Marshmallow cake with cream recipe. Marshmallow and cookie cake: sweet airy cloud

Many ladies who prefer to watch their figure are very fond of such a delicacy as marshmallows. This one is gentle and airy dessert has in itself minimal amount calories, but it is incredibly tasty. Today we will talk about how you can make a marshmallow cake with various fruits without baking, with sour cream. This delicacy will appeal not only to the family, but also to guests who are not indifferent to marshmallows.

The advantage of this dessert is its availability and ease of preparation, because instead of cakes, the airy delicacy itself is used. And any types of fruits and berries can be used for the layer; canned pineapple remains especially popular. Also layers can be coated various types cream, in our case sour cream is used, but the housewife can use whipped cream or condensed milk.

As an addition, such a dessert is decorated with candied fruits, various types of cookies, meringue or chocolate; here everything depends only on the hostess’s imagination.

Marshmallow dessert with strawberries and sour cream


  • white or pink marshmallows - 320 grams;
  • any nuts - 75 grams;
  • full-fat sour cream - 265 ml;
  • fresh strawberries and kiwi - 155 grams each;
  • granulated sugar - 95 grams;
  • candied fruits for decoration - 25 grams;
  • chocolate for decoration - 35 grams.

Prepare this cake from marshmallows with fruits, without using baked goods, with sour cream according to the presented step by step recipe With a photo, it’s not at all difficult.

Initially, it is worth preparing all the ingredients for this dessert, but it is worth noting that the ingredients may change depending on the preferences of the hostess.

To prepare the dessert, you need to make marshmallows, since they are sold whole, you can simply break the dessert into halves, or you can cut it with a knife.

It is worth noting that it is difficult to cut marshmallows that are too soft; to make the process easier, you can periodically lower the knife into hot water. A hot knife will cut air marshmallow faster and smoother. Several halves of the dessert are removed before decorating the cake, as they act as the final layer.

Now take sour cream, since we need to get a thicker mass, it is better to purchase more thick product. Also for the cream we need sugar or powdered sugar, beat both products with a mixer until a homogeneous and thick mixture is obtained. The dessert form is prepared in advance. Place one layer of halves at the very bottom. airy delicacy, cover everything with a layer of cream on top.

If you want the cream to harden better, you can make a marshmallow cake with fruit without baking with sour cream and gelatin. In this case, the gelatin will harden in the refrigerator, and the cake will better hold its shape.

Now they begin to prepare fruits and berries; for this, the strawberries are washed in water and cleared of the tails, and the kiwi is simply peeled. Both ingredients are cut into thin slices to make the products easier to fit into the cake. If you don’t have strawberries and kiwi at home, then these fruits can easily be replaced with any others. Still, the dessert itself is very sweet, so it is recommended to use sour fruits. When the first layer of fruit is laid out on the marshmallows, pre-chopped nuts are sprinkled on top. You can use absolutely any type of nuts, but we use walnuts.

Now the nuts are poured a little again sour cream, and spread on top of it new layer marshmallows It is best to place the halves as close to each other as possible, this will help make the dessert denser. To make the cake smooth and beautiful, you should lightly press the marshmallows with your hands. The top layer is shaped again a small amount cream, this is necessary in order to lay out the fruit decoration.

As soon as the cream is applied, pieces of strawberry and kiwi are placed on the surface of the treat. We use marshmallows as the last layer, but you can leave the dessert in this form.

The treat is put away in refrigerator where kept for at least three hours. After hardening, you can decorate the cake with melted chocolate and candied fruits.

Marshmallow dessert from Laima Vaikule


  • high fat sour cream or cream - 550 ml;
  • white soft marshmallows - 520 grams;
  • strawberries - 120 grams;
  • banana - 115 grams;
  • canned pineapples - 95 grams;
  • dark chocolate - 85 grams;
  • walnuts - 55 grams.

Dessert preparation process:

It’s not difficult to prepare a marshmallow cake with fruit, without using baked goods, with sour cream, according to a recipe from Laima Vaikule. First you need to prepare the marshmallows, cut them into two equal halves and are left aside. You should also immediately prepare a baking dish or just take big dish on which the cake will be formed. The first layer of marshmallows is laid out on a plate or mold. Then you can temporarily put the mold aside while you prepare the cream.

To make cream, we need to know what exactly is used to lubricate the layers. If we talk about sour cream, then simply coat the marshmallow layer with the product. Don't worry about the lack of sugar in sour cream, since marshmallows are very sweet, and sour cream will make the dessert less cloying.

