Preparations from ranetki for the winter. A selection of delicious recipes for ranetki jam for the winter

Boil the Ranetki until soft in a small amount of water, being careful not to burn (the consistency of the finished puree depends on the amount of water). Then the ranetki are rubbed through a sieve, sugar is added and brought to a boil again with constant stirring! Sugar to taste, but of course it’s better not to add a lot; you can add it for direct consumption. Place in sterile jars and seal. We use in pure form or with the addition of cream (beat with a mixer or blender). It's delicious, you won't be able to pull it off your ears.

Ranetka puree. Option 2

I made puree, it turned out very tasty, especially if you have small children. Better than store bought.

  1. You pour the unpeeled ranetki into a pan of water and boil for minutes. 10.
  2. Then you rub them through a combine (if you have one) or a sieve. (Waste can be thrown away or left for compote in winter)
  3. Add sugar to the resulting mass: 1 liter. 300-400g, boil for another minute. 10-15.

That's all. In my opinion it is not difficult and fast. Good luck to you.

Jam from ranetki

We wash the ranetki, place them entirely on a baking sheet and in the oven, approximately 150 degrees. Simmer until they become soft. Then we wipe it on a sieve, we use Moulinex. Weigh the clean mass. The proportion is for 1 kg. 1 kg of mass from the ranetki is taken. 200 gr. sugar, you can add 0.5 cups of water. Cook until the drop (dropped on the saucer) stops spreading much. It's about an hour. Pour the hot mixture into jars, cool at room temperature and in the cold. I close with plastic or screw-on lids. It turns out thick jam. Whether for sandwiches or for baking. I did the same for the pears. Delicious.

Compote from ranetki

I’ve been doing this for many years: I fill a jar with ranetkas one-third full (we don’t eat them in compote, that’s why there’s so little), pour boiling water, drain, +300 grams of sugar, heat the syrup until the sugar dissolves, fill the ranetki with it again, roll it up and under the “fur coat” . Stored at room temperature. The compote with chokeberry is especially tasty, and the color is amazing!

Jam from whole ranetkas

  1. We take 1 kg of ranetki, select whole ones (not cracked or wormy), wash them, do not tear off the tails!!!, prick them with a toothpick
  2. IN enamel dishes cook the syrup: 1-1.2 kg of sugar (depending on which ranetki, sour or sweet), 0.25-0.5 tbsp. water (again, depending on what kind of ranetkas are, some give little juice, some give a lot).
  3. We wait for the syrup to boil and throw in the ranetki, mix gently and wait for it to boil. As soon as it boils, remove from heat, cover with a clean towel and set for 6-12 hours
  4. After 6-12 hours, put it on the stove and bring it to a boil again, remove from the stove.

Sometimes I let it stand 2 times (in this case, after the 2nd cooking, we pour it into sterilized jars), sometimes 3 times. The difference is that after 2 times the inside of the ranetki seems to be dampish-sour, after 3 times it is completely saturated with sugar syrup.

Apple trees of the Ranetki variety give a rich harvest. These small fruits are fragrant and beautiful. They make incredibly tasty and delicious jam. There are several cooking options. You can make not only jam from ranetki, but also compote.

Let's start with a simple recipe. Take one kilogram of apples and cut them into slices, removing the seeds and stem. The peel can be peeled or left at your discretion. Then fill the apples with water, to which we add a little salt. If the fruits are very dense, then blanch them first. To do this, place them in boiling water and cook for 3-5 minutes. Make syrup from one kilogram of sugar and a glass of water. After this, place the apple slices into the boiling syrup and mix them lightly. Next, turn off the heat and remove the jam from the ranetki aside for 5 hours. We perform this operation three times. Boil the jam one last time until done. If you want to get a jam that is not very sweet, with a little sourness, then add a little citric acid. Finished product Place in previously prepared jars and close with lids.

