Autoclaving technology at home. How a home autoclave works: instructions for use

Almost every resident of our country has relatives in the village or their own private house with a vegetable garden. Everyone loves to receive and use natural canned food, such as compotes, cucumbers and much more. Now very difficult to find in stores natural canned food. And advanced gardeners and gardeners are happy to use a homemade autoclave to process their crops.

What is an autoclave?

Around the 60s of the last century, this invention firmly took its place in agriculture. On that moment homemade autoclave could be found in almost any home. It significantly speeds up the conservation process, while preserving beneficial features products.

In general, an autoclave is a device for sterilizing something. The principle of its operation is used both in medicine and for the production of distilled water (it is poured into car batteries), adding a distiller to the design.

Advantages of an autoclave over other canning methods

Many people are familiar with the process of traditional canning; it takes a lot of time and effort and requires constant monitoring. This method does not allow you to leave the kitchen all day. But literally all processes in our lives are subject to automation, because everyone has more and more things to do, but there are still 24 hours in a day. In addition, it will not be possible to make pate in ordinary home conditions, for example, because the technology for its preparation requires a certain temperature treatment, which cannot be achieved without special equipment.

Many bacteria and microorganisms very easily tolerate 100 degree treatment, and the boiling temperature does not rise higher. From this it is easy to conclude that after standard preservation they remain in the product and can cause Negative consequences. For example, mold that produces mycotoxins is not destroyed if not properly treated and can even cause poisoning. And here useful material They cannot withstand the long-hour “bath” and die.

And it’s not very safe - boiling pots, hot jars and lids, which are also subject to mandatory sterilization with boiling water. It was not for nothing that our grandmothers did not let us little ones into the kitchen when they were making jam.

The advantages of the autoclave are obvious here.

  1. Firstly, it is absolutely safe. There is no need to grab and rearrange hot jars or pour boiling brine. All jars are received already chilled.
  2. Secondly, thanks to the rapid heating to 120 degrees (100 with normal boiling), the pressure that ensures this temperature and rapid cooling, absolutely all bacteria die, but the beneficial substances do not have time to evaporate. As a result, the canned product loses nothing except pathogenic bacteria, and remains just as tasty and healthy. And all sterilization processes take place without the participation of hands, and there is a danger of getting burned.
  3. Thirdly, thanks to the autoclave, time consumption is minimized, and leaving it for a few minutes will not be difficult and will not pose any danger, since many models are equipped with built-in temperature regulators and an emergency shutdown system in case of overheating. So, instead of a whole day in the kitchen, the same result will be achieved in 4 hours. This is an important factor given the eternal lack of time in the modern world.

Instructions for using the autoclave

So, everything is clear with the advantages, but how does the sterilization process using an autoclave work? How to use it?

Of course, detailed instructions instructions for use and maintenance will be included with the purchased device. By the way, in many cases, upon purchase, they give a book with recipes for canned foods.

There is a certain simple algorithm suitable for any chosen model.

First you need to prepare the jars. We place the product chosen for preservation in them according to the recipe and roll them up in the same way as at the end of the usual preservation. There is no need to sterilize them. We place a special grid on the bottom of the autoclave. Then, we put the jars in the unit in rows to the very top and fill it all with water so that the jars are immersed in it by 2 cm.

Close the lid of the autoclave tightly and secure it with special bolts. Using a pump (for example, a car pump), we create a pressure of 1 atmosphere of air in the unit. What is this for? Sealed cans have pressure. If during processing there is a difference in pressure inside and outside the can, it will simply burst.

Now you can start heating the autoclave. Depending on the selected model, heating may occur different ways: using a fire, stove, plugging in ( electric autoclave). The device needs to be heated to 110 degrees, and the pressure in the device will increase. Such temperature regime must be maintained for 20-70 minutes, depending on the recipe (there is a lot of literature indicating the exact time for each product). It is during this period of time that sterilization occurs. The main thing is to ensure that the water temperature in the autoclave does not exceed 120 degrees.

Having endured right time, stop heating. In order for the canned food to cool, we leave the device at a temperature of 30 degrees. Of course, you can speed up the process by using cold water, but the pressure in the autoclave will increase.

After cooling, you need to remove the jars. To do this, you must first bleed the air through a special safety valve. Then drain the water using a hose. Now it's safe to get ready-made canned food.

Types of autoclave

There are several types of autoclaves, but they are all equally suitable for sterilization. They differ in the material from which they are made. It can be made of food grade stainless steel or aluminum. There is also a difference in the loading method - there is a horizontal autoclave and a vertical one.

According to the heating method - electric, gas and open fire (electric oven or fire). Typically, household autoclaves have heating modes (one or two).

A household electric autoclave operates on electricity. Equipped with built-in heating elements. The automatic pressure regulator and emergency shutdown system are an undeniable advantage. There are devices of various volumes, most often from 20 to 30 liters. Also, modern household autoclaves are equipped with a liquid crystal display, which displays all information about the process - temperature, pressure, remaining cooking time.

The vertical autoclave has a convenient loading method and saves space. With all the variety of autoclave design proposals, in our country the vertical one is most appreciated. Rotating, horizontal and others have too complex a design and are short-lived in use.

Back in the 17th century, the vertical autoclave was used in the food and medical industries. But, of course, they were much larger than the current household ones. Only the vertical option allows you to sterilize products in absolutely any container (glass bottles, plastic packaging, cans).

By the way, a regular household steamer works on the same principle as a vertical autoclave. In addition, it is easier to connect a distiller to it.

The distiller is connected to the autoclave through a special connector. Distillation - the distillation of a liquid occurs as follows: the liquid is heated in a special tank and evaporates during boiling. It is these vapors that enter the distiller. This is how distilled water is obtained. The distiller is used, in particular, for the preparation of alcoholic beverages.

Water that has passed through the distiller has already been purified of all non-volatile impurities. This water is used in medicine (in the manufacture of medicines), in the automotive industry (poured into batteries, and distilled water will be much better for the cooling system of a car).

Such water is stored strictly in a tightly closed container. Thus, the distiller is widely used not only in industrial scale, but also in everyday life.

Do-it-yourself autoclave for home canning from a gas cylinder

During a crisis situation in the country, an autoclave is very a good option save on buying canned food, but acquiring it also costs a lot of money. There is a third solution - making an autoclave yourself. It is perfect for those who are used to working with their hands and making beautiful things. Since the principle of operation of the autoclave is clear, we will not delve into theory and immediately move on to practice.

