Brew regular tea. Boiling water is a hindrance to tea. So, what about the water?

Black tea is the second most popular drink on the planet. Millions of people start their morning with a cup of aromatic hot drink. Black tea is healthy, it contains a lot useful substances that have a beneficial effect on the body. But not everyone knows that only according to all the rules does it have these properties. So how long should you brew black tea to make the drink not only tasty, but also healthy?

Rules for brewing tea

It is believed that good tea like a kiss: strong, sweet, hot. This is true, but in order to achieve such consistency, rich color and taste, you need to follow all the rules, use special utensils and be sure to brew high quality tea.

To prepare the drink, you will need a porcelain teapot, which must be well heated. This must be done for better tea extraction. Most often, the kettle is warmed up with boiling water, which is poured into the kettle for a few minutes and then drained. Porcelain warms up very quickly, so this teapot is optimal for brewing. There are other ways to warm up the kettle. It can be dipped in boiling water or placed on the grill of an electric samovar.

You need to brew tea with water that has been filled with a spring. Boiling water is poured into the dry tea leaves half the volume of the kettle. The lid of the kettle can be closed; the top of the kettle can be covered with a linen napkin so that the aromatic essential oils do not evaporate. You should not use pillows or special insulation, otherwise the tea will become tasteless as it will rot.

The infusion time for tea depends on the quality, type of tea, and water hardness. Usually it ranges from 3 to 15 minutes. If you brew tea with soft water, 3-5 minutes is enough. During this time, the tea will fully open, and delicate aroma will remain.

It was customary in China to brew tea in special gaiwan cups; a teapot was not used for this. It was believed that 1-2 minutes was enough to brew delicate varieties of tea. Georgian and Indian varieties open in the fourth minute when using soft water, and in 7-8 minutes when using hard water. Slab teas give a rich consistency after 10-15 minutes.

After the infusion time has passed, boiling water is added to the kettle, not reaching one centimeter from the top of the kettle. The appearance of foam on the surface indicates that the tea has been brewed correctly. But it should not touch the lid of the kettle. You can gently stir the tea leaves with a spoon or fill a bowl with tea and pour it back into the teapot. This will ensure even mixing.

How to determine the quality of tea infusion

High-quality black tea forms a yellow-brown foam on the surface. White, abundant, clean foam can indicate that the water used for brewing has not reached a boil, despite the fact that the tea brew is of high quality. This tea has insufficient taste and aroma. ABOUT poor quality tea and non-compliance is indicated by the complete absence of foam.

Black tea: to dilute or not

Fans of tea ceremonies unanimously declare that the resulting tea cannot be diluted. A high-quality drink is obtained only if the desired consistency has already been achieved in the kettle. It is better to use teapots of different sizes to pour the tea drink without dilution. But at least half the volume should always remain in the teapot so that the tea leaves are not exposed. While drinking tea, you can add boiling water to the teapot and brew the tea again.

After brewing, the tea should be consumed within 15 minutes. The tea should not be left for several hours, and drinking black tea the next day is not recommended. All types of black tea can only be consumed freshly brewed.

Standards for brewing tea

IN different countries are used different standards to obtain a high-quality tea drink. In our country in the system Catering They use 4 g of dry brew per liter of water, in Sweden - 12 g. India is considered the country where they consume the most - 44.5 g per liter, slightly less, 25-30 g in England, China and Japan.

The old Russian norm is one teaspoon of tea leaves per glass of water; additionally add another spoon to the teapot. If we assume that in teaspoon contains 5 g of dry raw materials, you will need 25 g per brew, taking into account the fact that boiling water will be added to the kettle during tea drinking. This way you can get a drink of medium strength.

In the event that brewing is intended for one time without subsequent addition of boiling water, the amount of dry brew should be reduced to 15 g. Any deviation from the norm depends on personal preferences and the desired taste.

How to brew tea correctly. Rules for brewing tea

How to brew tea correctly? This question is asked by many novice tea lovers. There are many ways to prepare tea. It all depends on what kind of tea you are going to brew - black, green, white or red tea (hibiscus).

