Scientific research: Myths and truth about the benefits and harms of alcohol. The benefits of alcohol in small doses for the human body

Alcohol (from lat. spiritus– spirit) is an organic compound that has a diverse and extensive class. The most famous and common are ethyl, methyl and phenylethyl alcohols. Different kinds alcohols can not only be obtained in laboratory conditions, but also found in nature. They are found in plant leaves (for example, methyl), in naturally fermented organic products (ethanol), and in essential vegetable oils. Also, some vitamins belong to the alcohol class: , B8 and. Under normal physical conditions, alcohol has a transparent color, a sharp characteristic odor and taste, and is a good solvent for oily and fat-containing substances. The alcohol strength varies from 95.57 to 100 vol.

Drinks containing alcohol have been known to mankind since ancient times. There is historical evidence that more than 8 thousand years BC. people used fermented fruit drinks and knew about their effect on the body. The first drink saturated with a large percentage of alcohol was made by Arab chemists in the 6th-7th centuries. In Europe, ethyl alcohol was first produced in Italy in the 11th-12th centuries. On the territory of the Russian Empire, the first strong alcoholic drink there was Akvavit, which was brought by Genoese ambassadors in 1386. However, 100% alcohol was obtained in Russia through chemical experiments only in 1796 by chemist T.E. Lovitz.

There are two main industrial way obtaining ethyl alcohol: synthetic and natural fermentation. The most popular is the second method. Fruits and berries, grains, potatoes, rice, corn, starch, and raw cane sugar are used as raw materials. The reaction to form alcohol begins to occur only in the presence of yeast, enzymes and bacteria. The production process has several main stages:

  • selection, washing and grinding of raw materials;
  • breakdown of starchy substances by fermentation to simple sugars;
  • yeast fermentation;
  • distillation in booster columns;
  • purification of the resulting aqueous-alcoholic liquid from impurities and heavy fractions.

It is almost impossible to obtain alcohol of the proper concentration at home.

Alcohol is widely used in various industries. It is used in medicine, perfume and cosmetic production, food, alcoholic beverage and chemical industries.

Beneficial properties of alcohol

Alcohol has a large number of beneficial properties and uses. It is an antiseptic and deodorizing agent used to disinfect medical instruments, skin and hands of healthcare workers before surgery. Alcohol is also added as an antifoaming agent to artificial ventilation devices and used as a solvent in the manufacture of medications, extracts and tinctures. In the alcoholic beverage industry, alcohol is used to fortify alcoholic beverages, and in the food industry - as a preservative and solvent for natural dyes and flavors.

In everyday life, alcohol is used for rubbing at high temperatures, warming compresses and for preparing medicinal tinctures. Those. alcohol in pure form- This is an empty drink, which is ennobled by infusing medicinal herbs and fruits on it.

To treat the respiratory system and throat for colds, sore throat and bronchitis, it is necessary to use tincture of eucalyptus, calendula and kalanchoe. Take 100 g of all ingredients, chop thoroughly and pour into a half-liter bottle. Pour alcohol on top until completely covered and leave for three days in a dark place. Dilute the finished infusion in warm water in a ratio of 1:10 and gargle at least 3 times a day.

For hypertension, heart and vascular diseases, you can use a tincture of rose petals (300 g), grated red beets (200 g), cranberry juice(100 g), juice of one lemon, liquid honey (250 g) and alcohol (250 ml.). All components must be thoroughly mixed and left to infuse for 4-5 days. The finished tincture should be taken 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day.

To narrow dilated veins, it is necessary to make rubbing and compresses from horse chestnut tincture. To prepare it, chop 6-10 medium chestnuts and pour alcohol (500 g) into them. The tincture should be infused for 14 days in a dark place. The finished medicine should be rubbed with massaging movements 3 times a day into the legs with pronounced veins and taken orally 30 drops also 3 times a day. The course of treatment must be carried out within a month.

A good choleretic agent is a tincture of barberry fruits. To do this, pour fresh or dried fruits (2 tablespoons) with alcohol (100 g) and leave for 14 days. Take the finished infusion, diluting 20-30 drops into 50 ml. water 3 times a day. The effectiveness of treatment begins to appear after 15 days of systematic use.

Dangerous properties of alcohol

Alcohol vapors that are used in industry (ethanol, methanol, isopropanol), with prolonged inhalation exposure, can lead to lethargic sleep, narcotic effects or death. The probability of one outcome or another depends on the time of inhalation of the vapors - from 8 to 21 hours.

Methyl alcohol at internal use has severe toxicological poisoning, which has a detrimental effect on the nervous (convulsions, convulsions, epileptic seizures), cardiovascular (tachycardia) systems, affects the retina and optic nerve, causing complete blindness. If more than 30 g of this alcohol is taken orally without emergency medical care, death occurs.

Ethyl alcohol is less dangerous, but also has a number of negative effects on the body. Firstly, it is quickly absorbed into the blood through the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines, the concentration of which reaches its maximum 20-60 minutes after administration. Secondly, it has a dual effect on the nervous system: first causing strong excitement, and then sharp depression. At the same time, cells of the cerebral cortex die and degrade in large numbers. Thirdly, the functioning of internal organs and systems is disrupted: liver, kidneys, gallbladder, pancreas and others. The sale of ethyl alcohol in pharmacies is prohibited.

According to estimates by the World Health Organization, Uganda is recognized as the drinkingiest country in the world. This is due to the fact that in Africa many drinks based on the fermentation of plant materials are consumed, also considered alcoholic.
Luxembourg is in second place, Ireland is in third, followed by Hungary and Moldova. To Russia's credit, it should be said that it occupies only 22nd place in the ranking of the most drinking countries, and Ukraine is in 61st place. Everything is fair in the calculations. Pure alcohol consumption per capita was calculated, including infants and old people.


The main parameter for classification is the strength of the drink.
Therefore, according to the indicator, all drinks are divided into:
  • Strong. Includes more than 38% vol. alcohol This is cognac, vodka, whiskey,
  • Average. Include alcohol from 20 to 38% vol. – liqueurs, liqueurs, tinctures,
  • Weak. Include alcohol no more than 20% vol. - beer, wine.

Strong alcohol

The main difference in spirits is the raw materials from which they are made.
If in southern European countries this raw material is grapes, then in more northern latitudes it is potatoes or grain. For example, in Ireland and Scotland it is whiskey, in France and Spain it is brandy, in Russia and Poland it is vodka, in the Scandinavian countries they prepare aquavit from potatoes.
In the Caribbean, the basis for alcohol is sugar cane. Therefore, in Latin America, rum is made from it.
The abundance of agave in Mexico gave rise to the production of tequila, which was formerly called agave whiskey.
In North America history strong drinks started with sugar cane rum. However, after some time, immigrants from northern Europe They discovered that instead of the usual barley, they could use corn or, in the north of the country, rye. Therefore, Canadian and American whiskey prepared from rye and corn.

Another parameter for classification is exposure. Over time, people developed technology for aging strong alcoholic beverages. Canadian or American whiskey, for example, must be aged for at least two years, cognac for at least two and a half years, and Scotch whiskey for at least three years.
Not all alcoholic drinks last. Vodka, grappa and gin are not aged. Therefore, these drinks are colorless and completely transparent.
At the same time, there are drinks, for example, tequila, rum, brandy and aquavita, the production of which involves both aged and unaged types.

In trade, the classification of alcohol is simplified: all strong drinks are divided into white and brown.

The most consumed strong alcoholic drinks in the world are:

  • Vodka,
  • Whiskey,
  • Brandy,
  • Gin.
Alcohol can also be classified according to the complexity of production. Then it will turn out:
1. Pure alcohols prepared without any improvers from any types of raw materials ( vodka, grappa, whiskey),
2. Flavored spirits from a wide variety of raw materials ( aquavit, gin),
3. Drinks based on alcohol with a variety of additives, including including sugar ( tinctures, liqueurs, creams).

