What to cook black raspberries. Raspberry and cherry jelly jam. Jelly-like raspberry jam

The long-awaited summer has finally arrived. The raspberries will come soon.

This is a berry that is not only eaten in fresh, they bake various delicacies with it, but also prepare it for the winter in the form of preserves, jams, dried or frozen berries.

Today we will talk about how to make raspberry jam

But first, I want to tell you a little about how useful it is for humans.

Raspberry jam - benefits and harm

This unsurpassed aroma, so familiar to many from childhood, when my mother gave me hot tea and tasty food when I had a cold. raspberry jam.

The composition of raspberry jam includes substances that cause profuse sweating, can relieve inflammation, and reduce temperature.

After all, it was mainly prepared in case of prevention and treatment of illness.

Raspberries are a natural antioxidant; they contain many vitamins and substances that strengthen the body. Even after heat treatment there are a huge number of them left.

Raspberry jam can be used as a bactericidal agent even for the treatment of herpes, effective remedy for the prevention of oncology, helps thin the blood, reduces the rate of cell aging, helps remove toxins from the body.

Of course, this does not mean that you need to eat jam with spoons. For prevention and support of the body, it is enough to eat 2-3 tablespoons of this amazing dessert per day.

It is especially recommended for expectant mothers during pregnancy, in order to strengthen the immune system, in case of anemia, and so that if you have a cold, you don’t have to take pills again when there is such a natural delicious medicine, which is enough to eat 2 teaspoons a day.

But there are also contraindications for use, since raspberry jam is an allergen, it should be avoided by people prone to allergies and women who are breastfeeding.

Jam is very high in calories, so it is better for overweight people to avoid it, and it is also not recommended for those who have diabetes.

Today I’ll tell you how to prepare this amazing delicacy.

  1. Before you start making jam, you first need to sort out the berries well, remove any rotten ones and get rid of various bugs and spiders.

2. To do this, pour the raspberries into a colander and dip them in a weak saline solution for 15-20 minutes.

3. The solution is made very simply, at the rate of 1 teaspoon of salt per 3 liters of water. Then we wash the berries with running water.

Raspberry jam Pyatiminutka


  • 1 kg fresh raspberries
  • 1 kg sugar
  • Proportion: 1:1


  1. We sort the berries, wash them, let the water drain

2. In a saucepan, add sugar to the berries and leave for 6 hours until abundant juice forms.

3. After the sugar has almost dissolved, put the pan on the fire

4. Cook slowly stirring for 5 minutes and carefully remove the foam with a spoon

5. Before pouring the jam into jars, they need to be sterilized along with the lids in a way convenient for you.

6. Pour the still hot jam into the prepared jars and close the lids tightly.

7. Turn the jars upside down

8. Wrap it well with something and leave it until it cools completely.

Raspberry jam without cooking


  • 1 kg fresh raspberries
  • 1 kg sugar


  1. We sort the berries, carefully wash them with water and dry them.
  2. Add sugar
  3. Mix thoroughly and grind with a masher
  4. Stirring occasionally, leave the jam for 5-6 hours until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  5. Ready jam pour into sterilized jars, close with lids
  6. There is no need to turn it over, but put it straight into the refrigerator

Raspberry jam with whole berries


  • 1 kg raspberries
  • 1 kg sugar


  1. Carefully place the raspberries in a single layer in a bowl and cover with sugar.
  2. Layer until all the berries are gone
  3. Leave the berries in a cool place for 6 hours until they release juice.
  4. Carefully pour the juice into a saucepan and boil until slightly thickened.
  5. Pour hot syrup over raspberries, shake a little so that the berries are completely in the syrup, do not stir
  6. Leave for 5 minutes
  7. Pour the jam into prepared sterilized jars

Thick raspberry jam for the winter

You will need:

  • 1 kg raspberries
  • 1 kg sugar


  1. Soak the berries in saline solution for 20 minutes, rinse with running water, and dry

3. Leave for 3 hours until juice comes out

4. Place on the fire, bring to a boil, stirring and constantly skim off the foam.

5. Boil the jam for 20 minutes, stirring over low heat

6. Pour the jam into sterilized jars and close tightly with sterilized lids


  • 1 kg fresh raspberries
  • 1 kg sugar
  • 50 gr. gelatin


  1. Sprinkle the prepared berries with sugar and leave until they release juice.
  2. We bet on small fire bring to a boil until all the sugar has dissolved
  3. Prepare gelatin as directed on the package.
  4. Boil the jam, stirring and periodically skimming off the foam.
  5. Cool the jam a little and add gelatin, mix
  6. Pour the jam into prepared sterilized jars

