolette and paint them in this form; the output will be beautiful, even lines, or any word or sign that you stick on.

Decoupage technique

First you need to prepare a gelatin mass, a kind of glue. Then take a beautiful napkin with a picture or ornament or flower you like. Cut out a fragment and press it to our testicle, and apply a layer of gelatin glue on top. Let it dry and enjoy the beauty of your creation.

Coloring the testicles with felt-tip pens, markers, paints

Inventive and unconventional people can prepare eggs like these for Easter.

And kids will undoubtedly love eggs in the shape of their favorite characters. The children will be happy to paint them, dry them and admire their work.

Coloring testicles using fabrics

Eggs painted using a variety of fabrics look very expensive and uncomplicated. In order for the pattern from the fabric to transfer to the egg, you need to tightly wrap the raw egg with the fabric (right side) and tie it with elastic bands, or simply sew it, making a few stitches along the edges so that everything does not slip off during the cooking process.

Then boil in water for about 10-15 minutes, adding a spoon of vinegar. After putting it in cold water, carefully remove the fabric and evaluate the resulting masterpiece.

This is how beautiful the eggs are after dyeing them with fabrics

Permanent makeup for testicles

An original method that requires only a little patience, skill and a marker. Place the egg on a special stand and draw beautiful patterns either according to the diagram or to your taste.

Foil, confetti, beads - decorations for eggs

Fashion does not stand still; now eggs are not only painted, but also simply wrapped in colored foil, glue on beads, sequins, confetti and other bells and whistles, you get hand-made eggs.

Patterns on eggs with sweet powder, varnish, paints

It’s cute and not too difficult to make the eggs more fresh and cheerful with the help of a variety of squiggles, flowers, sticks, dots, dots and other designs. It all depends on the flight of your imagination. It is convenient to color with a toothpick.

And more lovely testicles

Cut and paste fabric patterns

The eggs, which are covered with fabric flowers and pieces, look very cute and cozy. They are so soft and warm to the touch that it’s even a pity to break them later.

Another option for testicles for children

But in this way you can hang the testicles in an unusual way, it looks almost like christmas tree, even more beautiful.

Choose from this variety of methods for decorating testicles the most suitable for you, experiment, because creating is always so pleasant and exciting.

Recommendations and tips for boiling eggs, preparing eggs for coloring

  • 1 hour before the start of cooking, eggs stored in the refrigerator must be taken out and allowed to sit at room temperature. Then your testicles will not crack during cooking;
  • Another option is to carefully pierce the shell raw egg with a thin needle. In this case, the egg will not burst in boiling water;
  • wash and rub the testicles, either with a soft sponge or with a soapy cloth. This is necessary so that the paint layer lies as evenly as possible on the egg;
  • Add a couple of tablespoons of salt to the water where the eggs are boiled - again, it will help against possible cracks, and the shell will be easier to peel off when cleaning;
  • Before painting, eggs can be rubbed with vinegar, so they will absorb dyes more intensely;
  • at the end, for a glossy effect, you can lightly rub the testicles vegetable oil.

Some kind of bright feeling reigns in your soul when you are preparing for Easter, a feeling that everything will be fine. Let there always be love and happiness, health and joy, comfort and prosperity in your home! Happy Easter to you!

I offer you several ways to paint Easter eggs.

Easter eggs are a significant attribute of Easter, along with and. We have already prepared all this and even one.

Today we will look at and prepare painted Easter eggs for the celebration.

There are probably a hundred or even more ways to dye eggs.

We will look at some of the most interesting and simple ones.

How to paint eggs for Easter. Coloring Easter eggs step by step with photos

First you need to prepare the eggs. This is very important for the eggs to be beautiful.


  1. How to prepare eggs for Easter painting


1. It is best to buy white eggs because they take paint better. Eggs must be washed thoroughly.

Usually the eggs are marked with a mark, date of release, and other things. This mark must be washed off, because it will show through any paint.

If it does not wash off with a sponge and warm water, try it with baking soda powder and, as a last resort, table vinegar. This will not cause any harm to the egg, because we act on it in this way for a short time.

Do not press too hard on the egg. Since it is raw, it may crack. The egg must be washed thoroughly. Because only on a clean egg will the paint lie in an even layer.

3. And one more trick. A cotton pad should be moistened with alcohol (if you don’t have alcohol at home, use 9% table vinegar) and wipe the eggs with it. This is to remove grease stains from the eggs from your fingers. We process all the eggs in this way.

Do not forget! When processing eggs, they should be at room temperature.

