Development of technology and range of culinary products with functional properties based on minced fish Irinina, Olga Ivanovna. “Technology of catering products” - Textbook

The quality of culinary products is understood as the totality consumer properties, determining its suitability to satisfy people's need for rational nutrition. Indicators of the quality of culinary products are harmlessness, high nutritional and commercial qualities.

Totality useful properties culinary products are characterized by nutritional value, organoleptic characteristics, digestibility, and safety.

Nutritional value is a complex property that combines energy, biological, physiological value, as well as digestibility and safety.

Energy value is characterized by the amount of energy released from nutrients in the process of their biological oxidation.

The biological value is determined mainly by the quality of food proteins - digestibility and the degree of balance of the amino acid composition.

The physiological value is due to the presence of substances that have active influence on the human body (beet saponins, caffeine in coffee and tea, etc.).

Organoleptic indicators (appearance, consistency, color, smell, taste) characterize a person’s subjective attitude towards food and are determined using the senses.

The term "organoleptic" comes from the Greek words "organon" (tool, instrument, organ) and "leptikos" (prone to take or receive) and means "detected by the senses." In foreign literature, the term “sensory” is predominantly common (from the Latin “sensus” - feeling, sensation).

Along with physicochemical, i.e. instrumental, methods of analysis, organoleptic assessment of the quality of food products is of great importance. The results of organoleptic analysis are always decisive in determining the quality of new products, regardless of their nutritional value. Organoleptic control is also necessary when administering new accelerated technological processes obtaining traditional food products.

Organoleptic evaluation is an assessment of the response of human sensory organs to the properties of a food product as an object under study, determined using qualitative and quantitative methods. A qualitative assessment is expressed using verbal descriptions (descriptors), and a quantitative assessment, characterizing the intensity of sensation, is expressed in numbers (scales) or graphically.

Taste is a sensation resulting from the interaction of a taste stimulus with receptors, reflecting the properties of the stimulus and the physiological characteristics of the individual.

Smell is a sensation resulting from the interaction of an olfactory stimulus with receptors, reflecting the properties of the stimulus and the physiological characteristics of the individual.

Texture is the macrostructure of a food product, i.e., the system of relative arrangement of its structural elements, organoleptically characterized by a complex of visual, auditory and tactile sensations that arise when chewing the product. Texture is described in terms of: fibrous, laminated, porous, homogeneous, hard, elastic, plastic, hard, soft, tender, sticky, sticky, brittle, crumbly, crispy, etc.

Flavor is a complex sensation in the mouth caused by the taste, smell and texture of a food product.

Taste and olfactory sensitivity are called chemical, since the stimulation of the corresponding receptors occurs as a result of “chemical analysis” of molecules dissolved in saliva (taste) or in the air (smell). Traditionally, there are four types of taste sensations: sweet, sour, salty and bitter.

Digestibility is the degree to which food components are used by the human body.

Safety is the absence of unacceptable risk associated with the possibility of harm to human health (life). If the permissible level of safety indicators is exceeded, culinary products are transferred to the hazardous category. Dangerous products must be destroyed.

There are the following types of safety of culinary products: chemical, sanitary and hygienic, radiation.

Chemical safety is the absence of unacceptable risks that toxic substances may pose to the life and health of consumers. Substances that affect the chemical safety of culinary products are divided into the following groups: toxic elements (heavy metal salts); mycotoxins, nitrates and nitrites, pesticides, antibiotics; hormonal drugs; prohibited food additives and dyes.

Sanitary and hygienic safety - the absence of unacceptable risks that may arise from microbiological and biological contamination of culinary products caused by bacteria and fungi. At the same time, toxic substances accumulate in products (mycotoxins due to mold, botulinum toxins, salmonella, staphylococcus, E. coli, etc.), which cause poisoning of varying degrees of severity.

Radiation safety is the absence of unacceptable risk that can be caused to the life and health of consumers by radioactive substances or their ionizing radiation.

The quality of culinary products is formed during the entire technological production cycle. Its main stages are:


product design and development;

process planning and development;


production of products;

quality control (check);

packaging, transportation, storage;



Marketing is the anticipation, management and satisfaction of consumer demand for culinary products. It is possible to forecast demand only by constantly studying the market, determining the needs of the population for products and focusing production on these needs.

In the process of marketing research, market demand must be accurately determined, for example, what type of enterprise should be opened, what the range of culinary products will be in it, approximate quantities her, etc. Marketing functions also include feedback from consumers. All information related to product quality must be analyzed and brought to the attention of the manufacturer.

Product design and development include menu creation, development of new or specialties, preparation of normative (technical and technological maps, technical specifications-- TU) and technological (technological maps, technological instructions) documentation.

Process planning and development. Based on the developed regulatory and technological documentation, technological schemes preparation of individual dishes, the sequence of operations is determined, and the technological process for the production of culinary products at the enterprise as a whole is developed. The need for raw materials, equipment, inventory, and utensils is determined.

Logistics. Raw materials, products, semi-finished products used in the production process become part of the manufactured product, directly affect the quality and must meet hygienic requirements for the quality and safety of food raw materials and food products (SanPiN 2.3.2-96). Equipment, inventory, and utensils must also meet sanitary and hygienic requirements and have hygiene certificates or certificates of conformity.

Product production consists of three stages:

  • 1. processing of raw materials and preparation of semi-finished products (for enterprises working on raw materials);
  • 2. preparing dishes and culinary products;
  • 3. preparing dishes for sale (portioning, decoration). All three stages influence the formation of the quality of the finished product and must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of technological standards and sanitary rules.

Quality control is checking the compliance of quality indicators of culinary products with established requirements; this is one of the most important stages of the production technological cycle. Quality control is conventionally divided into three types: preliminary (input), operational (production), output (acceptance).

Preliminary is control of incoming raw materials and semi-finished products.

Operational control is carried out during the technological process: from raw materials and (or) semi-finished products accepted for quality to the release of finished products. It includes checking:

organization of the technological process (sequence of operations, compliance with temperature, duration of heat treatment, etc.) and individual workplaces;

the equipment and condition of the equipment, its compliance with the parameters of the technological process;

hygienic production parameters (workplace temperature, ventilation, workplace illumination, noise level, etc.);

availability of regulatory and technological documents at workplaces, knowledge of their performers;

availability of measuring equipment, its serviceability and timely verification;

ensuring the yield and quality of semi-finished and finished products in accordance with established requirements.

Output (acceptance) control - checking the quality of finished products. The enterprise carries out food rejection, laboratory control for completeness of raw materials, safety, etc.

The quality of culinary products and their safety are controlled by organoleptic, physicochemical and microbiological indicators. The manufacturer is obliged to provide constant technological control of production, state supervision and control bodies in the prescribed manner - selective control.

Microbiological indicators of culinary products characterize compliance with technological and sanitary requirements during its production, transportation, storage and sale and are determined by three groups of microorganisms: sanitary indicators (mesophilic aerobic and facultative microorganisms - CFU/g and E. coli bacteria - coliforms), potentially pathogenic microorganisms (Escherichia coli, coagulase-positive staphylococcus and bacteria of the genus Proteus); pathogenic microorganisms, including salmonella. The list of microbiological indicators included in regulatory documents during their development is specific for each group of culinary products.

Konstantin Khasin, Alexander Midler



Publishing house "SATTVA Society"

Ayurvedic clinic in Rishikesh, Dr. Portal Chohan -

Director of Ayurvedic Jiva Institute in Faridabad, Dr.

spices and lecture courses on Ayurveda.

Scientific editor Ph.D. honey. Sciences D. A. Kazbekova Artist V. Goloverov

ISBN 5-8007-0019-2

© Khasin K.M., 2000

© Midler A.P., 2000

© Goloverov V., 2000: design.


For thousands of years, humanity has used spices in their lives. It is difficult to overestimate their importance, because in ancient times spices served as a necessary component of food, medicine, and even an object of worship. For ancient civilizations, spices were a great treasure and a measure of wealth and power. In search of new lands where these exotic plants grew, trips around the world and campaigns of conquest, and later colonial wars, took place. Spices helped our ancestors expand the boundaries of this world and discover many wonders and secrets.

We propose to take a “journey into the world of spices”, which even today can change our lives, make it exciting and enjoyable. This journey will allow you to learn about the unique properties of spices that were known to people back in the days of the Old Testament. And this will be the first step to health. We are sure this journey has meaning.
As you know, people love to eat delicious food. And this is where they often lose their health.

This book is aimed at helping you eat deliciously and, as a result, get better. And if you are healthy, so that you don’t get sick.

It's about special food treatment. Treatment with spices. We also call them spices.

Spicy is a Russian word that means sharp, fragrant, pleasant to the taste. True, some share these concepts. Often spices include salt, sugar and vinegar, and herbs include aromatic plants.

We believe that spices and spices are all species (translated from Latin - this is something worthy of admiration).

We offer a story about culinary and medicinal properties ah spices. About how to make the process of healing from dozens of diseases not only easy, but also enjoyable, because the medicine will be tasty.

Each spice in this book is dedicated to a separate story; culinary recipes and recommendations for its medical use. And certainly something about the chemical composition of the spice, so that the reader, having found out that he lacks this or that vitamin or microelement, does not run to the pharmacy, but correctly adds spices to his food and becomes healthy and satisfied. Note that the accompanying pleasure from food and a good mood are also effective medicine.
Spices have a wonderful ability to be a bridge to health. Let's explain this.

There are many health systems. The authors of some say: eat everything raw, others - eat everything boiled. Some - do not add salt, others - do not eat anything at all. The inconsistency of these methods can confuse anyone.

Every theory has followers. And this is correct, because they were created by thinking people. And they really did get better. What they discovered helped them.

Trust in the irrefutable facts of the recovery of the author of a system and his followers sometimes pushes readers to experiment. We are starting to try. Some people eat according to different systems. Someone is starving. Some people drink urine. But not everyone achieves good results. Sometimes recovery does not occur.

What's the matter? The reason is that the authors of these healing methods often tailor them, in fact, for themselves. For some people (and there are many of them), fasting is beneficial. Or eat only raw vegetables.

But what is medicine for one can become poison for another. And even the most authoritative scientist can be mistaken, relying only on the results of efforts to improve his own health. We are all very different, each of us has our own way of life, characteristics of the body, constitution and many, many other characteristics that determine our individuality, which cannot be fit within the framework of any system, even a very good one, but suitable only for a certain group of people.

The same applies to the usual, or traditional, diet. Often we are forced to eat what the public catering system offers, or what our wife (mother, mother-in-law, mother-in-law, etc.) can cook, or what is considered a delicacy. And what are our “celebratory tables” worth! After the feast, cramps and pain in the abdomen begin, heaviness in the stomach, liver colic and, excuse me, diarrhea or constipation. But tradition is tradition...

And yet, finding ourselves in a situation where, lacking the opportunity (desire, strength, means), we are forced to agree to food that is unfavorable for us, we are, however, able to minimize its harmful effects with the help of spices. In this sense, spices play the role of bridges to health. The variety of spices and their properties allows us to choose what suits us, what we like and what is healthy.
To accurately select what is good for your health in food, you need to be guided, of course, by taste, knowledge of ancient medicine and experiment. Since this approach to oneself is associated in our book with the selection of spices, let’s call it special approaches.