Calorie content

Without a doubt, liqueurs break records for calorie content. The calorie content of 100 ml of the product is more than 300 kcal.
Vodka contains a little more than 280 kcal per 100 ml.
Liqueur wines and whiskey contain about 220 kcal per 100 ml.
Dessert and fortified wines contain from 150 to 170 kcal per 100 ml.
Vermouths - about 120 kcal.
Sweet wines and sweet champagne are around 100 kcal.
Semi-sweet wines 80 – 90 kcal.
Dry wines – 60 – 70 kcal.
Beer 35 – 50 kcal.
Non-alcoholic beer – 33 kcal.

Degrees and blood alcohol content

Without a doubt, the higher the amount of drink consumed, the greater the “degree” that will enter the blood.
But it’s not just the quantity that affects the level of alcohol in the blood.

1. Alcohol strength. The stronger the drink, the more alcohol in the blood. But due to the fact that drinks with a strength of 40% irritate the gastrointestinal mucosa, the work of the pyloric valve is inhibited. Therefore, the contents of the stomach do not enter the intestines so quickly and thereby delay the entry of alcohol into the blood. Drinks with a strength of 15–20% penetrate the blood most quickly. Due to the fact that there is quite a lot of water in beer, alcohol from it also does not immediately enter the bloodstream. But aperitifs with a strength of 15–20% penetrate the blood the fastest, which is why they increase appetite, causing acceleration of blood circulation. Gas present in champagne and mineral waters ( they are used to make cocktails) accelerates the penetration of alcohol into the blood.

2. Speed ​​of use. If you drink a lot and quickly, your blood alcohol level will be higher than if you drink the same amount, but slowly, little by little. During the time that the next portion of alcohol enters the blood, the liver manages to process part of what has already been received. The liver processes the alcohol contained in 25 ml of vodka or 250 ml of beer in an hour. Therefore, if you drink at this rate, your blood alcohol level will remain constant.

3. Presence of food in the stomach. If there is no solid food in the stomach or intestines, alcohol penetrates the walls and blood faster. If a person eats fatty foods, alcohol is absorbed 6 times slower than on an empty stomach. Therefore, before the first drink, it is better to eat a thick, fatty and warm meal.

4. Body mass . The “bigger” a person is, the more fluid his body contains. Thus, a tall person will have a lower blood alcohol level, all other things being equal, than a low person. Since there is less water in fat cells, an obese person's alcohol level will rise faster than a lean person who has consumed the same amount. In any case, women have less water in their bodies than men. That's why they get drunk faster.

Myths about the dangers of alcohol

Myth 1. Alcohol is a food product
Scientists knew that alcohol is a narcotic poison back in the early twentieth century. And in the mid-70s, the World Health Organization officially recognized alcohol as a drug that undermines public health. To this day, not a single scientist has been able to reliably refute these assertions.

Myth 2. If you drink a little, there will be no harm
The refutation of this is that all alcoholics began to drink little by little. But like any other drug, alcohol is addictive. The dose can only increase. Even small amounts of alcohol give a person a feeling of euphoria, which is often very dangerous.
According to research by academician Pavlova, reflexes disappear after drinking small doses of alcohol and return to normal only after 7–11 days. According to modern data, even people who drink moderately after 4 years have an 85% chance of brain shrinkage. The more complex the brain function, the more severe the consequences of small doses of alcoholic beverages. A person’s desire to work disappears. Small doses of alcohol poison the liver, as well as brain cells and reproductive systems. Even small doses increase the likelihood of diabetes and cancer, as well as hypertension.

Myth 3. Alcohol helps prevent colds and warms you up
Alcoholic drinks are actually a source of calories, which means they can theoretically warm you up. But their processing by the body is more complex than other types of energy ( sugars or fats), and the damage done to the body is higher. An imaginary sensation of warmth arises from the fact that under the influence of alcohol paralysis of the blood vessels of the skin occurs, they become wider and the blood flow to the skin increases. The amount of heat that is given off by the body increases, so there is no benefit from this “warming”.
The maximum amount of strong alcohol that can really “get the blood going” a little is 50 grams. Large amounts only have a negative effect.
According to the French Academy of Sciences, alcohol does not in any way affect any influenza viruses. Therefore, it is useless to use it for acute respiratory diseases (ARI). It’s even harmful, because when alcohol enters the body, it weakens it. Drinkers are more susceptible to infections, this was proven back in the nineteenth century. 100 grams of good red wine, warm, can slightly stimulate the immune system, but you shouldn’t drink more.

Myth 4. Alcohol relaxes and makes you happy
Drinking small amounts of alcohol actually reduces inhibitions and loosens people up. But the reason for this is paralysis of the cells of the cerebral cortex. In this regard, people who drink have less control over their actions and words. This kind of fun is the result of the drug. After some time, a person loses the ability to concentrate, becomes tactless, and his actions often interfere with others.
Drinking alcohol should also not be used to relieve stress. After all, the effects of alcohol on the body are similar to the effects of stress itself. The narcotic effect of alcohol is that it reduces the feeling of fatigue and other unpleasant sensations. However, after the alcohol is removed from the body, all these feelings will come back with a vengeance.
As a last resort, if there is no other method of distraction, you can drink no more than 30 grams of strong drink or 40 grams. guilt.

Myth 5. Alcohol improves appetite
When alcohol enters the gastrointestinal tract, the glands begin to intensively produce digestive juice. This is a false feeling of hunger. Gradually, the glands atrophy and digestive function deteriorates, the walls of the stomach are destroyed, and an ulcer appears.
If the amount of alcohol consumed is not so large, a person’s cravings for food increase, body weight increases, and intestinal function is disrupted. It turns out that the feeling of increased appetite is just a deception. In fact, alcohol disrupts the functioning of the glands of the digestive system and impairs the functioning of protective mechanisms.
Those who stubbornly try to whet their appetite with alcohol can be advised to drink no more than 20 grams of strong alcoholic beverage. The effect will be noticeable in about 15 minutes. But drinking alcohol like this on an empty stomach entails the complications described above.

Myth 6. Wine contains many beneficial substances
According to research, during the wine making process, most of the beneficial substances found in grapes are processed or destroyed.

Myth 7. Alcohol increases performance
According to many people, it is easier to work when slightly drunk. In no case is a moderate degree of intoxication implied. According to Australian researchers, the speed of reactions in slightly inebriated people is actually slightly higher. However, their reactions are not always correct. But the ability to concentrate and think clearly decreases. It turns out that even if things move faster, there will be mistakes in the work.

Myth 8. Alcohol reduces blood pressure
Most people suffering from high blood pressure are convinced that alcohol increases the lumen of blood vessels and thereby reduces pressure. This is not a completely wrong opinion. Indeed, in small quantities, alcohol relaxes the tension of the vascular walls. But it immediately increases the heart rate. And the amount of blood pressure is affected by the volume of blood passed through the heart. Thus, when the heart rate increases, more blood is pushed out and the pressure increases. In addition, alcoholic drinks contain active ingredients, which most often negatively affect blood pressure readings.

Myth 9. High-quality alcohol is not harmful
In fact, even the most expensive and quality alcohol is a toxic poison for the body. This is due to the fact that when ethyl alcohol decomposes in the body, acetaldehyde is released, a toxic substance. At the same time, of course, low-quality alcohol is even more harmful, since it initially contains harmful fusel oils, which aggravate the effect of acetaldehyde.

Is there any benefit?

The benefits of small doses of alcohol have been talked about for a long time and in many countries around the world.
Are these claims really based on science or is it just a ploy by the liquor industry?
After all, if everyone unanimously refuses alcoholic beverages, recognizing them as a soft drug, this will cause huge losses to both producers and the state itself, which receives huge profits from taxes on alcohol. Therefore, everyone chooses the answer to this question for themselves.

In the meantime, there is an opinion that:

  • Drinking small doses of alcohol reduces the likelihood of developing coronary heart disease, as it prevents the formation of atherosclerotic plaques and increases the amount of “good cholesterol” in the blood,
  • Moderate drinking reduces the likelihood of developing arthritis,
  • Under the influence of small doses of alcohol, areas of the brain that are dormant in a sober state are activated,
  • Moderate drinkers are less likely to suffer from kidney tumors, intermittent claudication, colds, angina, lymphoma, osteoporosis, and type 2 diabetes,
  • Moderate alcohol drinkers are several times less likely to die from a sudden heart attack.
  • Moderate drinkers earn wages 20% higher than non-drinkers.
  • Even in the Old Testament, in 191 places, the benefits of wine are spoken of ( It should be borne in mind that in those days they drank only natural grape wine, and even well diluted with water).
The overwhelming number of researchers studying this topic believe that the benefits of drinking even small doses of alcohol are so small that all of the above arguments should not be taken seriously. And any dose of alcohol brings a lot of harm to the body. The media is simply trying to justify the bad habits of society, acting quite irresponsibly.

