Zucchini salad with mayonnaise for the winter - a delicious recipe with photos. Zucchini salad with carrots and mayonnaise

Zucchini salad with mayonnaise for the winter

Everyone knows that zucchini is versatile vegetables, from which you can cook up almost anything: from zucchini stew to jam and candied fruits. in mayonnaise dressing - unusually satisfying winter preparation. It turns out tasty, nutritious and very tender. Great with potato or meat dishes. When you open a jar of this snack, the whole kitchen will hear pleasant aroma garlic, and you simply won’t be able to resist trying this wonderful salad. It is easy to prepare and simple ingredients available to everyone.

-Zucchini fruits – 4 pcs.
-Carrots – 4 pcs.
-Onions – 2 pcs.
-Garlic – 4-6 pcs.
-Mayonnaise – 300 ml
-Sugar – 4 tbsp. l.
-Salt – 2 tsp.
-Vegetable oil – 150 ml
-Table vinegar – 150 ml
-Dried herbs (Provencal, Italian) – 2 tsp.

Winter salad from zucchini with mayonnaise, recipe with photos step by step:

We prepare all the vegetables: cut off the tails of the zucchini, peel the peel if necessary; scrape the skin off the carrot; Remove the husks from the onions and garlic. Cut the zucchini into half rings.

Three carrots on a coarse grater.

Cut the onion into half rings.

And we crush the garlic using a garlic press. Mix all the vegetables in one bowl. We also add mayonnaise, dried herbs, salt and sugar. You can add 1 tsp. ground pepper to add some spice to the future salad. We send to vegetables table vinegar And sunflower oil.

Mix everything well.

Cover the dish with a lid and put it in the refrigerator for several hours to allow the vegetables to marinate thoroughly. We put our salad into pre-prepared jars. It is better to take small half-liter jars.

Now you need to sterilize the workpieces. To do this, place them in a pan with a cloth-lined bottom. Pour water up to the level of the hangers and boil for 20 minutes.

After this, we seal the jars with airtight lids. We turn the rolls upside down and wait for them to cool. This salad must be stored in a cool place.

Zucchini salad with mayonnaise for the winter - when I first tried to prepare this salad, I used half the amount of ingredients required by the recipe.

I was very afraid of the combination unusual products, such as mayonnaise and unpredictable results.

Having tried ready salad zucchini with mayonnaise, I regretted that I had prepared so little of it.

This preservation turned out to be simply delicious, so I recommend that you also put it in jars for the winter.

Besides his amazing taste, this salad also stores well. In a dark, cool place, jars of this type of salad will sit quietly all winter, and you won’t have to worry about them exploding.

Zucchini salad with mayonnaise for the winter - a very tasty recipe

To prepare the preparations, it is advisable to use young zucchini, then the snacks will turn out very tender and juicy. It is better to make squash caviar from coarser zucchini.


  • ½ tube of Provencal mayonnaise,
  • 2 kilograms of zucchini,
  • 250 grams of carrots,
  • 125 milliliters sunflower or corn oil,
  • 125 milliliters table bite,
  • 4 level tablespoons of sugar,
  • 2 tablespoons table salt,
  • 5 grams ground black pepper


First, let's prepare half-liter jars. Let's wash them and sterilize them. Boil the lids in boiling water.

Now let's prepare the vegetables. Cut the zucchini into strips, and be sure to peel the old zucchini. Place the zucchini in a ladle.

Peel the carrots, wash them and grate them. Place the carrots on top of the zucchini.

Cut the onion into small cubes.

Place the onion on top of the carrots.

Add salt, sugar, oil, vinegar, mayonnaise and pepper to the vegetables. Mix everything well and put it in jars.

Next, put the jars in a pan, and be sure to put a rag on the bottom. Sterilize the jars for 40 minutes.

Housewives often use mayonnaise to improve the taste of salads and hot dishes. This feature of the sauce can be used to prepare zucchini with mayonnaise for the winter. A fairly traditional set of vegetables will become hearty snack or a side dish for a main dish. There are different technologies for preparing a dish of zucchini with mayonnaise for the winter.

One of them involves placing all the ingredients immediately into jars and then sterilizing the canned food in a water bath. It has a significant drawback. It is impossible to immediately put it on sterilization a large number of cans, which for such preparations are selected with a capacity of 0.5 to 1 liter. This means that the volume of processed vegetables will be quite modest.

In the second option, the zucchini appetizer is stewed in a large saucepan and, when ready, placed in a glass container. This allows you to process more vegetables and control the taste of the product during the stewing process.

