How long to boil corn. The traditional way of cooking. How to cook milk corn with salt

The use of this product has a beneficial effect on the whole body, replenishes the supply of many essential trace elements. In its composition, corn contains:

Regular use of this product can bring a lot of benefits to both young and mature organisms. To do this, you need to be able to choose it and cook it.

How to choose?

For cooking, you need to choose young cobs of light yellow color with soft round grains. Checking the degree of maturity of corn is very simple. Having broken off the grain, you need to squeeze it with your fingers. If it is juicy, soft, then the cob is suitable for cooking. Hardened, dry grains with dimples indicate that the corn is overripe. It is also possible, but it will take a long time to do this, and the taste will differ significantly.

It should be remembered that it is better not to take fodder varieties of corn, otherwise the taste may be disappointing. Also, when choosing, pay attention to the leaves.

IMPORTANT! If there are no leaves on the cob, most often this indicates an increased treatment of the vegetable with pesticides. The use of such products can be hazardous to health.

An ear with green adjoining leaves, unpeeled from stigmas, would be ideal. A sign of ripeness will be yellowish leaves extending from the cob.

Sluggish foliage and lack of juiciness in the grains indicate that the cob has been plucked for a long time and is starting to dry out, which means taste qualities his and his usefulness suffered greatly.

Corn cobs should not be stored for a long time. They quickly lose their properties, dry out, harden, rot. Therefore, they are prepared immediately. Also, when choosing, you should try to pick up cobs of the same degree of maturity and approximately the same size, then the corn will cook evenly.


  • Before cooking, it is necessary to clean the ears of leaves and stigmas.
  • Some of the leaves can be put on the bottom of the pan, so the corn will be tastier and will not stick to the bottom.
  • If there are rotten grains on top, they need to be cut off, large cobs cut in half.
  • After that, the corn should be soaked for an hour in cool water, then rinsed thoroughly in running water. You can do without soaking if the cobs are young (milk).

Cooking in a saucepan


For details on how to make tough corn very tasty, read on.

Steamer Recipes


  • corn on the cob;
  • butter;
  • Walnut;
  • ground cardamom;
  • salt.


  1. Cobs for a double boiler should be chosen young, cut into identical portioned pieces and place on the same level so that they cook evenly.
  2. Lubricate the cooking container with butter or vegetable oil.
  3. Cooking time 30-40 minutes.
  4. Melt 15 grams of butter in a saucepan, add 50 grams of crushed walnuts, cardamom.
  5. Put the corn on a plate, season walnut sauce, serve salt separately.

To know more recipes you can cook corn in a double boiler.

Watch the video on how to cook corn this way.

in the microwave

Very simple and fast way cob preparations.

  1. Unpeeled, soak them for an hour, put in plastic bag, add 2 tablespoons of water.
  2. Close the bag tightly, make 2-3 holes for steam to escape and send it to the microwave for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Ready corn to clean, grease ghee, salt.

Read about how to quickly cook corn in the microwave in a bag, and you will find best recipes cooking vegetables in microwave oven.

Grains without cobs

  1. Separate the grains, rinse well, place in a bowl, pour water.
  2. Cook covered for about 30 minutes.
  3. Then add a little parsley, dill and butter, and boil for another 10 minutes.


In order for the dish to turn out tasty and not burnt, you need to choose a frying pan with a thick bottom. The recipe is quite simple.

Required Ingredients:

  • corn cobs - 2 pieces;
  • sunflower oil - 20 ml;
  • butter - 30 gr;
  • salt - 1/4 tsp.


  1. Rinse the ears, peel, cut into portions, fry over medium heat in sunflower oil five minutes on each side.
  2. Then add 50 ml of water, reduce the heat and simmer without a lid until the water has evaporated.
  3. Soften the butter, mix with salt and grease the cooked corn with it.

IMPORTANT! Only young corn is suitable for cooking in a pan, mature grains will turn out to be too hard.

In the oven

  1. It will take deep capacity, the bottom of which needs to be lubricated butter.
  2. Then place the peeled and thoroughly washed cobs in it.
  3. Pour hot water to the middle of the dish and cover with foil.
  4. Send to the oven, preheated to 180-200 degrees for 30 minutes.

