Energy drinks: negative effect on the heart and brain. How do energy drinks affect the cardiovascular system?

On the shelves of many stores you can find various cans, glass and plastic bottles filled with drinks, which are commonly called energy drinks.

The companies releasing the product indicate their ability not only to quench thirst, but also to stimulate the activity of the human nervous system, since the effect of these drinks on the human body is anti-sedative.

Of course, not everything is so simple, and the use of such drinks can lead to various negative consequences for the human cardiovascular system, brain and body as a whole. What happens to the human heart and the body as a whole when using energy drinks and how to reduce the risk, we will consider in our article.

What is included in their composition?

Buyers of products of this type are well aware that they are produced in containers with a volume of 0.33 liters, less often 0.5 liters. This is due to a number of reasons. One of them is the desire of manufacturers to limit the one-time consumption of energy drinks by the person who bought them.

AT various countries world there is a restriction on the sale of such drinks. For example, Since 2010, energy drinks have been banned from being sold in all states in the US. In some European countries, products of this type are sold only in pharmacies.

The composition of most energy drinks includes:

  • Caffeine. Included in all types of energy drinks. Acts as the main stimulant of the brain. By itself, but only in adequate dosages and in the form of natural coffee.
  • Taurine. Stimulates metabolic processes in the body, has anticonvulsant properties.
  • Carnitine. Reduces muscle fatigue and accelerates the oxidation of fatty acids.
  • Guarana. It has tonic properties, removes lactic acid from muscle tissues.
  • Matein. Reduces hunger and promotes weight loss.
  • Sugar. It has a devastating effect on blood vessels and the body as a whole.

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Each type of drink contains vitamins of various groups. The carbon dioxide contained in cola contributes to the rapid absorption of the drink into the human blood. The effect of invigorating the body is felt from the first sips. On the a short time the person feels empowered.

Important! Energy drinks are not to be confused with energy products. They have different purposes and composition.

The action of energy drinks on the body lasts no more than 4 hours. A 0.25 ml energy can is equivalent to 2 cups of espresso coffee.

Effect on the cardiovascular system

Most people know that energy, influencing nervous system, increase efficiency and reduce drowsiness.

Studies of the effects of drinks on the human body have shown that in addition to positive properties they carry danger.

A large dose of the drink causes an increase in heart rate and tremors in the limbs. Daily use increased doses of caffeine contained in the product leads to exhaustion, imbalance of the water-salt balance in the human body and gastritis.

According to research, the consequences of the harmful effects of such drinks can be:

  • depression and increased irritability;
  • fatigue and insomnia;
  • heart palpitations (tachycardia), heart rhythm disturbances (arrhythmia) and many other cardiovascular diseases;
  • high blood pressure (hypertension);
  • uncontrolled nervous breakdowns.

Exhaustion of the nervous system causes an overabundance of vitamin B entering the human body with a drink.

Carefully! Regular consumption of more than 2 cans of energy drinks per day contributes to the development of hypertension and diabetes in a person.

Energetics carry a special danger for the heart and blood vessels. Often their use leads to angina pectoris and arrhythmias. Serious studies of energy specialists were carried out by French scientists. They revealed that out of 257 reported facts of the negative effects of drinks on the human body, 95 related to the cardiovascular system.

In the people participating in the study, attacks of angina pectoris, arrhythmias and arterial hypotension were recorded. In medical practice, the expression "caffeine syndrome" is used. It is understood as a complex of symptoms and diseases, including tachycardia, hand trembling, increased agitation, severe headache.

Carefully! Caffeine interferes with the enrichment of the heart and blood with oxygen.

The use of energy drinks by people with heart disease can lead to cardiac arrest. The use of drinks is strictly prohibited even for healthy people immediately after graduation or during physical training. Weekly regular intake of the product leads to an increase in heart rate by 7.8%, and after 2 weeks by 11%.

Why can it hurt in the chest after eating them?

Most frequent consequence consumption of energy drinks is tachycardia, manifested by pain in the heart and a feeling, as if it beats strongly. Tachycardia requires serious treatment.

If a person drank an energy drink and felt pain or tingling in the heart, this should be taken seriously. The first thing to do at the first sign of discomfort is to stop drinking these drinks and exclude any additional stress on the heart.