Let's start our experience with those products that seem obviously useful. Let's take cottage cheese, for example. There is no doubt that cottage cheese is a wonderful food. But nutritionists note that it increases the amount of mucus in the body and often creates problems for the nasopharynx, bronchi, lungs, and “locks” the throat. Cottage cheese is well digested when, as they said in the old days, you have already kindled the fire of digestion. And if the fire of digestion is weak, what happens to curd products? They are difficult to digest, reminiscent of raw firewood in a small fire. The fire can be intensified by adding dry twigs to the fire. Well, add warming spices to cottage cheese dishes: cinnamon, nutmeg or black pepper.

Let's continue our experiment, let's try to imagine cottage cheese with black pepper? A strange taste combination, at first glance. But for people with weak digestion it is really useful. Adding black pepper to cottage cheese will increase the fire of digestion, as if adding dry wood to the fire.

There are people of the opposite type, whose digestive fire is in most cases strong. These people have a voracious appetite. If they don't eat on time, they become aggressive. The feeling of hunger is accompanied by a burning sensation in their stomach. Such eaters will digest cottage cheese even without black pepper. Cooling spices such as coriander and fennel will help soothe the burning sensation or neutralize the effects of overeating, which they usually suffer from when they overeat.

The feeling of heaviness after eating will quickly go away, the bloated stomach will subside, discomfort will disappear, and even problems associated not only with digestion, but also with the general emotional state will be resolved.

This is a rare case when treatment brings pleasure without deprivation and self-abuse.

It is also clear that different people and even the same person at different times of the year and under different circumstances require menu adjustments.
India and China are considered the geographical and historical birthplace of this civilization. The Chinese Emperor Shen Nung, who lived 34 centuries ago, described in the first Chinese herbal book - “Classics of Herbs” - spices that can cure various diseases. Shen Nung was not only a theorist, but also a practitioner. He demanded that his subjects eat ginger, as it makes the skin smooth and gives the body a pleasant smell. And this is true. Shen Nung was such a healthy person that he could have lived much longer than he did. But he got carried away and began testing the effects of poisonous plants on himself. The emperor's maximalism and desire to complete the experiment with poisonous plants led to a tragic result. The instructions left by Nung about spices that make food healthier and at the same time make it very tasty are still interesting.

Another Chinese phenomenon is also known - Li Chang Yun, who was born in 1677 and died in 1933 at the age of 256, which is recorded in official documents and reflected in scientific literature. At the time of his death, Lee Chang Yong was living with his twenty-fourth wife. Yun ate only what he grew in his garden, that is, he was a vegetarian and carried out short fasts. Every day, at a certain time (apparently, he knew the secret science of spices), he consumed spices, which he also grew on his plot.

Herbs and spices were also treated with respect in Ancient India. From ancient books a story has come to us about the famous Indian healer Atreya, who lived more than a thousand years ago. “One day a young man named Ji-waka approached Atreya with a request to teach him medicine. Having no money, Jivaka offered to work as a servant as payment for his studies. For seven years Jivaka served the teacher and participated in the healing of hundreds of sick people. One day, a servant apprentice asked when the training would end. Atreya did not answer anything and directed him to the field that was behind the house, asking him to bring a few of any plants that were not suitable for medicinal purposes. Jivaka walked for a long time and when he returned, he said: “Sorry, teacher, apparently I didn’t study well. I have not found a single plant that is not suitable for treatment.

Now,” Atreya replied, “go.” You are already a doctor."

For Atreya knew that any plant can become a medicine. Spices were isolated from thousands of plants by Atreya as the most effective remedy to improve digestion. We must agree with the sage: without this there can be no good health.

The ancient Indian medicine Ayurveda (ayus in Sanskrit - life, veda - knowledge) included the doctrine of cooking using spices. The exact time at which the most famous Ayurvedic treatises, Charaka Samhita and Sushruta Samhita, were written is unknown. It is known that they have been in an unchanged state for the last fifteen hundred years. These books contain a lot of recipes with spices to treat various diseases.

Modern Ayurvedic preparations, made in accordance with ancient tradition, also certainly contain spice components in a wide variety of combinations.
When excavating the tombs of Egyptian pharaohs, archaeologists many times discovered spice seeds. The more noble and revered a person was during his lifetime, the more magnificent his funeral and burial place were, and the greater the chance that he would be buried with spices. It was believed that without spices the afterlife could not please the deceased. How the soul of the deceased could have reacted to this is unknown, but his body is definitely bad. Spices have strong antiseptic properties and create truly unbearable conditions for any putrefactive bacteria and bacilli. It has long been noted that dishes containing spices retain their freshness longer than usual. Pharaoh, like all of us, is a perishable “product”. Therefore, the use of spices during embalming in hot climates is simply necessary; they act as preservatives for a noble person.

In ancient times, the quality of spices was so strict that a modern spice merchant in medieval Germany would have been burned alive for selling counterfeits. Today, of course, this will not happen: in our market it costs nothing to pass off one spice as another - instead of saffron, use turmeric or mix something into the spice for weight, etc.

Unfortunately, the culture of using spices, knowledge of their properties and capabilities has almost been lost. Therefore, our food is not very tasty, even coarse - only salty, only spicy, only sweet. At best, modest combinations of these three tastes. Is it an achievement to limit your worldview to a black and white TV?

Due to the loss of the culture of eating spices, the production of food additives has become one of the most profitable types of business in the pharmaceutical and food industries. American pharmacists encapsulate saffron, turmeric, fennel, cayenne red pepper, and ginger. We sometimes don’t realize that it’s 15-20 times cheaper to buy a bag of spices than something in capsules. Despite the fact that 100 grams of pure spice costs less than a dollar in the store, there are eccentrics who buy such “food novelties” for up to $18 per 100 grams. For example, you cannot force a Spaniard to take saffron in capsules (this is the same as asking a Russian to take black bread or potatoes in capsules). Because, growing saffron at home, the Spaniards have long been accustomed to using it in Everyday life. You can't fool them with capsules. Especially the Indians and Chinese, whose culture of using spices is still at a high level today.

It must be admitted that in Russia people have always treated new things, especially new things in food, very carefully. This is putting it mildly. For example, when potatoes and tomatoes were still a curiosity in Russia, bloody “tomato riots” broke out. It was not so easy to force the peasants to eat this overseas red unsweetened “fruit”, even under the threat of being beaten to death with lashes. As for the “introduction” of potatoes, according to some sources, often mortally frightened people simply confused the tubers with poisonous inflorescences and fruits. As a result of numerous poisonings - the “potato” riot of 1842 in the Perm province, the largest popular unrest of the 19th century.

Despite the fact that in modern Russia most spices are still perceived as exotic, we hope that spice riots can be avoided. In Russia, fortunately, they used to know something about spices. For example, Russian gingerbread is a cookie with added spices. Ginger cookies have also been famous in Rus' since ancient times. Before the revolution, spice shops were everywhere.

As for the medicinal properties of spices, even less is known about them today than about the culinary ones.

Meanwhile, how many troubles could be avoided with the help of spices, maybe even change world history! Let us recall Mikhail Bulgakov’s novel “The Master and Margarita”, the procurator of Judea Pontius Pilate, who suffered from monstrous migraine attacks - a fact, apparently, a historical one. If the Roman procurator had not had migraines (correctly using ginger, cloves or saffron), who can say how those distant events would have ended?

However, this story would probably have happened without Pilate’s will. But some things could have been prevented. It is very likely, for example, that Boris Yeltsin could have avoided such a complex operation as coronary bypass surgery if he had regularly eaten saffron, cardamom and cinnamon. (How to do this correctly, see below.)
Spices have been a luxury item for centuries. With the help of spices, cooks pleased the taste of kings and darlings of fate. Many geographical discoveries have been made in the search for spices. Spices were among the main goals of the great voyages of Magellan, Vasco de Gama and Columbus. Wars have been fought over spices and thousands of people have died. And above all, professional spice hunters - the Dutch, French, Portuguese, English and Spanish. Contrary to bloody history spices, spices (along with salt) are one of the few foods that are approved by traditions and religions. Moreover, religious holidays in different countries involve a variety of spices used for ritual ceremonies. It is no coincidence that popular wisdom says: life without spices is neither health nor joy.
Let us note that for this book we took a non-random set of spices. So one day it happened that, by the will of fate or chance, these wonderful spices ended up in the backpack of one of the authors of the book during a multi-day hike. On the third day, while crossing the river, the first aid kit sank, unfortunately. Over the next three weeks, eight travelers were treated ONLY with spices (avoiding the fate of the first aid kit, since they were in the second kayak). A variety of illnesses occurred, from insect bites, snake bites, colds, radiculitis, burns, cuts, injuries and poisoning - to gastrointestinal disorders.

Having returned home, most of the expedition members stopped using the pills and still treat themselves and their loved ones with spices. (Not to mention the fact that, according to travelers, they had never eaten so deliciously on any trip before.)

We know the taste of these spices well and have researched them healing properties. In practice and according to all sources available to us. Continuing the line of the medieval physician Quintus Serenus Samonicus, we would like to put funds “not only in the hands of the physician, but also in everyone who would like to be treated without drugs.”

480 rub. | 150 UAH | $7.5 ", MOUSEOFF, FGCOLOR, "#FFFFCC",BGCOLOR, "#393939");" onMouseOut="return nd();"> Dissertation - 480 RUR, delivery 10 minutes, around the clock, seven days a week and holidays

Irinina, Olga Ivanovna. Development of technology and assortment of culinary products with functional properties based on minced fish: dissertation... Candidate of Technical Sciences: 05.18.04 / Irinina Olga Ivanovna; [Place of protection: St. Petersburg. state University of Low Temperatures. and food technologies]. - St. Petersburg, 2011. - 230 pp.: ill. RSL OD, 61 11-5/1720


1. State of the problem for the production of culinary products with functional properties based on minced fish 10

1.1 Characteristics of fish raw materials 10

1.2 The role of functional ingredients in the development of combination foods 14

1.3 Ways to increase the nutritional value of culinary products based on minced fish 19

1.4 Technological factors influencing the structural and mechanical properties and quality of minced fish 24

1.5 Characteristics of ingredients for creating (designing) minced products of increased nutritional value 33

1.6 Modern requirements for optimization of culinary recipes 40

2. Objects and methods of research, experiment setup

2.1 Research objects 50

2.2 Research methods 52

2.3 Experiment setup 57

3. Development of formulations and technology of fish-plant masses with functional properties based on minced fish

3.1 Analysis of fish raw materials 59

3.2 Preparation of ingredients with functional properties 63

3.3 Development of basic recipes and technology of fish-plant masses 69

3.4 Development of an evaluation scale for quality indicators of fish-plant masses and semi-finished products from them 74

3.5 Optimization of multicomponent fish-plant masses by amino acid composition 77

3.6 Assessment of the fatty acid composition of multicomponent fish-plant masses 87

3.7 Study of the influence of vegetable additives on the change in peroxide value during heat treatment of semi-finished fish products 90

3.8 Determination of functional and technological properties of fish plant masses 92

3.8.1.Evaluation of the rheological parameters of fish-plant masses with various ingredients 93

3.8.2 Study of the adhesive properties of fish-plant masses 95

3.8.3 Study of water-retaining capacity (WRC) and fat-holding capacity (FRC) of fish-plant masses depending on the type of ingredients 97

4. Development of recipes and technology for culinary products with functional properties based on minced fish

4.1 Marketing research 102

4.2 Development of recipes, technology and range of semi-finished products and finished products 104

4.3 Organoleptic assessment of the quality of culinary products 109

4.4 Nutritional value of culinary products from fish-plant masses 112

4.5 Assessment of the nutritional value of culinary products from fish-plant masses with functional properties for compliance with the balanced nutrition formula 116

4.6 Safety indicators of culinary products with functional properties 121

4.7 Development of regulatory and technological documentation 124

Conclusions 128

References 130

Applications 143

Introduction to the work

. Relevance of the work.

