How fig peaches grow. Agricultural technology for growing fig peach trees

The flat peach appeared in our country relatively recently. At first, our compatriots were suspicious of the new fruit. But whoever decided to try it became a fan once and for all. Juicy, tasty and interesting fruit resembles a peach and others Exotic fruits. But it also smells like sun and summer, so it gives a bright feeling.

What it is?

Flat or fig peach - very tasty treat. However, not many people know what it is. There are people who consider it a hybrid based on the name. However, it is not. The reason for this name was only the similarity of the shape of these two gifts of nature and nothing more. Therefore, you can safely accuse someone who claims that he is lying or uneducated. flat peaches- this is a hybrid.

The tree on which these wonderful fruits grow belongs to the rose family and the almond subgenus. So the flat peach is much closer to your favorite aromatic nuts than to figs. But it’s hard to guess!

The fig peach variety is a cultigenic species, as it cannot be found in the wild. This sweet delicacy comes from the Celestial Empire: only there can you find wild plants, from which this variety and ordinary peach trees were bred.

Features of the variety

The flat peach, as the name suggests, has a slightly flattened fruit. But these are not all the differences between the usual fruit and the Chinese exotic. It has a very small bone, and the fluff on the skin is much shorter and there is less of it. If we judge the aroma and taste, then the fig fruit is in no way inferior to it. On the contrary, it is a little sweeter, and its color is paler. Rich taste it remains equally good for all parts of the peach, which cannot be said about its ordinary counterparts. After all, big and round fruit, which we have known since childhood, becomes tasteless closer to the bone.

Exotic name

Many people love the flat peach (the reader already knows what it is called). However, this variety also has other names: in Europe it is known as Saturn peach or donut peach. The name is due to the fact that the fruit seed is very easily removed, and in front of the eater lies the most natural donut with a hole.

But there are several varieties of the variety that interests us. These are white fig, new fig and Vladimir peach. It is noteworthy that exporting them is much more profitable (they are more expensive), and also more convenient (due to their shape). The tree is also able to withstand frosts, which have a detrimental effect on familiar plants.

Benefits and harms

Those people who have joined the ranks of fans of the juicy delicacy are interested in the benefits of flat peaches. Like other fruits of this type, they contain a large amount of vitamins and minerals. With all this, they are nutritious, but not high in calories, they retain their useful components during heat treatment.

The chemical composition of donut peach is very good. It contains:

  • organic acids - malic, tartaric, citric;
  • trace elements - phosphorus, manganese, selenium, magnesium, zinc, potassium, iron;
  • vitamins - C, E, K, B17 (has anti-cancer effect);
  • other useful material- sucrose, carotene, pectin;
  • the seeds are rich in oils - fatty, essential, almond.

But there is no harm from it, only benefit!

Who can and should use them?

The benefits of flat peaches are obvious, but there are categories of people for whom they are especially indicated. These are children who must be given ripe hypoallergenic fruits that can normalize the functioning of the digestive system and activate the body's defenses. They are needed by people who often suffer from constipation, flatulence or any other intestinal problems.

Fig peach is very useful for:

  • metabolic disorders gastrointestinal tract;
  • diseases of the biliary tract;
  • liver and kidney ailments;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system.

This fruit is recommended for pregnant women in any trimester, but they especially help during toxicosis. Having eaten the juicy fruit, a person will feel a surge of strength, the mood will immediately rise and the nausea will go away. In addition, vitamins will be useful for both the expectant mother and her child.

Doctors also consider fig peach a wonderful alternative to chocolate, flour products and sweets, as it is an effective antidepressant. It relieves irritability, nervousness, and eliminates the effects of stress.

Like any other peach, this variety is suitable for use in cosmetology and traditional medicine. And also in cooking, since you can prepare various desserts from it: fruit salads, cakes, pies, mousses. Canned fruit can be great addition not only for sweet, but also for savory dishes.

People who have an individual sensitivity to it or other varieties of peach, allergies, as well as people with diabetes should avoid eating this fruit.