You can find out more recipes for cooking corn in the oven.

How to store ready?

better on the cob. The easiest trick is to wrap each cob with cling film and place in the refrigerator. The term for such storage is small, about three days. During this time, it is enough to heat the product in the microwave, all useful and gustatory qualities will be preserved.

In order for boiled corn to last longer, it needs to be slightly salted. Salt is natural preservative which will help maintain the quality of the product.

For, to keep the cooked corn on long term, you need to use the freeze. Wrap each cob tightly in cling film and place in freezer With quick freezing. Thus, the product can be stored for up to a year.

To defrost, the cob should be transferred from the freezer to the refrigerator and wait for the desired state. It is not recommended to use the microwave in this case. Proper freezing allows you to save not only taste, but also everything. beneficial features corn.

IMPORTANT! In order to prevent the formation of excess ice during freezing, the cobs after cooking must be thrown into a colander and allowed to drain.

Cooking corn, as well as storing it, does not require special skills and abilities. Observing simple recommendations processing, selecting recipes and cooking methods, you can all year round receive necessary for the body substances and elements by eating this tasty and nutritious vegetable.

Summer is the time when you not only want to relax and enjoy life. It's time to saturate your body with vitamins. There are many of them in fresh fruit, vegetables, legumes. And the smell of freshly cooked corn causes rapid salivation. And now we are already buying bright cobs. But only at home comes the realization that we do not know at all how to cook corn correctly, and most importantly how much. And if you buy a frozen product? There are a lot of questions. And experienced housewives can answer them.

How to choose

For cooking, you can use both sweet, or food, and fodder varieties of corn. More delicate texture, as well as rich bright taste have sweet varieties of this delicacy. Although there are lovers of more rigid varieties with a sugary aftertaste.

When choosing fresh corn on the cob, pay attention to the color of the kernels and leaves. Young has light green leaves and light yellow grains. Corn stigmas (hairs) should also be light and not dried out. If you just press the grain with your fingernail, the juice should come out. This suggests that you have young cobs of milk corn in front of you. Its taste qualities will be the most advantageous. Young corn does not take long to cook.

The fact that corn has been on the counter for a long time is evidenced by dried stigmas and leaves. In old cobs, the color of the grains is dark yellow. In time, such a delicacy will have to cook much longer.

Cooking process

It is not necessary to store bought cobs for a long time. From this, they will lose their taste and most of nutrients. cook delicious treat can be in a saucepan, as well as in a slow cooker, pressure cooker, double boiler. This will depend on the cooking time.

in a saucepan

Young corn must be freed from leaves and hairs. Rinse the cobs thoroughly with running water, put in a thick-walled pan and pour water. Light leaves do not need to be thrown away. They can shift the cobs. This will add additional flavor to the finished product.

Cook young cobs under a closed lid over medium heat. They must be completely covered with water. Salt is not added during the cooking process. It takes only 15 to 20 minutes to cook young milk corn. But the old fodder varieties will have to be cooked for at least three hours.

On a note! Corn is salted only after it is fully cooked. A hot delicacy is rubbed with salt, oil and immediately served on the table.

in the microwave

Only young milk corn should be cooked in the microwave oven. To do this, the cobs are laid on the bottom of a special container, poured cold water, cover with a lid. With a power of 800 kW, it needs to be cooked for 45 minutes. During cooking, add water as needed.

There is another, dry method of cooking in the microwave. To do this, milk cobs are placed inside a plastic bag and tied. The product should be cooked in this way for no more than 10 minutes.

In a steamer or pressure cooker

A golden delicacy is placed in a double boiler container. To form enough steam, you only need to pour 1 glass of water. Milk corn should be cooked for no more than ten minutes. To cook old or fodder corn in a double boiler, it will take more time - 40 - 60 minutes.

In a pressure cooker, a golden delicacy can be cooked in the same amount of time as a steamer. To do this, the cobs need to be laid on the bottom of the pressure cooker, poured with cold water, tightly covered with a lid and cooked over medium heat. The cooking time of milk corn is from 10 to 15 minutes, the old one is 40 to 60 minutes.

frozen product

Today, you can buy frozen corn everywhere. Before quick freezing, it is treated with steam. Therefore, the cooking time is reduced. Frozen cobs should be dipped directly into boiling water, and after boiling, cook for 20-25 minutes.

