How to dye salt dough in different colors. Color dough and coloring

When the product is dried, it can be glazed.

After that, the product will sparkle with iridescence of shades from white to golden brown.

Glaze the product for an hour.

To do this, with a brush, it is smeared with a strong saline solution (the ratio of water and salt is 2: 1), and then placed in an oven at a temperature of 50 ° C to 150 ° C. When the first layer of the solution dries, the product is lubricated again. The operation is repeated several times. This method gives the figures smoothness.

Since salt crystallizes on the surface of the product, it acquires a special noble whiteness.

However, the figurine can be given a different shade depending on the temperature of the oven. At a temperature of 50°C the product remains white, at a temperature of 150°C it acquires an intense beige color.

A golden brown shade is obtained at a temperature of 200°C.

Glazing with egg yolk

The figurine can be given an appetizing look ruddy dough with mixture glazing egg yolk and water. After glazing with salt, the mixture is applied to the product several times and dried at more high temperature(about 150°C). The oven door must be closed while doing this.

Leaving the oven unattended during this time is not recommended for safety reasons and so that the products do not burn out.


Finished products can be painted in whole or in part. Products in the color of natural dough look great with minimal use of paints. However, if you want to completely paint the product, it is recommended to use acrylic paints. After drying, they do not stain hands and do not smear.

You can also use watercolors for coloring. To do this, stir the watercolor with a brush very thickly with the minimum amount water and applied to the product so that the paint does not spread. Works painted in this way must be fixed with varnish.

Gouache paints can also be used for coloring. In this case, a little PVA glue should be added to the gouache.


In order for the paints not to fade or drops of water accidentally falling on the surface of the product do not spoil the work, the figures are varnished. Varnishing is used if necessary and at the request of the author.

Apply both liquid and thick varnish. If the composition is liquid, the product must be varnished and dried several times. If the composition is thick, it is enough to varnish the product once or twice.

Today, there are many different varnishes in aerosol packaging on sale. Using such varnishes, it is enough to sprinkle the product once, and the colors will sparkle brighter, and the work will be reliably protected.

However, a properly dried product, even if long-term storage perfectly preserved without varnishing.


What do you need to work

For the test General recipe:

  • Flour - 2 parts,
  • salt "Extra" - 2 parts,
  • water (necessarily cold) - 1 part,
  • plastic bag to store the test

There is different recipes salt dough. For example, in one of them, vegetable oil is added to the dough. However, the products in this case leave greasy prints. Some recipes suggest adding vinyl glue to the dough. With a dough prepared according to this recipe, you need to be very careful, especially if you are working with young children. After all, glue is toxic, and kids love to try everything “by the tooth”. Our recipe consists of 100% sustainable and therefore safe materials.

It should be noted right away that to work with salt dough, you need a certain temperature regime in the room. The optimum air temperature is 20°C. If the temperature is higher, the dough dries out quickly, it is difficult to process and connect parts.

To work with the test you will need:

  • a jar of water for wetting fingers and brushes,
  • stacks,
  • plastic knife,
  • modeling board,
  • dough rolling pin,
  • brushes,
  • paints,
  • toothpicks,
  • garlic (for decoration "hairstyles")
  • manicure scissors with rounded ends.

You may also need many other useful things, such as cocktail tubes, food foil, transparent pill boxes, beads, black peppercorns, caps from felt-tip pens, and more.

First recipe

Wheat flour - 2 cups
Extra salt - 1 cup
Water - 3/4 cup

Second recipe

Wheat flour - 1 cup
Salt - 2 cups
Dry wallpaper paste - 1 spoon
Water - about 1 cup

Pour salt into a wide bowl, add water, then flour. Mix everything well. Or mix salt and flour well, gradually adding cold water before receiving homogeneous mass. The prepared dough should not stick to your hands or crumble. The dough should be elastic and fairly cool. Put it in a container or plastic bag so it doesn't dry out.

Long store ready dough undesirable, because in this case its original color is lost: it becomes grayish. Although such stale dough can be used to decorate details of clothing or small jewelry.

If the dough crumbles while kneading, add a little water. If it sticks to your hands - a little flour.

Salt dough left in open form, air dries very quickly, so keep the container with the dough closed. Put the rest of the unused dough in the refrigerator, where it can be stored for a day or two.

Do not rush to buy everything at once, for a start, the bare necessities are enough. Gradually, more and more tools and various devices will appear. The most important and main tools will be your skillful hands!


Outdoors at room temperature

You can dry the craft in the open air in a dry place. The thicker the product, the longer it will take. But this method is the most economical.

Air dry conveniently summer time, for example, in the country. However, keep in mind that when air drying, depressions form on the surface of the product that comes into contact with the table.