How to brew black tea

We will talk about ordinary black tea: Georgian, Krasnodar, Ceylon, Indian. For brewing, it is best to use soft purified water. Nowadays this is not difficult, since many different water purifiers have appeared on the market. And there is a wide selection of drinking water in stores.

Boil water in an enamel kettle. Don't wait for the boiling water to make the lid dance. It is enough for the water to just boil. While the water is boiling, add required quantity tea in a porcelain, earthenware, or even better ceramic teapot heated and rinsed with boiling water.

Many families brew tea in a special teapot, and then pour it into cups and dilute the tea with boiling water. Should I do this? Experts recommend brewing tea immediately in large teapot and pour from it into cups.

How much dry tea do you need?
The maximum rate is 1 teaspoon per cup of boiling water.

How long does it take to brew tea?
Approximately 5-7 minutes, tightly covering the teapot with a lid and covering it with a napkin, which allows steam to pass through, but retains the essential oils that give the tea its aroma.

Photo: how to brew tea correctly

You can appreciate the taste of tea if you slowly and deliberately, enjoying every sip, drink it from earthenware or porcelain cups within 15 minutes after brewing. Remember: fresh tea like a balm.

How to brew green tea correctly

  • For making tea, living spring water with a low content of mineral salts is best suited. Before brewing, all tea utensils should be rinsed with boiling water. After the dishes have warmed up, you can start brewing tea.
  • The amount of tea for brewing is determined individually, on average for green tea - one teaspoon per 150 - 200 ml. water. Tea is brewed with unboiled water, cooled to a temperature of 80 - 85 oC.
  • First time green tea leave for 1.5 - 2 minutes and completely pour into chahai, or “sea of ​​tea”, from where it is poured into cups. This ensures the same strength of the infusion in all cups. It is important that the brewed tea is completely poured into cups and not left in the teapot, otherwise it will taste bitter.
  • With subsequent brews, the brewing time gradually increases by 15 - 20 seconds. Depending on the variety, green tea can withstand from three to five infusions, each time surprising you with new shades of taste and aroma.

How to brew hibiscus

Boil 8-10 teaspoons per liter of water for 3 - 5 minutes. At the same time, the water turns bright red and acquires a characteristic refined sweetish-sour taste. IN hibiscus tea It is recommended to add sugar. Moreover, hibiscus petals softened in water also do not lose their original sweet and sour taste, and therefore they can be eaten as an excellent vitamin supplement, which, thanks to high content Vitamin C protects the body from viral infections. Cold tea it is prepared in the same way: hibiscus inflorescences are placed in cold water and bring to a boil, then add sugar; Serve very cold or even with ice.

How to brew white tea

When brewing white tea, be sure to be soft and not too hot water(50-70C). Since it has a special concentration of essential oils that give it an exquisite aroma, brewing with too hot water will kill these wonderful odors. The brewing time is extremely short, usually no more than 5 minutes. White tea is brewed in a gaiwan or teapot for 3-4 minutes at a temperature of 85C°. Can be brewed 3-4 times.

After brewing, white tea has a pale yellow or green-yellow color and a subtle floral, slightly herbal aroma. This aroma is much weaker than other teas. To enjoy it, one usually takes the cup in one's hands and brings it to one's face before taking a sip. Instead of the solid, dominant aroma of other types of tea, white tea has a much more subtle and long-lasting fragrance.

Likewise, tea leaves white tea has no characteristic shade; it can be colored yellowish, greenish or reddish. When you drink white tea, it seems almost tasteless, as if you are drinking hot water with a slightly softer and subtler flavor than usual. However, after some time, a unusual sensation; you feel a soft, pleasant sweetness that gradually goes down your throat. If you take a sip after this warm water, then you will understand that this elite Chinese tea not tasteless, but rather sweet and with its own special aroma. White tea leaves a bittersweet aftertaste. In China it is called "the aroma preserved between the teeth."