You can make jam to keep the fruit intact. To do this, we prepare 7 kilograms of ranetki. Remove the stems from the fruits, leaving a third part, and prick them with a toothpick. Then put them in a container and pour boiling water for 5 minutes. Drain the liquid. In the meantime, you need to prepare the syrup. Take 800 grams of sugar for 200-250 ml of water. Dip the ranetki into the boiling syrup and cook for 10 minutes, without letting the jam boil too much. Then we carefully take out the apples and put them in jars. The glass container must be sterilized beforehand. Boil the syrup left over from cooking again and pour it into the jars of apples. Ranetki jam prepared in this way can be covered with polyethylene lids and stored in a cooler place. In this case, the result is an amber-colored product with beautiful whole fruits.

Ranetka jam can be prepared in a slightly different way. To do this, you need to take one kilogram of apples of this variety and wash them thoroughly. Then we cut them into slices and cover them with sugar in the amount of one kilogram. Let the future jam brew for 7.5 - 8 hours. During this time it should release juice. After this period, pour a glass of water into the container with the prepared product and put it on the fire. Let the jam boil and cook for about 5 minutes. Then set it aside for 10 hours. Next, cook until done. The jam is considered ready when it becomes transparent and the fruit sinks to the bottom. Pre-preparing glass jars. Pour the ranetka jam into jars and close metal lids.

Ranetki are used not only to make jam or marmalade. They make a tasty and aromatic compote.

Place the apples in the prepared jars, filling them one-third full. For color and taste you can add a small amount of chokeberry. Fill the jars with boiling water. Leave them for a while until the water cools down. Then pour the water back into the used container and add sugar there at the rate of 250 grams per three liter jar. In order to make the compote not very sweet, you can add a little citric acid to each jar. Cover the containers with metal lids and let them cool. Then we send them for storage in a colder place. Compote from ranetki has beautiful colour and aroma.

Using one of the recipes listed, you can make preparations for the winter from the harvested crop. IN winter period they will remind you of summer and delight the whole family. This apple variety, like no other, is ideal for making jam and compotes due to its taste characteristics.

The peculiarity of apple trees of the Ranetki variety is that they, as a rule, bring a rich harvest. The fruits are not only beautiful to look at, but also juicy and aromatic. And ranetki jam for the winter is extremely tasty and simply melts in your mouth. There are several options for preparing it. You can also make such a delicious treat using a multi-cooker at home. Our article will tell you all about this.

Ranetki jam recipe: basic version

To make jam we will need:

First of all, when preparing ranetka jam for the winter, we process the fruits themselves. First, let's carefully examine the apples, remove any worms and wash them thoroughly. After that, put it in a colander to let the water drain out. Pour clean ranetki into a saucepan, add water at the rate of 2/3 cup per kilo of fruit. Place on low heat and cook for 40-50 minutes. At the end of cooking, the ranetki should become soft, you can verify this by piercing them with a toothpick.

When the apples are well steamed, that is, they become soft, we take a metal sieve (preferably with large cells) and wipe our ranetki with a wooden masher. This process will help get rid of tails, skins and seeds, and the jam will be very tender.

Add sugar to the resulting mixture. Mix everything in a saucepan and place on low heat, stirring the mass regularly. Cook the jam to the desired consistency. That is, you can make it liquid or thick - one that will hold its shape. Follow in in this case to your preferences.

In order not to waste time while the jam is boiling, we sterilize the jars. When it reaches the desired consistency, put it into jars. Roll up or close with screw lids, turn upside down, and cool in a dark place. The jars have cooled down - the jam is ready. Help yourself!

Another recipe variation

How to make jam from ranetki? This recipe assumes that ranetka puree (kilo) and granulated sugar (0.8-1 kg) will be used to prepare jam.