Zucchini stewed with mayonnaise

The preparation is designed for a fairly large volume of vegetables, so you should prepare a pan, preferably with a thick bottom. Additionally, you will need a large grater cutting board, glass jars, lids and seaming machine. When preparing preparations for the winter, special attention is paid to the container. Glass jars wash hot water with soda, rinse in running water, sterilize steam bath or in the oven. The lids are boiling.

Required Products

To prepare you will need:

  • zucchini – 4 kg;
  • onions – 5 large heads;
  • carrots – 5 pcs. medium size;
  • vegetable oil– 0.75 cups;
  • mayonnaise – 250 g;
  • tomato paste– 250 g;
  • granulated sugar– 0.5 cups;
  • salt – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • bay leaf – 3 pcs.;
  • ground mixture allspice– 0.5 tsp.

Let’s make a reservation right away: the set of ingredients can be changed at your discretion. Wanting to get more spicy snack, add hot pepper. Someone might want to prepare a dish with mayonnaise and garlic, which is quite acceptable. If you don’t have tomato paste or tomatoes on hand, you can replace them with ketchup.

Cooking and experimenting

Let's start cooking, following the recommendations step by step.

  1. We clean the zucchini, removing the seeds. Cut the pulp into cubes measuring 2 x 2 cm. Grind the peeled carrots on a coarse grater. We clean the onion heads and finely chop them.
  2. Place the pan on low heat, pour vegetable oil into the bottom and lay out the shredded zucchini. If the vegetables are not juicy enough, add half a glass of water.
  3. Fry carrots and onions together or separately. Fried vegetables transfer to zucchini.
  4. We intensify the fire. After boiling, add a little water, the entire volume of mayonnaise and tomato paste. Simmer the vegetables over low heat for about an hour.
  5. Pour salt, granulated sugar, pepper into the softened vegetables and continue simmering for about 40 minutes.
  6. At this stage, the taste can be adjusted by adding salt or sugar, hot pepper or crushed garlic.
  7. This also applies to the color of the workpiece. Mayonnaise brightens the appetizer. This is well demonstrated by recipes with photos. You can give it a brighter shade by adding tomato paste.
  8. The degree of readiness is determined by taste and visually when fried and vegetable stew must have a transparent texture.
  9. The consistency of the snack can also be changed by evaporating some of the liquid. It is advisable to be at the stove at this time and monitor the contents of the pan, not allowing it to burn.
  10. The finished product is placed in clean, dry jars and immediately closed. tin lids. The snack is placed up to the neck, trying to leave a minimum distance between the lid and the surface of the product.
  11. Unopened canned food is turned over and wrapped to cool more slowly.
  12. Zucchini prepared in this way can be stored for the winter even at room temperature, But best place there was always a pantry or refrigerator for canned goods.

With such long cooking processes, very heat, in which almost all sources of pathogenic microflora die. An additional method in preparing successful preservation is the use of vinegar or citric acid. They are added at the very end of cooking to very small quantities, which do not significantly affect the taste of the products.

Culinary uses

Traditionally, caviar is prepared from zucchini. Of course it’s delicious, but the purpose of the preparation is extremely limited:

  • satisfying and healthy zucchini appetizer– this is a dish that is immediately ready to eat;
  • easy to prepare based on it great soup or a delicious side dish;
  • showing ingenuity, basic recipe can be made more spicy. After opening the jar, simply add your favorite spices to the contents;
  • Alternatively, it is not difficult to prepare squash caviar from the contents of the workpiece. It is enough to grind the snack in a blender - and traditional caviar ready.

Autumn-cooked zucchini this recipe will help out the hostess at any time, being a separate dish or semi-finished product. It can be eaten hot or cold, for festive table and as quick snack, placing it on bread or eating it with a spoon on both cheeks. So, having prepared zucchini with mayonnaise for the winter, good hostess will be able all year round use the preparation in home cooking.

Recipe for zucchini with mayonnaise and tomato paste Many housewives like it for its simplicity. For preparation you will need available products. At the same time, the taste of the snack turns out to be quite interesting. Would you like to rate it too? Then we present to your attention a selection of the best recipes.

Recipe for zucchini with mayonnaise and tomato paste with photo

½ kg of onion, 1.5 kg of carrots, 3 kg of zucchini, finely chop and mince. Place the vegetables in a saucepan, sprinkle with ¼ tbsp. granulated sugar, a tablespoon of salt, stir thoroughly, put to simmer over medium heat, and boil. As soon as the mixture boils, reduce the heat and simmer the vegetables, stirring occasionally, for an hour. Add 200 g mayonnaise sauce and 255 g of tomato, spices to taste, stir, cook for half an hour. Sterilize containers in a double boiler. Place the caviar in jars and seal.