In the oven (gas or electric stove)

To dry the finished product, carefully, using a wide knife or spatula, transfer it from the work table to a baking sheet sprinkled with flour, being careful not to damage it during transfer.

Dry the craft for two days, first in the open air, then in the oven at a temperature of 50 ° C, gradually raising the temperature, but not higher than 150 ° C. At too high a temperature, the product may swell, sometimes even cracks appear. Swollen crafts cannot be fixed, and cracks are easy to cover up. To do this, dilute a little flour with water, add PVA glue, mix well and apply this mass to the crack, then rub the mixture into it with a stack or finger.

The product must not remain wet. Its readiness is determined by the sound. By tapping the finished product with your finger, you will hear a ringing sound. If the sound is deaf, the product must be dried.

For large products, you can use combined drying: first for several days in the air, then in the oven.

Drying time in the electric stove oven

1 hour — at t 50°С
1-2 hours — at t 75°С
1 hour - at t 100-125°С
0.5 hours — at t 150°С

For drying voluminous works more time will be needed.

The time it takes to dry crafts in the oven is difficult to calculate exactly. All ovens are slightly different from each other. Therefore, in order to reduce the frustration of ruined work, make several samples, for example, make cakes of different thicknesses and dry them in your oven, changing the temperature.

After drying the salt dough figures in the oven, cool them. While the products are hot, they are very fragile, so handle them very carefully.

On the heating battery

This method is very convenient to use in winter, when the central heating radiators are well heated. Place the craft on foil or cloth and leave it on the battery until it dries completely.

1. In order for the crafts to be well preserved, after they are dried and painted, cover them with a transparent liquid varnish. This will reliably protect them from moisture. If you do not like the mirror shine, then use a matte varnish.

2. It is not recommended to use a microwave oven for drying.


It is convenient to connect the parts with a brush and water. Water in this case plays the role of glue. Apply with a brush a small amount of water on the surface of the parts to be joined and gently press them together, being careful not to wrinkle. If there is too much water, the dough may spread.

There are several basic modeling techniques. At the heart of the manufacture of almost all elements are a ball and a sausage.

Many different small elements are used to decorate salt dough products: flowers, ribbons, berries, leaves, pigtails, etc.

To make the leaves, you need to roll out the sausage, cut it into identical parts-cylinders, which should then be rolled into a ball. The ball needs to be flattened into a cake and large and index fingers form a sheet. Veins can be drawn with a toothpick.

Roses can be made from thinly rolled ribbon, carefully wound around a toothpick. In this case, the desired size and shape of the flower is formed.

In the manufacture of figures of people, the basis is a sausage, which must be given a conical shape. To sculpt the head, use a ball of dough of the required size. More complex planar elements or figures are best cut from rolled dough according to a pre-made template.

Salt dough modeling is not only exciting, but also amazing useful entertainment. It improves fine motor skills of the hands, helps to knead the fingers and wrists, and in general calms the nervous system. Therefore, it is useful not only for children, but even for adults.

Preparing and coloring the dough

From these flowers You can make different patterns: hearts, suns, or just decorate a postcard with them. By the way, anything can be made from the long and thin “sausages” themselves: frames, waves, trees and more complex patterns.

The main thing is to turn on the fantasy!

Wait until the sculpted figures are frozen. Thereafter grease the cardboard with glue and put them on a postcard.

The fridge magnet is a wonderful interior detail!

Another one interesting idea: a magnet with the name of the child. You will need: small magnet, salty dough, paints, beads and beads. It is better to color the dough immediately and use already colored dough.

Divide the dough into two pieces. From one blind a flat figure (it can be arbitrary: a heart, a circle, a snake).

Divide the second part of the test into parts too. Let the youngster roll up "sausages" - letters will be formed from them. An adult child can cope with this on his own, but it is better for a kindergartener to let his parents help.

Attach the letters to the first part of the workpiece.

Sprinkle the workpiece with beads, decorate with beads, paint the light areas. Leave to dry on the battery or put somewhere in the sun. It is better not to put such a workpiece in the oven.

Summing up…

Salt dough modeling is a wonderful activity that develops imagination, and trains hands.

You can experiment with the dough as much as you like - it easily takes any form, beautifully wrinkled and dyed.

And the figures themselves, especially toasted ones, look great both as toys and as any other crafts.

By the way, if you have some dough left - don't rush to throw away the leftovers. Put it in a plastic bag, tighten it tightly and store until next time. It will come in handy next time!

