We make delicious pear jam. Several recipes. Pear jam: best recipes with photos

Cooked in slices without water, it can win the heart of any sweet tooth. Fragrant, tasty, beautiful, sweet dessert- who can resist? Pear jam is ideal not only for tea drinking, but also as a filling in various pies.

The benefits and harms of pears

This fruit is one of the most nutritious, and its calorie content is so low that even after eating a kilogram of these wonderful fruits, you don’t have to worry about how it will affect your figure.

The pear contains vitamins A, C, PP, as well as B vitamins. And the low sugar content and the presence of fructose make the fruit an ideal fruit for the diet of diabetics. Pears are also rich in microelements such as zinc, sulfur, iron, cobalt, potassium and others.

But, despite all its positive qualities, eating pears is contraindicated for people with stomach diseases. But they can treat themselves to this fruit in the form of dried fruits, compotes and, of course, jam. Experienced hostesses We’ve come up with more than one recipe for pear jam in slices, let’s look at the best and easiest to prepare.

Fruit preparation

To prepare pear jam, varieties with dense flesh, such as duchess or lemon, are usually used. But from any other variety, pear jam in slices, prepared without water, will turn out no less tasty. The main thing is that the fruits are not overripe or underripe.

Due to the fact that the ripening period of this fruit is quite long, you can try different recipes.

Before cooking, the fruits must be thoroughly washed, the stalks and core removed, cut into slices, and any dark spots or rotten areas must be cut off.

  • The taste of pear jam can be slightly changed by adding other berries or fruits to the recipe.
  • It is better to collect fruits for making dessert during the day, on a hot sunny day. At this time, pears are at their most fragrant.
  • Pear jam loves to burn, so you need to watch the cooking process very carefully. Ideal to use cast iron cookware: the taste will be more intense, and there is much less chance of the sweet mass sticking to the bottom of the container.
  • If the skin of the fruit is not tender, but rather rough and dense, then it is better to cut it off, otherwise the jam will not be so tasty.
  • To keep the slices intact and not overcooked, follow detailed instructions on preparation.

Classic pear jam

This recipe is probably known to many for experienced housewives. But some are lazy to prepare this delicious delicacy due to the need for repeated boiling. This option is simplified, now cook pear dessert possible in one approach.

To prepare you will need two kilograms of pears, two and a half kilograms of granulated sugar.


  1. Prepare the fruit: wash, peel, cut. Place them in a cooking pot.
  2. Prick each slice with a toothpick in several places.
  3. Sprinkle the fruit in an even layer on top granulated sugar, set the saucepan aside for a couple of hours in a cool place. During this time, the sugar will melt and the pears will give juice.
  4. If the pears are not very juicy, then you need to add two glasses of water to the ingredients in the container before cooking.
  5. Bring the jam to a boil, then reduce the heat and simmer the dessert over low heat for 40 minutes. Remember to stir every five minutes, otherwise the fruit may stick to the bottom.
  6. Pour the jam into the prepared container, seal it tightly, cool and store.

If you love citrus fruits, then this recipe is exactly what you need. You can also use orange instead of lemon, but then you will need to take 500 grams less sugar.

Prepare following products: two kilograms of pears, two and a half - sugar, three lemons.


  1. Wash the fruits, peel them, cut them into slices and place them in the container in which you will cook.
  2. Also rinse the lemon, thoroughly rubbing the peel, and trim the ends. Pass through a meat grinder and add to the pears.
  3. Pour sugar into the fruit mixture, put it in a cool place for three hours to infuse. To allow the pear to release juice during this time, pierce it in several places with a toothpick or fork.
  4. Gently mix the infused jam, being careful not to crush the fruit slices.
  5. Simmer over low heat, skimming off any foam occasionally, for about 45 minutes.
  6. Pour the finished jam hot into a sterile container and cover with a lid.

Pear jam with almonds

What happens if you add almonds and vanilla to classic pear jam? You definitely won’t spoil the taste with these components, but will only give the dessert a touch of something unusual and very interesting. And the aroma that will hover in the apartment during cooking and when opening a jar of ready-made jam will make anyone want to try it as soon as possible.

You will need: two kilograms of pears, the same amount of granulated sugar, two pinches of vanilla, roasted almonds (take the quantity based on your taste, in the original you need to take a glass), one and a half liters of water.