What do you think?

A delicious recipe for zucchini with mayonnaise and tomato paste.

Thoroughly wash 6 kg of zucchini, 10 sweet peppers, 1 kg of onions. Peel sweet peppers, onions and zucchini, chop them into cubes so that they fit in a meat grinder. Grind the chopped vegetables in a meat grinder, put them in a saucepan, and simmer for a couple of hours on the lowest heat. After 2 hours, pour in 1 tbsp. sunflower oil, add 500 g of mayonnaise sauce, tomato and 200 g of sugar. Boil the caviar for another couple of hours. Season the dish with a pack of Mivina universal, a teaspoon of citric acid and a tablespoon of paprika. Cook the mixture for 10 minutes. Pack into containers and roll up.

Prepare and.

How to cook zucchini recipe with mayonnaise and tomato paste.

Grind ½ kg of carrots and 1 kg of onions in a meat grinder and fry. Fry the vegetables separately until golden crust. Grind the zucchini through a meat grinder, mix with fried vegetables, put on the fire, and leave to cook for 2 hours. Stir the mixture regularly with a wooden spoon. It is better to cook caviar in a cauldron. Pour in 1 tbsp. sunflower oil, add 1 kg of twisted tomatoes, add 4 tbsp. l. sugar, salt, pour in 4 tbsp. l. acetic acid. Cook the mixture for another hour, add 500 ml of mayonnaise sauce, pepper, cook for 20 minutes. Place in jars, screw, and let cool upside down.

You will like and.

The recipe for zucchini with mayonnaise and tomato paste is delicious.

Grind 6 squash fruits in a meat grinder. Chop 1 kg of onion, combine with zucchini, place in a cauldron or deep saucepan. Add 3 tbsp. spoons of salt, 200 g of sugar, 200 ml of acetic acid, sunflower oil, stir, add 355 g of paste, place on the fire for a couple of hours, stir from time to time with a wooden spoon. Pass 2 heads of garlic through a press and combine with the rest of the mixture. Add 250 g of mayonnaise sauce, pepper, cook for half an hour, place in containers, and seal.

Quick recipe for zucchini with mayonnaise and tomato paste.

Wash the zucchini in its peel and boil for 15 minutes. During this time, its peel will become quite soft. After cooling, remove the peel and cut the fruit into 2 parts lengthwise. Place crustless black bread into the slices of the cut vegetable. Fold both vegetable slices and place them under a weight. As soon as the bread has absorbed all the moisture, divide the “sandwich” and pass it through a meat grinder along with one onion. Season the mixture with pepper, salt, 50 g of mayonnaise sauce, pasta, and vegetable oil. It is better not to store caviar for a long time, as it may lose its taste.

Prepare also.

From squash caviar can be cooked various options dishes:

1. Fry black bread in a frying pan, rub it with garlic, brush with squash caviar.
2. Fry 500 g of minced meat in a frying pan, add a jar of caviar, and simmer. This is a great spaghetti sauce.
3. Boil the rice, combine it with caviar, sprinkle with spices. Boil the chicken, chop into pieces and add to rice. Chop the pickled cucumbers into cubes, throw them into the salad, and stir.
4. Chicken legs finely chop and fry. Place in a deep frying pan, add water, add squash caviar, simmer for 5 minutes. Add 2 tablespoons of sour cream, simmer until tender, throw in the greens. Place potatoes on the bottom of the pan and season. Lay out the next layer zucchini paste, again a layer of chicken. Salt the last layer, brush with paste, squeeze out the garlic. Place a layer of potatoes again, add salt, and add squash caviar. The last layer is onion rings. Pour a little vegetable oil and water into a frying pan, place on low heat, and simmer without stirring.

Prepare also.

Salad "Mother-in-law's tongue".


Zucchini – 3 kg
- tomato juice – one liter
- head of garlic – 2 pcs.
- acetic acid – 200 ml
- mayonnaise sauce – 520 g
- Bell pepper- 3 pcs.
- granulated sugar – 1 tbsp.
- mustard - tablespoon
- salt, pasta - 3 tbsp. spoons
- hot pepper – 2 tablespoons

Cooking steps:

First of all, prepare the filling. Peel the garlic. Remove the stems and seeds from the chili peppers and sweet peppers. Pass the prepared products through a meat grinder. Place the resulting mass in a saucepan, add the pasta and tomato juice, mayonnaise, mustard, sugar and salt. Add vinegar and stir. Place the pan on the stove and bring the mixture to a boil. Wash the zucchini and chop into medium lengthwise slices. Place the vegetables in the prepared sauce, let it boil again, reduce the heat, and simmer for 40 minutes over low heat. While hot, place the salad in jars and close.