The cooking procedure goes like this. We take our tiny ones, wash them thoroughly, and wait for the water to drain. We clear the core. Place the apples on a baking sheet and steam in the oven at 150 degrees. We take already soft ranetkas, prepare the puree by rubbing them through a sieve or grinding them in a blender. We weigh ready-made puree. Fill it with sugar (calculating a kilo of puree = 0.8-1 kg of sugar), stir, and bring to a boil. Cook the puree until it is so thick that when it is dropped onto a plate, it does not spread. Here is ranetka jam for the winter and it’s ready.

Jam with orange peels and nuts

How to make jam from ranetki? We take:

  • kilo ranetki;
  • 250 g sugar;
  • 25 g orange peel;
  • 25 g walnuts (hazelnuts).

Wash the apples thoroughly. We bake them in the oven and rub them through a sieve. Heat the resulting puree, add sugar, cook, stirring occasionally, until the desired thickness. About 10 minutes before the end of cooking, add nuts (pre-roasted and chopped) and orange peel. This jam is stored in a cool place.

Ranetka jam in a slow cooker

This jam can, of course, be prepared using a slow cooker. This is done very simply. Peel and cut the apples, grind them using a food processor or meat grinder. Add sugar to the resulting puree and leave for an hour and a half - until it is completely dissolved. Then mix the mass well and put it in the slow cooker. Set the “Roasting” mode. When apple mass boils, select the “low pressure” mode. After 15-17 minutes. Let off the steam and put the jam into jars.

Jam with whole fruits

Now we take out the apples very carefully and put them in jars. Don't forget: no matter what you cover, the glass container should always be sterilized. Let the remaining syrup boil. And fill them with jars of apples. You don’t have to roll it up, but simply cover it with plastic lids. Only in this case it should be stored in a cool place. The jam turns out to be a beautiful amber color with whole fruits.

Tricks for making jam

If, when preparing jam from ranetki for the winter, someone does not like to bother with a sieve, then you don’t have to wipe them. Before steaming, you just need to clean the fruits from tails, stalks and seeds. And after steaming, grind them in a meat grinder. Big advantage this method is simplicity. But unfortunately, there is also a drawback. The taste of the jam is not so delicate, but that’s all because the peel does not come off. So it's up to you to decide what you choose: saving the possible time spent or losing the delicate taste.

Having collected bountiful harvest ranetok, can be prepared for the winter different kinds jam, jam and even close the compote. This preservation will delight your family all winter and remind you of the long-awaited summer.

In Russia, before the onset of cold weather, housewives are engaged in canning for the winter. various vegetables and fruits, including, they make preparations from ranetki for the winter. What can be made from this wonderful gift of nature, what recipes for preparations exist? Let's try to answer this question.

Recipe for jam from ranetki

Ranetka jam for the winter

Another fragrant and delicious preparation for the winter maybe a recipe for jam from early apples. It is very easy to make and does not require exotic ingredients. You will only need apples, lemons and sugar, as well as a day for all the necessary manipulations.

Compote from ranetki

One more interesting recipe for the winter, which every housewife should write down and make, is a compote of ranetki. Its peculiarity is that to give the drink a variety of taste and aroma, you can add dogwood, pears or plums to it.

Making such a compote is very simple: first sterilized three-liter jar put finely chopped ingredients into 1/3 of the volume, add from three hundred to three hundred and fifty grams of sugar and pour boiling water. After this, the jar must be immediately rolled up with a lid, turned over and wrapped in a towel. So let the resulting compote stand for two hours and transfer it to a cold place.

Ranetki confiture recipe

If you don’t like jam, jam or compote, then excellent winter preparation option Confiture, which is something between jam and preserves, may be specially for you. Let's see how it can be done. Keep in mind that when preparing confiture, a large amount of sugar is used, so if you do not like sweet foods or have dental problems, then it will be better for you not to consume this product.

If you want to cook classic confiture without spices, such as cinnamon, or otherwise change its flavor, such as using lemon, you will need following ingredients: ranetki and sugar (it doesn’t matter whether cane brown or white) at the rate of two to three, i.e. for 1 kg of ranetki you need 1.5 kg of sugar.