4. Place the eggs in a saucepan and add a couple of tablespoons of salt to prevent the eggs from cracking during cooking. And fill it up cold water so that the eggs are completely covered.

By the way, can you tell old eggs from fresh ones? When we fill them with water, the old egg floats up and fresh egg remains lying on the bottom.

5. Let the eggs cook. We will cook on low heat. Of course we will boil it hard-boiled. After they boil, you need to cook for another 7-10 minutes if the eggs are store-bought. If the eggs are fresh village eggs, you need to cook them longer, after boiling for 13-15 minutes.

Don’t forget, when you remove the boiled eggs from boiling water, be sure to dip them in ice water for a while, this is so that they can be cleaned better later. Just don't refrigerate it at all. The eggs should be warm when painting.

Well, we've cooked the eggs. Now let's move on to their coloring.

  1. How to paint beautiful eggs for Easter

1. Take a hard-boiled egg, wipe it again with alcohol or vinegar and wrap it in a paper napkin or paper towel, do not try to wrap the egg evenly, just wrap it randomly, as if you were crumpling a napkin (do not press too hard, crush the egg).

Pour a little vinegar, as if to get wet, from all sides. Press the napkin (crimp) more tightly onto the egg.

2. Take blue dye and randomly drop it onto the egg. Let the dye spread a little.

3. Take another dye, yellow. Also, in a chaotic manner, apply it to the egg.

4. Take the third dye, ours is red, and just like the first two, apply it to the egg.

5. Squeeze the egg with your palms so that the napkin sticks well to the shell. In this case, the napkin turns out to be one-color, evenly colored.

6. Before painting the egg, we need to make a stand for it. We take an ordinary sponge, stick English needles into it the size of an egg and that’s it, our stand is ready.

7. Place our egg in a napkin with dyes on a stand and let it dry a little.

8. After a couple of minutes, the egg has dried, carefully remove the napkin from it, trying not to smear the paint.

We got such a rainbow colored egg. Place the egg on our homemade stand again and let it dry completely.

  1. How to dye Easter eggs to make them multicolored

1. We will need small but deep plastic dishes. Pour a tablespoon of vinegar into each of them.

2. Pour the dye into each of the dishes, a little at first, and then you can adjust it after diluting the dyes with water.

3. Dilute the dyes with water. You don’t need a lot of water, about less than half. You will understand when you see what we will do.

4. Take an egg and dip it 1/3 into the dye. We hold it for about 2 minutes.

5. Take out the egg and blot a drop from below. We leave the egg to dry a little on our homemade stand. Since our egg is warm, it dries out quite quickly.

6. When the egg is dry, dip it into the next dye, again about 1/3, for 2 minutes. We take it out, also blot the droplet at the bottom and set it to dry.

7. Dip the remaining uncolored part of the egg into the third dye. We take it out, not forgetting to wipe the droplet from below, and set it to dry.

This is the colorful egg we got.

  1. How to paint Easter eggs with polka dots

1. Prepare two paints in plastic cups, yellow and blue, a candle, cotton wool on sticks and an egg cup. If you have some paint left over from a previous painting, you can use it. We light a candle. we need melted wax.

2. Place the egg completely in yellow dye. Let's let it lie there for a couple of minutes, take it out and put it on a stand to dry.

3. The egg has dried out. Take a cotton swab, dip it in the melted wax and randomly apply dots of wax onto the egg with the stick. You can come up with something of your own. Inscription, figures, stripes, etc.

4. Literally let the wax dry for 10-15 seconds and add the egg to the second paint. Ours is blue. You can take any one you like. Let the egg sit in the paint for 2 minutes.

5. Remove from the dye, place on a stand, and let dry. Basically the egg is ready. We can leave it like this.

6. If you want to remove wax from an egg, warm it up a little next to a candle, in no case above the egg, just next to it. The wax melts and can be easily removed with a napkin.

  1. How to paint eggs for Easter with color transition

We will need an egg and dye of the same color.

1. Pour just a little dye into a plastic cup so that it only covers the tip of the egg a little more than a centimeter and lower the egg there vertically with the blunt end down. Leave it like this for 2 minutes.

2. Then use a spoon to add a little more coloring. Depending on how large the egg is and how many rings you want to make of different intensities of color on the egg, calculate how much paint you need to add. We added about 1 cm at a time. We also left it for a couple of minutes.

3. Add more dye and also leave for 2 minutes. And so on until we cover the entire egg, leaving the egg in the dye for 2 minutes after each layer.

