We treat our guests to a dinner in the style of the 19th century. Russian wedding menu - making it up

Interior in Russian style.

Hut, tower, estate -

interior of ancient Russian style in modern life.

The interior in the style of a Russian hut can be fully recreated only in a wooden house made of logs, cut from logs. The interior in the style of a mansion or manor is appropriate in any log house. In other cases, when we are talking about a brick house, for example, or an apartment in a multi-story building, we can only talk about stylization, about introducing some features inherent in a Russian hut or tower.

The center of the Russian hut has always been the stove, which was called the queen of the house. In the tradition of the ancient Russians, the stove was a kind of reflection of the universe as a triune world: heavenly, earthly and beyond the grave. They slept on the stove, they washed in it, and in addition, they considered it the abode of the brownie and a place of communication with their ancestors. She warmed and fed, and therefore was perceived as the center of the house. Therefore, it is no coincidence that the expression “dance from the stove.” The hut was zoned into a female half, a male half and a red corner. There was a woman in charge of the stove corner. In the women's corner there were shelves with different kitchen utensils and dishes. In their corner, the women gathered, sewed and did various types of handicrafts. Women's themes are generally quite widely represented in connection with the stove, and this is understandable: who fiddles around with it, bakes pies and cooks porridge! That's why they said: "a woman's road - from the stove to the threshold." And they laughed: “a woman flies from the stove, seventy-seven times she will change her mind” (out of fear).

The man spent more time in the men's corner, under the blankets.

The largest and most beautiful place in a peasant house, where they took food and welcomed guests, was the upper room. It was both a living room and a dining room, and sometimes a bedroom. In the upper room, diagonally from the stove, a red corner was arranged - the part of the house where the icons were installed.

There was usually a table near the red corner, and in the very corner on the shrine there were icons and a lamp. Wide benches near the table were, as a rule, stationary, built into the wall. They not only sat on them, but also slept on them. If additional space was needed, benches were added to the table. Dinner table, by the way, was also stationary, made of adobe.

In general, the peasant life was modest, rough, but not without embellishment. Above the windows there were shelves on which beautiful dishes, boxes, etc. were placed in plain view. The wooden beds had beautiful carved headboards, covered with patchwork blankets, on which there were piles of down pillows. In almost every peasant hut one could find chests for various purposes.

During the time of Peter the Great, new pieces of furniture appeared, which took their place in Russian huts, and even more so in towers. These are chairs, cabinets, which have partially replaced chests, piles for dishes and even armchairs.

In the towers, the furnishings were more varied, but in general the same principle was preserved: a large hearth, a red corner, the same chests, beds with many pillows, slides with dishes, shelves for displaying various decorative items. Flowers were placed on window sills in simple vases: wildflowers in the summer months and garden flowers in October. And, of course, there was a lot of wood in the towers: walls, floors, and furniture. Russian country style is wood, only wood and almost nothing but wood.

Creating the style of a Russian hut or Russian estate in the interior of your home.

To create the style of a Russian hut or a Russian estate in the interior of your home, you first need to decide on the style of the era... Will it be a stylization of an ancient Russian hut or a hut of the first half of the twentieth century? But some people prefer the colorful and elegant decor of Russian towers, almost like something out of a fairy tale or wooden manor houses of past centuries, which were sometimes described in the works of classics, when features of other styles were introduced into typical village life: classicism, baroque, modern. After choosing a certain direction, you can select suitable furniture, interior items, textiles and decor.

Basics. It is better to leave wooden walls unfinished. A solid board is suitable for the floor - matte, perhaps with an aged effect. There are dark beams under the ceiling. You can do without a stove, but a hearth is still necessary. Its role can be played by a fireplace, the portal of which is lined with tiles or stone.

Doors, windows. Plastic double-glazed windows would be completely inappropriate here. Windows with wooden frames should be complemented with carved frames and wooden shutters. Doors should also be wooden. As platbands for doorways, you can use boards that are uneven and deliberately roughly processed. In some places you can hang curtains instead of doors.

Furniture. Furniture, of course, is preferable to wood, not polished, but perhaps aged. Cabinets, cabinets and numerous shelves can be decorated with carvings. In the dining area you can arrange a red corner with a shrine, a massive, very heavy table and benches. The use of chairs is also possible, but they should be simple and good-quality.