  1. Prepare the main component of the jam - the pear. Wash, peel, remove the core, if necessary, remove the skin, cut the fruit into slices.
  2. Boil water in a saucepan for making jam and place the prepared pear slices in it.
  3. Boil water, then pour it into a separate pan, add sugar to the resulting syrup. Simmer until thickened, about 15 minutes.
  4. Pour the syrup over the pears and leave to cool for about three hours.
  5. When the jam has cooled, boil it again, then simmer over low heat for about 10 minutes. Cool.
  6. The last time the jam will need to be cooked after boiling for 20 minutes, 10 minutes before the end of cooking, add vanilla and chopped nuts with a blender.
  7. Pour hot dessert into jars and seal tightly. Once completely cooled, store.

Now you know how to make pear jam in slices. Everything is quite easy and fast. Bon appetit!

Pear jam is rightfully considered delicious and an unusual delicacy. The sweet mass is not only healthy, but also low-calorie. Pear jam can be consumed as a single treat or added as a filling for baked goods.

Whole pear jam

  • ripe pears - 5 kg.
  • sugar - 3 kg.
  • water - 1.5 l.
  • citric acid - 8 gr.
  1. Sterilize the jars, wash the pears and make several punctures in each pear with a knitting needle. Add to a separate pan drinking water and sugar. Place the mixture on the stove and cook the syrup.
  2. As soon as the sand is completely dissolved, throw in the prepared pears. Add a little water if necessary. Simmer the jam for 10-15 minutes. Turn off the stove and allow the mixture to cool completely.
  3. Repeat this manipulation three times. In the last step add citric acid. Gently stir the ingredients. After the time has passed, turn off the burner and pack the jam into a clean container.
  4. Roll up the jars in the usual way, turn them over and wrap them with a blanket. The next day, place the treat in a cellar or other room with similar conditions.

Pear jam with orange

  • sugar - 1 kg.
  • pear durum- 1 kg.
  • water - 200 ml.
  • orange - 1 pc.
  1. Buy some pears autumn variety, rinse and chop into small slices along with the peel. The middle with the bones needs to be cut out.
  2. Fill a cup with water and add a little salt. Place the pear slices in a container to soak for a while. Start cooking the syrup.
  3. Place the pan on the burner, add sugar and water. Prepare the sweet mixture. Take out the slices and wait for them to drain. Add the pear to the syrup and stir.
  4. Boil the product for 10 minutes at the minimum power of the stove, then turn off the household appliance. Cover the pan with gauze and leave the treat for 8 hours.
  5. After a while, remove the fabric, boil the composition as described above, and leave again for about 7 hours. In total, manipulations are carried out 3-4 times.
  6. Next, cut the washed orange, including the peel, into thin slices and add to the hot mixture. Boil the jam for another 25-35 minutes.
  7. After the due date, package the pear jam in sterile containers with nylon lids.

Pear jam with lime

  • soda - 6 gr.
  • hard pears - 1.2 kg.
  • sugar - 750 gr.
  • water - 0.9 l.
  • lime - 2 pcs.
  1. Take the pears, cut into thin slices, remove the core. Place the fruits in a bowl of water and stir in baking soda. Soak the slices in the solution for no more than 20 minutes. Place in a colander and rinse with running water.
  2. This manipulation is performed so that later, when cooking the fruit, the slices will turn out to be amber in color and transparent in appearance. Place the prepared slices in a cup and mix with sugar. Chop the lime into rings on top.
  3. Leave the mixture for 5 hours. Next, you should move it into a thick-bottomed container. Simmer the jam in own juice a third of an hour. If necessary, pour in a large number of drinking water.
  4. Set the container aside and wait until it cools to room temperature. Repeat the cooking process three times followed by cooling. Any foam that forms during cooking should be removed with a dry spatula.
  5. Sterilize the jars using the standard method and distribute freshly brewed treats among them. Roll up the lids and insulate. Store the jam in the basement or refrigerator.

  • lemon - 1 pc.
  • sugar - 1.7 kg.
  • pear - 2.4 kg.
  • vanilla sugar - 20 gr.
  • apple cider vinegar - 45 ml.
  • water - 400 ml.
  1. You are taking hard pears, rinse, halve. Get rid of seeds and peels. In a separate container, dilute 2 liters of vinegar. purified water. Place the pear in the solution for 25-35 minutes.
  2. Cut the halves into 4-5 pieces. Separately, boil the pear in 1 liter. boiling water Cook the fruit for 8 minutes. Next, place the pear on a sieve and wait for all the liquid to drain.
  3. Start cooking the syrup. Peel the lemon and grate it. Combine 400 ml zest pulp in a saucepan. water, regular and vanilla sugar.
  4. As soon as the mixture boils, add the chopped pear and cook the ingredients for 10-12 minutes. Turn off the heat and let the mixture cool.
  5. Put the mixture back on the heat, wait for bubbles to appear, and simmer the jam for 40 minutes. Further aromatic delicacy rolls up classical technology.