A sharp deterioration in the state of health requires the provision of emergency therapeutic assistance to a person. It's best to call ambulance. Sleep can help with mild discomfort. With an increase in heart rate of more than 100 beats per minute, a person can take a few steps to make yourself feel better.

They include:

  • Hold your breath for 10-15 seconds (the exercise is repeated after each breath for 10 minutes).
  • Taking a cold shower (in the absence of such an opportunity, you can replace the shower with washing).

With a pulse of more than 150 beats per minute, you must take Corvalol or Dimedrol.

Can these drinks stop the heart?

The most high degree The risk of cardiac arrest is noted by doctors in people with undiagnosed problems with the cardiovascular system. The risk group includes children, adolescents, and the elderly.

The heart can stop completely healthy people when using energy drinks with others alcoholic drinks or when taken during serious physical exertion.

How many energy drinks you need to drink in order for the heart to stop for sure is not known for certain. However, the dose causing this risk is 2 cans of 250 ml drink.

How to reduce harm - 4 rules

The intake of energy drinks has a number of contraindications and can greatly harm health, which will then be difficult to restore. There are a number of diseases, the presence of which makes the use of the drink deadly. Among these diseases are hypertension, angina pectoris and other heart diseases.

In no case should you:

  1. combine energy drinks with coffee, strong tea and medicines;
  2. drink more than 2 cans of the product at once;
  3. drink a drink during training, on the dance floor or when performing hard physical work;
  4. Do not drink energy drinks immediately after waking up in the morning.

Regular use of the product is addictive and contributes to weight gain.

A few words about the right diet

People with problems with the cardiovascular system should be attentive to. There are a number of products that can be used as therapeutic or prophylactic agents. Among them:

  • It is best to include in the menu, and.
  • "Doctors" of the heart -,

The slightest violation of the heart rhythm instantly makes itself felt. A strong heartbeat can manifest itself in different ways. Someone feels painful tremors, someone’s heart beats and “jumps” out of the chest, for many, the heartbeat is accompanied by other symptoms: weakness, sweating, flushing of the face, increased pulsation in the temples.

In a normal state, a person does not feel heart beats. Their frequency varies depending on the physical state. In a calm position, the heart rate does not exceed 60-80 beats per minute.

The rate of heart rate depends on the age of the person, his constitution, weight. Athletes can have a heart rate as low as 40 beats per minute, and this is considered normal.

Causes and symptoms of increased heartbeat

Increased heart rate, in which the heart rate exceeds 100 beats, is called tachycardia. Some doctors consider an increase in heart rate to 90 beats per minute as a sign of tachycardia.

Even people who do not have health problems sometimes feel a rapid heartbeat. The heart can beat strongly for various reasons. There are physiological and pathological tachycardia. Physiological - is not a symptom of diseases and can be observed in people who do not have health problems.

For example, tachycardia is considered normal in children under 6 years of age. Physiological tachycardia can also be observed in the following cases:

  • Experiences, emotions stress.
  • Activity violations gastrointestinal tract(overeating, flatulence).
  • Increased physical activity (climbing stairs, outdoor activities, etc.).
  • With an increase in body temperature (an increase in temperature by 1 degree increases the heart rate by 10 beats per minute).
  • Excessive consumption of coffee and drinks that contain caffeine.
  • Taking certain medications.
  • Drug use (cocaine, etc.).
  • Intoxication of the body (alcohol, nicotine, nitrates).

Symptoms for which you should see a doctor:

  • palpitations last more than 5 minutes and do not go away, even if the person is in a calm position;
  • shocks hurt;
  • palpitations are accompanied by dizziness, fainting;
  • gaps, "gaps" between heartbeats;
  • there is shortness of breath, lack of air;
  • pain in the region of the heart;
  • palpitations are accompanied by darkening in the eyes, a rush of blood to the face;
  • if the cause is not found and the tachycardia is permanent.

Why is the heart beating fast? There can be many reasons for this condition. Tachycardia is rarely an independent disease and is not always caused by diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Tachycardia is observed in some diseases endocrine system, in the presence of tumors, infections in the body. The causes of pathological tachycardia may be a lack of certain substances in the body.

Types of tachycardia

Normal physiological reactions - physical activity, emotions - cause sinus tachycardia. Normally, the heart makes up to 150 beats per minute, maintaining a normal rhythm.