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For several centuries now, tea has been a favorite drink of many, not only because it is tasty, but also healthy. The properties of the substances included in its composition have a positive effect on the state of the entire organism as a whole, including mood. Many researchers even claim that thanks to the vivacity and good mood that drinking tea gives, life expectancy increases.

The components that make up black tea are amazingly diverse. This drink is rich in vitamins, minerals, amino acids, alkaloids, pigments, essential oils, tannins and caffeine. Many of them have beneficial effects:

  • increasing immunity;
  • strengthening the walls of blood vessels;
  • regulation of work genitourinary system, including kidneys;
  • increased blood circulation to the brain;
  • With the help of caffeine, heart function is stabilized and gastric tract, it helps to concentrate and focus;
  • the antioxidant and antimicrobial effect of tea is due to the presence of tannin;
  • Theophylline helps improve metabolic processes in the body;
  • the presence of fluoride helps strengthen teeth and prevent caries;
  • phenolic compounds help quench thirst.

Modern research conducted by scientists over several decades has shown that black tea in combination with citrus crops significantly reduces the incidence of skin cancer. It could be as simple as a cup of hot tea with a slice of lemon.

External effect of tea

Thanks to its antibacterial properties, the drink perfectly fights unpleasant smell V oral cavity. A strong infusion of black tea, used as a compress, relieves swelling of the eyelids. When going to the beach, you can wipe your skin with it. This will protect you from sunburn for a while.

Rules for brewing black tea

Of course, the benefits of black tea are undeniable. But for the drink to become truly useful, you need to learn how to brew black tea correctly. Mistakes made during the brewing process can not only deprive it of all beneficial properties, but also harm the body.


Many people refer to the strength of tea as the final color of the drink. But it is not so. Strength is the content of substances in its leaves that, when dissolved, pass into the drink. In other words, as the concentration of the tea composition increases, the strength of the drink also increases. It is not affected by the brewing time, since if the raw materials are initially Low quality, then you should not expect high quality infusion from it. Although frequent use High strength tea leads to leaching of magnesium from the body, which has a detrimental effect on the nervous system.

Use Reviver too often it's not worth it

Making black tea

The tea gains its strength five minutes after the start of brewing. The final color is achieved within ten minutes. If you do not consume it at this time, it begins to lose essential oils, proper smell and taste.

It becomes bitter, and this does not mean that it has become stronger, but indicates that it was brewed incorrectly. Therefore, it is important to know how much to brew black tea.

Brewing utensils

The material from which the teapot is made plays an important role in the quality of the resulting drink. Regardless of what the device is made of, it must be dry and warm when brewing.

The right kettle

The teapot has long been the utensil around which the entire tea ceremony is built. Therefore, choosing a kettle is a rather important moment.

Clay teapots

These are the first teapots to appear in China. Unglazed clay teapots absorb the aroma from each brew. As a rule, it is not customary to clean them, but only rinse them. It is believed that preparing aromatic black tea in a clay teapot with a large layer of coating produces the strongest aroma. They are very suitable for black varieties, since they absorb heat for a long time and then release it for a long time.

Porcelain teapots

Are considered the best representatives these types of products. They are indispensable for varieties with exquisite aromas that are not usually brewed with boiling water. In addition, high-quality porcelain is a chic table decoration during a tea ceremony.

Glass teapot

Using a glass teapot, you can observe the life of tea leaves during the brewing process. When choosing such a device, you should know that the glass must be of very high quality, and all other parts must be stainless. Otherwise, your tea may have a completely different, specific aroma. Also, such products require frequent, thorough cleaning to maintain their aesthetic appearance.

When brewing in a glass teapot, it is interesting to watch the transformation of the tea leaf

French press

For those who love everything new and progressive, we can suggest using a French press. It is a container with a press for filtration and ensures the convenience and speed of the process.

Metal kettle

If you prefer metal kettles, then they should be made of stainless steel highest quality. Only in this case will they ensure receipt quality drink, durability of use and a special style of tea drinking.