Pear jam with plum

  • hard pears - 1.9 kg.
  • plum - 1.1 kg.
  • sugar - 1.3 kg.
  • water - 0.2 l.
  1. Wash the pears and dry with a towel. Cut into slices, remove all excess. Place the slices in a bowl, add half the sugar, stir. Cover the fruit with a towel and leave for 9-11 hours.
  2. Drain the resulting pear juice into a separate cup. Cut up the washed plums and discard the pits. Add the fruit to the pear. Add 200 ml to the resulting juice. water and remaining granulated sugar. Place the mixture on the stove.
  3. Stir the mixture and wait until it boils. Pour the hot mixture over the fruit and cool. After this, the components need to be boiled for about 45 minutes. Mix the ingredients carefully and skim off any foam.
  4. Distribute the finished jam into portioned clean jars and cover with nylon. The next day, put the treat in the appropriate place for long-term storage. The jam is considered quite useful, as it contains a natural antibiotic - arbutin.

Pear jam with banana

  • pears - 1.5 kg.
  • plums - 250 gr.
  • bananas - 350 gr.
  • sugar - 1.1 kg.
  • water - 220 ml.
  1. Prepare the fruits by cutting them into small pieces. Place in a common cup and add half the sugar. Cover with a cloth and leave overnight.
  2. The next day, cook the syrup. Mix the remaining sand with filtered water. Add the cooked fruits to the smooth liquid.
  3. Boil the mixture 3 times for 12 minutes. In between, the mass needs to cool completely. Next, the treat is passed through a blender or food processor.
  4. Distribute the jam into sterile containers. Roll up iron lids, after cooling, store in the refrigerator or pantry.

  • water - 420 ml.
  • sugar - 1.5 kg.
  • ripe plums - 350 gr.
  • hard pears - 950 gr.
  • red apples - 450 gr.
  1. Chop the washed pears and apples, discarding the cores. Before preparing the jam, place the fruit in a bowl with salt water. Next, start cooking the syrup according to the classical method.
  2. The amount of sugar depends on the types of fruit. Drain the salty solution and transfer the pieces to a heat-resistant container. Pour hot syrup over food. Simmer the jam for 12 minutes, get rid of the foam.
  3. Remove the pan from the stove, leave for 6 hours, during the allotted time the ingredients will infuse. Then wash the plums and remove the seeds, pass the fruits through a blender. Mix the prepared gruel with the main products.
  4. Reboil the mixture on the stove for about 50 minutes. Please note that the power of the burner should be minimal. Place the prepared assortment into jars and close the lids. Turn the container upside down and wrap it in a blanket. Store in a dark place.

Pear jam with almonds

  • sugar - 1.8 kg.
  • pears - 1.9 kg.
  • vanillin - 6 gr.
  • almonds - 110 gr.
  • water - 1.6 l.
  1. Prepare the pear in the usual way, chop into slices. Boil water and place the fruit for a few minutes. Strain the broth and place the pear on a plate.
  2. Pour sugar into the hot liquid and place on the stove. Prepare syrup using classical technology. Pour the bubbling sweet base over the pear pieces in a suitable container.
  3. Leave the product for several hours. After this, the composition in a thick-bottomed pan must be brought to a boil again and simmered over low heat for at least 8 minutes.
  4. Leave the jam again for 3 hours at room temperature. After the expiration date, boil the delicacy for a quarter of an hour. 7 minutes before the end of the manipulation, add ground almonds and vanilla powder.
  5. For convenience, the nuts can be passed through a blender or coffee grinder. Further ready-made jam pour into a sterile container, cover with nylon. Once cooled, transfer to the refrigerator.

Pear jam with mint

  • pears - 1.2 kg.
  • apples - 1.1 kg.
  • sugar - 2.3 kg.
  • citric acid - 12 gr.
  • fresh mint leaves - 20 gr.
  1. Wash the fruit, cut out any excess, chop into small pieces square shape. Place the ingredients in a common saucepan with a thick bottom. Pour granulated sugar over the slices, stir, and leave for 11 hours.
  2. To dissolve the sugar, pour in a little water (about 150 ml). Mix the mixture again. The next day, place the pan with the fruit on the stove and bring to a simmer over low heat. Stir, cook for 1.5 hours.
  3. 25 minutes before the end of simmering, add citric acid and mix the products thoroughly. Place mint leaves on top. Turn off the stove and remove the greens. Pour the jam into jars and roll up.
  4. Wrap the dish with the treat in a warm jacket. As soon as the jam has cooled, place the container in a pantry room without access sunlight. You can consume the sweet mass after a few days.