If cream is used, you can add a little granulated sugar for taste, or you don’t have to add it. The cream is whipped until fluffy and then spread on top of the marshmallows. Next, you need to take the prepared nuts and chop them, ready-made nuts placed on top of the cream.

You can start laying fruit on the nuts; our recipe uses pineapple, banana and strawberries, this fruit can be replaced with others to taste. The fruits are cut into pieces or circles and then laid out on the cream. Marshmallows are placed on top again, and then the layers of nuts and fruits are repeated again. The dessert is placed in the refrigerator and left for a couple of hours. Not only fruits and berries can be used as decoration, but also melted chocolate, coconut shavings, crushed nuts or marmalade.

Marshmallow cake with custard


  • any cookies - 385 grams;
  • granulated sugar - 355 grams;
  • white marshmallows - 670 grams;
  • crushed nuts - 135 grams;
  • cow's milk - 2.5 cups;
  • yolks chicken eggs- 2 pieces;
  • butter - 155 grams;
  • wheat flour - 0.5 cups;
  • cocoa powder - 35 grams.
  • vanillin - pack.

Cooking process:

Usually, a no-bake marshmallow cake with fruit is prepared with sour cream (with photo). But in our case, we will prepare custard, which will make the cake no less tasty and tender. First, you should prepare the cream; for this, take the yolks of chicken eggs and mix them with granulated sugar and flour. Milk is gradually added to the mixture, stirring better with a whisk. This way you can avoid the appearance of lumps in the cream.

Even if lumps of flour suddenly form in the cream, you can break them up using a blender. The cream is placed on the fire, and then it is allowed to boil, while the mass must be constantly stirred so that the flour and milk do not start to burn. As soon as the mass is ready, cool it well, and then add softened butter to it and beat with a mixer. It’s also worth adding cocoa powder and required amount vanilla powder.

It is best to grind the nuts in a blender, so the crumbs will be finer; do the same with cookies, in the end we should get a product similar to breadcrumbs.

Dessert formation process:

The marshmallows are divided into two equal halves, but you can simply cut off the tops of each treat to make it flat. You should not throw away the tops, as they will be used to decorate the dessert. IN springform lay the marshmallows and then cover it with a layer custard. The cut off tops can be used to fill any gaps between the marshmallow circles. A layer of cookies and nuts is poured onto the cream, and then the marshmallow layer is repeated.

Cover such a dessert with a final layer of cream, and then cover everything cling film. It is best to also line the bottom and sides of the pan with cling film. The treat is placed in the refrigerator for three hours, after which it can be taken out and the top layer of film removed. To serve dessert, take a large plate, turn the mold over, and transfer the cake to a plate

After this, you can remove the top layer of film and serve the cake to the table. If desired, such a dessert is decorated with any fresh and canned fruit, nuts, melted chocolate or candied fruits.

A dessert that you are unlikely to buy in a store is a marshmallow cake, a delicate and light delicacy, the preparation technology of which is accessible even to a child. Many recipes for this cake have already been invented, but fresh ideas never hurt. How and from what products to cook marshmallow cake, bypassing the most complex and time-consuming process - preparing dough and baking cakes?

let's consider simple technology and get acquainted with some recipes.

Marshmallow cake without baking - basic technological principles

To be honest, it would be correct to call a no-bake cake a dessert, because the original meaning of this word is pie, sweet bread, and there are no pies and bread without baking. The word "cake" in this case, means appearance dessert. But some stages of preparing a dessert from marshmallows using a cold method are preserved, as in the preparation of confectionery products in the classic way.

The “cold” cake also has a base for which it is quite suitable ready-made cookies any kind, biscuit, shortbread and waffle semi-finished products. But, given the fairly dense and springy texture of marshmallows, the presence of cake layers in a marshmallow cake without baking is not even necessary, and it is quite possible to combine marshmallows, sliced ​​or whole, with cream, like a cake “ Count's ruins».

Marshmallow consists of fruit or berry puree, sugar, whipped with egg whites. The stable dense texture of the confectionery product is maintained by adding pectin, gelatin, agar or other gelling components. All of the listed components are included in soufflé creams, jelly, marmalade, and mastic, which will very harmoniously complement the marshmallow dessert. In addition, fruits, nuts, chocolate and ice cream can be added to the “cold” cake.

From such an extensive list of ingredients, you can customize hundreds of them to your liking. extraordinary recipes.