In order to improve the nutritional structure of the country's population, it is necessary to create new products with targeted changes chemical composition, corresponding to the needs of the human body. The need to expand the range and increase the volume of production of fortified products is provided for by the main directions of the national concept “Healthy Nutrition Policy in Russia”, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

A current solution for the production of functional products is the use of animal raw materials and plant origin, forming as a result of technological influences a homogeneous system with a directionally formed composition.

Among animal products, fish occupies a significant place in human nutrition. Fish proteins have high biological value and are easily digested and absorbed by the body. The fatty acid, mineral, and vitamin composition is largely determined by the type of fish. A promising direction in fish processing is the production of minced fish. Its production technology allows the use of non-standard fish with mechanical damage and cutting defects. Expanding the production of minced meat and products made from it in industrial scale is facilitated by the availability of modern technological equipment.

Problems for technologists in the production of minced fish and products based on it
The works of a number of domestic and foreign scientists are devoted, incl. L.S. Abramova,
L.S.Baidalinova, V.M.Bykova, T.M.Boitsova, L.I.Borisochkina,

A.T. Vasyukova, O.I. Kutana, G.V. Maslova, A.M. Maslova, T.M. Safronova, L.T. Serpupina, V.V. Shevchenko and others.

The main research is aimed at using additional components in minced meat in order to improve technological, structural and mechanical properties, increase the level of content of individual nutrients (protein, minerals, dietary fiber, etc.), and increase shelf life.

The accumulated experience and modern data from nutritional science make it possible to create multicomponent structures with the simultaneous use of several types of raw materials with functional properties (cereals, vegetables, vegetable oil, skimmed milk powder, etc.).

Thus, the development of recipes and technology for culinary products of complex raw material composition based on minced fish with several components of natural origin, mutually enriching and complementing each other’s chemical composition, is an urgent task.

Purpose of the study- development of recipes and technology for culinary products enriched with macro- and micronutrients based on minced fish. To achieve this goal, the following tasks were set: - to justify the choice of main raw materials and additional components with functional properties;

Develop optimal technological regimes for the preparation of cereals and vegetables
for combined fish and plant masses;

establish the amount of components introduced based on optimization of the amino acid, fatty acid and mineral composition;

determine the influence of the introduced components on the organoleptic, physico-chemical and structural-mechanical properties of fish-plant masses;

develop basic recipes and technology for fish-vegetable and fish-cereal masses based on minced pollock;

develop an assortment, recipes and technology of culinary products based on minced fish of pollock, pink salmon, and pike;

Conduct comprehensive studies of the quality of finished products according to organoleptic, physico-chemical and microbiological indicators;

Develop a set of technical documentation.
Scientific novelty of the work:

The feasibility of using vegetable and cereal components to increase food intake, incl. biological value molded culinary products based on minced fish;

the possibilities of an integrated approach to optimizing the developed formulations of molded culinary products in terms of amino acid, fatty acid and mineral compositions are shown, in accordance With modern requirements of nutrition science; the possibility of using a computer program to create recipes from fish, vegetables, cereals, cereal flour, skimmed milk powder, optimized for amino acid composition;

The dependence of the degree of swelling of cereals (cereal flour) on
water temperature and soaking duration;

Equations have been compiled to characterize changes in the dependence of stickiness, water-holding capacity (WRC) and fat-holding capacity (FRC) on the amount of introduced components with functional properties; -data were obtained on the influence of the composition of vegetable and fat compositions on the degree of lipid oxidation under various methods of heat treatment of fish and vegetable semi-finished products;

The influence of components with functional properties on the organoleptic, physicochemical, technological, structural and mechanical characteristics of the finished product has been established.

Practical significance of the work. Recipes and technology for the production of molded fish-vegetable and fish-cereal culinary products with functional properties have been developed, taking into account industrial production. The possible production of a wide range of minced fish products with the addition of plant components based on basic recipes is shown.

A set of technical documentation for the production of fish-vegetable and fish-cereal (fish-meal) culinary products has been developed and approved: TU 9266-001-00000000-07 “Fish-vegetable and fish-meal products. Semi-finished meatballs, chilled and frozen. Technical conditions" and technological instructions for them; TU project “Fish, vegetable and fish flour culinary products”.

Methods have been proposed for assessing the quality of cutlet masses based on rheological characteristics (VUS, ZHUS, PYS, effective viscosity).

The recipes and technology of culinary products were adapted to the high-performance modern equipment of the newly built school litany plant “Concord-Culinary Line” (PosYanino, Leningrad region).

Technical and technological maps for new types of culinary products (cutlets, meatballs, fish bread, etc.) from fish, vegetable and fish cereal masses have been developed and submitted to the Department of Social Nutrition under the Government of St. Petersburg for practical use in educational institutions of the city.

Production testing of the developed products was carried out at the Concord-Culinary Line food plant in St. Petersburg, in the school canteen of the Novinka food plant, the canteen at the production enterprise Vladimirtepdomontazh CJSC, and the refectory of the Mother of God Nativity Monastery in G. Vladimir. The products were highly appreciated by specialists, approved and recommended for use in public catering establishments, which is confirmed by production protocols, tasting certificates, and implementation certificates.

The social effect of the work performed is determined by the expansion of the range of culinary products of high nutritional value, which have dietary, therapeutic and prophylactic properties, as well as the saving of fish raw materials. Approbation of work. The work was carried out in accordance with the theme of the research work of the department of technology and catering of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education SPbTEI “Improving the organization of catering in educational institutions of St. Petersburg” and within the framework of a business agreement with the Department of Social Nutrition under the Government of St. Petersburg.

The main provisions of the work were reported and discussed at the I-V All-Russian forums " Healthy eating from birth: medicine, education, food technology» St. Petersburg, 2006-2010; at scientific and practical conferences based on the results of research work of the teaching staff of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education SPbTEI (2008, 2009, 2010); at the International Conference with elements of a scientific school for youth “Management of Innovations in Trade and Public Catering”, dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education SPbTEI 11/24-25/2010, at scientific and methodological seminars on advanced training for teachers of secondary educational institutions in the St. Petersburg Economic Institute College of Nutrition Technology (2006-2007); at a seminar for practical workers of school canteens and school food factories in the Department of Social Nutrition of St. Petersburg. Provisions for defense:

Theoretical forecasting and experimental selection of components included in combined fish and plant masses; determination of their functional and technological properties and optimization of preparation methods; - results of analytical, theoretical and experimental substantiation of the optimal ratio of components of the model minced meat system; - scientifically based recipes and technology of fish and vegetable and fish cereal (flour) masses;

Assortment, recipes and technological schemes for the production of culinary products based on minced fish, its nutritional and biological value, safety indicators.

Personal contribution of the applicant. The author of the dissertation independently reviewed the literature, selected research methods, conducted experimental studies, processed and analyzed experimental data. Publications. Based on the results of the dissertation work, 9 printed works were published, including 1 article in a publication recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation. Structure and scope of the dissertation. The dissertation consists of an introduction, an analytical review of the literature, an experimental part, conclusions, a list of references and applications. The material is presented on 128 pages, contains 38 tables, 27 figures. The list of literary sources includes 236 titles of domestic and foreign authors.

The role of functional ingredients in the development of combination foods

The beginning of the 21st century is characterized by increasing attention of scientists to nutrition problems. Interest in them is caused by the sharp deterioration of the environmental situation throughout the world in the second half of the last century, associated with technological progress, which also affected the qualitative composition of food consumed by humans. In most regions, the food structure of the population is dominated by bakery, cereal and pasta products, and potatoes, with an extremely low level of consumption of meat, fish, eggs, vegetables, fruits, and dairy products. As a result, with a lack of animal proteins, a carbohydrate nutrition model develops that does not meet the physiological needs of the body.

Characteristic for the nutrition of the population Russian Federation is excess consumption animal fats, as well as a deficiency of polyunsaturated fatty acids. All these factors contribute to the development of atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction, hypertension, strokes, which are called “diseases of civilization.” These diseases are the cause of early and high mortality population. .

The diet of socially vulnerable segments of the population does not contain enough micronutrients, which is why anemia and diseases associated with iodine deficiency are widespread.

According to the latest data, to fully satisfy vital needs, human food must contain more than 600 groups of various macro- and micronutrients, including over 20 thousand different food compounds of plant, animal and microbial origin.

In order to eliminate or reduce the severity of deficiency in food components, a variety of biologically active food additives (BAA), and later functional food products (FFP), were proposed. These include products that, when consumed daily, have the ability to maintain and regulate physiological functions, biochemical and behavioral reactions, maintain and improve a person’s physical and mental health, and reduce the risk of disease. In accordance with GOST R 52349-2005, the term “functional food products” (FFP) means those food products that are intended for systematic use as part of diets by all age groups of a healthy population in order to reduce the risk of developing nutrition-related diseases, preserve and improving health due to the presence of physiologically functional food ingredients in their composition.

A food product can be classified as a functional food (FFP) if the content of a biodigestible functional ingredient in it is within 10-50% of the average daily requirement for the corresponding nutrient.

It should be borne in mind that the limitation on the quantitative content of the functional ingredient in the FSP is due to the fact that such products are intended for constant use as part of regular diets, which may include other food products with a given amount and range of potential functional ingredients. The total amount of functional nutrients entering the body that are biodigestible in the digestive tract should not exceed the daily functional needs of a healthy person, since this may be accompanied by the occurrence of undesirable side effects.

Characteristics of human nutrition in the 21st century will include the use of four types of products in the diet: -traditional natural products; -natural products of modified (specified) composition; - biologically active additives; - genetically modified natural products.

In the 21st century, nutrition science is developing in the direction of individualizing the genetic structure of the human body. It can be expected that the further development of nutritional science will follow the path of creating an individual genetic passport for each person and an individual diet based on it. This is especially important due to the fact that the development of healthcare determines the health status of the population no more than 10-12%, 50% is determined by a person’s lifestyle, 25% is determined by the environmental situation, 15% is determined by hereditary factors.

The need and possibility of the emergence and development of a new concept of nutrition, namely functional nutrition, is due to many factors: - factors associated with changes in the health status of the population; -factors caused by technological advances; -factors determined by the development of scientific knowledge; - factors associated with changes in the environmental situation and the widespread use of factors of adverse effects on the body; -factors associated with changes in the nutritional pattern of modern humans; Modern man, due to the changing nature of work activity, spends 2-3 thousand kcal per day. As a result, the need for food products is reduced. However, the need for vitamins and minerals is associated with biochemical processes in the body and is not compensated by a reduced amount of food products.

Characteristics of ingredients for creating (designing) minced products of increased nutritional value

As already noted in paragraph 1.3, to increase the nutritional value of minced fish, traditional raw materials such as vegetables, cereals, vegetable oil, catfish, etc. are used.

Vegetables are low in calories; with a significant amount of fiber, are a source pectin substances, which absorb and remove excess cholesterol, toxic substances of organic and inorganic nature from the body, and participate in the metabolism of bile acids. It has been established that taking pectin substances helps reduce the concentration of lipids in the liver and blood.

Vegetables contain carotenoids - fat-soluble natural pigments, the most important of which are lycopene, alpha-, beta-carotenes, cryptoxanthin, zeaxanthin. Caratioids affect metabolism, have antioxidant properties, are phytoprotectors, immunomodulators, and help maintain reproductive processes. A number of compounds (beta-cryptosanthin, alpha, - beta carotenes) have A-vitamin activity. Anthocyanins contained in vegetables are involved in redox processes in the human body and have a weak antiseptic effect. Their role in the prevention of cancer has been revealed. cardiovascular diseases, diseases associated with the aging process, protecting the retina from degenerative changes and visual impairment.