Raspberry jam with lemon


  • 2 kg raspberries
  • 2.5 kg sugar
  • Quarter lemon


  1. Sprinkle washed, dried berries with sugar
  2. Place in a cool place for 6 hours until juice releases.
  3. Place on fire and bring to a boil
  4. Cook, stirring, for 30 minutes over low heat, skim off any foam.
  5. Squeeze the lemon juice 5 minutes before it’s ready.
  6. Cool the finished jam and pour into prepared jars

Lemon juice gives the jam a bright ruby ​​color

Delicious raspberry jam in a slow cooker video

Raspberry jam for the winter - a simple video recipe

We are starting to save up vitamins for the winter, so we overeat on raspberries and make fragrant, healthy and very tasty raspberry jam so that we don’t get sick in the cold winter.

black raspberry
compote, juices - everything winter preparations she ennobles - this wonderful
berry brought to us all the way from North America. She is an ally of more
red raspberry, which is close and familiar to us, but looks like a blackberry.
The jam it makes is exquisite, beautiful and with unique taste, And
considered an excellent addition to tea drinking.

black raspberries will certainly delight you with the fact that they give incredible bountiful harvests. She
unpretentious, frost-resistant. In addition, in it, not inferior to its red relative,
contains a whole list of vitamins, thanks to which black raspberries act
healing agent and useful food element. Culture conveys its benefits
and in recipes " Black raspberry jam for the winter" And this is important here
cook the delicacy so that the tender and healing berries are preserved without exception
useful material. Therefore, even if, under no circumstances
no need to digest.

Getting ready
a brew of black raspberries in a ratio of one to one of the mentioned berries and
granulated sugar. So, for 5 kg of black raspberries the same amount of “sweetener” is required.
On “Black raspberry jam” recipe berries are subject to sorting and
gentle rinsing in cold water. Then they are connected layer by layer with half
of the specified granulated sugar and left overnight to release the juice.

Juice given away
raspberries, you need to drain them into a separate thick-walled bowl and pour into it
the other part of the sugar, after boiling the syrup for a quarter of an hour. The syrup is given
the ability to cool for up to 5 hours, and you can pour black raspberries into it. Jam
Cook for a short time - 7-8 minutes. And it's ready! Still literally boiling
the workpiece is packaged in jars and rolled up. Finally, the twist is wrapped
blanket and turn it over.

workpiece- recipe for black raspberry jam will never get moldy
with the right approach. That is, when adding required weight granulated sugar,
short heat treatment and following aseptic rules. Then it will come out
What a healthy treat!

prepare a recipe in reserve " On a quick fix black raspberry jam jelly." You will need the following list for jelly

2 kg
black berries

citrus fruits (you can take lemons),

tip of a knife, citric acid,

granulated sugar by eye or to taste,

40 ml

From the washed
Citrus juice is squeezed out. The raspberries are sorted and washed; after that she
dumped into a colander to drain the water from the berries. Next is black raspberry
pour into a low but wide saucepan, pour over lemon (squeezed) juice
and bring it to a boil on the fire. Products are boiled regularly
stirring until the berries soften.

The prepared puree is subject to further
processing: rubbed through cheesecloth or on a sieve. Sand-sugar is poured into it,
trying to adhere to the ratio - 750 g of sugar per 1 liter of puree. The mass is set again
boil and cook for about 40 minutes until the desired jelly-like consistency.
The hot jelly is poured into jars and rolled up. It is stored in a cool

For the winter
blockage " Quick black raspberry jam"You will need 1 kilo each
raspberries and granulated sugar. In a quick recipe, the berries will not be overcooked, preserving
your trade dress. To do this, black raspberries are carefully washed and dried.

Then it is placed in an enamel basin or bowl and sprinkled with sugar.
The components are allowed to stand for several hours to release their juice, and you can
put it all on the fire and boil for no more than 5 minutes, remembering to be careful
mix sugar with berries and juice. Quick black, still hot, pours over
jars and sealed.