1. No-bake marshmallow cake “Summer”

List of ingredients:

Apple puree (from baked apples) 300 g (net)

Lemons 2 pcs. (or 3 limes)

Agar-agar (7-8 g each for applesauce, marshmallow mass and pumpkin puree) 25 g

Green dye

Pumpkin puree 400 g (net)

Muscat, ground

Orange, technical ripeness 1 pc.

Oil 50 g - for pumpkin puree; 120 g – for butter cream; 180 g – for marshmallows

Cream 300 ml

White marshmallow on agar 600 g

Essence (vanilla and coconut)

Berries (blueberries, raspberries) 200 g

Sugar and powder (for cream) - to taste

Cooking technology:

Into pureed applesauce add lemon or lime zest, sugar, Fresh Juice citrus and green food coloring. Bring to a boil, skim off the foam and add dissolved agar-agar. When it cools down to 40-50 C, strain fruit mass, passing it through gauze, rolled up in 3-4 layers. Pour the jelly into a round mold with a removable side (24 cm).

Divide the marshmallows into halves and chop finely. Add hot cream and beat until smooth. At a temperature of 20-25? C, whisking, add soft butter in small portions. Add vanilla or coconut flavor. Place marshmallows with cream on the frozen jelly mass of apples and citruses, in a layer of 1 cm. Place in the cold to harden.

Prepare pumpkin puree:

Place 3-4 tablespoons of sugar in a hot and dry frying pan, melt it until light brown and add pieces of peeled pumpkin. Stir until the pulp is coated with sugar and lightly fried. Add a spoon butter, cover the pan with a lid. Simmer until soft over low heat. At the end of stewing, add cinnamon and ground nutmeg. Puree the cooled pumpkin pieces with a blender and add orange zest. The puree should have a soft creamy consistency. Add agar-agar, dissolved with heat, into it orange juice. Stir and transfer to the mold, on top of the marshmallow layer. Smooth the surface again and let it harden a little in the refrigerator.

On top of the pumpkin puree, place another layer of marshmallow white mass of equal thickness. Place in the refrigerator, now for 5-7 hours.

Immerse the form with the frozen dessert in boiling water for 30 seconds and, turning it over, place it on a stand or dish. Whip the confectionery cream until creamy, adding 90 g of powder. Cover the side of the cake butter cream, and “scatter” the berries on the top, green layer.

2. No-bake marshmallow cake “Pink Cloud”


Fresh strawberry 200 ml

Cream, drinking (pasteurized) 400 ml

White or pink marshmallow 500 g

Whipped cream 200 g

Powder 100 g

Coloring, food (blue)

Gelatin 20 g

Bananas 300 g (net)

Sugar 150 g

Shortbread cookies, vanilla 0.5 kg

Butter 120 g

Essence - to taste

Cooking method:

Place cookies in a ziplock bag. If the package is small, then place the cookies in parts. Crush the cookies with a rolling pin until they form fine crumbs. Place the crumbs in a container, add drinking cream (150-200 ml) so that the crumbs get wet and stick together. Add soft butter and mix thoroughly until smooth.

Transfer the cake base into any form, filling it to 1.0-1.5 cm in height. Pack the cake base tightly and refrigerate for 1-1.5 hours.

Peel 2 medium bananas. Place them in a large, deep bowl, add the remaining cream, sugar and beat until creamy. Add agar juice. Stir.

Place coarsely chopped marshmallow pieces in a spherical bowl, fill them with the prepared soufflé cream and also put them in the refrigerator.

Whisk heavy cream with powdered sugar. Separate approximately? part of the prepared buttercream and add a little blue dye, mix until you get a light blue cream. Remove the cake ingredients from the refrigerator. Place the sand and cream base on a dish. On top of it, turning the bowl upside down, place the cream soufflé. Blue cream, by using pastry bag and nozzles, place a border around the white and pink mass. Cover the “cloud” with white cream: apply the design randomly.

3. No-bake marshmallow cake “Truffle”


Chocolate 500 g

Cream (20%) 120 ml

Butter 240 g

Syrup 180 g

Cognac 70 mg

Marshmallows in chocolate 0.5 kg

Cookies, chocolate shortbread 400 g

Powder 0.7 kg

White marshmallow on agar 350 g

Water 50 ml

Lemon juice 20 ml


For decoration:

Chocolate decor

Flowers made from marshmallow mastic

Cooking method:

Place it on water bath container with pieces of chocolate and butter. Melt, add sugar and pour in warm cream. Stirring occasionally chocolate mass, cook until thickened.