Vegetables are a source of biologically active compounds with antioxidant properties - bioflavonoids. Flavonoids belong to the C6-C3-C6 series compounds, i.e. their molecules contain two benzene rings (A and B), connected by a three-carbon fragment. Flavonoids prevent oxidative damage to DNA by binding superoxide anion, singlet oxygen, and peroxy radicals, stabilizing free radicals. These substances, exhibiting an antioxidant effect, protect ascorbic acid and adrenaline from oxidation, reduce capillary fragility, and participate in redox processes. Flavonoids reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, have antiviral activity, and have the ability to induce phase II enzymes of the biotransformation of foreign substances in the liver. The immunostimulating effect of flavonoids has been revealed, and therefore in recent years scientists have been studying the anticarcinogenic effect of flavonoids.

Vegetables are a source of dietary fiber (celluloses, hemicelluloses, protopectin), the preventive nature of which ensures the functions of the gastrointestinal tract, pancreas, and improves biochemical blood parameters. Dietary fiber stimulates the development of beneficial bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, enhances digestion and absorption of various nutrients, reduces blood cholesterol levels, and lowers blood glucose levels in patients with diabetes. In addition, dietary fiber has minimum calorie content. The daily requirement for dietary fiber is -30 g for an adult, and -15-20 g for children, which is equivalent to 1.3 kg of fresh salads and fruits or 800 g of bread. The most common vegetables are carrots, beets, and white cabbage. Table 1.2 shows data on their chemical composition.

Grain and its products are, along with vegetables, one of the products most often used as functional additives. In many countries of the world (Great Britain, Norway, Finland, USA, Peru, etc.), it is through grain and its processed products that large-scale programs for improving the health of the population are being implemented. Traditional technologies grain processing does not provide the human body with balanced nutrition, which leads to a number of diseases, primarily of the gastrointestinal tract.

An analysis of previously created product formulations for various population groups and patients with various types of diseases showed the priority of developing a range of products based on natural sources of micronutrients - grains of wheat, rye, oats, which are characterized by the highest bioavailability compared to synthetic additives. In this regard, in recent years, much attention has been paid to grain crops as a natural source of physiologically active functional ingredients (PIs), since it has been found that regular consumption of whole grains, bran, coarse flour, and cereals improves nervous and cardiovascular activity. system, intestinal function, restores skin structure, prevents the development of a number of chronic diseases.

Whole cereal grains are rich in easily digestible proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins (group B, PP, folic acid, E, A, etc.), minerals (calcium, potassium, sodium, magnesium, copper, zinc, phosphorus, iron), dietary fiber, etc. Cereals have a relatively low content of alkaline ash elements (calcium and magnesium) and a high content of phosphorus. The Ca: P: Mg ratio for buckwheat is 1: 14.9: 10; for buckwheat flour - 1: 5.95: 1.14; for oatmeal - 1: 5.45: 1.8; for oatmeal - 1: 6.25: 1.96, which does not correspond to the balanced nutrition formula 1: 1: 0.4.

Optimization of multicomponent fish-plant masses by amino acid composition

Frozen fish used in the production of chopped products, due to the denaturation of a significant part of the muscle proteins, has a low water-holding capacity and does not provide a stable yield of finished products. Pollock has a particularly low VUS (Table 3.2.) As noted in the literature review, the indicators of VUS and VUS depend on the pH of the environment. In this regard, functional and technological indicators were determined for the developed masses with established FD quotas (34.8% vegetable and fat compositions, 10.5% bone mineral additives, 12% cereals or 12.9% cereal flour, 16% COM) (Table 3.16). The conducted studies showed positive influence all FDs for VUS and ZHUS for minced pollock.

VUS for all samples increased by 1.7-2.2 times compared to the traditional recipe (control). Moreover, for samples of minced meat with a vegetable and fat composition, this indicator is slightly higher, which is due to the presence of a moisture-retaining component - dry mashed potatoes, as well as a shift in pH to the alkaline side. A comparison of pH and VUS values ​​shows a strong (0.89) correlation between the nature of the change in pH and VUS, which is consistent with literature data.

Increasing the VUS of minced fish from pollock ensures a reduction in losses during heat treatment (frying) by up to 2.3 times compared to the traditional recipe.

The increase in VUS in minced meat compositions with cereals and flour is explained by an increase in protein content (up to 118.7-143.8%) due to the introduction of cereals and SOM and the state of the protein - in the form of a dry structureless gel, as well as due to swelling starch polysaccharides. Such proteins are capable of absorbing and retaining up to 200% moisture even at low temperatures.

There is an opinion that there is no correlation between the VUS indicators and the mass fraction of starch, because Starch does not swell in cold water. In minced meat compositions, cereals and flour were introduced after thermostatting at temperatures close to gelatinization. Therefore, with an increase in starch-containing components, an increase in WUS is observed precisely due to swelling of starch polysaccharides. An increase in the VUS contributes to the strengthening of the structure, as evidenced by an increase in the PNS by 10-77% (see Table 3.14).

The protein in minced fish and vegetables is in a hydrated state, which promotes the formation of emulsion systems (protein: fat: water). Consequently, most of the fat added to the product will be in the form of an emulsion, which allows it to be retained in the structure of the product after cooking.

From those presented in table. 3.16 data, we can conclude that the VUS of all samples is higher than the control: for vegetable compositions by 1.2-1.5 times, for cereal (flour) compositions - by 1.6-2.2 times and correlates with the VUS indicators. A significant correlation of -0.72 was established between the VUS and VUS indicators. For vegetable compositions, the increase is explained by the high content of pectin substances, for cereal compositions - partially gelatinized starch. In minced meat with vegetable and fat compositions, the stabilization of the yield and better preservation of fat is facilitated by the introduction of dry potato semi-finished product into the recipe. Losses during heat treatment are less than those of the control sample. High correlations have been established between the indicators of VUS, JUS and losses during heat treatment due to the introduction of starch- and collagen-containing raw materials.

Equations of mathematical dependences of stickiness on LUS and the amount of introduced functional additives were obtained; stickiness from the VUS and the amount of functional additives added.

The processing data of the multifactor experiment and the mathematical dependences of stickiness on the VUS and VUS are presented in Appendix 4. The results of the multifactor experiment are presented in the form of level line graphs (Figure 3.18), where each curve corresponds to a certain value of the resulting factor.

With this form of data presentation, they can be given a certain technological meaning: in Fig. A) all FLC values ​​correspond to the same fat content value for a certain level of stickiness. The exception is the zone near the 20% fat content, which gives the same stickiness at several values ​​of LUS. Thus, the introduced vegetable and fat composition in an amount of 34% by weight of the semi-finished product makes it possible to ensure the highest characteristics of semi-finished products and products made from them. The proposed mathematical dependencies make it possible to control this parameter during the technological process. The obtained structural and mechanical quality indicators (Table 3.14) can be used in the development of regulatory and technical documentation for products made from minced fish and vegetables in centralized production.

Based on the research conducted on the influence of ingredients with functional properties on the organoleptic, structural and mechanical properties, and nutritional value of multicomponent systems based on minced fish, basic recipes for fish-vegetable and fish-cereal masses were developed and tested (Table 3.17).

Development of recipes, technology and range of semi-finished and finished products

Based on the results of the implementation of the scientific concept, theoretical and experimental studies, technical documentation was developed and approved: “Fish, vegetable and fish meal products. Semi-finished meatballs, chilled and frozen. Technical conditions. TU 9266-001-00000000-07" and technological instructions for their production.

The developed documentation received a positive sanitary and epidemiological conclusion issued by the Office of the Federal Service for the Protection of Consumer Rights and Human Welfare in the Vladimir Region No. 33.VL.01.926.T.000549.10.07 dated 10/11/07.

The proposed recipes and technologies have been introduced into the practice of social catering enterprises in Vladimir and the Concord culinary factory in St. Petersburg. TU, TI, sanitary and epidemiological conclusion, production study reports, tasting reports, implementation reports are given in Appendices 1 and 6. The production of chopped semi-finished products is the most common type of processing of fish raw materials, due to the simple technological process, low cost, high profitability and increased demand from consumers.

The cost of raw materials is the most significant component, so the cost was calculated based on raw materials, as the most expensive part. In table 4.14 and 4.15 provide calculated data on the cost of fish and vegetable and fish and cereal semi-finished products. The cost of semi-finished products was determined on the basis of the current wholesale prices of the supplying enterprises of the public catering network in the city of Vladimir, established as of January 1, 2011.

The cost of products according to the traditional recipe was calculated using water. The recipe calls for the use of milk or water. When using milk, the cost of the semi-finished product increases from 6-82 rubles to 7-92. Calculations have shown that the cost of semi-finished culinary products is slightly higher than the cost of products prepared according to traditional recipes, with a significant increase in nutritional and biological value, and more stable structural and mechanical parameters. Thus, the calculations confirmed the socio-economic feasibility of using the developed recipes for chopped culinary products from fish, primarily when catering to organized groups. 1. Recipes for a wide range of molded fish and vegetable culinary products, technological schemes for their production, including industrial production, have been developed. 2. An organoleptic assessment of the finished product was carried out, its toxicological and microbiological safety was confirmed. For the developed range of culinary products, the correspondence of macro- and micronutrient compositions to the balanced nutrition formula was calculated. 3. Using computer modeling, the ratio of components in model formulations was determined, ensuring maximum balance of essential amino acids in proteins. For the composition fish:cereals (flour):skimmed milk powder, this ratio was (%) - 68:12 (12.9): 16. 4. The functional and technological properties of the main raw materials and additional components that form the structure of fish-plant masses were studied. For fish and vegetable masses, VUS was 78-79%, LUS -36-46%, weight loss during heat treatment -7.0-9.0% (control - 16.3%); for fish-cereal masses: VUS-67-70.5%, ZHUS-50-67%, weight loss during heat treatment-5.8-11.3%, depending on the type of cereal (flour). 5. Structural and mechanical indicators for fish-plant masses have been determined, ensuring the necessary formability of semi-finished products: for fish-vegetable masses - effective viscosity 710-730 Pa s (grad 1 s"), PNS -232-242 Pa, stickiness -73-75 Pa; for fish-cereals - effective viscosity 880-890 Pa s (grad 1 s1), PNS -267-360 Pa, stickiness -85-125 Pa. b. The optimal degree of swelling of cereals was determined depending on the temperature and duration of soaking, providing the required rheological properties: 59- 77% (to the initial mass) at a temperature of 70C for 30-40 minutes 7. The maximum possible quota of vegetable oil in the vegetable-fat composition has been established, which helps optimize the fatty acid composition of fish and vegetable masses - 13.8% by weight of the semi-finished product or 24% to the mass of fish.

Walter, Gennady Fridrikhovich

“Let food become your medicine, otherwise medicine will become your food,” said Hippocrates. This idea is also reflected in many other ancient teachings about health, healing and longevity. One of them is Ayurveda - Vedic medicine, a science with more than five thousand years of history, successfully practiced to this day. Ayurveda includes the teaching of cooking using spices.

Unfortunately, at present we have almost lost the culture of using spices, knowledge of their properties and capabilities. Therefore, our food is not very tasty, even coarse - only salty, only spicy, only sweet. As for the medicinal properties of spices, even less is known about them today than about the culinary ones. Spices have a wonderful ability to be a bridge to health.