Time and temperature for brewing tea, its quantity

To get a high-quality and healthy tea drink, one teaspoon of good raw materials per half liter of water is enough. The tea is poured into a dry teapot, which is filled with hot water and covered with a towel along with the spout. This will be enough, since a heavily insulated and steamed drink loses its proper taste. It takes about seven minutes to brew black tea. After this, you need to stir the brewed drink to distribute all its esters evenly throughout the entire volume.

It is important to choose the right ratio of dry raw materials and water

Water should be used that is soft and well purified. Low quality water gives the drink its own taste. For black teas, as a rule, water of ninety degrees is used.

Despite the fact that making tea seems quite simple, there are a number of rules that must be followed in order to enjoy a truly aromatic and tasty drink. Besides, in properly brewed tea All useful substances are better preserved.

Photo of black tea

How to brew black tea correctly? First of all, you need to choose a good quality brew. It is not recommended to buy bagged tea, since it is often made from low-grade raw materials, and flavorings, dyes, and flavor enhancers are often added to it.

So, the tea leaves have been purchased. Now you need to find suitable dishes. Metal is not suitable. It is also advisable to avoid glass, as it will not provide the temperature required for the brewing process. The best choice- this is porcelain. The teapot is washed, and before pouring tea into it, pour boiling water over it. This must be done so that the dishes are already hot when brewing. Only then tea leaf will fully give off its taste and aroma.

Water for making tea should only be fresh. It should reach the boiling point when bubbles appear on the surface. The kettle must be turned off immediately.

The tea leaves must be poured at the rate 1 teaspoon for one small cup, plus 1 spoon for the teapot. If the water is hard, you can add another spoonful of tea leaves. The same applies to loose leaf tea. But for small-leaf tea, you can pour less tea leaves. When the tea leaves are already in the bowl, you need to shake it a little so that all the leaves are distributed more evenly throughout the teapot.

Pour water over the tea using smooth circular motions, capturing all the leaves. It is advisable to brew tea in two or three doses. First pour in a third of the water, wait a minute, then another third, and then another. Then the teapot is covered with a lid, and all holes in it are covered with a napkin. It allows air to pass through, but does not allow it to evaporate. essential oils Thus, the tea will be more aromatic. Infusing time is about 5 minutes.

How long can you brew black tea?

There is an opinion that black tea can be brewed more than once. This is true. Some are accustomed to pouring boiling water over the same tea leaves two or even three times. So, how many times can you brew black tea, really? No more than once, maximum two times. Because even the highest quality and strongest brew will be practically tasteless after the fourth brew. Although, of course, everyone decides for themselves how many times to brew black tea.

Sometimes it happens that you cannot drink freshly brewed tea right away. Then the question arises: How long to store brewed black tea? Usually the tea leaves can stand for no more than an hour. After additional time, it loses its taste.

Tea... This short consonance has absorbed the meaning of legends and scientific works, popular rumor and government documents. The historical life of tea... was regulated by emperors and theologians, vegetarians, doctors and gourmets, poets and merchants, philosophers and artists, scientists and politicians, governments and smugglers... Different types and varieties of tea may be completely different from one another, and even the most beautiful tea can be prepared in different ways and perceived differently - both as coveted nectar and as tinted boiling water...

Methods of brewing tea

Brewing tea the Chinese way

According to the classical Chinese method, tea is brewed not in a teapot, but in a special cup with a lid called chaiwan. The diameter of the cup at the top is larger than the diameter of the lid, so the lid almost touches the tea infusion. Dry tea is poured into the chaiwan and boiling water is poured to a quarter, a third or half of the volume. After 2-4 minutes. tea is poured into a cup without lifting the lid, through a hole - the aroma must not be released! They drink tea hot, in small sips, without sugar or any additives, which, according to the Chinese, as well as the Japanese, only spoil the taste of tea.