Chocolate cookies grind into crumbs and add to chocolate, mix.

Place a layer of chocolate covered marshmallows in a cake pan with a removable rim. Place half the warm chocolate mixture and cookies on top of it. Place the mold in the refrigerator.

Cut white marshmallows small pieces, add warm water. Melt in the microwave or in a water bath until thick and homogeneous mass. Add lemon juice: it will not only add flavor sugar mastic, but will also make it easier to work with sugar dough, making it more plastic and homogeneous. Use the essence for marshmallow mastic at your discretion.

If desired, divide the mastic into parts, add food coloring to each of them, and knead the dough, adding powder, until the color is uniform.

Half sugar dough leave it white. Roll out a thin layer of white mastic, the size of which should be larger than the surface of the cake so that you can cover the top and sides with mastic. To make it convenient to transfer thin mastic coating onto the cake, roll out the dough on a silicone cloth. First sprinkle the surface of the cake with powder or cocoa. Level the coating with a rolling pin and level the sides with an angled spatula. Level the surface from the center to the edges of the cake. Trim off the excess at the bottom sugar dough. To add gloss to the mastic surface, brush it with a brush using a solution of vodka and honey (or light syrup) in a 1:1 ratio. To decorate the cake, place chocolate-covered marshmallows, 2-3 truffle balls, chocolate decor. Sprinkle lightly with cocoa powder.

4. Marshmallow cake with fruit and soufflé cream “Venochek”

Product composition:

Biscuit cookies 600 g

Cream for cream 300 g

Pink and white marshmallow, fruit 300 g and 0.5 kg

Butter 150 g

Powder 250 g

Peach or mango


Coconut milk 200 ml


Chop the white and pink marshmallows and place them in a separate deep bowl. Melt the marshmallows by adding a little water or lemon juice to each portion. Beat the butter and powder, and, dividing the cream proportionally, add melted marshmallows to both parts. Whisk. Also divide the whipped cream proportionally and combine it with the pink and white cream.

Prepare the fruit: Select firm-textured peaches or mangoes, wash, pit, and cut into wedges. Wash the strawberries. To decorate the surface, set aside large berries without damage, use the rest for the berry layer in the cake (they can be cut if necessary.

Take a large round dish. Place a glass or jar in the center, and place cookies around it in a ring, soaking each layer coconut milk and lubricating, alternately, white and pink cream. On white cream Place slices of peaches or mangoes, and strawberries on the pink one. Cover the surface of the cake with white soufflé. On top of the cream peach slices and lay out the strawberry flowers.

Cover the outer side of the cake with butter cream, which you prepare separately by whipping 150 ml of heavy confectionery cream with 50 g of powder.

5. No-bake marshmallow ice cream cake

Pistachio ice cream

Marshmallow on agar (assorted: white, pink, chocolate)

Nuts (optional) 150 g

Marshmallow mastic for decoration 200-300 g

Chocolate 400 g

Oil 100 g

Cookies, biscuit

Preparation procedure:

The ice cream should be slightly melted. Add chopped pieces of marshmallows and nuts to it. Place chocolate-covered marshmallow halves on the inner surface of a semi-circular container and fill with ice cream. Remove the form from freezer.

Use multi-colored mastic (see recipe above) to fashion flowers or figures for decoration.

Melt the chocolate with butter, stir with a whisk, adding rum or cognac, until shiny. Place cookies on a plate in 2-3 layers. Pour honey over each layer and sprinkle with chopped nuts. Turn the bowl of ice cream over and place it on the cookie circle. Gaps between chocolate marshmallows pour melted chocolate over it. Place the cake in the freezer to prevent it from melting.

Use the remaining chocolate to make decorations. On parchment with a pattern applied with reverse side paper, pipette chocolate from the cornet according to the drawing. Transfer the sheet to the refrigerator. When the chocolate has hardened, remove the chocolate ornament from the paper using a blade, carefully separating it from the paper. Decorate the cake.

6. No-bake marshmallow cake “Basket”


Sour cream, natural 200 g

Cottage cheese from whole unskimmed milk (at least 36%) 350 g

Marshmallow, fruity pink 200 g

Gelatin 20 g

Cookies, vanilla shortbread 0.5 kg

Cookies “Tubes”, shortbread 800 g

Jelly, strawberry 2 packets

Fresh strawberries 500 g

Marshmallow mastic 350 g (for cake decoration)

Operating procedure:

For a no-bake cake you will need a springform round form. Fill the bottom with shortbread cookies.