There is one a variation of the above method: you can make jam from whole ranetkas, if you don't like pureed stuff. The cooking technology is the same, except that you can skip step 2.

Wine from ranetki

No, you didn’t think so, and this is not a mistake or typo. In fact, ranetki are excellent material for wine. Home wine one of them can become your special preparation for the winter, with which you can surprise your girlfriends, and they will still beg you to give them the recipe.

So, how can you make such wine? First, carry out preparatory activities:

  • As usual, wash your ranetkas well, tear off the tails and leaves, grind them to a puree and purchase yeast (always pressed live).
  • Prepare and filter water or use spring water.
  • You will need sugar in the following ratio with other products: if you plan to spend 3.5 kilograms of sugar on wine, then you will need at least 5 kilograms of ranetki and 4 liters of water.

If you're not going do exquisite drink for gourmets and add cinnamon, lemon balm, mint or viburnum to the wine, allowing you to get unusual aroma And interesting taste, then you can quite limit yourself to a typical recipe for wine from ranetki. To prepare it, follow these steps:

The result of your efforts will be clean and clear wine with a distinct ranetki aroma.

Recipes for winter ranetki preparations that you can make yourself

A variety of recipes from ranetki that you can prepare before the onset of winter, such as jam, preserves, compote, etc. and the features of their preparation.

Preparations from ranetki for the winter

A generous harvest of ranetki will allow you to prepare beautiful and flavorful addition for tea, popular at any time of the year, but especially in winter.

There are several ways to prepare such a delicious dessert.

Preparation method No. 1: ranetki in syrup

  • 1 kilogram of apples;
  • 1 kilogram of granulated sugar;
  • 200 milliliters of water;
  • half a teaspoon of salt;
  • citric acid - optional.
  1. Wash the Ranetki and cut into slices.
  2. You can remove the skin.
  3. Place apple pieces in salted water.
  4. In case of high density of fruits, blanching apples for 3-5 minutes is permissible.
  5. Prepare syrup from water and sugar.
  6. Place the slices into boiling syrup, stir lightly, and set aside overnight.
  7. Repeat three times.
  8. Boil for the last time until tender, adding citric acid if desired.
  9. Roll up hot into prepared container. The canned jam will be transparent and very aromatic.

Read about how to prepare northern cloudberries for the winter here.

Transparent jam from whole ranetki in aromatic syrup

Whole little ranetkas with tails look appetizing in thick sugar syrup.

  • 3 kilograms of small firm apples;
  • 3 kilograms of granulated sugar;
  • 3 glasses of plain water.
  1. Rinse apples in plenty of water.
  2. Sort through, removing rotten or wormy ones.
  3. Pierce the peel with a toothpick or large needle in 2-3 places.
  4. Place in boiling water for a couple of minutes.
  5. Remove from water and place on a sieve.
  6. Pour water over sugar and put on fire.
  7. Cook until sugar dissolves.
  8. Pour hot syrup over blanched ranetki.
  9. Keep on low heat for 30 minutes.
  10. Remove from the stove and set aside.
  11. After 2 hours, roll into sterilized, dry jars.
  12. Store the twist in a dark and cool place.

Amber jam in a slow cooker

  • 1 kilogram of small-fruited apples;
  • half a kilogram of granulated sugar;
  • half a glass of clean cold water.

How to cook it delicate delicacy, melting in your mouth:

  1. Wash and sort the fruits.
  2. Remove peel and seeds.
  3. Cut into pieces suitable for a meat grinder or food processor.
  4. Grind the prepared ranetki.
  5. Add sugar to fresh puree.
  6. Set aside for several hours to better dissolve the granulated sugar.
  7. Mix and place in a slow cooker.
  8. Before boiling, the unit must be turned on in the “Frying” mode.
  9. Then switch the multicooker to low pressure mode.
  10. After 20 minutes, release the steam and roll the ranetka jam into a dry, sterilized container.