Since the unit must have thick walls, an already used one is quite suitable for the main body. gas cylinder. It is made of special steel that can withstand high pressure (not less than 0.3 MPa). How many cans will fit into the product depends on its diameter, for example, a container with a diameter of 30 cm will easily fit 4 liter cans.

Let's look at how to make an autoclave for home canning from this material. Let's get started.

  1. First, be sure to thoroughly clean the cylinder of gas residues and blow it thoroughly with air. This is done in order to avoid danger while working with the cutter.
  2. On the gas cylinder you need to cut off the top part - this will be the lid. Then weld steel flanges (rings) to it and the cylinder itself near the cut, the thickness of which should be at least 10 mm, with pre-drilled holes for bolts - they will serve to tightly fasten the lid to the container. There should be 8 holes, suitable for M10 bolts. For a tight fit, a rubber gasket is installed between the flanges.
  3. Next, a sleeve is mounted into the lid to attach the thermometer, a pressure gauge, a safety valve and a valve (ball valve) are attached. The valve is needed in order to finally test the homemade autoclave for strength and tightness.
  4. The thermometer should have an upper limit of 150 degrees, the pressure gauge - up to 0.4 MPa. The safety valve can be taken from a water heater or made by yourself.
  5. Sometimes people make their own autoclave by welding sheets of steel. But this is very dangerous. There is not the slightest guarantee that such a device will not rupture under pressure, since the metal sheets are not checked for stability, and often have weak points.

So, when the autoclave from a gas cylinder is ready, it’s time to test the product for strength. To do this, we change the safety valve response settings from 0.25 MPa (standard) to 0.39 MPa.

Now we fill the water tank of our autoclave for home canning, and pump air into it using a pump, bringing the pressure inside to 0.375 MPa, and hold it for at least 5 minutes.

Such tests must be carried out at least once a year.

Now, having successfully passed the test, the do-it-yourself autoclave is completely ready for use. An autoclave for home canning is suitable for heating at open fire, but an electric autoclave is a little more difficult to make.


The autoclave is very convenient not only for canning, but also for sterilization. It is very often used in medical institutions and in the food industry.

Thanks to the pressure created inside the container, the boiling point of water increases from 100 degrees to 120, which, in turn, contributes to the death of bacteria. Thus, sterilization using an autoclave is much more effective than conventional boiling.

When sterilizing, it is important to remember that each product has its own cooking time and temperature, which are indicated in the reference materials. The maximum deviation from the recommended temperature during sterilization can be 2 degrees.

It is also important to remember that when heated, any liquid expands and be sure to leave free space for this. If you fill the jars to the top, they will simply explode during processing.

During sterilization, only the boiling time is taken into account. Heating and cooling times are not taken into account.

Many housewives are engaged in canning vegetables and fruits for the winter. But few of them can cook meat, since this is a troublesome task and difficult to do at home. You can cope with this task using a special apparatus. We will tell you how to use an autoclave in our article. Here we will note precautions for working with it and present a recipe for preparing delicious canned fish.

What is an autoclave?

An autoclave is a device designed for preparing (preserving) foods by heating them under pressure above atmospheric pressure. Similar devices are used in medicine for sterilizing instruments, and in canning shops for preparing various canned foods. Externally, the device resembles a large pressure cooker or saucepan with a tight-fitting lid.

How to use a home autoclave? The principle of its operation is that the products laid out in jars (meat, fish, fruits, vegetables) are rolled up metal lids, placed on a special grill and hermetically sealed. Modern autoclaves They run on both gas and electricity. With their help, you can not only make home canned food, but also sterilize compotes, jams, juices, marinades, etc. But the main thing is that all products undergo sterile processing, and the botulism bacteria contained in raw fish, die within 20 minutes of autoclave operation.

Preparing the autoclave for use

The key to a successful canning result is proper preparation products and autoclave to work. The sequence of actions at this stage is as follows:

  1. In accordance with the recipe you need to take clean products and package them in jars of the same size.
  2. Roll up the jars with metal lids using a can opener and place them on the grid or cassette of the autoclave.
  3. Using special clamping nuts, the cans must be secured so that they stand securely and do not touch each other. How to continue using the autoclave?
  4. After preparatory work with the banks, the device is installed on gas stove or connected to the electrical network.
  5. The drain hose is put on a special tap and secured with a clamp. excess water. It must be placed in a container of clean water.
  6. Pour water into the autoclave so that the jars are completely immersed in it (about 30 l).
  7. Close the autoclave with a lid and check its tightness.

Only after this can you proceed directly to canning.

How to use an autoclave for home canning

At the stage of preparing canned food, it is important to monitor the pressure inside the device and strictly follow the technology and recipe. How to use an autoclave when home canning? The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Light the gas under the autoclave and bring the pressure inside the apparatus to 0.32-0.39 MPa, which corresponds to a temperature of 110-120 degrees. Heating will take approximately 1-2 hours.
  2. Maintain pressure at the specified level throughout the entire sterilization process. Its duration depends on the characteristics specific products and is indicated in the recipe.
  3. After the time has passed, turn off the gas or unplug the cord from the outlet. Do not open the lid of the autoclave until it has completely cooled down. Before opening it, you need to make sure that the pressure inside the device is 0 MPa.
  4. Remove the finished canned food from the autoclave and store it in a dark, cool place.

Precautions when working with an autoclave

When preparing canned food in an autoclave, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Do not open the lid of the device when it is under pressure.
  2. Do not turn on the autoclave unless it is filled with water.
  3. Do not exceed the pressure specified in the instructions.
  4. It is not allowed to use jars with stickers for sterilization.
  5. While the autoclave is operating, do not tilt it, move it or touch hot surfaces.

How to use an autoclave for canning fish: recipe

In an autoclave you can easily and quickly prepare delicious and aromatic fish in natural oil. For a half-liter jar you will need only 0.5 kg of fish, peeled and cut into 50 g pieces, Bay leaf and peppercorns, vegetable oil (1 tablespoon) and salt (1 teaspoon). All ingredients are placed in the jar so that 2-3 cm remains to the edge. It is not recommended to compact the fish tightly. How to use an autoclave when preparing canned fish?

To do this, jars of fish are rolled up with lids and placed on the grill of the apparatus. After this, they are filled with water, the lid of the autoclave is closed and the sterilization process begins. Cooking time depends on how soft you expect the fish to be. On average it lasts from 30 to 50 minutes. Before removing canned food from the autoclave, you need to wait for it to cool completely.