Treatment with alcohol

The medicinal traditions of many countries include the use of alcoholic beverages. Thus, in Rus', vodka was used for rubbing, treating coughs and inflammation of the middle ear. And in southern countries, wine was used for treatment against diarrhea, cough, anemia, and weakness. In any case, you should consult your doctor before starting treatment.
Alcohol and vodka by themselves are no good medicinal benefits Dont Have. However, they are excellent at extracting beneficial substances from herbs. Vodka and alcohol have historically been used to make various tinctures.

ENT organs

  • To treat sore throat, bronchitis, and colds, you need to irrigate your throat and mouth with a mixture of alcohol tincture of eucalyptus or calendula and water in the proportion: 1 tsp per 200 ml of water. tinctures.
  • For follicular sore throat, you should irrigate your throat and mouth with 10% tincture of Kalanchoe with vodka.
  • For ARVI or flu, it will be useful to drink a warm drink before bed: 50 ml of dry red wine, 50 ml of mineral water, 1 tbsp. honey, a little cinnamon.
  • For pneumonia it will be useful: heat 200 ml of red wine, 1 tbsp. honey, a little lemon balm and thyme. Drink in small sips and immediately wrap yourself in a blanket.
  • To reduce the temperature during ARVI: 200 ml of dry white wine, 1 tbsp. linden honey, a little nutmeg, 1 tbsp. lemon juice Leave for 60 minutes to infuse. Take a teaspoon 4 times a day,
  • For chills: 200 ml wine, 1 tbsp. honey, juice from 12 lemons and 3 cloves, heat over a fire, leave covered for 30 minutes, drink a little,
  • For the treatment of rhinitis: 1 tbsp. dilute alcohol tincture of propolis with 2 tbsp. beet juice Drip 4 times a day, 3 drops into each nasal passage,
  • For the treatment of cough, bronchitis: 1 tbsp. olive oil, cognac, honey, warm slightly and consume immediately before bed,
  • To strengthen the body during colds, combine equal amounts of Cahors, honey, and aloe juice. Drink 1 tbsp. 30 minutes before meals 3 times a day.
Heart and blood vessels
  • 100 gr. dry red wine, 8 ml cinnamon tincture, 6 ml lemon balm tincture, 30 ml honey. Take a tablespoon 3 times a day,
  • For chronic heart failure: 500 ml of dry red wine, 2 handfuls of rose petals, keep in a warm, dark place for 15 days. Drink 50 ml once a day after meals,
  • At high blood pressure: 300 gr. dry red wine, 150 gr. honey, 100 gr. crushed aloe leaves. Leave for 24 hours to infuse. Take a tablespoon 3 times a day before meals for 6 weeks,
  • For high blood pressure: 250 ml of vodka, 250 g. honey, lemon juice, 300 ml cranberry juice. Use 1 tbsp. 3 times a day between meals,
  • For vegetative-vascular dystonia, you should drink a glass of good red wine every day.
Varicose veins
  • Mix some acacia flowers with 150 ml of vodka. Cover the bottle and leave in the dark for ten days. Use to rub affected areas,
  • Chop 6 chestnuts, add 500 ml of vodka. Keep in the dark for 14 days. Pass through gauze and drink 30 drops 3 times a day on an empty stomach. Duration of therapy 4 weeks,
  • For hemorrhoids 50 gr. pour 500 ml of vodka over chestnut flowers and leave for 14 days. Take 40 drops 3 times a day after meals.


  • For gastritis with reduced acid production: drink 75 ml of dry red wine twice a day for 21 days. Drink 30 minutes before meals
  • For diarrhea: 1 liter of red wine, 30 g. mixtures of herbs in equal quantities ( oak bark, underground parts of galangal, marshmallow), consume warm, 1 tsp. once every 60 minutes.
Choleretic and diuretic disorders
  • 500 ml of alcohol and 25 g. Birch buds should be kept in the dark for 14 days. Use 1 tsp. 3 times a day after meals,
  • For gallbladder atony, take 2 tbsp per 100 ml of vodka. barberry leaves. Leave for 15 days. Take 30 drops in a small amount of water 3 times a day for 14 days,
  • For stomach ulcers: 200 gr. vodka and 50 gr. Veselka mushroom. Soak for 15 days in a cold place. Use 1 tbsp. 3 times a day after meals.
Joint diseases
  • For swelling and pain: mix vodka and honey in equal proportions. Apply lotions at night with a warm composition,
  • Before breakfast, drink 200 ml of milk with a dessert spoon of alcohol,
  • 20 gr. leave bitterweed herbs and 500 ml of alcohol in the pantry for 14 days. Drink 1 dessert spoon 3 times a day after meals.
Chop one immortelle bulb and add 5 parts of alcohol. Keep in the pantry for 14 days, treat the affected joints.

100 gr. Mix propolis with 500 ml of alcohol. Keep in the pantry for three days. Use internally, diluting 1 tsp. tinctures in 100 ml of water 3 times a day.

Excess weight and alcohol

Excessive addiction to alcohol is one of the first reasons for the appearance of excess weight. First of all, any alcohol contains quite a lot of calories. In addition, alcohol penetrates the bloodstream in a matter of minutes and is quickly absorbed by the body. Once in the stomach, alcohol activates the production of gastric juice, speeds up the digestion of food and thereby increases appetite.

Even small amounts of alcohol reduce the ability to monitor the amount you eat. If you drink it often enough, you can increase your body weight in a short period of time. This applies most of all to beer. This is not to say that this alcoholic drink has a lot of calories, but you can eat a lot of it with beer. high-calorie food. The same goes for aperitifs. Thus, if there is alcohol at the table, more will definitely be eaten. Higher calorie foods are also chosen as snacks.

Those who want to watch their weight should pay attention to red wine. Which is not large quantities accelerates metabolic processes, blood movement through vessels, and causes the walls of blood vessels to expand. The formation of atherosclerotic growths is reduced, the tone of the heart and blood vessels increases. Dry white wine is also useful in small quantities, improving the condition of the gastrointestinal tract.

Heart, blood vessels and alcohol

According to some reports, a study was conducted in the United States on the effect of alcohol on the state of the cardiovascular system. It turned out that small amounts of alcohol have a beneficial effect on these organs. Thus, the likelihood of developing senile dementia, stroke and heart attack decreases.

Doctors from the American Heart Association conducted a study for 3.5 years, which involved more than 2,000 volunteers suffering from vascular and heart diseases.

After the experiment was completed, the scientists outlined their advice to patients. In their opinion, 2–3 servings of alcoholic beverages per day improve health. Thus, representatives of the fair sex are recommended to drink 200 ml of red wine per day, and representatives of the stronger half of humanity - 400 ml. Scientists believe that not drinking at all is worse than drinking a little. A rather strange statement from the point of view of most scientists, however, you cannot remove the words from the song.

Scientists believe that people who drink small amounts of alcohol from time to time reduce the likelihood of developing a heart attack by a quarter, and the likelihood of developing a stroke decreases by a fifth. The walls of blood vessels are strengthened, and blood circulation in the brain improves, therefore senile dementia is prevented.
Today, from the point of view of doctors from the Association of Cardiologists, small doses of alcohol are one of the secrets wellness and health. They immediately warn that increasing the daily dose to 5–6 servings significantly increases the likelihood of death from a heart attack. Scientists also warn teetotalers against immediately starting to drink alcohol “for health”, considering this an unnecessary measure.