The beds are high with carved headboards. Instead of bedside tables, you can put chests in the Russian style. Patchwork bedspreads and numerous pillows - stacked in stacks from largest to smallest - are perfect.

You can’t do without sofas in a modern interior, although, of course, there weren’t any in the huts. Choose a simple sofa with linen upholstery. The color of the upholstery is natural. Leather furniture will be out of style.

Textile. As already mentioned, you should give preference to bedspreads and pillowcases made using the patchwork technique. Textile products there can be quite a lot: napkins on cabinets and small tables, tablecloths, curtains, etc. All this can be decorated with embroidery and simple lace.

By the way, you can’t spoil the interior of a hut with embroidery - women in Rus' have always loved to do this needlework. Embroidered panels on the walls, curtains decorated with sewing, embroidered bags with herbs and spices hung on the kitchen beam - all this will be in place. The main colors of textiles in the Russian hut style are white, yellow and red.

Lighting. For an interior in the style of a Russian hut, choose lamps in the form of candles and lamps. Lamps with simple lampshades would also be appropriate. Although lampshades and sconces are more suitable for a house whose interior is stylized as a Russian estate.

Kitchen. Without household appliances it is impossible to get by in a modern hut, but a technical design can spoil the integrity of the picture. Fortunately, there is built-in equipment that helps with housework, but does not violate the harmony of the Russian style.

Solid furniture is suitable for the kitchen: a kitchen table with pull-out shelves and cabinets, open and closed buffets, a variety of hanging shelves. Furniture, of course, should not be polished or painted. Kitchen structures with facades finished with glossy enamel, PVC film, glass inserts, aluminum frames, etc. would be completely inappropriate.

In general, in an interior in the style of a Russian hut there should be as little glass and metal as possible, and plastic will be completely inappropriate. Choose furniture with simple wooden facades - they can be decorated with paintings in Russian folk style or carving.

As kitchen decor, use a samovar, wicker baskets and boxes, onion braids, barrels, pottery, wooden products of Russian folk crafts, and embroidered napkins.

D interior decoration in the style of a Russian hut. Decorative linen textiles with embroidery, many wooden items. A wooden wheel, spinning wheel and fishing nets will fit perfectly if the house is located near a river, lake or sea. You can lay knitted round rugs and self-woven runners on the floor.

Creating the style of an old wooden manor

A simple peasant hut and a rich old estate have much in common: the predominance of wood in the interior, the presence of a huge stove (in the estate it is always lined with tiles), a red corner with icons and candles, and textiles made of linen and lace.

However, there were also numerous differences. The rich actively borrowed something new from foreign styles. This is, for example, bright upholstery of upholstered furniture, porcelain plates and clocks on the walls, elegant wooden furniture in English or french style, lampshades and sconces, paintings on the walls. In an interior in the style of a Russian mansion, stained glass windows will be very useful as interior windows, partitions or veranda glazing. In a word, everything here is quite simple, like in a hut, but there is a slight touch of luxury.

Russian style courtyard

The interior itself, the windows in it, and the space outside the window should be in harmony. To fence off the area, it is better to order a fence approximately 180 cm high, assembled from pointed logs.

How do they create a courtyard in the Russian style now? It is impossible to answer unequivocally, since in Rus' the courtyard was organized differently, depending on the area. However, designers have found common features that are recreated in landscape design. A path (often winding) is laid from the gate to the entrance to the house. It is often covered with a board. Along the edges of the path there is a flower border. In the old days, peasants used any free plot of land for garden beds, but they still tried to decorate the front yard with flower beds.

Nowadays they use lawn grasses for the backyard of the hut. This area is shaded by pine trees planted around the perimeter. However, currant or raspberry bushes will also be very much in the spirit of the Russian court. Elements of landscape design in the Russian style are various wooden objects: a gazebo, a wooden children's slide, a stationary table with benches, a Russian swing, etc. And, of course, all buildings in the yard must be made of wood.

The fashion for themed weddings continues to gain momentum. Stylized celebrations are much more interesting to organize than just an ordinary faceless holiday. Being a part of a wedding ceremony that is decorated in a certain way is also very exciting. Organizing such a celebration requires attention to detail. All of them must correspond to the chosen topic. This article will offer a menu for a wedding in the Russian style.