Beat cottage cheese with vanilla and sour cream until creamy. Add dissolved gelatin and melted pink marshmallows. Then mix the mixture with a spatula in a circular motion until a marble pattern is formed. Transfer the cream into the mold, placing it along the side at the same time. sand tubes: curd cream and a layer of cookies should fix them. Place the mold in the refrigerator to harden.

On top curd cream lay out the strawberry halves, pour over prepared according to instructions, strawberry jelly. Transfer the mold to the cold again to harden.

Make a handle for the basket from mastic by twisting two long “sausages” into a rope and letting it dry on a table sprinkled with powder. Fashion other decorative elements as you wish.

For confectionery products, try to use agar-agar rather than gelatin. Agar-agar is obtained from algae; gelatin - from animal cartilage tissue. Agar-agar does not have characteristic odor, inherent in gelatin, so confectionery products based on it taste more pleasant. The smell of gelatin is not noticeable when used in combination with products of animal origin.

When using gelatin for confectionery products, choose plates. This gelatin is easy to use: the plate has a standard weight of 5 g, it dissolves within one minute without sticking together like powdered gelatin. In addition, during the production process, lamellar gelatin undergoes additional purification stages, and therefore has absolutely no characteristic protein odor.

Agar-agar is convenient because the gelation of liquids begins already at 50 C. Creams and desserts based on agar can withstand more high temperature indoors, and the jelly with gelatin begins to melt at a lower temperature.

Cake “Autumn is mushroom time” To prepare this cake you need to bake a sponge cake. Beat the eggs well, gradually add sugar without stopping beating. Mix the flour with vanilla sugar, raisins and baking powder, and carefully combine with the egg mixture. We heat the oil and...You will need: eggs - 7 pcs., butter - 60 g, sugar - 200 g, wheat flour - 200 g, baking powder - 1 teaspoon, vanilla sugar- 1 sachet, cottage cheese - 300 g, sour cream - 100 g, sugar - 50 g, marshmallows - 2 pcs., egg whites - 3 pcs., sugar - 50 g, raisins...

Cake "Elegant" Cut marshmallows into circles. Whip the sugar-free cream thick foam. Chop the nuts and fry in a dry frying pan. Cut the peaches into pieces. Place a layer of marshmallows in a salad bowl, spread it with jam, and sprinkle with nuts. Then add a layer of peaches, whipped plums...You will need: sweet and sour jam - 1 glass, thick cream - 200 g, marshmallows - 1 kg, walnuts- 1/2 cup, canned peaches - 300 g, chocolate - 50 g

Cake "Eugene" Divide the marshmallows into halves, cut off the rounded tops. Chop the nuts. To make the cream, grind the eggs with sugar, add milk and cook in a water bath until thickened. Cool and grind with butter, adding vanillin. Lay out the form...You will need: marshmallows - 1 kg, hazelnuts - 500 g, sugar cookies - 100 g, sugar - 1 glass, milk - 1 glass, butter - 200 g, chocolate - 100 g, egg - 2 pcs., vanillin - 1 pinch

Marshmallow cake Divide the marshmallows into halves. Grind the eggs with sugar, crumble the cookies, add to the egg-sugar mixture. Pour the mixture with milk and cook, stirring constantly, until thick mass. Cool. Finely grate the lemon zest. Whisk the butter...You will need: marshmallows - 1 kg, eggs - 2 pcs., crumbly cookies for cream - 2 packs and small cookies for decoration - 12 pcs., sugar - 1/2 cup, milk - 1 cup, butter - 200 g, zest 1 lemon, small marmalade for decoration - 12 pcs., nuts - 5 kernels

Cake "Marshmallow" Cut marshmallows into thin circles with a hot, wet knife. Roast and chop the walnuts. Whip the cream. Place a layer of marshmallow circles on a plate, then whipped cream, then berries and sprinkle with nuts. So we repeat for now...You will need: marshmallows - 500 g, cream - 500 g, fresh or frozen berries - 500 g, walnuts - 400 g

Cake DRACOSH Beat eggs, sugar, salt, add sour cream and condensed milk, mix, add flour, and then slaked soda with vinegar. Bake two cakes. Make cream. Connect the cakes and cut them in half: 1 half will be the body, and cut out the tail from the second, divide the remaining biscuit into the neck from the head...You will need: 4 eggs, 1 tbsp. sugar, 200g sour cream, 1b condensed milk, 0.5 tsp soda and salt, 2 tbsp flour, cream: 1b condensed milk + 200g butter, or you can take ready-made Magetta cream, which is diluted with cold milk: convenient, quick and simple!, for decoration: sprinkles, Mmdems candies,...