After covering the egg completely with dye, let it stand for 2 minutes, remove it from the dye and place it on our stand to dry.

As we can see, all the stripes on the egg are visible. The egg turned out beautiful, with a gradually weakening tone of paint towards the top.

  1. How to paint striped eggs for Easter

1. Pre-color the egg blue. Next we need electrical tape. Cut off 20-25 centimeters of electrical tape and cut the electrical tape lengthwise into narrow strips.

2. Place the tape on the egg in a spiral. You can stick it however you like. You can also make the strip of electrical tape any width you want. In this way we cover the entire egg. Press the tape firmly against the egg so that there are no smudges.

3. This is what we got, covered with electrical tape. We dip it in the pre-prepared red dye, as always, for a couple of minutes. We take out the egg, put it on a stand and let it dry.

4. Our egg has dried, remove the electrical tape. As you can see, there is a blue color left under the electrical tape.

We got this striped egg in a simple way.

  1. Mosaic coloring Easter egg

1. We cut a lot of corners from electrical tape and now stick them on the egg, which was previously painted yellow. We try to glue the corners in the shape of a mosaic. Between the corners we make a gap of approximately 2 millimeters. We lay the corners in random order.

2. This is the glued egg we got. Dip it in red dye to get a roughly orange color.

3. Remove from the dye and place on a stand to dry.

This is the egg we got. Now all that remains is to remove the electrical tape.

  1. How to dye Easter eggs in onion skins

1. We will need onion peels, preferably from red and yellow onions. Eggs with already defatted shells. If you have not degreased them yet, wipe them with alcohol or vinegar. Squares of gauze measuring approximately 20 x 20 cm. Threads for tying gauze, a saucepan. There is a problem with the saucepan. After cooking onion skins, the pan is very difficult to wash, so choose a pan that is not needed or that you paint in every year. Or you will paint it.

2. For decoration, we will add various leaves and figures cut out of parchment so that the eggs are not so boring.

3. The husks need to be placed in a pan and mashed to crush. The size of the pan and the amount of peeling depends on how many eggs you want to dye. Fill the husk with water and put it on the stove to cook for 1-1.5 hours.

4. We begin to prepare the eggs. Take gauze, place a leaf on it, face up, carefully straighten all the ends of the leaf. Place an egg on a piece of paper. Carefully gather all the ends of the gauze into a pile and tighten it, pressing the leaf firmly against the egg. We twist the collected ends of the gauze into a tourniquet, then pull the leaf to the egg and tie it with threads.

5. We also do next eggs. You can even lay out some composition of leaves on gauze. Place the egg in the center and tighten the gauze again. And here are the figures from parchment paper, it’s best to dip them in water so that they stick to the egg, and then put the egg in cheesecloth and also gently tighten.

6. Add salt to the boiling onion skins and place the eggs there.

7. Cover them all completely with husks and let them cook for 10-12 minutes over low heat. Remember that the eggs must be at room temperature, otherwise they will burst.

8. We take the eggs out of the husks and transfer them immediately into cold water to make them easier to clean later.

We cut off the gauze, rinse it with water and see how beautiful it is.

To make the eggs shiny, brush them with vegetable oil. The most convenient way to do this is by pouring a little oil onto cotton pads.

Well, the eggs are ready. They are perhaps not inferior in beauty to painted eggs.

  1. Original DIY Easter eggs

We took:

  • Eggs - 12 pcs.
  • Water - 2 liters
  • Vinegar - 2 or 3 tbsp.
  • Silk fabric (with different patterns)
  • Any white fabric
  • Rubber bands

1. To color the eggs, we took unnecessary men's silk ties, of which we had a lot. If you don't have unnecessary ties, just take pieces of multi-colored silk.

2. We cut the fabric into squares. Take the egg and place it on the front side of the silk fabric.

3. Wrap tightly so that the fabric does not move around the egg. We twist the resulting tail of the fabric at the top, thus tightening the egg even tighter.

4. Place the same piece of white fabric on top of the colored fabric. We also curl the tail. We secure everything by putting an elastic band on the tail, twisting it several times. We do the same with all eggs.

5. When all the eggs are prepared, put them in a saucepan.

6. Fill with water, add vinegar and put on fire. After the water boils, cook for another 15 minutes. Turn down the heat so they don't jump around in the pan. If only they would slowly boil.

7. After 15 minutes, take out the eggs and place them on a dish. Leave on a plate until completely cooled.

8. When the eggs have cooled completely, remove the elastic bands and unfold the fabric. Look at the beauty that appears from under the fabric. In this way we unwrap all the eggs.