Wedding feast in the old days

The feasts associated with the wedding continued for quite a long time. They began in the bride’s house during matchmaking, bachelorette party and ransom, and continued and ended in the groom’s home. After the wedding, guests and newlyweds arrived at the young husband’s parental home and the main feast began. It lasted for the rest of the day and throughout the wedding night.

In the following days, the feast continued in the house of the groom and other relatives who participated in the wedding. All such treats had special names and ritual meaning.

Wedding dishes in Rus'

In those distant times, people did not get food easily, so they took it very seriously. It was not customary to have weddings in the summer, since everyone was busy with the harvest.

In many wedding ceremonies, specially prepared dishes were used. For example, for matchmaking in the groom’s house they prepared fish pie, which was then brought to the house of the future bride.

For the main feast, they took a specially decorated tablecloth. The newlyweds' amulets were encrypted in the patterned embroidery. The bride and groom were seated at the head of the table. According to the then rules of Russian weddings, they did not eat during the feast. A plate with tied or crossed spoons and a piece of bread with salt was placed in front of the newlyweds.


There was always a loaf of bread or chicken on the table, which was placed opposite the bride and groom. They baked such a pie from unleavened dough. It was filled with meat and grain. You could add millet, mushrooms or turnips.

The kurnik was covered with embroidered towels, towels, crosswise. There was a ritual in use that involved breaking this pie over the young. The more stuffing spilled onto their heads at that moment, the more better life was waiting for them. Pieces of loaf were treated to guests, who in return gave money or gifts.

Cold appetizers

Most often, fish and vegetable dishes served as cold appetizers on the festive table. Fish smoked, salted and boiled was offered in order to whet the appetite of the guests before the main treat. Jellied fish was also on wedding table. Black and red caviar continues to be a table decoration today.

Our ancestors liked not only cold fish dishes. Beef jelly was popular at feasts.

Hot dishes

Most often they cooked noodles or porridge for hot dishes. The noodles for the feast were cooked in pork broth. The pig was considered a symbol of prosperity. Chicken noodles also sometimes prepared for holidays. The main dish at the wedding was roast meat. It was made from poultry, pork or beef.


The sweet table we are used to today did not exist in those distant times. Guests were treated to various pies and pancakes. Usually not even on the wedding day, but in the following days.

The wedding feast of our ancestors may seem very modest by today's standards. The choice of products was really small. But it was customary to treat guests wholeheartedly, sparing nothing.

In addition to food, low-alcohol drinks were placed on the tables traditional drinks from honey or grain. It was believed that guests should be drunk to the point of drunkenness.

Modern wedding feast in Russian style

At the very beginning of the holiday, dishes with fresh vegetables, pickles and marinades. Tartlets with red and black caviar will look great on a wedding table. Jellied fish and beef jelly guests always like it.

For the first course you can prepare fish soup or borscht. For the second course, dishes made from meat or fish are suitable. To decorate a table in Russian style, you should order a whole roasted pig or goose. The main dish can be either porridge or dishes made from potatoes or other vegetables. Meat in pots would be a good choice for a wedding feast. This dish is delicious and looks colorful.

On a festive table in Russian style should be presented different kinds pies. It can be regular pies or pies. The filling can be cabbage, potatoes, mushrooms, fish or meat.

You should also choose special drinks for a wedding in the national Russian style. There should be kvass on the table. In this case, mead, sbiten, herbal or berry tinctures are suitable. In winter, they will especially delight guests.

Sweet treats on the table in the Russian style are gingerbread, pies, cheesecakes with berries and seasonal fruits or pancakes with sweet filling. You can make a pancake cake.

Baked and fresh fruits berries and candied nuts should also be placed at the wedding and samovars should be brought out for tea at the end of the celebration.

Video on the topic of the article:

December has crept up again unnoticed, but this will not stop us from celebrating New Year fully prepared - fun and tasty! It will help you with this traditional selection holiday recipes who is preparing to celebrate with you. They are waiting for you classic dishes festive table, as well as the best New Year's recipes that saw the light of day in the past year. Plus a hefty selection of ready-made New Year's menu for the holiday table, and all this is in the next December issue.