Pink Zebra Cake Bake a chocolate sponge cake. Any recipe you like. If there isn’t one, contact me and I’ll tell you. Here. for example - a wonderful sponge cake: 5 eggs 1 tbsp sugar 8 tbsp. starch 3 tbsp. cocoa powder 1 tsp. soda 1 tbsp. sweet black coffee. Recipe from our...Required: Chocolate sponge cake: ......................., Curd and sour cream: Cottage cheese - 200 g, Sour cream - 400 g, Sugar - to taste (or rose jam) + sour cream, Impregnation: Rose jam- 300 ml, Oil cream: Butter - 200 g, Rose jam - 100 ml, Mastic: ...

Cake Bunny on a hill of carrots You can see how to prepare the cakes here: Rinse the berries (I also had my own). Dry on a towel. Chop the strawberries. Cream. Beat cream with thickener and powdered sugar. Assembling the cake. It took me 5 cakes (the sixth was left...You will need: For the cakes: sugar - 100 g, baking soda (quenched) - 0.5 tbsp, egg - 1 pc., sour cream - 0.5 cups, butter - 80 g, flour - 2 cups, Cream: Cream - 500 ml 30%, powdered sugar - to taste., Cream thickener Doctor Etker., Strawberries, wild strawberries., Decorations...

Cherry Cake :) Mix all the ingredients for the dough Ready dough Divide into 5 parts, bake each cake at 190C for 5-7 minutes. Let's prepare sour cream by whipping 350g of sour cream with 150g of powdered sugar or sugar. Then soak the cakes in syrup (fruit for kids, liqueur for parents...You will need: DOUGH: sour cream 150g, eggs 3 pcs., honey 3 tbsp., ground hazelnuts 150g., baking powder 1 tsp., flour about 3 cups, CREAM: sour cream 350g., powdered sugar 150g., fruit syrup , For decoration: 250g marshmallows, fruit,

Chocolate cake with marshmallows Melt butter or margarine in a water bath. (Or leave to soften beforehand). Grind sugar and vanillin with butter until white. Cakes: Melt chocolate in a water bath. Or cook it yourself. To do this, mix 5-6 tbsp. cocoa, sugar and milk (water) and...You will need: cake layers: 150 g chocolate (OR cocoa: sugar: milk or water = 1:1:1), 150 g butter or margarine, 150 g sugar, 2 eggs, 250 g flour, 2 tsp. baking powder, vanillin, cream: 1 can of condensed milk, 150 grams of butter, glaze: 5 tbsp. cocoa, 5 tbsp. ...

A kilo of marshmallows, a liter of cream, a glass of powdered sugar, kiwi, banana, tangerine, jam, chocolate and walnuts.

  1. We cut the fruits after peeling and removing seeds.
  2. Whip cream with powder.
  3. Cut all the marshmallows into circles of 4 pieces.
  4. Place the chopped marshmallows on a tray and brush with cream and sugar, and place kiwi on top.
  5. After a layer of marshmallows with cream and jam, then a layer of marshmallows with cream and bananas, grated chocolate and nuts.
  6. And the last layer - marshmallows with cream and tangerines - grease with the remaining cream and decorate with chocolate and nuts.
  7. Leave in a cool place for a couple of hours.

Our no-bake marshmallow cake is ready!

It doesn’t matter at all what fruits you use when making a no-bake marshmallow cake, even if you replace the fruits with berries, the cake won’t lose any of its taste and beauty.

  • To decorate this no-bake cake, you can use anything at all, so, for example, I poured chocolate filling paste purchased at the supermarket over the cake.
  • In order for a no-bake cake to not be cloying, you need to add something sour to it, for example, add cranberries ground with sugar, use sour fruits or even sour paste.
  • You can decorate such a cake with figures cut out of marshmallows, for example, I cut out figures of animals and flowers from marshmallow rings (like zoo cookies).
  • Instead of cream, spread several layers of the cake with ice cream, however, in this case the cake needs to be infused and stored only in the freezer.
  • To prevent marshmallows from sticking to the knife, wet the knife in cold water before cutting the marshmallows.