Like these ones beautiful eggs we got it. Surprise your friends. Enjoy yourself.

  1. Very beautiful Easter eggs

1. Take hard-boiled eggs, ordinary colored napkins and egg white. We tear the napkin into 4 parts. Separate the top colored layer from the napkins.

2. Dip the egg into the white and swirl to moisten the entire area of ​​the egg. Place the egg on the wrong side of the napkin and wrap it. We tear off the excess napkin.

3. Dip the brush into the white and grease the egg on top, thus distributing the napkin evenly over the entire egg, while simultaneously pressing the napkin more tightly to the shell.

4. Everything is carefully distributed, the egg is ready. We make all the eggs in the same way. You can take different napkins. Accordingly, the eggs will be different.


11. Video - 5 ways to decorate eggs for Easter in an original way

So that it’s both tasty and healthy!

So that it’s both tasty and healthy! ">To make it both tasty and healthy! " alt="12 natural dyes for Easter eggs So that it’s both tasty and healthy!!}">

Before Easter, a lot of things appear in stores chemical dyes bright colors for eggs, but the most beautiful, healthy and tasty eggs will be those painted with natural dyes, which our great-grandmothers used

So, as natural dyes for eggs you can use any vegetables, fruits, berries and even herbs and seasonings that have a pigment that can color Easter eggs. The most popular are: red cabbage, beets, coffee, spinach and nettle leaves, turmeric, paprika, green tea, hibiscus, blueberries and cranberries.

Two ways to color eggs:

1. To prepare the dye, vegetables and fruits need to be cut and boiled for 30 minutes (the proportions are arbitrary and depend on which shade you like best). Then boil the eggs in the coloring solution for 10 minutes (the water should completely cover the eggs). For more rich color you can increase the cooking time.

2. Or you can paint already boiled eggs, then you first need to make a coloring solution (boil vegetables, fruits or spices with water), and then paint the egg in it (the minimum coloring time is 30 minutes, but you can leave it all night).

Important! To make the color of the coloring solution bright, you must add vinegar (1 tsp) to it.

Natural dyes, of course, will not give such a bright shade as chemical ones, but they are absolutely harmless and can paint eggs in very delicate and beautiful colors.

Your family, especially children, will definitely love these colorful eggs!

Examples of egg coloring:


The yellow color of eggs is obtained by boiling them in water with the addition of onion peels, carrots, cumin seeds or chamomile. A more intense color is obtained on yellow or brown eggs. Chamomile gives a delicate yellow color; it can be boiled and strained, or eggs can be boiled together with chamomile sachets.

Example 1: Boil turmeric for 15 minutes in water and add eggs.

Example 2: To prepare the dye, you need to take 1 liter of water, 3 tablespoons of turmeric powder and grated red carrots, cook for 30 minutes.

Orange color

Orange color of eggs - juice orange zest, tangerine zest juice, paprika, red carrot juice.

Example 1: 4 tbsp. spoons of paprika should be boiled for 30 minutes in a saucepan with a glass of water, then place the eggs in the broth.

Example 2: Soak boiled hot eggs in carrot juice with the addition of turmeric (the proportions are arbitrary and depend on which shade you like best).

Brown color

Brown - Birch leaves, black tea, coffee. Needs to be brewed strong coffee or tea and boil eggs in it.

Brick Red - Onion skin.

Example: For 3 liters of water you need to take 4 cups of onion peels and boil for an hour. The more onion peel, the richer the dye. Add the eggs and boil them in the resulting dye. To get a purple hue, you need to do the same with the skin of the red onion.

Red color

Red, reddish-crimson - a decoction of cherry bark or cherry branches.

Example: Boil the bark or twigs of the cherry, let it brew for several hours (it’s better to boil and leave overnight), be sure to strain, and cook the eggs in this infusion. If the decoction of cherry bark is made weak, the eggs will turn pink.

Pink color

Pink and lilac shades - blueberries, lingonberries, cranberries (frozen or in the form of juice), raspberries, currants, cherries, red cabbage. You can soak already boiled eggs in the juice.

Green color

Green - dried spinach, parsley, nettle, ivy, blueberry decoction

Example 1: For 2-3 eggs and 0.5 liters of water, take about a handful of dried coltsfoot, bracken or carrot tops.

Example 2: Boil eggs with infusion dried nettle(per liter of water 3 tablespoons of chopped nettle).