Frozen corn in grains can be perfectly cooked in a slow cooker. To do this, the contents of the package are poured into a bowl, add a little salt and butter. A spoonful of milk or cream will add spice to your dish. In the "Extinguishing" mode, the grains need to be boiled for 20 minutes. The finished dish is sprinkled with hard grated cheese before serving.

It is interesting! Corn is the only food that is a natural carrier of gold. The realization of this fact adds to the pleasure during its use.

Golden cobs contain a lot beneficial trace elements, unsaturated fatty acids, ascorbic acid, vitamins B, C, PP, E, potassium. Doctors recommend using it for the prevention of oncology, diabetes, allergic diseases, problems gastrointestinal tract, improving metabolic processes in the body. Don't deny yourself this delicious treat. Enjoy and stay healthy!

Everyone, both children and adults, likes delicious boiled corn, so as soon as the season comes (toward the end of summer), many people try to buy fresh young ears of corn and cook them at home, so in this article we will consider how much time and how to cook corn correctly (fresh, old and separately grains) in a saucepan, slow cooker or microwave.

The cooking time primarily depends on the corn itself, since fresher young corn is cooked at least 2 times faster than the old one, and the chosen method of its preparation also affects. Consider separately how much to cook corn different ways at home:

  • How long to cook corn on the cob in a pot? Young corn on the cob is cooked for 15-20 minutes in a pot after boiling water, and old corn is cooked for 40-50 minutes (up to 2 hours if the corn is overripe and tough).
  • How long to cook frozen corn? Frozen corn on the cob is cooked for 30 minutes after boiling water, and frozen corn kernels must be cooked 10-15 minutes after boiling water in a saucepan.
  • How long to cook corn in a pressure cooker? The cooking time of young corn in a pressure cooker is 10-15 minutes, and old (rich yellow) - 40 minutes.
  • How long to cook corn in a double boiler? Cooking time for young fresh corn in a double boiler is 30-35 minutes.
  • How many minutes to cook corn in a slow cooker? In a slow cooker, young corn is cooked for 15 minutes, old - for 20-30 minutes.
  • How long does it take to cook corn in the microwave? Young corn can be cooked in the microwave in 10 minutes (when cooked without water in a tied plastic bag at 800 watts).

Having learned how long corn is cooked, we will further consider each type of its preparation separately.

Note: most delicious corn for cooking - it is young (light yellow, whitish), which is also called sugar or Bonduelle.

How to cook corn in a pot?

Cooking corn on the cob in a saucepan - the most popular way to cook it at home, as in this case it turns out soft, juicy and very tasty. Consider step by step how to cook corn in a pan:

  • First of all, we prepare the corn for cooking: we remove the dried and dirty leaves, and you can leave the fresher ones, as they will give more pleasant taste corn after cooking. It is also necessary to wash the corn under running water.
  • We choose a pan for cooking (preferably more voluminous and wide so that the cobs fit in it, as well as with a thick bottom and walls). If there is a lot of corn, and the pan is not particularly large, large cobs can be cut into 2-3 parts before cooking.
  • We put the corn on the cob in a saucepan, fill them with water so that it completely covers them and bring the water to a boil over high heat (you can also lay the corn after boiling water).
  • After the water in the pan boils, reduce the heat (so that the water does not boil much) and cook the corn for 15-20 minutes if the corn is young, or at least 40 minutes if it is old.
  • 5 minutes before the end of cooking, add salt (a teaspoon per 1 liter of water), and at the end of cooking, taste the corn (separating a few grains from the cob with a fork), if it is already soft, turn off the stove and take out the finished corn on a plate. If desired, it can be grated with salt and butter to make it tastier.

Note: during cooking, you can add a little sugar and butter to the water to make the corn grains more tender and soft, but many people recommend salting at the end of cooking (5 minutes before the end of cooking, or already cooked corn cobs are salted).