Sinus tachycardia happens to everyone and does not require any measures. It needs treatment if it manifests itself at rest. Sinus tachycardia is sometimes a symptom of heart failure, thyroid disease.

Paroxysmal tachycardia has a clear clinical picture. The heart suddenly starts beating too fast. Just as instantly, the attack ends. With a rapid heartbeat, dizziness, noise in the head, weakness, and sometimes loss of consciousness are observed. The pulse rate can reach 140 and even 220 beats per minute, rarely more.

Paroxysmal tachycardia is:

  • atrial;
  • ventricular.

Atrial tachycardia may occur due to disruption of the autonomic nervous system. Then a strong heartbeat may be accompanied by an increase in pressure, urine output after an attack.

Paroxysmal atrial tachycardia can be caused by smoking, long-term use alcohol, coffee, stimulants. It is enough to eliminate the factor that causes seizures, and the heart will stop beating too quickly.

Ventricular tachycardia, as a rule, develops against the background of pathological heart diseases. Its reasons may be:

  • congestive heart failure;
  • ischemic heart disease;
  • heart defects;
  • cardiomyopathy;
  • arterial hypertension.

Patients with paroxysmal tachycardia should definitely consult a cardiologist and undergo cardiography to find out the cause of frequent heartbeats.

The heart beats when the rhythm of work is disturbed. Among the many arrhythmias, atrial fibrillation is the most common. With this type of arrhythmia, the atrial rate can reach 150-300 beats per minute. The arrhythmia may be felt as a "flutter" of the heart.

Symptoms of arrhythmia are:

  • weakness of the pulse with frequent beats;
  • pain and tingling in the chest;
  • dyspnea;
  • muscle weakness;
  • sweating;
  • attacks of fear and panic;
  • dizziness and loss of consciousness.

Atrial fibrillation is observed in the elderly with heart disease, in young people with heart defects. Atrial fibrillation is a symptom of thyroid diseases, intoxication of the body with alcohol, drugs, etc.

With arrhythmia, drugs are prescribed only by a doctor. Since some medicines used to treat heart disease can cause an attack of palpitations.

When is palpitations a symptom of an underlying disease?

If a rapid heartbeat is accompanied by a decrease in efficiency, fatigue, weakness, pallor of the skin, then all signs point to anemia. Iron deficiency in the body and a decrease in hemoglobin content affect the functioning of the heart and cause tachycardia.

Iron deficiency anemia is often latent, and patients may not be aware of such a pathology. An increased heart rate is one of the symptoms of iron deficiency. This condition may occur due to:

  • pregnancy;
  • heavy menstruation;
  • frequent bleeding from the nose, with ulcerative processes in the stomach, with hemorrhoids;
  • multiple donation;
  • iron absorption disorders (with enteritis and some other diseases).

Often the heart beats due to a malfunction of the thyroid gland. Palpitations are accompanied by weight loss, irritability, insomnia, trembling fingers. Hyperthyroidism - a violation of the functionality of the thyroid gland - is often observed in women. Patients with hyperthyroidism are concerned about a frequent pulse, pain in the chest, shortness of breath, rhythm disturbances.

To eliminate tachycardia caused by interruptions in the work of the thyroid gland, they take medications that block the synthesis of hormones. In some cases, surgical treatment is used. With a decrease in the level of hormones of this endocrine organ, the symptoms of tachycardia disappear without a trace.

The heart beats too hard, and panic sets in, symptoms are often accompanied by shortness of breath, dizziness, and less often chest pain. These signs are characteristic of vegetovascular dystonia of the cardiac type. Attacks are accompanied by a pulsation in the temples, the pulse can be felt in the vessels in the neck.

VSD is a frequent companion of depression. Often, with attacks of tachycardia, patients are haunted by the fear of death. Vegetovascular dystonia is not a disease that poses a danger. The main thing is to understand whether a more serious pathology is hiding behind the symptoms of VVD.

Rapid heartbeat is a symptom of a disease such as leukemia. But the likelihood of getting any form of leukemia is very small. There are only 35 cases per million people.

If the heartbeat caught up suddenly

  • need to go to Fresh air or open windows;
  • tighten the abdominal muscles for 15 seconds, repeat every 1-2 minutes;
  • dip your face in cool water for a few seconds;
  • put a cold object on your forehead;
  • if after five minutes the heart is still beating strongly, call an ambulance.