Processing of agricultural products Dryer for vegetables and fruits Juice extractors and juice cookers Grape grinder and juice press Ultrasonic washing machines Ultrasonic washing machines Metal detectors Inspection metal detectors Automatic scales Fishing Converter "Crucian" Feed grinders and grain crushers Smoking chambers and ovens Household and industrial smokehouses Navigators. Laser d numerals. Thermometers Sheep, cattle and dog clippers Spare parts Stainless steel containers, flasks Wine containers Flasks, saucepans Stainless steel cans Stainless steel barrels Cast iron boilers, cauldrons, pans and pots Automatic animal feeders Tourist stoves Video intercom Hair clippers Moisture meters for grain, paper, cardboard, wood Moisture meters for grain Moisture meters for hay and silage Moisture meters for soil Moisture meters for wood Moisture meters for tobacco Infrared moisture meters for mixed feed Moisture meters for paper and cardboard Additional sensors Infrared moisture meters Combined moisture meters Grain samplers Moisture meters for building materials Thermal rods Electric stoves Oak and barrels for winemaking pickling wine barrels, cognac, moonshine, oak. Tanks for salting, oak. Wood-burning heating stoves Dishes, thermoses ASHA (Russia) Pots Thermos flasks, samovars Frying pans, stewpans, braziers Ceramic knives Chainsaws Chainsaws Chains Laboratory grain mills Waterers for birds and animals Coating thickness gauges Electric shepherds (generators) Electric shepherds (insulators) Electric shepherds (tapes) Electric shepherds (wires) ) Electric shepherds (gates) Electric shepherds (accessories) Electric shepherds (food) Milk separators and spare parts Milking machines and spare parts Butter milk quality analyzers Cheese presses and molds Pasteurizers and milk coolers Cheese factories Automatic incubators Catalog Temperature regulators Quill removal machines and plucking attachments Drinkers and feeders Devices for turning eggs and grills Ovoscopes and heating elements Solar power station "Dacha", "Ferma" Solar chargers for phones and laptops Wind generators Hair dryers for drying dogs Navigation systems Analysis of the quality of petroleum products Blades for vacuum pumps Forest taxation and measuring instruments Shredders and vegetable cutters Catalog 1 Anemometers Luxometers Nitrameters and dosimeters Trailed / boom sprayers Army thermoses Disinfection of farms and chicken coops

New product

Autoclave recipes


1. Beef stew. Lamb stew

2. Pork stew

3. Meat stewed in tomato

4. Beef, pork and lamb boiled in its own juice

6. Solyanka with meat


7. Chicken in its own juices

8. Chicken with rice

9. Poultry boiled in oil


10. Fish fried in oil

11. Natural fish in oil


12. Summer salad

13. Eggplant caviar

14. Pickled cucumbers

15. Pickled tomatoes


16. Compote of berries and fruits

Lookup table

Sterilization modes


Meat for canning must be mature, i.e. kept after slaughter in

during the day.

1. Recipe for canned food - “Stewed beef”, “Stewed lamb”


0.5 l jar

Raw meat (beef or lamb), g

Fat (vegetable oil), g

Onion, g

Black peppercorns, pcs.

Bay leaf, pcs.

2. Recipe for canned food - “Stewed pork”


0.5 l jar

Raw meat (pork), g

Onion, g

Black peppercorns, pcs.

Bay leaf, pcs.

Cooking technology :

1. wash the jars and lids;

2. cut the meat into pieces weighing 50-120 g;

3. cut onion;

5. mix the meat with chopped onions (if desired, you can increase the amount

onions and add carrots), salt and fat ( vegetable oil);

6. place the raw materials in jars so that there is 2-3 spaces left before the lid

7. roll up the cans;

3. Recipe for canned food - “Meat stewed in tomato”


0.5 l jar

Raw meat, g

Tomato paste, g

Fried onions, g

Red pepper, g

Bay leaf, pcs.

Cooking technology :

1. wash the jars and lids;

3. cut the meat into pieces weighing 50-60 g;

4. chop and fry onions in fat;

5. mix the meat with fried onions (if desired, you can increase the amount

onions and add carrots), salt, sugar, tomato paste, red pepper;

6. place the raw materials in jars, so that there is a gap of 5-6 cm to the lid;

7. roll up the cans;

8. begin the sterilization process.

4. Recipe for canned food - “Beef, pork and lamb boiled in their own



0.5 l jar

Boiled meat (raw), g

Meat broth, g

Meat broth

Black peppercorns, pcs.

Bay leaf, pcs.

Cooking technology :

1. wash the jars and lids;

2. Place bay leaf and black pepper on the bottom of the jar;

3. cut the meat into pieces weighing 50-70 g,

4. boil the meat for 10-15 minutes in boiling water;

5. mix the meat with salt and place in jars, so that up to the lid

there was a void of 2-3 cm left.

6. pour broth over meat;

7. roll up the cans;

8. begin the sterilization process.

5. Recipe for canned food - “Goulash”


0.5 l jar

Fried meat (raw), g

Rendered fat, g

Onion, g

Ground black pepper, g

Bay leaf, pcs.

Tomato paste (12%), g

Wheat flour, g

Cooking technology :

1. wash the jars and lids;

2. place a bay leaf on the bottom of the jar;

3. cut the meat into pieces weighing 30-40 g,

4. fry in meat and fat for 35-40 minutes;

5. chop the onions;

6. mix the meat with salt, onion, sugar, black pepper, tomato paste and flour;

7. Place the raw materials in jars so that there is 2-3 cm of space left before the lid.

8. roll up the cans;

6. Recipe for canned food - “Solyanka with meat”


0.5 l jar

Raw meat, g

Wheat flour, g

Peeled onions, g

Fat for frying onions, g

Black pepper, g

Peeled carrots, g

Bay leaf, pcs.

Fresh cabbage, g

Tomato paste (30%), g

Cooking technology :

1. wash the jars and lids;

2. cut the meat into pieces weighing 30-40 g,

3. chop and fry onions in fat;

4. cut the carrots;

5. chop the cabbage;

6. saute (fry in a dry frying pan until light brown) flour;

7. mix meat with flour, tomato paste, onion, carrots, cabbage, salt, pepper

black, sugar;

8. place the raw materials in jars so that there is 2-3 cm of space left before the lid;

9. roll up the cans;


7. Canned food recipe - “Chicken in its own juice”


0.5 l jar

Chicken meat on the bones, g

Black peppercorns, pcs.