Mothers who pay a lot of attention to the development of a child often ask themselves the question: how to make salt dough for modeling? And the point here is not only that sculpting is useful. Do-it-yourself dough turns out to be completely safe, cheap and at the same time it is not nearly inferior to the purchased one. In addition, you can make it at any time when there is a mood to sculpt. It is prepared quickly from ingredients that are in every home.

Why sculpt with kids?

Salt dough modeling is an exciting activity for the whole family. Making figurines with your own hands is interesting for children of any age. You can already do modeling with one and a half year old kids, this activity will also appeal to preschoolers and younger students. Yes, and many adults will be pleased to remember their childhood and blind, for example, fly agaric or hippo.

In addition to the fact that modeling from salt dough is interesting for children, it is also a useful activity. She develops:

  • fine motor skills of the hands, which, in turn, stimulates early speech development;
  • spatial thinking;
  • creative thinking;
  • color thinking;
  • cognitive activity;
  • Attention;
  • memory;
  • perseverance:
  • movement coordination.

Modeling from dough at home gives the concept of colors, shapes, sizes, has a positive effect on the emotional state of children and, in general, has a beneficial effect on development nervous system. Therefore, this lesson is recommended for hyperactive kids.

children preschool age and younger students, creating crafts from salt dough helps to acquire useful skills, such as:

  • diligence;
  • accuracy;
  • the ability to fantasize;
  • the ability to think and analyze independently;
  • copying parts from a template;
  • purposefulness.

For modeling to turn into a full-fledged educational activity, it is not enough for parents to know the recipe for salt dough and cook it, and then watch the process from a distance. You need to deal with children: show, tell, guide, encourage. However, one should not demand too much from children at once, and one should not impose one's opinion on diverse issues on them.

How to cook salt dough?

To prepare salt dough at home, there is more than one recipe and several methods of kneading. To classic ingredients- water, salt and flour - add starch, wallpaper paste, glitter, flavors. You can experiment if the modeling mass is prepared for children over 3 years old. Various additives improve its properties and the quality of finished crafts. However, for children of one and a half years it is better to cook the most common salt dough. To make it more interesting for kids to sculpt, you can add natural dyes to it.
To get colored salty dough, you need to add dye to the water before kneading or color it already ready. It is convenient to add dye to water in advance when a lot of mass of the same color is required. And if you need several small-sized balls of multi-colored dough, then it is better to add dye to the already finished mass for modeling. As part of the test, which is prepared for children, you can use food colorings or natural coloring matter (cocoa, beet and carrot juice, turmeric, etc.)

There are two ways to knead the dough:

  1. mix salt with flour and gradually add water;
  2. Dissolve salt in water and add flour.

The first method is used when the recipe contains approximate quantity ingredients in proportions. With this method, it is constantly necessary to control the density of the kneaded mass. And if you accidentally pour water, you will have to add a mixture of flour and salt again. This may take a long time.

You need to use the second method if the recipe contains the exact amount of ingredients by weight. Enough to measure required amount flour, salt and water using a kitchen scale and knead the dough. Below will be given the norms for weight for all necessary ingredients, from which a plastic mass for modeling is quickly prepared. It is easy and pleasant to sculpt from it - it does not stick to the hands and it turns out very similar to the store.


To quickly prepare salt dough, you can use next recipe. You will need:

Please note: flour and salt are taken in equal masses, but their volumes are not equal!

To color the finished salty mass, you will need natural dyes:

  • 3 tsp turmeric for yellow;
  • 3 tsp cocoa for brown;
  • 3 tsp raw beetroot juice for pink;
  • 1.5 tsp salt (as a thickener for beetroot juice);
  • 2.5 tsp flour (as a thickener for beetroot juice).

Proceed according to the following algorithm.

Storage conditions

The recipe for salt dough is quite simple and does not take much time to prepare, so it is not made for future use. There is another reason - the mass quickly winds up and becomes covered with a crust. Sculpting from it becomes impossible. But if the dough after sculpting is still left, it should be put in Plastic container with a tight-fitting lid or in a plastic bag and refrigerate.

colored dough it is convenient to store in separate jars: for each color - its own. The main thing is that the lids close tightly. The jars remaining from under the purchased mass are perfect. In the refrigerator, properly packaged salt dough can last an average of about 10 days.

It is undesirable to leave the mass for modeling in the air for a long time during the creation of crafts. Let the dough be in a resealable container on the table. You should take a piece of the size that is currently needed. This is not a whim, but a recipe for storage. Also this condition will keep order in the workplace.

Crafting with colorful salt dough is a wonderful activity to help your child develop as they play. This is not boring exercises and tedious tasks, but a magical colorful fairy tale that every adult can tell to their child. Moreover, he now knows the recipe for modeling mass.