IN jam
black raspberry for children
you can put currants (preferably
black or red). These two most useful berries come together in a magnificent
recipe. The brew itself comes out slightly unusual, thick, and easy to spread.
on a bun. It cooks quickly and easily! Therefore, it’s a sin not to prepare
A delicious berry treat for the winter! Ingredients for raspberry currant
The jams are as follows:

black raspberries and black currants in equal quantities,


Sugar on

moves over. Sugar needs to be divided in two; one part should be poured into
container to the berries and let the ingredients brew, let the juice sit for 10-11 hours. How
only the juice will appear in sufficient quantity, contents of the container with raspberries
mixed and sent to cook. From the moment the jam boils
Boil for about five minutes, reducing the heat to less intense. Next is the workpiece
removed from the stove and left to cool until room temperature. Then in
the second part of the sugar is poured into the brew and, after stirring, the puree is again placed on
fire, bring to a boil and cook for no more than 5 minutes. And it goes again
cooling period of the raspberry mass.

The currants are also sorted and cleared of brushes and leaves. After which the berries
wash and lean back to drain into a colander. The raspberry mass is again placed on
stove and when boiling begins, black currants are added to it. This
everything is mixed and boiled for ten minutes. Cooked
raspberry-currant delicacy is poured into sterilized jars and closed
tightly with lids and, having cooled, is removed for subsequent preservation in the cellar or

What is the beauty of black raspberries? First,
believe that it acts as a preventive measure for cancer diseases. Yes, scientifically
this fact has not been confirmed, but the fact that the berries contain many
antioxidants – no doubt (and they are recognized as the best cancer fighters
and oncology)!

Second, raspberries promote proper digestion and cycle
metabolism. And even children admit that medicine is more beautiful and tastier than
raspberries – albeit an unusual black one – are hard to find! So, to housewives and mothers
you definitely need to learn how to make black raspberry jam,
to heal your family or keep loved ones healthy and strong during
vitamin deficiency.

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In ancient times, the cooking process regular jam accompanied by a number of rituals. It was even customary to cook each jam on strictly defined days. Today, raspberry jam is prepared easier and faster, but it still enjoys success. Each modern housewife there is always a jar or two of this wonderful thing in your arsenal healing jam, aromatic, tasty and indispensable for colds. Previously, homemade raspberry jam was prepared without sugar, in honey or molasses. There is nothing surprising in this, because sugar appeared in Rus' much later. Dozens of recipes for making this amazing jam have survived to this day, and new ones have been added to them, invented these days. This complicates the task somewhat, because you really want to try making homemade raspberry jam in different ways. Well, yes, there would be a raspberry, and we have prepared all sorts of recipes for you: both to your taste and to your liking.

To make homemade raspberry jam, take berries that are not quite ripe, but at the same time large, bright and quite aromatic. To get rid of the so-called raspberry bug, which is often found in raspberries, drop fresh picked berries for 10-15 minutes in a saline solution (1 teaspoon of salt per 1 cup of water), and then rinse them clean cold water and dry.

An old recipe for homemade raspberry jam

5 kg of berries,
½ cup water.

Place the raspberries in an enamel pan, place on low heat, placing a divider or baking sheet under it so that the heat is distributed evenly, and boil the berries by 2-3 times. After this, place the pan in the oven and boil its contents so that the berry decreases in volume by 8 times. Place the finished jam in sterilized jars and close nylon covers and store in the refrigerator.

Grandma's raspberry jam

1 kg raspberries,
2 kg sugar,
1 liter of water,
2 tsp salt,
2 tsp citric acid.

Dissolve sugar in 1 liter of water and cook syrup. Pour the raspberries into the syrup and leave for 1 hour. When the time is up, place the raspberries on the stove and cook until the jam reaches the desired thickness. 3 minutes before turning off, add citric acid. Place the finished jam into prepared jars and seal.

Homemade wild raspberry jam

800 g wild raspberries,
1.2 kg sugar.

Collect large, not too ripe raspberries (it is advisable to collect raspberries in dry, good weather) and place them on a dish. Sprinkle a quarter of the sugar over the berries and place the dish with the berries in a cool place overnight. The next day, prepare a syrup from 1 glass of water and the remaining sugar, cool it and pour it over the berries for 3 hours. Then cook until tender, let it cool, take out the berries with a teaspoon, put them in a jar, strain the syrup and pour it over the berries.

Raspberry jam “Tender delicacy”

1 kg raspberries,
1.5 kg of sugar.

Pour the prepared berries into a bowl, cover with sugar and leave for several hours until they produce juice. Then put the basin on the fire, cook until boiling, stirring from time to time. Use a wooden spoon to skim off any foam that appears on the surface of the jam. Boil the boiled jam for another 5 minutes, cool it a little and roll it into sterilized jars.

Raspberry jam “Berry to berry”

1 kg raspberries,
1.5 kg of sugar.