Home apple marshmallow- the recipe is here.

Preparations from ranetki for the winter: jam in slices and whole, jam in a slow cooker

Recipes for preparing ranetki for the winter: jam from whole fruits and pieces (slices), as well as a variant amber jam for multicooker owners.

Ranetka jam for the winter

Ranetki are miniature apples, popularly called “paradise apples”. The size of the fruit, although small, is high content pectin makes them ideal product for jam, marmalade or marmalade. In their raw form, ranetki do not have a very attractive taste; they are quite tart and sour. But during heat treatment with the addition of sugar only begins to prevail sweet shade, the viscosity disappears. That’s why ranetki jam is especially popular.

Sweet preparations from these fruits are prepared at the end of August - beginning of September, when the harvest is ripening en masse. For transparent beautiful jam From whole fruits, you should choose the smallest apples, no more than 3 cm in volume. They should be ripe, completely red, without damage, dents or wormholes. Larger ones are suitable for other recipes.

Jam recipes

Options for preparing sweet preparations for the winter from apples of paradise not as many as, for example, recipes for pear jam. I will share those that I use myself when the ranetki harvest is good.

Ranetka jam with lemon flavor

It was with this recipe that my acquaintance with sweets from paradise apples began.

For the first time I had the opportunity to try ranetka jam while visiting my cousin. I rarely visit her at home and therefore our meetings are equated to a holiday. She always sets the table wide. She treats her with a variety of goodies, and that time she also treated her to tea and jam. To tell the truth, I realized that the jam was made from ranetki, but its taste was so amazing that my hand reached out for more.

  • Cuisine: Russian
  • Type of dish: jam
  • Cooking method: boiling
  • Servings: 1 l


  • Ranetki - 500 g
  • cinnamon –¼ tsp.
  • lemon juice– 50 g
  • granulated sugar – 500 g
  • water – 100 g.

How to cook:

Then I cut off all the tails and tear off the leaves so that only peeled apples can be used for jam.

I pour apples granulated sugar. I'll leave it to soak overnight and let out the juice. I also add a little water there so that during the cooking process the jam does not stick to the walls of the dish.

I put it on the stove and boil the jam for 15 minutes with breaks to cool completely. This way I maintain maximum integrity of the fruit. I boil it 2 times first.

After boiling it three times, squeeze lemon juice into the jam. It will lighten the jam a little and make it more transparent. Also from citric acid The apples will retain their shape and will not fall apart.

I add a quarter teaspoon ground cinnamon. I simmer the jam a couple more times for 15 minutes with breaks for complete cooling.

Hot fragrant jam I put it in jars. But glass jars, as for any preservation, are first washed and sterilized.

I close the lids tightly.

I leave the jars of jam to cool. Any blanket or blanket is suitable for this. I send them for storage either in the basement or in a dark pantry where light will not reach. In a dark, cool place, such a workpiece retains its appearance for a long time, fresh taste and aroma.

A simple recipe for whole ranetki

The easiest way to prepare a delicious and impressive winter treat from whole mini-apples.

Required Products:

  • Ranetki - 3 kg
  • sugar - 2 kg
  • water - 0.5 l
  • cinnamon - 1 tbsp.


  1. Remove the stalks, rinse the fruits and use a toothpick or needle to make several punctures in them.
  2. Boil water and pour several dozen apples into it for a few seconds. This will soften the tough skin.
  3. After scalding with boiling water, immediately place the fruits in ice water.
  4. Mix sugar with the amount of water specified in the recipe and heat the syrup.
  5. Boil it for about 3 minutes.
  6. Cool the syrup and pour it into the prepared ranetki.
  7. This workpiece should be left for several hours to soak
  8. After this, place the container with jam on the stove and cook for about 20 minutes. This needs to be done on low heat. Add cinnamon.
  9. Cool the jam and leave it for 6 hours.
  10. Boil and cool the dessert twice more according to the same scenario.
  11. Pour hot jam into jars.