How to color salt dough

In order for the resulting craft to be bright, colorful and as realistic as possible, it must be painted. The second secret of the masters is how to color the salt dough. Some masters prefer to color the finished dough with a brush. This method staining salt dough good for older children who already confidently hold the brush in their hands and always get it into the place that is needed.

The work of Ludmila Kruglova.

For the creativity of younger children, we can recommend next way coloring. Purchase gouache or acrylic paints. Please note that the paint should have a pasty consistency - if necessary, dilute the paint with water.

Take a small piece of dough in your hands and roll it into a ball shape. After that, make a small indentation in the center of the ball, where you place the paint. Then knead the dough until it has an even color.

Prepare the color test kit you need in the same way. It is advisable to leave a little dough uncolored, in case a test of any color is suddenly not enough.

For products - gifts for March 8, dough in gold and silver colors is useful. To prepare it, you will need gold or silver gouache. And if you add a special gel interspersed with sparkles, designed specifically for gouache, you will get stunningly beautiful crafts.

In order for you not to be distracted during the sculpting process, you should prepare in advance workplace. Cover the table with oilcloth or just plastic wrap. Be sure to prepare a board for modeling. For these purposes, you can purchase cutting board or just a cardboard of a suitable size, which must be wrapped in ordinary baking foil. This is very convenient because finished goods you can place the annealing in the oven directly on the work surface, which reduces the risk of damage to the figure. Put on the table glasses with sunflower and vegetable oil, and also prepare clean rags, a paint brush, a pencil, a knife, an awl or a gypsy needle. All this will be useful to you in the process of creating beautiful crafts from salt dough.

After you prepare everything you need, you can proceed directly to work. Each master has his own techniques for modeling salt dough. However, there are several generally accepted methods, which will be discussed below.

The most important thing to remember is that even the most complex salt dough masterpieces consist of very simple elements. That is why it is so important to learn how to make elementary figures - sausages, balls, spheres. This is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. For example, in order to make a ball, you need to take a piece of dough of the required size and with circular movements of the palms form a ball out of it. If you squeeze the ball between your palms, you will get a cake, and if you flatten the ball a little on one side, and slightly stretch it on the other side, you will get a drop.

Sausage is even easier to make - even the smallest children will cope with this task. To do this, simply roll out a piece of dough between the palms. If you roll this sausage with a pencil, pressing it lightly, you will get a ribbon. By the way, modeling is a great way to develop fine motor skills in children.

To get a plate, roll out the dough with a rolling pin or a simple bottle. From this plate you can cut out the elements you need with a knife. Please note that you need to cut out the shapes immediately after the dough is rolled out. Otherwise, the dough will dry out, and ugly cracks will form on the edges of the figures. In order for the dough not to stick to hands and surfaces, it must be greased with vegetable oil.


Finished products can be painted in whole or in part. Products in the color of natural dough look great with minimal use of paints. However, if you want to completely paint the product, it is recommended to use acrylic paints. After drying, they do not stain hands and do not smear.

You can also use watercolors for coloring. To do this, the watercolor is stirred with a brush very thickly with a minimum amount of water and applied to the product so that the paint does not spread. Works painted in this way must be fixed with varnish.

Gouache paints can also be used for coloring. In this case, a little PVA glue should be added to the gouache.

To color the finished kneaded salt dough made from wheat flour, you need to add food coloring to it drop by drop. If the product is monophonic, paint can be added when kneading the dough, and if the product should be multi-colored, then the finished, kneaded dough should be divided into parts according to the number of colors.


The finished, kneaded dough is divided into as many parts as it needs to be dyed in colors. Then small balls are molded from these parts, in the middle of which recesses are made. Next, paint is dripped into these recesses, after which the dough is thoroughly kneaded until it is evenly colored.


In order for the paints not to fade or drops of water accidentally falling on the surface of the product do not spoil the work, the figures are varnished. Varnishing is used if necessary and at the request of the author.

Apply both liquid and thick varnish. Liquid varnishes do not protect salt dough products well, as they penetrate inside, and therefore the product has to be varnished many times. And yet, use liquid varnish if you want the product to look more ruddy and less shiny. If the composition is liquid, the product must be varnished and dried several times.

Thick transparent varnishes, on the contrary, reliably protect the product from moisture, and they carefully cover the models from all sides. If you don't like a mirror finish, use a matte clear coat. If the composition is thick, it is enough to varnish the product once or twice.

Today, there are many different varnishes in aerosol packaging on sale. Using such varnishes, it is enough to sprinkle the product once, and the colors will sparkle brighter, and the work will be reliably protected.

However, a properly dried product, even with long-term storage, is perfectly preserved even without varnishing.
