Sugar fudge. Recipe with photo. Step by step photos. Gurmel. Chocolate, milk, sugar fondant. How to make fudge at home. Recipes for fondant for cakes, Easter cakes, buns and eclairs, cookies

Chocolate fondant for a cake not only gives finished product a beautiful, complete look, but also allows you to hide minor shortcomings of the cakes. It is done in several ways different recipes, the best of which you will find in today's article.

The technology for preparing chocolate coatings is extremely simple and does not require the cook to have specific skills. Therefore, any novice housewife can easily cope with this task. To ensure everything goes as it should, there are a few things to consider: important nuances. Fudge for cakes can be prepared using water, thick sour cream, cream or full-fat cow's milk.

So that she gets more rich taste, it is often added chocolate chips, lemon juice, food poppy, ground cinnamon or vanillin. The consistency of the finished coating also plays an important role. It should resemble thick sour cream. This glaze will lie more evenly on the surface of the cakes and harden more quickly.

Classic version

To make this cake fondant you will need a minimum of ingredients and a little patience. The process itself is extremely simple and does not take too much time. To do classic glaze, double-check in advance whether your home has everything you need. You will need:

  • A tablespoon of butter.
  • 100 grams of chocolate.
  • 3 tablespoons of settled water.
  • 100 grams of powdered sugar.

The broken chocolate is placed in a suitable bowl and combined with hot water and then sent to water bath. As soon as the mixture melts, add butter and sifted powdered sugar. Grind everything well until smooth. The resulting glaze is applied to the surface of the cake and wait for it to harden.

Option with egg

Using the technology described below, a brilliant glossy glaze, ideal for decoration homemade baked goods. It is done so simply that even a teenager can easily cope with such a task. Before you prepare the cake fondant, make sure you have on hand:

  • 150 grams of dark chocolate.
  • Raw chicken egg.
  • 200 grams of powdered sugar.
  • 60 g butter.

The chocolate is broken into more small pieces and placed in a suitable container. They also add there required amount butter and send it all to a water bath. Gently beat into the melted mass a raw egg and mix well. Add powdered sugar little by little and beat it all with a mixer. Hot fondant for cakes is carefully applied to the surface of the baked cakes and wait until it hardens.

Option with honey

The glaze made using the method described below has not only an interesting aroma, but also a pleasant, specific taste. Since it consists of a non-standard set of ingredients, check in advance that you have all the required components on hand. This time you will need:

  • 180 grams of dark chocolate.
  • 70 milliliters of real liquid honey.
  • 200 grams of brown sugar.
  • A can of condensed milk.
  • 80 grams of coconut flakes.

Making cake fondant at home is very quick and easy. The whole process can be divided into several stages. In one vessel combine condensed milk, honey, butter and sugar. Whisk all this together and put it on the stove. Five or seven minutes after boiling, the resulting mass is removed from the heat and broken chocolate is added to it. As soon as the pieces are completely dissolved, add coconut flakes and mix well. Ready glaze immediately apply to the surface of the cake.

Option with milk

This cake fondant with cocoa and starch has a pleasant chocolate taste and light aroma. It will be a great decoration for anyone homemade dessert. And even those who are doing this kind of thing for the first time can handle its preparation. Before starting the process, make sure that your home has:

  • 20 grams of cocoa.
  • 60 milliliters of cow's milk.
  • 150 grams of sugar.
  • 60 g butter.
  • 15 grams of starch.

Milk is combined in one bowl with sugar and sent to the stove. As soon as the grains of sweet sand are completely dissolved, starch is poured there. Mix everything well, trying to prevent the appearance of the smallest lumps, and heat until the required consistency is obtained. The thickened mass is removed from the heat and cooled. Then it is carefully poured into a container in which butter and cocoa have previously been ground. All this is thoroughly mixed with a wooden spatula and immediately applied to the surface of the cake.

Option with gelatin

This recipe for cake fondant allows you to quickly and without much hassle mirror coating. This glaze looks very impressive on homemade baked goods, and therefore is very popular among domestic housewives. To prepare it you will need:

  • 150 grams of sugar.
  • 135 milliliters of purified water.
  • 100 grams of condensed milk.
  • 150 milliliters of glucose syrup.
  • 15 grams of gelatin.
  • 150 g chocolate.