Transparent from whole apples of paradise with tails

The jam looks very beautiful when not only the integrity of the fruit is preserved, but also the tails. This is suitable for decorating desserts and cocktails.


  • apples - 1 kg
  • sugar - 1 kg
  • water - 1 glass
  • citric acid - 0.5 tsp.

How to cook:

  1. Wash the fruits, but do not remove the stems. Make several punctures in the skin to prevent cracking. fruits
  2. Prepare syrup from sugar, water and citric acid.
  3. Dip the ranetki into hot syrup and cook for 10 minutes.
  4. Remove the container with the dessert from the heat and cool. Optimal time“respite” - 4-5 hours.
  5. After this, boil the apples again for 20 minutes.
  6. Leave the apples for a day.
  7. Bring the mixture to a boil.
  8. Place the hot dessert into sterile jars.

Ranetka jam in slices

From large varieties apples of paradise can be cooked delicious preparation with citrus aroma.


  • ranetki - 2 kg
  • sugar - 1.5 kg
  • juice and zest of 1 orange
  • water - 400 ml.

How to cook:

  1. Soak the apples in cold water and keep them there for 10 minutes.
  2. Wash and dry the fruits.
  3. Cut each ranetka in half and clean them of tails and seeds.
  4. Grind the pulp into small thin slices.
  5. Place the prepared fruit mass into a jam container and fill it with sugar.
  6. Squeeze the juice from the orange and grate the zest here.
  7. Infuse the preparation for several hours.
  8. Using a slotted spoon, remove the ranetki slices from the resulting juice.
  9. Place the syrup on the stove and add water to it.
  10. Stirring, bring this liquid to a boil.
  11. Place the previously removed ranetkas into the boiling syrup.
  12. Cook the mixture for 15 minutes. Mix everything very carefully so as not to damage the integrity of the slices.
  13. Remove the container from the heat and let the jam stand overnight at room temperature.
  14. Place the pan on the heat again and cook for 30 minutes. During this time, the mass will have time to acquire the desired thickness and attractive caramel color.

If you use the tips described below when making ranetka jam, the dessert will turn out simply amazing:

  • For this type of jam you definitely need water, because “paradise apples” are dense and dry and don’t give much juice;
  • cut the ranetki quickly so that they do not have time to darken;
  • the taste of the dessert can be successfully complemented with vanilla, cinnamon and even cocoa;
  • to determine the readiness of the dessert, look at its droplet on a cold surface - if it does not spread, then you can finish cooking;
  • the transparency of the apples also indicates readiness;
  • Ranetka jam can be used to decorate desserts, cakes and ice cream;
  • Jam is perfectly stored in a cellar, a cool pantry or on a closed balcony.

By the way, few people know about great benefit this dessert is for humans. Science has proven the ability of ranetki (and dishes made from them) to help the body fight heavy metal salts, remove radionuclides and kill pathogenic bacteria.

Ranetka jam for the winter - simple recipes with photo

Ranetka jam for the winter is very simple and tasty, regardless of whether it is made from whole apples or in slices.

Paradise drink or recipes for compote from Ranetka for the winter

Preservation of ranetki, namely compotes, has an individual character. From regular apple drink This preparation differs in the way the fruits are placed, due to their appearance. The fact is that this variety of apples has very small fruits, which is why they are also called “paradise apples.” However, this does not in any way affect the taste of the fruit, but it plays a role in canning.

Preparing apples

According to recipes for compote from ranetki for the winter, small apples are usually placed whole, without cutting them into pieces. In this regard, more careful processing of the fruit is required. First of all, you should carefully inspect each apple for damage or pests. Only healthy whole fruits are suitable for compote. This is the case when one “bad guy” can ruin all your efforts. The presence of spoiled fruits will not only spoil appearance, but it will also play the role of a time bomb, and the bank will not last long.