Prepare original treat from pears. You can add additional products to your liking. Try making jam with kiwi and others exotic fruits. Add assorted nuts or spicy seasonings. Replace regular sugar reed You can also make jam using honey. The amount of viscous composition is taken 15-25% less.

Video: pear jam for the winter

One of the most delicious winter delicacies today can rightfully be considered pear jam. It is necessary to note the fact that this jam can be prepared different ways using absolutely different ingredients, adding different feathers flavorings. And so, thanks to a huge number of recipes, you can cook pear jam And pear jam, and a large number of other desserts for the winter. It is also necessary to note that when cooking you can use different pears, in terms of varieties, various berry and fruit additives. Please also note that this species delicacies are great: zest, cranberries, pineapples, mint and more great amount anything else.

Pear jam. Recipe with step-by-step photos

Pear jam is not particularly popular among housewives, usually in large sizes this product They don’t close for the winter, but for the sake of variety. Well, what if you have a whole tree in your dacha? beautiful pears, don’t let the good go to waste. We immediately go to the market to stock up on sugar and start making pear jam.

The following ingredients are required for this jam:

  • Pear – 1 kg;
  • Water – 1 glass;
  • Granulated sugar – 850 grams.

Let's start making pear jam

First, we will thoroughly wash the pear.

We will cook the jam in a fairly large pot, as for me this is realistic best dishes For making jam, there is simply no better kettle. The jam in the cauldron does not burn, and in general it is very convenient to cook in this container.

Pour sugar on top of the pear; the ingredients indicate one amount, but you must understand that it all depends on your whims and the sweetness of the pear, if you like pear jam If it’s very sweet, you can add more sugar, but if everything is exactly the same, then add less sugar accordingly.

Stir everything well and leave for a couple of hours, let it brew, during which time the pear should release juice.

If your pear is not very juicy, add more water, if your pear is quite juicy, you need as much water as stated in this recipe.

You need to cook pear jam using the old proven method, in several batches. Cook the jam for 20 minutes, turn it off, let it cool, and do this four times.

While our pear jam is cooking, in the meantime we will prepare the jars, we will wash them thoroughly, and do not forget about the lids.

Also, do not forget about sterilizing jars along with lids.

Well, when our jam is cooked, the only thing left to do is put it in jars, after warming it up slightly.

We close the lids, give the jam time to cool, and send it to a cool, dark place, such as a cellar, to store until winter.

This is the kind of jam we have prepared for the winter, stay with us and find out about all the best popular recipes pear jam.

Classic pear jam

And so, let's start making jam. Next in line is the recipe classic jam from a pear. To prepare this type winter dish you will need, firstly, two kilograms of sugar flour, secondly, the same number of pears with fairly hard pulp, and thirdly, no more than three glasses of water.

The cooking process is quite simple and at the same time complex. Your actions can be easily divided into several. The first step towards ready-made and tasty jam is what you will need to choose ripe pears, then wash them thoroughly and cut off the skin. After this, you will need to select all the seeds and cut them into small pieces, no more than one centimeter. Your next step will be to pour the baking soda into a small saucepan and let it boil, then lower the heat a little and begin heat treating the chopped fruit. This boiling should take you about 15 minutes. After this action, you can remove the pan from the heat and pour the water into another vessel. And let the fruit itself, which you just blanched, cool, and you can pour it over your chopped pears cold water. You need to add sugar to the water in which you blanched the pears and continue to boil, remembering to remove the foam. Your next step will be to put your slightly boiled fruits into the resulting syrup, and then leave this substance to cool. After more than three hours have passed, you need to put the pears back on the fire and boil for 10 minutes. And so, you will need to repeat this action several times, approximately 5 times in total. After this boiling and subsequent cooling, your jam will be completely ready. And so, the last step that you will need to do is put the resulting jam into clean jars and roll up their lids.

Pear jam with lemon.

The following recipe, with which you can cook very tasty treat, is: pear jam with the addition of lemon. To prepare this delicacy, you will need ingredients such as two kilograms of pears, two glasses of water, as well as two and a half kilograms of sugar and two medium-sized lemons.

The main stages in cooking of this dish for you it will be that you need to decide on pears and citrus fruits. Which, by the way, will add not only an interesting taste to your work culinary arts, but also wonderful aroma, and he will definitely please you winter period. And so, as in the previous recipe, you will need to wash the pears, peel them and remove the annoying seeds. After this, cut the pears into small slices, about one centimeter each. Your next step is to put the water on the fire and let it boil, then put your lemons in it, which should be cut into slices and also pitted. You will need to boil the citrus fruits for about three minutes, then strain the lemon decoction and put it back on the stove, at the same time adding sugar and starting to prepare the syrup. While your syrup is hot, you will need to pour it over the pears and give it a little time to cool, about two hours. Next, put this substance on the fire again, and it should be slow, and be sure to remember to skim off the foam on top. And so, you can determine that your jam is completely ready by looking at the pear; it will become a little transparent, and the syrup itself will take a thick form. The last action that will give you the opportunity to enjoy this culinary product In winter, you can roll jam into jars with sterile lids.