In recent years, many gardeners have been planting fig peach on their plots. It is a fairly new fruit crop in our latitudes, which is rapidly gaining popularity. The fruits of this type of peach have excellent taste and contain many substances beneficial to the body. Let's talk about its characteristics, and also consider in detail how to plant and care for this fruit plant.

Features of the fig type of peach

Other names: flat peach, Chinese turnip.

Having heard about this type of peach, many gardeners think that it is a hybrid of a peach and a fig ( fig tree). This is not an entirely correct opinion. In fact, peach and fig just have the same fruit shape.

Also, some people think that this peach is a hybrid, that is, breeders got it by crossing other varieties with each other. This is also not entirely true. A peach of one species crossed with another peach will not have as much good characteristics. The first plantings of this crop were discovered in China. According to some data, the beginning of this culture is the wild varieties of peaches that grew in the countries of Central Asia. In Europe, the cultivation of this fruit plant started about 100 years ago.

Most varieties of fig peach are very frost-resistant. They not only tolerate harsh winters well, but are also not damaged by spring frosts.

Another feature of fig varieties is their good growth in regions where grapes are grown. Zones with warm and temperate climates are optimal for cultivating these plants.

In addition, these peaches differ from other varieties in the shape of the fruit. They are flattened. The average diameter of fig fruits is 5-7 cm. Their weight ranges from 100 to 150 g. The peel is dense, slightly pubescent, and easily removed. The color of the fruit depends on the variety. They can be either yellow or bright red. The pulp is tasty and contains a lot of juice.

The fruits can be eaten in fresh, and also used for preparing dishes, desserts and preparations for the winter.

The most popular fig varieties

One of the most common varieties is Saturn. The height of its tree reaches 5-6 m. The crown is spreading. Fruiting begins early. Productivity is high and stable. It does not decrease even in years with cold and rainy summers.

According to the ripening period, the Saturn fig peach belongs to the mid-late varieties. The weight of the fruit is 100-110 g. It has a yellow skin. On one side of the fruit you can see a reddish blush. The Saturn peach has a pleasant, sweet taste. Ripe fruits can be transported over long distances. At the same time, they do not lose their original appearance.

The next type is the Ufo peach. The height of its tree is 2-2.5 m. The fruits weigh no more than 110 g. A red blush is visible on their skin. The pulp has red veins. The taste is excellent. Productivity is high.

Fig peach Vladimir has a medium-sized tree. It produces rich harvests, is not damaged by cold and has increased resistance to diseases. The weight of the fruit is 170-180 g. It has a faded peel. The sides are light red. The flesh is cream colored. It tastes sweet.

Another fig species is Sweet Cup. This species has low trees. Fruiting begins 2-3 years after planting the seedling. The fruits ripen evenly. Productivity is high. The weight of each fruit is 140-150 g. The skin is burgundy. The pulp is light. The taste is pleasant, sweet, with a slight sourness.

Nikitsky flat peach has a low tree with a spreading crown. The weight of the fruit ranges from 100 to 120 g. The fruit has a pleasant, delicate taste.

Vladimirsky is a medium ripening fig variety. The fruits can be removed from the tree in early August. The fruits are flat, weighing up to 180 g. The skin is white and red. The taste is sweet.

Another popular variety is the Belmondo fig peach. The tree has weak growth vigor. The crown is spreading. Flowering later. Full ripeness of the fruit occurs in the first half of August. They are quite large, weighing 120-150 g. The fruit is flattened, there is pubescence on the skin. The pulp is yellow in color and rich in juice and sugars. The taste is sweet, dessert.

Peach Sweet Ring – early ripening variety. The fruits are removed from the tree in early July. Trees have great growth power. This is an Italian variety that has large fruits, weighing 100-120 g. The peel is yellow with a reddish blush. It shows slight pubescence. The taste is very sweet. The variety is usually grown for sale.

Columnar fig peach is one of the newest varieties. The height of the trees does not exceed 2.5 m. Their side branches are very short, so their shape resembles a column. This species bears fruit well and is suitable for growing in small areas. Large fruits. IN The weight of some fruits reaches 200 g.