Example 3: To get a green tint to the eggs, you can use fresh blueberry juice. For 1 liter of blueberry decoction - 2-3 full teaspoons of turmeric powder. To avoid the appearance of lumps, first grind the turmeric with water in a small bowl and only then place it in the blueberry decoction.

Example 4: Chop the spinach finely (frozen is also good) and add water to cover. Cook for 30 minutes and let cool.

Blue color

Blue, purple - blueberries, lingonberries or blueberries (the berries must be frozen from last year), elderberries, leaves red cabbage- the broth will be red, but the eggs will turn blue.

Example: For 0.5 liters of water, take 2 small heads of red cabbage and 6 tablespoons of 9% vinegar. Finely chop the cabbage and add hot water, add vinegar. Immerse boiled eggs in this mixture and leave for a couple of hours. To get more deep color It is better to leave the eggs overnight.

Convenient cheat sheet with step by step instructions according to the color of the eggs:

More step by step recipes Chef-daw

Hello friends!

Are you waiting for the bright holiday of the Resurrection of Christ - Easter? I really do, because I fast and limit myself to meat, dairy products and eggs. But this does not stop me from preparing for the Great Holiday. I have already started studying. And today I found and made a selection about dyeing chicken eggs.

As we already know, our Orthodox Easter falls this year on April 8 on Sunday. One of the holiday rituals, in addition to Easter cakes and Easter cakes, are painted eggs. This tradition arose a long time ago, during the time of the first Christians. In addition, there is an opinion that many eggs accumulated in chicken coops among fasting people in villages. Due to the fact that there was nowhere to put them, it became a custom to paint or paint the eggs and give them to guests and neighbors on Easter.

Of course, that's how it happened. But the egg has long symbolized resurgent life. The most popular dye color is red. This implies the blood shed by Christ for the people. Therefore, it is very important to color the eggs in different colors. But how to do it right? Let's find out!

I’ll also add that it’s better to paint with kids. They really like this business. And even children, starting from three years old, are already actively helping adults.

Basic rules for painting eggs for Easter

Before painting, we will read a few tips on how to do it correctly. Then it will help us avoid some irreparable mistakes. It's better to learn from other people's mistakes, right?

  • We buy eggs with white shells. It’s clear even to kids that paint adheres better to a clean white surface and doesn’t change its color. But brown ones can radically change their color when dyed. And any paint on them seems a bit dirty.
  • We wash the testicles with a sponge, you can soap solution.
  • To prevent the eggs from bursting or cracking during cooking, it is better to remove them from the refrigerator 1.5-2 hours in advance. During this time they will warm up and become room temperature. Then you can start hot procedures.
  • Salt, which is added to the water during boiling, also helps prevent cracks. Enough 2 tbsp. spoons of salt per 2 liters of water.
  • If you are going to paint in onion skins, then collect them several months in advance. The more husk, the brighter the color will be. You can also ask for husks at any market from a vegetable seller. I think they won't be greedy. Especially for such a sweet thing as preparing for Easter.
  • To dry already painted eggs, use the paper racks in which you bought them.

It is interesting to know that eggs painted with one color are called dyed eggs. Easter eggs will be skillfully painted. Drapes are painted with a scratched pattern. There are also specks - testicles painted with specks, with dots and stripes.

  • Rub the colored eggs with vegetable oil. They turn out shiny, bright and beautiful.

Well, now you can definitely get down to business!

How to paint eggs in onion skins so they don't crack

The simplest and most popular way of coloring for Easter is in onion peels. For this purpose, golden or red onions are used. After dyeing, the testicles turn out purplish-brown, yellowish and very beautiful.

This option also saves housewives a lot of time. The eggs are boiled and immediately colored in a decoction of the husks.

We need:

  • 4-5 liter saucepan;
  • Eggs - 2 dozen;
  • Onion peel;
  • Vinegar - 1.5 tbsp. spoons;
  • Paper towel or newspaper.


1. Prepare the onion skins. We wash it in running water to remove dust and dirt. We also take the eggs out of the refrigerator to warm up. They reach room temperature after 1.5-2 hours.

2. Take a large saucepan and put all the onion peelings there. They should take up 2/3 of the pan somewhere.

Choose old cooking utensils that you don’t mind. Because during the process the pan gets very dirty and it will be almost impossible to wash it.

3. Fill with water so that it covers all the husks. Pour in 1.5-2 tablespoons of vinegar. Or maybe 1 teaspoon vinegar essence. Mix the water with a spoon.