First you should deal with gelatin. It is filled with 65 milliliters of filtered water and put aside for a while. In a separate bowl, combine syrup and sugar. All this is filled with the remaining water and sent to the stove. Heat the resulting liquid over low heat until the grains of sweet sand are completely dissolved.

In another bowl, combine broken chocolate, condensed milk and gelatin. All this is poured with hot syrup, whipped with a blender and cooled to thirty-five degrees. Only after this the finished fondant is spread on the surface of the cake.

Option with cream

This is one of the most simple recipes, by which you can quickly and without unnecessary hassle prepare glaze to decorate homemade baked goods. To obtain it you will need a minimum of time and a little effort. Before you make your cake fondant, be sure to make sure you have everything you need on hand. IN in this case you must have:

  • 40 grams of butter.
  • Standard chocolate bar.
  • 3 tablespoons 30% cream.

Place the chocolate broken into pieces into a dry, clean bowl and place in a water bath. Add butter there and mix gently until smooth. At the final stage, whipped cream is carefully added to the resulting mass.

Option with cocoa

Using the technology described below, you can relatively quickly make sweet and delicious glaze. It is ideal for decorating cupcakes, pastries, buns and other baked goods. Chocolate fondant for cocoa cake has a bright, saturated color and a pleasant characteristic aroma. The intensity of the shade can be adjusted by decreasing or increasing the amount of powder-like ingredient. Since cocoa has a decisive influence on the consistency, taste, aroma and color of the finished product, it should not contain any additional herbal additives. To make dark, thick and shiny fudge you will need:

  • 100 grams of unsalted butter.
  • 5 or 6 tablespoons cocoa.
  • 150 milliliters of cow's milk.
  • 10 tablespoons of sugar.

Pour the required amount of cocoa into a convenient container. They send it there granulated sugar. Rub everything thoroughly with an ordinary spoon, trying to prevent the formation of lumps.

Melted butter and milk are added to the resulting mass. Mix everything vigorously again and place it on the stove. Bring the contents of the saucepan to a boil. It is important to constantly stir the mixture so that it does not stick to the bottom and walls of the container. As soon as the first bubbles appear on the surface of the liquid, turn the heat down to low and boil the future glaze to the required consistency. Thickened chocolate fudge removed from the burner, cooled to thirty-eight degrees and only after that used for its intended purpose.

To get a shiny, smooth glaze, on the surface of which there will not be the slightest hint of a white coating, it is advisable to use high-quality unsalted butter with a fat content of about 82-83%. Only in this case the chocolate fudge will not only have excellent taste characteristics And aesthetic appearance, but will also lie perfectly evenly on the baked cakes.

Until recently, snow-white fudge sugar confectioners used only for coating rum women and cake “strips” from shortcrust pastry. Today, with the help of this classic confectionery glaze They decorate almost all baked goods - from cupcakes and gingerbread cookies to cakes and Easter cakes.

Basic recipe for making sugar fudge

To make classic sugar lipstick you will need the following ingredients:

  • bulk sugar – 500 g;
  • warm water – 150 ml;
  • freshly squeezed lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l.

The approximate preparation time for fudge is 35-45 minutes.

Preparing the base for sugar fudge

In a thick-walled saucepan, combine sugar and water, boil the mixture for several minutes over medium heat until the granulated sugar is completely dissolved. After boiling, remove the pan from the heat and skim off the foam that has formed on the surface of the syrup. Then, using a damp cloth or pastry brush, gently wipe away any that have stuck to the inside walls of the saucepan. sugar crystals. Next, put the dishes back on the fire. Boil the boiling syrup for 4-6 minutes without stirring. About a minute before the end of cooking, add freshly squeezed lemon juice to the sugar mixture.

Removing the “ball test”

Now is the time to do the so-called “ball test”. Scoop with a spoon a small amount of syrup and place in a prepared container with chilled water. Remove the frozen sugar mass from the spoon and try to form a ball out of it (it should be soft and pliable). If you can’t form a ball, boil the syrup for another 1-2 minutes, then test again.

Note! To avoid overcooking the syrup, remove the saucepan from the heat or reduce it to low while taking the sample.

Cooling the sugar syrup

After a successful “ball test”, it is necessary to cool the sugar mixture as quickly as possible to 40-50°C. To do this, pour it into a wide bowl and place it on an ice pack. To make the syrup cool faster, stir it periodically with a wooden spatula. It is most convenient to check the temperature of the mixture using a special kitchen thermometer.