Variety Concettina – mid-season variety nectarine (sweet peach). This is one of the newest fig species, to obtain which it was necessary to cross the Stark and Saturn peach. Full ripeness of fruits in the middle zone occurs in the first half of August. The fruits are large in size with a red blush covering almost their entire surface. The taste is excellent. Transportability is good.

Rules of agricultural technology

Now let's talk about how to grow fig peach varieties. Their fruits need a lot of sun to fully ripen. This is very important feature, which must be taken into account when choosing a landing site. The cultivation of these peach varieties should be carried out in the most illuminated areas. The type of soil also plays a significant role. The best soil for flat peach is black soil or loam.

Seedlings can be planted in spring or autumn. First you need to dig a planting hole. Its depth and width should be 50-60 cm. A layer of nutrient mixture containing mineral and organic fertilizers should be poured onto the bottom of the hole.

When planting, the seedlings are placed in holes so that their root collars protrude about 5 cm above the ground level. Immediately after planting, the young trees are watered with copious amounts of water.

The description states that these frost-resistant varieties require regular care. During the season, it is necessary to carry out watering, fertilizing, pruning and preventive treatment against diseases.

For optimal growth the tree needs moderate soil moisture. It is watered 3-4 times per season. Each time, 3-4 buckets of water are poured under an adult tree.

Nutrients are added throughout the growing season. Peach trees need nitrogen in the spring, potassium and phosphorus in the summer. Every 2-3 years, in the fall, organic fertilizers are applied to the plants.

Trees need to be pruned in spring and autumn. At the same time, old, frost-damaged, and overly actively growing branches are removed.

Preventive spraying of the crown against diseases is carried out twice a year.

Here's what I discovered - fig peaches It turns out there are different subspecies. My favorite so far yellow variety. True, this is the rarest one. Mostly white fig peaches are sold everywhere. They are also very tasty and sweet, but the yellow ones have a richer signature peach taste. They are my favorite! By the way, these are not Crimean peaches, but Spanish ones. Fig peaches also grow in Crimea, but not at all. small quantities, and they only get there by August, because... This late variety. Either domestic or selection from the Nikitsky Botanical Garden from farmers (National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine). This botanical garden is located between the village of Nikita and the Black Sea (the southern coast of Crimea) and 5 varieties of fig peaches are currently grown there. In general, they can be found very rarely; mainly Spanish fig peaches are sold throughout Ukraine (plus, sometimes they are brought from Turkey and Morocco). There are also fig nectarines, but I haven’t tried them yet, they are not on sale yet.

Many people believe that this is a hybrid of a fig and a peach, but in fact this is not the case - this peach only has a fig-shaped shape and nothing more. The characteristics of a peach variety can be influenced by related species of stone fruit trees, such as apricots, nectarines, cherry plums, plums, almonds, but certainly not. In general, this is impossible according to the laws of nature, because peaches and figs are completely different types trees. In general, fig peach belongs to the Rosaceae family, subgenus Almond. The peach fig tree is very close to the almond tree, they differ only in the fruit.

I found information that the fig peach is not a hybrid at all, but one of the wild species of ordinary peaches. However, other sources write that it does not occur in nature, that it is a cultivated species. It seems to me that the second version is more truthful.

Breeders call fig peach Fergana peach (P.ferganensis Riab. et Kost.). They are different varieties– Saturn, Chinese saucer red, Chinese saucer white, Vladimir, Fig white and Steppe turnip.

It seems like the yellow fig peach is called Nikitsky flat. It was developed as a result of crossing the Chinese turnip with the Central Asian variety Rogani gou. A similar variety was developed by the Samarkand breeding experimental station by crossing this variety with the Elberta variety.

By the way, in addition to its amazing taste and sweetness, the advantage of the fig peach is that it has a very small pit, which means a lot of pulp.

In general, the homeland of peach is China, which is very strange, because they are not particularly tasty there...

Yellow Fig Peaches:

Flat peaches, also known as fig peaches, are considered by many people to be a hybrid, the result of crossing a peach and a fig. In fact, the flat peach is an independent variety of peach, and it got its name due to its surprisingly sweet taste, as sweet as the taste of figs.