Due to the craze for beer, it is impossible not to dwell on this drink separately.
Beer represents low alcohol drink, produced by the fermentation of malt with the addition of brewer's yeast and hops.
Regular beer contains from 3 to 6% vol.
In strong varieties from 8 to 14% vol.
This is a very common drink; at least a thousand varieties are produced. It was known to people already 10 thousand years ago! And a number of scientists believe that people began to grow grain crops only to obtain raw materials for the foamy drink.
The quality of beer is determined solely by its taste. It is wrong to believe that the higher the foam, the better the beer. The height of the foam head depends only on how the drink was poured into the glass.
The Czech Republic ranks first in beer consumption per capita, followed by Germany and Austria.

The harm of beer
1. The heart that suffers the most from beer abuse is the heart. Doctors call this disorder " bull's heart" The cavities of the heart become larger, its walls thicken, and there is multiple tissue necrosis in the myocardium. Similar changes in the heart appear under the influence of cobalt, an element that is added to beer to stabilize foam. The heart muscle of beer drinkers contains 10 times more cobalt than it should. Cobalt also destroys the mucous membrane of the stomach and esophagus. Bad for the heart and presence in beer large quantity carbon dioxide, as well as large volumes of liquid consumed by beer lovers. Penetrating into the body, beer immediately causes a rush of blood in the vessels, which sooner or later causes varicose veins, as well as an increase in the volume of the heart. Such a diseased heart is large in size, but it functions very poorly.

2. Beer contains substances that change metabolic processes in the body. For example, in the body of representatives of the stronger sex, under the influence of beer, the production of male sex hormones decreases. Such men can be recognized by an increased amount of fat on the sides and hips, enlarged mammary glands, and increased pelvic volume. Beer suppresses sexual interest. According to doctors, 15–20 years of heavy beer consumption causes impotence. Women who drink beer frequently are at greater risk of developing cancer, and may develop a deeper voice and a mustache.

Most modern scientists consider beer to be the first legalized drug. According to experts, beer causes one of the most severe forms of alcoholism. Today, every second first grade student has already tried beer. The consumption of this drink has increased 12 times over the past 10 years. None of the official sources mention what is in beer fusel oils, aldehydes, ethers and methanol are no less than in moonshine and tens of times more than the permissible limit in vodka.

It is officially recognized that the possibility of developing dependence on alcohol among beer drinkers is greater than among wine or vodka drinkers.
The World Health Organization warns that people who frequently drink large quantities of beer increase their risk of developing colon cancer.

Beer contains substances that promote relaxation. This is what makes it so dangerous from an addiction point of view. Gradually, it is no longer possible to imagine a vacation without a few bottles of beer. The situation is aggravated by public opinion, which does not consider beer to be alcohol. Beer alcoholism appears and develops slowly and imperceptibly. After all, the desire to drink beer does not cause anxiety in anyone. This is not vodka! However, once developed, it is more severe than vodka alcoholism. Due to the fact that beer in large quantities is a cellular toxin, it is beer alcoholics who suffer the most severely from internal organs: the heart, liver; in addition, they usually develop decreased self-esteem and dementia. And it is more difficult to recover from this alcoholism.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely recover from beer alcoholism ( just like from anyone else) impossible. Even attempts to control the dose in alcoholics lead to inevitable binge drinking. No matter how many years have passed since the last time you drank beer, everything can start all over again.
Even non-alcoholic beer is dangerous, because it contains a minimal dose of alcohol. Therefore, for many alcoholics, binges begin with a bottle of non-alcoholic beer.

The benefits of beer
1. Body massage using this drink makes the skin silky and soft,
2. Drinking 1 – 2 servings of beer per day prevents premature aging of the body,
3. Beer removes salts of the toxic metal aluminum from cells,
4. According to Japanese scientists, this drink reduces the likelihood of developing cancer by half,
5. The presence of bitterness in the drink activates the digestive tract,
6. Hops have a sedative effect, which is also transmitted to the foamy drink,
7. For those who suffer from excessive sweating, a bath will help: in the bath warm water pour out a bottle of beer and lie down for 15 - 20 minutes,
8. For colds: a mug of warm beer and a tablespoon of honey, add a little cinnamon, cloves and one raw egg to a mug of warm beer, instead of an egg you can add lemon zest,
9. Takes excellent care of hair, making it manageable and nourishing,
10. According to American scientists, drinking a glass of beer a day reduces the likelihood of developing heart attacks by half.


This drink is banned in most European countries. In the territory of the post-Soviet space it is officially approved for sale and consumption. Refers to strong drinks, contains from 68 to 72% vol., and Swiss varieties up to 80% vol.

The benefits and harms of the influence of alcohol on the human body have been argued for a long time and unsuccessfully, citing evidence-based facts for both points of view. But if the dangers are talked about a lot and passionately, then the benefits of alcohol raise some doubts.

And not without reason, because the number of alcoholics exceeds the permissible threshold, thereby overshadowing the positive qualities of alcoholic beverages.

It's all in the dose

Harm and benefit directly depend on the amount of alcohol consumed.

Medicines made from alcohol are recommended only in drops and bring great help.

  1. Alcohol tinctures are recommended for heart patients (valocardine, corvalol), and will calm the excited and restless (tincture of valerian or motherwort).
  2. Those suffering from indigestion are often advised to drink vodka with salt or pepper - and just a glass is enough.
  3. Garlic tincture is effective during the cold season; it improves immunity and overall body tone.
  4. Vodka with pepper, which has become a traditional remedy for the onset of flu, is not far behind in popularity for relieving symptoms of colds.
  5. A small dose of vodka (20-30 grams) can relieve headache, will help with stress, relieve toothache - good first aid if you don’t have pills on hand, and you can’t see a doctor until tomorrow, and even then after lunch.

Alcohol and colds

Diluted medical alcohol or vodka as an external remedy for the body in the form of compresses warms up, helps speed up metabolism, improves blood microcirculation, and removes toxins from the body. The inflammatory process recedes and the patient recovers.

Alcohol based compress

Dilute quality vodka or alcohol and water in equal proportions. Wet with solution natural fabric and apply to a sore throat or chest. Cover the top with cellophane and wrap it in a warm blanket, scarf or blanket. You can make a compress at night.


Taking vodka internally in reasonable doses fights inflammation very successfully:

  • alcohol dilates blood vessels, increases blood flow to diseased organs (relieves migraines);
  • has disinfecting abilities (in the treatment of sore throat or stomach);
  • reduces the intensity of cough by warming the throat;
  • increases local immunity;
  • has an analgesic effect.

But alcohol, which undoubtedly has benefits for symptoms of a cold, will only help in the initial stage of the disease and will not replace professional medical care.

Alcohol and the cardiovascular system

Reasonable consumption of alcohol strengthens the heart - vascular system. Alcohol is capable of dilating blood vessels, and 20 ml of alcohol during a heart attack or spasm can save the patient from death.

Alcohol and the nervous system

Alcoholic drinks are an excellent sedative.

The benefit of alcohol is to effectively reduce susceptibility to heightened emotions (resentment, grief, sadness).

“Fire drinks” help you temporarily forget about a bad and unpleasant day. But this also hides enormous harm to the body. In pursuit of solace, it is easy to become a victim of alcoholism.

Alcohol and the endocrine system

The effect of alcohol on endocrine system is to speed up metabolism.

Without harming your health, small doses of alcohol can be recommended as a prophylactic against diabetes mellitus and a number of pathologies associated with hormonal imbalance.

Alcoholic drinks


High-quality wine has long been considered a real panacea. They treated wounded soldiers with it, gave them wine to relieve pain shock and accelerate blood clotting.

Cahors, for example, was considered a drink with medicinal properties. Doctors recommended heating and drinking wine for colds and ailments, and, if necessary, adding it to wine to enhance its healing properties. healing herbs and natural honey.

The benefits of real wine, without artificial colors, for the human body are enormous. Wine protects blood vessels and the heart from rapid wear, eliminates bad cholesterol, and improves brain function by dilating blood vessels.

The benefits of alcohol are indicated by fructose, antioxidants, vitamins B and K, which wine is full of.

Many people suffering from anemia regularly drink a small glass of good red wine at night. This helps cope with migraines and dizziness. Red wine normalizes blood pressure.

A small glass of red wine is good for women with menstrual irregularities. So it turns out that alcohol is still beneficial for the human body.