When using the term “spices,” we must keep in mind that spices and seasonings in the narrow culinary sense are opposite terms. The difference between spices and seasonings is, in general, that spices are not used separately and a complete meal are not (although some, for example, fresh spices or root vegetables can be eaten separately), while seasonings to a certain extent can be used separately, although not all. Spices only highlight the overall taste of the dish and introduce new nuances, while seasonings themselves are a component of the dish as a whole and create its taste. Some spices (mainly root vegetables) can also be used as seasonings, for example, celery root - the dried root is used as a spice when preparing soup, or in raw or heat-treated form as a salad ingredient or base for puree soup. It should also be noted that the word spices is also not synonymous with the word spices: spices in culinary practice and everyday life are called a certain set of the most common and used spices (pepper, bay leaf, etc.) and seasonings (salt, sugar, mustard, etc.). P.).

Indian cooking is unthinkable without the use of spices, herbs, herbs and seasonings. Spices are the roots, bark and seeds of some plants, which are used either whole, crushed or in powder form. Herbs are fresh leaves or flowers. And as seasonings, flavorings such as salt, citrus juice, nuts and rose water are used.

In this article, we will talk specifically about the spices most often used in Vedic cooking, about their beneficial culinary and healing properties. So, let's go alphabetically.


Anise has long been known not only as a folk medicine. It is used as a spice in many culinary dishes. Anise is similar to fennel, but spicier and hotter. The fruits that are consumed are anise, which contains large amounts of vitamin C, minerals, fats and proteins. As a rule, anise is added to a variety of pies, gingerbreads, cookies, muffins, pancakes, soups, puddings, as well as when pickling cabbage and cucumbers.
Anise fruits have an expectorant, antispasmodic, antimicrobial effect, improve digestion, stimulate the liver and pancreas; have a mild laxative effect, have a diaphoretic and antipyretic effect, and also increase milk secretion in nursing women.


Basil is the favorite plant of the Indian god Vishnu. Even in ancient times, this magical plant was believed to have healing properties. And eating the leaves protects against the bites of poisonous snakes and scorpions.
Basil is native to Africa, the Pacific Islands and tropical Asia. In Europe it began to be used in the 16th century. Often used with marjoram, parsley, rosemary, savory, mint and tarragon. Basil is used as a salt substitute in various diets that prohibit regular salt. Dishes with tomatoes, cucumbers, beans, peas and zucchini cannot be prepared without basil. Particularly wonderful and tasty are tomatoes flavored with this fragrant seasoning and watered olive oil. Cultivation is quite simple; you can even grow it in a city apartment on a windowsill.


The fruit of the Vanilla planifolia tree is a liana with a terribly long-lasting herbaceous stem that breaks trees for a long time, forming innumerable aerial roots. Grows in tropical rainforests of Mexico, Panama, and the Antilles. Vanilla tastes bitter, which is why before use it is carefully ground into powder in a porcelain mortar together with powdered sugar. Then this vanilla sugar can already be used. To prepare it, use 1 vanilla stick for 0.5 kilograms of sugar. Vanilla is injected into the dough immediately before heat treatment, into puddings, soufflés, compotes, jam - immediately after their preparation. Biscuits and cakes are soaked in vanilla syrup after preparation. The main products made from natural vanilla: Vanilla powder is a powder made from dried and ground vanilla pods; it retains its fragrance well when heated strongly and is therefore used in bakery and confectionery production. Vanilla does not idolize other herbs and spices - perhaps only saffron and cinnamon are in harmony with it.


These dried flower buds of the tropical clove tree (Myrtus caryophyllus), shaped like nails, have always formed the basis of the spice trade. Clove oil has antiseptic properties and a strong aroma. It is believed that the custom of “chewing a clove” when addressing the emperor originated in China. In England, during the reign of Elizabeth I, courtiers also had to chew cloves in the presence of the queen.
A good clove should feel oily to the touch and have a reddish-brown color. As cloves age, they dry out, become wrinkled, and lose much of their aroma. As a spice, cloves are used mainly in their whole form, less often in ground form, for a very understandable reason - ground cloves quickly lose their aroma. When using this spice, it should be noted that heat treatment leads to partial loss aromatic properties and increased bitter taste. Roasted and crushed cloves in a dry frying pan are part of garam masala.
Cloves improve digestion, purify the blood, strengthen the heart, and also act as a local pain reliever for toothache. Clove oil is known as an excellent antiseptic, a means to ease breathing and relieve toothache, as well as a medicine against respiratory diseases.


This light brown, gnarled root of the Zingiber officinalis plant is used in all types of Indian dishes. Pungent in taste, ginger root belongs to the category of “hot spices” that kindle the “fire” of digestion and improve blood circulation. Such a combination of taste and medicinal qualities as ginger cannot be found in any other spice, and even recognized medicinal plants sometimes give way to ginger. As a medicine, ginger has a long list of properties. Particularly useful in cold climates.
Try to buy ginger that is fresh, smooth, not wrinkled, firm to the touch, and low in fiber. Before chopping, grating, cutting or grinding ginger to make a paste, you need to peel it by scraping it with a sharp knife. To grate the ginger, use a fine metal grater. Ground dry ginger cannot replace fresh ginger because it has a completely different aroma and taste. Dried ginger (sont) is more pungent than fresh ginger, so it is recommended to soak it before using it. (One teaspoon of dried ginger is equal to one tablespoon of grated fresh ginger.)
Ginger belongs to the same family as bananas and is considered the most beneficial of all spices. Japanese scientists have concluded that consuming this spice reduces cholesterol in the blood, so if you eat fatty foods, then ginger should definitely be in your diet. And Danish doctors have found that ginger relieves pain from rheumatism, helps with salt deposition and does not give any side effects. In addition, ginger stimulates the entire digestive system and helps get rid of toxins.

Cayenne pepper

Powder made from dried red hot pepper, commonly called "red pepper". This spice gives food a spicy kick. Use to taste.
Cayenne pepper perfectly cleanses the body of toxic substances that delay the flow of oxygen and make you feel tired and irritated. It also supplies the body with sulfur and stimulates its vital functions in such a way that it creates a feeling of additional vitality and energy. In addition, cayenne pepper is used to improve appetite and digestion, and increases resistance to colds. It also has a healing effect on high blood pressure, diabetes, hangover syndrome, arthritis, asthma, kidney infections, fistulas and respiratory diseases.


Belongs to the ginger family (Elettaria cardamomum). Its pale green pods are mainly used to flavor sweet dishes. Cardamom seeds are chewed to freshen the mouth and stimulate digestion. White cardamom pods, which are nothing more than sun-dried green ones, are easier to obtain but are less flavorful. If you used whole pods in cooking, remove them from the dish before serving, and if you get them while eating, put them on the edge of the plate - they should not be eaten whole. If the recipe calls for only black cardamom seeds, which have a pungent flavor, remove them from the pods and crush them in a mortar and pestle or on a board with a rolling pin. Ground cardamom seeds are also used to make garam masala. Fresh cardamom seeds are smooth and uniformly black in color, while old ones become wrinkled and take on a grayish-brown hue.

Coriander (cilantro)

The fresh leaves of the Coriandrum sativum plant are used as widely in India as parsley is in the West. They are used not only to decorate dishes, but also to add flavor to them.
Coriander, consumed as food, has a strengthening effect on the cardiovascular system. And the entire digestive tract will be grateful for the use of coriander seeds. As for the leaves (cilantro), it has a strong antiseptic and analgesic effect for stomach ulcers and gastritis. Its choleretic effect is also known. Both leaves and seeds of coriander improve intestinal motility and also strengthen blood vessels.
Fresh coriander is worth looking for in the market, as it has a very distinctive taste. If you cannot get coriander, you can replace it with parsley, but the smell will be different.


True cinnamon is obtained from the inner bark of the evergreen tree Cinnamomum zeylanicum. The most valuable in terms of taste, but also the most expensive, is Ceylon cinnamon. This tree is native to Sri Lanka and Western India. It has a characteristic delicate aroma and a sweetish, slightly pungent aftertaste. Pairs well with many tart and hot spices. Widely used in home cooking, often added to baked goods.
Buy thin, sun-dried cinnamon sticks. If you use whole cinnamon sticks in chutney or rice dishes, then before serving they must be removed. Instead of buying ground cinnamon, buy whole sticks, fry them in a dry frying pan and grind as needed.


This spice is also called cumin, or spicy cumin. The birthplace of cumin is considered to be Egypt, Syria and Turkey. It has been known in Europe since the ninth century BC.
Whole cumin seeds (as well as ground ones) are best used fresh. If stored for a long time, cumin may develop a bitter taste.
Thanks to its unique spicy taste and aroma, cumin has a strong place in cooking and can be used in many dishes. It is added to fermented milk products to give a special smell and taste. Due to its antimicrobial properties, cumin is used for food preservation. Cumin is added to hot dishes at the very beginning of cooking (for example, it is fried in oil and only then other products are added).
Ground cumin can be used to season salads, dairy products, sandwiches, etc. It is advisable to add cumin to peas, beans, potatoes, and cabbage. The spice calms the fermentation process in the gastrointestinal tract and relieves the feeling of heaviness when overeating. Cumin seeds are added to fried and stewed vegetables, sauces and soups, as well as baked goods.
In addition to its excellent taste, cumin also has a number of medicinal properties. This spice is used for medicinal purposes for digestive disorders, diarrhea, abdominal pain due to gas accumulation, hemorrhoids, chronic fever and kidney diseases. Even in ancient times, it was used by women to increase the flow of breast milk during lactation.


Curcuma longa is a perennial plant from the ginger family with large oval leaves, reminiscent of ginger. The height of the plant sometimes reaches 90 cm. It is the rhizome that is valuable as a spice.
Turmeric owes its appearance in Europe to the great traveler Marco Polo. It was he who, in Southern China, discovered the striking similarities between saffron and turmeric, and the latter was significantly inferior in price.
The root comes in all shades, from dark orange to reddish brown, but when dried and ground it is always bright yellow. Use in small quantities to color rice dishes and to add a fresh, tangy flavor to vegetables, soups and appetizers. Ground turmeric retains its coloring ability for a long time, but quickly loses its aroma. Turmeric must be handled with care as it leaves permanent stains on clothing and is easily flammable.
According to Ayurveda, turmeric purifies the blood, improves digestion, cures ulcers, helps with diabetes, and is used as a diuretic. When used externally, turmeric cures many skin diseases and cleanses it. Recent studies have shown that turmeric is a powerful antidepressant that prevents blood clots and keeps cholesterol within acceptable limits.

Bay leaf

Widely used as a spice are the leaves of an evergreen subtropical plant of the Laurel family.
In cooking, fresh, but more often dried, laurel leaves, fruits and powder are used as a spice. The main feature of bay leaf is that even with long-term and improper storage it retains its properties. Recognized as a universal “soup” spice. Bay leaves go very well with potato dishes and will be useful in marinades and when canning vegetables. Indispensable when preparing sauces. It should be noted that in large quantities, bay leaves can unpleasantly change the aroma of dishes, giving it a pungent odor. Prolonged heat treatment of the leaves can give the dish a bitter taste, so they should be added shortly before the end of heat treatment.
The medically beneficial properties of bay leaves have been known for a long time, the main ones being astringent and diuretic, improving appetite and digestion. It is characterized by a high content of phytoncides, a high concentration of microelements and tannins necessary for the body, the ability to remove toxins from the body and increase immunity.