For many of us, the New Year is the start of something new and always good. To celebrate it properly, plan your New Year's table menu in advance, add selected recipes to bookmarks and write down your shopping list and schedule in detail. This traditional collection New Year's recipes- my gift, which I present to you with Best wishes. Celebrate the New Year 2019 at a fresh and unconventional festive table, and it will definitely repay you in kind!


If you have not yet subscribed to the site’s mailing list, I advise you to do so right now, before you spend the next couple of hours reading New Year’s recipes 2019. Each new subscriber receives three of my books as a gift, including Book of homemade delicacies, which will help in preparing the New Year's table, and will be the first to know about all new recipes and articles:

It is impossible to imagine a New Year's table without salads. Its undisputed kings are the Olivier and Herring under a fur coat salads, but you can prepare them without my help if you wish. New Year 2019 clearly deserves something more original, but we’ll start with classics.

Fresh salads It’s difficult to prepare for the New Year; they will quickly become soggy from the dressing. But there are a couple of tricks.

Vegetables in winter are inconspicuous and not as tasty as in season, but there are some vegetables, which are in abundance before the new year.

New Year's table - new tastes! Prepare something unexpected and you will be the center of attention, not Santa Claus!

Cold appetizers

On the New Year's table, cold appetizers are usually waiting for guests along with salads, because when everyone gathers, the holiday should begin immediately. We still have old year see you off! Some of the most delicious cold appetizers - fish, let's start with them.

Closing fish theme caviar appetizers, which can also be prepared at home.

An important section of vegetable snacks - caviar from various vegetables , which can be placed on the table or served in the form of small canapés.

Canapes and sandwiches- these are not exactly bruschettas, but they are just as suitable for an informal New Year's Eve celebration or its introductory part.

Cheese snack section— small, but not worth passing by either.

Hot appetizers

Hot appetizers are, in essence, a prelude to the main course of the New Year's table, which means they should stimulate the appetite, and not dampen it. So let's start with one bite recipes.

A bit more baking, which will also look more than appropriate on the holiday table.

Of course, we cannot ignore vegetable snacks , which can be submitted to festive table both hot and cold.

So we come to the central dish of the New Year's table. Unlike salads and appetizers, the main dish, as a rule, is prepared only one, so choose it seriously - and for your convenience, I have separated recipes for meat and fish.

Main meat dishes

The most common, most understandable, most budget-friendly meat that almost everyone loves is chicken. You can prepare a lot for the New Year's table holiday dishes from chicken.

Rabbit dishes They are considered the most dietary, but can also be very tasty.

Pork loved by many, and for good reason: it’s meat High Quality It’s easier to buy from us than beef, and no fewer festive pork dishes have been invented.

Main fish dishes

Festive fish dishes are a solution for those who do not like to leave the New Year's table with a feeling of suffocating satiety. They can be prepared from either fresh or frozen fish, and most of these dishes do not require much work to prepare. The simplest option is cook whole fish.

There's a whole cohort fish dishes, the names of which immediately indicate that now there will be something bland and boring. Use one of these recipes to surprise everyone in a good way.

Side dishes

A side dish on the New Year's table, in general, is not necessary - as a rule, everyone is full at the stage of salads and appetizers. However, it is still worth preparing a side dish in case if someone comes especially hungry.

If one of the guests is fasting or does not eat meat, you can prepare a side dish that is quite could be the main dish.


If you serve it at the New Year's table delicious and fragrant bread , which you baked yourself (and it doesn’t have to be fresh - it can be baked the day before the holiday), everyone will appreciate it!

Pair Italian varieties of bread, which will fit perfectly into the New Year's extravaganza.


As long-term practice shows, before dessert New Year's table Not everyone will last, but if you or your guests have a sweet tooth, this item of the program cannot be ignored. Let's start with the simplest - cupcakes and muffins.

. — basic recipe favorite pastries.
. — portioned muffins that someone will probably want to take with them.
. - Another one classic recipe cupcake.

A few more recipes holiday desserts which you can serve in portions.

. — original recipe a simple and not the most harmful dessert.
. - prepare in advance and add bright colors at the end of the festive dinner.
. - a simple but very tasty dessert.
. - in case you couldn’t find it in the store.

We continue the theme of baking with several recipes that are very... Very simple desserts .