The sorted quality fruits must be washed well and laid out on a towel to dry. Some recipes for compote from ranetki for the winter call for the presence of twigs on the fruit. Such fruits look beautiful in a jar, and the drink acquires a subtle flavor.

Ranetki with twigs can only be used for rolling very sweet compotes. The less sugar in a drink, the greater the risk that it will not last long.

Another nuance of how to cook compote from ranetki for the winter is to pierce them before putting them in a bottle. This will keep the apples intact under the influence of boiling water. In addition, they will be saturated with sugar syrup faster and will release their juices better.

To prick the fruit, it is better to use wooden toothpicks, and the punctures themselves should be made closer to the tail.

Apple compote with vanilla

Most quick way To prepare a drink is to make a compote from ranetki for the winter without sterilization. A little vanilla will give it a warm summer aroma.

For 3 liters of water you will need:

  • 500 g of paradise apples;
  • 500 g sugar;
  • 1 g each of vanillin and citric acid.

The seaming process is quite easy and fast:

Compote of chopped ranetki with lemon zest

The addition of currant and cherry leaves will give the drink an original taste. As for how much sugar is needed for ranetki compote, the original recipe calls for 300 g of sugar for 500 g of apples. For some this may seem like a lot, but that is why lemon zest is also added to the drink. When all ingredients are combined, a sweet and sour compote is obtained.

So, wash the ranetkas, cut them into two halves, and then into two more. Remove the core and seeds and cut the fruit (into slices or plates).

Rinse a small bunch of currant and cherry leaves under the tap and pour over boiling water to disinfect. Cut into strips.

Remove the zest from one lemon.

First place the foliage in a sterilized 3-liter jar, and then the ranetki on top, filling it to 1/3 of the height.

Prepare the syrup and pour it over the apples (about 2.5 liters of water will be needed). Add lemon zest, roll up and wrap.

Healthy drink made from heavenly apples and rowan berries

Ranetki goes well with other fruits and berries. A compote of ranetki and chokeberry for the winter is very beautiful in color. The berries give it a little tartness and a dark color.

Wash one kilogram of apples and let dry. Pin at the tails.

Rinse 200 g of chokeberry under running water and blanch for no more than 3 minutes so that the berries do not burst.

Pour rowan berries into the bottom of sterilized jars and place ranetki on top.

Prepare syrup for pouring using:

Pour it over fruits and berries, roll it up and wrap it.

Apple-cherry drink

Compote of ranetki and cherries for the winter has a very beautiful ruby ​​color, unlike a drink made only of apples. In addition, cherries will give it a slight sourness, which will be especially appreciated by those who do not like too sweet drinks.

For a three-liter jar of compote you will need:

  • 300 g ripe cherries;
  • 500 g ranetki;
  • 1 tbsp. Sahara;
  • 3-4 citrus slices(lemon or orange);
  • 2.7 liters of water.

Compote from ranetki and draining using double pouring method

It's pretty interesting option making a drink using apples of paradise yellow varieties. Blue plums and light apples look beautiful and harmonize perfectly with each other.

The amount of fruit depends on the preparation method: you can put 300 g of plums and apples in a jar, or for a more concentrated drink, fill it to the brim with an equal amount of ingredients.

The same applies to the type of fruit in a compote of ranetki and plums for the winter: if desired, they are left whole or cut into two parts. When using ranetki in their entirety, they should be pricked to maintain their shape.

So, put the prepared fruits in a sterilized jar and pour boiling water over them. Cover with a lid and let stand for 15 minutes.

Drain the water into a saucepan and make syrup at the rate of:

  • 100 g of sugar - per liter jar;
  • 200 g sugar – per 2 liter container;
  • 300 g of sugar - per three-liter bottle.

Fill the jars with fruit a second time and roll up.

Recipes for compotes from ranetki for the winter are very simple to make. Even a housewife without experience will be able to make such a drink the first time. Unfortunately, this compote has one significant drawback. It ends quickly! Therefore, it is better to prepare more jars so that they will certainly last throughout the winter.