If the heart beats too fast, then this may indicate the development of the disease. And only a doctor during the examination will determine the cause and prescribe treatment. Self-medication of palpitations is dangerous, as drugs that are effective for one condition can cause Negative influence in the heart with another.

Peripheral circulation is a continuous process of blood circulation in small veins and arteries, capillaries, as well as arterioles and venules. The most disrupted blood circulation various factors, among them: tumors, injuries, diseases of the heart and blood vessels, kidney disease, metabolic disorders, etc.

Signs of impaired circulation can be: pain in the legs, swelling, discoloration of the limbs, headaches, hearing problems, imbalance, numbness of the limbs, etc.

Treatment of impaired circulation

With impaired circulation, the following diseases occur:

  • arterial and venous hyperemia
  • thrombosis
  • ischemia
  • embolism
  • varicose veins
  • Raynaud's disease

For treatment, it is necessary to accurately determine the cause and, depending on it, prescribe medication. In acute disorders, surgery may be required. In addition, treatment must be combined with proper nutrition(eat food low in fat and salt), give up bad habits (smoking and alcohol) and undergo special procedures to improve blood flow (vibration therapy, electromagnetic therapy, etc.).

The following groups of drugs are used to improve blood circulation:

1) Preparations that improve microcirculation - this group drugs act on the vessels of the microcirculatory bed. As a result, the vessels dilate, and the blood becomes less viscous. As a rule, drugs of this group are used for circulatory disorders against the background of various diseases ( diabetes, atherosclerosis):

  • radomin
  • chimes
  • pentoxifylline
  • trental
  • vasonite

2) Prostaglandin E1 preparations - drugs of this group have positive action on microcirculation and blood flow, and also have a hypotensive effect:

3) Calcium channel blockers are mainly used to improve blood circulation in the brain. Contribute to the improvement of vascular microcirculation and limit damage to brain tissue. These include:

  • cinnarizine
  • logmax
  • nafadil
  • nimotop
  • cinnasan
  • brainal
  • norvax
  • arifon
  • cordipin
  • foridon
  • nifecard
  • cordafen

4) Preparations of low molecular weight dextran - drugs of this group have a positive effect on blood flow, by attracting additional blood volumes from the intercellular space. These include:

  • rheomacrodex
  • hemostabil
  • rheopolyglucin

5) Myotropic antispasmodics - this group of drugs dilates blood vessels and relaxes smooth muscles. Myotropic antispasmodics show high efficiency in spasms of cerebral vessels:

  • spasmol
  • halidor
  • mydocalm

6) Phytopreparations - preparations that are created on the basis of plant materials. Phytopreparations show high efficiency in diseases of the cerebral vessels, as well as in obliterating atherosclerosis and endarteritis. These include:

  • bilobil
  • tanakan

7) Alpha-blockers - drugs of this group contribute to a better blood supply to peripheral tissues. These include:

  • phentolamine
  • prazosin
  • sermion

8) Ganglioblockers - these drugs improve blood circulation in the lower extremities, and also have a pronounced hypotensive effect (lower blood pressure):

  • pyrylene
  • temehin
  • dimecolin
  • pachycarpine

9) Bioflavonoids - substances plant origin, which increase blood flow and improve the condition of blood vessels:

  • venoruton
  • anthoxide

10) Dopamine receptor stimulants - this group of drugs has an effect on dopamine receptors, which, in turn, leads to vasodilation. Improve blood circulation in the lower extremities - pronoran.

How do antibiotics affect blood tests?

At active components Pharmaceuticals main task is to suppress the growth of harmful bacteria, but do antibiotics affect the blood test? Effective in the fight against various diseases medications today they are prescribed to almost every third patient, including those who take them to prevent complications after a viral infection or surgery. In addition, contrary to the warnings of doctors, many people take antibacterial agents on their own. How do these medicines affect blood lab tests?

Features of the impact of antimicrobial drugs

A natural, semi-synthetic, or entirely scientifically created remedy intended to cure many diseases is called an antibiotic. Its active ingredients can inhibit the development of pathogenic bacteria. But at the same time, they negatively affect the intestinal microflora, suppress the body's immune defenses. It is necessary to take such medicines only after examination and only on the recommendation of a doctor.