Bay leaf, pcs.

Carrots, g

Cooking technology :

1. wash the jars and lids;

2. cut the chicken into pieces weighing 50-120 g;

3. cut the carrots;

4. Place black pepper and bay leaf on the bottom of the jar;

5. mix the meat with chopped carrots (if desired, you can increase the quantity

carrots), salt;

7. roll up the cans;

8. begin the sterilization process.

8. Canned food recipe - “Chicken with rice”


0.5 l jar

Chicken meat on the bone, g

Butter, g

Onion, g

Carrots, g

Black peppercorns, pcs.

Allspice, pcs.

Broth (boiled water), g

Cooking technology :

1. wash the jars and lids;

3. fry chicken pieces in vegetable oil;

4. chop onions and carrots;

5. Boil rice in boiling water (8-10 minutes);

6. mix rice with butter;

7. Place black and allspice pepper on the bottom of the jar;

8. mix fried chicken meat with chopped carrots and onions (optional

you can increase the amount of carrots), salt and rice;

9. place the raw materials in jars so that there is 2-3 cm of space left before the lid;

10. fill with broth or water;

11. Roll up the jars and begin the sterilization process.

9. Recipe for canned food - “Poultry boiled in oil”


0.5 l jar

Boiled poultry meat on the bone, g

Butter (vegetable

deodorized), g

Black peppercorns, pcs.

Bay leaf, pcs.

Cooking technology :

1. wash the jars and lids;

2. cut the chicken into pieces weighing 25-50 g;

3. boil chicken pieces;

4. mix the boiled meat with salt;

5. Place black pepper and bay leaf on the bottom of the jar;

6. place pieces of meat and butter in jars, so that up to the lid

there was a void of 2-3 cm;


10. Recipe for canned food - “Fish fried in oil”


0.5 l jar

Black peppercorns, pcs.

Bay leaf, pcs.

Vegetable oil, g

Cooking technology :

1. wash the jars and lids;

3. fry the fish in vegetable oil;

4. Place black pepper and bay leaf on the bottom of the jar;

5. mix fried fish with salt;

6. place the raw materials in jars so that there is 2-3 cm of space left before the lid;

7. pour in the remaining vegetable oil;

8. roll up the cans;

9. begin the sterilization process.

11. Canned food recipe - “Natural fish in oil”


0.5 l jar

Fish (without head and entrails), g

Black peppercorns, pcs.

Bay leaf, pcs.

Vegetable oil, g

Cooking technology :

1. wash the jars and lids;

2. cut the fish into pieces weighing 50-80 g;

3. Place black pepper and bay leaf on the bottom of the jar;

4. mix fish with salt;

5. place the raw materials in jars so that there is 2-3 cm of space left before the lid;

6. pour in vegetable oil;

7. roll up the cans;

8. begin the sterilization process.


12. Recipe for canned food - “Summer Salad”


Tomatoes, pcs.

Cucumbers, pcs.

Bell pepper, pcs.

Cooking technology :

1. wash the jars and lids;

2. cut cucumbers into rings, tomatoes into 8 parts, bell pepper into strips;

3. Place sliced ​​vegetables in jars in layers in the following sequence -

bell pepper, cucumbers, tomatoes;

4. boil water for the marinade;

5. add and dissolve salt, sugar and vinegar in water;

6. pour the marinade over the vegetables in the jar, so that there is enough left to cover

void 2-3 cm;

7. roll up the cans;

8. begin the sterilization process.

13. Canned food recipe - “Eggplant caviar”


Eggplants, kg

Bell pepper, kg

Carrots, kg

Onions, kg

Vegetable oil, l

Parsley, bunch

Cooking technology :

1. wash the jars and lids;

2. cut the eggplants into 2x2 cm cubes;

3. cut carrots and bell peppers into strips;

4. cut the onion into cubes;

5. fry the onion in vegetable oil;

6. chop onions and carrots;

7. mix the prepared vegetables with tomato, vegetable oil, salt,

sugar, vinegar;

8. place the raw materials in jars so that there is 2-3 spaces left before the lid

9. roll up the cans;

10. Start the sterilization process.

14. Recipe for canned food - “Pickled cucumbers”

Cooking technology :

1. wash the jars and lids;

3. wash the cucumbers;

4. place prepared cucumbers in a jar;

5. prepare the marinade (for a 3-liter jar) - for 1.5 liters of water, 70 g of salt, 50

7. Roll up the jars and begin the sterilization process.

15. Recipe for canned food - “Marinated tomatoes”

Cooking technology :

1. wash the jars and lids;

2. place bay leaf, black pepper, garlic, dill on the bottom of the jar;

3. wash the tomatoes;

4. place prepared vegetables in a jar;

5. prepare the marinade (for a 3-liter jar) - for 1.5 liters of water, 60 g of salt, 100

sugar, 75 ml vinegar (9% - th)

6. pour in the marinade so that there is 2-3 cm of space left before the lid;

7. Roll up the jars and begin the sterilization process.


16. Recipe for compotes - “Compote of berries and fruits”

Cooking technology :

1. wash the jars and lids;

2. prepare berries and fruits for canning;

3. put fruits or berries in jars in layers;

4. boil water for syrup (250 grams of sugar per 2.5 liters of water);

5. add and dissolve sugar in water to prepare syrup

6. Pour hot syrup over the fruit in the jar until it reaches the lid.

there was a void of 2-3 cm;

7. roll up the cans;

8. begin the sterilization process.

Reference table for the relationship between the volume and mass of products (weight in grams)


The glass is thin

dining room

Premium wheat flour

Potato starch


Melted margarine

Whole milk

Vegetable oil

Condensed milk with sugar

Powdered milk

Fat cottage cheese

Granulated sugar

Powdered sugar

Baking soda

Gelatin (powder)

Vinegar essence

Vanilla powder

Citric acid

Ground cinnamon

Natural honey

Artificial honey

Invert syrup

Jam, jam

Crushed nut kernel

Crushed candied fruits

Ground coffee

Fruit juice

Chicken egg (1 pc. - 40g)


Name of canned food

Sterilization modes

Temperature, o C


Canned meat

Canned poultry meat

Canned fish

Summer salad

Eggplant caviar

Pickled cucumbers

Pickled tomatoes

Compote of berries and fruits


1. To ensure free expansion of liquid in sealed jars when heated

the liquid level in the jars should be 1.5-2 cm below the top edge of the jars

depending on the capacity of the cans.