Fig peach has several varieties: white fig, new fig, Vladimir. They are distinguished by the shape, color and taste of the fruit, the degree of productivity and other agricultural characteristics. Flat peaches, unlike other types, are less demanding to grow. Trees tolerate frosts better and are not so critical to the lack of sun and heat.

Flat peaches really have a very sweet taste. Unlike other peach varieties, figs have almost no sour notes. At the same time, the pulp of the fruit is distinguished by softness and delicate juiciness.

Composition of flat peaches

The calorie content of a flat peach is approximately 60 kcal per 100 grams. The average fruit has exactly this weight. Therefore, fig peaches are very convenient in terms of calorie counting. I ate a peach - I ate 60 kcal.

Almost all energy value accounts for carbohydrates - mono- and disaccharides, in particular fructose and glucose. The starch content reaches 1.2 g. There is a small amount of fat, but their content is small and does not have a significant nutritional value(0.9 g). Squirrel in flat peaches too minimal amount(0.8 g).

But there is water, ash, organic acids, pectins, essential oils, fiber and other biologically active substances, as well as vitamins and minerals. Among the organic acids, citric, malic and tartaric acids should be noted.

Flat peaches are a vitamin and mineral complex. Thus, 100 grams of flat peaches contain 11% of daily norm vitamin C (10 mg), 10% of the daily requirement for beta-carotene (0.5 mg), 9% of the daily requirement for vitamin A (900 mcg). As well as all vitamins B, E, PP and H.

Among the minerals, noteworthy is the high content of silicon (28% of the daily value is contained in 100 grams of fruit), phosphorus (33%), and potassium (15%). Peaches also contain other micro- and macroelements: phosphorus, iron, manganese, sodium, calcium, magnesium, chlorine.

Benefits of flat peaches

Flat peaches can be used as a multivitamin for recovery after illness or surgery. The rich vitamin and mineral composition can replace vitamin preparations from a jar.

Peaches, as a source of vitamins and minerals, strengthen the immune system and help cope with viruses and bacteria. Enriching the diet with flat peaches will make the body less susceptible to various pathogens.

Flat peaches can and should be eaten by children, pregnant women and the elderly - those whose bodies are sensitive to vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Flat peaches will help restore strength and give vigor on a hot summer day. Structured water peaches will restore fluid loss, and minerals and vitamins will restore the loss of these substances, which inevitably occurs when sweating.

Flat peaches stimulate digestion. The content of organic acids improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract in gastritis with reduced secretory function. Peaches can be eaten before meals to improve digestion. When eaten 15-20 minutes before meals, flat peaches stimulate the production of digestive juices.

Peaches contain up to 8% ballast substances, which makes them doubly useful for people with problems digestive tract. I stimulate intestinal peristalsis; peaches help get rid of constipation, including chronic ones. You can experience the mild laxative effect of flat peaches by eating a couple of fruits every evening.

It is also useful to eat flat peaches for those who want to lose weight. Flat peaches - healthy and delicious snack, which perfectly saturates. Pronounced sweet taste makes peaches flat a real find for those who are on a diet. Typically, diets contain a ban on sweets, which provokes depression and, as a result, breakdowns in those with a sweet tooth. One flat peach satisfies the need for sweets, and does not harm the figure.

Nutritionists advise those who are used to relieving stress with sweets to do so with flat peaches. Low calorie combined with high taste qualities make flat peaches an excellent food antidepressant.

Flat peaches also have a diuretic effect. They can be eaten to prevent edema in kidney diseases. Traditional medicine attributes to peaches the ability to remove sand from Bladder. If ethnoscience rights, peaches should be eaten with caution by those with kidney stones to prevent movement of the stones.

Silicon is very useful for pregnant women. It is silicon that underlies the formation of bone tissue in the fetus in the first half of pregnancy. If there is a lack of this element in the diet expectant mother the risk of fractures in the child in the future increases. Three flat peaches a day will provide daily requirement in silicon. This is a more natural and enjoyable way to help your future baby grow up with strong bones than taking vitamins.

By the way, flat peaches help cope with the symptoms of toxicosis early dates pregnancy. Refreshing taste of peaches combined with high content vitamins and minerals helps to cope with many unpleasant manifestations of toxicosis.