Kneading the sugar mass

After this, thoroughly beat the syrup cooled to the recommended temperature with a mixer at medium-high speed (for a mixer, use a dough hook attachment). While whipping, the sugar concentrate will gradually change its golden hue to snow-white. A homogeneous plastic texture and a light matte shine are the main signs that the fondant is ready. On average the conversion process liquid caramel into a viscous, pliable mass takes no more than 15 minutes. The finished lipstick should “rest” - transfer it to plastic container, cover with a damp cotton cloth and place in the refrigerator. A day later sugar icing can be used for its intended purpose.

On a note! Before decorating the confectionery, the cooled fondant is transferred to a heat-resistant container, lightly kneaded with a wooden spatula and heated in a water bath to 50°C.

Secrets of working with sugar fudge

If this is your first time working with sweet fudge, pay attention to the recommendations of experienced confectioners:

  1. To color the basic white fudge, you can use freshly squeezed juices from bright fruits and vegetables; they are most often used as flavorings strong coffee, berry toppings, vanilla extract And alcoholic drinks(for example, cognac, rum, liqueur).
  2. Properly prepared sugar fondant is both plastic and pliable, so it can easily be used to form molded figures and other decorative elements for decorating baked goods.
  3. Sugar icing holds up well long-term storage, so it is often prepared for future use. The finished fudge is wrapped in moistened parchment or gauze, transferred to an airtight container and placed in the refrigerator. The remaining unused glaze is stored in the same way.

Everyone knows that dessert is not only sweet and tasty, but also very beautiful, appetizing and aesthetically pleasing. You don’t need to invent something supernatural, just make fudge from chocolate or cocoa. It is suitable for decorating cakes, muffins and buns, donuts, pastries and rolls, eclairs. As for the types of fondants, there are 3 of them: they can have a consistency very soft dough, there is a form of glaze and a rather viscous mass. The purpose of fudge is to transform regular dessert into a culinary creation, a masterpiece, to make a “candy” out of it. Despite the many recipes, use proven and best ways preparations.

Homemade chocolate fudge is soft, sweet and delicious. If you don’t yet know how to make fondant for a cake and for buns, pastries, muffins, a simple and simple recipe preparations from cocoa powder. As for the chocolate fondant for the cake, it should have the perfect consistency.

The right recipe for chocolate fudge will help to significantly transform any cake, making its surface attractive, smooth and glossy. Chocolate fudge has a rich, bright color and pleasant aroma. It is important to note that this icing is great not only for cakes, but also for buns and muffins.

The main ingredient in this recipe is cocoa powder, the quality of which directly affects the final result, namely color, aroma, taste and consistency. It is advisable to use high-quality, dark powder that does not contain flavor enhancers or various herbal additives.


  • butter – 100 grams;
  • cocoa powder – 5-6 tablespoons;
  • milk – 150 milliliters;
  • white/ Brown sugar– 10 tablespoons.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Mix cocoa in a saucepan with the right amount Sahara. Mash them thoroughly using a regular spoon, it is important that they come together. Make sure there are no lumps of cocoa powder.
  2. Melt the butter over low heat, then add to the sugar mixture and pour in the milk. Stir thoroughly, place on the stove and boil. Remember to stir constantly as the chocolate fudge can easily burn.
  3. When the mixture comes to a boil, reduce the heat to low, simmer and stir. When the cream acquires a thicker consistency, it must be removed from the stove and cooled.
  4. Before applying fondant to pastry, cool it to a temperature of 38 degrees.

If you make chocolate fudge according to the suggested recipe, it will turn out shiny, smooth and without white coating. This can be achieved if you used full-fat butter, namely at least 82-83%.

White fondant

Many people are interested in the question of how to make chocolate fudge from... white chocolate? The answer will surprise you, since the cooking process is extremely accessible and easy.


  • brown sugar – 100 grams;
  • butter 82% – 65 grams;
  • white chocolate – 140 grams;
  • starch – 20 grams;
  • egg yolks – 2 pcs.;
  • cream – 75 milliliters;
  • lemon zest - from 1 lemon;
  • liqueur – 20 milliliters;
  • vanillin – 1 sachet.