2. Meat and fish products sterilize in 2 and 3 liter jars not allowed.

3. Increase the holding time for old lamb and beef by 15-20 minutes.

4. The duration of sterilization of products can be specified based on

own experience in preparing canned food.

5. The temperature of the product before packaging, as well as before sterilization, should not be

below room temperature.

6. Deviation from the set sterilization temperature should not exceed +2 o C.


Vladimir Trading house"DeCa"

You can buy an autoclave from us by clicking on the picture



  1. Beef stew. Lamb stew
  1. Pork stew
  1. Meat stewed in tomato
  1. Beef, pork and lamb boiled in its own juice
  1. Goulash
  1. Solyanka with meat
  1. Liver fried in tomato sauce
  1. Meat pate
  1. Liver pate with butter, liver pate with carrots, liver pate with fat
  1. Kidneys in tomato sauce in Czech
  1. Rabbit stew
  1. rabbit fricassee
  1. Uzbek pilaf


  1. Chicken in its own juice
  1. Chicken with rice
  1. Poultry boiled in oil
  1. Chicken fillet in jelly, chicken stew in jelly
  1. Chicken in white sauce
  1. Chicken in jelly
  1. Chakhokhbili from chickens
  1. Chakhokhbili from ducks
  1. Chicken in Adyghe style, duck in Adyghe style
  1. Goose meat with cabbage, goose meat with buckwheat porridge


  1. Fish fried in oil
  1. Natural fish in oil


  1. Summer salad
  1. Vegetable salads
  1. Eggplant caviar


Mushrooms in Old Russian style

Mushrooms in Polish

Champignons in Provençal style

Sterilization modes

Lookup table


For the first time, canned food in hermetically sealed containers obtained through heat treatment appeared at the beginning of the 19th century, but even before today heat treatment remains the main and most widespread method of producing canned food throughout the world.

One of the main technological stages is sterilization. Sterilization of canned food is a heat treatment of a product that ensures the death of microflora to prevent microbiological spoilage at temperate climate temperatures (15-30 o C), and, if necessary, at higher temperatures. high temperatures, and guaranteeing the safety of eating canned food based on microbiological indicators. Canned food is sterilized at temperatures above 100 o C, most often at a temperature of 120 o C.

It is sterilization that determines preservation nutritional value, organoleptic properties, harmlessness to the consumer and creates the necessary prerequisites for long-term preservation of the good quality of canned products.

At home, sterilizing canned food is a labor-intensive, time-consuming process. Using an OKTM sterilizer autoclave will solve this problem and expand the range of home canned goods.

For packaging and sterilization of any types of canned food, it is recommended to use glass containers of various capacities from 0.2 to 3.0 liters jars with crimp and twist closure types.


Meat for canning must be mature, i.e. kept for 24 hours after slaughter.

  1. Canned food recipe - “Beef stew”, “Lamb stew”


0.5 l jar

Raw meat (beef or lamb), g

Fat (vegetable oil), g

Onion, g

Black peppercorns, pcs.

Bay leaf, pcs.

Cooking technology:

  1. wash lids and jars;
  2. cut the meat into pieces weighing 50-120g;
  3. chop the onion;
  4. Place black pepper on the bottom of the jar

and bay leaf;

  1. mix meat with chopped onion

(you can increase the quantity if desired)

onions and add carrots), salt and fat

(vegetable oil);

  1. put the raw materials in jars, thus

so that there is a void of 2-3 cm left to the lid;

  1. roll up the cans;
  2. begin the sterilization process.

2. Canned food recipe - "Pork stew"


0.5 l jar

Raw meat (pork), g

Onion, g

Black peppercorns, pcs.

Bay leaf, pcs.

3. Canned food recipe - "Meat stew in tomato"


0.5 l jar

Raw meat, g

Tomato paste, g

Fried onions, g

Red pepper. G

Bay leaf, pcs.

Cooking technology:

  1. wash lids and jars;
  2. cut the meat into pieces weighing 50-60g;
  3. chop and fry onions in fat;
  4. mix the meat with fried onions (if desired, you can increase the amount of onions and add carrots), salt, sugar, tomato paste, red pepper;
  5. place the raw materials in jars so that there is 5-6 cm of space left before the lid;
  6. roll up the cans;
  7. begin the sterilization process.

4. Canned food recipe - “Beef, pork and lamb boiled in its own juice”

Cooking technology:

  1. wash lids and jars;
  2. cut the meat into pieces weighing 50-70g;
  3. boil the meat for 10-15 minutes in boiling water;
  4. mix the meat with salt and place in jars, so that there is 2-3 cm of space left before the lid;
  5. pour broth over meat;
  6. roll up the cans;
  7. begin the sterilization process.

5. Canned food recipe - "Goulash"


0.5 l jar

Fried meat (raw), g

Melted fat, g

Onion, g

Ground black pepper, g

Bay leaf, pcs.

Tomato paste (12%), g

Wheat flour, g

Cooking technology:

  1. wash lids and jars;
  2. place a bay leaf on the bottom of the jar;
  3. fry the meat in fat for 30-40 minutes;
  4. chop the onion;
  5. mix the meat with salt, onion, sugar, black pepper, tomato paste and flour;
  6. place the raw materials in jars so that there is 2-3 cm of space left before the lid;
  7. roll up the cans;
  8. begin the sterilization process.

6. Canned food recipe - "Solyanka with meat"


0.5 l jar

Raw meat, g

Wheat flour, g

Peeled onions, g

Fat for frying onions, g

Black pepper. G

Peeled carrots, g

Bay leaf, pcs.

Fresh cabbage, g

Tomato paste (30%). G

Cooking technology:

  1. wash lids and jars;
  2. cut the meat into pieces weighing 30-40g;
  3. chop and fry onions in fat;
  4. chop carrots;
  5. chop cabbage;
  6. saute (fry in a dry frying pan until light brown) flour;
  7. mix the meat with flour, tomato paste, onions, carrots, cabbage, salt, black pepper, sugar;
  8. put the raw materials in jars; in such a way that there is a void of 2-3 cm left before the lid;
  9. roll up the cans;
  10. begin the sterilization process.