Pear jam with lingonberries.

The next recipe, which also has a place among culinary delights, is: pear jam with lingonberries.

To prepare this jam, you will need about three kilograms of pears, two kilograms of sugar, one and a half kilograms of lingonberries, as well as the zest and juice from two lemons. And so, the main steps in preparing this delicious jam, which will also be very aromatic, are that you will need to wash the lingonberries and select the whole ones, and then put them on a sieve to dry. Next, wash the pears and peel them, after which you will need to cut out the core so that the “tails” themselves remain completely intact. You also need to pay attention that you should not throw away the pear parts that remain after cleaning. Your next step is that you should cut the resulting pulp into small slices. Next, you have quite a painstaking job to do, namely cutting the zest from the lemons, then squeeze out the juice and sprinkle it a little on your pears and put them in a bowl, covering them with film. Carefully place in another bowl lemon zest, lingonberries, as well as pear residues after peeling. Pour a little more than half a liter of water into this saucepan and place on fire. When this substance boils, you will need to reduce the heat, cover with a lid and cook for about twenty minutes, not forgetting to stir this mass. And so, your guideline will be that the lingonberries turn into mush. Having received such a substance, you can turn off the heat and leave for a small amount of time for her to cool down. After this, your next step will be that you will need to pass this mass through a sieve and put it in a bowl with pears, while adding sugar there. And so, start boiling your future jam until the sugar is completely dissolved. This cooking on the stove will take you about forty minutes and your main guideline will be that your jam will thicken a little. The last step is to pour the finished treat into jars and tightly seal the lids.

Standard pear jam (jam)

The fifth recipe in line was no less tasty than the previous ones, namely pear jam. In order to prepare this winter delicacy you will need, firstly, two kilograms of ripe, or even slightly overripe pears, four large lemons, two kilograms of sugar, and three boxes of cardamom.

And so, to prepare this delicacy, the first thing you need to do is. This is to remove all the seeds from the cardamom pods. Your next step will be to thoroughly wash the lemons, give them a little time to dry and remove the zest. After this, you should also wash the pears thoroughly and let them dry completely, remove the seeds from them, and completely remove all the skin. A small note, which is that if the fruits are very ripe and it is simply physically impossible to remove the skin from them, then you can boil the pears with it. After removing the skin, you will need to cut the pears into small slices and place them in a saucepan with fairly thick sides. When laying out your fruits, also pay attention to the fact that they need to be laid out in parallel layers, sprinkled with sugar. Then you can start cooking. And so, the first thing you also need to pay attention to is that the fire should not be too strong, and the cooking time will last until the sugar has completely melted. Next, after you stop seeing sugar crystals, turn down the heat a little and continue cooking for about half an hour. Your guideline in this matter should be that the fruit should become very soft. After this stage, let the jam cool completely and grind the resulting mass in a blender, then rub it through a fine sieve. The next step is to put this substance back into the pan. After completing this step, you will need to add the zest to the grated jam, as well as the previously squeezed lemon juice. Next, light the fire on the stove and bring it to a boil, after which you turn the heat to almost the lowest setting. Be sure to keep in mind that when preparing this jam, you must not forget to stir it. And so, having boiled again, you need to cook this delicacy for about four more minutes, after which you add cardamom seeds and cook further, but just a little, about one minute. After removing from the heat, you can safely begin to pour your jam into jars and begin to roll up with clean lids.

Pear jam from whole fruits.

Another recipe that you can prepare to show off to your friends is pear jam with whole parts of this fruit.

To prepare this jam you will need the following ingredients: two and a half kilograms of sugar, four kilograms of pears, eight hundred milliliters of water, three clove buds, and a third of a coffee spoon of citric acid.

To make jam according to this recipe, you will need to perform a large number of actions, but rest assured, the result will be fully justified by your efforts. And so, the first action that you must perform when preparing jam is to thoroughly wash the pears, and they can be both regular and wild ones, which will be very convenient in the future. After washing, give it time wild pear dry and pierce them in several parts with a needle, then carefully place them in a saucepan. Next, you have to cook syrup with water and sugar in a separate saucepan, which you will then pour over your fruit. After this, you will need to let this mass stand for a while to cool slightly. When all this fruit substance has completely cooled, you will need to begin the boiling process, which will take about ten minutes. Then remove from heat and let cool, then repeat this process several times, that is, again on low heat and heat treatment for 10 minutes. And so, during the last boiling you will need to add cloves, as well as citric acid. After this boiling, you can begin to put the resulting jam into jars and begin to roll up with clean lids.