Mint leaves

The most common varieties are spearmint (Mentha spicata) and peppermint (Mentha piperita). Mint leaves are used to color dishes and add a refreshing taste to drinks, as well as to make mint chutney. It also goes well with vegetables, balls and salads.
This plant is easy to grow at home, in almost any soil, in sun or shade. Dry mint loses its color but retains its aroma. Mint has tonic properties, improves digestion, stimulates the activity of the liver and intestines, and helps with nausea and vomiting. Fresh leaves are applied as a poultice to ulcers and wounds.


This is the kernel of the fruit of the tropical tree Myristica fragrans. An evergreen tree 10-15 m high with dark green leaves and snow-white flowers. Buy only whole, round, firm, oily and heavy nuts. They may be dark or white (due to the lime used to repel insects). Grated nutmeg is used in small quantities (sometimes in combination with other spices) to flavor puddings, milk sweets and vegetable dishes. Pairs very well with spinach and winter squash. Often included in garam masala. Whole or ground nuts should be stored in an airtight container.
Nutmeg has an extremely powerful stimulating and tonic effect. It also strengthens memory, improves impotence and cures sexual disorders, many benign tumors, and mastopathy. Included in immuno-strengthening preparations. In small doses it is a good sedative.


Perennial shrub plant (Majorana hortensis Moench) of the Lamiaceae family. In ancient times it was a symbol of happiness. Marjoram and thyme leaves were widely used in the Roman Empire to prevent milk from souring. It is used in many dishes, especially if it is necessary to obtain a strong and at the same time sweet aroma. Used as a seasoning for salads, soups (especially potato) and vegetable dishes. When used fresh, it is better to add at the end of cooking so that the taste does not boil out and the smell does not dissipate.


Oregano is very similar to marjoram. And this is no coincidence, since oregano is wild marjoram. "Oregano" translated from Greek means "the radiance of the mountains." Along with thyme, marjoram, rosemary and thyme, it is included in the bouquet of Provencal spices. Dried leaves and inflorescences of oregano are used as a spice in cooking, but fresh leaves of the plant can also be used. Oregano is distinguished by its thin, pleasant smell and spicy, bitter taste. Improves appetite and promotes digestion. Oregano perfect seasoning for tomato and cheese salad.
From a medical point of view, oregano has a number of beneficial properties. It has a tonic, expectorant effect on the body and can be used in the treatment of throat diseases and coughs. Chewing the fresh leaves is said to have a soothing effect on toothaches. In addition, contained in the plant essential oils used for asthma, rheumatism, stomach and intestinal spasms.


Paprika is a spice consisting of ground dried pulp sweet red pepper (Capsicum annum) of the nightshade family (Solanaceae). The resulting powder has a characteristic bright red color and a slightly sweetish taste with a hint of bitterness.
Paprika is a warming spice, so it improves blood circulation, relieves joint pain and generally increases brain activity, in addition, it improves appetite and improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Contains vitamins C, P, B1, B2. The capsaicin contained in paprika, which is responsible for its pungency, has antioxidant and analgesic properties. It also prevents the formation of blood clots by thinning the blood.
Separately, it is worth mentioning the excellent combination of paprika with such spices as basil, coriander, bay leaf, nutmeg, parsley, dill.


A plant from the umbrella family. The root of the word “parsley” is “petr”, which in Greek means “stone”. This suggests that the wild ancestor of garden parsley grows on the poor siliceous soil of Greece. This is where the Latin name of the plant comes from - “petroselinum” - “growing on a stone”.
It is preferable to use fresh, as it contains a lot of vitamin C, which is destroyed during heat treatment. 100 grams of young parsley contains approximately two daily requirements of vitamin C - 150 milligrams. This is 4 times more than in the same 100 grams of lemon. And in terms of carotene content, parsley is not inferior to the universally recognized champion - carrots. Parsley is also rich in vitamins PP, K, B1, B2 and carotene. Straight-leaf parsley is milder in taste and more spicy than curly parsley. It is usually used in salads.
From time immemorial, it has occupied a place of honor in popular medicine: wounds were treated with its leaves, and freckles were removed with parsley juice mixed with lemon juice. Parsley has been used since time immemorial as a plant that stimulates the appetite, an excellent cosmetic and medicinal weapon for many diseases. The plant was popular in Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome, in the areas of the rise. Thanks to the pathetic and balanced content of potassium and calcium, it is recommended to be taken in case of cardiovascular failure, urinary disorders, and diabetes mellitus.


An evergreen shrub of the genus Rosmarinus, growing abundantly on the Mediterranean coast. It has a strong aromatic sweetish smell, similar to the smell of pine, and a very spicy taste, with a hint of pungency. Leaves, flowers and young shoots of rosemary, fresh or dried, are usually used as a spice.
Rosemary, unlike most herbs, does not lose its characteristic aroma due to prolonged heat treatment. Rosemary is usually added to sauces and soups, and various cheese dishes. Rosemary is also a natural food preservative. You should not combine rosemary with bay leaf - it will easily “strangle” the aroma of the prepared dishes with its thick camphor aroma.
Eating rosemary helps improve digestion, as it increases the secretion of gastric juice, and has a beneficial effect on the body with low blood pressure, nervous disorders, general exhaustion and sexual weakness.


Cumin is number one on the list of the most ancient spices. According to reliable data from archaeological scientists, people adopted cumin approximately 5 thousand years ago.
Cumin root is used to prepare sweet dishes, the green part is suitable for salads and hot dishes, and the seeds are used for baking, various dishes and used in making drinks.
For inflammation of the pancreas and gallbladder, use a decoction of cumin; it relieves spasms and relaxes smooth muscles. Cumin has proven itself very well due to its antispasmodic properties for bronchitis and pneumonia. Cumin preparations can help remove phlegm from the lungs and relieve bronchospasm.

Black pepper

Black pepper is, without exaggeration, the most popular and widespread spice all over the world. It is the fruit of a perennial climbing plant, genus Piper, family Piperaceae, reaching a height of 6 meters. The historical homeland of the plant is considered to be the Malabar region (now Kerala), located on the southwestern coast of India. This is why black pepper is sometimes called the “Malabar berry.”
Black pepper is a universal seasoning; it is added in the form of peas to dishes shortly before cooking or in the form of ground pepper for seasoning various dishes and fillings. It is most often used as a spice for soups, sauces, gravies, vegetable salads, marinades, in the preparation of sauerkraut, canned vegetables, and tomatoes.
From a medical point of view, black pepper is considered one of the most effective digestive stimulants. It stimulates the metabolic process by activating calorie burning, reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases: thins the blood, destroys clots, improves blood circulation. The vitamin C content is 3 times higher than that of an orange. In addition, it is worth noting the high content of iron, calcium, phosphorus, carotene and B vitamins.


Fennel is the seed of the plant Foeniculum vulgare. Also known as “sweet cumin”. Its long, pale green seeds are similar to caraway and cumin seeds, but larger in size and different in color. By appearance reminiscent of dill, in taste and aroma closer to anise, but with a sweeter and sweeter taste. Fennel seeds are sometimes used in seasonings. Roasted fennel is chewed after meals to freshen the mouth and improve digestion. If you can't find it, substitute an equal amount of anise seeds.
Fennel improves digestion, stimulates the flow of breast milk in nursing mothers and is very useful for gastritis, stomach ulcers and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. It is especially good for children and the elderly to use fennel for weak digestion. Rinsing the mouth with fennel decoction eliminates sore throat and hoarseness. Due to its strong healing effects, this spice has long been considered medicinal plant and was sold only in pharmacies. But the taste and aroma qualities of fennel make it indispensable in the preparation of many dishes of Vedic cuisine.


Saffron is called the “king of spices”. These are the dried stigmas of the saffron crocus, Crocus sativus, grown in Kashmir, the Caucasus, Spain, Portugal and China. Each crocus flower has only three saffron veins, so it takes about 300,000 flowers to produce one kilogram of saffron, with the veins being selected by hand. Saffron is very expensive, but even the smallest amount of it in food is quite noticeable. Be careful not to confuse it with a cheap saffron substitute. They are very similar in appearance and have the same color, but the saffron substitute is completely devoid of the aroma characteristic of real saffron. The best quality saffron is dark red or red-brown and soft to the touch. As saffron ages, it turns pale, dries out, becomes brittle and largely loses its aroma. The aroma of saffron is subtle and pleasant. It imparts a deep orange-yellow color to dishes. It is used to color and flavor sweets, rice dishes and drinks. To get a strong aroma and bright orange color, lightly fry the saffron veins in a dry frying pan over low heat, then grind into a powder and stir in a tablespoon of warm milk. Then pour milk into the dish that needs to be flavored. Saffron is sometimes sold in powder form, which smells twice as strong as the saffron veins. According to Ayurveda, saffron has tonic properties and is beneficial to everyone without exception. It clears the skin, strengthens the heart and helps with migraines and stomach ulcers. Added to hot milk, saffron makes it easier to digest.
The medical use of saffron is extremely wide; for example, it is part of about 300 medicinal products in Eastern medicine. Most pronounced healing properties the following: strengthening the stomach, improving appetite, tonic effect on the body, cleansing the kidneys and bladder, smoothing the skin and improving complexion, strengthening the nervous system, heart, liver and respiratory organs. Adding a small amount of saffron to hot milk gives it truly miraculous qualities - drinking this drink promotes the growth of thin brain tissue, thereby improving memory, mental activity and sensory acuity.

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    suitability to meet the population's nutritional needs.

    The totality of beneficial properties of culinary products is characterized by nutritional value, organoleptic characteristics, and safety.

    The nutritional value - this is a complex property that combines energetic, biological, physiological value, as well as digestibility and safety.

    Energy value characterized by the amount of energy released from food substances during the process of their biological oxidation.

    Biological value is determined mainly by the quality of food proteins - digestibility and the degree of balance of the amino acid composition.

    Physiological value due to the presence of substances that have an active effect on the human body (beet saponins, caffeine in coffee and tea, etc.).

    Organoleptic indicators (appearance, color, consistency, smell, taste) characterize a person’s subjective attitude towards food and are determined using the senses. Digestibility - the degree of use of food components by the human body.

    Safety - this is the absence of unacceptable risk associated with the possibility of causing damage to human health (life). If the permissible level of safety indicators is exceeded, culinary products are transferred to the hazardous category. Dangerous products must be destroyed.

    There are the following types of safety of culinary products: chemical, sanitary and hygienic, radiation. Chemical safety- absence of unacceptable risk that toxic substances may pose to the life and health of consumers. Substances that affect the chemical safety of culinary products are divided into the following groups: toxic elements (heavy metal salts); mycotoxins, nitrates and nitrites, pesticides, antibiotics; hormonal drugs; prohibited food additives and dyes.

    Sanitary and hygienic safety - absence of unacceptable risk that may arise from microbiological and biological contamination of culinary products caused by bacteria and fungi. At the same time, toxic substances accumulate in the products (mycotoxins during molding, botulinus toxins, salmonella, staphylococcus).

    Chapter 1. Technological cycle for the production of culinary products 15

    ka, E. coli, etc.), which cause poisoning of varying severity.

    Radiation safety- absence of unacceptable risk that can be caused to the life and health of consumers by radioactive substances or their ionizing radiation.

    The quality of culinary products is formed during the entire technological production cycle. Its main stages are:

    * marketing;

    * product design and development;

    * planning and development of technological process;

    * logistics;

    * production of products;

    * quality control (check);

    * packaging, transportation, storage;

    * implementation;

    * recycling.

    Marketing - is the anticipation, management and satisfaction of consumer demand for culinary products. It is possible to forecast demand only by constantly studying the market, determining the needs of the population for products and focusing production on these needs.