7. Canned food recipe " Liver fried in tomato sauce"

Cooking technology:

1. wash the lids and jars;

4. place the liver in jars; pour hot sauce so that there is 2-3 cm of space left before the lid;

5. roll up the cans;

Preparing the sauce

Passed flour is carefully poured into the warm broth, rubbing the resulting lumps and stirring. The mixture is boiled in a container for 20-30 minutes. Until the grains disappear. Then, sequentially according to the recipe, add the remaining components of the sauce and boil again for 15 minutes.

The sauce is poured into jars at a temperature of 70-75 0 C immediately before rolling.

Sauce recipe

Components Content in %


Flour………………………………………… . 6.0

Onion…………………………………………… 2.0

Carrots………………………………………………………... 1.0

Salt……………………………………………………….. 1.0

Sugar ……………………………………… …. 1.0

Tomato paste………………………………………………………. 30.0

Pepper………………………………………… . 0.15

Bay leaf……………………………… . ..0.05

8.Canned food recipe "Meat pate"

Cooking technology:

1. wash the lids and jars;

2.cut meat (beef, pork) into pieces weighing 500-700g;

3.boil the meat for 40-60 minutes in boiling water;

4. fry the onion in fat until golden brown;

5.mix the meat with salt and onion and grind in a meat grinder;

6. add broth and spices according to the recipe, mix thoroughly;

7. Place in jars so that there is 2-3 cm of space left before the lid;

8. roll up the cans;

9.Canned food recipe "Liver pate with butter"

“Liver pate with carrots”, “Liver pate with fat”

Cooking technology:

1. wash the lids and jars;

2. Peel the liver from the film and cut into pieces weighing 50-60g;

3.bread the liver in flour and fry for 3-5 minutes;

4. onions and carrots are fried in fat until golden brown;

5. liver, onions, carrots are chopped in a meat grinder;

6. Add melted fat or butter, salt, spices, mix thoroughly;

7. Place the pate mass in jars, so that there is 2-3 cm of space left before the lid;

8. roll up the cans;

9.start the sterilization process.

10. Canned food recipe - “Kidneys in tomato sauce in Czech style”

Cooking technology:

1. wash the lids and jars;

2. Peel the kidneys from the film and cut them in half lengthwise, soak for 2-3 hours, boil, cool;

3. Cut the kidneys into 1-2cm cubes;

4. prepare tomato sauce;

5. put the kidneys in jars, pour hot sauce over them;

6. roll up the cans;

Preparing the sauce

Fat is loaded into the cauldron, then chopped onions, after frying, flour is added; broth, tomato paste, salt, sugar, pepper boil for 15 minutes, add vinegar.

Recipe tomato sauce

Components Content in %



Onion…………………………………………… 2.5


Sugar……………………………………… ….1.5

Tomato paste……………………………………………………….30.0

Black pepper……..………………………… .0.05


Parts ratio

  1. Canned food recipe - "Rabbit Stew"

Cooking technology:

1. wash the lids and jars; or frying, cutting into pieces (50-60g); beef bone broth; tomato sauce;

6. packaging pieces of meat into jars, pouring hot sauce;

7. roll up the cans;

Sauce recipe (%)

Sliced ​​smoked bacon…………………………..8.6

Raw peeled onion………………………………...9.4

Peeled garlic……………………………………..0.23

Wheat flour………………………………………………………...4.5

Tomato puree……………………………………………………………...20.0



Black pepper……………………………………………………….0.145

Red pepper………………………………………………………0.060


12. Canned food recipe - "Rabbit fricassee."

Sauce recipe (%)


Wheat flour………………………………………. ..1.5


Sour cream……………………………………………………………..31.0


Black pepper……………………………………………………….0.05

Nutmeg……………………………………… …0.03

Cooking technology:

1. wash the lids and jars;

2.preparation of carcasses, cutting along the ridge, washing, soaking in 1% vinegar solution(2:1) for 20 minutes;, cutting into pieces (35-40g);

4.preparation of rice, washing, cooking in a 1% salt solution; beef bone broth; sour cream sauce;

7. packaging rabbit pieces into jars, pouring hot sauce;

8. roll up the cans;

9.start the sterilization process.

13. Canned food recipe - "Uzbek pilaf"

Cooking technology:

1. wash the lids and jars;

2. cut the lamb into pieces 20-30g;

3. fry meat, onions and carrots;

4. Boil a mixture of onions and carrots with rice, salt, fat and pepper in a cauldron for 20 minutes;

5.pack the meat and mixture into jars;

6. roll up the cans;

7.start the sterilization process.


14. Canned food recipe - "Chicken in its own juice"

Cooking technology:

  1. wash lids and jars;
  2. cut the chicken into pieces weighing 50-120g;
  3. chop carrots;
  4. Place bay leaf and black pepper on the bottom of the jar;
  5. mix the meat with chopped carrots (you can increase the amount of carrots if desired), salt
  6. roll up the cans;
  7. begin the sterilization process.

15. Canned food recipe - "Chicken with rice"

Cooking technology:

  1. wash lids and jars;
  2. fry chicken pieces in vegetable oil;
  3. chop onions and carrots;
  4. Boil rice in boiling water (8-10 minutes);
  5. mix rice with butter;
  6. Place black and allspice pepper on the bottom of the jar;
  7. mix fried chicken meat with chopped carrots (you can increase the amount of carrots if desired), salt and rice;
  8. place the raw materials in jars so that there is 2-3 cm of space left before the lid;
  9. add broth or water;
  10. roll up the cans;
  11. begin the sterilization process.


0.5 l jar

Chicken meat on the bones, g

Butter, g

Onion, g

Carrots, g

Black peppercorns, pcs.

Allspice, pcs.

Broth (boiled water), g

16. Canned food recipe - "Poultry boiled in oil"

Cooking technology:

  1. wash lids and jars;
  2. cut the chicken into pieces weighing 25-50g;
  3. boil chicken pieces;
  4. Place black pepper and bay leaf on the bottom of the jar;
  5. mix boiled chicken meat with salt;
  6. place pieces of meat and butter in jars, so that there is 2-3 cm of space left before the lid;
  7. roll up the cans;

8.start the sterilization process.

17. Canned food recipe - “Chicken fillet in jelly”, “Chicken stew in jelly”

Cooking technology:

1. wash the lids and jars;

3.boil chicken pieces;

4. strain the broth and add swollen gelatin, boil (at the rate of 1 tbsp gelatin per 1 tbsp cold water, 1 tbsp swollen gelatin per 1 liter of broth)

6. roll up the cans;

7.start the sterilization process.