Cooking technology:

  1. Making white chocolate fudge is very easy. To begin, break the white chocolate and place it in a deep bowl.
  2. Mix cream with lemon zest, then add any liqueur. This will help strengthen taste qualities glaze.
  3. Place chicken yolks in a container, add brown sugar and vanilla. There is no need to beat with a blender/mixer, just use a wooden spatula and grind the ingredients. Make sure you get a uniform structure.
  4. After this, the cream with zest should be placed on the stove and slightly heated, without bringing to a boil. After this, the yolks are added to the cream and everything is mixed. This is done quite intensively, it is important to avoid the formation of lumps.
  5. Starch (corn, potato) should be carefully added to the resulting mixture. Keep on the stove until the mixture becomes thick. After waiting for this moment, add butter and stir with a spoon. Thanks to these manipulations, the finished white chocolate fudge will be smooth, shiny and uniform.
  6. The resulting mixture is poured into pieces of white chocolate and whisked thoroughly using a whisk. The fondant is ready, you can safely decorate buns, pastries, muffins and cakes.

East-West dark chocolate fudge

To prepare you need to prepare necessary products which are indicated in the recipe.


  • water – ¾ cup;
  • dark chocolate – 60 grams;
  • sugar – 9 tablespoons;
  • citric acid solution – 12 drops.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. To make chocolate fudge, you need to pour sugar into a small saucepan, pour hot water and stir thoroughly. All crystals need to be dissolved. Wipe the edges of the pan with a damp cloth to remove any sugar that may have stuck.
  2. The container with syrup is sent to the stove; the highest heat is needed. Bring to a boil, skim off any foam that forms on the surface. Cover the pan with a lid and cook until a solid ball forms.
  3. How to determine whether the syrup is ready or not? To do this, just do the following: pour a drop of syrup into ice water, the syrup is ready when a solid ball forms.
  4. Two minutes before the end of cooking, add a solution based on citric acid. When the syrup is ready, sprinkle it with water and place the pan in cold water to cool in a matter of minutes.
  5. After this, beat it with a wooden spatula for ten to twenty minutes until a white mass is obtained. After this, you need to add grated dark chocolate and heat the mixture to 55 degrees.
  6. The finished fudge is placed on a baking sheet; it should look like a layer, its thickness is about two centimeters. The surface can be smoothed with a spatula and cooled. Before serving with tea, cut into pieces, sprinkle with powdered sugar and coconut flakes. If you want, you can add nuts to the chocolate mixture.

Recipes for making boiled milk sugar with water, sour cream, milk, cream.

From the 70s - 80s of the twentieth century, a lot has migrated to our time delicious dishes, for the preparation of which you do not need to buy special ingredients or purchase modern kitchen appliances. Everything you need is in the kitchen of any housewife.

  • And it’s not at all necessary to take courses culinary skills to please your household with a delicious delicacy. Surprise unusual taste It is also possible for those who have long been spoiled by the abundance of all kinds of desserts prepared according to the newfangled recipe.

What is boiled milk sugar?

Lactic boiled sugar Korda was one of the most beloved Soviet desserts. The delicacy is prepared from a minimum amount of ingredients. Prepare a treat for grandma's recipe possible even with a catastrophic lack of free time. And the taste of the finished sweet product is not inferior to purchased delicacies from confectionery factories.

  • Milk sugar It’s more common to see it as an independent dessert. However delicious sweetness can decorate baked goods or complete the design of a birthday cake.
  • The basis for the preparation of boiled milk sugar, as can be understood from the name of the product, includes three ingredients: sugar, milk and butter. The rest is the result of experiments and taste preferences of household members.
What is boiled milk sugar

How to cook milk sugar with milk: a recipe like in childhood

Ingredients for making dessert:

  • 200 ml milk
  • 3.5 cups sugar
  • 140 or 200 grams of peanuts (you can take half a glass of different nuts)
  • butter – about 80 grams

Cooking process:

  • It will take no more than 10 minutes to prepare the ingredients for this delicacy. But for the dessert itself you need to set aside an hour of free time.
  • Believe me, the result is worth it and you won’t regret having to stand at the stove instead of watching your favorite show or another melodrama. Let's begin the mystery of preparing a dessert from the distant 70s.
  • Let's prepare a container in which we will cook the dessert. This can be a saucepan or a round stainless steel ladle. Measure out three cups of granulated sugar and pour into a container. We will need the remaining 0.5 cups of sugar for further preparation.
  • Pour the sugar into a container with a glass of milk and put it on the stove. Turn on small fire. Warm up the liquid, stirring all the time.