Cover the sorted raspberries with sugar and leave them in a cool place overnight. The next day, carefully drain raspberry juice and bring it to a boil. Then pour the prepared syrup over the raspberries and put on fire. Cook for 20 minutes over low heat, remember to skim off the foam. Do not stir the jam, but shake it in a circular motion so that the berries remain intact. At the end of cooking, add lemon juice. Cool the finished jam in a bowl of cold water, then transfer it to sterilized jars, close the lids and store in a cool place.

Homemade seedless raspberry jam

1 kg raspberries, pureed through a sieve,
900 g sugar.

Preparation: Heat the sorted raspberries over the fire and then pass through a fine sieve. Weigh the resulting pulp and, based on the weight, add sugar. Bring the raspberry pulp and sugar to a boil, skim off the foam and cook until tender, stirring occasionally. To check if the jam is ready, place a drop of jam on a cold plate. If the drop has frozen and not spread, then the jam is ready. Place the jam in sterilized jars, close and place the lids down until completely cool.

Raspberry jam cooked in the oven

500 g raspberries,
500 g sugar.

Place the sugar and raspberries separately in two heatproof bowls. Place in the oven preheated to 175ºC for 20-30 minutes. Then remove from the oven, combine the raspberries and sugar, which has been cooked into a caramel-colored syrup, in a large bowl and stir gently with a wooden spoon. Place the jam in dry, clean jars, let cool and put in the refrigerator.

Layered raspberry jam

raspberries and sugar in equal volumes.

Pour the prepared raspberries and sugar into a bowl or saucepan for making jam in layers: 1 cup of raspberries - 1 cup of sugar, and leave for several hours so that the raspberries release juice and it saturates the sugar. Then place the basin on low heat for 30-40 minutes (this depends on the volume of berries and sugar). When the raspberry juice has covered all the sugar, turn up the heat and bring to a boil, stirring with a wooden spoon. Pour the finished jam hot into sterilized jars.

Raspberry “Ten Minute”

1 kg raspberries,
500g sugar.

Cover the sorted raspberries with sugar and leave them in a bowl to cook overnight. In the morning, stirring gently, heat until the sugar dissolves. After boiling, cook over low heat for 10 minutes, then pour into clean, prepared jars and seal. The jam is stored at room temperature.

Raspberry jam with alcohol

1 kg raspberries,
1 kg sugar,
¼ cup alcohol

Pour 500 g of sugar over the prepared raspberries and sprinkle with alcohol. Place the container with raspberries in a cool place for 6 hours. Then add the remaining sugar, shake the mixture, put on low heat and cook until tender. Then pack the finished jam into sterilized jars and roll up.

Raspberry jam with cognac

1 kg raspberries,
800 g sugar,
50 g cognac,
1 tbsp. gelatin.

Sort the berries, but do not wash them, sprinkle with sugar, beat with a mixer (or blender), then pour in the cognac and beat again. IN warm water soak the gelatin until it swells. Place the raspberry mixture in a saucepan and place it on water bath. Then bring to a boil, boil for 5 minutes, skim off the foam, add gelatin, stir and cook for another 2 minutes. Place the finished jam in sterilized jars, seal, let cool and put in a cool place.

Raspberry jam with lemon

2 kg raspberries,
2.5 kg sugar,
¼ lemon.

Place the berries in an enamel container, cover with sugar and leave overnight in a cool place (you can put it in the refrigerator). After 6-7 hours, when the raspberries release enough juice, place the container over high heat, bring to a boil, then reduce the heat to low and skim off any foam that appears. Then cook the jam for 30 minutes, stirring from time to time with a wooden spatula. 5 minutes before the end of cooking, add the juice of a quarter of a lemon to the jam. Cool the finished jam and place it in sterilized jars, close the lids and store in a cool place.

Bulgarian raspberry jam

1 kg raspberries,
2 kg sugar,
4 stacks water,
2 tsp citric acid.

Pour sugar into a bowl intended for making jam, pour in water and lay out the prepared berries. Cook over low heat until done in one batch. To prevent the berries from burning, remove the bowl from the heat from time to time and stir the contents in a circular motion. Add citric acid before finishing cooking.

Raspberry jam with redcurrant juice

1 kg raspberries,
500-600 g sugar.
For the syrup:
100 g red currant juice,
600 g sugar.

Sort through the raspberries, pour in hot syrup made from redcurrant juice and sugar, bring to a boil and remove from heat. Cook the jam in 2-3 batches, each time adding the remaining sugar (1-1.2 kg per 1 kg of raspberries). Place the chilled jam into jars and cover with a damp parchment paper and tie with twine.