18. Canned food recipe - "Chicken in white sauce"

Cooking technology:

1. wash the lids and jars;

2. Boil the chickens, cut into pieces 30-50 g;

3.prepare the sauce;

4. Place chicken pieces in jars, pour hot sauce over them;

5. roll up the cans

6.start the sterilization process.

Preparing the sauce

Tomato sauce recipe

Components Content in %




Sugar……………………………………… ….1.0

19. Canned food recipe - "Chicken in Jelly"

Cooking technology:

1. wash the lids and jars;

2.cut the chicken into pieces weighing 25-50g;

3.boil chicken pieces;

4. strain the broth and add swollen gelatin, boil (at the rate of 1 tbsp gelatin per 1 tbsp cold water, 1 tbsp swollen gelatin per 1 liter of broth);

5. place pieces of meat in jars, pour hot broth so that there is 2-3 cm of space left before the lid;

6. roll up the cans;

7.start the sterilization process.

20. Canned food recipe - "Chakhombili from chickens"

Cooking technology:

1. wash the lids and jars;

2. cut the chicken into pieces 30-50 g;

3.fry chicken pieces in ghee;

3. cook the broth;

5. place the chicken pieces in a jar, add the swollen rice, pour over the hot sauce;

6. roll up the cans;

7.start the sterilization process.

Preparing the sauce

Boil broth from chicken bones in water at a bone to water ratio of 1:3. Add dried flour to the melted butter, then broth and sugar, boil for 2-3 minutes, serve for packaging at a temperature not lower than 75 0 C.

Tomato sauce recipe

Components Content in %

Tomato puree………………………………….34.6


Red pepper……………………………….5.2

Black pepper……………………………..9.8

21. Canned food recipe - "Chakhombili from ducks"

Canned food recipe

Components Content in %

Fried duck meat…………………………..50

Tomato sauce…………………………………….34

Fried onion……………………………..…16

Cooking technology:

1. wash the lids and jars;

2. cut the duck into pieces of 30-50 g;

3. fry duck pieces in melted butter;

3. cook the broth;

4.preparing tomato sauce;

5. Peel, wash, finely chop the onion, simmer for 5 minutes in a frying pan;

6. Place onion and duck pieces on the bottom of the jar and pour hot sauce over it;

7 roll up the cans;

8.start the sterilization process.

Preparing the sauce

Boil broth from chicken bones in water at a ratio of bones to water of 1:3. Add dried flour to the melted butter, then broth and sugar, boil for 2-3 minutes, serve for packaging at a temperature not lower than 75 0 C.

Tomato sauce recipe

Components Content in %

Tomato puree………………………………….34.6



Red pepper……………………………….0.08

Black pepper……………………………..0.07

22. Recipe for canned food - "Chicken in Adyghe style." “Duck in Adyghe style”


s/b for 500g

s/b per 1000g

Half gutted chicken

Half gutted duck

Bone fat

Red pepper

Cooking technology:

1. wash the lids and jars;

2 cut the poultry carcasses into pieces of 50-70 g;.

4.preparing the dressing;

5. place the poultry pieces in jars, pour in the sauce

6. roll up the cans;

7.start the sterilization process.

Dressing recipe (in%)


Fried onion…………………………………………21

Red pepper………………………………………………………..3





23. Canned food recipe - "Goose meat with cabbage." “Goose meat with buckwheat porridge.” "Goose meat with rice." "Goose giblets in tomato sauce."

"Goose meat with cabbage"

“Goose meat with buckwheat porridge”

Fried goose meat

Stewed cabbage

Buckwheat porridge

Boiled rice

Boiled goose by-products

Tomato sauce


"Goose meat with rice"

"Goose giblets in tomato sauce"

Fried goose meat

Stewed cabbage

Buckwheat porridge

Boiled rice

Boiled goose by-products

Tomato sauce

Cooking technology:

1. wash the lids and jars;

2. cut the meat into pieces of 50-70 g;

3. fry the meat in fat or vegetable oil;

4. stew sauerkraut with goose fat, bone broth, fried onions, bay leaf, sugar, pepper and salt;

5. weld buckwheat porridge with fat, onions, spices;

6. cook rice porridge with fat, onions, spices;

7. offal processing, cooking;

8.preparation of broth from goose bones (yield 1:1);

9.preparing tomato sauce from broth, salt, sugar, pepper, tomato paste, fried onions, vinegar;

10. lay layers of poultry pieces, porridge, pour hot sauce;

11. roll up the cans;

12.start the sterilization process.


24. Canned food recipe - "Fish fried in oil"

Cooking technology:

  1. wash lids and jars;
  2. fry fish in vegetable oil;
  3. Place black pepper and bay leaf on the bottom of the jar;
  4. mix fried fish with salt;
  5. place the raw materials in jars so that there is 2-3 cm of space left before the lid;
  6. roll up the cans;
  7. begin the sterilization process.


0.5 l jar

Black peppercorns, pcs.

Bay leaf, pcs.

Vegetable oil, g

25. Canned food recipe - "Natural fish in oil"


0.5 l jar

Fish (without head and entrails), g

Black peppercorns, pcs.

Bay leaf, pcs.

Vegetable oil, g

Cooking technology:

  1. wash lids and jars;
  2. cut the fish into pieces weighing 50-80g;
  3. Place black pepper and bay leaf on the bottom of the jar;
  4. mix fish with salt;
  5. place the raw materials in jars so that there is 2-3 cm of space left before the lid;
  6. pour in vegetable oil;
  7. roll up the cans;
  8. begin the sterilization process.


26. Canned food recipe - "Summer salad"

27.Canned food recipe" Vegetable salads".


Type of lettuce, g per 1 kg of mixture






Fresh cabbage

Sweet red pepper

Sweet pepper (red or green)

Fresh brown or milk tomatoes (red ones can also be used)

Fresh cucumbers

Sunflower or cottonseed oil

Acetic acid 80%

Bay leaf

Black peppercorns

Allspice peas

Ground red pepper


Cooking technology:

  1. wash lids and jars;
  2. cut cucumbers, onions into rings, tomatoes into 8 parts, bell peppers, carrots into strips; shred cabbage;
  3. place sliced ​​vegetables in layers in jars;
  4. boil water for the marinade;
  5. add and dissolve salt, sugar, oil and vinegar in water (according to the recipe);
  6. pour the marinade over the vegetables in the jar so that there is 2-3 cm of space left before the lid;
  7. roll up the cans;
  8. begin the sterilization process.