4. Wash the warmed testicles with a soft sponge and laundry soap. We carefully place them and bury them in the husk.

5. Place the pan on the fire. When the water boils, reduce the heat and cook for 30-40 minutes. For a more saturated color, you can cook longer.

6. Carefully remove the finished brown eggs with a spoon and place them on prepared paper towels. Do it carefully so as not to get burned.

7. When they have cooled, you can rub them with a cotton swab dipped in vegetable oil. You can stick small stickers on an Orthodox theme and place them beautifully in a basket or plate with indentations for eggs and Easter cake.

My testicles did not crack and turned out to be evenly colored, and vinegar helped me with this. The most important thing is to maintain the temperature; it should be the same before cooking.

That's basically it. Coloring can be complicated and you can create masterpieces like the ones in the photo below. To do this you will need gauze, thread and green leaves. Parsley, dill, and arugula work well.

Before laying in the husk, we apply a leaf of greenery to each egg and wrap it in a small piece of gauze. Tie tightly with thread so that the gauze presses the leaf tightly to the shell. Then we also put them in water with the husks and cook for 40 minutes.

The shell will be completely colored, except for the place where the leaf was attached. And they turn out very original eggs with a green imprint. Beauty and simplicity!

Video about how to dye Easter eggs using dyes

Let's see and try to do the same. After all, there is nothing complicated.

We use dry food colorings and leaves

Let's try to color easter eggs store-bought food dyes and even with leaves. Already above about the method with onion skins I explained a little how this is done. And here I will reveal the secrets in more detail and with step-by-step photos.

We need:

  • White chicken eggs - 2-3 dozen;
  • Food colorings;
  • Vinegar 9%;
  • Gauze,
  • Threads;
  • Scissors;
  • Green leaves;
  • Gloves.


1. Warm chicken eggs to room temperature. We wash them with a dish sponge and soap until clean. Then cook in slightly salty water for 20-30 minutes in a cauldron.

2. Place jars on the table where we will dilute the paint. Prepare scissors, pieces of gauze, thread and green leaves.

3. Leaves can be wetted. This way they will stick to the shell better.

4. We put disposable gloves on our hands. They will protect your delicate hands from corrosive paint.

5. Dilute the paint in jars with hot water and pour in 1 tablespoon of 9% vinegar. The amount of water is usually indicated on the packaging of dyes. So follow the clear instructions.

6. Take the finished boiled eggs out of the cauldron and cool slightly. Glue a leaf of greenery - dill or parsley. Wrap in a small piece of gauze. And at the back we tie the ends of the fabric tightly with thread.

7. The leaf should be pressed very tightly to the shell.

8. Place the egg in a jar of paint for 10 minutes. You can turn it a little with a spoon to ensure even color.

9. Take out the finished dyes and place them on a paper egg rack. All excess colored water will drain off, and the eggs themselves will dry well without coloring each other.

And here are the finished beauties! The parsley and dill leaves were well imprinted. Now they can be rubbed with butter and sent to the holiday basket.

Interesting way to paint Easter eggs with liquid paint

Liquid paint is sold in special tubes. After this coloring, Easter eggs acquire a beautiful, pearlescent and shiny appearance. In fact, there is nothing complicated about this. How to do this correctly, watch an interesting video.

Decorate eggs with natural ingredients

The last (or not) way to make dyes is to use natural products. In fact, it is not at all necessary to buy ready-made paints. You can rummage through your cupboards and find a ton of things and products that will perfectly color your eggs in even, solid colors.

I also like the option of coloring with natural ingredients because we paint the eggs without any chemicals. So to speak, we get eco-colors.

We paint with turmeric

Regular ground turmeric root will help us achieve an even yellow color.

To do this, prepare the eggs and warm them. Pour 2 tablespoons of turmeric into a small 1.5 liter enamel ladle and set it on fire.

Place the warm eggs carefully and cook them for 15-20 minutes. During this time, they will be well painted in a delicate yellow tone.

Cool the hard-boiled eggs and rub them with a little vegetable oil.

We achieved yellow color. Let's move on to the blue tone.

Colored with red cabbage

Red cabbage will help us achieve a pleasant blue color. To color, we need to boil clean hard-boiled eggs in advance in a separate bowl.

We cut the head of cabbage into large pieces. Fill with cold water and set to cook for 10-15 minutes.

Place the hot eggs in bowls. Fill them with strained cabbage broth and leave for 5-6 hours until deeply colored. If desired, you can add vinegar to the broth. It sets the color.

Dry the dyes in paper towels or on a paper wire rack. Rub them with vegetable oil until shiny.