Raspberry jam with juice black currant

500 g raspberries,
500 g black currants,
1.25 kg sugar.

Mash the raspberries with a little sugar. Squeeze the juice out of the blackcurrants and add it to the container with the raspberries. Heat the resulting mass over low heat and, stirring, add sugar. When it dissolves, put the jam into dry, sterilized jars and immediately seal with tin lids.

Jelly-like raspberry jam

1 kg of berries,
1-1.5 kg of sugar.

A little secret: for this jam you need to collect not only ripe berries, but also semi-ripe ones, and small quantity- unripe. They are the ones who will give our jam a gelling effect. This jam is cooked in two stages. Pour ⅔ sugar into the berries and leave for 2 hours so that the raspberries release juice. If you don’t want or have time to wait 2 hours, put the container with raspberries on low heat, add 2 tbsp. water to better dissolve the sugar and slowly bring the mixture to a boil, stirring and removing the resulting foam. After boiling, cook the jam for 5-7 minutes, remove from the stove and leave until completely cool. In the morning, put the berries on low heat again and, slowly, bring the jam to a boil. Then add the remaining sugar, stirring constantly until it is completely dissolved, cook again for 5-7 minutes, and the jam is ready! Pour it into sterilized jars, but do not close the lids immediately, but let it cool slightly (about 1 hour) so that a frozen film forms on the surface of the jam. And only after that close the jam with sterile lids.

Homemade raspberry jam with rhubarb

350 g raspberries,
750 g sugar,
1.5 kg peeled and chopped rhubarb.

Mix the sugar and rhubarb in a bowl and leave overnight (during this time the rhubarb will release its juice). Pour the juice through a sieve into a saucepan, simmer over low heat for 2 minutes, then add the rhubarb and raspberries. Boil, stir again and let simmer for 5 minutes until the jam thickens. Fill sterile jars with the prepared jam and seal.

Homemade raspberry jam without sugar
Sort through the berries, rinse carefully with water, dry, place in sterilized jars and cover with lids. Then place the jars of raspberries in a large container of water, bring to a boil and boil the jars for 10 minutes. Then remove the jars, seal them tightly with lids and cool under a blanket.

Raspberry jam “Useful” (without cooking)

2 cans of raspberries,
2 cans of sugar.

Grind the sorted raspberries with sugar in an enamel pan. Sterilize 0.5 liter jars over steam, let them cool, then add the raspberries, grated with sugar, into them. Boil the plastic lids for 30 seconds and immediately place them on the jars. Store the finished jam in the refrigerator.

Raw raspberry jam

500 g raspberries,
600 g sugar,
6 tbsp. vodka,
aspirin - for powder.

Lightly sprinkle the raspberries with vodka to remove any bugs from the berries. Then beat the berries with sugar with a mixer for 10 minutes, gradually adding 6 tbsp. vodka. Transfer the finished jam into sterilized jars, preferably with screw-on lids, crush an aspirin tablet and lightly sprinkle the jam in the jar with this powder to prevent the fermentation process. Place a piece of parchment under the lid, seal the jar and store in the refrigerator.

I wish you delicious jam and a wonderful raspberry mood for the whole winter!

Larisa Shuftaykina


Sort through the collected berries, remove the stems and leaves. It is not advisable to wash them, otherwise you will end up with liquid jam.

Take a large bowl and place raspberries and sugar there in layers: first the berries, then the sand, and so on.

Due to this pouring, the raspberries will be candied evenly, without stirring.

Do not cook jam in enamel dishes, otherwise it will burn.

Cover the bowl with gauze and leave overnight to let the raspberries release their juice. In the morning, see if there is enough liquid to start cooking.

U this recipe there are 2 options:

1 – cook thick syrup: pour in the raspberries, bring them to a boil, which should last 5-7 minutes, distribute among containers.

2 – use fast cooking in several stages.

Regardless of which method you choose, you will end up with a viscous jam with whole raspberries that will keep well through the winter.

Place the bowl of strawberries over moderate heat. When the berries boil, all the granulated sugar will dissolve.

Boil for 5 minutes, remove from heat and let the jam cool completely. Stir gently from the edges so as not to disturb the raspberries. You can simply gently rotate your pelvis.

Place the cooled mass back on the stove, boil for 5 minutes, then cool again. During cooking, foam appears that needs to be removed.