The classification of antibacterial agents contains two groups, representatives of which differ in their effect on pathogenic microbes:

  1. Bactericidal. This group includes medicines that destroy various infections.
  2. Bacteriostatic. The main active ingredient in such drugs blocks the ability of the pathogen to reproduce, breaking its chain of cells, which leads to the death of the agent.

The antibiotic is distributed through the bloodstream to all organs, penetrating into all tissues and systems. Any of the antibacterial drugs with cumulative properties accumulates in sufficient volume in the affected organs, which serves to more quickly destroy the infectious agent.

Such antibiotics have a highly specialized focus and are designed for one or another group of pathogenic microorganisms. But today in medical practice there are broad-spectrum drugs aimed at destroying not a single agent, but entire "armies" of bacteria, in which there are not only harmful, but also organisms necessary for human life.

These drugs cause a violation of the microflora and the reproduction of fungal lesions of tissues that are resistant to most antibacterial agents. Patients may experience allergic skin rashes, and as the active components of the drug accumulate in the body, their toxic effect increases.

OAC and antibiotics

Continuously renewing blood cells are the most vulnerable targets for the negative action of antibacterial agents. Their toxic effect destroys organs and tissues.

The most well-known deviations of hematological parameters during antibiotic therapy:

  • aminopenicillins. As a result of taking such drugs, the consequences characteristic of many antibiotics sometimes occur: a deficiency of neutrophilic leukocytes or an increase in the number of eosinophils in the blood. In addition, the prothrombin index is growing, a positive Coombs test appears;
  • cephalosporins. Classified into 4 generations. Of the characteristic adverse reactions- changes in the concentration of neutrophils and eosinophils in the blood, hemoglobin deficiency;
  • polymyxins. "Polymyxin-M-sulfate" provokes inhibition of calcium and potassium ions, lack of platelets and bleeding;
  • ansamacrolides and azalides. Sometimes they activate excessive activity of liver enzymes, which can cause poisoning;
  • penicillins stimulate a false-positive Coombs reaction, disruptions in the concentration of eosinophils and neutrophils;
  • glycopeptides. Their illiterate introduction can cause the appearance of the "red man syndrome";
  • chloramphenicols. Uncontrolled intake of "Levomycetin" can cause anemia or a deficiency of leukocytes;
  • aminoglycosides. They can provoke a lack of platelets, as well as stimulate the toxic activity of liver enzymes.

When the pathological condition of the patient progresses, antibiotics can affect the CBC.

Acute and chronic diseases: pre-study medications

For patients and people who prefer self-administration of medications before visiting a doctor, the question arises whether taking antibiotics affects the blood test.

If you ignore certain rules, then the violation can lead to erroneous results and treatment that does not correspond to the patient's condition, as well as:

  1. Before taking blood for research, it is strictly forbidden to take any medication! In exceptional cases, you can undergo an analysis with the permission of a doctor who will take into account the effect of the drug when deciphering.
  2. With disorders of the digestive system, antibacterial agents in the KLA can show an increase in the number of leukocytes, a deficiency of hemoglobin and an increase in eosinophils.

The blood test is recommended by the doctor, taking into account the patient's condition and monitoring previous results. Individually, the doctor may refer the patient to the OAC while taking antibacterial drugs to check the compliance of the prescribed treatment, in other cases - at the end of therapy (3-5 days after the last injection or capsule).

the 6th of May

Energy drinks really give you a feeling of energy. Unfortunately, the rest of their effects are not so predictable.

Energy drinks are popular. The annual volume of the global market for these drinks in 2013 amounted to 39 billion dollars, and by 2021, according to the forecast, it will grow to 61 billion dollars. However, in the medical community, "energy" got a bad reputation.

They “may be hazardous to public health,” warns the World Health Organization (WHO). Children "shouldn't use" energy drinks, says the American Academy of Pediatrics.

However, the American Beverage Association insists that "energy drinks" are safe, pointing out that many energy drink ingredients - carefully studied for safety - can also be found in conventional products.

What are these ingredients and how exactly do they affect the body?

“Over the years, concerned experts have come closer to answering these questions,” says Dr. John Higgins, a sports cardiologist at the McGovern Medical School at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston. Houston).

Most energy drinks contain significant amounts of caffeine, added sugar, vitamins (such as the B group), and legal stimulants (such as guarana, a plant native to South America). Also in the "energy" you can find taurine - an amino acid found in fish and meat, and L-carnitine, a substance that helps the body convert fat into energy.