Pour sugar into a container with a glass of milk and send it to the stove
  • While the milk and sugar are heating on the stove, fry the entire portion of peanuts. Pour the nuts into the frying pan. Stir or shake constantly. The peanuts should be golden. After roasting, the peanut films should peel off easily. The process will take about 30 minutes. This time will be just enough for the milk sugar to boil down to the desired thickness.

Checking if the sherbet is ready with the old grandma's way: take a little syrup into a spoon and drop it onto a plate
  • Give the milk sugar a rich brown color. To do this, we will need the same 0.5 cups of sugar that were left aside. Take a small frying pan and pour sugar onto the surface. Melt and lightly fry the white sand.
  • Now we place the contents of a small frying pan into a container with milk-sugar syrup. Mix the ingredients thoroughly.

Pour the sugar mixture into the mold
  • If you want to achieve a darker color for the finished treat, keep the sugar in the pan further until it is overcooked, but not to the point of blackness.
  • Keep on low heat for another 20 minutes. We check if the sorbet is ready using grandma’s old method: take a little syrup into a spoon and drop it onto a plate. A spreading drop indicates that the dessert needs to be cooked a little longer. As a rule, sherbet “ripens” on the stove for about an hour. A few minutes before the container with the syrup is removed from the heat, add the butter and stir.
  • The preparation of the sweet delicacy is not yet finished: we are preparing a form in which the sherbet will harden. Any utensil will do: a plate, a shallow bowl. The main thing is that it is convenient for you to remove the sherbet later. You can take a baking dish, line the inside. Grease the parchment with butter.
  • We take out the roasted peanuts (you haven’t forgotten about them, have you?) and pour them into the bottom of the mold. Pour milk and sugar mixture on top. We take it to a cool place (or leave it in the refrigerator after cooling). The syrup should completely harden.
  • When the whole family is gathered, serve the delicacy for tea, having previously cut it or split it into small pieces.

When the whole family is gathered, serve a treat for tea

Video: Homemade milk sugar

If you decide to make a dessert that is somewhat reminiscent of the taste of “Korovka” candies, then read carefully next recipe. Perhaps it tasty treat with a delicate milky taste is exactly what you need.

For cooking we will need products:

  • half a glass of milk
  • 1 glass and 4 heaped spoons of sugar

The process of preparing soft milk sugar:

  • Preparation of milk sugar, regardless of the recipe chosen, begins in the same way: the entire portion of milk is poured into a container, and one and a half glasses of granulated sugar are poured in.
  • Place the container with milk and sugar on low heat. Don't forget to stir the syrup.
    Stir the resulting foam thoroughly. Nothing should burn in the saucepan! With the spoon we stir, we move it not only along the bottom, but also along the walls of the saucepan.
  • When the foam decreases (after 2 minutes), the syrup will thicken a little (if you scoop it with a spoon, it will stretch). By changing its consistency, the sweet mass will also change color. This means that the process of cooking sweets on fire is completed.
  • Now we prepare the molds, grease them from the inside with butter and fill them with the prepared sweet syrup. Before serving milk-flavored sugar for tea, don’t overdo it with “sampling,” otherwise your family won’t get anything!
  • Tip: For lovers of sweet sherbet with a porous structure, we recommend following proportions sugar and milk: liquid 100 ml, and granulated sugar 300 g. Finished product will have a smooth front side, but there will be bulges on the back side.
  • For lovers of thick, sweet sherbet, the following proportion of the main ingredients is recommended: 100 ml of liquid per 200 grams of sugar. The dessert prepared according to this recipe will be smooth on all sides and uniform in cut.

How to cook milk sugar with soft milk: recipe

If you need to achieve a viscous consistency of milk sugar that will spread smoothly over the surface, then prepare a sweet mass with the addition of cream. This milk sugar can be used for fudge.