Real beer is made from natural products:

  • hops (contains phytohormones);
  • wheat or barley malt (contains useful minerals and essential vitamins).

In order not to harm your health, you can drink no more than one bottle (330 ml) per day. And you don’t have to make a whole ritual filled with salted fish and chips out of the desire to drink beer.

It is useful to drink a moderate amount of beer with dried fruits and honey, this will help with heart problems (ischemia), hormonal imbalance, renal pathologies.

Beer has no equal in home beauty treatments. It is added to various hair masks, used as a lotion for the skin of the face and body, and added to the bath.

Beer can also be used in cooking; it will add a delicate bitterness and hoppy taste.


Cognac is highly valued by alcohol lovers.

Reasonable use is not only pleasant, but also useful:

  • 20-30 grams of cognac dilate blood vessels and normalize blood pressure;
  • in moderate doses it helps get rid of migraines and angina attacks;
  • tannins contained in alcohol help ascorbic acid to be completely absorbed by the body;
  • cognac will easily solve the problem of poor appetite;
  • cognac can relieve stomach spasms;
  • effective during the season of colds and infections (tea with cognac will support the immune system and protect against diseases);
  • a miracle cure for sore throat - warm cognac. You just need to use cognac to rinse;
  • Honey cognac with a lemon drop will help reduce hyperthermia;
  • inflammation of the bronchi is treated with a slightly warmed drink along with milk;
  • pain in the teeth subsides with cotton swabs soaked in cognac: apply one to the painful tooth, and the other near the ear on the side of the painful tooth;
  • Memory will improve if you drink no more than 20 g daily.

The effect of cognac on the human body directly depends on its quality. You only need to purchase natural product without artificial colors and food additives. And there are benefits from alcohol if you purchase quality drinks, and this applies not only to cognac.

It is impossible to say unequivocally what is more beneficial for the human body in drinking alcohol. The benefits and harms of any product depend only on the rate of use and quality of manufacture.

Alcohol is not only not harmful to health, but can also prolong life. Experts from the University of Texas at Austin came to this conclusion. In the summer of 2015, they completed a twenty-year study that included almost two thousand people.

It turned out that heavy drinkers are more likely to die ahead of schedule 42% higher. But absolute abstainers surpassed this figure. Their risk of premature death is 49% higher than those who drink lightly.

Experts at the University of California claim that tiny amounts of alcohol can double the number of years you live. They proved this with worms.

Benefit or harm

Supporters of traditional medical dogmas resist as best they can. On their side are the statistics of deaths from drunkenness and a long list of chronic diseases. Doctors believe that only those who are interested in selling wine and vodka products or who seek to quietly exterminate the planet's population are shouting about the benefits of alcohol.

Few people doubt that alcohol is evil, except for Californian and Texas scientists. Especially in our country. Several generations of doctors, scientists and representatives of the women's community have devoted their lives to proving that drinking is harmful and immoral. A man with a glass is always a weak-willed loser, and a woman with a glass is, at best, not the mistress of her head.

Many believed that this was not entirely true. And recently their faith was rewarded. Scientists have proven that people who drink alcohol moderately (that's the key word) are healthier, more educated, and more successful in life and business. Among convinced abstainers, only 14 percent of people have higher education. The rest of the highly educated ones, as it happens, are drinkers. And more than half of them own their own business.

Moreover, it turned out that most large businessmen with multimillion-dollar fortunes are convinced lovers of a little drink. Their list is headed by Donald Trump and Bill Gates. It would seem that these people have the most advanced medical achievements at their disposal, but they still drink. It turns out that the dangers of alcoholic drinks are, to put it mildly, exaggerated?

“Alcohol’s first effect is pharmacological. It removes and kills all toxic fumes and painful factors. It cleanses and opens blood vessels, makes the intestines and stomach more powerful, moisturizes the skin, and disperses congestive rheumatic phenomena,”

Representatives of official medicine reduce all conversations about alcoholic beverages to the problem of alcoholism. But many years of research by scientists around the world prove that alcoholics make up a little more than one percent of the total number of people who drink alcohol. With the same success, all conversations about thinking can be reduced to schizophrenia - according to WHO, 0.8% of humanity suffers from this disease. Latest research scientists prove: alcoholic drink can be not just a pleasant addition to the table, but also medicine. So the total harm of alcohol is a myth.

It is generally accepted that drinking alcohol shortens life expectancy. Doctors say that under the influence of alcohol, brain cells begin to break down and the body rapidly ages. As evidence, they suggest looking at neglected alcoholics. However, most scientists strongly disagree with this. If a person drinks industrial alcohol and toxic substances in liters, he actually gets chronic poisoning of the body. However, if you drink good alcohol in moderation, it is not alcohol that enters the blood and brain, but substances called alkaloids.

“The ancient physician Galen said that everything is poison and everything is medicine. And indeed, alcohol in small doses can be useful. It can be used for treatment, for healing, for prolonging life. Especially wine from wild grapes,”- says Viktor Vostokov, a doctor of Tibetan medicine.

The human body produces a poison called alcohol on its own. Moreover, when the process of producing your own alcohol is disrupted, the consequences for a person can be fatal.

"Alcohol is a product of endogenous origin. In fact, in our body, all processes of the biochemical spectrum end precisely in the synthesis of alcohol, that is, these are derivatives of metabolism in general. We have endogenous alcohol, we have receptors for it. The biochemistry of our body cannot function without endogenous alcohol"- explains Doctor of Medical Sciences, nutritionist Mariyat Mukhina.

Oxytocin, the love hormone, turned out to be almost identical to alcohol in the nature of its effect on the human body and brain. Professor Iain Mitchell, from the University of Birmingham, explains: Both oxytocin and alcohol appear to act on different types of receptors in the brain, but have the same effect on the way the hormones act on the brain's frontal cortex and emotion centre. These areas are responsible for how we cope with stress and anxiety in difficult social situations. Both oxytocin and alcohol make such tasks less daunting. According to the expert, this may mean that those people who are either in love or drink periodically are more successful.

The results of recent studies suggest that alcohol in moderate doses is beneficial for men after 40 years of age. The traditional attitude that a real man should always be self-possessed and cold-blooded leads to the fact that by the age of forty, emotions simply tear a person apart from the inside, leading to premature heart attacks and strokes. And it is alcohol, according to scientists, that can smooth out this effect and become the channel through which a man can calmly release accumulated emotions and stress.

"According to some experts, alcohol helps cope with depression in certain cases. This does not mean that you need to drink it chronically. But if something very bad has happened in your life, then alcohol can sometimes help cope with the trouble, and in the long term "getting well drunk may be better than being depressed for months or even years."

However, modern medicine and especially narcology continue to insist that alcohol is fatally harmful to the human body, that it kills brain neurons, upsets memory and leads to premature aging. That the harm caused by alcohol is practically independent of the dose that a person receives - be it a mug barley beer, glass of wine or cup of sake.

“I categorically disagree. Alcohol itself does not shorten life, moreover, life without alcohol is simply impossible, as doctors say. It’s all a matter of measure, as they say. The ancients knew this very well. Dosis, dose or measure - that’s it ", what must be observed. In small doses, alcohol is indicated, prescribed, beneficial, useful, but if this measure is exceeded, of course, alcohol will turn into evil," says Vladimir Nikishin, candidate of historical sciences, senior researcher at the Department of History of the Ancient World, Faculty of History, Moscow State University.

History of drunkenness in Russia

Despite many years of research by reputable scientists around the world, Russian narcologists continue to convince us that alcohol is the main enemy of humans as a biological species. And one of the arguments is the supposedly widespread alcoholism in Russia, which, according to some historians, has its roots in ancient times. But it would be a big mistake to agree with the statement that people in Rus' have always drunk, and alcoholism is our national disease. Because in fact, this is a great misconception.

Another common misconception is that people in Rus' always drank a lot, and vodka is Russian. national drink. What can I say: ask any foreigner what Russia is, and he will first say vodka. And then with variations there can be a samovar, a balalaika, perestroika or a round dance. By the way, the myth that Russians are the most drinking nation, was not born in Russia, but we firmly believe in him. It has become a kind of domestic brand, and even, oddly enough, an item national pride. In fact, vodka appeared in Russia at a time when all of Europe and most of Asia were already heavily dependent on strong drinks.

