Vegetable kebab recipe on skewers. Marinated vegetables on the grill

Meat and vegetables cooked on the grill or barbecue are the main products on a summer holiday. Shish kebab is especially tasty with fresh, seasonal tomatoes and zucchini. Especially if they arrived on the table directly from a store or market. With the help of several simple ingredients and grill you can prepare wonderful vegetable kebabs. This article will tell you how to prepare the ingredients for the skewers.

In order to cook delicious kebab vegetables, you will need the following products.

Wash 6 large potatoes, a medium squash, a medium yellow squash, a pepper, 15 mushrooms and the same amount. Cut the tubers into quarters, cook them in a large saucepan of salted boiling water for 3 minutes (cook about the same as you would when making a casserole from vegetables). Rinse in cold water and set aside to dry in a separate bowl.

Prepare the marinade while you wait for your potatoes to dry. Pour 4 tablespoons (59 ml) apple cider vinegar into a bowl, add white or red wine (sherry is good choice). Then add 4 tablespoons (63 g). Pass everything through a meat grinder and add 2 small shallots or 1 medium onion. Pour 2 tablespoons (30 ml) lemon juice into the sauce.

Then add 2/3 cup (158 ml) olive oil. Whisk the mixture until all ingredients are well combined. Whisk for a few minutes to allow the olive oil to mix with the other ingredients. Add salt and pepper to taste.

For a bolder flavor, if you want a spicy vegetable kebabs, you can add 2 tablespoons (30 g) of chopped fresh rosemary to the marinade. Set the mixture aside.

Cut a medium squash and a medium yellow squash into about 12 pieces each. Grind the medium and pepper into 3 cm pieces, remove the stems of the champignons.

Toss the mushrooms and tomatoes with the marinade in a large bowl, making sure they are well coated. kebab should be cooked 2 to 24 hours before cooking.

Soak for about 12 wooden skewers V warm water for 30 minutes before you start frying. This is necessary so that they do not break or start to burn when they end up on the barbecue or grill. If you are using metal skewers, you can skip this step. Preheat the grill or barbecue to the required temperature.

Start skewering vegetables and mushrooms onto water-soaked wooden utensils after soaking them (for 30 minutes). If you plan to serve vegetable skewers directly on skewers, it is advisable to alternate the fruits. Leave about 2/3cm of space between each ingredient. Try to get all the ingredients onto each of the skewers. Cooking time will vary from 3 to 10 minutes, depending on how large you cut the vegetables.

Spray skewers with vegetables vegetable oil before putting it on the coals. Place them on the grill or grill and cook for 5 minutes on each side. Vegetables should be soft, but darkened on the outside. Remove skewers from coals and serve fried dish immediately.

If you don't have a grill or barbecue, place the skewers in large frying pan sprinkled with vegetable oil and fry for 6 minutes on each side.

As you know, shish kebab can be made from animal meat, fish or poultry. But vegetarians will appreciate the wonderful vegetable kebab on skewers. Its preparation is quite simple, since you don’t need to bother with marinade for barbecue, as in the case of meat. Vegetable kebab can have many variations, while remaining tasty and bright. Meat lovers can diversify it with pieces of bacon.

Vegetable kebab without marinating

The ingredients for this dish are listed above.


  1. To prepare eggplant kebab on skewers, you need to peel the onion, cut off the stem of the eggplant, and then cut it crosswise into three parts.
  2. Grease the eggplant slices with vegetable oil.
  3. You need to string vegetables onto skewers in the following order: pepper, eggplant, onion, tomato. This will make three servings. To ensure that vegetables are evenly fried, it is important to properly choose skewers.
  4. Grease the vegetables already sitting on the skewers with vegetable oil.
  5. Fry the kebabs over smoldering coals until soft.
  6. Before serving, sprinkle the dish with lemon juice.

Shish kebab of vegetables in marinade

Lots of ingredients delicious marinade– can such a recipe for shish kebab made from vegetables on skewers leave anyone indifferent?