Elderly people need an increased intake of silicon into the body. The body compensates for the lack of silicon in bone tissue with calcium, and the bones lose elasticity, become hard and more fragile. A diet rich in silicon helps avoid age-related limb fractures by maintaining the elasticity of bone tissue. Therefore, flat peaches should be present in the diet of older people to prevent osteoporosis.

Phosphorus is another basic element for the formation of bone tissue. Dental health is impossible with phosphorus deficiency, and bones will break from the slightest load. In addition, phosphorus plays an important role in the process of cell division, being a carrier of genetic information, since it is part of nucleic acids. Phospholipids and phosphoproteins that form cell membranes contain phosphorus. Phosphorus is also involved in metabolic processes, converting proteins, fats and carbohydrates into clean energy.

The high potassium content makes flat peaches good for the heart, because potassium is “food” for the heart muscle. Potassium is considered one of the most important microelements for heart function. It is a preventative against heart attacks and helps with arrhythmia and tachycardia. Sometimes it is enough to provide your body required quantity potassium to normalize heart function. In addition, potassium improves brain function, stimulates memory, and increases mental performance.

Peaches help increase hemoglobin levels in the blood. And although it cannot be said that peaches can cure glandular anemia, peaches can improve blood counts.

Peaches in cosmetology

You can make face masks from the pulp of peaches. Such masks stimulate cell regeneration, rejuvenate the skin, giving it a young, well-groomed appearance. The presence of beta-carotene in flat peaches will give your skin a beautiful youthful complexion. Beta-carotene perfectly tones the skin, restores youth to it, and tightens it.

The fruit acids in flat peaches are especially beneficial for oily, porous skin. The pulp of flat peaches will even out the skin, reduce the appearance of acne, limit the work of the sebaceous glands and give the skin a pleasant matte finish.

The pulp of flat peaches will help reduce pain from sunburn, replenish fluid loss after sunbathing. Peach juice has no worse effect on the skin than many after-sun repair products.

Contraindications to eating flat peaches

Flat peaches, like any other fruit, can cause allergies, but allergies to flat peaches are rare. However, you should be aware of this possibility.

It is undesirable to eat flat peaches for those who have increased secretory function, since peaches contain fruit acids.

The most interesting thing about the fig peach is that it has absolutely nothing to do with figs. His flat shape, however, is somewhat reminiscent of a dried fig, as figs are also called, but no one would think of calling this peach a fig. In some places in the West it is also called a donut for the same flattened shape. Let's find out about this delicious and fragrant fruit more.

Botanical description

Contrary to established folk beliefs, the fig peach is not only not a hybrid of a round peach and a fig, but, in principle, cannot be such. According to scientists, these two species cannot interbreed.

The birthplace of this interesting fruit is China, and not Persia at all, as can again be judged by its name. And here the peach once again misleads us.

The flattened fruit reaches 7 centimeters in diameter and 120 grams in weight. It is covered with a skin with much finer fluff than its rounded counterparts, concealing very sweet pulp of a white or light cream color. It has a slight sourness, and inside the pulp there is a small pit, which again distinguishes this type from other peaches.

Another useful feature is uniform distribution of taste throughout the depth of the pulp, whereas in its round relatives the taste weakens somewhat as it moves from the surface of the fruit to the seed.

Did you know?Experts noticed interesting fact: an almost 100% accurate indicator of the future wellness any peaches serve as grapes. Where it feels good, peaches also feel great.

Chemical composition

Delicious pulp This fruit is also rich in many substances beneficial to human health. Among them- almost all members of the B vitamin group, as well as vitamins C, H, K, E, beta-carotene and a rather rare substance amygdalin, also called vitamin B17. He is suspected of being able to fight cancer problems.

Quite a lot in fig peach essential oils, various organic acids and pectins. But this fruit is especially rich in such valuable minerals, How:

  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • chlorine;
  • iron;
  • magnesium;
  • copper;
  • fluorine;
  • sodium;
  • phosphorus;
  • sulfur;
  • manganese;
  • chromium;
  • zinc.