To cook frozen corn in a pot (both whole cobs and individual kernels), bring the water in the pot to a boil, add salt, and put the corn into the boiling water. After boiling water again, reduce the heat and cook the cobs for 30 minutes, and if these are grains, then 10-15 minutes until cooked.

How to cook corn in a slow cooker?

Young corn is quickly and conveniently cooked using a slow cooker, and often many housewives use the “Steaming” mode on the principle of a double boiler to make the corn more juicy and soft. Consider step by step how to cook young corn in a slow cooker:

  • Completely clean the corn from the leaves and rinse under running cold water.
  • We put the cobs in a slow cooker and fill them with cold water so that the water completely covers them.
  • We close the multicooker, set the “Steaming” mode and the cooking time to 20 minutes.
  • After cooking, we transfer the corn from the slow cooker to plates and, if desired, rub with salt and butter to make it tastier.

On a note: this recipe cooking is most suitable for fresh young corn, as the older one is cooked longer in time (at least 30-40 minutes + topped up if necessary more water into the multicooker).

How to cook corn in the microwave?

Not everyone knows that corn can even be cooked in the microwave, but it is important to know that it is better to cook it this way in a small amount(depending on the chosen method, you can cook 1-3 ears of corn at a time). Let's take a closer look at how to cook corn in the microwave:

  • We put the peeled cob of young corn in a tight plastic bag, tie it up and put it in the microwave.
  • We set the cooking time for 10 minutes at a power of 800 W and turn on the microwave oven.
  • After the beep, take the corn out of the bag, rub it with salt and eat.

Note: you can quickly cook one ear of corn in the microwave! To do this, you need to leave it in the leaves (do not clean it at all), place it in the microwave and set the timer for 5 minutes at maximum power.

Answers to popular questions on the topic of how to cook corn deliciously

  • How to cook old overripe corn so that it is soft? old corn before cooking, soak in a mixture of water and milk (in equal shares) for 3-4 hours.
  • Do you need to defrost corn before cooking? Frozen corn does not need to be thawed before cooking in a saucepan, it is laid frozen in boiling water in a saucepan during cooking.
  • Do you need to salt the corn when cooking? Corn can not be salted at all during cooking, or salted a few minutes before the end of cooking. It is more convenient to rub the cob with salt before use.

In conclusion to the article, it can be noted that knowing how and how much to cook corn, you can cook delicious ready meal, which is also very useful and will definitely please you and your family, especially children. Their helpful tips and reviews on how to cook corn on the cob in a saucepan, slow cooker and microwave, leave in the comments to the article and share it in in social networks if it was helpful to you.

The aroma of boiled corn takes us back to childhood, where this smell is mixed with the smell of the sea, holidays, carelessness and freedom. To plunge into these memories, there is nothing easier than to boil a corncob, sprinkle it with salt and eat it with pleasure. Is it really tempting? In this article, you will find basic tips and different ways on the topic of how to cook delicious corn so that your whole family will like it. Learn how to choose, cook and serve it. So let's get started.

Corn selection

It is no secret that young table corn is best suited for cooking. It is also called dairy. It's pretty easy to define it:

Has a light yellow, almost white color

The grains have not grown together too tightly

Can be either short or long

When pressed, the grain gives in, but returns to its original shape

Inside the grain is soft, juicy and white.

Pay attention to these distinctive features. Often they sell either already overripe, or even fodder corn. It is more yellow and firm. Cooking such corn for a very long time, and it will not taste the same at all. Feel free to try before you buy, and then the question of how to boil corn and how to make it soft will no longer bother you.

Corn preparation

Before boiling milk corn, it must be washed under running water and old dusty leaves removed. It is not necessary to remove all the leaves, for example, they can be removed from the cobs and put on the bottom of the pan. Before cooking the corn, you can soak the corn for an hour in cool water. But what if you still bought overripe corn? How to cook corn in this case? Try to clean it from leaves and fibers, break it in half and pour it with a mixture of water and milk in equal proportions. She should lie like this for about 4 hours. Then you can cook such corn in the usual way.