  • zucchini;
  • 2-3 onions;
  • 100 g fresh champignons;
  • 1 salad pepper;
  • 2 bell peppers;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • half a lemon;
  • 2-3 tbsp. l. olive oil;
  • 1 tbsp. l. honey;
  • 1 tbsp. l. mustard;
  • soy sauce - to taste;
  • spices and herbs - to taste;
  • 4 potatoes (can be boiled in their jackets);
  • 100 g Adyghe cheese;
  • ketchup and salt - to taste.


  1. Wash mushrooms, zucchini, peppers and potatoes. Cut the peeled onion into rings. Cut peppers, seeded and peeled in large pieces, do the same with the zucchini.
  2. In a bowl, mix herbs, olive oil, soy sauce, spices, lemon juice and mustard.
  3. Place chopped vegetables into the resulting marinade, mix and leave to marinate for a couple of hours. You can also add boiled potatoes here.
  4. Thread vegetables onto skewers and grill, occasionally basting them with the remaining marinade.
  5. Ready kebab Potatoes on skewers can be eaten as independent dish or use it as a side dish for grilled meat.

Video recipe for vegetable shish kebab on skewers

Assorted vegetables on skewers



  1. Wash equal amounts of vegetables.
  2. Cut eggplants, zucchini and tomatoes into slices. Chop the pepper into small cubes.
  3. Cut the cheese into cubes with a side of about 1 cm.
  4. Sliced ​​cheese and vegetables can be lightly seasoned with oil so that they do not burn during the frying process.
  5. Thread zucchini, eggplant, cheese, peppers, and tomatoes onto skewers in random order. Better cheese and press the tomatoes on the sides with harder vegetables. Salt on both sides.
  6. Place the skewers over charcoal at such a distance that the vegetables do not burn during cooking.
  7. Fry the kebabs for about 40 minutes, turning them periodically so that the vegetables do not burn and are cooked on all sides. As soon as the eggplants and zucchini become soft, the process of frying kebabs can be completed.
  8. To prepare such a kebab on the grill, you can not chop the vegetables, but pierce them entirely with a skewer.

Stuffed pepper skewers

You can even cook stuffed vegetables over coals.



  1. Cut the peppers in half and lengthwise without removing the stem.
  2. Finely chop the onion and cilantro.
  3. Beat eggs with soy sauce.
  4. Add greens, bread crumbs and minced meat to the eggs and mix everything thoroughly.
  5. Stuff the pepper halves with minced meat and coat them with oil on all sides, then wrap them in aluminum foil.
  6. Place the peppers wrapped in foil on a grill over the coals and fry, turning them occasionally, for about 30-40 minutes.
  7. Serve hot. Everyone sitting at the table will be satisfied with this unusual kebab.

Vegetable kebab with lard

Another wonderful vegetable kebab on skewers can be prepared with fat tail fat and from any vegetables.


  • 6 large eggplants;
  • 200-300 g lard;
  • black pepper;
  • ground cumin;
  • salt.


  1. On all eggplants, make transverse cuts every 1.5 cm, not cutting to the end by about the same amount so that the pieces do not separate.
  2. Salt all cuts and leave the vegetables to stand for 20 minutes, then wipe them with a paper towel.
  3. Cut frozen or chilled lard into pieces comparable in size to eggplant slices and up to 7 mm thick, grate them with cumin and pepper.
  4. Place the lard into the cuts of the eggplants, then thread them onto skewers.
  5. Fry the kebabs over the coals, turning them constantly, until the skin darkens greatly.
  6. If dripping fat ignites on the coals, the kebabs can be moved away from the fire for a short time.
  7. Ready eggplants become soft inside. They can be served with greens and pita bread.

Vegetable kebab with honey and mustard

This is quite a unique recipe. vegetable kebab, which differs in the use honey mustard glaze. With it, the dish will benefit both in taste and in appearance - it will become more attractive - a golden brown crust will shine on the sides of the vegetables.


  • 1 eggplant;
  • 1 onion;
  • 8 cherry tomatoes;
  • 1 bell pepper;
  • 2 tbsp. l. olive oil;
  • 1 tsp. grain mustard;
  • 1 tbsp. l. honey.