If you delve into history, it turns out that for the first time Russians were called drinkers in European chronicles. It describes how Russia adopted Christianity in the 9th century. When Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavovich chose a faith for the state, he spoke with representatives of all faiths. Islam forbade intoxicating drinks. And this is just what historians have latched on to.

“Prince Vladimir thought and replied: “No, I will not accept your law. Not because I don’t like him myself, but because, roughly speaking, the people won’t understand me, because,” he allegedly uttered a rhymed phrase, “there is joy in drinking in Rus', we cannot exist without it.” Well, here we are from this the conclusion is drawn that, therefore, it was Rus' from the very beginning that lived under the sign of continuous drunkenness,”- historian Wolfgang Akunov explains the appearance of the myth.

This is how the Austrian diplomat Baron Sigismund von Herberstein wrote about how much Russians drink in 1549.

"He describes the day when he was visiting some prince or boyar. So, he says, they get up, then at noon they sit on benches to drink. And so they eat there, drink, burp, then eat again, They drink, they burp and, in general, it’s like that all day until sunset,”- vodka historian Ruslan Bragin retells the essence of the document.

Von Herberstein called the Russians lazy, deceitful and thieving. Let's see who this baron is and why he came to Muscovy. Scientists recently discovered that the envoy had a secret mission, which King Maximilian I entrusted to him - to find an approach to Prince Vasily the Third. So that he, no less, would give the Smolensk region to the Polish king.

There is no doubt that Herberstein was almost thrown out. Will his notes about the country where he suffered a diplomatic fiasco be objective?

What was it really like? What and how much did you drink, for example, before the baptism of Rus'?

There was no vodka then. For fun, they drank lightly fermented drinks - kvass, honey and beer. Their temperature was lower than today.

On a normal day, no one sat down with a glass of beer. Intoxicating drinks were placed on the table on holidays or at the completion of a big task. They didn't give it to teenagers. Moreover, newlyweds were also forbidden to drink until the birth of their first child.

It is noteworthy that the word “vodka” used to mean a completely different drink, almost until the 19th century.

“In the 16th and 17th centuries, all the main vodkas were medicinal. That is, when you now go to a pharmacy and buy some kind of medicine, valerian, some kind of sedative, these are echoes of these historical medicinal vodkas of the 17th 19th century. The herbs were selected in a special way, alcohol extracted healing substances from them and released them when they entered the body.", says vodka historian Ruslan Bragin.

No matter how ambiguous it may sound, vodka was a medicine. There were vodkas to treat almost all ailments. From colds to nervous fever. They even used the medieval analogue of Viagra. We knew a recipe for vodka to improve memory.

“There was a very interesting vodka, called “vodka of the night guards.” A man drank a thimble, which caused his heartbeat to increase, and he could not sleep all night. That is, when he had to stay awake, 20 grams of “vodka of the night guards” - that’s all, man stays awake until morning", says Bragin.

If you look at the vessels for vodka in museums, they will not be cut glasses or even a fifty-gram glass. The volume of these beakers is simply microscopic.

“There were these special small glasses, they were called “mukhi”. They were about the size of a thimble, 10-15 grams. And that’s what they used for treatment. But then the word changed its meaning and vodka also became a gastronomic product,”- says Ruslan Bragin.

The expression “under the fly” probably arose when they began to drink vodka from more serious containers, but in memory of those very “flies”. Gradually, honey and mash really replaced stronger drinks. We know about this, again, from the notes of European travelers.

However, they were in no hurry to accuse our country of loving strong drinks. Most likely, because they had seen more serious sprees at home. For example, one of the most powerful monarchs of enlightened Europe, Louis the Fourteenth, shocked Russian diplomats by the fact that he was constantly drunk.

“The envoys said that from the very morning His Majesty the King of France was already drunk, with a cheerful eye. And the proof of this is that breakfast, the first breakfast of the French king, which he consumed while still lying in bed, consisted of biscuits, which he dipped in Madeira",- says historian Wolfgang Akunov.

They also drank in Europe because the rulers of their thoughts allowed it. After all, beer and wine were prepared, as a rule, in monasteries. They don’t like to talk about it, but Pope Alexander VI Borgia died from drinking. And Martin Luther, the founder of Lutheranism, said: "Every country must have its own devil, the German devil is a good barrel of wine."

In the court archives of the 16th century there are many reports of drunken fights in the church. And their instigators were often pastors and even bishops. So, in medieval Bergen, a drunken priest burned down half the city with one candle. But the theologian and scientist Heinrich von Rantzau was not wondering whether to drink at all. And about what, how much and in what company.

While the southern Mediterranean civilizations practiced orgies and bacchanalia, ancient Rus' led such a chaste lifestyle that scientists could not find a single mention of drunkenness or debauchery in any of the surviving chronicles or birch bark documents of those times.

The chronicles have preserved the exact date of acquaintance with the drink, which vaguely resembles what we now call vodka. So, according to the records, Rus' took its first sip of vodka only in one thousand three hundred and eighty-nine. Note that by this point Europe had been drinking strong drinks for at least a hundred years. It is curious that the Russian court, after taking a sip of the foreign brew, came to the conclusion that this disgusting drink should not be drunk. But it can be used in medical purposes for washing wounds. So they sold it drop by drop in pharmacies for a long time.

"IN ancient Rus' There was, firstly, no tradition of drunkenness as such. Rus' was not drunk. They drank mainly at princely feasts, they drank at feasts (funerals), and they drank on major holidays. The life of a medieval man was so difficult that getting his daily bread took up most of his time. And there weren't many holidays. That’s why there weren’t really any really binge drunks. Even in Russian Pravda there are almost no laws on drunkenness,"

Chronicles testify that in pre-Christian Rus' there were neither strong drinks nor wine, since we did not grow grapes. But the Slavs drank kvass, fermented honey, mash and sbiten. Teapots in Rus', for example, appeared long before the appearance of tea itself and served to serve sbiten. Foreign diplomats called this drink Russian mulled wine. This comparison arose, apparently, because in cold weather the sbiten warmed up instantly.

Songs were written about Sbitna; he appeared in fairy tales, proverbs, and sayings. Monastery honey was no less popular. This drink had a strength of no more than three degrees.

“Monastery honey could be consumed because it contains all the ingredients that could be consumed during fasting, because it has a minimum degree. Fresh honey, only prepared, has no degrees at all. And if it’s already brewed, it can be three degrees maximum,”- says restaurateur Yana Pitkevich.

After the baptism of Rus', wine was a rare drink. It was brought in small quantities from Greece or Burgundy and used as medicine or for religious purposes.

From the middle of the fifteenth century, the distillation of grain alcohol in Rus' was put on an industrial basis, to utilize low-quality grain and increase the state of the treasury. Ivan the Great introduced the first state monopoly on the production and sale of vodka and banned the import of imported vodka through Pskov. And in order to stop the smuggling of low-quality Polish vodka, Kamergersky, Gruzinsky, Rogozhsky and Dorogomilovsky shafts were built in Moscow.

On weekdays, townspeople were forbidden to drink. Only for foreign mercenaries in a settlement called “Naleika”, which is beyond the Moscow River, a special 24-hour tavern was built.

Residents of Moscow were allowed to visit the “tsar's taverns” established under Ivan the Terrible, but only during Holy Week and on Christmas Day. For drinking vodka on other days, people were imprisoned or subjected to corporal punishment.

“The guardsmen drank in the tavern. The guardsmen took a personal oath of allegiance to the tsar, they did not wear jewelry, dressed in dark clothes, they attached dog heads to the saddles of their horses as a sign of loyalty to the tsar and brooms as a sign of sweeping treason out of the state. And these people were allowed drink at the Tsar's Tavern,- says Candidate of Historical Sciences Irina Abramova.

In the nineteenth century, a movement for a sober lifestyle was organized in Russia. In one thousand eight hundred and fifty, the Kovno province abandoned alcohol, and others joined it - Vilna and Grodno.