Pear jam with poppy seeds.

And so, the last presented recipe for making pear jam is this delicacy with the addition of poppy seeds.

For cooking you will need two kilograms of pears, a little vanilla, five boxes of cardamom, two teaspoons of poppy seeds, as well as 4 tablespoons of homemade honey, which is not candied and has a light color.

And so, the process of preparing this jam will consist of several steps, the first of which will be grinding the cardamom seeds in a mortar. Next, you will need to thoroughly wash the pears, then give them a little time to dry, and then peel them and remove the hard cores along with the seeds. Next, take the pears and place them in a saucepan, then pour honey into it, and also pour in the resulting ground cardamom seeds. Your next step will be to start boiling your fruit, which means that you need to put this saucepan on the fire and let it cook heat treatment Twenty minutes. Also keep in mind that the cooking time for these pears depends on their variety; your guideline in this matter will be the complete evaporation of all the juice. At the end of cooking, be sure to add the remaining elements, that is, poppy seeds and vanilla. After this addition, you have to boil the resulting substance a little more and you can start putting the jam in jars and rolling them up. You also need to pay attention to the fact that poppy seeds can be replaced with finely chopped nuts or sesame seeds.

And so, after making the jam, you will receive on your table, regardless of the time of year, a wonderful delicacy that will delight you day after day. Pay special attention not only to the wonderful taste, but also to the excellent aroma, as well as the wonderful amber color. Please note that this delicacy looks great with tea. You can also use this work of home culinary art in pies, cakes, and buns. As they say, you just need to come up with an idea and start turning it into something delicious.

As always, I am glad to see all my guests!

Prepare not only tasty, but also beautiful jam cutting pears into slices is a completely doable task! Of course, if you know some of the nuances. These are exactly what I will talk about in my publication today.

In this article about pear jam in slices (recipe with photos), I will show you consistently and in detail how to achieve the desired result, and will also reveal all the secrets of obtaining magnificent amber pear jam.

I hope that my culinary experience will serve as a good guide for young housewives. I remember well how in my green years I collected bit by bit successful recipes(only by taking a sample) and tried to achieve perfection. How long ago was it...

But I think that even today the status of a good housewife has not been canceled!

First of all, let's determine the amount of ingredients. From the following I got the 2nd floor liter jars pear jam for the winter and a little more so that you can take a sample now and immediately enjoy the result.


  • Pears – 1.2 kg
  • Granulated sugar – 1.2 kg
  • Purified water – 0.200 ml
  • Maintain proportions for any quantity
  • HOW TO CHOOSE fruit for pear jam in slices

Strange as it may sound, not every pear can produce something beautiful. amber jam! The selection of fruits here has great importance. Only pears with dense flesh are suitable, one might even say slightly underripe. But not green either, having not yet reached the proper taste. Therefore, I advise you to definitely try what you buy.

And, of course, to obtain clear pear jam in slices, you should in no way use soft, fully ripe or overripe pears. It is better to make excellent jam or marmalade from them. Which is also generally not bad, winter will pick up everything!

And so, we decided on the choice of source material. I bought 2 kg of pears. After processing, 1.2 kg remained. So factor waste into your calculations. Let's move on.


Let's start with the fact that the purchased fruits will first need to be washed. Then, using a housekeeper's knife, remove the skin from them, that is, peel them. And then cut the pear into four parts and carefully cut out the seeds. Then cut the quarters into slices approximately 3-4 ml thick.

While we are doing this process, water is already heating up on the stove for cooking. sugar syrup. After all, without it you won’t get amber clear jam from pears into slices.

Add granulated sugar (according to the recipe) into boiling water, stir well and cook until the sugar is completely dissolved.

You can rest assured that the specified amount of granulated sugar will dissolve in such a small amount of water, just follow the recipe and everything will work out!

The sugar syrup has been boiled, and we have already prepared the pear slices.

We pour them into the pan in which we will cook the pear jam. And immediately pour boiling sugar syrup.

Leave for a while until the pears are saturated with sweetness and the syrup has completely cooled.

Then we put our future pear jam in slices on the fire, slowly bring to a boil and boil for literally 5-6 minutes. Then turn off the heat and wait until the contents of the pan have cooled completely.

Raspberry jam in five minutes it would have been ready, but this is a different process.