Repeat this scheme three times: boil and let cool completely.

Boil the jam for the last time until done. It will become a beautiful dark burgundy color, the syrup will thicken, and the berries will remain intact.
It’s easy to check the degree of readiness: pour a teaspoon of syrup onto a plate and swipe it with a spoon. If a frozen trace remains, the treat is cooked. For greater thickness, you can add previously soaked gelatin.
As the delicacy cools, it thickens. Now you can distribute it among the banks.

Simple recipe without cooking



With this method of preparation, all vitamins are preserved in the berries, and the cooking process requires minimal time. The jam is stored in the freezer, so you can safely take the ingredients in a 1:1 ratio.

So, the preparation steps:

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Take ripe and healthy berries and sort them out. Tear off the leaves and stalks.

Cover the raspberries with sugar. There are several options here: you can puree the berries using a mortar or blender, but some housewives leave whole berries. Leave the raspberries sprinkled with granulated sugar for 6 hours. Stir the berries until all the sugar has dissolved, being careful not to disturb them.

Take processed plastic containers and place dessert in them. Close the containers with lids and place in the refrigerator or freezer. Even there the product will not freeze much. The syrup will thicken, become viscous, acquire a burgundy color and pleasant aroma raspberries

Such a treat - great option to prevent colds.

Raspberries pureed with sugar for the winter without cooking


  • 1 kg. berries;
  • 100 g powdered sugar;
  • 1.5 kg. Sahara.


Place the berries for 15 minutes in cold salted water (1 g per 1 liter). Get rid of floating larvae and grass residues. Wash the raspberries by repeatedly placing them in clean water in a colander. Sort the berries, wash them again and drain the liquid.

Pour in sugar and crush the ingredients with a wooden mortar. You can use a clean blender instead. Keep the raspberries for 2 hours until the granulated sugar dissolves in the juice. Sterilize storage containers by steaming, oven, or boiling.

Divide the jam into jars and leave a reserve for a “plug” of sugar. Sprinkle the berries powdered sugar. Close the container with the treated lids, cool, and place in the refrigerator.

As you can see from the recipes, raspberries and sugar are prepared for the winter for taste and benefit. different ways. Jam helps to bring down high temperature and strengthen the immune system. We hope that our selection will be useful to you when preparing an indispensable product.

Bon appetit!

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We will not go into lengthy details of the enormous usefulness of raspberries and in the form of eaten fresh berries, and in dried form (in tea, in compotes), and in the form canned product for the winter. These are the recipes for making raspberry jam that we would like to offer our many readers.

Preparing berries for making jam

We sort fresh raspberries from their leaves, remove unripe and overripe berries from the total quantity, and also remove the stalks and leaves of the berries.

Place the raspberries in a colander with large holes so that the water drains out quickly when needed. BUT! We do not wash the raspberries under running water. This is not a strong plum with apricots. The berry is tender. Therefore, we pour water into a basin and carefully immerse the colander with berries in it. We also carefully lift it, let the water drain and transfer it (also very carefully) into the basin in which we will prepare it.

If raspberries are infected with small white worms (raspberry bug larvae), the berries should be treated saline solution. To prepare it, dissolve 10 grams of salt in a liter of water. Place the berries in this solution for 5-10 minutes, and remove the surfaced larvae with a slotted spoon. Then the raspberries need to be washed twice using the above method (with a colander) in running water. Little advice- if you are completely confident in your berries and their quality, but such raspberries do not need to be washed, but simply sort them thoroughly.

Methods for making raspberry jam

Two methods of preparing raspberry jam, in which the vitamins of this berry remain the most preserved. This:

Five-minute jam. The amount of sugar and berries for this jam is used in a 1:1 ratio. That is, for every kilogram of berries you will need a kilo of raspberries. Cover the berries with sugar in a bowl for five hours. We drain the juice that has come out of them during this time. Cook the juice for ten minutes. Dip the berries into it (now it’s syrup), bring them to a boil and boil for only five minutes. On low heat!!! That’s why it’s called jam because it shouldn’t be boiled any longer. Cool the jam, pour into sterile jars, and seal.
Jam “Live raspberries”. For this method, I don’t wash the raspberries at all! We're just sorting through. For a kilo of raspberries you will need one and a half kilograms of sugar. Using a wooden masher, mix the raspberries and sugar until homogeneous mass and complete dissolution of sugar. Place the jam in sterile jars, pour a layer of sugar on top, cover with paper and lids and put in the refrigerator! It says " live jam"Stores very well all winter.