  • 300 ml cream (you need to choose a fat content of at least 33%)
  • granulated sugar – 2.5 faceted glasses
  • 1 spoon of honey
  • 50 g butter

Cooking process:

  • Let's start preparing the sherbat. Pour the cream into the container in which we will cook the dessert. We'll send sugar here too. Mix the ingredients and turn on the stove. Set the fire to low. Bring the liquid to a boil with constant stirring.
  • At this stage, add a spoonful of honey and cook for another 20 minutes.
  • Prepare the molds, grease them with butter and pour in the hot syrup. After waiting for the mass to cool slightly, cut into small pieces.

If you need to cover the cake with sweet sherbet, you can leave it in a suitable mold until it cools completely. And if you need to attach sweet milk sherbat figures to the surface of the cake, then do the following manipulations:

  • Having cut out the figure using a mold, place it on the cake
  • lightly heat the edges until they settle and lie firmly on the baking surface

How to cook milk sugar with cream: recipe

Adding sour cream will add boiled sugar to the dessert. unique taste and an aroma reminiscent of the most “delicious” moments of childhood. The sour cream-based delicacy also has another name: milk fudge. If you want to improve your grandmother’s technology for making sweets, add cocoa, nuts, and seeds to the recipe.

To prepare milk fudge you will need the following components:

  • 0.5 kg sugar
  • glass of fat sour cream
  • 50 g butter
  • 1 tablespoon cocoa (optional)

Cooking process:

  • We will cook the delicacy in a fireproof container with a non-stick coating. If you prefer to recreate in your kitchen the method of preparing dessert proven by our grandmothers, then prepare an enamel saucepan or bowl.
  • Pour the entire portion of sugar into a heated container, add sour cream and, if you decide to make a dessert with nuts or seeds, then add these ingredients too.
  • Stir the contents of the saucepan until the mixture boils. Reduce the heat and leave the syrup on the stove for another half hour.
  • After 30 minutes, the sweet mass will acquire a beautiful caramel shade, and its thickness will be optimal for dessert. Constant stirring will prevent the formation of lumps. You should not continue cooking the sweetness after 30 minutes: the syrup may curdle and become hard.
  • Mix the contents of the saucepan, add butter (the amount of butter indicated in the recipe). After the butter has melted, you can fill greased molds with the caramel mass and place them in a cool room. Remove the finished sweet from the mold and cut into pieces.

How to cook boiled sugar with sour cream: recipe

How to cook sugar and butter: recipe

Video: Boiled sugar: video recipe

Lean boiled sugar on water: recipe

If there is no milk in your refrigerator, but you want to spoil the kids delicious dessert, then prepare boiled sugar with milk. This delicacy is called “lean sugar”. The only negative: without milk, the dessert will not have the additional caramel flavor.

We will need the following ingredients:

  • 1 glass of water
  • 3 cups sugar

Cooking process:

  • Pour sugar into water heated on the stove (it is better to cook on gas stove, then the sweetness will have a uniform consistency).
  • To prepare the delicacy, take a fireproof saucepan with a non-stick coating.
  • Bring the contents of the container to a boil. We set the heat to minimum and continue to simmer for another half hour with constant stirring.
  • We check the readiness of the dessert using grandma’s old method: we drop syrup onto a plate and check whether the drop spreads. If not, then the delicacy is ready and can be poured into greased molds.

How to make fruit sugar?

Video: Milk sugar, grandma's recipe

How to make fudge from sugar and milk: recipe

Video: Sugar fudge

How to make homemade sweets from sugar and milk: recipe

Video: Sweets made from sugar and milk

Housewives love to pamper their loved ones with various delicacies. But not all housewives have the idea to prepare such a decoration for cakes, cupcakes, and Easter cakes as butter lipstick. It doesn't take much time or effort to prepare this sweetness. In addition to decoration, fudge can be eaten as independent dish, it is very tender and just melts in your mouth.

How many calories are in butter lipstick?

The product has the following energy value:

  • proteins - 3.5 g;
  • fats - 14 g;
  • carbohydrates - 70 g.

Creamy lipstick is high-calorie product. There are about 400 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Butter fudge - basic recipe

You can make fudge at home using a variety of recipes. You can add an additional ingredient, for example, honey, butter, vanillin and other products that enhance the taste. But in order to prepare fudge according to classic recipe nessesary to use minimal amount products.

List of products for making butter lipstick:

  • fat milk - 450 ml;
  • granulated sugar - 500 g.