    In the process of marketing research, market demand must be accurately determined, for example, what type of enterprise should be opened, what the range of culinary products will be in it, approximate quantities, etc. Marketing functions also include feedback from consumers. All information related to product quality must be analyzed and brought to the attention of the manufacturer.

    Product Design and Development include menu preparation, development of recipes for new or signature dishes, preparation of regulatory (technical and technological maps, technical specifications - TU, enterprise standards - STP) and technological (technological maps, technological instructions) documentation.

    Process planning and development. Based on the developed regulatory and technological documentation, technological schemes for preparing individual dishes are drawn up, the sequence of operations is determined, and the production process is developed.

    Section 1. Theoretical basis

    culinary products at the enterprise as a whole. The need for raw materials, equipment, inventory, and utensils is determined.

    Logistics. Raw materials, products, semi-finished products used in the production process become part of the manufactured product, directly affect the quality and must meet hygienic requirements for the quality and safety of food raw materials and food products (SanPiN 2.3.2-96). Equipment, inventory, and utensils must also meet sanitary and hygienic requirements and have hygiene certificates or certificates of conformity.

    Product manufacturing consists of three stages: 1) processing of raw materials and preparation of semi-finished products (for enterprises working on raw materials); 2) preparing dishes and culinary products; 3) preparing dishes for sale (portioning, decoration). All three stages influence the formation of the quality of the finished product and must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of technological standards and sanitary rules.

    Quality control - checking the compliance of quality indicators of culinary products with established requirements is one of the most important stages of the production technological cycle. Quality control is conventionally divided into three types: preliminary (input), operational (production), output (acceptance).

    Preliminary- this is the control of incoming raw materials and semi-finished products.

    Operational control carried out along the technological process: from raw materials and (or) semi-finished products accepted for quality to the release of finished products. It includes checking:

    * organization of the technological process (sequence of operations, compliance with temperature, duration of heat treatment, etc.) and individual workplaces;

    * equipment and condition of the equipment, compliance with its technological process parameters;

    * hygienic production parameters (workplace temperature, ventilation, workplace illumination, noise level, etc.);

    * availability of regulatory and technological documents at workplaces, knowledge of their performers;

    * availability of measuring equipment, its serviceability and timely verification;

    Chapter 1. Technological cycle for the production of culinary products 17

    * ensuring the yield and quality of semi-finished and finished products in accordance with established requirements.

    Output (acceptance) control- checking the quality of finished products. The enterprise carries out food rejection, laboratory control for completeness of raw materials, safety, etc.

    The quality of culinary products and their safety are controlled by organoleptic, physicochemical and microbiological indicators. The manufacturer is obliged to provide constant technological control of production, state supervision and control bodies in the prescribed manner - selective control.

    Organoleptic evaluation the quality of semi-finished products is determined by appearance, color, smell; culinary products and dishes - by appearance, color, smell, consistency, taste.

    physical and chemical indicators characterize the nutritional value of culinary products, their component composition, and compliance with the recipe. List of standardized indicators ( mass fraction fat, sugar, salt, moisture or solids, total acidity, alkalinity, toxicity of elements, etc.) is established for each group of culinary products.

    microbiological indicators culinary products are characterized by compliance with technological and sanitary requirements during their production, transportation, storage and sale and are caused by three groups of microorganisms: sanitary indicative (mesophilic aerobic and facultative microorganisms - CFU/g and E. coli bacteria - coliforms), potentially pathogenic microorganisms (Escherichia coli, coagulase-positive staphylococcus and bacteria of the genus Proteus); pathogenic microorganisms, including salmonella. The list of microbiological indicators included in regulatory documents during their development is specific for each group of culinary products.

    Packaging, transportation, storage. The purpose of this stage is to maintain the achieved level of quality. Culinary products delivered from procurement enterprises to pre-production enterprises and sold to consumers outside public catering establishments are packaged in transport containers. Semi-finished products, culinary products, dishes (chilled and frozen) that the consumer buys

    Section 1. Theoretical foundations

    directly at the manufacturing plant, in the culinary departments and order tables, they are packaged in consumer packaging. Containers and packaging materials during storage, transportation and sales have a significant impact on maintaining the quality of culinary products. Therefore, the following requirements are imposed on packaging: safety, compatibility, reliability, economic efficiency, etc.

    Transport culinary products in accordance with sanitary rules for the transportation of perishable products. Particularly perishable products are transported in refrigerated or insulated vehicles. Each car must have a sanitary passport. The conditions and periods of storage of such products are regulated by sanitary rules (SanPiN 42-123-4117-86).

    Sales of culinary products. Culinary products must be prepared in batches that can be sold within the time limits strictly defined by sanitary rules. When sold, hot soups and drinks must have a temperature of no lower than 75°C, sauces and main courses - no lower than 65°C, cold soups and drinks - no higher than 14°C. Dishes placed on a steam table or hot plate must be sold no later than 3 hours after they are prepared. Salads, vinaigrettes, gastronomic products, other cold snacks and drinks should be displayed in portioned form on refrigerated display counters, which should be replenished with products as they are sold.

    Dishes and culinary products left over from the previous day are not allowed for sale: salads, vinaigrettes, jellies, jellied dishes and other highly perishable cold dishes; milk soups, cold soups, sweet soups, puree soups; portioned boiled meat for soups, pancakes with meat and cottage cheese, minced meat, poultry, fish products; sauces; omelettes; mashed potatoes, pasta; compotes and drinks of our own production.

    Each batch of culinary products sold outside the catering establishment must have a quality certificate. The shelf life indicated in the certificate is the shelf life of culinary products and includes the time the product remains at the manufacturer (from the moment the technological process is completed),

    Chapter 1. Technological cycle for the production of culinary products 19

    time of transportation, storage and sale.

    When producing and selling culinary products, personnel are required to observe personal hygiene rules and periodically undergo medical examinations in accordance with current rules.

    Recycling, obtained during mechanical processing of raw materials, food scraps, culinary products with missed sales deadlines is the final stage of the technological cycle. Non-food waste can be sent for industrial processing, for example bones of large and small livestock. Food waste is partially used at the enterprise itself (for example, fish heads, fins, scales are used when cooking broths, early beet tops are used for making soups, etc.), and partially sent to feed livestock. Leftover food, as well as products with expired sales dates, are used for fattening livestock or destroyed. Their sending to specialized waste disposal enterprises is controlled by representatives of sanitary and epidemiological supervision.

    Technological principles productionculinary specialty

    Safety principle. Changing forms of ownership, granting public catering enterprises greater independence, and the lack of regular monitoring of their work by higher organizations have led to the fact that this principle has become one of the most important. Physical, co-chemical and microbiological indicators that affect the safety of culinary products are provided for in all types of regulatory documentation. The development of each new type of dish, culinary or confectionery product must be accompanied by the establishment of safety indicators.

    The principle of interchangeability. Supply conditions and seasonality in the supply of products often determine the need to replace some products with others (for example, fresh vegetables - dried, tomatoes - tomato puree, margarine - vegetable oil, natural milk - dried

    20 Section 1. Theoretical foundations

    chem). Replacement is permissible if the quality of the dish, culinary or confectionery product does not deteriorate, and is unacceptable if the culinary product acquires a different taste, structural and mechanical properties, or the nutritional value decreases. The replacement of some products with others is carried out taking into account the coefficient of interchangeability established by regulatory documents.

    The principle of compatibility. It is associated with the principle of interchangeability and often with the principle of safety. So, for many, milk is incompatible with sour foods, cucumbers (both fresh and salted), and fish. Spinach, sorrel, rhubarb are incompatible with fermented milk products Not only tastes bad, they reduce the absorption of calcium.

    The incompatibility of products depends on individual characteristics, habits, and national tastes. For example, for most Europeans the combination of garlic and fish is unacceptable, and in Jewish cuisine fish with garlic is one of the common dishes. There are no direct sanitary prohibitions on certain combinations of products. This principle also takes into account the compatibility of raw materials with equipment and packaging.

    The principle of balance. A person’s daily diet should cover the body’s need for energy and vital substances (nutrients): proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber. All these substances in the diet must be balanced, that is, they must be contained in certain quantities and ratios. There are no products that are completely balanced in composition: one has high energy value, the other low; one contains a lot of proteins, the other contains few proteins, but a large amount of carbohydrates, etc. One of the advantages of food preparation technology is the possibility of obtaining culinary products balanced in composition through rational selection of raw materials, development of recipes and technological processes. So, boiled cabbage(colored, white) contains little fat, its energy value is low. But if cabbage is served with rusk, Polish or Dutch sauce, the fat content in the dish increases and its energy value increases by 2-3 times. Meat and fish dishes contain a lot of proteins, but little carbohydrates, dietary fiber, alkaline minerals, and vitamin C. The nutritional value of meat and fish is complemented by vegetable side dishes.

    Chapter 1. Technological cycle for the production of culinary products 21

    The principle of rational use of raw materials and waste. It provides for the best use of the consumer properties of raw materials. Thus, large-piece semi-finished meat products should be used in accordance with their culinary purpose (for frying, boiling, stewing, etc.); some types of fish (bream, carp, roach, etc.) are recommended to be fried rather than boiled; Young potatoes are best served boiled and not used for making purees, soups, etc.

    When using food waste, secondary raw materials (rendered fat from the surface of broths, vegetable decoctions, cereals, pasta, etc.), we can talk about low-waste technology.

    The principle of reducing the loss of nutrients and the mass of finished products. This principle requires adherence to thermal cooking regimes (temperature, heating duration). Thus, when placing vegetables in boiling water, the loss of soluble substances, and primarily minerals, is reduced by 20-30%. Frying them in devices with infrared heating or on a well-heated frying surface helps reduce weight loss in meat and poultry.

    The principle of reducing cooking time. Methods of intensifying technological processes known in culinary practice, as a rule, simultaneously help improve the quality of the finished product. They include: preliminary loosening of the structure of products by soaking dry products (mushrooms, legumes, cereals, dried fruits, etc.), mechanical effects (beating and loosening meat, grinding it in a meat grinder), chemical and biochemical effects (marination and enzymatic processing of meat) and etc.; intensification of heat transfer by increasing the surface of contact with the heating medium (grinding products, cutting them so that the heating area is largest), increasing the temperature of the coolant; use of electrophysical methods of heat treatment of products (IR heating, microwave heating). The principle of the best use of equipment. In accordance with this principle, machines and devices with the required productivity must have low energy consumption, stable operation, be convenient and safe to operate, and maintainable. The principle is successfully used, for example, in highly specialized enterprises (donut, pie).

    3. Kovalev

    Section 1. Theoretical foundations

    The principle of the best use of energy. This principle means a reasonable reduction in the energy intensity of culinary products. The energy intensity of a product can be characterized using the energy intensity coefficient, which is defined as the ratio of the cost of energy consumed in production to the cost of the product. Energy intensity can be reduced by using modern less energy-intensive equipment, reasonable reduction of energy-intensive methods of processing products, timely shutdown of energy (use of accumulated heat), and strict adherence to technological regimes.

    When making an overall assessment of the technological process, water consumption, labor and other costs should also be taken into account.

    Technologicalpropertiesraw materials

    Technological properties determine the suitability of raw materials for a particular processing method and the change in its mass, volume, shape, consistency, color and other indicators during processing, i.e. the formation of the quality of the finished product.

    The technological properties of raw materials, semi-finished products, and finished products are revealed during their culinary processing. These properties can be divided into: physical, chemical, physicochemical.