“There is concern that the concentration of vitamins, amino acids and plant-derived substances in energy drinks is higher than in conventional foods or in plants. And in combination - especially with the addition of caffeine - the effect can be enhanced, ”explains Katherine Zeratsky, a clinical nutritionist at the Mayo Clinic.

Higgins, who has directed numerous studies on energy drinks, agrees with his colleague. He believes that when it comes to caffeine, sugar and stimulants, additional scientific work, which would help to determine exactly what negative health effects these substances can have.

It's kind of like a black box. We really don't know much about them, Higgins admits, speaking of energy drinks. “People should be wary of energy drinks. They can even be dangerous for certain groups, such as minors, those taking certain types of medications, pregnant women, people who are sensitive to caffeine, and people who don't drink caffeine regularly.

Rachel Hicks, Speaker of the American Association soft drinks, released a statement saying that many people around the world have been using "energy" drinks without harm for more than 25 years.

Many components of energy drinks, such as B vitamins and taurine, can be found in regular foods, the statement said. - The fact remains that energy drinks have been carefully studied and found safe to consume by government regulatory agencies. In particular, this is reported in a recent review by the European Food Safety Authority. Leading US energy drink manufacturers voluntarily list the ingredients of their products in more detail than required by law, such as listing the total amount of caffeine from all sources. Recently, as recently as 2015, the European Food Safety Authority stated that ingredients in energy drinks such as taurine combined with caffeine are unlikely to cause or enhance the effects of caffeine.

But what can happen to individual parts of the body if you exceed the maximum recommended amount of energy drinks.

Increased heart rate

After drinking the "energy drink", you may notice that the heart began to beat faster. This can be unsafe, "because energy drinks not only increase stress levels, increase heart rate and increase blood pressure, but also make the blood a little thicker," Higgins explains. According to the expert, the influence of "power engineers" on the heart and cardiovascular system may be due to the fact that the caffeine contained in the drink interacts with other ingredients such as taurine.

Taurine is a common amino acid that can affect the amount of water and mineral salts in your blood.

Guarana is also often added to "energy drinks". This plant itself contains caffeine, which means that the total amount of caffeine in a serving of an energy drink may be higher than expected.

Several cases of cardiac arrest have been reported after drinking more than one serving of an energy drink. But when these patients were given a toxicological blood test, it showed nothing but massively elevated levels of caffeine and taurine, says Higgins. - One 28-year-old patient who drank 8 cans of "energy" had a cardiac arrest. It turned out that the coronary arteries supplying the heart were completely blocked. But in this case, no anomalies, in addition to an increase in the concentration of caffeine and taurine in the blood, were found.

The expert believes that caffeine may interact with other ingredients in energy drinks. And this, in turn, can affect the arteries, preventing them from expanding to the right extent, especially during exercise. Normal at physical activity The lumen of the coronary arteries increases, this is necessary so that the heart receives more blood.

A small study recently published in the Journal of the American Heart Association showed that drinking 32 ounces (0.95 L) of energy drinks had a greater effect on heart electrical activity and blood pressure than drinking other beverages. containing the same amount of caffeine. However, only 18 volunteers took part in the study, so the authors of the work themselves asked to treat the results with caution.

Large amounts of caffeine can affect not only the heart, but also the brain.

Energy drinks and the brain

Depending on how many energy drinks you consume, 200 mg or more of caffeine can lead to caffeine toxicity. This is reported in an article published in 2015 in the International Journal of Health Sciences. Symptoms of caffeine poisoning: feelings of anxiety and restlessness, insomnia, irritation of the gastrointestinal tract, muscle twitching and a feeling of restlessness.

The US military is even warned against using "energy drinks" in too much large quantities, since such behavior leads to sleep disorders, and they, in turn, turn out to be the cause of increased fatigue during briefings or duty.

According to a 2010 study, employees who drank three or more energy drinks a day were more likely to report four hours or less of sleep compared to those who drank no more than two energy drinks.

How many "energy drinks" can children and adults drink

Energy drinks contain quite a lot of caffeine, so the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that children refrain from drinking "energy drinks". As for teenagers from 12 to 18 years old, for them the maximum recommended daily dose caffeine is 100 mg. Exceeding this amount can lead to an increase in blood pressure.