There were even anti-alcohol riots and pogroms of taverns. The government, under pressure from public opinion, introduced a law “giving rural communities the right to close public drinking places within their territories.”

Tens of thousands of rural communities have exercised this right. By the beginning of the twentieth century, “drunk Rus' from time immemorial,” as they like to imagine it in the West, was at the very bottom in alcohol consumption. Three liters per year per capita. France was in first place, followed by Belgium, England, Germany, Italy, Austria-Hungary, the USA, and Sweden. And during the First World War, prohibition was introduced in Russia.

By the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the level of consumption of alcoholic beverages approached the period of Prohibition at the beginning of the twentieth century - about four liters of alcohol per capita per year. The rise took place from the mid-sixties to the nineties. But even in this case, Russia did not become the world leader in drunkenness. At the beginning of the 21st century, Luxembourg was in first place, followed by Ireland, Portugal, France, Italy, Belgium, Germany, and the Czech Republic. In this ranking, Russia took nineteenth place. Clearly, this is no reason for complacency. But at least this is proof that if we drink, it’s not more than others.

When did the myth that Russia is the birthplace of alcoholism appear? Historians believe that it arose in the sixties of the twentieth century, on the eve of the Cold War, and was imposed from the outside. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, a popular myth was that the Red Army fought during the Great Patriotic War exclusively while drunk. The expression “People's Commissar's hundred grams” was given as an example. However, this is how those who do not know the history of the issue argue. This expression appeared during the Finnish War, when Voroshilov asked Stalin to give soldiers and commanders of the Red Army 100 grams of vodka and 50 grams of lard per day due to the fact that battles had to be fought in the cold. Stalin authorized the distribution of alcohol, but this did not affect the result of military operations - vodka did not help the Red Army overcome the Mannerheim Line.

During the Great Patriotic War, a decree was issued on “combat hundred grams.” But it was given out only on the front line, and experienced soldiers refused this strong treat. Veterans said that only “unfired fighters” took advantage of the opportunity to drink before the battle. Soldiers who learned to survive in war usually refused the People's Commissar's gift, preferring to maintain sobriety of thought and steadiness of hands.

“The belief arose that Russians there somehow drank terribly, partly due to the fact that alcohol consumption was concentrated in cities. In fact, the urban population was a minority, but the urban population was visible. In villages, alcohol consumption was very small, insignificant, mostly almost only on holidays. In principle, truly serious alcohol problems in Russia appeared in the early 60s of the last century,"- says Andrey Korataev, head of the Department of Modern Oriental Studies at the Russian State University for the Humanities, leading researcher at the Center for Political Demography at the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.

But alcohol became a truly serious problem for Russians only in the troubled 90s. Then the state abolished the monopoly on the production of vodka and handed it over to private hands. The next stage, which led to the actual soldering of entire regions, was experiments in transferring tax revenues from the sale of alcohol to regional budgets.

The governors turned out to be extremely interested in ensuring that there was maximum demand for mass-produced, cheap and not always high-quality vodka. To this flow was added cheap imported alcohol, which, when tested, turned out to be real poison. But even after such shock alcohol therapy, it turned out that total Russian drunkenness is still a myth.

Recently, the World Health Organization published the top drinking countries in the world. In terms of the level of strong alcohol consumption and associated male mortality, Russia ranks 5th in this list with an indicator of 15.75 liters per person per year. Our country is confidently ahead of Moldova, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Germany.

"In general, according to general use alcohol consumption in Russia is in 16th place in the world. Even the Baltic states are ahead of us - Estonia and, as far as I remember, Latvia. Moldova is now in first place. Where we stand out is in our consumption of strong drinks. But even by this indicator we are not in first place either,”- says Harvard University professor Nikolai Kukushkin.

Ethnic alcoholism

Why do some peoples drink more alcoholic beverages than others? Recent research suggests that there are nations that, at the genetic level, lack the production of an enzyme that destroys alcohol. This discovery forced researchers to reconsider many historical facts. For a long time it was believed that the nation of North American Indians was almost completely destroyed by the conquistadors and English colonialists. However, it is not. Researchers are convinced that it was the fire water that dealt the most powerful blow to the Redskins, because this people at the genetic level does not have the production of an enzyme that processes strong alcohol.

“The Indians’ enzymatic system is designed in such a way that they have a low content of alcohol dehydrogenase - this is an enzyme that breaks down acetaldehyde, which poisons our body, which has a toxic effect and which then turns into acetic acid,”- says psychiatrist-narcologist Alexey Kazantsev.

According to experts, most northern peoples experience the same problems with the production of this valuable enzyme. The alcoholization of the Soviet Union, which occurred in the second half of the last century, hit them the hardest - the Yakuts, Nenets, Itelmens and a whole group of ethnic groups, some of which are completely destroyed today. Low level alcoholic enzyme has also been recorded in some peoples of the Caucasus, Jews and Asians.

“I can say that almost all nationalities have a traditional culture of drinking alcohol in one form or another and in quantities. There is an observation by scientists that, for example, the Mongoloid race has a lower content of alcohol dehydrogenase in the body. That is, it cannot exist at all, its content is simply reduced. And therefore their resistance to alcohol consumption will be lower,"- explains psychiatrist-narcologist Andrei Grishchenko.

In this symbolic battle for the right to be called the most resilient nation, science gives the palm of the strongest to the Japanese. There is so much of this divine enzyme in the body of the descendants of ancient samurai that they can even outdrink anyone.

“They have this enzyme, according to some data, at 80%. Russians, on average, have about 44% of this enzyme.”, says Alexey Kazantsev.

But even a conditional 44% makes Russians quite resistant to alcohol. According to statistics, high alcohol mortality in Russia is associated not so much with the amount of strong alcohol consumed, but with its quality.

According to experts, Russia, which took fifth place in the WHO alcohol rating for the consumption of strong drinks, did not deserve to be there. The key factor was alcohol-related mortality a huge amount counterfeit and outright poison, which is sold under the guise of strong alcohol. In those years when the production of alcoholic beverages was regulated by the state, Russia did not even make it into the top twenty.

“At one time, Russia generally stood in 22nd place. As we know very well, in France almost daily drinking of alcohol is practiced. Let this not strong wine in small doses. In Italy it’s the same, in Spain - daily reception. It all depends on the dose. That is, we have a drinking culture, for example, it’s Friday-Saturday, yes, that is, in large quantities to the maximum and so on, so, a festive drinking culture plus the consumption of strong alcoholic drinks, and decalitres depend differently,”- comments Andrey Grishchenko.

Alcohol and geniuses

It is generally accepted that alcohol leads to inevitable personality degradation. That it kills all the best in a person. That the high creativity of a genius and alcohol are incompatible. This is true. But many geniuses of the past created their immortal works while very drunk. Read the biographies of such great figures of the past as Rembrandt, Rubens, Renoir, Beethoven, Turgenev, Blok, Stendhal and you will come to an unexpected conclusion. Before taking up a brush or pen, they thoroughly took to the chest.

Are alcohol and inspiration related, and if so, how? The famous Russian geneticist Vladimir Efroimson was the first to think about these questions. In his works he came to revolutionary conclusions. The scientist argued that there is a direct connection between the concepts of “genius” and “alcohol”. The scientist said that alcohol “blurs boundaries, letting the brain go free.” It is under its influence that brain cells work more actively.

Many modern scientists categorically disagree with Professor Efroimson’s conclusions. In their opinion, alcohol is not an inspiration, but the main destroyer of the creative process. Scientific research has already proven that it is enough to drink a glass of beer, a glass of champagne or a shot of vodka, and for two weeks a person cannot have any insight.

Scientists came to this conclusion after conducting a series of unique experiments. They found that at the moment when a person creates, the body produces a special hormone called “noroadrenaline” and our mood drops. At this moment, all 15 billion brain cells are activated, mobilize the body and begin to work, solving the problem. And then comes the moment of insight, when a person comes up with the right decision. The mood rises, and the body releases “serotonin,” a hormone that acts opposite to “noroadrenaline.” This moment is called enlightenment, when a person feels absolutely happy. However, this ideal scheme collapses if a person drinks alcohol. After all, according to scientists, any alcohol-containing drink disrupts the normal functioning of the brain.