When this happens, you can move on and light the fire again and simmer for about the same amount of time. With this process, our pear slices will gradually become saturated with syrup and become transparent. You need to do 2-3 such approaches.

After which you can start final stage cooking jam. But this time the boiling time will be about 1 hour. However, you will see for yourself how it gains an amber color and becomes thicker.

Just don’t forget that the jam should boil for low heat and it must be stirred during the process (touching the bottom of the pan), preferably with a wooden spoon with a long handle.

Pear jam recipe Many housewives have it, but we want to offer you a few original and very delicious options, which you will definitely like. If you are preparing a delicacy for the first time, then our tips will also be useful to you. Let's start with them.

How to make pear jam

We choose the fruits.

To prepare sweet treats, you need to choose fruits with dense pulp. The most popular varieties are duchess and lemon. However, you can take other varieties, the main thing is that the fruits are not overripe. Collect pears with elastic skin. Rinse them thoroughly, remove the stems and core, chop them into cubes or slices. Cut off all rotten areas and dark spots.

Cooking utensils.

For cooking jam, it is better to choose an aluminum or copper basin. In such containers it does not burn or stick. Wash the jars for preparation thoroughly and scald with boiling water. You can also warm them up in microwave oven or heat over steam. For preparation, also prepare a plate for foam and a wooden spatula.

Pear jam for the winter


Water – 2 glasses
- sugar – 2.4 kg
- pear – 2 kilograms


Prepare the fruits, cut them, put them in a bowl for cooking. Pour in sugar and smooth over the surface. Prick the fruit in several places with a fork. Leave for several hours until the juice appears. If the type of fruit is not very juicy, then pour water into it. Place the basin on the stove and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer for an hour. During this time, stir it several times.

Pear jam with lemon


Pears – 2 kilograms
- granulated sugar – 2.5 kg
- lemon – 3 pieces


Wash the fruits thoroughly, remove dark spots and stems, cut into large cubes, and place in a container. Pass the lemon through a meat grinder. Also pass the lemon through a meat grinder and send it there. Sprinkle the fruit mixture with sugar and let it brew for 3 hours. Be sure to poke the fruits with a fork so that they release the juice. After soaking the sugar in juice, stir the mixture, put the mixture on the stove, bring to a boil, and leave for an hour on low heat. Stir the mixture, pour it while still hot into prepared containers, seal tightly with lids, and place under a blanket until it cools. ready!

Delicious pear jam

Required Products:

Water – 1.5 liters
- almond– 120 g
- vanilla – ? teaspoon
- sugar, pears - 2 kg each

Cooking steps:

Prepare the fruits, peel and cut into slices. Pour water into the cooking container and place the prepared products in it. Boil for 3 minutes, drain the water into another container, add sugar, and cook the syrup. Pour the prepared syrup over the pear pieces and leave in this form for several hours. Place the jam on the fire, boil, reduce the heat, simmer for 10 minutes, and let it brew again for 4 hours. Behind next time Boil the mixture for 20 minutes. Ten minutes before the end of cooking, add chopped almonds and vanilla. Wrap the workpiece until it cools.

Pear and apple jam

You will need:

Apples, pears – 1 kg each
- granulated sugar – 2 kg
- mint sprigs – 3 pieces
- citric acid - teaspoon

How to cook:
Wash the fruits, remove rotten areas, cores and stems, cut into cubes, place in a pan, cover with sugar. Poke the fruits with a fork and leave for one night. If the fruit turned out to be dry and did not give required amount juice, you can add a little water. Stir the mixture and place on the stove. Boil the delicacy and cook over low heat with regular stirring. Cook for one and a half hours. Twenty minutes before the end, add citric acid to the mixture and stir thoroughly. Place the washed mint sprigs, but make sure that they do not drown in the total mass. Before pouring the workpiece, they must be removed. Pack the preparation into jars, seal, cool, and transfer to a cool place.

Try this option too.

Pear and orange jam.

You will need:

Sugar – 2.2 kg
- pears – 2.2 kg
- oranges – 3 pieces


Wash the pears, peel the center, cut into slices, and place in a container. Peel the orange and cut into cubes. Fruit mass Cover with sugar, poke with a fork, and leave the dough overnight. Place the mixture on the stove, bring to a boil, simmer for an hour and a half over the fire, stir regularly, skimming off the foam. Pour the finished treat into hot jars and close the lid tightly. Fragrant preparation ready!

How do you like this?

How to make pear jam.