Ranetka compote for the winter - recipes for a drink with the addition of plums, cherries and chokeberries, preparation without sterilization, video

Recipes for compote from ranetka for the winter. Recommendations for preparing apples. Preparation of compote without sterilization using the pouring method. A drink made from heavenly apples with the addition of cherries, plums and chokeberries.

Closer to autumn, a wonderful harvest of ranetkas has been harvested! Every housewife tries not to miss the opportunity to use all the ranetki for preservation. From them it turns out delicious compote from ranetki without any difficulties. Having extensive experience in preparing compotes, it can be difficult for the housewife to sterilize each jar due to large quantity ranetok. But there is a solution to the problem: compote of ranetki for the winter without sterilization. We have collected all the subtleties of this process in our article. Enjoy reading!

How to cook compote from ranetki for the winter

How to cook ranetka compote for the winter?

To increase the shelf life of twists, let’s look at how to choose the right ranetki:

  • It is important to examine the fruit from all sides and check for rot and worms.

If you find at least one of the described damages, then remove this wound and do not use it to make compote anymore!

  • Check the ripeness of the ranetki (they should be firm, but not soft)
  • Keep track of the size of each fruit (this will give great taste your compote and aesthetic beauty).

So, we have figured out the basic rules of preparation and are ready to move on to the recipe itself. We promise that it will be easy and even interesting. Go!

Ingredients for compote

Now we will look at the ingredients that we will need.

For a 3-liter jar you need to prepare:

  • Apples (1 kilogram)
  • Sugar (500 grams)
  • Water (2 liters)

You will also need one lid for rolling up one jar!

If you are a skilled cook, then you can safely experiment, add pears, raisins, tart spices and any other ingredients at your discretion.

We will go the traditional route and provide you with a simple recipe for ranetka compote.

Step-by-step recipe for compote from ranetki for the winter

Step by step recipe:

  1. Remove each branch from the fruit (this must be done, otherwise the compote may ferment)
  2. Wash the wounds and place them in a place convenient for you where they can drain excess water(at your discretion, you can take a ranetka and make holes in each using a toothpick so that the skin does not burst when you pour boiling water over it)
  3. If you wish, you can cut each apple into pieces (but this is not necessary)
  4. Take a very clean jar, even if it is not sterilized (if the jar is not clean enough, the fermentation process will occur quickly)
  5. Put the water to boil
  6. While the water is heating up, place the well-washed ranetki in pre-prepared jars (to achieve best taste It’s better to fill one second or one third of the jar with them)
  7. Pour boiling water into jars of ranetki and wait about 10 minutes (they should sit)
  8. Then take a saucepan (or other container convenient for you), pour water from the cans into it and put everything on the fire
  9. Add required amount Sahara. But how much sugar should I use for ranetka compote? Think about it this way: if the apples themselves are sweet, then better than sugar add a minimum, and if they are sour, then the amount of sugar should be sufficient
  10. Mix thoroughly. The sugar should completely dissolve. When finished, pour all the resulting sugar syrup in jars with ranetki

Now you can roll up our compote with lids!

Are you interested in other winter preparations? Then you are at the right place! all about pickles, and - about preserves and jams.


What are the advantages of not sterilizing? Firstly, this compote made from ranetki will be incredibly tasty. Secondly, our simple recipe will save your time for relaxation.

Siberia is the place where compote is common.

They often make compote from ranetki and pears for the winter. It has enriched mineral composition, which can improve your health and increase local immunity.

The presence of potassium for normal heart function will help summer residents feel good and reap an excellent harvest every year. The amount of sugar you add can determine your caloric content. But when canning, the length of storage of the compote will also depend on it and on the water.

But who doesn’t like to take this drink out of the cellar and make their evening enjoyable, fill it with home comfort? Consumers different ages find in it quality parameters that correspond to their desires. This drink not only has beneficial properties, but also able to please the whole family. Drink compote with pleasure!