Consider and.

Squash caviar.

Wash and peel 3 kg of zucchini. Together with 500 g of peeled onions, pass through a meat grinder, pour in 155 g of vegetable oil, add 250 g of mayonnaise sauce and 250 g of tomato paste. Stir, transfer the mixture to the fire. Set the heat to low, stir the mixture from time to time, and cook for one hour. Salt, pepper, throw Bay leaf and half a glass of sugar, boil for another hour. At the end, remove the bay leaves, pour the caviar into sterile jars, and roll up.

Another interesting option squash caviar.

500 g bell pepper, 300 g carrots, 3 kg zucchini, peel, cook until soft. Prepared vegetables cool. Chop the onion into half rings and fry. Boiled vegetables with the addition of onions, pass through a meat grinder. Transfer the twisted mass into a cauldron and simmer for another half hour. Add 200 g of tomato paste and 250 g of mayonnaise sauce, simmer for another half hour. If the caviar is too liquid, leave it on the stove for another 20 minutes to evaporate excess moisture. Serve chilled.

Consider and following recipes.

Recipe No. 1.

Chop 2 kg of young zucchini into slices, fry in vegetable oil, and cool. Chop 155 g of onion, fry until golden, throw in the chopped herbs, and simmer. Pass the garlic through a press and grind with salt. Pass all components through a meat grinder or grind in a blender. Add 155 g of full-fat mayonnaise sauce to the mixture, pour in 10 ml of acetic acid, ground black pepper, and stir. Place the caviar in jars and sterilize.

Recipe No. 2.

Peel 2 kg of zucchini and 500 g of onion, grind in a meat grinder. Put 250 g of mayonnaise, 250 g of pasta into a saucepan, pour in 155 g of vegetable oil, stir, cook for an hour. Place ½ tbsp into the pan. sugar, 2 tablespoons salt, ½ tsp. pepper, a couple of bay leaves, cook for another hour. Once the mixture is cooked, remove the bay leaf. Screw everything into sterilized jars.

Recipe No. 3.

Rinse 4 kg zucchini well. It is advisable to take young fruits that do not need to be peeled. Cut the vegetables into strips. If necessary, cut off the hard skin. Peel and chop ½ kg of onions and ½ kg of carrots. Place the vegetables in a saucepan, add 250 g of mayonnaise, 255 g of sunflower oil, black pepper, 7 tbsp. spoons of sugar. Stir everything well so that all the preservatives are well distributed throughout the vegetables. Place the salad in sterilized containers, sterilize in boiling water for 40 minutes, and seal with metal lids.

Do not deny yourself the pleasure of trying.

Recipe No. 4.

You will need:

Zucchini – 4 pcs.
- carrots – ½ kg
- onion – 1.2 kg
- ground black pepper – 10 g
- sunflower oil – 255 g
- acetic acid – 255 g
- sugar
- salt

Cooking steps:

To prepare a snack, you can take any squash fruit, even overripe ones. However, they must be peeled off. Chop the prepared vegetables into cubes or circles. Mix all ingredients, salt, season, add sunflower oil, vinegar, mayonnaise sauce. Place the mixture into prepared jars and sterilize for 40 minutes. Once you have rolled up the jars, wrap them in a blanket and turn them over.

Recipe No. 5.

Wash 4 kg of zucchini, chop into strips. Peel 500 carrots and grate them. Finely chop 500 g of peeled onion, finely chop. Place all vegetables in a bowl, add 4 tablespoons of salt, 7 tbsp. spoons of granulated sugar, 250 ml of acetic acid, 250 g of mayonnaise sauce, a package of black pepper, 255 ml of vegetable oil. Stir the vegetable mass, package and seal.

Recipe No. 6.

4/4 tbsp. Soak small white beans overnight, and in the morning add water, boil without adding salt, place in a colander to drain the broth. Prepare 2 kg of zucchini. Young vegetables do not require additional processing. They can be simply cut into cubes. If the fruits are ripe, then after peeling, remove all seeds and pulp and finely chop. Cut 200 g of onion into cubes, and grate 200 g of carrots. Pour ½ tbsp into the frying pan. vegetable oil, boil, add vegetables, fry the mixture until the vegetables stop releasing juice. Place the resulting mixture in a large bowl, pour in half a glass of water, and simmer over low heat for 40 minutes. Pour in mayonnaise and paste, add boiled beans, cook for 20 minutes, pour in vinegar, stir, package, after sealing, let cool and transfer to a cool storage place.