We use beets

Ordinary beets will help us get pink colors. To do this, boil the eggs hard in a separate bowl.

Peel the beets and grate about 200 grams per 0.5 liter of water. Fill it with hot water and add hot eggs.

To fix the color, add one tablespoon of vinegar. Leave for 50-60 minutes until deeply stained.

We take out the paints, dry them and you can stick on different stickers on Easter themes.

Marble color with greenery

Well, such beauty can be made with the help of brilliant green and chopped husks. Both environmentally friendly and beautiful. And whoever asks for the recipe - shhh! Don't open it!

This, dear readers, is where I end my writing. If there are other ways of coloring, you can add material in the comments below. So you can share with other readers in interesting ways coloring Easter eggs.

With coming Happy Holidays- The Resurrection of Christ! See you soon!

Every Easter, many people paint eggs, but some of us don’t even think about why and what it’s for? It looks interesting, unusual and simply beautiful.

Why are eggs painted for Easter?

Tradition says that after the resurrection of Christ, as a gift that symbolized this miracle, Mary Magdalene decided to present an egg to the Roman Emperor Tiberius.

But the emperor did not believe her, and said that a person cannot be resurrected, just like white egg cannot turn red. At that very moment the egg turned red.

Despite the fact that today Easter eggs are painted in all sorts of colors, red is the main, traditional color that represents life and victory.

According to the iconographic tradition, the resurrected Christ is depicted surrounded by radiance in the shape of an oval. As you can already guess, the egg is similar in shape to this figure.

Tradition of dyeing eggs

If you delve deeper into history, you can find out that since ancient times bird eggs have been a symbol of rebirth and life. The tradition of painting eggs is very ancient, and came to Europe from Ancient Egypt and China.

It is also worth mentioning that, according to legend, Christ was resurrected after the Jewish Passover, and it, in turn, was established in honor of the liberation of the Israeli people from Egyptian slavery.

On this holiday, believers give each other eggs painted in different colors as a symbol of the Resurrection.

From the very beginning, it is worth noting that before you start coloring the eggs, it would be a good idea to degrease them. To do this, you just need to thoroughly wash the eggs in a baking soda solution.

To prevent eggs from cracking and spreading when boiling, you need to follow a few simple rules:

* Do not boil eggs immediately after taking them out of the refrigerator. First you need to leave them to “warm up” at room temperature for 30 minutes.

* It is advisable to add a generous pinch of salt to the water in which you will boil the eggs, which will prevent the eggs from leaking even if they crack.

* In order for the food coloring to evenly cover the egg, you need to wipe the eggs with soapy water or alcohol before coloring them. In case you are using special paints, try adding it to water small quantities vinegar to avoid streaks.

*To give your eggs a bright color, place them in a dye solution and refrigerate them overnight.

How to dye eggs correctly

Method 1. Onion peels

You will need:

Onion peel

Boiling water

1. Wash the onion skins.

2. Put the husk in hot water and cook for 30 minutes.

3. Now you need to strain the broth and put boiled eggs in it.

4. Keep the eggs in this broth until they color.

5. Take out the colored eggs and rub them with vegetable oil, which will give them shine.

The color depends on the amount of husk used - from light yellow to red-brown. If you use red onion skins, you can color the eggs purple.

Method 2. Coloring using patches

You will need:

Colored faded threads (can be replaced with shreds)

Gauze (can be replaced with nylon stocking)

1. Wrap each egg with threads or pieces of fabric and secure everything by wrapping it in gauze.

2. Pour over the eggs warm water and bring the water to a boil.

Method 3. Drawing on the egg

You will need:

Parsley leaves

Pieces of fabric

1. Moisten a few parsley leaves plain water and wrap them around the egg.

2. Wrap a shedding piece of fabric over the parsley.

3. Secure everything with gauze.

4. Cook for about 10-15 minutes.

5. Cool the eggs and remove the cloth. You should be left with an imprint of a parsley leaf.

Method 4. Color with fruit/vegetable juice

You can try coloring Easter eggs using regular fruit or vegetable juices (carrots, beets, etc.).

You will need:

Boiled eggs

Vegetables or fruits

Just rub the egg with beet or carrot juice. It couldn't be simpler.

Method 5. Paint using birch leaves

You will need:

Birch leaves (regular or dry)

1. You need to make a decoction from birch leaves. You need to leave for about 30 minutes.

2. Place the eggs in the broth and boil them for 10 minutes, after which you need to remove them and cool.

After this method of staining, the eggs may take on a yellow or golden color.