    The technological properties of heat-treated products differ from the properties of raw materials. Yes, strength raw vegetables allows you to clean them mechanically, but boiled ones cannot be processed this way. New raw materials must first be tested for their suitability for various processing methods.


    The variety of raw materials and products used in culinary practice, the wide range of culinary products determine the variety of processing methods.

    The methods of culinary processing of raw materials and semi-finished products depend on:

    * amount of waste; Thus, with mechanical processing of potatoes, the amount of waste is 20-40%, and with chemical processing - 10-12%;

    * amount of nutrient loss; for example, when boiling potatoes with steam, 2.5 times less soluble substances are lost than when boiling in water;

    * weight loss; Thus, when boiling potatoes, the weight decreases by 8%, and when deep-frying - by 50%;

    * taste of the dish (boiled and fried meat);

    * digestibility of finished products; Thus, dishes made from boiled and stewed foods are, as a rule, digested faster and easier than those made from fried foods.

    The choice of cooking method largely depends on the properties of the product. Thus, some parts of the beef carcass reach culinary readiness only when boiled, while others need only be fried. Using various ways culinary processing, the technologist can obtain culinary products with specified properties and appropriate quality.

    Methods for processing raw materials and products are classified:

    * by stages of the technological process of production of culinary products;

    * by the nature of the active principle.

    Methods are distinguished according to the stages of the technological process:

    * used in processing raw materials to obtain semi-finished products;

    Section 1. Theoretical foundations

    * used at the stage of thermal culinary processing of semi-finished products in order to obtain finished products;

    * used at the stage of sales of finished products. Based on the nature of the active principle, methods for processing raw materials and products are divided into:

    * mechanical (sorting, sifting, mixing, cleaning, grinding, pressing, molding, dosing, breading, stuffing, stuffing, loosening, etc.);

    * hydromechanical (washing, soaking, flotation, dispersion, foaming, settling, filtering or straining, emulsification, etc.);

    * mass transfer processes (absorption, adsorption, extraction, dissolution, drying, etc.);

    * chemical, biochemical, microbiological (hydrolysis of sugars, fats, cooking process yeast dough, fermentation of meat, etc.);

    * thermal (heating, cooling, freezing, defrosting, evaporation, thickening, etc.);

    * electrophysical (microwave heating, IR heating, etc.). The same processing methods can be used on

    different stages of the technological process. Definitions of a number of methods are given in GOST R 50647-94 "Public catering. Terms and definitions."

    Mechanical ways processing

    These include methods based on mechanical impact on the product. Mechanical processing methods can cause quite profound chemical changes in products. Thus, when peeling and grinding, the cells of the plant tissue of the products are damaged, the contact of their contents with atmospheric oxygen is facilitated and enzymatic processes are accelerated, which lead to the darkening of potatoes, mushrooms, apples, and the oxidation of vitamins. When washing, not only contaminants are removed, but also some of the soluble nutrients.

    Sorting. Products are sorted by size or culinary purpose. Potatoes and root vegetables are usually sorted by size. This allows you to significantly reduce the amount of waste during further mechanical cleaning. On

    Chapter 2. Methods of culinary processing of food products

    Large enterprises use sorting machines for this purpose.

    The separation of products according to culinary use is of great importance: when sorting out tomatoes, separate whole dense specimens for preparing salads, crumpled ones for sauces and soups; parts of carcasses are divided into those suitable for frying, boiling, stewing, etc.

    During sorting, products of inadequate quality and mechanical impurities are removed.

    Screening. Sift flour and cereals. In this case, fractional separation is used: first, larger impurities are removed, and then smaller ones. For this purpose, sieves with holes of various sizes are used. Sieves can be made of metal with stamped holes, wire sieves made of round metal wire, as well as hair, silk, and nylon. In addition to manual sieves, factories use mechanically driven sifters for flour.

    Mixing. When making many dishes and culinary products, it is necessary to combine various products and obtain a homogeneous mixture from them. For this purpose, stirring is used. So, by mixing chopped meat, stale bread soaked in milk or water, pepper, and salt, minced meat is obtained.

    For mixing, special machines are used - mince mixers, dough mixers, etc. Small quantities of products are mixed manually with special spatulas, paddles and other devices. The quality of the finished products largely depends on the thoroughness of mixing.

    Cleaning. The purpose of cleaning is to remove inedible or damaged parts of the product (vegetable peels, fish scales, crustacean shells, etc.). It is produced manually or using special machines (potato peelers, peeling machines, etc.). For manual cleaning, knives, scrapers, graters and other devices are used.

    Grinding. The process of mechanically dividing the processed product into parts for the purpose of its better technological use is called grinding. Depending on the type of raw material and its structural and mechanical properties, mainly two grinding methods are used: crushing and cutting.

    Products with low moisture (coffee beans, some spices, crackers) are crushed; products with high moisture (vegetables, fruits, meat, fish, etc.) are cut.

    Section 1. Theoretical foundations

    Crushing for the purpose of coarse, medium and fine grinding is carried out on grinding machines, special cavitation and colloid mills (fine and colloid grinding).

    Saws are used to grind hard products with high mechanical strength (for example, bones).

    During the cutting process, the product is divided into parts of a certain or arbitrary shape (pieces, layers, cubes, sticks, etc.), and finely ground types of products (minced meat) are also prepared.

    Chopping vegetables (slicing) into pieces of certain sizes and shapes is done using vegetable cutting machines, the working parts of which are knives of various types, cutting the product in two mutually perpendicular directions. Meat grinders and cutters are used to grind meat and fish. The term "shredding" means cutting vegetables into small, narrow pieces or thin, narrow strips - strips.

    The raw materials are crushed and converted into a mass of uniform structure using either special grating machines or manually using graters. This method is used in the production of juices and starch.

    To grind products brought to readiness in order to obtain a puree-like consistency (for mashing), grinding machines are used, which have a combined effect on the product: they crush it with blades and at the same time press it through the holes of the sieve. For manual rubbing, sieves with cells of different diameters are used, depending on the type of product.

    Pressing. Pressing of products is used mainly to separate them into two fractions: liquid (juices) and dense (pulp, pulp). During the pressing process, the cellular structure of the product is destroyed, resulting in the release of juice. The juice yield depends on the degree of compression of the product during the pressing process. To extract juice, various mechanically driven and manual juicers are used.

    Pressing is also used to give plastic materials (dough, creams, etc.) a certain shape.

    Molding. This method of mechanical processing is used to give the product a certain shape. Poultry carcasses are formed for greater compactness, cutlets and meatballs, pies and pies, cookie dough, etc.

    Chapter 2. Methods of culinary processing of food products

    This process is carried out manually or using machines: cutlet-forming machines, automatic machines for preparing pancakes, dumplings, dumplings, etc.

    Dosing. To obtain culinary products of appropriate quality, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the established recipes. For this purpose, products are dispensed by weight or volume. Dishes, drinks, confectionery products are released to visitors of public catering establishments in a certain quantity - in portions (rationing), the mass or volume of which is called “output”. Dosing is carried out manually using measuring equipment, scales, as well as special machines and devices (dough dividers, dispensers, etc.).

    Breading. This is a mechanical culinary processing, which consists of applying breading (flour, breadcrumbs, sliced ​​wheat bread, etc.) to the surface of a semi-finished product. As a result of breading, the leakage of juice and evaporation of water during frying is reduced, and the finished culinary product has a beautiful golden brown crust.

    Stuffing. This mechanical culinary processing involves filling specially prepared products with minced meat.

    Stuffing. Mechanical culinary processing, during which vegetables or other products specified in the recipe are introduced into special cuts in pieces of meat, poultry, game or fish.

    Loosening. Mechanical culinary processing of products, which consists in partially destroying the structure of the connective tissue of products of animal origin to speed up the cooking process.

    Gilromechanical ways processing

    The hydromechanical effect on products consists of removing contaminants from the surface and reducing microbial contamination, as well as soaking certain types of products (legumes, cereals) in order to intensify heat treatment processes, soaking salted products, separating mixtures consisting of parts of different specific masses, etc.

    Washing and soaking. Almost all products supplied to public catering establishments are washed.

    Section 1. Theoretical foundations

    Washing meat with warm water using a shower brush can reduce the contamination of its surface by 80-90%. Washing vegetables allows you to rationally use waste and extends the service life of potato peelers.

    Root and tuber crops are washed mechanically in washing machines, as well as manually in baths with running water. Meat carcasses and half-carcasses are washed using gushing brushes. The effectiveness of washing devices depends on the speed of water movement.

    Soaking foods before cooking (for example, cereals, legumes, dried fruits and vegetables) allows you to speed up the process of bringing them to readiness.

    Flotation. Flotation is used to separate mixtures consisting of particles of different specific gravity. A heterogeneous mixture is immersed in a liquid, with lighter particles floating and heavier particles sinking. For example, to separate stones, potatoes are immersed in a 20% solution before peeling. table salt, where tubers float and stones sink. When the grain is immersed in water (during rinsing), light impurities float to the surface, and the grains sink to the bottom of the dish.

    Sedimentation, filtration. As a result of a number of technological processes, suspensions are obtained - mixtures of two (or more) substances, of which one (solid) is distributed in the other (liquid) in the form of particles of varying dispersion" that are in suspension. Suspensions include, for example, starch milk, obtained during the production of starch, or fruit juice containing pulp particles of various sizes and shapes.Filtration and sedimentation are used to separate suspensions into liquid and solid parts.

    Sedimentation is the process of separating solid particles from suspensions under the influence of gravity. Upon completion of precipitation, the clarified liquid is separated from the sediment.

    Filtration is the process of separating suspensions by passing them through a porous partition (fabric, sieve, etc.) capable of retaining suspended particles and allowing the filtrate to pass through. This method can almost completely free the liquid from suspended particles.

    Emulsification. Emulsification is used to produce some culinary products. In emulsification, one liquid (dispersed phase) is broken into small droplets in another liquid (dispersed medium). To do this, connect two

    Chapter 2. Methods of culinary processing of food products

    immiscible liquids (oil and water) and quickly stir them, thereby significantly increasing the interface between the liquids. Surface tension forces act in the surface layer and therefore individual droplets tend to become larger, resulting in a decrease in free energy. This leads to the destruction of the emulsion. To give the emulsion stability, emulsifiers are used. These are substances that either reduce surface tension or form protective films around droplets of crushed liquid (oil). Emulsifiers come in two types: powder and molecular.

    Powdered emulsifiers are fine powders of mustard, ground pepper and other products that create a protective layer at the interface between two liquids and prevent droplets from sticking together. Powdered emulsifiers are used to obtain low-resistant emulsions (vegetable oil dressings).

    Molecular emulsifiers (stabilizers) are substances whose molecules consist of two parts: long hydrocarbon chains that have an affinity for fat, and polar groups that have an affinity for water. The molecules are located at the interface between two liquids so that the hydrocarbon chains are directed towards the fatty phase, and polar radicals - towards the water phase. Thus, a strong protective film is formed on the surface of the emulsion droplets. These emulsifiers (substances found in egg yolks etc.) are used in the preparation of stable emulsions, such as mayonnaise and hollandaise sauce.

    Foaming (beating). This is a mechanical cooking process that involves vigorously mixing one or more products to obtain a fluffy or foamy mass.

    Foaming, like emulsification, is associated with an increase in surface area. The interface is the boundary between two different phases: gas and liquid. In foams, gas bubbles are separated by thin films of liquid, forming a film frame. The stability of the foam depends on the strength of this frame. Foams are characterized by two indicators: expansion rate and durability.

    The ratio of the volume of foam to the liquid phase is called the ratio.