. - tasty and healthy baked goods for a festive tea party.
. — excellent recipe homemade buns.
. - in case you've already baked pecan buns and now want something new.
. - classic french pie with apples, which works for absolutely everyone.

Beautiful maidens and glorious heroes, let us remember the folk traditions? Let's rest so that the devils in hell will become unbearable? Noisy Russian folk-style parties mean general fun, loud songs, ditties, Slavic fun and revelry to the fullest! Let's compare our strength and wits, and arrange a feast for the whole world!

A peasant's yard, a Russian hut, a royal mansion or a boyar's mansion? The first option is ideal for a holiday fresh air– outdoors or in the courtyard of a private house. To create an atmosphere, decorate the perimeter with a fake fence (a fence made of willow, dell or willow branches), sheaves of hay, figurines or images of livestock. In the distance or near the house there is an “exhibition” - a Russian party with a competition “Guess what it is and what it was used for?”. Tools (cardboard, scraper and adze, hoe, etc.) can be drawn and cut out of cardboard.

Peasant hut - clay and wooden rough dishes, linen or hemp fabrics, wild flowers, bast shoes and felt boots, barrels and tubs, rough uncouth furniture. The Queen of the House (Russian stove) can be drawn or made from cardboard. Boyarsky tower - Khokhloma, “bear” skins, wide long benches, feather beds in pyramids. A royal party in Russian folk style includes decoration rich in silver, gold and stones, thin cotton or silk tablecloths, carved furniture, and shelves with expensive dishes and clay figurines on the walls.

Suitable for decoration:

  • painted nesting dolls, boxes, chests. A large chest can be left open with costume elements inside for guests to choose accessories to their taste;
  • wooden utensils, a stand or tub, baskets and tubs. Original decor– a cut plastic bottle with wildflowers, inserted into a felt boot or into a tub (if the tub is wide, the bottles are placed tightly so as not to wobble);
  • stylized scarves, shawls, ubrus (head cover).

Don't try to use as many decorative elements as possible. A few details are enough, but well thought out and consistent in the same style. For example, Gzhel and Khokhloma, rough wooden and finely crafted dishes, unbleached linen and fine fabrics do not go well together.


For theme party costumes in the Russian style include a peasant dress, a boyar caftan, a royal outfit, and a hero’s chain mail. Therefore, in the invitation, specify the dress code if you want good people to be from the same class. You can organize a fair or a folk festival, where all the honest people had fun equally:

We invite queens and kings,
Knights and heroes,
Funny buffoons,
Men and boyars,
Whether you are a prince or a milkmaid!

The simplest version of a women's suit consists of a white shirt with wide sleeves (tunic, ethnic ornament on the collar, hem and sleeves) and a long sundress (red, yellow, blue, green colors). There is a wreath, ribbon or kokoshnik on the head (can be made of cardboard, covered with fabric and decorated with beads), and bright shoes (shoes or boots) on the feet. Large jewelry made of stones, beads, beads, blackened silver.

For men– a wide, belted shirt with wide sleeves (don’t forget about the ornament), loose dark pants (plain or longitudinally striped). The pants were tucked into boots or gathered at the bottom with a braid of boots or bast shoes. So that the stronger half of humanity does not feel constrained at a Russian party, you can wear loose trousers of standard length and simple dark-colored shoes.

Stylized costumes for leading and most active guests:

Or even like this - modern, convenient and beautiful:


To maintain the atmosphere, set the table with the simplest dishes or plates-vases with recognizable patterns, plant motifs, farm animals (for example, roosters surrounded by flowers - Gorodets, Petrikov painting). The main decoration of the table is a shiny samovar, bursting with heat. If there is no place for a samovar on a common table, place it on a small table against the wall. Around the samovar there is jam and jam in pot-bellied jars, candied fruits and berries, dried cakes and gingerbread cookies, cockerels (lollipops).