Calorie content

Although the fruit of this peach is sweet, however, its calorie content is low- only 60 kilocalories per hundred grams of product. This is facilitated by the complete absence of fat in the fruit, which makes it popular in dietary nutrition.

Fig peach varieties

Breeders have managed to develop several successful varieties of this plant, which differ in their growing area, but are identical in the necessarily flattened shape of the fruit.

"Nikitsky flat"

The variety is characterized by that it is most adapted to cool climates. Its tree is low and spreading, and its fruits reach 110 grams in weight and have a very delicate taste. The plant bears its first fruits in mid-August.


This fruit has gained popularity among gardeners for its high yields and disease resistance. The tree, reaching medium height, produces fairly large fruits up to 180 grams, distinguished by a very sweet taste and juiciness. They ripen in early August.

"Sweet Cup"

The characteristic features of this variety are early fruiting, in the third or fourth year, and simultaneous ripening of the fruits in mid-August. The fruits of this short tree have a sweet and sour taste and can weigh up to 150 grams.


Although this variety is not characterized by cold resistance and high yield, but it is valued for its annual stability of yields. The tree itself can grow to a height of 2.5 meters, and the weight of the fruit reaches 110 grams. Their flesh contains pink veins and has a honey taste.


This variety can withstand light frosts, and its fruits suffer less than all others during transportation. Its tree is tall and spreading, has the ability to begin bearing fruit early and is characterized by a consistently high yield. Its fruits are small, reaching only 100 grams, but they have a great taste.

Beneficial features

Presence in fig peaches large quantity substances valuable for the body, naturally, makes this fruit one of the most sought-after fruits in the human diet. Moreover, it is good for different categories of people in its own way.

For ladies, it easily replaces heaps of pharmacy diet pills, which are not only expensive, but also often harmful and even more often useless. Being an excellent dietary remedy for strengthening the body from the inside, this fruit can have a rejuvenating effect on the outside. Regular use peach in the form of food, as well as the use of its pulp in masks and creams significantly improves appearance and the condition of the skin, hair and nails in women.

Just like women For men, this fruit strengthens the immune system, tones the body, while improving the ability to concentrate and develop memory. There are also specific properties of the fruit addressed specifically to men: it has a positive effect on male sexual functions, while simultaneously inhibiting the development of prostatitis.

Starting from the age of two, peach is also recommended for children. It normalizes the activity of the children's gastrointestinal tract, raises the tone of the body and, most importantly, activates the activity immune system child.

Did you know?In China, not only peach fruits are widely used, but also its wood, making intricate bowls from them, which are very popular among the Chinese.

As practice shows, eating fig peach is one of the best means overcoming toxicosis in pregnant women in the early stages of pregnancy. In addition, the solid presence of folic and pantothenic acids in the fruit pulp is extremely important for the normal development of the unborn child. And for nursing mothers, this wonderful fruit, in addition to providing significant assistance in overcoming depression that occurs after childbirth, also noticeably activates lactation.

Doctors, after long observations, came to the conclusion that that eating fig peach can help with:

  • normalization of the cardiovascular system;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • activation of the body's defenses against influenza and colds;
  • normalization of gastrointestinal tract functions;
  • eliminating heartburn and constipation;
  • preventing colon cancer and other cancers;
  • eliminating excess weight;
  • improving the functioning of the kidneys, liver and bile ducts;
  • overcoming depression;
  • saturating the body with vitamins, microelements and beneficial acids;
  • moisturizing and rejuvenating the skin.

Use in cooking

It has been noticed that when canning this type of peaches is the best compared to other fruits. knows how to keep his beneficial features . Culinary experts recommend preserving fruits in sugar syrup. Like their related apricots, peaches are also dried, after which they retain almost one hundred percent of their beneficial substances.

In addition, these wonderful fruits are actively used in the manufacture jam, compote, ice cream, jelly, jam and other desserts. They are also widely used in the manufacture confectionery. Can be made from peaches various sauces and drinks, as well as adding them to salads, meat and fish dishes, with which they combine perfectly.

Harmful properties

This fruit contains very few substances, possessing harmful properties for the body. Is it perhaps amygdalin, or vitamin B17, which has the property of being converted into toxic in the body? hydrocyanic acid. However, it is found in this fruit in such minute quantities that there is no talk of any harm to humans.