28. Canned food recipe - "Eggplant caviar"

Cooking technology:

  1. wash lids and jars;
  2. cut the eggplants into 2*2 cm cubes; fry;
  3. cut carrots and bell pepper into strips;
  4. cut the onion into cubes;
  5. fry carrots, bell peppers, onions in vegetable oil;
  6. mix prepared vegetables with tomato, vegetable oil, salt, sugar, simmer for 30 minutes;
  7. lay the raw materials so that there is a gap of 2-3 cm left before the lid;
  8. roll up the cans;
  9. begin the sterilization process.


Tomato paste, g

Eggplant, g

Bell pepper, g

Carrots, g

Onion, g

Vegetable oil, l

Parsley, city


29. Canned food recipe - "Mushrooms in Old Russian"

Cooking technology:

  1. wash lids and jars;
  2. boil the mushrooms for 5-6 minutes,
  3. drain the water and rinse with running water;
  4. cook again in water with salt and spices for 10 minutes; add vinegar at the end of cooking;
  5. package in jars;
  6. roll up the cans;
  7. begin the sterilization process.

30. Canned food recipe - "Mushrooms in Polish"

Cooking technology:

  1. wash lids and jars;
  2. cut the mushrooms into equal pieces;
  3. cover the mushrooms with water, add salt, chopped onion and allspice;
  4. cook for 25-35 minutes;
  5. prepare the marinade (add salt, sugar to the water, boil, add vinegar or citric acid at the end)
  6. roll up the cans;
  7. begin the sterilization process.



Mushrooms, kg

Onions, pcs.

Bay leaf, pcs.

Black peppercorns, pcs.


31. Canned food recipe - “Champignons in Provençal style”

Cooking technology:

  1. wash lids and jars;
  2. pour mushrooms with lightly salted water;
  3. cook for 5 minutes;
  4. prepare the marinade (add pepper, bay leaf, nutmeg, boil, add vinegar or citric acid at the end)
  5. pour the marinade over the mushrooms, boil for 5 minutes,
  6. place mushrooms with marinade in jars;
  7. roll up the cans;
  8. begin the sterilization process.


Recipe no.

Name of canned food

Can volume, l

Sterilization temperature,




Canned meat

Canned poultry meat

Canned fish

Canned vegetables

Marinated mushrooms


  1. To ensure free expansion of liquid in sealed jars when heated, the liquid level in the jar should be 2-3 cm below the top edge, depending on the jar’s capacity.
  2. Meat and fish products are not allowed to be sterilized in 2 and 3 liter jars.
  3. Increase the holding time for old lamb and beef by 15-20 minutes.
  4. The duration of sterilization of products can be clarified based on your own experience in preparing canned food.
  5. Deviations from the set sterilization temperature should not exceed + 2 o C.
  6. In the table, the duration of sterilization corresponds to the time the jars are kept in an autoclave at the sterilization temperature, without taking into account the heating time to the set temperature.
  7. When producing pickled cucumbers and tomatoes, the sterilization time in 3-liter jars should not exceed 15 minutes.
  8. When packaging and sterilizing products, it is allowed to use glass containers with “twist-off” brand lids that have been used.

Reference table for the ratio of volume and mass of products

(weight in grams)


The glass is thin

dining room

Premium wheat flour

Potato starch


Melted margarine

Whole milk

Vegetable oil

Condensed milk with sugar

Powdered milk

Fat cottage cheese

Granulated sugar

Powdered sugar

Baking soda

Gelatin (powder)

Vinegar essence

Vanilla powder

Citric acid

Ground cinnamon

Natural honey

Artificial honey

Invert syrup

Jam, jam

Crushed nut kernel

Crushed candied fruits

Ground coffee

Fruit juice

Chicken egg (1 pc. -40g)

The Canner autoclave is designed for preparing stewed meat, chicken, goose, duck, canned fish, sprat, various vegetable preparations, pickled mushrooms and jam. Made from high quality stainless steel. Capacity: 8 cans of 0.5 liters or 3 cans of liters, you can also place cans of 0.7 liters - 4 pieces or 0.5 liters. - 4 pieces. It is possible to combine different types of jars in one preservation step.

Characteristics of the autoclave Conservator

  • Capacity – 14 liters
  • Material – stainless steel
  • Overpressure relief valve – yes
  • Pressure gauge - yes
  • Thermometer – yes

For lovers strong drinks there is a 2-in-1 Conservator model with an add-on for moonshine brewing

Autoclave Nefor

The Nefor household autoclave undergoes the most serious reliability test by raising the pressure to 6 atmospheres and leaving it in this state for 12 hours. Only devices that pass this test are sent for sale. The set includes removable handles for ease of use and storage. The autoclave can contain jars of different sizes - you can arrange them at your discretion in one or two levels. For use on electric stoves, you must use a special stand, which is sold separately.

Characteristics of the Nefor autoclave

  • Type – for gas and electric stoves
  • Capacity – depending on the model from 4 to 24 liters
  • Material – stainless steel
  • Safety valve – yes
  • Pressure gauge - yes
  • Thermometer – yes

There is a special Nefor 3-in-1 model, consisting of an autoclave, a distiller and even a smokehouse! .

The Nefor 4 model has the most compact dimensions of the available autoclaves. This makes this model very convenient to carry and use in hiking conditions. For example, such small devices are actively used by climbers. High in the mountains, water boils away before reaching a temperature of 100 °C. This prevents the food from being cooked properly. Therefore, the autoclave is The best decision to boil water at high altitudes for normal cooking, as well as for preparations in camping conditions.


We hope that now you can definitely answer the question of whether an autoclave is needed in your household. If you roll up several cans of tomatoes for the winter and make a liter or two of jam, then you can quite live without an autoclave. If you are an avid mushroom picker, you like to harvest vegetable salads, zucchini or eggplant caviar If you want to make home-made canned fish or meat, an autoclave is an absolutely necessary assistant in your household. It simplifies the preservation process several times, makes it quick and completely safe.

Average complete process Preparation of the preparations takes from 30 to 60 minutes for meat, from 20 to 30 minutes for fish, 20-40 minutes for mushrooms, 10-20 minutes for vegetables and fruits. In this short period of time, several liters of blanks are prepared at once (in the autoclaves we reviewed, from 4 to 30 liters). The usual long process of boiling, steaming or heating jars and lids in the oven is excluded from the canning chain. There is also absolutely no need to waste time on pre-sterilizing the jars - they just need to be clean.