If you want, you can, before placing the eggs in the broth, tie a birch leaf to each one, then tie it with nylon and then cook for the specified time.

Method 6. Paint food coloring

You will need:

Food paint

Read the instructions on the food coloring package carefully. Following it, prepare the paint and place the eggs in it for the specified time.

When you start removing the eggs, blot them with a napkin.

Method 7. How to paint an egg in 2 colors

You will need:

Food colorings

1. Following the instructions, dilute the paints you need.

2. First, try to color the eggs evenly with a light shade of paint.

3. Remove the colored eggs and dry them on a paper towel.

4. Next, using a special holder (or your fingers, but very carefully), dip each egg halfway into another diluted paint, a brighter (or contrasting) shade. Keep the egg in this paint until it is colored.

5. All that remains is to dry it on a towel.

Method 8. Paint with ink

You will need:



1. Wash the egg, wrap it in a rag and tie it with thread.

2. Prepare the ink and pour a few drops on top using a pipette. Place the eggs in a pan of warm water and cook them for 10 minutes after boiling.

3. Remove the eggs and leave them to dry and cool. Next, remove the rag.

Method 9. Paint with food paints

You will need:


You can use white eggs, or you can paint them any color, after which, using a brush and food colors, apply any pattern or design.

Don’t forget to grease the egg with vegetable oil after the paint has dried.

Method 10. Decorate with rice

You will need:

1. Wet the eggs.

2. Dip them in dry rice and wrap them in cheesecloth.

3. Now you need to boil the eggs in the onion skins.

4. Remove and dry the eggs, discarding all the rice. You should end up with a speckled pattern.

Method 11. Marble eggs

You will need:

Onion peel


1. Dip the egg into a bowl of water.

2. Prepare the husk and roll the egg in it; in some places you can “stick” it by force.

3. Place the egg on the cheesecloth and sprinkle some more of the peel on it.

4. Wrap the egg in gauze and tie it tightly.

5. You can get rid of unnecessary things.

6. Place the workpieces in water, adding salt to the container.

7. Now add the green stuff.

8. When the water boils, cook for another 7 minutes.

9. After boiling, rinse the eggs with running water.

10. Remove the cheesecloth and peels.

11. Rinse again.

12. Dry and, if desired, rub the egg with vegetable oil to add shine.

How else can you paint eggs?

* For golden color you need to add 2-3 tablespoons of turmeric to hot water and boil until you get an intense color.

* For pink color you need to soak the eggs in cranberry or beet juice.

*For purple color you need to put in the water where the eggs are boiled, a few violets, the husks of sunflower seeds (not fried) or elderberries and blueberries.

* For of blue color Prepare 2 heads of red cabbage, which must first be finely chopped. Also add 500 ml of water and 6 tablespoons to the head of cabbage white vinegar. Then just leave it overnight.

*For green color When boiling eggs, add spinach, nettle leaves, lily of the valley, ash or buckthorn bark.

* For red color Place peeled beets, blueberries or bird cherry berries into boiling water.

*For dark brown color eggs need to be boiled in 250 ml of coffee.

* For yellow color Place the eggs with the bark of a young wild apple tree and the shell into hot water. walnut, chamomile or saffron flowers.

How to paint eggs for Easter (video)

How to decorate Easter eggs. Thermal labels.

To use special thermal labels to decorate Easter eggs, you must first cut them in half.

Place the egg on a spoon and plunge into boiling water for 1-2 minutes. Because of high temperature, the label will cover the egg neatly over its entire surface, except for the bottom and top, which you can freely decorate, if you wish, with various small Easter-themed stickers.

How to decorate eggs for Easter. Let's draw a picture.

*To apply beautiful drawing, you can use stencils, for example leaves cut out of paper, or some figures.

Simply attach the stencil to the egg and tie it tightly with gauze, then place it in the dye.

* You can also attach the cut out pictures to the egg using starch paste.

* If you want to make a striped egg, put some rubber bands, thick fabric ribbons or tape on it.

How to decorate eggs for Easter (video)

Here are a few useful tips, related to the colors you are going to paint the eggs.

* Black color symbolizes grief. You can black egg decorate with a bright pattern symbolizing the diversity of life.

* White color symbolizes destiny being built in heaven.

* The image of a pine tree means health.

* A grid-shaped pattern signifies fate.

* The image of a dove is a symbol of the soul.

* The image of an oak symbolizes strength.

* The dots on the egg, as well as the image of the berry, are a symbol of fertility.