In 2007 in the branches emergency care in connection with the use of energy drinks, 1145 teenagers aged 12 to 17 years old applied. In 2011, the number of similar cases increased - health care it took 1499 teenagers.

For most adults, the maximum safe daily intake of caffeine, according to Mayo Clinic experts, is 400 mg. But for adults who decide to cheer up with an "energy drink", doctors recommend limiting themselves to one can of a drink per day.

Some parents and children may not be aware of the potential risks associated with drinking energy drinks due to the way these drinks are distributed. Young people can purchase "invigorating" liquids without any restrictions. Such drinks are especially popular among young athletes, since "energy" really give a burst of energy. But the National Federation of State High School Associations does not recommend using energy drinks to replenish fluids before, during, or after exercise.

Many parents still consider “energy drinks” to be something like juice or mineral water- just another kind of drink that you can quench your thirst at half-time in a match or drink dinner. According to Dr. Higgins, energy drinks are something completely different, and they should definitely not be confused with ordinary soda.

Original material: CNN Wires
Translator: Anna Stavina
First published in the journal "XX2 Century", 02.05.2017

In recent decades, it has come into use the new kind non-alcoholic tonic drinks - the so-called energy drinks, or energy tonics. There has been extensive advertising campaign of these funds, and many people, especially young people, began to drink them regularly instead of tea and coffee to raise their tone. However, studies by experts show that energy drinks are far from being as safe as advertised: their overdose adversely affects the activity of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. The combination of energy drinks with alcoholic beverages is especially harmful - this can lead to poisoning and even death.

The main principle of action of energy drinks is their ability to speed up metabolism and bring the nervous system into a state of increased excitement, in which there is a maximum flow of energy to all organs, primarily to the heart and brain.

This causes a surge of physical and mental activity, helping to cope with stressful situations and increased workload, so characteristic of the modern pace of life - hence the "fashion" for energy, especially among young people.

The stimulating qualities of energy drinks are given by the components included in their composition:
  • Glucose (sugar) and carbohydrates are highly energy-intensive substances capable of rapid assimilation and the same rapid return of energy.
  • A complex of B vitamins that contribute to an increase in the level of activity of brain cells.
  • Caffeine, theobromine, theophylline are coffee and cocoa alkaloids that have a stimulating effect on the human nervous system.
  • Taurine is an amino acid that increases the speed of energy processes in the body.
  • Adaptogens are chemical compounds of natural or artificial origin that have the ability to increase the body's resistance to stress factors.

Also, energy drinks are highly carbonated drinks, that is, they contain a large number of carbon dioxide. It facilitates the absorption of the listed ingredients and acts as a preservative. All these substances, individually not posing any danger, when combined as a whole, can be an "explosive" mixture that adversely affects health.

An advertising campaign in the media positioned this type of tonic as a safe way to increase vitality and give more energy. One has only to recall the popular advertising slogan: Red Bull covers!" for a long time never left the TV screens. But, as experience shows, energy drinks are far from being as harmless as their manufacturers are trying to convince buyers. A 300-gram can will hold as much caffeine as 3-4 cups of coffee, and if you drink not one, but several of these cans, the body will receive such a powerful “kick” that it may not be too good for it.

This is also the fault of consumers: many of them perceive energy drinks as regular drinks to quench thirst by drinking five or more cans per day. Simple arithmetic shows that this is equivalent to 15-20 cups of coffee. Such energy injections constantly whip up the nervous system and heart, forcing them to work at the limit of their capabilities, which cannot but affect the state of human health.

Recent scientific research proves bad influence large doses of energy drinks on the body.

Tests conducted by physicians on groups of volunteers consisting of healthy young people under the age of 30 show that after regular use 3-4 cans of energy drinks daily in the body of the subjects, the following changes occurred:
  • biological rhythms went astray - insomnia appeared;

  • jumps in blood pressure were recorded - it could both rise sharply and fall sharply;
  • the heartbeat became more frequent - symptoms appeared, resembling manifestations of arrhythmia;
  • there was pain in the heart.

All this indicates the negative impact of the use of energy drinks on the nervous and cardiovascular systems.

Over time, such violations become persistent, and can lead to the development of serious pathologies of the heart and blood vessels. This conclusion is proved by the increasing incidence of angina pectoris and even heart attacks and strokes among people whose age is far not only from old age, but also from maturity. Along with tobacco and alcohol, energy drinks also contribute to this.