  1. Prepare all the vegetables: peel and cut the eggplant into cubes, cut the onion into thick rings, and pepper into large cubes.
  2. Thread the chopped vegetables onto a skewer or skewer.
  3. For vegetable kebab, you can use any marinade, but here we chose honey-mustard, which turns into a glaze after baking. To get it, you need to mix mustard with honey and butter, and then process the vegetables on skewers with this mixture.
  4. Then the skewers can be heated over a fire, grill or in the oven.

Do you like vegetable kebabs? What vegetables do you usually use? Tell us about it in

I love this kebab. Especially in summer. When a lot of guests arrive, and you have young specimens of zucchini, eggplant, peppers, and tomatoes in your garden. And also a lot of greens, etc. Actually, we always make vegetable in addition to the main meat. But it also requires a special approach.

That is, it won’t work here haphazardly. It is necessary to calculate the thickness of the pieces so that they do not fall off the skewer. We need to think about what to marinate them in so that they outshine the meat one. And also decide whether to cook them together or separately. In a word, everyone decides for themselves... I like to put vegetables before meat. It’s delicious, but the meat after it doesn’t go as usual – yum, and the plate is empty!

Cooking time: cutting for 5 minutes, marinating for 15 minutes, and bonfire for 10 minutes

Complexity: eat a little, especially when cooking over a fire


    2 onions


I’m not talking about the fire - regulate the process at your discretion. But by the time the pieces are marinated, you need coals, even if you die!

So, let's rinse off all participants in this wonderful operation. And we'll cut it. Eggplants in circles. Cut the zucchini into slices.

Attention - they must not be thin, otherwise they will instantly slide off the skewer. And also - so that their diameter is at least approximately the same.

If you are afraid of bitterness and have time, pre-salt the eggplants - let them release that unpleasant juice. Just don’t forget to remove the salt somehow, but not with water!

I make onions for this kebab in a different format. I remove layer by layer, cutting the onion of the desired size in half.

The tomato needs to be tight. To cut off the sides like a pepper. Otherwise, we won’t see the pulp - the fire will quickly deal with it.

We do the same with peppers. By the way, if they are small, you can eat them whole without even removing the seeds. I'm not always lucky enough to have multi-colored ones. But this time they were! We will also cut off the walls (to fit the format to the rest).

Are all the guys ready? Now - about the marinade. If you sprinkle it all with salt, some kind (I like spices from meat kebabs), and lightly sprinkle on top olive oil– there’s no better way to find it!

Then string this fun company on skewers and send to the fire. Look, what beauty competes with meat!

Vegetable kebab is excellent for vegetarians. You can also bake them together with meat and you will... great side dish. There is no need to marinate vegetables - they are juicy, bake quickly and each of them already has its own unique taste. The only thing you need to do is to lubricate them with vegetable oil so that they do not dry over the heat, but fry, forming golden crust. Any kind of vegetable shish kebab is suitable for cooking. seasonal vegetables– tomatoes, eggplants, zucchini, bell peppers, corn, onion etc. Our home recipe Vegetable kebab will appeal to all lovers of picnics and outdoor recreation, because it is not troublesome, healthy and very tasty.

Ingredients for preparing vegetable shish kebab

Step-by-step cooking with photos of vegetable kebab

  1. Prepare all vegetables. Focus on your taste. Vegetables do not have to be equal. Take more of the vegetables that you especially love. It will be beautiful if you select bell peppers of different colors.
  2. Wash the vegetables and peel the onions. If desired, you can remove the peel from zucchini and eggplant. Cut them into circles or sticks. If your tomatoes are small, you shouldn't cut them.
  3. String vegetables alternately, close to each other.
  4. You can string, for example, like this - tomato, yellow bell pepper, onion, Green pepper, eggplant, onion, red bell pepper, zucchini and again tomato.
  5. Salt the vegetables and sprinkle with paprika.
  6. Using a silicone brush, brush the kebabs with vegetable oil on all sides.
  7. Hold over the heat on the grill for about 6-8 minutes.

Vegetable kebab can be served either hot or cold. So tasty and healthy dish It is quickly absorbed and saturates the body with vitamins. Bon appetit!