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. Combine sugar and milk in a saucepan and place it on the burner. Turn on medium heat and let it boil.
  2. After boiling, cook for about 30 minutes. The mixture must be constantly stirred.
  3. If the amount of syrup has decreased by half, or its color has become darker, large lazy bubbles appear, then the syrup is ready.
  4. For the sweet to take the required form, it must be placed in the cold. In winter, just place the ladle on the balcony. IN summer time you can use ice. Place ice in a deep cup, add a small amount cold water, place the ladle on the ice. Stir sugar syrup until it cools and begins to thicken, over time the process becomes more difficult.
  5. Stir until the fudge lightens and takes the form of a lump.
  6. We need an elastic mass, so we put the ladle on the fire for a couple of minutes.
  7. The molds in which the delicacy will be stored must be greased with oil. Place the fondant in the molds and send it to refrigerator where it will freeze.

You can check the degree of readiness of the treat in other ways. Take a piece of ice and drop some syrup on it. Try to roll the syrup into a ball; its consistency should be similar to plasticine, which can be easily molded. The drop has spread, which means the syrup is not ready yet. The drop instantly hardened, which means the syrup was overcooked, it needs to be diluted with 2 tbsp. l. milk and mix thoroughly.

For Easter cake

Protein fudge for Easter cake Even a novice cook can prepare it. The delicacy is prepared with cornstarch, so you will need a strainer.

Ingredients used:

  • protein - 1 pc.;
  • lemon juice - ½ tsp;
  • powdered sugar - 160 g;
  • corn starch- ½ tsp;
  • vanillin.


  1. Using a whisk, beat the egg whites and gradually add powdered sugar. Continue beating until the mixture becomes white and has a thick consistency.
  2. Sift the starch and add it to the protein mixture, continue beating.
  3. Add lemon juice and vanillin. Mix.
  4. The lipstick is ready, you need to use it immediately, as it dries in a few minutes.

If you can't find cornstarch, you can replace it with potato starch. This will not affect the taste in any way.

How to cook according to GOST

Those who want to remember the taste of childhood can prepare fudge according to GOST.


  • sugar - 250 g;
  • water - 75 ml;
  • lemon juice - 1 tsp.


  1. In a small saucepan, combine water and sugar. We put it on the fire and bring it to a boil. Mix well, the sugar should completely dissolve. After boiling, turn off the burner.
  2. Using a silicone brush, remove sugar from the sides of the pan. Turn on the burner, add lemon juice and boil for a couple of minutes.
  3. Pour ice water into a large bowl and immerse the prepared syrup in it. After 40 minutes, beat it with a mixer until white.

If the fondant has purchased White color and the viscous consistency means it’s ready.

Candy - creamy lipstick

Candies fudge Prepare simply. The recipe uses thick sour cream and cream, this is the only way to make sweets with a dense consistency. As additional ingredient You can use nuts or dried fruits.


  • cream - 200 ml;
  • granulated sugar - 7.5 tbsp. l.;
  • sour cream - 8.5 tbsp. l.;
  • powdered milk - 70 g;
  • butter - 150 g;
  • vanillin - 1 sachet.


  1. Melt the butter in a saucepan, add granulated sugar and vanillin.
  2. Add sour cream and cream, stir thoroughly, cook for another 10-15 minutes.
  3. Add milk and continue cooking until the mixture thickens, stirring constantly.
  4. Covering the form baking paper, put the mass into it. Distribute evenly. Place in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours.

Remove the hardened candies from the mold and cut into pieces. in portioned pieces. Everything is ready for tea.

To do this you will need the following ingredients:

  • cream - ½ cup;
  • powdered sugar - 7 tbsp. l.;
  • candied fruits - 40 g;
  • mixture of nuts - 80 g;
  • boiled condensed milk - 50 g;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 sachet.


  1. In a saucepan combine condensed milk, cream, a pinch of salt, sugar and powder. Turn on low heat and stir.
  2. After boiling, cook the mixture for 30 minutes.
  3. Once the mixture resembles melted toffee, turn off the heat.
  4. Add nuts and candied fruits to the mixture and mix. Place the mixture in the mold and place it in the refrigerator.

After 20 minutes it will harden and you can start eating.

You can prepare butter lipstick at home using a variety of recipes, the main thing is to decide for what purpose it needs to be prepared. But regardless of the purpose, the dish will turn out delicious.