Especially dangerous is the use of energy drinks in adolescence, when a person is already going through a difficult turning point in the transition from childhood to adulthood. This is accompanied by rapid growth, the release of hormones, restructuring of the central nervous and cardiovascular systems and increased stress on the body.

If a regular injection of tonic substances is added to this, it can provoke the development of pathological changes in the heart and blood vessels, which are very difficult, and sometimes impossible, to eliminate. Doctors state that among young people who regularly used energy drinks for a long time, cases of heart attacks with very serious consequences, up to death, have become more frequent.

Given the above, it should be remembered that energy drinks should be approached with caution. Despite the fact that energetics are soft drinks, they are strongly not recommended for use by children and adolescents.

Causes of pain in the heart after energy drinks

Why does my heart hurt after energy drinks?

There may be several reasons:
  1. Excessive excitation of the cardiovascular system under the influence of substances contained in energy drinks can cause a functional disorder of the heart muscles and a violation of the normal patency of contractile impulses, which leads to the effect of "flicker" (non-rhythmic contraction) of the heart muscle.
  2. The action of stimulants leads to a failure of the heart rhythm and the occurrence of arrhythmia. It also prevents the rapid restoration of the rhythm of contractions.
  3. Caffeine, theobromine, theophylline and other tonic substances that are part of the energy drink can cause spasm of the coronary vessels and disruption of the normal blood supply to the heart, a signal of which is pain.

All these symptoms can cause stabbing and aching pains in the region of the heart. If they are of a purely functional nature, they quickly disappear, and normal work heart is restored. But when the pain in the heart after energy drinks is often repeated and does not go away for a long time, this is a signal that the violations are caused by serious causes of cardiac etiology, which aggravated the use of an energy drink.

If systematic attacks of heart pain appear after an energy drink, it is necessary to stop using this type of tonic, consult a doctor and undergo an examination. Cases have been reported where abuse non-alcoholic energy drinks led to the development of a heart attack in people younger than 30 years.

Caffeine itself can be very beneficial for the body and mind, writes The Hearty Soul. It has been proven to relieve headaches, increase concentration, and even help with asthma and diabetes.

However, when combined with a cocktail of synthetic stimulants, sweeteners and other additives, caffeine turns into a poisonous nightmare that hits the cardiovascular system and can even lead to a heart attack.

Just ask the family of Cory Terry, a 33-year-old father from Brooklyn who died of a heart attack after drinking Red Bull, one of the world's most popular energy drinks. According to Patricia Terry, Corey's mother, he led an active lifestyle, didn't smoke, and regularly drank Red Bull.

“He drank this stuff all the time. He said that she invigorates him, ”says Patricia.

Do energy drinks cause a heart attack?

One study published in Mayo Clinic Proceedings, found that Red Bull and similar energy drinks can be dangerous for people with cardiovascular disease, as well as cause similar symptoms in healthy people.

In the study, 15 healthy participants were given 2 cans (500 ml) of an unnamed energy drink, identical in composition to Red Bull, daily for a week.

The researchers found that participants' blood pressure increased by 8% just 4 hours after drinking the drink and by as much as 10% by the end of the week. In addition, the participants' heart rate increased by 8% on the first day and by 11% by the end of the week.

Both of these factors are associated with an increased risk of heart attack. High pressure can damage arteries, which causes stroke and blood clots, which can lead to a heart attack, and a fast heart rate is directly related to the risk of a heart attack.

What are energy drinks made of?

Apart from huge amount sugar and carbon dioxide, the main ingredients of energy drinks are various stimulants (primarily caffeine and taurine) and a number of B vitamins.

Although these substances alone do not cause dangerous side effects in the average person, little research has been done on the health effects of this combination of ingredients.

Participants performed grueling exercises three times a day and drank either Red Bull or a similar drink without taurine or a stimulant-free placebo before each workout.

The scientists found that only Red Bull affected the participants' systolic volume (this is the volume of blood pumped by the heart). This means that while the stimulants in energy drinks are not necessarily harmful on their own, when combined, they significantly affect a person's cardiovascular system, increasing the risk of a heart attack.

So, these studies confirm what most people already know: energy drinks are NOT good for the heart.

If you need to cheer up, drink coffee or another drink containing just one stimulant, not the chemical cocktail offered by energy drink manufacturers!