Cooking corn

It is important to know how to properly cook corn in a pot in order to get really tasty result not rubber gum. If you're still wondering how long to boil your corn to keep it juicy, read on for our tips. You need to throw corn into already boiling unsalted water, otherwise it will become hard. Salt the water usually 5 minutes before readiness, or even sprinkle the cobs before use. How much and how to cook corn on the cob depends on how ripe it is:

Young - 20-30 minutes

Mature - 30-49 minutes

Overripe - about 2-3 hours

The method of how to cook corn in a saucepan is the most familiar, however, you can cook soft, fragrant cobs in a slow cooker, pressure cooker, double boiler, and even an oven or microwave.

Multicooker. After preparing the corn, pour about 1 liter of water into the multicooker bowl, put a special tray for steaming and turn on the "Steam" or "Steam" mode for 30 minutes (dairy corn) and 50 minutes (mature corn).

Double boiler. Pour water, put completely peeled corn on the grate, turn on the double boiler for 30 or 50 minutes, by analogy with a slow cooker.

Pressure cooker. The method is similar, but the cooking time is 15-20 minutes.

Oven. To cook corn in this way, the cobs are smeared with butter, sprinkled with spices, and then wrapped in foil and sent to the oven for 45 minutes at a temperature of 220 ° C.

Microwave. Each cob must be wrapped with a paper towel, wet quickly, gently wring out excess water and put on a flat dish. We turn on the maximum power for 5 minutes. The corn is ready.

Today you have learned many ways to cook corn deliciously and quickly. Just don't stop there, experiment: try baking corn with other vegetables, or just eat a delicious cob with salt and a slice of lime. There are so many things you haven't tried yet. If you liked our article, share it with your friends and eat together to your health!

Boiled corn on the cob is a seasonal treat. It can be enjoyed only one or two summer months. Young corn is considered the most delicious and juicy. The grains in it are filled with a liquid similar to viscous milk. This is also called "milk heads". If you know how to cook corn at home, you can also save family budget. This article will be about this.

Before you cook corn, you need to choose it correctly. fresh cobs can be recognized by dense, green leaves. Without them, it is better not to buy corn at all. The grains under the leaves should be in dense rows and have a light yellow tint. Black, damaged areas on the grains indicate damage to corn by pests. Such cobs are undesirable for use in food.

Well, I hope we have chosen the most delicious, now let's look at how to cook, how long to cook corn on the cob. And we will cook the old fashioned way in a saucepan.


  • corn on the cob - 6 - 8 pcs.;
  • water - 4 l.

How to cook corn on the cob?

Remove all the leaves from the ears of corn, so to speak, undress it. Separate long hairs - stigmas. They can be washed, dried and used in medicinal purposes.

The container for cooking should have a thick bottom. It can be enameled, cast iron or aluminum pan large diameter. Put some washed leaves on the bottom. Fill the bottom with leaves. The more leaves you use when cooking, the heads of cabbage will be juicier and more aromatic. Discard the leaves after cooking.

Place corn on top. If the ears do not fit entirely in the pan, then they must be cut or broken into pieces.

Close it with another layer of leaves.

So, alternating corn and leaves, fill the pan.

Salt is not added during cooking. So the sprouts will taste sweeter, and the salt also makes the grains denser and harder to bite into.

Pour cold water over corn in a saucepan. Water should cover the contents by 2 cm.

In order for it not to float, you can put an inverted plate on top (this is what my mother did). And I just close the lid.

Let's cook.

So how long does it take to cook corn?

How much to cook corn depends on its variety and degree of maturity. Boiling time is always counted from the start of boiling. It is enough to boil young corn for 15 minutes. Yes, exactly 15 minutes, that's verified. I leave it in the pot for 30 minutes after it's cooked.

Forage, hard cobs require the longest heat treatment. The more saturated color have grains, the longer they need to be boiled. As a rule, from 40 minutes to two hours.

Readiness of corn can be checked by breaking off a few grains and tasting them. boiled corn serve hot. You can pour it with oil, brine, sprinkle with cheese or pepper. And we just crush it by rubbing it with salt.

Such boiled corn grains can be separated from the head (cut with a knife) and frozen in portions in bags. And in winter, use it for stews, salads, soups, pizza.
Do you cook differently? Write in the comments your recipe for how to cook corn, maybe it will come in handy for someone.

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