At celebrations in Russian folk style, the table should be bursting with treats. The party can cost a pretty penny or be quite economical depending on what dishes Slavic cuisine choose:

  • goose in apples, chickens, game, roast pig;

  • jellied or baked sturgeon, black and red game;

  • roast with mushrooms, porridge with meat or mushrooms, okroshka, casserole, cabbage soup;

  • salted milk mushrooms and buttermilk, tomatoes and cucumbers, soaked apples, sauerkraut with cranberries;

  • pies, rolls, cheesecakes, pies, pancakes and pancakes, carols, bagels;

  • baked or boiled potatoes, steamed turnips, herring;

  • “our” fruits and berries. You can put a dish with pineapples, bananas, kiwis, etc., with a comic sign “Gifts to the Holy Prince from the Byzantine Ambassador” or “Beware of foreign fruits!”

From drinkstraditional vodka and mead. Strong mash and hoppy beer can be poured with a ladle with a spout directly from oak barrel! Contrary to popular belief, the Slavs drank “drunken” drinks only on these occasions: a wedding, a military victory, the death of a family member, the birth of a child. Therefore, the party does not have to turn into a banal drinking party, add it to the menu and low alcohol drinks– berezovitsa (fermented Birch juice with sugar), kvass, satia (fermented honey water). Non-alcoholic ones include non-hopped kvass, compotes and juices from fruits, berries and vegetables, herbal teas.


In addition to a noisy feast, festivities in Russian traditions necessarily include games of ingenuity, courage and, of course, strength. We will not suggest hitting each other with a log or punching each other until one falls.

1. But dancing is a sacred thing! Yablochko, Cossack, Kamarinskaya, Barynya, Kalinka and Metelitsa - invite guests to repeat the movements of the host (animator) or dancer in the video. Don’t forget to prepare Russian music for the party, in its original or modernized version.

Read also: We give the father-in-law the right gift (+ photo)

2. Invite guests to guess the next line of the folk song (prepare the text or audio clip in advance). Or let them guess what it's called musical instrument. Instead of using real tools, use drawings, photos, or toy miniatures: horn and pipe, domra and balalaika, palms and rattle, ruble, bells, etc.

3. It fell to the snake Gorynych to taste the heroic power - beware, evil spirits, of Russian men! According to the party scenario, guests are divided into two teams. Tie to the back of a chair air balloons(how many people are in the team, so many balls). Prepare two wooden swords. Participants from each team must quickly “cut off Gorynych’s head” with a sword, i.e. burst one balloon. Happened? Pass the sword to the next participant (the team whose Gorynych fell faster wins). Guests will be swinging the stick quite actively, so place chairs at arm's length plus the length of the sword.

4. Invite the good fellows to surprise the people with their accuracy. The game “Pile” is a metal ring on the ground (or on a piece of foam plastic), a thin metal pointed rod 15 cm (you can just use a large nail or a heavy dart). How bigger ring, the farther you need to stand. The glorious knight must throw a “spear”, hitting the ring.

The games “Frying Pan” and “Drunken Carrier” are played to the accompaniment of cheerful Russian songs. For parties in a large room (with a dance floor) or outdoors.

5. “Frying pan” is a (semi) circle marked on the ground. You can draw with chalk or paint, draw in the soil, lay out with tape - whatever you like. The diameter of the circle is slightly smaller than the diameter of the round dance of participants. All guests are divided into two teams and form a round dance so that they stand through one (a member of the boyar team - a member of the peasant team, etc.). Music sounds and the round dance moves in a circle. Suddenly the music stops - team members try to “fry” their opponents by pulling them by the hands into the “frying pan” (into a circle). If you stepped on the frying pan, you were out of the game.

6. To play the “drunk carter” you will need three ropes about two meters long. The ends of the ropes are tightly tied together. The loose ends are wrapped around the waists of three participants. At the command of the “drunk driver’s horse,” the rod is pulled in different directions. The winner is the one who pulls the other two participants to his side. There can be several “triples”; the winners of the “triples” compete with each other until the strongest “horse” is determined.

At the end of the party, distribute Russian-style gifts to the most active participants or memorable gifts to all invitees: nesting dolls, wooden spoons, scarves for girls, beads and ribbons, carved figures, painted boxes.

7. To play "Turnip" you need a strong pole or something solid that you can hold onto tenaciously. “Repa” hugs the pole with her arms and legs, the rest of the participants line up in a chain, holding each other by the waist, and try to “pull out the turnip.” Each participant can be a “turnip”; the winner is determined by the presenter (who lasts longer, counts out loud or uses a stopwatch).