Another great marshmallow cake

Another recipe, this marshmallow cake will be a little more complicated, but you don’t need to have great culinary talents for it either. This no-bake cake is quick desserts, which also differ in that its ingredients are always readily available and not expensive.

Cake: two eggs, a kilogram of regular marshmallows, two packages shortbread cookies, half a glass of granulated sugar, a package of peasant butter, a cup of milk, the zest of one lemon.
Decoration: 50 g marmalade, 30 g nuts.

  1. Divide the marshmallows into halves.
  2. IN deep container Beat in the eggs and add sugar - mash with a fork.
  3. Crumble the cookies and pour in milk.
  4. It is best to use cookies that are fresh and as crumbly as possible.
  5. We begin to heat it slowly, stirring constantly, waiting for it to thicken.
  6. After the resulting cream has cooled, add finely grated zest and cut into pieces butter, beat in a blender until the lumps disappear.
  7. We form a marshmallow cake - we cover the mold for our cake with cling film and line its bottom with marshmallow halves and cover it with our cream and so on several times - a layer of marshmallow and a layer of cream.
  8. The last layer of marshmallows can be laid out, just like the previous no-bake cake, from figures cut out of marshmallows, but only after decorating the cake completely.
  9. Place in the refrigerator overnight, but for at least 3 hours.

No baking required, but the marshmallow cake is ready! Before serving, decorate the cake with marmalade and nuts, drizzle if available. sweet paste or top with whipped cream.

Bon appetit!!! Thank you for your attention! I hope you enjoyed my no bake cake. See other recipes in the relevant sections of my website!

Many people think that making cakes is a labor-intensive and exhausting process. There are a lot of recipes that will dispel these misconceptions, and a no-bake marshmallow cake in various variations- clear proof of this.

Simple no-bake marshmallow cake with sour cream

To create a confectionery miracle using available products, you should prepare:

  • 350 g marshmallows;
  • 2 bananas;
  • 3 kiwi;
  • chocolate topping;
  • some walnuts;
  • 300 ml sour cream;
  • 75 g sugar.

Cooking method:

  1. The confectionery products are divided into halves, of which the wavy ones are left whole for the top layer.
  2. The remaining marshmallow halves are divided into two more parts.
  3. To create the cream, sour cream is whipped with sugar, after which the fluffy mass is sent into the cold for half an hour.
  4. A layer of marshmallows is placed on a flat plate, lightly brushed with sour cream and covered with kiwi slices.
  5. Next, the fruits are smeared with sour cream, covered with marshmallows, as well as bananas with a sour cream layer.
  6. Then marshmallows, kiwis, bananas and curly marshmallow halves are distributed in layers.
  7. All ingredients must be covered with sour cream.
  8. When such a dessert is soaked in the refrigerator, it is decorated with topping and nut crumbs.

With added cookies

A cake made from marshmallows and cookies is a very simple delicacy to make.

To create it, just have on hand:

  • 1 kg marshmallows;
  • 300 g sugar;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 250 ml milk;
  • 300 g butter;
  • 6 pieces of cookies.

The progress of the work consists of performing simple manipulations:

  1. The eggs are beaten with sugar and then poured in with milk.
  2. The mixture is simmered over low heat until thick.
  3. When the milk mass has cooled, it is whipped with softened butter.
  4. Crumbs are prepared from the cookies, and the marshmallows are cut into several pieces lengthwise.
  5. The cake is assembled in layers: marshmallows, cream, crumbs.
  6. The layers are repeated until the components run out.
  7. The last layer is prepared from crumbs, after which the dessert is placed in the cold overnight for soaking.

Dessert with fruits

From original cake with marshmallows and fruits it’s simply impossible to stop eating.

To bring the recipe to life, you need:

  • banana;
  • kiwi;
  • orange;
  • cream;
  • marshmallows;
  • walnut kernels;
  • cream.

The sequence of actions should be as follows:

  1. The nuts are turned into crumbs using a blender.
  2. The cream is whipped.
  3. The marshmallow is cut crosswise, after which the curly plates are set aside for decoration.
  4. Circles are also prepared from fruits.
  5. Cream is placed in the middle of a flat dish as a “pillow”. Marshmallows with nut crumbs are laid out on them.
  6. The first layer is filled with cream, after which bananas, kiwi, marshmallows with nuts and orange are distributed in the same way.
  7. Each layer is well treated with cream.
  8. Decorate the cake as desired, and then refrigerate for 2 - 3 hours.