You will need:

Light grapes – 520 g
- pears – 1.5 kg
- white dry wine– 220 ml
- granulated sugar – 155 g
- cinnamon - coffee spoon
- a sprig of lavender


Cut the peel from clean fruits and remove the center. Chop the pulp into slices. Mix sugar with wine, let it boil, stir until sugar dissolves. Add cinnamon and fruit, simmer over low heat for about 15 minutes. As soon as the jam has cooled, put the pan on the fire again, bring the contents to a boil, add a lavender sprig, and simmer for 5 minutes. And the final approach. As soon as the preparation has cooled, remove the lavender sprig, boil the mixture, and package it in sterile jars.

Try cooking it the same way

Lingonberry jam with pears.


Hard pears – 2.8 kg
- granulated sugar – 2 kg
- lemons (juice and zest) – one and a half kilograms
- lingonberries – 1.5 kg


Wash the lingonberries and place in a sieve. Cut out the center of clean, peeled pears. Do this in such a way that the “tails” remain intact. Do not throw away the pear peel. Chop the pulp into slices. Cut the zest from the lemons, squeeze out the juice, sprinkle the fruits, transfer to a deep vat or bowl, cover with film, and let “rest.” Place lemon zest, lingonberries, pear peelings in a separate pan, cover with water (600 ml). As soon as the liquid boils, reduce the heat, cover the dish with a lid, cook with regular stirring for about 20 minutes. Make sure that the lingonberries turn into mush. Cool the resulting mass, pass through a fine strainer, place in a container in pears, add sugar, and place on the stove. Stir all this until the sugar is completely dissolved, simmer for half an hour, skim off the foam until the jam thickens. Pour the finished product into the prepared container and seal it tightly.

You will also like it.

Whole pear jam.

Required Products:

Granulated sugar – 2.4 kg
- pears – 4 kg
- citric acid – 1/3 coffee spoon
- water – 800 ml
- clove buds – 3 pcs.


Wash the fruits, make punctures in several places, and place in a saucepan with thick walls. In a separate bowl, boil the syrup, pour over the pears, and let stand. As soon as fruit mixture When it cools down, put it on the stove, set the heat to low, cook for 10 minutes. As soon as the jam has cooled, boil it again. To do this, 10 minutes will be enough for you. Do this several times. Add cloves and citric acid at the very end, place the workpiece in a sterilized glass container. Jam from whole pear ready!

Lemon pear jam.


Sugar – 1.3 kg
- water – 520 ml
- pears – 1 kilogram
- a pinch of citric acid

Cooking steps:

Wash the fruits thoroughly, remove seeds, and cut into quarters. Boil water, place pear quarters in it, and boil for five minutes. Cool the fruits in boiled water cold water. Place in a colander and let the water drain. Prepare the syrup: add water to the sugar and cook while stirring until the sugar dissolves. Pour hot syrup over the prepared fruits, leave for 3 hours. Place on the stove, boil for 5 minutes, leave for 10 hours. Repeat the cooking function 3 times until the pears become transparent. Finally, add a pinch of citric acid. Package the finished product and seal it hermetically.

What do you think?

Pear jam in a slow cooker.

Wash the fruits, cut out the middle, cut them, put them in a multi-cooker bowl, add sugar and citric acid. Cook the product for one hour, setting the “Stewing” mode. If you didn't take too much juicy pear, add some water. As soon as you hear the multicooker signal, leave the treat in the “Warming” mode for another half hour, then boil for ten minutes. Place the jam into sterilized jars, roll them up, turn the jars over, wrap them, and keep them like this until they cool completely.

Pear jam slices.

You will need:

Light liquid honey – 4 tablespoons
- pears – 2 kilograms
- poppy seed – 2 teaspoons
- vanilla
- cardamom boxes – 5 pcs.

Cooking steps:

Remove the seeds from the cardamom pods and pound them in a mortar. Wash the fruits, peel and core them, place them in a saucepan with a thick bottom, add honey and crushed cardamom seeds, place on low heat, cook with constant stirring for three hours. Check the readiness of the treat in the old proven way: drop a small amount on a saucer. If the droplet does not spread, then the jam is ready. Finally, add vanilla, add poppy seeds, and simmer for a couple of minutes. Poppy seeds can also be replaced with chopped nuts and sesame seeds.

It turns out very tasty too.

Recipe with rowan berries and apples.

Required Products:

Pear – 300 g
- apple – 300 g
- rowan – 1 kg
- sugar – 1.55 kg

How to cook:

Prepare the rowan fruits. Sort the pears and apples, wash, peel, cut into slices, remove the stems and seeds. To prevent darkening, first immerse them in salted water and then in hot water. After heat treatment, cool the slices and remove excess moisture. Pack the hot jam into heated dry jars, sterilize at a temperature of 100 degrees.