“That is, at first we see the so-called euphoric stage, then the stage of inhibition, depression, which is replaced by the sleep stage. And if we increase the concentration, then, in the end, there will be a state of coma,”- says Andrey Grishchenko.

Scientists have yet to definitively answer the question of whether alcohol stimulates creative processes. However, researchers who do not deny the effect of powerful creative alcohol doping cite historical facts in their favor. Thus, in China, alcohol has been considered a source of inspiration for many centuries, and intoxication is a special state in which a person approaches the divine. One of the most effective martial arts of Chinese hand-to-hand combat is the “Drunkard Style,” which is characterized by unpredictable movements and incredible, “drunk” dynamics of the fight. A recognized master of this style was Su Can, a member of the legendary group of martial artists called the Ten Cantonese Tigers.

“In Chinese martial arts, there is a drunkard style, in which a person does not imitate the movements of a drunk, but enters a state of relaxation and “detachment”- says sinologist Bronislav Vinogrodsky.

Biographers testify that the great writers of the 20th century, the real masters of thought, Erich Maria Remarque, Ernest Hemingway and Mikhail Bulgakov, as a rule, sat down to write after drinking their favorite drink. Each of them had their own preferences, which then flowed into the characters of their books.

The heroes in Remarque's works traditionally drink Calvados, Hemingway's heroes drink rum, and in Bulgakov's works the heroes love to drink homemade vodka, which is infused with certain herbs and ingredients.

The brilliant English politician Winston Churchill drew his inspiration from alcohol. Moreover, he preferred the fifty-degree Soviet cognac “Dvina”. The French emperor Napoleon Bonaparte, who conquered almost all of Europe, also loved strong grape alcohol. Joseph Stalin, who, despite all the pros and cons, cannot but be called the largest politician of the 20th century, was very fond of red Georgian wine"Kindzmarauli".

“Alcohol relieves anxiety, removes protective social barriers. It really allows a person to be more sociable, more active for a short time. It has a certain period of even such a stimulating effect, a stimulating effect. And for some initial stages in a state of slight intoxication, you can communicate more productively, your performance may even increase for a while, including creative productivity,”- says psychiatrist-narcologist Andrei Grishchenko.

Alas, you have to pay for everything. And for the high pleasure of creating a genius, too. The powerful emotional stress that a creative person stimulates with alcohol, alas, often results in nervous exhaustion and nervous breakdowns, which have led to a sad end for many rulers of thoughts. Future geniuses who have not yet tasted the taste of alcohol must firmly remember this.

"Hemingway, who abused alcohol, suffered several alcoholic psychoses and who committed suicide by shooting himself in the mouth. Sergei Yesenin - the great Russian poet - abused alcohol, was treated in Ganyushkino for delirium tremens and died at the age of 31. Again unreliable - hanged or hanged himself. That is, suicide itself is already a mental disorder. Alexander Blok, as far as I remember, also abused alcohol and also had problems. And he also died at the age of 41, if I’m not mistaken,"- comments psychiatrist-narcologist Alexey Kazantsev.

The list of drug addiction horror stories always includes stories about how defenseless an alcoholic becomes in the face of any external influence. His immunity drops catastrophically, and even an unfavorable environment can have a detrimental effect on his health. However, liquidators of the consequences of nuclear disasters, people with extremely strong psyches and not suffering from alcohol addiction, argue that alcohol is one of the most effective means of protection against increased radiation.

How much and how

Well, now we come to the most important thing. When to drink, how much to drink and how to drink in order to benefit the body. The principle “we don’t drink, but we heal,” which guides people when they take three or four hundred grams of kebab and herring on their chest, unfortunately has nothing to do with medicine and, in principle, with health. Quite the contrary. Because when scientists talk about healing qualities alcohol, meaning a completely different format for taking alcohol internally.

Scientists especially emphasize that the benefits are provided not only by the correct dosage, but also by the duration of use. The human body is capable of painlessly and beneficially processing a strictly defined amount of alcohol. Any excess of the correct rate of consumption deprives the entire procedure of meaning.

"If we talk about a glass of wine a day, then it all depends on how quickly you drink. If you drink a glass of wine in a second, you will stress your entire body and neutralize everything positive effects. But if you stretch out a glass of wine over, say, an hour, the body will begin to work with useful substances, included in its composition. This process is associated with metabolism. After all, a glass of wine contains about 50 grams of ethanol and the body needs to process it in an hour. If you drink slowly, the effects of alcohol will not be as acute, and you will have a reduced risk of heart disease in the future."- advises Kui San, an assistant professor at the Harvard Institute of Public Health.

A new study related to alcohol is being prepared at the Harvard Institutes of Health. To successfully complete it, the research team will have to process huge amounts of data and conduct serious scientific and analytical work, but its result can radically change the alcohol market.

"I'm also researching red wine, so one thing I'm particularly interested in is whether polyphenols actually have a positive effect on people's health. Our research is very exciting - we'll soon be able to study things we've never dreamed of before."- says Kui San.

The next result, which is more practical, will be the identification of groups of people for whom alcohol is useful and those for whom it is contraindicated. Moreover, in this case we are talking not only about hereditary problems or national characteristics.

"Advancements in genetics are helping us understand the mechanisms that produce the beneficial effects of modest alcohol consumption. Moreover, we can identify people who may actually benefit from drinking alcohol and identify those who should not drink at all."- Kui San explains.

Despite the latest discoveries by scientists, narcologists continue to insist that addiction and antisocial behavior are the same inevitable companions of alcohol as hangover syndrome and other signs of poisoning. In this case, what would they say if they learned that in the UK, Professor David Nutt is close to discovering the formula for a completely harmless drink that will, in principle, eliminate any form of addiction? But at the same time it will give euphoria, inspiration and strengthen the immune system?

Whether we like it or not, the history of human civilization is inseparable from the history of drinking alcohol. In one case, it is a magic elixir that gives inspiration. In the other there is a terrible, destructive potion.

Fighters for a sober lifestyle say that drinking alcohol is harmful in any dose and leads to terrible diseases. Scientists who have conducted research on the effects of alcohol on the human body for many years do not agree with them. They were able to prove that in small doses, high-quality alcohol has a positive effect on a person’s mental state and is a prevention of many diseases.

Statistical confirmation of the benefits of alcohol is a study conducted by Dutch doctors in the city of Zutphen. For 40 years, scientists observed the lives of 1,373 residents of this town, born in 1900-1920.

In the group of subjects who took no more than 20 grams pure alcohol per day, the relative mortality index was 36% lower than in the group of complete abstainers. In moderate drinkers, researchers found a 34% reduction in mortality from cardiovascular disease. Another interesting pattern is that people wine drinkers, lived 3.8 years longer than others.

Correct conclusions:

1). A daily dose not exceeding 20 grams of pure ethyl alcohol per day can be considered acceptable. In terms of our traditional alcoholic drinks, this is approximately 50 ml of wine or 0.5 liters of beer. There is no point in counting the amount of vodka; people don’t drink it in such small portions.

In Russia, drinking alcohol in small doses every day is not accepted; we need a different counting system, for example, in weeks. Multiplying 20 grams by 7 days, we get 140 grams of pure alcohol. In terms of drinks, this is 350 grams of vodka (cognac, whiskey, etc.), 1 liter of wine or 3.5 liters of beer. This is how much alcohol an adult can drink per week healthy person, who has no contraindications to drinking alcohol.

2). Wine is recognized as the healthiest (at least harmless) alcohol. This drink is best to drink to prevent many diseases. The wine must be of high quality, made from grape juice.

Many of wine drinks and the bottled wines that we sell are really harmful, but alcohol has nothing to do with it, it’s all about chemical additives. This also applies to other types of alcohol. Only small doses of high-quality alcohol are harmless.

The healthiest alcoholic drink is wine

Alcohol helps in the prevention of the following diseases:

  • stress;
  • disturbance of brain activity;
  • colds;
  • osteoporosis;
  • lymphoma;
  • kidney tumor;
  • angina pectoris;
  • hypertension;
  • type 2 diabetes;
  • heart attack;
  • stroke.