Allergens contained in peach can also cause health problems.


Contraindications for consuming fig peach most often boil down to limiting its consumption by people with allergies. Together with apples and kiwi, this fruit is one of the most allergenic fruits. People who are allergic to peaches may develop an oral allergy that causes their throat, lips, and mouth to swell and cause a rash on the skin.

How to choose fruit when buying

To buy quality fruits, It is best to do this in a trusted grocery store or market. Supermarkets and hypermarkets rarely offer truly high-quality peaches.

Important!When choosing and purchasing fruit, you should remember that the peach can be preserved at room temperature maximum 60 hours.

A good specimen should have a dense skin, and the fruit itself should be firm to the touch. Rotten parts immediately signal trouble with the freshness and safety of the fruit.

Storage conditions

These peaches should be stored in a cool and quiet place, since the fruits deteriorate very quickly when physically exposed to them. Fruits that are not fully ripened ripen quite successfully on the lowest shelf of the refrigerator.

Rotten parts of the fruit noticed in time must be cut out immediately, and the rest should be cut and placed in freezer. But before this, it is necessary to remove the skin from the fruit, since at low temperatures it can spoil the taste of the product with bitterness.

After defrosting, the fruits should not be kept without consumption for more than 12 hours.

Growing Fig Peach

This fruit can be grown using seedlings or from seeds. Naturally, the actions associated with planting differ in both cases, but then caring for the trees becomes almost the same.

Landing Features

The main difference in the features of peach planting is what exactly is the initial “seed” material - seed or seedling.


When purchasing seedlings, first of all, you need to find out what climate they are adapted to. Then you need to carefully examine the roots, which should not be damaged, and the place where the grafting was done. There should be no swelling or other suspicious discharge on it.

The age of the purchased seedlings is very important, since the best survival rate is observed in annual specimens. This is what you should proceed from when purchasing them.

The place planned for planting the seedlings is should be prepared in the fall by carefully digging it up. In the spring, holes a meter wide and 80 centimeters deep are dug here, the soil is fertilized with organic matter and minerals, and a bucket of water is poured into each hole. It is recommended to dip the roots of the seedling in a solution of a growth stimulator a day before planting, and then the plant can be planted.

From the seed

To grow a future tree from a peach pit, You need to take it out of the fruit, immediately place it in a glass of water and keep it in it for several days, periodically, every twelve hours, changing it. Then the seed should be dried, and, carefully breaking it with a hammer, the kernel should be removed from it.

Kernels can be stored in a dark and cool place for quite a long time. And it is best to sow them in mid-autumn. Having chosen a place that must meet the same criteria as for seedlings, the kernels should be planted in the ground to a depth of five centimeters.

Important!When drying and in no case should it be allowed to come into contact with the bone. sun rays- this could ruin the whole thing.

Location and lighting

Peach loves the sun very much and cannot stand strong winds. Therefore, it should be planted on the south side of the garden in a place that is well protected from the winds, but not in the shade of taller trees.

Experts do not recommend planting this fruit on land where melons or nightshades, as well as strawberries or alfalfa, previously grew. Otherwise, there is a danger of peach infection with a serious disease - verticillium. It is useful to inquire about the depth of groundwater in this place. It is undesirable for them to be deeper than three meters.

Required temperature

Among all peach figs their brother is most resistant to low temperatures, although it is certainly not a northern plant. He has characteristic property it is late to bloom and bloom, which allows it not to be afraid of spring frosts.

Humidity and watering

If the groundwater is not very shallow, the peach can withstand drought well. But still, insufficient moisture supply from the upper layers of the earth negatively affects the harvest. In too hot summers, experts advise pouring a couple of buckets of water under each tree every two to three weeks.

Did you know? In China, the peach tree is a symbol of longevity; buildings are decorated with its branches for the New Year.

Soil and fertilizers

If the plant is not planted in black soil, then when planting it is recommended to fertilize the soil with organic matter in the form of and as well as mineral fertilizers: potassium, etc. And with black soil it’s only enough