Brewing tea the Japanese way

According to the Japanese method, they put a pinch of green tea directly into a cup, and not into a teapot, brew it with boiling water, and not boil, God forbid, over a fire, and cover the cup with a lid. Steaming tea with hot water helps dissolve aromatics and gives tea drink spicy taste. After a few minutes, the well-steamed tea petals seem to bloom again and the water acquires a yellowish-greenish tint. As a rule, tea is brewed with slightly cooled boiling water, but in some places in Japan some types of tea are infused with rain or snow water. The best, selected varieties of Japanese green tea - gekuro (“jasper dew”) are brewed with water brought to a boil, then cooled to 60-70 ° C, and it is recommended to bring the cup to the same temperature; regular green tea (“sencha”) is brewed at a water temperature of 75-85°C. Low grades of green tea (“bancha”) are brewed at a water temperature of about 100°C. A good infusion of green tea is obtained in approximately 1-2 minutes. It is believed that the best infusion of tea is obtained 5-8 minutes after brewing. The Japanese determined that during the first brewing of tea, about 60% of tannin and other healing substances are transferred into the infusion, during the second - 30%, and during the third - only 10%. It is therefore recommended to brew tea only once. However, green tea is most often brewed twice. There are tea drinkers who drink the infusion and then eat the brewed green tea petals.

Brewing tea according to the Uzbek method

Dry green tea is poured into a well-heated teapot, a little boiling water is poured - no more than 1/4 of the container - and kept in hot air for 2 minutes. Fill the kettle up to half, cover with a napkin, and after another 2-3 minutes add water to 3/4 of the capacity; stand for another 3 minutes and add more.

Tibetan way of brewing tea

Brew strong brick tea (50-70 g per 1 liter of water), mix with melted butter(100-250 g per 1 l) and salt; The mixture is whipped in a special bowl and a thick, homogeneous drink is obtained. Kalmyks and Kyrgyz put butter in their tea, and Mongols also add milk, flour and salt. Sometimes they even add black pepper on top of everything else!

Polish way of making tea

The kettle is heated for steam, dry tea is added and kept under the lid for a few more minutes. Pour in a little boiling water and continue heating. After 5-10 minutes. add boiling water and serve immediately.

English way of making tea

Preheat the dry kettle. Pour tea (one teaspoon per cup of water, plus one teaspoon “per teapot”). The kettle is immediately filled with boiling water and left for 5 minutes. At this time, warmed, but not boiled, milk is poured into well-heated cups - 2-3 tablespoons, then tea is poured into the milk. It is necessary to remember that the British strictly adhere to the rule of pouring tea into milk and in no case milk into tea. They are convinced that if you add milk to tea, the aroma and taste of the drink will spoil. Such a mistake is considered ignorance by the British.

The highest quality tea true connoisseurs always drink in pure form, i.e. nothing is added to the cup. Anyone who wants to taste the sensations of tea in all their purity does not even add sugar.

10 requirements for proper tea brewing

In his book “A Cup Full of Fragrance”, published in Prague, Zdenek Zacek gives ten requirements proper preparation tea.

1. Tea is never boiled, but only brewed. Otherwise, all aromatic substances are lost.

2. Brewing is carried out in thin-walled porcelain or glass vessels or teapots.

3. Brew tea with boiling water. Chilled water does not sufficiently extract the necessary substances from the tea. Water that boils for a long time loses oxygen and negatively affects the taste and aroma of the drink.

4. Water for tea should be fresh and of moderate hardness.

5. Water can be boiled in enamel kettles, stainless steel or fire-resistant glass. Contact of tea with metal sharply worsens the taste of the drink.

6. A metal strainer is not suitable for making tea. A plastic strainer is recommended.

7. The dishes in which we prepare tea or boil water are not stored or washed with dishes for other products.

8. Tea brewing is carried out at a precisely defined time. Black tea is brewed for 4-6 minutes, green tea - 3-4 minutes. Steeping for too long can result in excessive astringency or a bitter aftertaste. The tea takes on a dark color, which is a sign well cooked. It is not recommended to brew twice.

9. Tea (meaning dry) should be stored in closed metal boxes lined with paper or in glass resealable containers.

10. Tea should only be served freshly prepared and hot. Green tea is added twice as much as black tea. Tea cannot be reheated.