Marshmallow cake with condensed milk

The basis for a no-bake dessert is ½ kg of marshmallows, as well as:

  • 1 can of boiled condensed milk;
  • 150 g cookies;
  • half the amount of nuts.

Cooking steps:

  1. Using a mixer, softened butter is whipped with the finished condensed milk.
  2. The cookies are placed in a bag and turned into crumbs.
  3. Nuts are also crushed in the same way.
  4. IN butter cream The crumbs from the previous two steps are carefully mixed in.
  5. The marshmallow is divided into halves.
  6. The first layer of marshmallow halves is placed in the pastry ring, which are covered with ½ of the cream.
  7. The procedure is then repeated, after which the cake is refrigerated overnight.
  8. In the morning, the ring is removed and the cake is laid out on a plate.

No-bake marshmallow treat

You can fall in love with this dessert after the first bite melts in your mouth.

Required for cooking:

  • 300 g shortbread cookies;
  • half a pack of butter weighing 200 g;
  • ½ kg of cottage cheese;
  • a little less marshmallows;
  • 200 g sour cream;
  • 15 ml lemon juice;
  • 50 g powdered sugar.

The method for preparing the dessert is as follows:

  1. Confectionery products from shortcrust pastry crushed into crumbs, which are then mixed with softened butter.
  2. The mass is poured into a mold with a removable side as the bottom layer, which is well leveled.
  3. The form is sent into the cold for 20 minutes. During this time, the cottage cheese is crushed with a blender and whipped with sour cream and sugar.
  4. Marshmallows are melted in the microwave and added along with lemon juice to the curd mass.
  5. The mixture beats well.
  6. The resulting souffle is distributed over the frozen layer of the cake, after which the dessert is sent back into the cold for 4 hours.

The fastest recipe

A quick and tasty dessert made from:

  • 6 pcs. marshmallows;
  • 200 ml cream;
  • Sahara;
  • 300 g peaches.

Step-by-step cooking instructions:

  1. Cream is whipped with sugar.
  2. Pitless peaches are cut into slices.
  3. Each pastry is divided into three flat parts.
  4. Marshmallow slices are placed on a plate, tops down, and immediately covered with cream.
  5. Next, fruit slices, cream and remaining marshmallows are distributed.
  6. The plate turns over and the curly marshmallow ends up on top.
  7. The delicacy is sent into the cold for 3 hours.

With custard

Custard lovers will love it exquisite delicacy without baking, made according to this recipe.

To serve an original treat with a cup of aromatic coffee or tea, you need to prepare in advance:

  • 1 kg marshmallows;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 15 pcs. cookies;
  • 300 g sugar;
  • 250 ml whole milk;
  • a pack of butter weighing 200 g;
  • lemon.

Steps to bring the recipe to life:

  1. The cookies are broken into pieces, which are ground in a food processor and poured into a deep container.
  2. Using a grater, grate the lemon zest, which is set aside in a bowl.
  3. The eggs are beaten with a whisk and mixed with sugar, milk and half of the prepared cookie crumbs.
  4. The mixture of homogeneous consistency is poured into a saucepan with a thick bottom, in which it is cooked until thickened.
  5. After cooling, the viscous mass is whipped with softened butter and lemon zest.
  6. In a mold with removable sides, marshmallow halves are laid out in layers, which are gradually filled with hot custard.
  7. Before serving, the delicacy is infused overnight.

Cooking technology from Laima Vaikule

To make a no-bake cake according to a recipe that a popular singer once shared, you will need:

  • 300 g marshmallows;
  • 150 ml cream;
  • 100 g sugar;
  • half the amount of nuts;
  • 150 g each of strawberries and kiwi;
  • 40 g candied fruits.


  1. The cream is combined with sugar and whipped.
  2. The marshmallows are cut into flat pieces and sorted so that the tops are left for decoration.
  3. The first layer is marshmallows, which are immediately covered with cream cream.
  4. Next, strawberry slices are laid out, between which nut kernels are placed.
  5. Then come the marshmallows and kiwi slices.
  6. The top layer is the curly tops of the confectionery products.
  7. Each sweet layer, except the top one, is coated with cream. The treat is decorated with candied fruits
  8. The finished cake is refrigerated for 3 hours.

A no-bake cake is delicious dessert, the preparation of which will not take much effort and time.
